Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jun 1914, p. 12

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%,a-e Count lit î f *IW.Journal tout1h, ad..dubo Z yrao1tution againi Theman rf , .n M and ud ashufled back tiere lmeus lrteI. babhng "oud to have srnaflpo . R worked lu a W7&ukegaa lac- tory. _ _ The vfllg of Lake »luft did a fine thing viion k dld 1 %,way vith duit dafugo subway 811he tracks by bid- ing a roadway out around it. It vas a case wIwrr lb. vil- la. did not do 1k md comnuilte-vatt i l Efatali- tie hait occurred and th.î remedied conditon-the onfi cuai foruàw tiat som.tblng avtul would happen tiere c nmre day, and, antlcpating it, they made the important fî improvemmnt. Tht'u for e-alghWessu Te wi ThtCanie ceonser a D Fic t These Bids, Acor ding to No- fhtI o n s on. ifici tices Sent Out, Must Be Re.- of fora esn.turned on-June 13th. ti Baturday aternoon Mex" ti. bair- lm N exieaCanle th"atelamakiln< IL UH HauR. _198 afode nt tUic Centras tire -station. M tUH THaOR.e Peadlsg lthe volteerlag etrsome tu' cule te o#fer si a boni.,wvas ,eurely. 'Government MilI Insist That Nom his caretaker tbougit. ocked la the !epmi bain oft ibuildIn. Twentyl 'ime-ne. Lost in Erecting minutes Ulai. the. Brames orý dty' the Big Station. of heud a log drawna viii, umltted by g a dm a-flu m onBMIeRe bthe. awi-,Tatiegvrma lIus a th, Illb e .1.vils. OMM b. beard Ta tegy mn ced t 0107 bàay. Thu a foed a sules. Plticeed viti ail speed tovad thCe el am, vils.., ewasllas talaite, erectimo f the. mammotii radio sta- 211 il.e«a ofetthi ee - lrOeiot'tionai the naval station et North Cii- the aftoesoetin ui man 1 hed ,cao l la icated by the tollowine 1 tat lalieatavo. - 1 ~tice wvicb bas beec sent out by got- hII mon e as s oUetig alh.W authetop Beled Propiosais, hidorsed "propo- quj " sisfor twa steel tavers." wviiia b. m-ha, thebqnbg ne Xex% Bn, e à jcelved aitheii Bureau o Yards and ce, mmmcm .-. b~ e~-l-s. -'Dock,Navy Departiuem,Waabung- ft I un ur tk Irr ev a ýto..n-:*C, unWisIl o~Cloek Jea. sel te bain te a< or ve aWýMsas'13, 1914,and theu snd liers -ubicI- Itla hqg mtte ntaji. :ope»& ,for tieccoutrucioiaof tva DM Sebl -bs Positionu o f à* i.n "ex' teel tavera for the. radioth gog f*mue u cilmlahe huse u station et lie Naval Traing itation, la Ume ta" bam a- . bat masser bis GreatlAies. 'IL Plans and apecigi. ret -uralle reaScompnucm sa91111catMonscam b. obtaed on senlica- i Vague. He wuastaien dowa 6y tics I tiitheBureau uPon deposof cfa nu à'.1..certifled Cb.£ï for $10 for their r.-the Tbe ot ws tum o teme tari. H. R. STANMORD. Chier et Tiidng as trau ove' ta' Bureau, May 23- 1914. *1I809 damarimmt stviidajeagmo; Ten. ic&l anonSulment thaétue lm a babmceS dlAM themben, . aBraentIntended tu erect easia a, e duairlmmunen i-Zs U.g that st- ttien Vas anuouaced ammy roomui et~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n ail-ab i i' u St hat Urne It vas declared tisé felr yJets gha Md m5 bon1bei u cr-y effort vould b. made ta rnua looklusgferan suovsut er'IL th. voiktota a peedy icompleto aa - Ilt la tiie desire of the. goteameult. DMES AT WADSWORTH. bavle the Plant lu operatios by next # wintraiSthfe tery latent. Ftd, of George WilsonYounug, This meana tuai once tue voit la vulli inovi tormer Bucanba, iMlcb, slarted It viii have tu b. renhed, fer« mal% w vlm eunsbom aking is houme if lthe bide are not ta h. opefflai w for two Years flth relatives naear tue miidl eoft ts montb silwi lb. Wdsvtni, W.. Witt leail i vtb pmo-sou. 11111. tii.. liter heuore the Bon.i foeid reget of is deatii la tiat tract cmn be awarded and timon lima pIsté. Wednesd1aY. June 3rl. Mr, viii bave ta b. given the cotrac»r 'yOuft& Who.i tre.s n»agovas a to set bis equipment and matorlal ois bak-e t George% Care, WauicgantheirePnd ùb a bored t-rom iijaired bealUl One, hung la sure-tuee goteramuent e1 yera ora, about tvo year-a dose rp itaentd ta apare amy expenu 840oKMé 1g thie home of a brother- ta Blake the. station one of the. mant, tilavA. Clark, viiere il vas hoped powertliluthe entlre worid, It Wiin that change of cene vould resuit in ual be mèrely for experimantai Pur. ieIltettermuent BPhyslcally. Fbr tue Poses but vîli ho put tuacatisunse» lut ltew dalb, bowever, bis ct>ndiiUon sd vilI ibe invaluable la relayling' litabeau critical and vben uh ief . miessages bolveen stations onU ti camatram ba1caala atwo vooksa se. tv CoRSta. It lgoil < vllestabllsh Ilt dld 'dot recognise ber, blgirs irect communication viti Wasblag, iiavlit become afetd..tes. Mr Young vas bom n lu agow I Thegoverumont bas bad tue stop Scotland, une 6, 1844. Heoupent hie under conslderatlon for some llW* yoetli ul 701M9 :mbnhod uts is na. lime but si, vasonli r.cently tat Ut. cOuâtrY sudvas oiwaged hi huei- vas declded ta proceed vi'tue plana uness tuer. ut» 1871. -viien ie came at once, lu addition tu thqi two large tu America a-d located lu Tld.n, lis, steel lovera tiiere vilI b. brick build- viiere iio engaged In a geaeral mer-. hm ahch viii form a part Of the chandilam busîis wîtUl a partuer station. These buildings muet b. lua iimied bilityre. Durlng fie pause contormlty tu the otiier buildin,-tat e« 1874 the. flnm-et mandai revers. the Station. ne. and Mr. Youngsont prictically tii. Metcemulatlona et a lifeUire cd lm'-iy-s dnstury. 11* vas tvlcumarrled. bis trot vif. e ~ - ~ . d>tg sa18BU. la uO80tir. Tomig 1îo'ÇYjou.aCCUd ne eUC catod I acanaba Sud, folov.d is. tftde s a bitier. Abou tex ton y adrsi« tà 8M IO u van cotuPelea b>' falig < lm s tt -MiaSacond marrlagevas tu is UUMt biStutherland of Milbum, %III., V t5u1881y.Sand bW wham, b. la uurvived. On. son, 5<>V an Oisr on the Uited get .a-aau Ym. e~Smuiae1>4,alzo survives. l'a 1 . iL blésoMuMt viib.made la a taxe- 41 r i alpaaoUO il *»eu Moemetéry t Iiludlà.i , c co.Ati.clwruf WiipeMmay or 11T. romwea oouatry- m dm cS Wi Ce, M. T congmsmn States i iiAtti. f WèIJ MIYud r the tcaumhsaointtOufth1at the.Popse tude in Regtard te the Hob. aff Ia M .Ais oma f it Ofmnp od o Net H * bel h $011 RetDieVI011- Wî*a&IOMuMO RondoutIll', Deatb ilnft Ocire t4:30 MÎonday alLenom SAYS NE WILL VOTE FOR- IT. Jeu. 4t41W*iug an oper*uoa toi WOU(ÉD AID PRODUCER: ,T.poruadt les ilty bospitm. Bes 111 8111 PoadWiII Be h. 1 h parets abe leavea a bs..Could Cet Produoe to Market Stop ~ ~ t» MOwrdsE:tblsh- tes oter.tter Iiody vii -Coniiùtpr Would Profit Mient of Prohibition. 6. iirbuat te toadoot. Burial, St' bv Cheaper Prioe. à T bà e Position of Confremmran CarlegsM. Tbomaos in regard te the kuiisureslutlon, nov pending be- rre 00Ireu as aubstanltated in 500ieublCat1onh Inhiforuhm<of Jettera rffelved lai bis City. toÔdaY. and wblcb ar" ment te varlona roUtloners, Wbo wers U»If the. actvtw.aof the. >agreesuin i oppoulng the Peseage mthe bbll. He lstes ilibis Jetterai %at; lieI. lends te vote jor the IHoh mm resolutlon. wblch la a atep ta. Irde National prohibition. Sorelne Mgo the liquoir Interest ) tbe country Clrculited -petitions in lis City, requesthig citizme aigu hem and forwar thune ta Congreez- aM Tboeuian. 1'he petittou veuemi- the. oppaSltilor of tiie congresmn the. passage'& bf te ffbs on resolu- mn. The petitions Vere slgned by may ln Waukegan. 'Today the. petitioners are i receltt Ifthe foiiowlng letter froni the.con- esaMan, e"PWlng hie attitude lu be -ltter: Dear Sir-:1 I e aacknowledg, re- Ij*t of youw comurnuï*tom of thé let inutant referlng te the, Hobson tsclution. 1 exPeict'ta voté for this resolution Dr 1 feel ln dolng no 1 vil! b. Carey- mg ouItithe vishes of the. majovilty fthe. people ln aur district. The. uestion of nietiier or not we aball te National Prohibition la tuls Gurtyislaone whlcii the.-people of he Nation siioad decide for thent- ives. The. resolution ln question rovides that opportunlty. If it la assed by a two-thirds vote hi botii e floua. and the. Senate, the. Inatter 9Pet tmp te lhe country by a sort of eerendun vote, but 4efore Il, can go st affect It cust b. acted upon ellir- tiIy by et least tlireo-tonrthe of~ me lates.% Yours very truly. CHARLES M. THOMSON. The T hrÎ*--i Popul Oakvff.od Waukegan. - - HMerchants 0f the. uerthvsst aide ln JOHN 45 TRATTON TO E Chicago are caumpalmuhie ou bebalf A mirbe. i 1cense vas lmSued in ef Panstobulld the Chicago k Nor- Chtcagù Wednesday te John Stratton e ilinterurbamu rallvay hy wimcbIl Jr. (IiLaieVlla and Mrs. M yc4i19 Proposed tocouuect libat part ef of Cicago. Mr. Stratton la vel Cbicago vîi farnihng 1laislt!cà lm- knOFW tglu Lae Villa aud Fox lais misdately ta tue nortbvegt- or the dlty ViOlulU. b5J84- a son 01f Supertlsor Iliità. 1Poitlons ame bolig4ilruula#. Jci.glOf tif Li.Villa and broui'e t .U5dh umgtiet4_ or e il StatnC4ailuilatitlo grant the. nees«ur> Gran >t-~rio ilSrta a cieu n sddruhs ta t*mrallway _______ cmpany. 66tSoe,.mom rrymng ouîIt.,,.Thea propogamlroute of lime maia nen Tà*,ýOMaree soldier Sunds the nxmt 0tue ri04 Il0froni Belumont sud El. ..7l5-paste- s.b. that aofstand- mIes a-vaines ilong téle ilio rivor lu4 r"lesu luthe front rank, ai. urti! l aimeba a Peint Juat nortuoe posed ti ,tue enemys lire itiiout hb.- Norvood Pari, thon in a uortiivester. lîail,Mete eply. Tiie erdeê te a&- ]y direction, cromslug fie es plaines tancé Or*S charge wviii ixed bayonets river near ieu PWanes, then contiu- 18 fluaR rqoslvod as a reles. ftrei u e uamr tirydrcint ^4907. igovement, even mb greaier ntua'oeorhl Ieci a PéiI t aetm.tbe mnciandgréaty a PointJlest sorti et Ubont>ville, reilice i.mental aninisa. tbemee northuet taAntioch and rbz 1,4140- On. % rFa* b il enda t sebam ',OàlWen the Oid Mal. berg Mid a Second bramcb viliiend f el t g ig i v la g , fl r e w v a O S e r i n r v lle . reeuqjici acélebration la the Tii. prOPOssd railvar bas been in- acmeWm t 4 8 dedicatiOn etOa avwd9rued by fie Northvesî BIde Con- R vaits a" 8gdy «nlng, merebi SlOcNiatil n Sd alsc the xPoiochteas iiy loualegy- Greater Chicago faderaticu. méWll v nedovation by aà me follovlag arliement for thc b~ld~ OUlal5~ TsE..~ ~ pramoad rnu la 84e la the. crr'eur ?'L ~. r.. ~s.Se ~ ~ an»th&y bulletin eft théassociation. dsa~gag'MaiA f or vlsg-aiays "TIere are many rtmdoma vby tiils ~ ~k~.<î~' rad aiiouid t. built. Tei.prosioters - wiio are property owneruformera aud of ph. Min&. thors lnterealed signg- the. rlgbt of mumw*né (àftei ki.» th. ««,.WILasd a few northwiest 54e cil- aic,, shevng bis uepiiev the vay ta sens, have agreed htii tahe Mou boy cmrls)-«Tiiere 7o0 Are, mou ses. tuls new rosi. if but, a"11 b. Wiusme»mae delfg vitu people cents vîthitb. ilitylimits. Tiicy lkt t>t test borgnje tue point a bit, vOl agree tg tramter PrIviloes vîtii and dbwqi.ome tue Pris Ion ail, .xlstlug surfacanid eletated liie. lWu.Cmj. Duer(ta bis nepiev- "This ew transportation lin, viii Tm Y"n are,*my boy. Wiieu youte delie ttiapnii.' ndyePlace the. country producer lu clouer e.. g o,0 e ns, gin le 'l. l a ndu. t u c i vth t efi cty consum er. point a *it, ail ou'e sotte dola WefOel liat Ibis kulirvemeut ta vet tue priée -me ton abiM u,.t.abouid b. 4rought about. Timraro jgtai; wtb.--akt«Lno accommodationis for tbhepeople ef the nortiivest aide te set ta the count- alob1006 -try tavus Sad Villageasand tue Pos jbSio 4çm'Oge &r escesi. nlbtl w vblalpremantod la- tiepro. mmirew éocie au'boy ta apeai. net 1Po*ed Duwvrillvay are spai fiat et- vie.. -ery aprtivomtslder ebould rayer tic building et tue roami. berln Th ese Wonien's$8 0 and $10.00. $5,Coats $e.00 A splendid lilne of seige Pofflin and fàney NS Mixture coats hiblak or color;ne trimmning effecta shcvWn. special $5., ____ Gir's Mlddy Blouses,,$1.values at 49c We offer over 100 of these B o fo fine, white mnaterials; trimmed in contrasting colorsata collar, waist and cuffs. -special, 49e, White Linen and Pi.que Wash Sklrts $1.98 We received another shipment' o! very'popular modela in white linen, ratine nd piqu skirts; made wîth single overdrape effeet. A$2.00 skirt, special, $!,,49. White.,D)reéssesof kovelyMateril $4,98, The style displayiein thisg -fpsls0-om'ekbinu decidedIyoutof the ordinary for'd=ue at thia pricmi Plain white or figured Iatterns. They have an $8 look to them; specialý $4.9&. Childen'S (lngIhèDresses ouly 59C These in sovetal different stytex4 of fine. quallt lgbanL em- broidered or tape, flnished, in im p upto 6 years; $1- value?, at59.' WbIteand ColopdDese $9 Alot of ver" ne g*ingham and. dmbray dresses iplain colora or tere-,rd or stripe effée .Neatly trimmed; a $4.50) dress, out. lptan-I -ý =A la ssore.' LAKIE JOCHffly8V pfqj9E0 IN "AI4LAUONEm CAS Joues of Lake Poreet. Jil#, vw»dis. charged la the. A*tlimro& Nsa4 Vie. kit tauaiir,smromgneeux cf' tic bullIetni4o0M 4i, dâmetts Ji vttii gn atomobUe Tuem ay ulgt Chter of Police 'Wllbour, the ira' Vlnemo "ld fat tii. studont dld ýeTorytlDngb could atter tihe ami- dent toald the dyhue boy agd tii. lice. qtMaiY a happy homo in hiCityca rciti* prcspety to tdm wan qouî ci opo ot? IWaat a b~e j~b ei Opotu t~ esteci pattos off thé qwh a y -,dbe YOu tOK dUffhd » amdne o zohcityml MaerCeieM ti tein laty wgv ordwe Tums fa ii. auneadly g ons vbch prnos fonc aegamm dally azut b sopped a ocuonacunt It a tu casesh wagon& elta. n Iodt*fj e toîttitwagn dllerlng bc ad atufs fromu Waukog wl$olu Ciaty. aii.tri omn t o Th Mncrael edmikwao Tas beaunbcreeuminery d lkWaon asou foo r .d tfrlentesormmeau ofega fotii. pntptuv eeM ocuse f the a.out sear poxlu ol Cty Tur aou l firp l ain mb a"*. trou Sriit umber and bot va- *w il om. tb" 1% *hm a Eue àb Mmdfor tii Ouater. P8ur fth@b« wvar ovr the bernt *ubéis, 11W. at a Um% 1111 ft la tiior. *~awmlldi""&. use a ~urtof bot *ater toO fie cents Worth of umber;. LMef t dry, dieu rub on any aood 1100r *ax nd pouahb. 43.1 Yeg Art WoI..nwl Of the People la Detroit asver se ta churcib esua. they ame 2ot.askt&.d. Od-thloed People didaWl vaft for auivitaUoa-Dee',fg New&. tion, firin or organization contributing ini any nman- ner, to'the advancement of womankid-if offered through the mnedium of the Congre of Womens Achievements and E%)o0dtIon of ScieceAft WndÇ&niwce Held during the Biennial Meeting o! jeneral F'eder- ation of Women's Clubs and -Under the ausipices of the Chicago Woman 's Association of Co»inerce and Affiliated Clubs. A portion of the Coliiseum has been allotted to ex- hibits, of those who value the patronage of intelli- gent, responsible women. ,By exbibiting at the Coliseum June 13-20Oyou will get the personal, favorable attention of the maximum nwnher of, this class of women. The very vora you ýrant mou to interufl b ltu daily atteudauce For detailed information. as tp space, rates, regu- lations, etc., address the. mmcE Juda tare. case sent the. ty 'R cour nuit up1 tie cust stan Jc fi rat ývas out mad had ely or n is but pool and The sald fend terp tt felic but ln x verq comm mis, and molli Tl coul and seul He the. toi senv Dun ~"tim viol; h. fine Wou voc romi Ji fdiet anti ing on Iag mot Ji dici torn qua n' lng ney ta, day of Nol cila ou the etd Orn

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