ST. F. SWAN Comrspondent end Agent QuaityDoy'a tudo--Palarlbt. Eu IR. D. oyd. Libertyville, &bout oWalng a Wlmualn Farm. Tias. BusêU aid farnly agent Sunday wlth roeltvesat Antlach. 4Ç Marguerite Alvord @pnt the weekend Loba. 4oAayitaipâblurai 6,I «o ewi Cam nt ib" t heraa ila the ahaisooli poliaithé faho"uua sseubat Saoterdai svanlng Wm. WiilII&vaw nbteblng hie tamas iouI a upu vague lin tsa rf hi e moad necleted te ufateir une of t=ttracee.In the wagnonra@ir. rat, ber aon AMtut »md th@. li*. daUgter of lire.Wllilan WhM tetean tarted ier the haretttra wagon lolovai irghtealnfltbsmaS tbhehy>rauwa aud upt the MwaN tbrevisa the. occuatS te the prouud. Lwcbly D nt uevea Sionl, hure. Another mlahp ocurrai uaday vlan a herse drivmn by Fred Lubiman bomera brgtanadst aM auto standin on tii. road near Dlonond Loba aid nog.t he Mlunth dlteh. lMr. aid thaircvl$ystoIr"tee"tIotoucb bu mur but thévtbig ump -o*bt bis Iles ail yllsd ont." It vas tougb gen to baosa but It le htrd ork te bot tii. oppoelg team, sied the tvo unipirea bon"es Body Borda wueont of ta@combat owine Io bSiuainala th poulti ylin. thot damao"ismadlate attgatlen aid ont oh frbflond àoka ropisi MW.dla et short i t h-m nom.nthird. Snobe wai tae rosIbuté«aer and. ie tril lu thi.elath a o unfr. F.lot. doub jsd m& hWsdof hier but vau ou$ taalleptArin0oth* tai batse valop wua wumld. HaM**pitced thetrout thiai rouais 8i60 red vlti a mosrs aM and Rouadsddiomé, aitm wrk froehtbuhe to thé flnlih. ai Wlmta iraLubkauan *vers bothb il 7 Tire vstiete.asu played a goal braidJ a. A. Watsonanad John Rodge vire ijursi about the baud and li-- of baland.outelda of the hum umplrnn Antlocb risilore lionday. -th.pRiné Wva nie$ o»s. Lefloy Euipp oi Racine, @pet Sunday COUNOII. PROCEEDINOS. The wore: vlth relatives bers.Silzty.thlnd ragularmeetng 0,. the res AB R a P A E li.adlr.SL. Trpp motocid to BocrdofTrnigsou fttvMfll01ofAse Kuàlmp, lb ............ 8 O 1 10 1 o ienvew Sunday and agent thti day st the village ball On ModAY, 1, 1914. . orvan, .............85 1 1 3 o C vitb lire. Tops a$itetre,mW. L. Preost WllaIrving, BUMie, IK04MgEs i 8 ...3h .. 4 1 2 2 5s1i Rouci".and Munis. Absent, Watson, lbreht.' Ou motion of Wslla sud Irving,RnallBuslfp.....4OO Gllbst fubadil of PFreet, Ill.. agnt Filated, 2h ........... 4 0 2 5 1 1 eundW #Athebhomteof F. C. Shaddie. W"asppoitsdltoprWeblinluthe absence Kng, cf................ a O O 8 O ô of Preidart Wasori. rpn.........308 111a Mir. and Mmr. John Roder Of Chicago, Tht minute 01the gravions Meetinup oper, p1se ..........O430 0 i210 are cîradlup thei vsek vlth lir. Wm. virerenod and pproved umotion 01 aie.i1.. 4 Irvig ad Wels.3 S830 15 4 Reglai 30 cent havwered ellkt ribbon 1Thre treairirer then read is ragular Lake Bluff AiB R H P A E 4% juches vide, gspiclgrce 19e at mantrly report vblch wvu audlted by U f......... 5 1 1 1 o0 Kalpge'a. ~c-i the aic contmittee and acceptcd on Akua,2 . Mir. and lir. W. JI Willams enter- motion 1iWelfs aud Marie. apr3b.........300 321 tineled. Grant and @on A thur ofl1T tiloigbillewviraread; CSpoer,» .3h........... 3 0 1 32 8i Oak Park, a fuv dayithi. yack. Pbi Sri e .trcet ighte...$45 83 T. Mbrun, c ........... 4 1 1 1) 2 01 Thei annual sehool picole vaa bîld laitR . et= twovrk........ 0F.ftoethu,lb.....i 11 5 0 O Êtiday lunltous's prove nerDlatnond w .Wla Tes at yack ....- 5 001.) *P......î...r 03 1 1 0 _________________Mary D). Payas, exp. ta Chicago.. 2010Mra, cp...........511310 MmreS. L. Tripp, Chicargo.. 2 00 3 0d cf1 0i 3i0 Mirs. J. L. Irving, exp. to'Cbieaga 2003O oayu, 0i 1iO Oo 0 fi vu nioved hy Irving and liarri . thut au illbuis e lowîd and varrantes 01 drava on the treasurer lu Pa..yma 'I r.. 0i00 1 800 il1i , setse. Motion carried. Lk lf .... - Ordianc No.62 rovdingforthe Three buse it, Cropleyv; 2 hase bit. construction ofa i ie foot cemet ide- Felsccd, J. Dantier. F. Roseathal; itrack; waik on the southerly ide ai Mupie out by Hapke 2, bv Rouas 3, by Mran -streit front a pint 62 feet veet ai the 0 aeo al f lpr ýofBue3 wiet liai ai Luke Ave. theace ve@einv off Mbaon bfsof5a. 3 f Rus3 486 feet vai read and paegid aon motillo i auahetu g auVnek ai Murnie and Eniggs, al Notifig aYe 'ad, those wbo do out go wfth the teu, but Wells. aTetufoth olwnwe. Metng adjourned an motion ai Wellscn eIufothfalwgwsk and Irving.1--1 A Valuable Social0 Asset ADEAUTIFUL figure le the Amontvaluairie socia set a thing tire cmii eaiily acquire. Tire secret lien i te r iglt corset.t so we reccmmend tire iew Pariarana modela, cu mo other corset mc euccessfully givea tira1 nev naturel figure cffect. ?MARISI1IACORSETS Wirem ycu sec tirese newest Puananc, you'U be amazed te fini lrovî#fiable and flexible tirey ar0 and hov ev boures are uned. Yet tirq aie no ahilfuIly cultirhaI theF fit wlthOut a wrlnkle and give tire ev gracefu inae that lte Sprng styles require. TireF coeaIne moretitan you are in theahabit c' payimg. $l.00 tu $S.00. Let ne show pou tire Paria- lama moideelg40" eclally te ai« pour typ. figure tirhae f n KIGGES ARA T. F. Su n, *Irma. BASE BALL. 1laisvîry doubtial if onyaua baiscirer geen sncb au exhibition af lrenxicd ut- piring ai that tu vbicir the fas s ers tristid tlut Sunday. Wî havi, durlug the coureai our Young ]liii, sen a e umpa vbose vork wvu terrlbly raiten and don'$ mind eoufaaiag tiret ou oui occasion vben va ceaayed la the ri of arbiier the opposition taok cucb e deep rooteti dislike bc, oudieilons ihat vi reeciele avery argent roquent Io vacate bat if vs hed auj '@&@on ta belleve that aur vork wou a quarter ai hed ai that Suuiday vs youid vait ahf the top ofj some airs hlgh building sud tura ta the rigbt. 0f course that 1@ oaly part ai thei reason vby vs lost sud the ather part semetuta e tiret Joey lioran vas guttirig semething au the ball 1hâ1 rale bob vitir soea ttiug average@. Wltb ths test blttlag the vay tbsy usuafly do &Il the hum Dioptrcela the country couldils have kept the honte tem irani coppiug bat bita vire ual fortbcamning vbea bite tiantruna. Tb@i acorlng startid sarly ou bath sides but tg stopped just ai qnlckly asitIl egan and the score stood tva, ail front the Slth to the tanth. With anywbers ea I ba au @von break la tire baie deeiions lvi voold bave van baudiiy lInsus the hit but vi didn't pst It aud no came Ah comblultIon f itbe scdor a gavte t b at ofubith andi scor ae the vieitore thae ie lut tallilu their bat ad the hante tean tcame ta bat reeolvai la oveccetsthe iead but îirey rackoaid not vitir the umpirs.. Kalg»a firot og velked snd stole cleany but tira amp sald 'Iont" and thst m»As oue n. The unit up vaibel, vint ta secod on Tanys inugle sud moied on Joe Dorflor'a double. Wlth tva mai on Route goled a dandy fly ta teou$tfiali aid Tony IF YOU HAVE MONE!YI TO 6BRN keep it at home under the carpet If you want to save your money andasee it grow, open a savings account0Jwhere it earns 3% INTEREST TIIESCITUZENS' BANK i --AR!-A, ILL,. BS. TrppR. F. Rouien Irvng E. Paye, p~aisif.Vice Protiderri. Cashiec. Sce H. 1).Bayd, Lîbetyvilie, about a wniag a W lacasiu Fanm. tir. and lins. C. J. tiason sud son Harry speax Sturday atnd Sanda! vîth friends et rysleko. Misss yrtle Richards, Stesuad Lu- elle Conrad ai Chicaga, aget Saturday sud Suday vltb the farmier'@ paents. Blanche Mitchell agent the veek-end et home. Mr.asu d lre. J. k. Mueon wers Waa- kegan viitors Friday sud Satarday. Fred Gerbert badl lie misortune ta break litse vrst last yack. 1Mr. d .. H . RArbht entortcained 11 ýl 01 91 ti à 0j u The Dorea» eociety will meet with tirs. Fred Haggis, Thuroday atternouuan td wiii haid rihir June baker! cis suadaun la, creani social ou the- lawn aiflire. Eugeia Toddas bouie Sturday alter- nua. tirs Frank Ot f Texas, Ia viiting lira Ed Landa. Mn. sud tMrs.H. J.tMeyer ai Liberty- ville. were the gussîs of ibrir daughten, tm ins. E. Bales, Deoratian day. Abert Esoch ai Chicago, la ciating hie uai, tire. ermau Peglovi. lic. and lire F. El. Meyer ad chldrea and lins. Sert atoiand daughter Hawl, vire the gessoai tr, aud lira. Ruy Oman@e ai Evanstou, Suaday. tMW@ Editb Pettis s1iet Suturday and Sunday la Minneapolis. isses Ruth Cumnings aud Virgiau Gaylord ai Lake Fort-st, sud liessra. John Schaffer and Warren tiorria ai Highland Park, vers the Sunday guse ôf Miss lilîdreil ihitiug. tir, aud Mcc. Auguet Winters bad ai thair Sunday gueito Mli nsdtira. Win. Birtimui and childreu and Miss Erna Bartimue ai Chcago. The lit. Pauls@ Evaupelicai cbunch bai installei a pige orgen vhich vili te didicatcd Suday. Thers vilI i peclal macle et the services iu the ntornlug. aiternoon sud eveiag. A cordial ia- vitation la exteaded ta ail toasttend. tir. and tirs. Fd Tnlpp of Herinaton, Kano., veitcd sethie bonis ai C. B. he Misses Kane, Miler and Sannettf01eton luit week- Chcago Sunday. lir. and tirs C. W. Pettis bird an their1 Annle Lockbead ai Chicago, spent over Saturday and Suday guees, Miss Eva E Baaday wlth ber mather and brotber. Pettia aof1elevan. Wis.. and lire. Roy, Idrs. tD. Ritzentbaler In quite ick and Lord oi Chiago. miss Violaise sick wth measles. lira. Sarah Adams @peut last week litlng ber daugbîcr, Mmr. Klmback ai lire. Will Ray and cidrea spent 50v- vRavenswaîid. eral days lit weck witb ber iatber, M. W. Knedler. Frank Snyder ai Odgen. Iowa, la visit- Mies Ama Kraeger @peut Saturday isa io ohel HMmoA.euberer.hda e aid Sunday at borne Me ae oebr als e The Lsdiea Aid viii meet vltb lMm. wCe-enago. tMn JnijüLtmro Frank @tabI Tburadsy, June 11. ci o lire. Mahkle and daughter Laura ofi Dr. Baker and family and E. Md. Uni. Highland Park. visltsd Mca. R. Id. Vent bach land famlly motored tu Chcago seesal day, lait wsek. Tuesday. Mr. and tirs. W. A. Wbiting are vice1 John Bolet ai Chicago agent Sunda'y Ing relatives lu Muakegan, Mue. wlth b4 saiter, lim. Frank 'Wail&a Mr. and lir. Peter BeimualoChcago,i Lov. Bbwab the nsvly elscted gprsad. wmteSna uteo r n m lng idler of the. Chicago distrt wH ers thlem uaye caeo! ie bore ta coriduel thre services, t GramsE liei church on Frlday and Sunday oviunng. idra. Croit of Milcblgaa. la viating ber Cbgden' da sirelmwII bebel stbrother, Mr. Croft tbia vsik. tirs cburch on Sund&$ lgb: Joue 14. Mir. Bardi lir. 1. R. Eehm àaddaugbtire - Laie ana Edna vleited friendi liemorial MURT UN RUNAWAY. day. Mr. and lire. Fred Lulbkim ofet Mies Sadia GUoailietertalued t a Prairie View vare lnJurwd SiindAY Foret Party Sabouday seoingf. wilfe drlving near Dovner' s laeMIiseMiaula Slryber oi Cicago, le when thair bona bacina t ht-ed visiting ber brothw, J. A. Stryher. et au automuobile beelda thér rad. Thre lils Mary 'BWel of Cblcago. vai buugy*mrea tigped Ocrcsiud tire OmCCth ie lemoralday puait of lit. aud lir. PoADIvan rthnovD u ltu thea diseir.TheaBd Blelmebl. vomm an aiinurei theaUme eeverely. _________ Mrs. Eliza Apger, Mother of EZE~EZZ1Mrs. Fred Welch, Died of BS1E. D. Boyd. Ubertivilla, about Bright's Diseae Here. ovolng a Wisconsin Farni. Wauht05f, Jane 1. lire. Bd. Goldng and daugbter of Mrs Eliza Apgar, U5 Years old, Paie Maymood, aget Thnriday at D. R- cd wyBnaleM Dat23 Aux«. o'cloci aithte home of ber daugbter, lim. 1D. R. Ameai &put TburidaY viti r Mu Fred Welcb. lois West Wabfng- ber sièeur idre. 0. CtcadY. ton Street folaig a long Illnuio f .IMISJo@Sphbne Amena a"gen.udai Brigbt'. dise..sbe leavea two wit br sstr arbersataiL03g L&Obedaugbteresud one ion, M - Fd Betb andyEmms Cook igent Starday WVlcb of Waakegan, Mre. Allie Otick. ad nuad t homne. ley of Cedar'RaPidl, la-, and W. P. Kayes of Chicago. SBItabild been liv. Sunday lu houer of Mr. and.- Mrs. fîi wlth ber dgughter for soe little Ptegoî tr.- g St..n insner flua. The luerel WfIeeuday mter- Ormeby of warreîý etertaned a mum noon at tvo oeclocir at tire home, 1ev. ber of Waukegen friands at their Chidester oMetcatlg. srfailOak. borne Ia Warren. Tire young couple.,vod. Mre. Apgar vai borninluIoea who wers ntsnied lait vaek, ueeivr 1 bat bad lived ln DIlnis for tventY may pretty gifte frpm the gueta. years. 0"a H B. D oird, L(bartyvllla, about Dt. làudaay.WgIM$ap 01 Chce gie éa pe mopleainegsad lticYAtIttP aciers ou, the Adoscant Ap sa tbe âAsmenbl bal ithe Ilmumar achool a$ tira aMenaimasiao t thPareut.Ta.cbe àuoolioe rlday aiteruooo. Tne irificera, Mmire. ehuisupple. Preedat; Mmra RsiuchalZr., vies predeut i e. John A. Sulhke, secretari, aid lMre larvie, *reairr vers unanlmetiy re.alected. Tb@ aiaociatlon bau risid nsarly $M00durleg the put Yeor, &Il Of wblch boa benaent for achool squlp- ment. liavtions bave bain lmueil bY Mise Ruth RuschaIt for a ktitchen ihoee la compliniet te MUsa Amands Kuaak for gaturday aveing. Mr. and lMr*. John A. RsiehttMad iamily vot te..ek.end gueta c1lir. sud lire W. K. Cowlin ai Woodetek. Mins Bther Baker and Mdis Ravina Basil ig ihland Park, verethegneata of MW iAMui&Pïerasa Satarday. Miae Catherine Kar-b Isit for Croce Plaine, Frlday vhere abe s hvlaiting Mies Angeline seamanj. tirs. Brander af ifourton Grove, wae guest oaii. Kar-h. Suuday. lir. Chai. Kapffle and daaghter ai Oxrayelake apent atveral dirys bore fuint week. lic. sudtics. Chap. Parker are the proud parents cf a son houM tay 29. Twa auto partie@ frotntChicago spent the week-end etaOur lake. lira. S. J. Wagner sud cblîdrea vers (Irayalake vimitrs arlet tuet. lirs. Peierseritertmimed rela tives front Chicaga aven lieoatian. officera oit-tted for UthetM. E. Suaday achat-l vers Nira. Les Huson, Sup't; lire inu. Dillan, A-ut Sup't; Misselilîsl Maure, Seccy amnd Tres.; Jobn Peter@, Librarjua. The L. A. S. mett luit veek Tlîureday with lins.Lee Husan. Caucidenable seving vus accomapliobed and lunch vaa served. The afficera elscbed ara dent, MisMaare; l'irePreoldent. Mcc Wat. Dillon; ffe'y and Treamurer, Mise Patter. tiectinga yl bbeid every three yacke during the suninier. the nudt ous belnp et the hante oailin. Peters Juas 18. ¶ IVANHOE Sec H. D. Bayd, Libertyville, about owning a Wisconsin Farrn. Mir. and Mir&. James VanPlew of Chicago, were the gucete af the formner'@ parente Saturda, and Sunday. Miss Rarriet Bramnerd of Waterrn, lit., @peut a law days Bt homne reeatly. The Wornan's cleiy of the chureh held their annual meeting at the pacson- age Tbursday. Alter the election of ollicers a lunch was served and ail report a plerniant tinte. li. Grant Luskr entertained ber mother, Mire. Smilth oi Grayolake, and ber cousins, tir. aud Mdrs. Johns of Wauconda, Snnday. Miss Gertrude Dual of Chicago, waaa visitor at the Kuebkér bhrne recently. Mir. and Midss Bates@ ofWauconda, visited their aiter, litre. B. C. Pique the fi rat oi the week. lira. Clara VanHorn of Palatine, visited Mien AgacelPayne, Saturday and Saday. 11ev. Carnine preacbed a Mernoria sermon Bunday mornlng. Aiter the service a permanent comrnlttsee oithrse wae appointed for the Decoration days of the futurs to poi that the day be appropriatuly obaerved each yesr. Mr. and lira. Bert Lusk of Wankegan.i agent the wesk-end wltb lMr. and Mma F. 8. Dolpb.1 School loa.d oun Manday and bad ai picnlc iluIdir. Meyer@ voodi Tuesday. Wa loin A QUARTFR 0F A MILLION DOLLAR& te eOucuitomera aid on cUrer aooritias on an average cf twioea ayaar, aMd anaglal to torudrahacquaintano f euh- atantial men vo auticipaIte heed of moaay. At proeuat va vould liii. ta Io=any port cf S10 ,0,000 on Improval Fanun je ia nty and wvamare in a. posi- tiont uits aarianinble tortuaoou eoptabla aeouty. If you are oontemplatlng rsiming monay for Impucîvammnta or hava lous faliîg dua va would b. glal to boat from you. W. faal wa cari'Plama. yen. Ltbertyvile. IM Capita sd Sspburn, 8800.00 Rase eeur a at 3OO.O MrT. sudlima.J. R.Alimn ayant Bt. urdal aid Sondal et Mauire. vitir tala- tir« and friands. lir. en maiam atKaiser and littis dauphiaer of Delano, 0hio, sva vfla ut the home of lb. formW@irapate, lir. aid Mma C. B. Kaiser. Lete reporte rqoadl«porionaflbac vho vae opirtei on ltTnsaday st Preabytim anheeptal la Oleago, ar very anteutaglag ttu»IaMlY aud it la expuetd that ha yl ho able ta arturu home@Goan. r E. L Bea B D. Boyd, Llbirtvlll, about ovnlug a Tiaconelu Fart. Tht M. E. Sundmy sobool vil h.gln promptly at 2 o'clack nixt udsai d cbnrch servici et 2:30. Ever7oue le sepeelally lrged ta cou. sud halp vith the Sunday aceool. Wm. Dodsou and Thiodore Wurtz at- tnded the Decoralion day exercieu s a Wauconda. Win. Dillon and fatily were Wauconda vlisitons on ffaturday.. tirs.A. J. lRaymoand vaimitLe ick lait. wesk. A Personal Ta&k You want to buy lan<-a farîui-somewlier--ior you iwouldnt te reading this ad. Bear thesre few malient la, t4in mind. Itwi~lll ay rau: Ni, an@ state hue a inonap4aly aicooîd iarm ltind1T. ris~, r bad farm land in everytitatf,--yeî. la rvPry( aurty ln the .uni' n 1 is erlmuate-se f(<ryoîsîl n'stlgam.e lntllilgeritl) gel the Il sS Bssfigures caverîing re, i ate' rainfaîl, etc . ou the, rgî,rî yonîha% e lu mmnd. luvestîgate thîe ëfn or CaUiil)ui*who I1Ae..iiig.A.k 'iou local bunker ta laok tîitie up for yau. flo.w will h.. trrt-au afin o, huve b<ught? ABOUT WISCONSIN. 'rhère are, fi(,siîd<tii for- tuns, ttu e made tbere. If yau expert to akiiaiie 0,a!(un w rý., at go. li Wiscansin yani wili roerlve an hoverit reward for t)iiî,,',t .hrt. Wark wlno la the ftudger @rate.. l(tjinutry carvés ouIi,pn.ut let Wisconoia. It'a bard work. lant go iyau don't reli*ji, a, ,r if % (, preler work on rionîebady ellees fain îa fctury or mt,,ie, tr',P iL t- door lii.. ai the farter. Go sud ëe our offerings. Go ALOINE. Donft lt-t anybody üantrol yaur miivements. Inivtiiatp ne îou go. Taii v. tii w eple an iiitrain TuIkwaith fumniers ufterr iu trt 11,r,4 Ift-i w iId itler barguains ian ours, biuv theni. W.. bellee .w,. affer M vn ri,îirr bargairis wwrtau Iriet ami! ciipetit on . AU we ait isun eiral tj- portunity 0ai show ag theni ta yau. WVe have bot-n in business a long tinie. lavestigate lis. G<et thefilgures on Taylor Cannity. our eprcialty. kind out wliy tme oe îta;. ix,. there. lIivng a faria le niglity serioil kbuine-it i, nid bave your tallt caredai coasàiderution. Mai Loeb, é;' (Batiik L F.. Ham tue, 1[oeb-Ilammel KCaity Co. Mi r. lianagiuig Punîmeres. (&Iv e l)c (luette llidu ,CLi,â; M. D. BOYD, General Agent Ovr Lemtaas Novalty Stoe UBERTYVI.LLELi Accident Insurance is Unnecessarg If yoql are CERTAIN that YOU Wil fot be -ick o>r di8ahled by accident. But are you Si-RE ttiat tliis will be the ua.ef Many men if assured an indepexîdent iliconit- on-itider the' cott of 'a Health or Accident Policy a mighity goud investilerît. A poliey ln the CLOI EH LEAÀc CACUALTi «-.fOt only a iew ceutea day. - The protlectihn la@uques- tiourd anîd absoiîîte and it@ valup increucra tii long- Pr yau carry fil, witbout lncresed casE. ORVILLE L. SMITH, Agent I E viii not Ie vitIt tirent again. Mr». Wn,. tiere entertained frleudc moum Chicago avec Deoratian. Gfie. Mitchell and famlly enteraineil R. Schneider sud family and R. J. LiII sud faully Bunday. A. LaveI entertainid a natter of gueste frou Chicago ovin Dicoration A-IhiSi a enjoy naet L...DIA ON»LA"E JBatday eveuing And bcd s picute on L - .- -the hauts oi the Isae unday. Bse H.B. D. oi, Libetyville, about Mira. Mary LIII sud cblîdren spent Sua. E. Eau aiconsin paiege ve.dast aLame Zurich. B. an@boa. anew5-psmenge Ov li re. Loeh ai Ferry Hall, sud ivo ]and. friande agent Dicaration vltb lins. R. C. T. aid praadsonsoi Evans. Schneider. ton, vers callera bers Snuday. Perey Andews of Labe Forait, vlslted Mis. George Prouty Is Victim at Kaues aven Decorstiou. of Caner-Was Formerly Mies Ella Tavuer ls quite sick. a Waukegan Resident. Fraik Johnson of Waukegau, @peut lins. Kate Dor .eett Prouty, vidov of Satund&y and Sundny at H. Bartlett's. George Prouty, ietiWcdneiday at Hiramt sud Marguerite Ot oi Missouri hen home la Bsrningtoa, Laits couaty, arrivsd lust Tbureday ior the summir. vhere asebail lived fon the pa Tib& W. P). Lenikir famlly ententalned twelve yeuns, Death vas due ta csu- thei E. J. Johnson. thea Sveeney and the Cer., Saler familles &il oi Chicaga Frlday. Belons ber niarriage ta Mr. Prut!, Mr. Sveeney la a piteher for the Cubea f rner Wauconda man, asevaa the aud lir. Saisi e liest hasemmu. vidîof a!Dr. Davla, aleao!fWaueau- lire. Gerber vu@ pleuaantlY sarriecd du. Saturday vhea a nunnber ai ber filende tirs. Proîrry vas a sieter a! Lewie beiped ber ta celebrati ber bitday. Doraett, iret county clerk o! Laite Scbool loeed Wednesday vitb a pIc- coaaty Ir% the nev court housad nieilutbe"Ry Grave. Mir Hecketevlller aie o!ftir. Donaett vira lîves on bai dans velI by thse choal su d people Sheridan %ad, .Waukegan. NOTICEU The. only inU the. ndapendant ha& ta ailI la SPAM ,itleUs& kntown fàot that à newupff.r maltés nothmng off lua oerp. tiofle thema.lob-.It muet depeurd on thé sale of SPACIL Many Correspondants waaily semd in item@ ortainIne te affaira whora prometiso wlIIial lea Pr ofin uas àrosuit or theo advos' tisons tita,. calume furaluh, Suais Item# uhouUd end muet h. peud for Uf Wb ère taelva Tire ratala amalU-ava oante par lins. ln future suairnoticesa wIiU ha omitted unlase notatUan 14 made tiret thay are te ha pol for. AnY affala wirr admîgalon le cirarged or promoters malta à Profit from Ut, la ln thes lUat of thlnga fer whlch notices muet ha pald foré-TF. ILoa Coucnty's big weekly-INIDE. PENDENT. .432 Nco th bAve. B14.-TMadisoa Ccd WMb.ington SI. CHICAGO, ILLi Popular Price Restaurant HA& SToOD TH£ TEST FOR 30 yRARS Libertùville e 1 -- IWisconsin, Land il 1 tI ci 8 m el