U ',L" i bu? 0'et i hw Um 'b',". oà 3Iut wbi*' .a ae,. mil.- re ther.m esale la p la 4". comufr oin fè.t r.414 il. rance to E 110 8outh Bonosso St. 20 DYS =;=2Ô DAYS on ali'Boys' and Chil4ren9s Suits. PrIces- Iowered down to a point where- they barc* Iy cover the cost of the ma- terlal. Each afid every gar- ment wiIl have a red ticket1 It Is useless to quôte thî prices as they wil be clean- Ouiroverloaded stock has forced us, te take this stpand we1 must, théefore dispose of 70O0 worth- 0-t19 S.the nex w#inthenex20 days.Pstively nothing will',.be reserved. Prfces will be cut to shreds. Cost will not be considered, the sacrifices we are makin' will be the greatest and strongest proof that w have appreciated yotir past patronage and our loss _ill be your gin. To sgisi*w. y, b ~ Means forced selling9 at a trenriendous sacrifice means unsurpassed largain offerings-Means unparalleled money saving chances to the buying public, it means unloading of merchandise at an encrmous sacrifice such as has neyer been known here., Prices ~mowed down to irisure quick action, corne early and reap the berzefit of this sale by sa ving money, 50é Winl do the work of $1.00. for the next twenty- days. Below are only a few of the rna-'.great bargains awaitrng you. Eveytig else in the store will be reduced. Look For the Red Tags-Every thing in the stoug,,wil wear a ired tag. 3e w1 buy mens plain whlte :edorblueW4hdaned- krchiefs vorth 8c publie saeprice. 3C 39c wiii buy men's extra heavy ovurails and jum- PMt, àaIL srtular 75c quallt 42yJePrc 15* Wiii buy idpair of ihpf ,a. suspender, a %Pl.dlê Mii. of heavy or Il tveletsj vorth 35c, 6c wlUi burs pair of men's fà. ôMtking Box, regu- lar 10c valut, public sale price Men 's balbriggan shirts and. draw- ers iniail colors; 65c values, Publie Sale price 3 7c 35e men 's shirtm and drawers, ini -Jlight and dark shades, choice, ecd wegtlong and short> sleees;allsizes, pbi 9 75c, men 's fine negligee shirts, coat styles, cuifs attached, in white, cream and new strîpes, public sale 9 ~C prîce ........... Men's $1.50 and $200 soft shirts neck-band style wîth French doti- biectuffs, .in al the popular colors; these are exeIlentshirts and 'very unusual values at the pe....... Mon'* Rats Ail aur mens, $2.00 and $2.50,soft hats, ineltîding the new telescopes, -in gray a.nd bîtie; Publie Sale price Ail'1069 A I ur men'a beet grade $3.00 and $3.50 new style bats i telescopes and derbys, ail ahades, Pub lic Sale price, ehoice, Men's d'Young g 1W 8 Clothioeg The knife plunged ta the marro* paailgoods ii aur cla- thing department, aur manager'; buay buzz - saw has unmercifully ripped, slashed aa »WIi the prices on al men's, young men's and ehildrem's dthlng in many in-. stances ta less than hall price. Thli'« 'le did department wlth ts thousands af dollars' Worthbcgesirable wcaring apparel should bc swept clean in a Jlffy at the prices w. have marked them. Our entire stock af men's and youne men's best suits, Slncerlty make, strlctly tailor-madt.. Iii the very latest and n9bbiest styles. Rangig in price fron $18 ta $22, notb- ing reserved.,your chle at publiclc rc e 75 Suit. for Meni and Young Men, regular 16.50 values, Public Sale ~, Price....................... 90 49 sul4s for meni and young men, regular $12.0 valuc, publie sale price....................... 6e98 About 30 mi'a $ 10 attits, al sizes.'from 35 to BB 44, public sale price..................... $38D 50 men's odd coats, worth up tq $6.0O, sale price......................... si s $10 men's raincoats ta dlean them up, the. public sale price wilbe ....... ip %Lý.. 3e98 ion'sPnt Worsted paits,,$2 values, MenSý «f#adt * -- c w ad ac sotch el ar MCii'. pagitst *'Il.the.latest shade«a ati eos, $5 'Vlu., pubIié sale prie... Mj~ Sst Pk1U% f Iq' $2-95 men's kangaroo caif lae shoes; a good work or dress shoc; ail sizes; Public SalJe price, only 1.49 $3.50 Men 's dress shoes iniail the varions leathers and styles; al sizes; Publie Saleprice, only $2.00 Boys' kangaroo caif,' blueher cut lace or button shoes; a good serviceable shoe; ail sizes; Publie Sale price, .1.39 A Chance of a Life Time to Buy a Pair.of Oxfords at Leu Than th~e $4 ýgu's Oxfrds $2.48 200 pairs men's fine oxfords, rang- ing 'n price froni $3.50 to $4.00 in the latest Spring styles, tans and gln metals; ail sizes. Entire lot, P>ublic Sale price, per pair 2948 One-Ualf Fric, on AilU Straw Rats 39c wil buy -mess' good worI* shirt, black "eisn,. bhje, gray, etc., tegulasr 75e qMsaIty, pub- liécail 35c viii buy boys' cie valots _wlth or vithoisi eaarsr posfively voeu 3Mc viii buy boys' 75c knicker pants, ail vool materls, ful eut, kne kerboeker style, sale prle 39 C 10c will buy a'.A. row collar. au' ne*w ty- les, soft Co reg. Isc _ '3; I of MçY Youùnt Men's and 4~$4ren's Clothing, Mats, V--ShoweesOxfords- attd -ekur- nlshngs.Ail !must movew Ithe flood of 1,bargains céreated by this mlghty un-