4OW& Zog caa'hbot cMr at the Hlarness Old Lace Stsad Ubetyvii.IIL NEW CLOTING STORZE AT LIBERTYVU iLLEz. ow* wli SETTLEDin Sin Wo are lesm-sng tbe vat. of theo trade sud are rceeivlng nov gonds u.arty evtry day lu Mou'.sud Boy@' Wear of evory doaription. Usu ansd Boys ehady Xade Clothing or Mm.eil iasteo der odd poUtsfor mm.and boys. Dreus Shirt. and Work Shirts OverbfaU 4 Jacketu Mlous in - ioet ,S Hateansd Caps Trankusud Suit Case Nec Wear sud Uolars W. invite inspection of Our- goodo and guaraituee ererything s repreaoted sud soijit your trade. R in ONE OMn"eT1N. I. s s tuai 'uot ia~It rescha. w- 1 Ji (Oçstwuno41tem pagen. 1) Rb .m4 ~I t1ýoat ig o-d a<~ir aN ta b. ~WA. lb board mIrda la i vul~. Jag~~he14gat1à#s*b liciéaMd soi 'vm MM l$ mm "Jt ItI be S55P' l- . L .WIFIPIo theM. E. 0beta ton of a 10iéwwla*àW vo 'm o»" tu &àb a.tàvoa»lca Tii. «om0f. Wsi-*t* ba 4daaw - ~ ~ us stratto Ios b bi*0 *Ssi o m. "M dwer* btta wua t" ie m a' ,*gi d"r e em fr hegM1.' mlsdhso@ oppb b, eVo f mgoo w b" $bs, #« mvDs, kà& 06 biêotï "0 a s ubrt loI To bo . ti *»ul""d ibe rq.. of* aor ta ProppAly. l,*Ëo suy Io b-w u s aitsrebit5 isqueln*i th b çMethi$ jb o05O*II P5 assp. ser palgd a k f h*. die waiitalfosde *~' ~~E "Pleay o, naidv vl ulvai. M ciffl Roubi ToMMa. Ole"ane tmaGrv blond i m im0 o the Uil ait ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ogvo* lb»ret fr ad.drl«i.cf11i4, .,*~~ Y 91f b o 10 be.arram eal of thlist. be irmialusbut hi manYý othhst a volt dutWgtâ nUit year and ga-eMme Unr. 3. W. Colby gave the tralaing ta moun diumpoai*O te s -aad ddlvfr7 on ail aoftth. spectal numbers, aet ta b.eome sucemful men and womes and the. roaulta af ber vorn vers vers l la tir tocattoSa. manked. Mise BIie Wotskopf'e saitatory vas Tiie program vao concluded by a onu-brlef but 4dltvered ln a very -gaod &et comsdy pruentsd by lb.eSeaiors. manner. . Frm the flsv poitt athebclaie the Mit»sGladje Payme's valedictary j4. ntght vau a great Bnfl ess a Oéi 100k drus ou "conservation' showed much lu 8109.25, vhIcb ltgbtly mors than thanght and vas giveu In an abie covered the expensos of the tva ntght- manDer, Ulam Night aud Commencemoent. Prsient R. W. Bnlkley ater a short addrees prmsuted diploinau ta the - The. Commencement exorcise held at twet-lvaD eigbtb-graders and ton the M. E. church Friday ctgbt ve, enors. atnded by sucb a large crowd that Rev. Whtppl, gave the benediction. màuy etra chaire bai ta ho provided. The. planaoaccompanîmenti for the. solos About six bundred aud fifty persans vere gven by Mro. C. N. Durand and attendeê tii.e erelsm. 1fr@. Matto4se preided at the, organ for Tii. audtence vuA greoted vtth a fins the procelast3i and recessional. UONOS ROLL 0F TR I OMTYVILLE PUBLIC SCIIOOL The. following Puplis hava ngt bson tardy for the. entiro year First Grade Jaiephino Eger Julia Galiardi LuetteGolding Esnnatb Krefthmau Richard 14h15 William Lightbady Duil licCatu ClarenceSmith RIchard speulan Edesa Herington Second Grade WillIm Akover' lvood »ok.n Atvla Baker RaiphcOis Gaija Ilpr Godia Félira Haelen ne Esymoni Heer Lanors Lyaua Roi"a Moua Florence [Log#ton Walfleos Ad" laPierce Leroy Quentin Ol"e Bobottaa loues cbauk Contance Schanck Ruthhali.r Deimar S Firal Grade stsnlmy olaa=.o sem Grade A" a ine Third Grade Longiln Cicby Byran Carcaran Silvia Dubi iilan Barttett Ethel Hansn Roaond Esani Frankln Litebfield Idari. Ganlovay Grams oriborot Leo Wagoner Alias Tiionisn DvighLovelani marie Boyeban .Fourth Grade lois Gaglardi Abert 1Henang Roua Akofer . D.NecClAIa 'PendhWoorfdge JesephuneFlamauk Chialer Flaag Elizabetiheoer Frances Chur-chill Marie Boehim Plfth Grade Barry Paliers Phlip IoCrli Elizabeth Aikover Frank Meaitu George B"ien Clyde Brown Loratas Hubhard »orothysuydam John Burt-tge affrart ser Marguerite Woolridge Marjore Muaker EayMotd Gouid Carcis W.gnsr Bilda H-apho fisither Absent non Tordy Third Grade 1f4h Grade eubesiàpoeu Cara Smith George Suyiam sieîn Grade Athony Wambaugb Rat-nette Rnby Agnee Lighbady Flarene Luces Edith Gagliandi D>avid Ftagg Georga Feler. Quita Gotti lient.-Engehbreebl Williamn staplinf Richard Bcank Theodora Kunke Truman Taylor George Jeilsy Seventh Grade Harold Bag.rti Roandi Mlii.t Vine hbéé.t- Jean Ichanci Helen Blkley Drotby Allen Il ih School Be&s AIvrnS Nelie Bat-nett Emma Chamberlain Hîzel Davis Erma Drysr Mani Relier Peari Huahes Allai Rusa Emma 9*1r Marlarte Prims Luella Sanhorn Myrue élmale Edithh Oydani Gladyuud4mu Ed. Volokofii Ruhy Wliam. Mitnk Whitmare Misgh Ichool Bt-a WlIhiam Cbrt.in. Silli D" eCollIe record among Bolateta sitUe for but ter produc.d lu 120 dam .the. aucun tfflng more thsa 541 pounda. ERoi S iii record ila10,4U mou nfor thei e Mm' ea neriod. m M 551 plx frmry cCo. kg Md Pa**%sOoeu, »no f Flore ïom est pracfmg atomeer, W** *hdpo Wamm adeisi. ho Ut f la u Whvio. Sb ~W44 hie bar 10e(M tom- te 1155*.4du mot, tas the lm- auww un=WiR 1>. la nov ta lias fur, a ln4geub la Clar coutr. bis prua.4 bomt. e. ols a enafor- the ropublcan nomnation for couxafi jug., ai. accordins t. bhW t>éttef nov, lie yul cIalathe. nominationsas thers tal*Do oppositon W a the In fec5- ten âgit .bis4 chances are bnlghl bo- cavue 1hi a tronsy republican cous- i. If b.olaidstuat honor, cunstier- Ing the tact tuat ho bas bosS pruotc- log so shiort a time lu the olatu, ho viii have accomplli ed a remartablo achlevement lu a short pet-lad, for, ta ýbé Jbise of apy couty lu Minuois sa Indeed a bbig tor. Four -mon l-lia, Joune 6. Dur svma ,bull clf et thePuàblIC -atm tiaa ftuwme rte: WeSter rderi. toalniet oUmur eth te Un 1h lalel tbé anse em ~ Plaue apbIhaash!aE* iTàrlflismetThi Ptrcie a ane 5pa.Oe Sb1eOr.. hI U spoofrimJr., Qum IL9.Vano lut en, ARA IL eùutilieS at, vi âe-t tain dalry -fartas amr- - Barta lake coonlty, BL Tie CaUi f fthe Rolila varieh at'4 ta a descedent cr out, et -the muth productive ftaime et thé breed la the. vol. Il ijesa«Mil. I Unan sd la cali RIng' Isola Pou lime Chlcago. The o nicer.joiman De "olVau Beers, bhlo atue vorld' ws* a hua. O The omit vas bora o'11eb. 25 <of th.Ysear. sud via. led Mmthe. Sue- Morris lumberg of Wauken tl ien aeem-ni ho b.o mnac ofand I4arld Webberof Lalce lie ovn mpomam eiy ta«iu nla à Via WinSspe. > telle t0thIe dlimmfct i at ten- Édanta. -Auctioneer Kelly 1gthe Si.glnal il'or buebeencouferred om > bail rollilg viitt a bldof $.00. Tire. tvo Laie ComAfy connugo mInimalesai More bide brougÎit .prtota $000a resuit cf -proleney luaschobuirht ti» tu NortbweatemUvJniversity. 1 . 4and tien it vent to 511.00. Th". bave beau eiected ho lte bon- *Then thIe Barhghon -sttiatt orazy fratenothi iovn as "Ordor of W sot hogetiier ani lIme 10dm InupeolCoir a bt-sncb of vuilci ta malulainei pquickly fron$t .0 t 0.0. ain Ubiguniverdtiés..The boys sre: t- "Cheap et thte price," vas thebcoini- o ee tet akfl* * ýment cf Swoe ncer ,tte r, viien thé. ou webbr 0f Laie Villa. ouf vas kncçk*d doèrn ta he1118 at. Wheu 1hla inkuava fat but moen cm" eatate iMqg"&y 5odlî tRaysu dents out ofthi. cam of 72 vers eleef o tehei.frsherti. ani fhele- le have su sutmi liat te the «rstt0f tion vas maie on schùlarshtp stantd- te les breod in tbin~rd'lg only the tiree years tbey bave lý Te cnintObetau5srd forthbeen lau eool, It laseen leyv"on >- full alnouuh sud *ta hO10 taimai la thelr spure" by bard von. Nathan t secti Ixuy o s ai ofon.cfBluuuheg. -)*afler of Morris. vas A miflil lxuryOILA frm -f c 01electqd 1to thekaeridty t Notthue la tse biers. themlatyear. Yo ut to Wkeep 4oin tii. ntffespenmeuof your home. IXau p you. RI~ô Welll gave you many a; dollar bdfore ha» cme. ,W.' âe2 uts'ndaM brandi lu Gtoceeo1Meats, (ksned Fçxu a~ Povlonuueha"are usually, ought by the. mod acrfulbuyum. We arehboreto Plesse and f3aveyou moneyr. ah lIME e To butatify paur Gardens, Vase, Pot-ch Boxe@, vîit bedding plants and Vines, snob as GECRANUIN SALVIAO DAMSES, CANNAS, NUCHI- AS, HYDRANGEA&- OOLUeUSS EONIA8O-SeWEU ALL'YSBUNAGNRATILXSALE LVE]BEXAS, ASTERS; STOCKS, -LOBBL1AS% SINNUS; PHLOXI RALSANS,ý VINCA VINES ANI) OTHERS. Vegetble lant Tomatoou'Cabbsge, Cau- Vegetble Pantsliflower Poppere, E g g Piauts tôeléry. etc. th mes.of mlItas lieà s u val musif cf North i CiO, classiuf tWgiqueon« s&. Th*e otion vIiiiarguai on Tu«eaymomiuq a 'he as et iJ ohnansd Tbouma Wei Satew of North Chîeago, clargsd w»t to b. sella.me& WatoàWter te a p«or cfJohn Wa*tar. The. tadtst mmat l a m or fthe' aoncu snoueo pmices vre the luat sevsen fia la thlime ap of the. f;ther. A ples, of gnttty vas entered. The fine vil 10 Other cassa Up. tFotioving ta the dîspostion of the. otpr cases: Walter sud Stoven itnuse, North Chicago, chânged wvtt sellng liquor ou Bunday-moti an to quaeh; bond ?yhu oeuringer and Edvand Lui, rIjertbChicago, cbarged vith sellins ou Bunday-mation ta quash; bondS fixed et $500. Joseph Harchut, North Chicago, charged vith seiting on Sunday - motion ta quash; bond fIxed et $300). Ândrew KieJico. Chartes (laroscewez and Edward lavonowsky. North Chi- cage. cbarged vtth selllng on Sunday John Flannagan and Andrev Donico, Noýth Chfcago, charged vith sellng on Bunday-moti>n ta quitsh; bond fixed et $500. Ignatz Stotaraki and Andrev Ozde- mataki. North Chicago. charged vitto eeiltng on Bùnday--motlon to, quash, bond fied at $500. Stavan Kovaco. North Chicago, fai. ed ta malte an appearance. John Janais and Antan Sabelausiia. North Chicago, charged with eelltng on Sunday-motion to quashi: bond fired st $500. Joseph Koziolainsd John PeptawskI, North Chicago, cbarged wtth seeting on Bunday-motion ta quasb; bond 5ued at $5Q0. Josephi and Catherine Karaeek. North Chicago changed with seiling an Sunday-motton ta quagh: bond fix- ed at $500. Chanles Packovekt-made no ap- pearance. Frank Stupey-made no appearance. Edvand Speliman of Htghvood. chargad vitb .elltug vithout a itcense -pleadei not guftty; bond fixed et $500. Margaret and Ttodora Faveili. of Htgbvood, cbarged vith selitng vtth- Iont a license-wilI maie their appear- anc. tbts aternoon. Li John Drtlett of Diamoni ak Imaie no appearauce. Edwari Kelly and Burt Tuiiy, Hait Day. cbarged vtt selling vithout a ltcense-motion ta quasb; bond died at $500. Chrtst Boyecbov and son o! .Ltberty- vilne, cbarged vlth seltng tn anti-sa- loon terrttory-motion ta quasto; bond fixed et $500. Frred Brao, ltbertyvile-made no appearauce. Herbent and Peter Soreneon. Liii- ertyville, charged vith sefling ln anti- Maounterri tory-motion ta quagii; bond ixod at $500. Charles, Cross gighvoad-made na appearan,.e. Charles MU.fgvood-mads no appearauce. Christ Boyaciiov and sonl of Ltber- tyville.-cbarged vitiisellngi thout a license--motian tod quaab;'iioni fred t $500. Fred Endorlin of LUbertyvitte. charg- ed vith s.ltng lu anU-aaoon territory -motion to qussb; bond fired at $500. Arthur Eehm. Fred Schmit sud Bd- vit-i Wagner, Ltbertyvllo, chat-sed vith sellins ln auti-maloon terrttory- motion 16 qnaah; bond fred aht$500. James Brovn. Libertyvitie, chartso vith selins lu anti-saaoon tort-ftory - motion ho quaah, bond fixaiat $500. lHerbert sud Peter BerensonuLiii- ertyvillo, chat-led vtth sellins lu anti. paican taitory-motion te quash; bond fixai! t $50.. L. vrdw t oKilysud Burt Tulsi of t-Malt Day, chargesoi viiiselfug lu suti- saon hrritory-motton ta quaaii; it bond fted et $500. Hou»«ri and Elvard Docyle, Wada- vortit. charred wvthh seiliug luanti- 0 saloon t#rrtony-mahlon ta quaalt; bond frxed aht$500. 1 Flower & Vegetable Co.- Libertyvîlle. lu. OUJT OF TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Bell PHONE 10 System 7plays strange tricks. It cannot be. depended upon when calling a telephone number. Limitless combinations are pos- sible, with numbers. It is easy to get figures transpos ed. Many wrong connections can be avoided by always referring to the directory before making a cali. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Aurevm, Manager Teisphea Mi I WJIAT'S THE USE OF OEfl'INO MOT I bocauseOour tovu bas sono dry? WC have any amowt of PURE ICE Phone.41 Libertyvifl ceCGo. e Ubertyville Rwi~ PlsOff Vour Cçpo ViWth FL Y KILLI3I Does ual blister or maie hait- ticky. .Pt-aven the bettethe ti. m et. $L0O per gallon F. B. Loveli C.,Lbertyville Merédith 0 wo. I . -ý 1 si reste tom boaum Jury beu et tlb laina@ but-la bis b el forli bhou abat ont k loyer. tiat rele bot-se the.h, au" lth tookti ai.e b BOoud Chat L itook I tour y bOlonq thatut lio. 1 biub mTei tii. zoome(f tone e makey aheiPa lototlu cruiste de su