LA IE GONY'INDýEPENDEN VOL. XX 1.-NO. 39. 'TWELVE 'PAG» A"TTIE ~K COUNTY, 14j, »>4>AY, JUNE 19,1914, NETO$1HT S 50 PER YBAR IN ÂDVAN(;k, I. NMES DLEWTfe TO STAIE1»ITINM Attorney James6G.WeIoh 1 Down- on the PrograMi for One of the Tafic. EGER IS ICE-PRESIDENT. Program of the Convention la Reoeived Here - County Clerk Hende 1 Attend. Waukegeu. lune 12. James G. Weicb of Newport, chair- rmanai tire Laie coaty board ai au- ptrvisors, bas nsmed thre delegatonu ai supervibons f rani Lake couuiy toaet- tend the. 2ti annuel convention ai supers isors. couuiy comrnlsslonens sud couîty clenksoaI llinois ta bel lreld ai l' eorla, Augeci 4, 6 sud 6 of ttis year.t Theiul oluwirig supervisons vers îramed as delegattea: Henry Eger. Libertyville. James 0 . Weicb, Wsukegsui. OrnaGoaa. NonthirUcago. Couniy CienkI 1evA. lHeur Chiran Welch alao plan ta attenrd the. Convention, so tiret Lake cnunlyà wili hc represented by luve delegates. Supervicor Egern4 icsres Iresideut o! Lire association. Supervisor Welclî af Wauiegan ia do.rnarr tire prognaur for a tala ta ire deliiered an the ait- cenoon ai tire secod day. Ris talk sllb. ripour cauuiy business. Variaus larmeaifamusement ihavej been provided an Liat tire proablby wil nat b. a doit moment during lhe convention. On Tuesday, Lire opening day. tir. deiegaiea wiliregiter aethlieJeffe- sou botel et Il oclock., Thennfilow- log Lthe routiîne busines aiofpening Lie convention. speechies ai veicome. etc.. tue delogates viii board mreei cars aud maie a visit ta ithe manu- facturing distrct, alcudlng tbe tarig- est straight wvisky datihiery ln Lhe varii, lu Lie aveuing Lire menvwM hoM a sniaier lu Lb. gold room ai Lhe bote] and tueir vives viliib taken ta Lb. movles. On the, afiernomo f tire second day c drive uirough tue Peoria pari dis- trict ha. been prepared for the ladis. ln thse evening tue delegat«s.and tirI vives viii b. laien ou a teanibont1 trip up threIlilinois river, atappig at AI Profco amusemeut pari. Ounlb.eilird day the isdies viii b. taien ibroâgi Lthe shopping district. whbie tTbe convention le lu session, lu Lic atternoon tbe location af tire con- vention for neui pear viii b. upon. Tue election of offîcers aise viii taie place. Dinuen viii b. penvedl ci 6 oclock ai '*Ye Oid Tavera" on Peorta Helgits. enlulLo ire Lbe cooest sud Prettieit spot la Peonla, This place viii bc reaolied by street car. The supervicors hbda cshort cio- las session oday, taiing up mereiy routlrvs mottera. Adjourumeul vas laies ai noon cubjeciotahLbcai oi lbe Chair.hIf atbongbt tue board viii couvons about tlbtirsi ai July vben IL la expecteul Lb. Commitne viTT b. ready ta present plans and speea- tins for the uev haspitl buildig ai the Laie Couniy sanitarluni. Tue aary ai Suponintendent Appi.y Of tue couaty fuax t Libertyvilel bas -beaun rale y tue supervisons tram 800 ta 8e0Wa yar. Request of P. IL Mular for rebte of 870 tates Peid bY staire va. ne. fenred te commfttce tahinvestigate. The board. on reqem of Conradl and oaf Mns.PaLShart, Yv ota air ta tue vif, tue maney due due Shart ai $9 a day for cmring for the ni» pozjratiit mav* enaiscion tueh ai norllu of tue bailm.. MM future ps" viii b. given- tu b vte Ir lupeii sc ona nsodecides, ithe board Put- tintue mattor Up ta hlm fon deoia Îbas at ecsuppoting bis vif. U.COasaétnécd-Mtie bonid tirat SIPAmt o ion r bi tRoN lm PMY.1ýàPM. _ 8111f _7Tbe hoard ai>*id tire pâtup cMd melclsafanrithe staf14 road ahtalc villa, l'àe"eo00"t#. Tii.tat;b blghvay cmmismotn aunauuded tui 1h capects a 0arad catzacla lis ah pringfeid n ai ethnt a sre-m vison bdse a pened. Tue commis- cetatlve of Ike connty be proent dslo estimai. proviies for tva mlles ofaicd cash of Laie Villa. 10 test concret., ln conter and four feet mac- a~ dam au\etuier pîde, excepting au ths 4huIs and cuis viiore It viii ail b. cou- mnce; cout ta lie $26,970 (bide are ex- pected ta hocniuch leas). Robert H. Dady bas lheu lnl Circuit court a bill fon partition agaluet Clam- ent Iterrimas. Thip la doue& luarder te socure a dMvi"o atiâe properti etc<vbleh Dadyovuns a ext Us WilIm . Hamington Charge udbn»Wlth Ne-0 oting 11)SUport Her. Rer beaitb gos. Sud ,r lftti. girl 4«tng of tubicullSe lre. William IL. larlugtan<'viue oc the son a1 the. laise toehn IH. Hailzgtn 01 High- lati fer la asking her huaband to contribute ta be r support. Six. uaya tint tarrington desertad ber ton years ago and vent ta Pana- Me. He va. arete4 in Chicago m"y. ali dayi silo, lollowlng bis arrivai ber. after bis fatiier'a funeral. chari- ed wltii falliW gta cantrubute ta the support of bis faanlly. "He ba.$60,000 comlng te, i- bis shar. of the. est at. lot yb>i ta- ther," sald Mrm. H&rrington. "I aiea understand that he bcd $1,000 In bis pocket at the iltme of the arreat. Yet, reapIt, bis -prasperity, neither the, chiudren for myseif have recelved a cent front bis for ten years." Tiiere buc been a fight over the Harrlngton estat, for smre time Ir, the courts oi Waukegan. Harrlngton. with other heirs, la coiût etng thie wilI agalist hlis stepmother. Mr%. Ceorgiana Harrington. SALON MEN AT FOX LAIE ENTER 'NOT fiUlTY' FLUA Are Charged in Information by State's Attorney With Vio- lating Sunday Law. MOVE TO QIJASH IS DENIED. Attorney Orvis Is Given One More Week in Which 10 Pre- pare Cass for Trial. Waukfgan. lune 15. Waooniieepers tram PoitLake who have been cbarg.d witli keeplng their places of busines aopen on Sunday In Informations Ilied by St.ate's Attorney Dady made their appearance lu Caun- ty court tuis morning and tbrangh their counsel eutered a motion ta quasi the, Informatiorkz. This motion was denled by Judge Percons and the. defendauts tixen entered pons of flot gullty. Their bond& vere fixed at1 $500 each and upon furnlahlng the. bat] they were ailowed ta returu ta their homes. The names of the. defeudants are: Soren Matheson. Peter Cicyton and Oliver Wood. Gadfrey Johnson. Otto Schuieneunan and Edward Ficii- ter. Attorney Orvia appecred befare tb. court thls marnlng and pleaded that the condition of bis eyes ta sucii that h. bas been uuabie to prepare buff mo- tions ta quasii the lndlctmenta lui the cases af the. saou meni wbom b. represests. He preseutad certificates f rom physiciens siiowlng the condition of bis oez. He vas given until next Monday ta maire bi& mations. Tii. caffl In whlcb Attarney Welchin sthe. coun..l for alokeiiers wii li e amg- ed ou W.dneday. Tiie regular jury tersai ofCounty court.opene tauxarrow vltb the. iearlug ai civil caes. Tiiee sir ta ho foIIowed by theo u camnes. th p ii w c ulasiqc wouam'.sueff ak, wa. recel ll.vlng hat tbgr&-wesa boe id t the creceut Doitoa tovumb4up keas.The beiis'ot thxe e* test for the. MOU Cit offIces *op l on june lot but vas eOatWi"5for thlrty days, and no doubt for the Dur- pose of gettlng tii, rullug an the.suf- trage 1mw. The. oilices cantested art tovushlp amaeamar, asslmtait suporytviorsél* l«etr. ccd blghvay comuxllaixer. Wlthi te h, aifthevoie lotes, Zianý cadidates won tbhp eotion iy a large majarity. The bopes ai ithe judependentslp ZMOU aU elseuber.là~ Lake couv4y'are thus Éattered. lale Coutya bg woé'-MN» bitsÀ1TtIJVN~,Excingle Pl~ace ai 1g3MLIVE*SKUNK Attorney Wm. Fabry AdmitsERKN 5Bc( TUN i%.~ WTliFox Lake-,JLLBE USD BY Hus N oe Strctues.i EREALTY DEAiR S Sunk for the »TimdTre. HueT____Pae. E L Y A M S TcWate Gedyàb amWCbile It bas iueen reported st var CÀ,sgo0Ped auenc V LV I A K ý ez tbat the, new building b.r- À E V U 0I~K N N C K ToWiterGucdisO*, fmousIce uuv iN TAL 12g constflucted Irn Zion City an the A E V U M t.owes hbisllte, corner nortlieast of the Mion Set.e Daniel MoÇArthy of Lbmy Laurence, vIith Wee friends. apent 18 Prepared to Use This Offen- bank, wastelbe umed ais a ite for a HIS N ERVOLIS S Y S T E. M Ville Passes Away After Re- the day et Fox Lan d a long-dis- sieL eAnmln Talk rgoe the f t' a ie opened lnTEE, M CAE sn Liteiancle ugeimalunutha i u, aremot eenofficially HTE D, MAI«D markablë'e Part of Lf.- Christiattatna ueet kon htsuhar h pas on Christias n Science. AttY. Win., Pabry, wbo la building, FROM HIS RECENT EX- ed. Laurence va. te mirie the swim the ie tructure. vblcb viii be 25 test KNEW DEATH WAS CERTAIN. and bis friends roWed by his aide, 15T SPA IN CI GO y0,tastitacmnyIbeig ER NEAD.UTR- ready ta dragtblM nb the boat foruned wblcb yl aperate a drui EINEAN UTR- Mot nuua CseTht asshul h bco» 2" ln the store and that It wyul b. OVRN FO1A T Mosi Unal CtoAsenTt Han sbuof .heao .ahassmte shreSays He. Expects 10 Have Time ready te open lmmediately citer the:' OEIGFRMA T BeenCalId 10Attetio of beu bout2~ est om te ebrea e lnshed. cI~ ~ thre swlmmer was cuddenly taicen of His Life--Aiso to Use Ti"re uidin ataca15 u TACK OF PNEUMONIA' LIU UIVIUh crampe and vii a dry he San{i. Dynamite and Arsenic. the apper fluor wl;l ,b. used for al REALTY DEALER IS PRAC-, D.anel McCartby, of Libertyvilie Hls comrades, Inittele et Jumping lan-_____dance hall aud lodge rn.Th' faet tb. man vbo lved for aver ten ta the vater ln au effort oe rescue Zion City, June 13.-Tu referring ta j that admission la madea daruce hall TICALLY CARRIED FROM. VORva f lateouperate wiii ceuse as much af menthe wltb £brokan neck, paased Ihfm, started lfor ebêfé ti> get belp. tobbacea usera oiv reruently o ase nosm gti.nbîarsa TRI BY RO IE AN avsy et bis home.,iriday afternoon esti u..einalai o RI YBRT4RAD cloflg one ai tb. most reurarTrable Gunderson, wba bas a Camp at the the, Word skunk. But it was rv.ot until Zon as tihe mer. fact tirai a dru periodmaifiongevity, foilowirr.g a fa-. lake, heard the. cM and plrugrd jute 1 Yeiferday ire made up bis mind. se:1 store la to be orreaed. Eacb 1s equal- FTE-NLW IT N mi CCdeii intlis eerbee rcor- he atr sd wmmraiderothe cording ta repart te use a reai live :~troe ythe Zion people. _r For 1 M. Fabry declares ire doesn't ses.1 op EN CARRIAGE menute. hlstory af the Ciofuiy. FOr drosreing ama, via bcd guru-dowa skunk tu demanstrate his ,rsi'lan i rr-< the authorifies can Interfere he kew as mpedingove bi. jfor the third time. Thre sa terhat tierP wali sametinig more than .w iiitir.heopenlug af a drug store lu, ie evu ytmsatrd i Over teu monthe ago. Dirulel Me- 1gulded by butrblet couliiug troni below, tmaoria m frred t hiîeaît e city even thougb thre Voive juo- i yial r ier o Snytèm aiatee. ia Catywsfudlylut alor,-,aide of df oa n ntcfrtatarî ieoo htcre rmti fle isoppose the uspeto!drugs.lie layeibstlcniio owa i e doedon adontetiretvas found mal.Tire Christian Scientistsasys a he looks for uo trouble but it is gers- not stand uuassisted. Robert J. Ers- tire railroad ttack l a ws etern clty yby I sarec ete ufae klîuk viiimell as Sweet as, s bauý- ,rrally feit tire Volvites s lii maire Iue ad hl!bsfre ef friends. lits head nssdoubled un- qeroffugbt f yu haureu s kieehadtbeshllsfuisfomeaSlf dorneath ui.' lie-had fsllen shile trira i lovrif yo sunk îheplaoi, a peue fr u pevn fhe ar I sned un Waukegan front, Minneapol- wligabou t tic '-aliroari yards ln oIlsrin t brlm,-titn in h rto'nrgbcruredr stores hase al. is oser thre Northwestrn ibis morning. wkI)Og 1> flthUYU andom* YiDbismeetOngandi Oe b es rai sa - reitboe aia i~ He waa accompanied by bis brother. trc ith- rra %'Illuau'Xee an NScieuce friands e chance to thiînr so, 1). M. Enskime. a Highland Park bank- irt. dunso rdai- lhatlmi r-DJIHellChiag, ad ivebusCbosnau__.__Gril-___ t.Paul raiera .lu1 ra arr,' LIfIfwLV1 i asiso have a siedge bammer U Y~ IElersd his iauirer-i-e Jh .Ui explin e bd sumbid tat 55la stick ai dynamite sud a glas aiTO his home or. North touhty Street fin- ail. EA uElL i pure vater Tire ChrîstîaSu rni nir ftJ ediately and was put ta bed..Borne leliesig.tirai bis necir was broken FAIllERS D EÀ)TAisas thre- a glssz af vater utinng FINI) CRIM ELL rnt iris clasest fnienda wba saw bIp be vas8 tairen to a bospital tirere fol- deadly Poison wili bave no effert ou îraclIcally carried hl.m fror tbe trai. teithaeranciic io was lot oeaAtu tho aOSOl ,* ie buman body If you belles. e Ir in4j toa awalting cerriage hardy rec- but tbat be lad ruffered e siroke ofl mite can be reudered powerleas by ____THS_____ fi frcrn the exirerieuce be lias undr- apoplexy.le vas sent ta bie home 14Ya rowfls With- rute same process. Volve sa goîag tae gore >u -ietylle br vf sdni -- s ai someone wbo professes ta beileesMn h W sike b u- What he needa muet la absolute children awaited hlm. Agatn an ex- I ..--~.LIr Mrs. Eddy's theory ta demonstri ~ - ret a h a ae noC si.k3" DasId M. Erakine declered ta- aminsiion sas muade by physîclaus thier belief beiure ane Intelligent audi- LoUy iear- Grayslake Will day. The physicien vba attended Who coniraîed tire decislan af tbe -DROWNS IN A L BAYOU. euce. Go toth outyFrb im aitXMinneapolis ir,!armed us tiat rallroad physiciens. Ta streagtben A OLIf 1 only lied a real liv. airuiri" OîueCunybam is condition la such that ir viii taire tbst belief the ma-n bcd becameparti- adVlv teohrdy 1d igfraur a mOatb te six veekR ta r.- >01 paalyedbutth vitimhimsel ý od Reoveed Da Aler it irh me ta my meetingte O HE HAS ONLY ONE LEG. Icuperate and becorne bis former sef. maiutained tha* b. vas net sufferiug LtibitmFelIt h iestr% tHall next Suudaysd ed*'____His nervunacondition la net tbe Abrout alfapelr. uprvsrCenee wbeulisr tire la a follover of.n oe ay tbiug vith wbicb the physicien Abutswekag Sprvs r iny Deep Stream. 1 tirs Eddy vira believe that e skuuklnSm Manner He Lost His 'Muai contesi as Robiert lis huai emerg- Eger of Libertyville bedaine interest ______smeîîa as swept as s bouquet af rases. a,tu Iur d. . ga fraur a severe a-tack of ppinu- ed lu Iis Case sud eulisted the aid of Fniends aifltheÂÀig Ycmily.vbo 'i >,uon ay tîli se.'" ode '- NarGrasike moula. Tii.Minnapolis pvifiyc Dr. A . E . Brava ofibfis City. Cmnuty llved for seu.'ra-l yeehs iluhryileboIv o a, e chance ta gratiiîfn ano idI. dsciared tbat badl net my iirotiier pirsidan.ta aiean xa tton. bavejust rtcevivcf ' iW6 ube deatu bis visir. for Sare csrpeiuera va ______been disoovered vben ho va. ho Tiei mortunste man vas hraUUsItetaoniArthur Acers. I( yrs ol nd, vbo ver. movlng e baud stand frour Shi- 18IT Waraefor sa man wlth two voulut bave coliapeed aisédied, 9. Waukegau sud Dr. Brovwnrmade an vas drowueo a îew diys mgo et Hans- lob park yesterdey. auddeuly ceame 1odlest * 'Iniornied tu tht ualy bisl« id X-ray examination ai the sfiecied peut tou'> Tex. C. F. Acers.thue boy's fa- across a nest oi akun'in. The motb- s algi oeon ftheru physiquie end rou Icoxaistuim bave sud faunaitirerua had net ausiained tber, died lu Libertyvilia huat i egir er ai the lhuer shoved aigit, and 0OR eushlied him ta wvhebtacd the ahock stroke aiopf x. uYis ea a rs teae dy before bis non vas eruitted e volume af offensive odor 16 UT mare pitiable for s ma titvudiae iTdte ea sufferlug iroru total paralysie oi tire drovned ln Texas.1tirai ailuni up thé viiole towa. Evert with a waoden lep ta lose thot man"' n ea.Pu leit aide crented by spinal degenera- C. P. Acers eus, velT icovu ln Lit)- ýtire pôtmaster trustbils bead out af pmrtcular leg? Wn aS.Pu litou tram presaure, caused by s broken ertyville. Tire tarlly came original- 1 tire door and voudereut il a troupe oi Mr. Erakîie veut to St. Paul firct, tertabmre. ]y front Texas aud moved bShate ta ti Chinese pirates bai sudderly carne rp WHICH? but et tint point bis meu"mar eid Assurei that iis' neci vas broken state onny a siroriturnme gM. Youngi iroru the laits vith a cargo oi tireir to lave hlm a. be dosenat recafl and that ire vas acceomplîshinug pome- Acera, vlthbi brother, Itarry. Il famaus haud-granads or "ýstink-pots" Thioma J. Carie, a criipie, sien er. havlng gone ta MlnSeapoiis viiere hic ttilugtunliving tint no other mau bai yearm nid, sud enotber samsn boy, bcd Here vas Voliva's opportrrnity. He relgned ln cour.ty court Sat, June 13 vile', parents reside. ever ko ta daolitis section ai gons ta Buffalo irayou ta pay sud vould Justtlaire on. ai uhoce skun%&, t eemn htbro a .vs Deep dovn lahiebis ub.cseMiania CnOvDurta a bd 1mbeWbletheeve. layng beta rirmetin i th Orietra-ra-lubovever, iber. vmS .Oeodmg. thre cutry the. man eundt i ot hlete ee atstet hemeigi h rhsr lInsae. The compWant cbargiug bim tuet dlrected im ta tbat city tu&. home and prepcred for deti. The Acers-boy sllpped itb e bayou a-nd aud et the. close ai iii, addrss, Ise"Bal terrible suspense va. ended friday sani front sigit. stould pr-jduce that miuna. and Chris- viii being mentaliy unbaiauced vas cauced hlm ta realis4 upan hic arrivail ai ternoon. Mrs. Acers. vira la e irclned nurse,, tien Scientiste vauld bave a eusep'l- Signet] by a prominent resIdent o tuer. tbmt there vas aravmflo bd was avay frour home et the lime, lent aup)ortunitj- ta demansirate t mse.vir rebdbnpc-sbauld cee. Juat vbo Liai soméeof 14.,. À TO VOI nuringin Mntrse, e GayBlke hereCare bal ben- va.-wube did fnot knov. M. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~_ W.A OA OX ubn nM urs.&fslonable tire audience ibeir uireory ibat a sItuai prt af HoustOn. fearry ralbome,. vili smeTT a. svCet as cl bouquet ai eut up vandering about the mreets mct- He could Potn remember tue s2m0 screaming tiietbi brathu asrases If yau wyul 'anly thinir no." lng queorly. The jury &fuer lîsîenîng --meltb.r couli b. reluomber the de drovned but coId net firv bis nia- Voliva bled up ta Sbilla park as ta the evidence hi tue case declded dreoansd vbat vas more ta the. pofat t'yTIh r sd sire did not lea-rnof tise as- soon as ibose atunks ver, dlscov - -- tut Carl. va. net Insane, but recour- he fargot bis ovu usine. - It la uhb~bt R T R TC N I cideut for severai hours., ed, sud elgbt ai ibem ver. placed iu mendeà tint he b. sent ta tue county ho vandered about Lb. streteofiaitss Tii boy vas drowned Mosday. lRte a box ready for ahupruent. Airi uov poor fart ai UÀbertyville viie.he neapolla for at IWO day.. boy eva. recavered Tueoday and hb. floiers of Mrs, Baker FEddy viliicasa be cared for ns a orrnty charge. Promtstreet ta street b. vs*dgird- AT TOLEDO MI3ET vas burled WXedreday et Horieton. have ample opportunty ta prove their Carie apaared lu (0$aymîesie ae stopping people sud seeklsg acM0*uO- Tii. iyolyrtundtoTxa heorles la regard ta thei. "uni no" days egoansd acted queeriy fronii, viahocauid direct hlm ta tue place 1W Officiais of Head Camp 10 Re- fev menthe ego.falo Bayou lova ubeary, On]y, Ihnilght bhoagond sug- start. He pailiti. -atieutian ta any vmcted ta go athaugi b.coouM 5MM ibrougb Lie beart Hu stai crl bas gestion for eitber Voliva vuiwat tiTi one but vas quit. noticeable f ront furrNisiitue naine Of tue iParty lill train From Urging Changes qlnimed anmny ives. Tbo ittran ,the. postludo le playod by the orguM lthte tact tint on. aof hic legs vas dut vanisi ta cee or tueur a"drois dee an traceros ad he énis r tll heChrst"Scentsteliaiet ofmnd be got araunul turrough the This ruuhi bave povdt. e mi> ai Comning Convention. gootralgbt dovn. Whe uyorye bave a chance ta get tieir tuinklng assistance ai a voodeu log. eudis ecrch bad bo unit 8dcSltye- faits lsU1dlse fortune l k tiapparatus blgb enougi ta revnier me Ho vas tLd ta louve the village on cotai &a-mcc via Me5cf tu le00 Waukoan, Jus. 13 ho gantrally dSrvsi -tla emes. Volva tatseu-yos-evermi differeut occasions bfiloutstoit40r mnelgiir Idta bo O Tii. Important event of the. vee la -toisdcy tbat he viii bave "isireis of ta do no. anh.lisueva ~UUIAfan" ai bis meeting ln Chicago ta- Thea a day or tvoamgo, vile van- bi condtion au ohm d if 1110 fraternaelisurance circles la tue tri.U1NJS morrov. dering about lu tint vlclnty he )oit came papor ln, hic s e0 enulal meeoting of tue iecd cccmipcet "5 hu vc loeu . ust boy uoc one mema ol iiaaver eiUhé>W tue Modem Woadmeu at Amterica, w î'il'n ta uuderstndA searci vwu inas- Oae u OtS i 0h10. foLtt RU Kb r s u n oe o twu ocddthe id i; t r Ohio. declded ta mot ma" Carievas bgcuglit 0.M Gis e u at meetlzW 0f Lie bond DmoinW IIV g hie uhe<ingrc iadlu tis mcunTt a camp the order bas beau ersgsged la Ur 9 P I N I lut luJpe hi isberiibsmanng 'I f tue md a eoU« overtner«» rate. T ý t salivés, Walit vau -deiemuhed itiat heom adaneoramdbyth peWActin Takos U June ALAtJ neitbiu. * io ata se4 t by *'-.-Tu$mta te ecunty-frni. Hé IRla.ld cm Chcevaitr 2jIr4 th le COu*i< #a -h.4-'- t o aeLd Ormysiake r.cidentâ tslia iý,àwý : em eu« an ffý&,g J Kt:hoeSUU *rrùoi IAo nt 1 5hil aide W@p meo m a tnu * il dbafluew TOue'a ied ae r. tidh% ofai nlcevile vier. e - *le, wt_ When U w.XSiwn Ê $hOlYt1Nine Waua'oe#iid«l Whvia erti taW À b iLUl& l 5. f'oI4a ckite ~ i ic 0 trm bad a close escape tram Meet-b â r~ wMa i i e réeoected as heé, 'fa-r mla ua)lorhy cf delaegates bolge: boc. ,juat ite r les Actiochtaohir hW tblinlu rlat i Ceuu oini, 1tp»Ms, fppr. lis a d4» wNi th B avoeia obu a be ec 3,,sddrivai tmt«'Ud ita jas&i- nrl.tiqîfr'i...j bile 1111110 - cf EaisISOpflli. beg.flta taIp.n sop, i>tomesBalaà e uneywne ig ai yý :ý - . _ 1 1 ' ., . fthbeds tqM. 1 1 )meagged 0ia Tp ta isetyy iciore ýl al n if.'ef lugo ie »cfléages, hSfM in rgo tliSe Na ws4 ,citesrover gand thai t. ov wlodBd idorb ba nker, udla le o Bluff, ail tue va tbey m anaged taescape belng'burt. tue oalyin spirent for -tOui aci. oe' 1? Tii.truck vas nlgbiMdbut it wvas -y b SB wlois -l founi t licdbecauamigent t ift h esad tI~stsre.vsc so __________haine dravnod iPistabité,lake wvile Ssi. Mid 1h WU li tiiicriesRuoseniWamty uta t--t lentIn Wisr the pase«gre bild te 4 4eaau.emch. g pe icrday W rù.. dUrt.o aiM rodes hluTek. oomty, hbas ae ompUlsied. «ftmWtuiegan boiug called ta 4eomulaamwdby bi is nlohn f r l vry Y buoalem. rwmetvd as IlvtIàtieh t e ou" ,"0ue cmM~ OCl' * ý~tilr assistance. lThe tonminatlan of SciierPingbmihoelait tue City Bat- Mr- Uslrm deia ltla il Il; WbctotD IL. o& une 1 tedA, ridan Rond asolatip,"m rdyfrto ti O heWb tmo, agosé rcadp day elobraiom.tbe'ile Ioirlest ondeavors tu 1 the accident, vbici accurred about y u iv»isi t = *ltel#n*01ik= 0=10682eils ho ut r.cuqae: Wiiem ý «taml b55Si" X", hhPOll«tle 5 0. f t- 9 o'ciack, va. mnat lortunate con- sc n eltoearntiebigto Ik bue hu& nà godmasocsi 1= e &= b**aw* *d ouulP»«i. rnthat theecd bigtamatrucrkdbrdgertuicuitermccy rmilty men, &W, gaci roedtu t t a tearndsa fé P1*sMOOrd a nd 1155504 m thenlug L. bgTrcivetcgr u0dertov cariied tue body scoder brauiir pute bis viole spirit lat a, Er vpeoli ays ihet Iqikee ccoû hie Oe nin - v i dtb.snime pililng. fréni vqmItre u asTrea deg ikb basa Dlnprogroea4M neei a 84%lai eulguxeuL 2IR' csi*6hIMmre cea. hi Mlüy.lw" 0ssae ishnrges -à poctehatn ou iib 3tiahave doe. -c - 1h Thase vho bave îgrpïus the tmnIIy cc vi dfioTî. 'vlle tu saecbise noergo f lbAc s'qad Wiile ik nived ta shpv tir440. ait Gerge <G. PRourtiil, - que tien ,Thbody wf. tMmo»> tota t eclabic bu alose mani@*e tu m WeOU tue, vans.- k% = :,tru-for a- resident drugs fWucýaiilb lo oi mL ---rbe-e n,.,. t Wit dm1, er tbre shce dhiâmbi au heiuriy t îtrutcf Wab u m,ebo' .4..0f r ld ie, viore an Inqu e vlcluity. harty before i 4sep cl stu -.bsmule.Ribioa edMndymrig eaac eidma opce aDbtueis socarryt ev ra t has\c ci vaslarge re-inauraruce deuivoeu laVP cd vâ" itu as, 3 - -50presnnthomè te IMM 551 Iy aRaton, netied hum an unuouiily large 4ee0 TA"---- ---- -New Mexico. Tié lndeped uiedc s a. miuban. ir, -1, 4