Ilim sUpon Several1 ~forNew'Trilsiuinc HuiedBefore.Him 1-.iT FOR HOMET In Some Cases Nw Were Granted-4i Ot They Are Denled. Circuit Judge Chares Doui lody competed l»hia vaetip& mtions for nev trias lico» ver. beard befare hlm el *tenm 0f court. and reluruad hone. - lai iehe .cf Reydecker -'strung 6 nev trial vos grast ffl tke te third lime il wiii have icen ieard. In lie case of Uverla va.1 tu vici lMra.Evert& va. gii iet of $1.750 agoînit the. sut( Ou ber compiint liat ho bai menut ofmokng odrunktar lie plaintff remitel 8760 of .'4tat. leovlng il et111o.000. Sbw- alothelb court deniedai -a foanev triai az4d au appeal Ia, the case of Pope rs. Q vhîcl; a verdict of $P,w00wva. the_1.a1h ofliMm. Ethel P. 1% -ýïkliefl hi o itreot aMr 101u1ft lie motion for o nov leied sud an appeal va. 41 4eaendAnt costenda thât Inau - xvàa. Wau al W o1Ironiais - çmpanui rigt of vaY berl »Ot enLtitil ta a verdict. A DuMon fer oevtrW wu bal Judgmententered lu the «Mo±nde vs. Smithi viccila borne demi. The verliet ivo S tu hie cmaOof T*levraki W'eV*r O aieerei.meU n4v trial àva.grW ola. t ball la en tie.ircua verdict sonl fRot bave bh. ?cWevsi va . wutram cilcagc *piut uriomu us., Deea abe&8 slp te bavoelieou unI U*qaeet Iq e ie ierax î-ut lich'exatomobile. Aumm.afero-ses triai 8"s ppeel v 1. et Walton vs. J" a note ma#t«. Z IbUea d su d I 817si;la tiiemin& doMneither treszthena or weak- rh IN ¶euif this la trie," laid Voliva, "AU the. poor or ChiSigo have tu do latombraco Ch-WLslan Science and fi rtii., woold have no neel forver clothnln hi nter or for fool ta notir- bsiitb. 1 auppose the Chirstian (se a ilatsevntaog as us aseveryosie inowa il. was as bot asn _-! Tbey gay that Jesus did rcýt dOAY ie on the. cross, that while He vas lni tii. 1mb tbree days and nights be atudlod Chrstian Science, that Chris- T a n Sco tience le the Holy Oboat, ami thra Iat the blood of Christ vas of n more avatl when shed than when lu hie veina. cinelly tu- ! >Gdt1Whe± hinapiemy!' ses whe te deny the 'Lrd Jeu.s Christ la tlii the let; aneand thn clalimta be Ciii.- lt iitilac. Tbey go imder the gulue of Ir pinot çrwtd Vanid thson deuy06.Vert ent. Tut ota fere laino salvation xcept he casesthrougi the shed blool of Cbrist for the remisuan etf ai is, ondyet tht. POI*iik vouian dentes Iliat Christ died on the en a ver- ros onkeeper "IVBthte Mast terrible thlrw ever1 àbeen lhe vomited ot of bell," ail the Over-t rd of hlm see«. a. be aumnled up lbe teachitigs 'the. ver- ot Christian Science. The devil, muatI JiiOi th'& have he u iek aibiestsomaeb 'beft a motion he vomtel fitout. 1iinteul tauwage al wuI ta ~ ~ w.tiu-a l e culate*bundreda of thousatida f tracta )gboraie ln Irongiont tilla pountry and thle worid. given for varni«tie people ta beware of tbls triat wu aten The __________Cil _ STATE a sSUPI. WRTES r pu 0b0 ON M #lm SCIGOS sael P U su lente,! te ««usofi aoaires a a for $76. ruv. Fred Ion for oa lie ceint atanama a ou giron. i) and vas eiiel. lie tr lie li. a ù& frbut i Wa. q3e- ieftg thle oui a Id- b. Z4o0 Oo see taosWilh gmph* l'at Hlm Churh la "tie mms.gady'$. misAYSSCIENCE iS A GftAFT. &ysla c lrs i huatemi. 'dChrimUa. Sol.pc. fouot 16ebi: Anytlatha veni.feunded, hal asWéitm imomi, fsourit A yci4 #mm..théi.Aulionaecame ie.h vit: "TbieAmeismaini;a vea faled bhàu' a ws-4lith 'Tiser.tee 1 601141% o renailte INY eey attmail ite," rmipendmd Slargo adudiecegreetal Voiira i l'eorciostrabithaCilcogo Sunînu', As aie5c l quiget im lie ai Wpf eau i "Iue lealiga miaitsMd lirai! ta Ua" a isl eIIs.lcauttenfeit, Christi"ai cbouce, *01! mo-omIegI" Ou lie plationan V» Um Apoaie lP. M. R foyal i - Mr 0. L. Tialo, SPA ltveat7 singera wooffl irOanticeZmon white Raid ý-eflrnbin hby aa'l int theoli" MW* 4h*rOfatua ay Of hie. uulet b6mM' aIe&aaid Iiahâe vili on lie platiorn o e t bag noevicomtanu' reeir- »% Aojagbhi f Zicai anI 99 ak *ps* as 118111 Maildant- j ao mel It cleanlu'un- ~Mv-eiIa dotesevery luth la tb. Bible, sud là la as~ - of Stat. Superlntendent Blair Is- sus Bokiet, Showing lm- provernent of Sohools. Tic' voultul resut. irural iciool Improremeut liat have heen altainol under lie systen cfr5stand- arliutaion adolted bhith. ulule de- prtinent ai edupto r xllo hi delino ontie ji amed hy stête Superlulendeut of instruction Blair. and reotel ypubleacioai jIeacbors. Tiaheo=in la hipart a reptiait ai odrice und explanallons lu,- tendel ta ail schooai irftcloxansd teacbem a hir leu efatta belter Fîhéir uclicol, but lier. la aima muci »eW materili t"There are 10,632 oue-room counitry' mo9abla lliluola" Baperiteudent pis& la» ia% lb. Introduction 10 lie boMkel. "and 370 village sohoole viti a outras ofatudu' of aine ton or 0ev- " lai orlon 1h01 a camuasignfor the LjnPrroueit 0f liMeuehacidali ilht -la eueraeticafll sud Inteligently car- nel On. U. J. Rogotfor Iveiro 7muaS cunlu' sapenbuendent a! Lâ. talle eoatY. wvgi apiaoluted hia1906. W. S. 1390,4superbitendeait oi the, lit. C&Mael scicoe, vwu appolntedlnl 191t. Tise tva tiemviMidevolteîer maile ime 10 lie couantry' snd vil. tffe uoeola. Thoir plan la lb vank tiraugi lie couaty superlateuîent. "PTb i Ifflan aeoffrel by lie' 4taedeiartmoutto10 ciolawvilci neel lia rlqulr&onunts for a standard ml a sapporaicounatry cl ansd for % standard viiiago chool. Alealyn t,481 country acioise have mel lie re. inruentr of a taplard ane-ffOm 'iouaitny ichool and XKoere rcirel the liploina. Irveai-live vllage scola îave met lie requbremepo ai t and- 4rdisotbon oud four couniru' ciaolu daire roeivel lie superior diploino aud bot piate." MARRIAGE LICENSES Hienry H. Courtney, Chicago-....41 uilateti Wray,. aame ..........48 'sarge A. Fiscien. Milwiaukee. 22 ,atitentne Hopkns, saine .........8g Beecier ifoveli. Jefferson, Wla. ..29 Stella <licie, saine........... ..1 Thomas Hughes, Mlvaukee... 23 t'autine Sharp. saine............. 24 Hrrx W. Lctierbury. Pt. Wasb- . lon. Wia. ....**..........te taure A. Hiayes. Ricilloîl, Wls.. ..88 Chester H. Luniani UrerettIi . . ..20 0019Y P. Wheeler. usne .......... 22 2lssadlui H. J. Chate, iankke.. .8 Swgil S. on.. Waukefgun... LmuhW -Ald a Oinllon.- I4Ughir la ao -muml b«oelsul pa lion; Il la ane 01 the. gremthopa te digestion vihii vi1c imsuequatold# sudth lecusloao Pa'aeât aaoèg aou t-foreiibor, a. excllius il et table- by trio melicai rtaplem.-uateao Peeae bm W&Y te Obtiu ore^i A aevW Y ofet ablisa Un se ni oer s laid iy lie SBrot.ReelluM "A muaVentito aiBorttas sorea au botenat éerra70,mm iciore. fie aterkempar bilolte ad lie acoomut On hbhchal. but as the mun laisted ho ovç e b.uoay. lie merchant. ceutl Il. go lavted the'na te 0"alu> te loto basn lab «gigot"lth"l tu lb. t M"a m 53Péra ulait oro.ote are t M*kta y aie dina i 4 taiW 0f IDSÀ1AC Winged God of Love Is Playing Havu With Nuds of ESTABLISHES LONG SIEGE. Son of Venus Nlad Delayed But Is Now Maklnq up for Kis Lost Turne. CuPI vie bu delayel bis mare es. tcaaieuOg oK lab erta cf Wanke. 9" ouM ooesmnt tva veeks lurlur lie Oum"lng ays of lie groat periol amsied la lic «boni e Ven" for ie deprelationa on the palmo nary eiqulaumeonthle naoael ces- Jui.1 bai t=nehie attackin hi hu Cty. vit, rèdou lefforts.. A serbs of veldlitshave occurrel iestoday -gail today, aId mare are bein£ announcel to laie Place viti- lh lieue $few laya vîi hthe posai- bhities of menu' anr. bo happen ere lie menti lu iunn Thé varions vedlngsamar as fol- lovat Petoterenaiommn The home « Mlr. and mnu. c. Pe- leon, i6ilCatlpa a*enue vas tie cene of a very PVttu' vedling Tues- day atternoan vica, their laughter Otlla va. Jained la minrniage ta Charmes MdehnaN, U. S. N. vian hoine lasai Bauffalo, N. Y., and via 1le alallouel et lie narvyyards ai Boston. The ceremouy va. pertormed by 1ev. P'. (lUger. They ver. ttended hy misa cla Petei'aon, cousin 0ofthIe brdhnld udmiss. Umly Tonigan and Fred POtero% a obrother. UmnPeanl Andreien of Cilcago vas 90io11t aiso ploYellihe vellia marci tramt Lohengrin. Ticeihome vas beautifuliy decoratel for tic occasion. A veddig uupper foliovel the ceremony aI vbilc i liy monsta prtialgow. Thc bride in voil inovu lai thil Cty. haorn beau iora and rai4ed boe and la a gi-Imae ofthle Wauke- cmu 11h £eh"of et hecam, af1911 The couple reelvel muni beautitul pisena.ue«&Ir-ývill depat todl yfor the outl. aoppwavon et au"forth à fev layg riat befte o oMtaug te Raiton, viere licy viii ma" e lir home. Arthur Jiaisasn ai Cca va. the naier., MlimreGriMn At tb. Prouhyterisu Mn.u Ibis ereailng. tis marrioge of Lois MUti. mare, ouiter af Mr. 001 liMm.A. 1. maitimars ofIl118Conte rtel 10Mr. Harnol Grillu ill coceur. Tiecocme many *111 h. pertormeltIby Reeuld Cbllen. Thcy viii te oltendl by t«U lMttimore, a brother and Miss [,ucile Webb, a co5ala of lie brida. Thoy Wiii epant Iiotty for ao-bon- cymoon trip ln au automobile, vicit viii consume &bout lv. o, let atter vici tiey viii ratura 1<, lie city and prepone tu make lhoir liome giter July li yte r home nt 141 Northi avenue. 1The outet ovaiauess at the velding Misa Clarkr, a cousin of tie bride troum Chicago and 1fr. and, ira. Wm. Braluatetleru ar Grayalake. Cblttendon.Cari Next Wedaeala7 vicoceur- lte marrisgOf i touBache Citlendeà, dauatW of e1r. andIMM Rfl. aih Cu tceMn o amé tuetMr. Russell Ceau of Nev York Cily. *Thc v.dliM viii acour il lie haome aid VM t Performed hy Rer. t>eMnof -et i Clrian chunci. The" vilI Icpa es«a boatlioflor lie cereumr om al ta Nov Yrk clty vian lhsy vii ma-ýre lt in tûrs home. tsChàppelle-Rehinaen Tiche ldinaof UmInViviezn Elill LaCapp»eile, daugiter of Mm. Olive la CbappeU, 1Ils Faurtli treet te Walter W. Robhii im ii odeur lieX Welnuday -t the home aof%»e bride lula h1 ciy. URa. OIeeler vIl te Ble" Tic couple vili bo tteitiod iY lurtllaLe Ciappelle, ister«uthle bride sud mn* Robinson, brothon et the graom>bÙMay rerulaIrez ond! iui ?mneednMtbW-le TmIwMterto unbm c4iu3s.Statq yq çNu. uuuuuujr. tdephose thý the. r adý &MA '~ J~N 11 91.!à of lie pelwo Siple tram Chisaga WlimtttN- U*V»tmaandnIntlocb vili f W I mT bc lirefeat Bt fl .ceremany. SIenenCydego. iVJ E Miii GbIW Iopo. of 4336 Vincen- Dnesamu esu bCeage, ,orn and ralaed A TI ta- idrIhOO4 fa tW* clty, became the AT I 1 Wite Of £JF, NOMMoj Clydego of Chf. «80Aigo ILO m. thia mornlng. TheG n" lIvdThtleA- ceeM9Y Vas Quit. Only a tew Imme. eeal BleelThtteA IlatO e" teuvO t the couple bo~ig fair WïlI Be Attenided by preet "k6 obom la a progressive a Lave OCrowd. YOUu Dhar*àýW ofthe zorden city. Tiey viii 4o*art Immediately for a IS 1B1G DAY FOR FARMERS. tour of tho e aat oter which they re-_____ tutun ta Chicago te take up their home. ____________ Excellent -Program reard We"6 Rostored. Opportunity to Inseot the j Woolvoek vucîham grava lau Hawthorne Farmf. 1 vi 'a«e u the. accumulatlon o0f tboew0y "0 tebosene SSO- i eloli. gun tbe WaahinutoaItu aId. Il siteulIletho e paiuihel vill a miturs et Ivwo parts 0f tunîeaiie ta -Qqý0 0f11l I. Apply lis . ith à maitI =adl iii ithilfanuc unu. iii erèW-ka of aithe. lqull noMs te bava.ditpiearol lepeatel apuahea. lio» Mdan,! c ed ilrubbing WvIii9i7 a rici gon, Up vOW lmnnor aog. Soi Oception. 14@'OmPIepotaney thema.lee ila Ceof af lia <rma. cf vilch loy eau- ual teConrotod'-Seneca. 9105 a. elrerdlanyfeSai'. yoU knov; i.'d kil his a itihi lr la moka -a'ud joke." "Tien licr nothlaiglo eny about; hie father vii lie u ma aY-Lc Sourire. Xrcry thig inlicates- that the Fut. mers', Raundup Day at Havthorne Pain, Salurdoy of nexit eek viii tel one of the ut meeting. bath lii ut- tendmansd Interest tintba ever bon heldinbutle caunl'. Au oppar- ticlly te boir suc i men au Professoan Hapkiaiis ouI HaWaichin 10es ual com o n 0meny commuaIibsuaodItic farmors are expremantu inseives a. Well leaied viti the prospecta. Mn, Haphins bas a natiolaireputalian, Mr. Haidmehin la Uel so veil .,owu'. uad a shlort sketch of ishi. f. la here appended. Prof. Walteon iandachin la cf Swings1 extraclgan. Hia egrly education va. scii.jH atitnde thie UrÀvensity lions in tie coaulu durnguathe coin. W iegon ra cf Wisëonaniram 1903 ha 1905, the Iug yen,-. W iegon rad IUiversity di Minneoata tramt 1908 t Iltlias been found advmsahîs to cola Withl large floral 4esigne ii 1911. Hie vos superbtendeul of lie cff the meeting that -aua sîscitisel iellow, pik anîd lav'eider, Nalama lFarans ut Hinidole,> ilinisolipt Saturday aitaihe White PWaf1 le-at Ilue. I9el>6-7, pricp.i-o the M"rlutio Cýmquty sobaol cf Âgrleuiture..!h$ ette, wq.= Wtmonsn 107.90. laalutar ln Animal iHasbaidry ln tie t7il.r. aitr e ai Miineota, 1908 1910ad oasi. tant profemar, 1910-11. Ho va5 ex- per I h l. eDartanont t animai hum banda'Y. buroou of animal hiduaiW United Statea deportmanulof rc- taire la co-oDeraion wflti te i;o- soa College af Agrieulturn rumO0 arase sd It .tu # haLlbe ta 9oator ail attealion o07&" big, oOmty meeting ai Loietyviîlle VOL. t11911 and smo. 1911 h hopiaaeusi Strie .ken viti psay9a ai% t9e'1 la saclatel lna anmal huahandry la the aclock Rock llamd train sarday Unirersity ofinlois, epecllatng ln mrigeruet Iara management. ÈPiaf WsndwhcbinuI<fiîCiaa o vas éditer of tbe Minnesota *tocit. jC. McNoI)y, auporlatmnat «cr man frein 1909 ta 1911. Ho vo, agservice.Of the E., J. & B. rails.U. iJe memaier of lhe Minnesota Lire Stoci et hi. home. 913 Western $anue. BreeorsaAAssociatioal, beingasasis- vith bi sutire lefI aide par alysed. tant secretary tram 1900 ýta 1ot1, "d i H la uayer tic care of Dr. W. B. te n0w 6 usinier of thi linDia uv. Stewart. tck ee S aeclateWb aingous& Mr. McNally, wia la one of the bout meuiber of lie -exocallive comtse. uoa mlirno mulaujcilel.valwgo The couatny ofvisera tram aneaby ing ta Claicag onabuanoasUae"ay. counties have gfrlsed the cosmmtte. le fa11 thha trkeon tià O btl limaI tisy oxpect te attend. ,meus. vas able t.o goelnthe. lamiof btwe.i. Ucbart, Ormauaie, eton, James anduI Dvlghl, unad. He nomeinal te Reedielmer are aâmonrd thon via Solrlay Sgt.l ila'ouhgh baéte e ramren. îffered àa»sersre trbke, vick ren- Mr&. Hardiug, président <of the1 dered is let aide aosoutoly heipiffl. Housial Science lePartment of lie Iii. sou Ovîght and P. Ir. )Mlalis, Farinera' Instittate ha, maie Plans auporinteudent of tieiB.. J. & SILt"di- ta have tie vamen wha attend the. roui. brougit hlm hack ta Jollet les- hounIrP régisten ai eaame couvenlent terday. Dr. Stewart tli.moelag place on lb. graurds; a siont pro- pronouncal tie caeoasevere. ee gram viliiaisa te given. Thldules brai hemarriage. Mr. McNally' sa in charge of thii.lePartment are an'- muci bette,- Ioda Y.-Jollet tie raid. loua te perfect several local organise- _________ -T- A Sale 0f Dress es Ta h Wilhout A ParaIIel-JIein's Our Great Axîniversary Sale affects a gi-cat in"~y of the choieest Sunmer garments ini Our stoce-Suits, D)resses, CJoats and Nkirts, suitahie foir hot weather. The styles are the "cream" of tlîis scasoît's production -savings grcatest on record. Ant n ierrjcr ci &Lr Wè show nany new ideas for the littie fellow 's comfort these war days.I I-Peaturing a mighty godlooking wash suit of pure w ite 'naterial, pleasingly finish- ed at waist, collar and sleeves of _Çonstî'asting color material. Sold reglnlarly at $1. Anniver-,É sary Sale prie......... oyC BoysB' HeavY Elbbed Hone-Fast, black, 15e seller, three pair j>, for 35c; the pair........ I Women'a 811k Liai. HRose _ In black, tan or white; a18 splendid 25e value ýat.. White Pettlcoat-Of a good sont finish musin, flounces of deep embroidery designs. Our regular 79e sellers; Anmiversary 49c, Sale price ............. À Mualin ]?eticoat-Of splen- did mnateriàl; ini several ver>' at- tractive desigus of lace and cm- brloider>', ribbon drawn, with rosette. Our $1.49 line,98 Anniversar>' Sale price.. 9 Corset Covers-This lot features Bome miglity egod patterns in lace or embroidery *designs, of goQ eambrie; extra, spe-19 eial Anniversar>' price...19 Girls' Union Suit. - Mbbed; short sleeves, uxnbrella style drawers; lace trimnned, atÀ% only................. 19 Boys' iqhalmers PorosXnit Union Suta-An exceptionally fine garment, Anniversary jLit 12M3 dresses go on sale tonMorrw morclng at leu than youcau r!e aby 1h, mataralfor, ay n Ïin bout 1hem4ig. Aud U'n ou hOur dreus àm uu mr real syle 1haii 7@U cai o«erget imb lt.éhome-made af- fair. %ddremgu «e of th. S lomut M Êma.- ternaI, M *bite or colort.Th* styla tffue bat n! U ke boit.ÀA gréaIma thelb.popular over-idW@or lsnlc ef- fects. fliÉb deff or laceplaced mai ent uWy st cl- lar and skirt. AUl lh, 1180 from 14 u bt 44. We* know you wli1k. these drossesbecause hey're dl#.nt ad bedue, 6veryone 1k.. "Hein'&" druuue-that's why wo sel o Mny. Prlced for tomornow aI_ Over 600 ebrildren's dresses ini white canvas or the flnest ging- hams or chambrays. The white dresses prettil>' trimmed with lace or neat ciabroider>' effects. The colorcd dresses fiÜished witlî plain materials and piping. Al the <'olors you can tbink of Iu sizes up to 14 years. Real $1.50 dresses at We offer for tomorrow a splen- did, white pique, ratine or lineîî skirt inî the ver>' poptîlar over- drapec or tuîîie ideas, or the îplain style if vou wish. Somne fluished with buttons and straping of ma- teniais. They'r'e reali>' $2.50 -*skiîrts. On sale tomorrow at I. ýW. .111 have th. ery coat pou ned and vant for lb... cool Siwi- mer eve h. Somo Mht doen s les mado lu UAinrlIS v goe certain vil aiwhl b you.ore ' ne#M rem ma3lle; Othonsbuluaineid a1m0eo I~ ihu Du.Ti r $1500coste, eyoeof them. You enal *1vili one tomorrow for Ouly .......... ..... .... Ou ogan: T4e Trwthin Fai Tangos and J Pr celebrattS ennes a0 onthe Ê Inthle c; of gombi Inâtel. 1 vot be modern raugol b> tionu for Ing a ba betveen andtI he i svings lu b ave ho. Amueine vIlhe a Th* danc cosea.oo for .all. alredadu tie Park. vigb to 1 Pos par o! 1he Ne of lie ce tram lie trie flue lion. viii The ce Itrit note aI 10 a'cla iour of a Tw* Tv 1 N tiarougi t hecai ext Nanti Ch counly lb dt shnuld ïtater oet Therei park vhlt the Cycle: and over Sa~1 prie........*~ Boys' Ene. Pants-Exception- BMy' XIOU8O-A special pur- Boys3 Balnïag, union SUItE- al>' well made of medium weight c has. of thèse for Summer wear; Shùrt sîceves, kee length, masîrials,- fane>' mixtures and in light and darkpatterns of fine special value ...19 str isin light and dark.39 mindrasW Made to seil at 35c. For Women's RBbe o n * colora. Anniversary price39 this greal niversary %ob nuits- Sale, pricý e tr45,,ec Low ieck, aleevelesa; unubrella Women's Qeuze Vests-Sleeve- il Gou-1 lc r4f, iawers; lace trinimed, at 9 less style; lace .yok-e, pri 7c witeý, GI il.. Iakt or only..................Odt-----'.............One large table ..of children-'s .Dravensfer. WOMle-Of g0od Grls' Black on Taà,gou-Me- dresses;, plain, WIIIi check trim- müuolin, finiahe witÉ valencinnes dium weight, reinforced heel and mwgsp. Al colori; values'up . lice or embrbidery. Spe- -19C toc. A gveat. bargain'at 19c 75e;Sale. cial Anniversary Sae.... only ........ ...... price...... State. Star of PICNII State LMi abi Sprint an abui many Il country thbat aui .Lourç4-s t w o-mor t he Ci <areful I ypli " d found th ber- tylji tirban mnauy ci minlg lIE.ý lu11 Il uta v ithout perivi i4j) 1;anger i ev n fr BuppiIes, rifliet fa garbege case, dil M-r eV f iay le Theiie Iniffedia f thous .,rtm y,-; The Il mlt 11the i ropoms rected ai have air, of the r- lng atat, tif lu Ual Reasor gi-en pi tiec orr ta campi wîthinfit ta'ien ta a fthe oi tus then It ls e spection reinapeet MONI TO 1 AT