_____________ I To ?Dur customers:9 W. have just received a shipment of Club House Jel. Iy Powder which vo boliove to b. equal to if îîot botter than any jolly powder ve have ever bandlod. It'o put up in pure fruit ia.vo's-otrawberry, raapberry, orange, lemon, and 0lerry-and makes doudcous dessert. We vaut you: b try this powdor; vo know you'Ill 1ke IL. Wby not suprise the foWk tonorrow night withj. Jlly desaort? No triouble to make-just add boillng water. The earlior tu the day you make It, tho botter. Thr. Paafkag.s for 25e 7~RIG8L 'AYLOR NEIATS AND GROCERIES -Men's Khaki* Trous ers .iu8t the thing for Wear on an outing. They are llght sud cool sud made te stand the hurdpet sort of veer. If oe vante a prool caf the durabilily sud ail aroum! servieabilityv of Khakl the. faci ubat the U. S. Goverument lias ofllially adoî.ted tbis fabric sbouid .apply it. These paute are ail veli made amd %ciiimuLe.Tnuouik w4 ! ven c-heu other people are dreed o p sud fon iu nl hart' tht' uddeil adrantage o! helug comtortahle. - Whave theintu ail alzee ndi the price ar'$1 Oand # 1.*-.,for Khakl and f 1. 50 for fitiau. J. Be Morse & Co. Everything for Men UBERTYVUB.L L. Pbeap 14 "IJ ust before harvest -m-the best time o'1 the yeare" Corne in let's talk over -what you are going to build this fail. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT Libertyville L'umber Company I Down by thre Old Depot. Phone 47 Seen More 9 Year&. I E. A. BISHOP, Manager M .C» ertyvé/le 4.9~t? m s- xxxx~xxx xxxxx xxxxxe. e. xxxxx Te.ineure publication in the Indepen. dent. copy must b. In the *flic@ noisater than Tuesev of oach wo.k. Adver- tisera. especially AI aked tb take particular notice to th a effect. .<AddltoeP Local Nqws Pages 2, & 4) 1L. B. Gaine ofhAutt4b vustranei taghais.. ber* Tuwdy. Mr.sMd Mrs.Jadeon A. Mason of Prairie Vi.w, *ere caltea bern Tueeday. A dalighter wue borc tu lMr. aud lMrm ý'qtao L. Gerred 'on Vedneedy, Juns Paul Ray aud famlly epent Buaday at h. bus ho0f billparente at Dlamond Lske. lira D. Rtuntbalr of Prairie View, vluit.d lth relatives bers Ssturday sud .sabdy. Dr. B. 1H. Aine.-and Dr. John Turner of Autiocb. vers Libertyvîlle caltera lirs. J. MlIcCiof Mlwaukee. apeut the week-end st the home of Mr. aud 14 ru. W. 8. Cirr. 1,ouis1111ack of Chicago, vloited nver Buuday wltb Mise, Beagle Bond aud her brothers boe. lirc. Ray Audrewe retuned lest week froni several dayo vimt wlth ber parente *t DegPlaiuee. lir. aud ire. George Wright let for Teu@ Tueoday noon viiere they viii @pend bye veekb. be N i ol el pi County Superlutendent of'gehoole T. Arthur Bimpeon of Wsukegan. vas s cailler bere Tuenday. àire. Elijali Jobnsoîi of North CblcagdI,ý spent Tuesday with Mir@. C. M. Fuller and other relatives- Mir. audlMr@. C. Gugliardi entertuined the latter'» brother, Michael Senti of Chicago, oVer Sunday. Mise Beatrice Carr la opeuding the tUnvernitv of WI.coueiu iommenî-enent week at Madisn, Wie. Mr. andi Mr@. George Mae.în anîd mon Frnk le! t bouday for a two months trip te Kalispeel, Montana, and Spokane, Wagh. Quit@ a number of LibertyVille people went to Waucouda Weduesday tii attend the railroad day celebration hd there. The W. Cý T. (j. wîll meet ut the' home 01 Ny.. Margaret Moore, June 23. ut 2:30. Topic: "The' bible in the publie schole." Mr. and Mir@. Berman J. Meyer hati for oeuepte over Buuday Mr. and Mr@. Ornaâ P. Meyer sud daughter Esielle, c itoieland, 111. Mies Bese Bond and ber frleud. Mie Hélen Wagner of Bloomington, fil., attended Commencement exercisesaut Madison thi@ week. Thb@ Tinsa Chapter vue eutertalued ai the home 01 Mies (Jiga Buse thie veek ruesday eveuiug fusîead of ut the home 01 Mis" Evu DUBois as vue aunounced tat week. Mrs. Herbert Borton and uitie sou Donald of Whltevllle, North Caroliu, .rnled this veek for a two moutb@ vialt rVLIh her Parents, )Ny. and lire. Joesph Wilson and other relativee. Mm A. B. Cook laft Tbureday oflibis rnek ta §pend the eau.., vth ber siser, lire. T. L, Monroe et lieuden, New llampehîre. lMm. LCook dot'. net bpecc to eturmuntil Octaher. 1Wm. Laycock last week made bis Brut lbing trip te his camp on Third lake àklug viiihuhie isnew roc-bhat which h. couetrurt'd lu hle ehoiu durlngi le c-inter. He returneel Suuday. Ilonday eveuiug et this vek, tht' choir )tht' Preshyteriau churci enjoyd an reniug picuic on lt'e banka et Luks Kara ut Areu. Tht' party enjoyet a cueic supiper sud general gond tint'. Mdie Jee Wîllaît.î, Whobe as boee vetltugfothhepast ix veeke tb Mr. sud lire. B. Olendorf sud family, Wbu test vée for aa it jiwth s malerai li1cPbereceu gK5Eus.beote returniug la berlOis a IeSoutb. OUsto BouS.rstaraed let veek fr. Ph I4 *Imm&u. irere lu epecsi Ibm viater qA bie brother Aes. Otto reporte *4'skeslîhas 'never heitrl Mud Obiustbai the latter exp:nIe t', locale heupetaneutly. Gorde Ueaackreturued Itranle r.iigsboapîtal. cicaga, ise gatqrëwd mis eable teuoa ontofbei Part 11e iW e. Be@cas operaued on serralveieao.Itviiilu esons lime boy.ve, b@ors l m le shsta do auy vork as ithestort. Mir. sud lire. 8. J. Deiuil,l moved tbe yreek fron lb. Henry Segierc bouse.on Nevherry avenue to the C. A. âppley bouse cen Appley avenue whieb va.s recetir vaw siby Geo. scbiaug Mdi famly. -lMr.a»d M ro. Heryeers o paeeseftouobeir home on Tu.edai. B.- 1). Doyil, general agent for the La.b-EH&met Beait7 Co., sud i sou Charlee. vho recen tly purchaped the Beevi.* photo stuîdioi. @peut Suudety ai Janeeille, Wis. irbere tMre. Bod is making be home with a elter uuiil s home rcu b. Provided bers for thetamily. W. &'Miller sctendAd the Cenvenion of the Id. W. A. heati camp meeting at Toledo, Ohio, thetirist fthe veek. lHe vas iis compsny c-ith C. T. Beydecksr o! Wankegaa, the lilinoiq delegate trom Lake coauy. tir. Miller vhile not s delegaitee «Seul 1 y the local i m p to "lobby,"' tiers heing a big tight betteen Cwi Igeureent ian t .qncdliaitWoodmeu lu regard to the beadoîtfive positione for th uig ierm. .T.hen angvorthy, c-ho conducte tbe >N.ew tiet t >nMlaueeavenue, Rtoft ai Areslie, few day. sud mli operute bath store. in the' future.A pieted 'aitAres, direetiv ieroee the' street frow theC. &kIN. Eetri- railroai. lMr. Lngc-orthy viii put in a soda founitain andi carry varsrlue meof refreshmente for picknickers b-esidpe noveitieo of every de$cription. Bead hi@ uad ou page târes'. Mir. Robertàon of tht' Lyric Theatre bat; Iutalied s nec- Simpiez moviag pijture machine vblcb la eue of tht' meet modern machines. The pcture projecteti isi exceptlontaliy cisa sd viuhout fliier, causing lese eye airain than auy other mw-hine made. Atbough the .y rie in @mal], tMr. Roberis.bas endeaveredt t Put on tht' heet picture obtaluabie sud bas aimnys kept up-to-date iequipMeLt sud c-e are sure be paie on aim geod a picture as tht' besi of them. rire invite@ ail te i-orne and m.ereal "Siroplex" proie tion. lire. K. W. Buikisy sud daughter Heieu @Peut several days ibis wt'tk ut Madison, attending the University of Wisconsin eciimencement exerci@es frow vhich ber sou George graduated ou Wednesday. Thelt' IiAr clues oralor for tht'1914 graduatue sd vas electu d tte u oorary !rsiermlty, Alpha Zeta, to which tve meilmen acboeneuech year hy tht' fucity Of lie Uiverelcy, tram thue tudenle raklug bgbeec lu average..George certally je te lu cougrstuiuted on Ie scm . uring the four yeare of hie course. Tie next meeting of tbe Tovnehip Highvay ('ommialocèesof Lake couty viii be held euthlb.tavu ball, Liberty- ville, ou WedeeiaY, Jane 24, com- Meuclug ut nint ' oclock ln the moruiug sud iasting ail day. The org&nization o! tht' comuniselouers luto a couuty organization wmli h. part et tht' business at ibis tine. Good speaker. c-lulu provideti to taik on lb. building sud wainisinilîg of gond rosis. Tht' meet- ing Promises 10 b. very iuterestiug sud instructive, not alan. to tht' igbway cwiesiîîhiers baita tht' public in generai. Thueis iiheoapublic meeting D. D. Btrriek ou Isat Pridsy preeted snd a cordial invitation le exteud-eti t tht' Independeut office vitb s quart box ail vho are. Intereted to attend. 0t siravhernies. Tht' fthivaso!nia mamwoth variety sud severai of the Notice Of ROpoal o! aideal largeet meusuredt our luche. ln circain- w ference.%bt lta ~rmtr o th Wuktgsnoficeof At the' rext reglar meeting o! $he %y ramr o th Wakegn ofic 01village boîard on Juiy 6, 1914. tht' the Public Service Compnsy le acting ordînanegivlugasrebats aIibret' ceaie manager ut the local office of liaI per square feet on cesis idewalke viii company dunlug tht'absenuce of Ernu eeIh.repealeti. Rebats. WlIbtalloved ou P. McDonaid, wbo le enjoyiug s two I vais. t he ii. courfflej@ tt blfore veei.a vacation. [liai time andi lied vlthîbe village erk, liegufs, meeting 01 the MytieWorken.; the vaik te Rt' compleled be fOc. 1, next Taeeday eveing, Jane 28. The. 1914. E. B. Corfbtt, Cierk. deleates WIilli gve a repart o! th con- c88.2 veitnt iCedar Rapide, iov ,te Wbhicba social e#tuloot Wlh. be ouoyed. 01 OhIuyO h my, "eythe. Mau Who AIlijyewbers sud fieude invieti. eC5in In oâtact viii à pair 0a! bei wlth au ancien t sineff ilvii vald be s&y! Brueat lioffet, thofte *tiendlag the W.e "Y get liaekeg t' Wlepttc. F. B. lnverslty 01 Lake Forest, sud bis Loveil Co. aliter, Mis Anus Mllfet, secrtary o! the 1. W. C. A. ut St. Founi, ise., vWtiie "The' Vagabond 8old0t/i applwng ove, Saudast aithe bome 0 or ney lv aie o! romance 5and1 UiIetmnrel and lirs. Paui liactun. )gr. Mi MAghanistan. complq t flft relq At se»turned ta tb. Uivereuîy Mondey TThe Lyrie Theatre, Lib*rtyvilîe, ""ur vIÎ-le Xies Mollet remainedt'&r ashort dey aud BuudsY nigbts. June 20mid21,. vist.Admiesiu 10e ta ail.. a.1 il LE. Church Services& 10:3ô) a. in. Presebing, Rev W. L. Whipple. 12:00 m. Suuday sehool. 6:45 p. m. Epworth Leulcue. 7:30 p. mn. Preacbing, Bter. W. L. Wbippie. t>o's fail to se@ the -Louchle Love" @@rie.s hgwn at Tho' Lyrie Theatre every Tnesday. CI Don'$i luto @se ..lho Vagabond Soldier," complote series ut The Lyrie Saturday sud unday nighite, June 20, 21. Admission 10e te al. C-i WANTED Rng aud Carpet Weavlng. J. A. Graves. Lihertyville. -37.tf DANC IN G At Diamond Lake Pavillon Eveey Satarday NIaIt ceuamc'g Joue Ei. ~ Marne h~UbertyilIeldeeil PIve-Piece Orc&e.tum. _________________________________ j Phonoe5 Mammoth Sack of Aristos Flour To be Géven Away Wednesdaq, June 24th, et 3 oqà ait il 16. MARRIED ON SAME DAY Wedneeduy o! thîs veekiî a. s memor- ahi. duy for the faruîly of àlU. and âtre, John Burbour vin> reaide ou Park at t avenue, &se0on that day s eon sud daagb- ter were marrieti enly a ew heurs upart, o the weddlug dinuer being oue ofthie wisl] balaye. vhich yl alwaye lu reme»mber. by thon preiecut, a@ tc-o ewly married couple. ver. preuent, tire et the four haPPY young people being metubere of!01 'tbe âsrbour family.an i Tie fret veddiu toenirplace ai aboutan ehysaO'cldck la the nioranag heglione us t< lisa&s licOugilo! chicao sud Mr WilliaM Sarbour of ibieus , ve "çpriai umi»dla i.marrIage hbe 1Bey. J. B. liacOa hie ishome. Thi econd ceremony iook place ai the LOA~ home of Mr. sud lire. John Barbon, sM bl1lb nOon wbeu their daughcer Lid" Loie bome.th. vite of lir. Brant PrsetMoe Donald, lier. Edw&rd S. White beion the officiaîlng clergymisa, Lake the gruoom beiug a son of lMr. sud lire. 9. Ulcousld adlocal manager -for lhe Public Service Company. The double ring servieva.wued. MieNellis1e.WCapit1l, Woli being brideemald, sud Mr. Cbsnlee Amti. heet man. Mise Flore, Churchili pîsysi tbe veddlnu urch._____ The home hai been very prrtty- decarated for the. occasion sud only members of ithe ivofsmll ere rprmsat at thsersmmony sud the veddiugdlnuer. Nos ou. of che four yanug tolk@ ueed Inrdcinas rit! ave veil kuovu to 111EI [oalpeople. They bave îuany finde- who vieh them mnuch happines tbrougb EW Ilile. M 13t. John', Evg. LutfL.Churçlh 9 U I1 Corser Broadway sud Park PIt't.. Lîlurtyville, 111. R. 0. Buerger, pastor. German services every other Sunday morinai 10:30 arm. Euglisb service second Suuduày 0f the mouth at 7:15 p. m. St.LawrenqeEplzcop' hurch wE 1ev. EDWARO S. WiLTî', Prieet-iu charge Boly Communiqu cvery $unday 7:45 a.w. Firetsundayilumonîh 10.ý .n w ubore 10:30 a. ni. Sunday echool 11:45 a. m. i i a Ail iloiy Day@. Boly Communion 9:00 GIET OUR PÉIC!ES -CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Com n enad Und eut ai about it. See north wiodow fer displa. CORLETT & FREDERICKs Phono go. IJrnTTVII~ CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE FIRE, TORNADO, LIIFE PHIONES 154-R AND 50 UIBEILTYVILL, ILLtIOS You Demaud-Purity and Q"stl You cam bu hap p y madoonuted over our Ceb.i, Pies, Tarie, Jelly RolI ansd everything va make. W. don't av. fa"e juaunsd jouies aMid aos. W. aue honnit Alo e ane olean. Bakeehop r.- gularly inapeold. Why not thon, frade wtb US? W. xuarantus à CaBlun ry. LIB!2RTYVILL)g BAK'Ia Fi=D JOCENEIX, rop. To Tempt The Jaded Appetit It is hard to think of thinge to sat these hot days but the followlng înay suggest soniething Maroebalis Kippered Herrngf, Plai r nTomatot'e oce, ~ f~ Large oral tin, 20 B«hu mtButter g a It's different tro. clu othere !Pe1 ~ I Mediumn sud Large. c- 5 OlIves, Pian and Stuffed QuSue or lisamilae W hleon d nirefr-eg Yath Cub &a »uig 1 G ":,e w. l t ctts Fine wlth cold minDotle Cun bu prePared 4o manwybC1Proh Fruitsand Vogetables W. W. CARROLL& SONS COMPANY SoufiL Store Pue k r ~ OUR JNTI3RESTS""ý times demand the use of more cash than 1 nay have on band at the exact time yon h to use it. We are ALWAYS in a position to loan iey to local people on acceptable notes, are pies sed at the opportunity it gives ;aid the farming and business enter- te ini thia commnnity. WE INVITE YOU TO SUBMIT YÔtJR AN PROPOSITIONS TO US. -0- County National LISERTVVILUIeILL. Sun npIssd Undivid.d Profits. W. bave a large st.ock of :R- PUPE, CEMENT A r sjl ý -M 1 9 POSTS9 SAND9 ulves