JIJNE 19, 1914. FOR t +GG* P SALI W. have IB number ofau ii.homes tW saieor rou . Dmond & Ausilbwqty Ville. o.8?tS FUR SALE-1911 Simule Ex. =oo ruflfilg order. Cbeap. WilI demas strate . 0 .H mt.Uetvl IIL P. 0. Box 555. -& FOR SALE-UttSa (Four) Bond««e. Fan ~dmnouaon ~p~i -i FOR nL-uspoal om I.w Eku.rusy, free liay 80. Glum 48 Ibe. uicb .11k a low. J. R. Monoi. E-ertt, iI. P. 0. Deed.lat. Telephomo. Jae Forest 797Y-4. 04-2- FOR SALE-Oeufs »driving oor wWl trade for ladys@ driver. laquire 58 M tb.ofice. ss FOR SALE-2 caflîf. pupe; some b&We etnaw. W, H. Applej'. Lib.rtyviif., taie- pion 112J. c8t1i FOR SALE-8ame good bargains In vil- Jano lot@ tu Ares. Prices from $100 Up. WilI Knigge, Ara. feltI FOR SALE OR RENT-0 motmoibauge, al couveniencc, large barn. Corner Eurlbutt ourt aud Park Place. fi. C. Gleason, Libertyvllle. c-39ull FOR BAL E-4iaod aged d 'u ric:At 1sound harfts, prie-cr.-assnable. Plire 46. N. E. tlatzert. C.hiitf FOR SALE-iuernsr-y Bull, 1% ypar oid good clor and bulid; sîrro Poland Chinaf M mtths aid. Ira Smith. (ir&Yolake Ptrainel2 J-i Round Lake. o3.- FOR 8ALE-Twenty-llve acr-s standing tlruathy and laver. Telepb<,up [brtry- ville ;476-W2. W. J. Dilon. 3--1O ............ e j + MISCELLANOUS + ..............-tje+ MONEY TO LOAN-00r tmproved raif etate. J. 8. GitIILVY. Frst National Bank.. c-37.tf MtRilY F VOU ARE LONEL-Ti Rellabie Conldetisl scesîlcub ia large number of veailryelgblmm ber ai bath sef. wiiiug early Marri- age. Description tri-e, lire. Wruirel. Box 26, Oakland, Cal p439-2 1 have nos; quit the nurcr busînece. but amu etîli seling the aid reliable stock tram the Clark NurSr C., Waterloo,. N. Y. W. B. Gellinge, Libertville.p89t2 4 LOS? md FOU»D + LOST-On or abuut May 30th1, childà neek ehain with heart iacket. L. B. au anc @ide and s diamand clslp an ather.t Return to 9. A. Brown,ltaurnd Lake, Ill., anrd receive reward. e8tl LOST-On guaday, a tail-lanrp, bracket and iclIas. No. 915486 B. D.,etwepn Lib- erby ville sud Gages lakte. Finder leavet came witb lm ire en ab Gages lake. lRe-t ward. etafl LoST-TWo pieand other vatuebly papes. lu Lbertyvlle. Liberal rewardt lor rturD ai sa etaJudsau A. Mawn, 1 Prairie Vtew. Ill. P-39-1 LOST-A pocket book., June 15, be- tween Dtamoud la&ke and PalMine, cantaimnug amai chauge and cbeck. Firder pisses a"i270-M-1. >Bel- WANTELO-Eave Pusehasor for froin 10 to80 scmes !ms. Wts stating au poricuosrs.No s..te. Addrees IL A., isdpydsa$office.0-87-91 WANTIED AT ONCE-(2frl or voma. for kicha vo1k. Phase 9714ko orca as. Pins Grove tam. HaliDal, III. E I oîvý-Felt#jÀd 1rmufil Tisse Ait tu 8bat hal<y vg sea mou freila sud viue. Flow.ris sud lallugs sirrube sud plant.; evergrsea, etraw- berry plaute Hardy fWd gmraa ue Have had peste of îxpeWS-ie sd yUl IW u an bdy variety for thiae climat.. 1Iti,. nigt boe-ansd wiiuse jé oc ight uno1cmn dew i utb yoa aa. il 1 do flot cail write mue a letter. 1 wWU appreclats your arderu aud moka l te, yroGi dvsa4ta deal wlth me. Ueo. FP. Roberte, Libertyville, IIL 0c-S-tf TOBACCO SALESMEN WAITtO- Earu 8100 monthly. Expense.. Experi- mnm unneceary. Idtertlse and tsf.. ordi-re (rom oerchanta for Smoking snd ChewiDu tobaceo, Cigarettes. igare. ete. Send a 2c stanp, for full prticulais. Hemes Tobacca C.. New York,. N Y. "-7-10 LUN6010R SAVES LIFE Of NEW BORN BME AT HIOSPITAL ýFirst Ti me Device Has Been Used for This Purpose in the Local Institution. IT SAVED WATROUS BABY. Mothet- Takes Lungmotor to Her Home to Guard Against Any Exigencies. Scare aniothren sucessa for the Jung- 1. I Žtnrý Agaîn thia wondert Invention bas saved a human lite and tbis lIme the ecene was laid la Waukegan. The In- fant chlld af Nr. and Mrs. W. G. Wat- roueai Lake Bluff awea Its lite ta the wonderful oxygen machine. The Wat- roue tamily are veli knavu hors. lirs. Watrous hefore ber marriage was Mhna Flay Hawkins. Up ta receatly sire was principal af the Lake Bluff echools. Mmu. Watroug was in the Jane Me- Aister hospilal a couple ai veeke ago viren tire Infant vas born. There was flot a igu af lite la the Uiny little mite. The usual mens oainstllling lite mIa new horn Infants hiad no ap- parent effect an Its littie tortu. la tis exigency 1Il was determlned ta use tire Inugmatar. The little lmags vere fOu.ed wltb ln- vigorating oxygen. The bandie of the device was worked up and down witir the greateet precîsion. At eacir troke the ittIe chegt rase and tell. Gradu- ally. almost lmperceptihly. a lttle col- or tole Into tire cheeka. Then there wn a lIttie gaep aud thre child began ta breathe normally. Thre lungmotar bad achleved anotiier, vlctory. for 11. had succeeded virere probabty uotiring else would. Thre ctild, however. le In qulte deli- cate healtirand elucelits bîrti 11. has bad severaI epelîs viere Its breatir seemed ta stop aud It started ta tamn bMue thnough suffocattan. At eacir af iAWT I~NI~I tiese tuie tIe lngrotar vaz uaod ZIONITEFIR Dsad normal respiatton vas qulckly $10 AND COSTS ON hnMs Watrous returned ta e R homeir..ln Lake Bluff she took tire lune- urotor viti airrfor @soreg»eld the child iight bave anatirer lad bresth- Waitkgau, oue L ni speli and milght d. betare a luag- Waukesu, uno 12. çauld ho secuned. Bbc viii Charlesa'Hûmh mpbOSyUl ut '" M*kep Uic dovice utIl tire cild's con- aldiug lu 7pu City vas cléarged th dition Improve. 1.0 such su exteut that monniug -"Oros Justice .9« j M If vItnet le neeed. vitirhsaviiobgMthe lM on City Dosipite theo tac t tliit a îuugmtor smoke ord"ustc. Airdtug ta the bua been kept at thre hoegtal for same tetimoul * lhfitted h W. H.* Bondy- it«io tiare tht.la thre GRW time It even side &udChhms. Covtugtov Zion hop beeu uusd ona sly boum babe. City policeo acersthre dofendentI t1laîîproablse that aa resuît af the -gmoklig.1r5 a crowd athtie hal perkucs ha teddli o nti ou Decoratilali y. As appIcaStion oasiat stteud e s ue orte vas madie, taMayor' Cludiaen g ccetn s V h se mr City by.tire Cr105emtlaîe for tie r.iequcntly lunsitullar cases lu future. use af thre hal grOUnD418OU DeMoratonThre lungmaton iras beau used lu çev- day, sud Uic reqUet vas graltet pro- oral cases ai Pneumnnihrsnsud lu viding ihattire.wau complote aidu eer a »aesh buli ma ard nao smokng or swearlus. pr-ma eca racsirebe h e re_»rts, aupplied by thre Police tue of savlug lite. " e f b thte men val ail tirat cauld_________ b. ieslred vitu thre exception af Charles -Humphrey. Ho penisteti ln AT THtE RECORDEWS OFFICE nat only violatlug tire ondinance but WEEK ENDINO JUNE 13, 1914 lu vialatlug the agreenment annlved at- Iu gond isitir hetveeu tire Hayon sud Total number o apou ts ited-161, thre playenu. Humphrey waived a Jury trial aid Tlredore Forby, cîty attor- Number oi papp% (other Quas Tnust ney ai Zian preseuted. his case. Tire Deedsansd marngg)-121. evidence vas suffIcieut ta prove tirat Number oi Trust Deedsansd mort- thre defendai> irad i volated tire cItY on- gg53 dinance andi ie vas fiued $10 and Tol iaut..as-$S3. cent. oa.ioite.or-4 ,39 - NONE RECEIVED FOR LEU TU-IAN26 CENT& naL ESIATE TRANIU Furfll.hod bj' LAKE COUNTVYITLE &TRUST Co. Abstracto of Titi.. Titis uaranteed. Masonlc Temple Bldg. Woubegan. Jime 6 1914.-iBoleslsw Toatzen. ski snd vit, tu C. ID. Styler, lot 3. block 9, Dryers subdivision. Northr Chicago W. D. $2200. Mater lu Chancory ta W. W. Nor- ria. 13 lots lu C. Ir. Wrtght's addition te, Ltbetyville, Deod 81800. Daniel asnity and vite ta C. 0. Christmas, eat50 lest lot 16, block 13 HigIrisalPark, W. D. $800. C. W. Bdefitrtat sudwtt. InT. R. Baldwil% But 40 sc«e.of -NE 1-4 sec- 1.105 7, WrtUvtlle townshtp, W. D. J. D. Reddlck sud vit, te John Gileir, peut lot 258, Luke Farent. W. D. $1. ectlun 7. Do~d4wEt.W. D. 3. R. Armli tadvite ta R. IL tU INdridge..Bernsteinulosa0aiSouth Gouaes street. Waukegan, W. D. $1. eClIsesHumphrey sud vite ta F. H. Hennin lot 12 * block 5, Steele & Douglas subdiIiio. Waukegau. W D. $10. Faenis W. C. Perrin taO utai Ler-9 son and wtt.. 5put ock 4. Croc'ketts subdivision. Waukegsu W. D. $10.1 lune 8, 114.-T. W. Omith sud vife In Edward Evas., lot 60, Shav'a Long1 Lake subdivision, W. D. $300. 1 *W. W. Norris sud vite ta N. Ir.1 Chamberllu, lot 3, block 19, Wrlghts Udlr tlbertvytle, W. P. $10. J. . tadtfi.ld aMi wtfte taJohn Lonze, lot In Village ai Vole. W. D. 11.000. L. G. Yae et ai to Caroline Engle- bord, part lot 5. block 62,. Highland Park, Deede $2725. Mary Ami Stralnk ta Andrew Pe. tergon, 31 1-2 acres In sections 15 and 22. Avon tovnahlp. W. D. $10. H. G. Atvell and wlte ta John Strat- ton, part, S. E. 1-4 N. E. 1-4 section 31. East Antiocla tawnship, W. D. $6000. SG. 14. BerttI and wlfs- et al ta G. E. Helm. lot 20, black 2, Burnetts ad- dition ta Lake Villa, W. D. $150. G. E. Heltu and v.lfe to Frances Hieltu. lot 2(), block 2, Burnett's addi- tion ta Lak<e Villa, W. D. $100. F. G. Grazo an.d wite ta F. H. Ev- eret. lot 27. Wiison's second subdi-1 vision at Loeng Lake, Q. C. $150. 1 ('asîmîr l.Azzaronl and wife t0 Jo- sephîne Placlal, lot 1(. block 1, Yen- man's addition and lots 19 and 20, ..' FOURTH.-0F JULY Given by tFe Modern Woodmen of America Your F055 PAITRK Your Wit UsNORTHI CIICA4Ç;O, ILL, With U, This is the Town That Always Does what it promise, that 4*4vays bas the big crowdls, that alW9pyS bs the BIGOEST ÔNàidiBESTr CELEBRATIONS DANCING IN TE_ DANCI Gý-,Park Pavillon The Largest andBt Enclosed Dancing Floor in Lake County Base Bal, Spprs Races, Games and M inaof Amusemet to Entertain YOU iand Orchestra. Refreshmenits and mals serv.dl on the grounds or you can brins70Uf urhbasket and. uit amid th~e trees and shade THIJS WILL-BE A SANE 4th and -no rowdyism wihi be tolerated. block 2 lu Oakland subdivision Wau- Arabina H. Wehber and huaband ta kegea. Anus V. Mi. Shaw. 1M.'AP.-l'.-Narthr18 J. K. Orvlesud vite tc, Wm. lichu- feet, lot 7, block 22, la*ce Bluff. maker, lots 35 sud 26, block 2, Orvis W. D). $2000., subdivision, akegsu W. D. $500. John Merriman and wlfe ta R. Ht. Jua. 10, 1914-T. W. Brophy and Dady. lots i ta 12, blockt 1, Village (if wtt. ta H. A. Rbodee. S 1-2 lot 15, Deerfield, and land nortir ar.d adJa- BropbY.sabdtvIsioi'. ln section 10, cent, Q. C. $400. Grant tovflhil. W. D). $516. June 12. 1914.-Joseph MaIl and P. M. Combes and ite Io S; G. and wtt. to Jasephr Roziol and vite, lots Adi B. mtiiiIlTr lo 47, Shaw'e West 18 aud 19, block 14, D)reyers subdivi- Antoocb gubdivfOn. W. D. $1500. sion, Northr Chicago, W. D7. $5000. W. Ir. nHffl sud vite ta C. A.A derso. N123,fe. S 247 teet, W 1-2 MMry B. Wright ta LUllan E. Smit.h lot i Put "C" HIgab od. N. 100 tet S. 290 teet, W. 172 test, jl. H. Ochraede S"d vite ta IHenry lot 31, HtghWoad, W. D. $10. aud Alvin UchuWs, lot ln Village oi W. A. Rosing aud vIfe et ai to A»Ud Hait Day. W. 1). $12». Fleîi' lot 2, block 9, Roslng }lelgbtu. A. P. ResaueS sMd vite ta Robert ROUM îÏi 5k, W. D7. $1. t)ady, lots 1 2 10 Il 12 aud 13, Buell's, Wm. Lepke and vite ta John Dudek subdivision, suîd i& af land lu N. sud vite, lot 23, block 38, Washburn W. 1-4 Sectio U8, Waukegan sauth Park, Northr Chicago W. D. $825. ai Belvidere utret. W. D. $12000. Lulu M. Ponte ta E. S. sud Dslsy 0. Joue 9, It14r-Rý A. Hiki and MeNicholi lots 15 and 16, block 3. husbsud te, W. IL Duehler, lot 6, snd .4k. Bluff, W. D. $10. part idet SnB Oeve iu section 13, Wet A*Ujoh sUnr". W. 1). ».o. j1eS gas,atnsd vite ta WoJetech A. J.flhoebaht i ve to Gsrabed &s au sdwtt, lots 35 ta 39, Was- Teniout. w$~$t 1>,block 7. Tif h.uWs Parkt, Northr Chtcago, W. D. $1. tanys tdd sWfn. Waukegau. Jane 1.8. U4.-). P. Biddlpom aud >eeds P- -wife t. AntaIr and Mary Skerbet, lot E. A.Cummiffl sud vIte ta Anule B l ck1.WîbnSpig.W - B. Kruse, lot 19, block 10. Waukegau,0 W 8 abbr pIgWu Highlands. Nortlh Chicago. W. ID. kegan. W. D. $2,250. $200. County clerk ta, C. 1. Harder, Jr.. E8tate ai C. 0. PhlUlpe. deceased. ta part lot 26, addition ta northwest addl- estate ai Elleu W. Hipwell, deceased, tics,.Wankefau. Part lot 1, block 30. lois 3 sud 4. block 97, Hilghland Pari: Deeds, $3. aoiilsIWaukegan. Part lot 6, hlock H. C. FPirît sMd vite in H. C. Gavlut 17, plat "*D," ighwood. and lot 18, and vite, lots 2, 8. 41 te, 14. block 12.1I black 13, W.ukegan Highlands. Tax Port Cilton, Mhlb*d Park. W. D. 1 deeds. $2.700. C. E. sayler sud ile ta Stanley Wojtan, lob 88 sud 34.block 11i~ Dreyer's PubdivlsioIl. North Chici P KUPS FOR PARCEL OOST. W. B. $500. Juae 11, 1914.-Letuna T. Rogerson Wasinguton, D. C., June 15-Post- and iusbar.1 ta J. T. Bourke. lot 1 master General Burleson plane ta i- black 37, Lake Bluff. W. 1).81500. augurate a pickup service la the par- Victor Sauer ta J. L. lians, lot ln etl pont s-tem Ia tihe langer cîties VfllIage ofi Long Grave. W. H1)$10. e saviuto ucsfleprmn Naster lu Chrancer yto G ýH. Ken-in ashsint on. ucstl xtrm ncd,,. soutb 1-2 lot 7, h1o, 9, Snin ahnta derli'se tinat addition tou akea, This service le expected ta make Deeýd, $2100., the paircol pant au evea greniîer com. John G.riffth and vite t H. H Mar- ei. fteeprs.opne ,a tir, part lot 258, Lake Frzsî. W. D.pttra h xrs opne ia $1 1beretaonoe. .oha Waleter and ,ifle'o Blaz: As soon as the plan la Put Into op- Niachnich, lots 11 Sud 12. block 11, eration. patrons ai the parcel post %Vaukegaa Highlands, North Chicago. may cal up the postoffice on the tele- W. D. $8,000. .oseph Wlodanczyk ai ut ta . Phane and request tirat a wagon he H. Rehm. lot 17, block l-ý. Wrukegaa sent for the parce] which they wlisb. Highlands, Nanthr Chtcago, . QC$1. This service for tIhe present will be Il. P, Hawkincsud vIte to Richbard cantined ta parcels welgblng more -bnnr, part lot 1. blocS 7 Pa D", îllgbwood, W. D. 81f It ve pounds. J Il- - 1 MARMÂGE IJILWOES. bYMOND L AWt!V Frnuk Ludtas, North Chicago - ..30 LotoiIauffles Real &WIa" Anthony Polul malto, Warikegau . .26 HousetRenting. Sidney Christeneen. BurIlugtoa, .-26 Officaînb Kaiser Stock. Auna L. Felt. came .......21LBRYIL. LIDO William Messal, Milwaukee ...21LBETV LE - LNOS 1Hildt Miaunen, came .......... ..21 Ernest P. MeDonald, Ubprîyýville ..23 DHNNW OD Edus Barboun, came ............. 24 Afl«oneyet-Law Bort A. Steuz, Mllwaud-ec....25 Maney ta Leu on God Appove<lesi Kathertue Kistsn. North Chîcago .22 Uai.. Erneet BSlling, Chicago ...... ... 34 ffhà MTvltSBuilding. Bertira Phillipe. saine...........134 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLUMOI. Aria 1,00 Waltsohu, Chicagoa...24 Auus G. Silvenatein, came....231 LYE L NM L«s P. )Myens. Itenosha ....47 AvORICY-AT-LAW 1 Maggio Harrington, sane ....46 Libertyville - ngi. F1red B. Bulkley, Àbentyville . . ..-265 ,- uBb GrecsE 8. Ward, came .......25 leu.iPhone.lieu. Oe'eW Samuel Plame, St. Louis, Mo .. .28 Jonulo DonelsoN .Detroit ......24 r tf .1 I William Shier, Chicago . 3........ C. Hlelon Nowikl, saie .......26 Freinant W. Qckermsn, W. Rend. 24 utiles Opp. 1U 1.J J I Bd" thC. fIÉiekBtrglkbnoe .3 H.Phonre8 Edward Roîningon. ldllvuko....'29 N02TH CHICAtGO. ILLUIOIS Mollie Srssack, sMme .........21 Hrain I. Sareuseâ t enosha. ... .21 Hazl Scoville. Chicaga. ,......... 24 Nîcolaus Heiz% HaMtord Wls.-3.9 PAUL MAC GUPP!P Katie Gren saute-------------..34 ATTORNEY A! LAW. Uran H. Brosiheiden Bpringfleld. 23 Franco. M. AmenuisaMusme-...21 libeulyvgbl, 1tlliuno John H. Brovrj, Cary, 111--------..28 ~8 Gladys Thomr. lghisud Park-...20 _____________ Richard J. Zove Wtukegan -....23 AilîeCaok Milwaukee. ........... 19 DL. 0. P. DUTTDRPJDLD, Arthur D. RIce Chicago---------..37 Chrarlotte M. Kruse, came ........ M SUEGEON.R Albert NM. Killîn. Mlvauee ....32 assuevm siAvf vvmmxAstaU. MoIllie Neyers, came ...........31 Jacob Leskovée Wau'iegan.....3 ltbertyville.Ilias Mary Wldmar sarde......... ....2m William B. Kilgore, Evanston .. 5Tolethone 148-I st Setter D"reparc thss-' Margaret Ruffner. came ..........3 a, carense. eqrer tudo vour uorit. Jîoseph R. Hart. Waucouda ....26 PlIe A- Ebel Algonquin......... 24 Je MV. Graves, Joseph C. Cushing, Chicago . 18... Helen H. Gaul. tChicago......... 28 A UCT ION E Ik Herbert R. Peege, Milwauktee .... .24 144 Elmwood Ave., Wiukeg1ru IllIssi Hielen NI. Ereàs. Manttawlc,...22 300mie bde r ausing Four date EIs' Kats, Waterloo, lava.... 23 Saàie Bolomori, Waukegan ...20 Edward P. Hedrosian. Chicago ..26 DR. Ce. SMITHI Batzar Nanouglan, same .....20 GENERAL PRACTICE Lean P. Brooks. Seattle, Wash. . .25 Florence Mae. Zion City......... 22 dOur-, 8 ta te a. mi. i te 4 and 7 te 5@sm Alvin S. Krtrse. Milwaukee.... 231 Once ove, Rayz iynitare Store.. Bertha Herrler. se ........... 18 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TUE EYZ Edward J. Jensen, Kenosra ...22 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIN'.OIS Jensina Cirristensen, came ....20 _________________ Ydward Layer, Çhicago......... 24 Annabelle Waters, samne......... 22 DR. j. L. TAYLOR Elmer W. Lang, Milwaukee...24 Grace Parker, Philadelprla ...20 Office ia Fire National Ba"h Building notus:,-1 ta 3:89t> sud taS SNIl. MILLER. Attornesy Besderew -u Broadway. opposte Paris NOTICE 0F DISSOLUTION Lloert) vlins, adilui.. Public notice is iereby given tirai at n special meeting of tir e tackialders ai DR. GOLDING Watrconda Lumber and Fuel Company, DE24TIBT ield et lie aille rot said Caompany ru lie Saure 8 ta 12 e.m.-1 ta à p.a. village ofiWanucanda, in tire Carrnt.faif Orer Firet National Bank Lake and State af Illinois, an lie Office phonoe19J..e.. Phrone 157-J.. slateertlr day ufI lay, A. 1). 1914. ai Libertvvilo.Iliias the baur ai anec rrcirrck p. ni..pursoant-_________________ ta notice given ase eqitircd iy law, for DRA.HCUcHL the purpace ai cansidering the questions P,ý-H.siCla ndSRRIM ai aranduriug the carparate enterpriee, One. over Docer & uond's Oro, Store eurrendering tire charter, franchise and Bonze ilg10 iA. M. 1 to 8. 7 toa f P. M. carparate mames and dicsolving thcetmid SDerlal attention te 979. Es?,.Nousad ITbesi carporatian Wauconda Lumier dnut LASSES PROPERLY FiTTEO Fuel Company, at wîri meeting ail ai LI1bertyville. - - - -Iliiel the capital stock ai naid corporation was represented and vated lu pereon lu DE. P. H. SMITH. layon ai tire lolloving resolutlon, tic DENTIST. faiiowing rerolution vau unsuimauely 3vas Là" t COUS?? SATIONAL.BAE &dQpted: auu-d Jtc i am.sud i1 to59. à& Where-a*, Waucauda Lumber and Fuel DAILT. Companry bas ceased ta do or irsestet ibortyvlll Ifimol irueinees ai any ciaracter, and iras no asets iny coiarce nwa JsdPUBLIC AUCTIONEERING belanlng t ItClosset attention pald ta ariasgiu And Wirereas,at ail ftire corporate auction &It, ansd beet rouat. lahnd debteai said Company have ircen fully Ing saine. paid and tiec crporate llabilltiee tirerai AI] kMode of bonus, wagons audi completely diccharger,aud.tbecorporate.* bai-nu, for sale an ezetgu at i Ilc asets and praperty ireretaonebelanging HENRY SMN ta tire came have heen dtstributed Phaus 148 Or 48 ZION CÇ"r, among tirs persans entitied tirereto, Nov Tierelore, Be hs recalved tirattie ~ DF IN DVM eald Waueonda Lumirer and Fuel Co m- J L RE [ N il ..W parry, a corporation, be and tire same le VTRIAYSUGO irereiy dlséolved and tire President ai Gr.dtmte Clsio5geVal o li maid Corporation f. bereiry suMMdrlsed d iss881W. ta, cause a&complt@ record aiailit f t6e proceedlngs takten lu tis repipect verlfied by bils aoru affidavîs sud attMUtd by DR. VICTOR Ç. Iivf F~ the seretarY of sald corporationunuder OS1EOPAT le P"VSiCIA sad -eresary's signature snd the 215 m&di.ou St., wa!sbea.1 arporate s-ala01s$&d corporatiou, ta bel09ém. HOWNIe Biled for record la the office ai- thre -12 A. IL, 14 P IL. -P. . Recorder af Deede of Lake County,Bunudmys be'AppoItqestd eI Illinois, It bulnt tir ecourty vhere thre Teleéphobe M& principal office ai eald corporation la________________ locatéli An b i Fui-thon tuiolved tirat sald T ii"M d ieso Preeidant cimse a natteofaithe dissolu- MOm , mti tion afietald Waucouda Lumber und Fuel French Gosrasa. 1liàae»I al - Company ta h. publisbsd for th 1es aishLanguege Ovude. rt Wbe u a s aumob Wvou 11fl8 siceepeve veeks lu the ."Iàake Cauuty u»&4& eowx Independeut and Waukegan Wsekly , JasL .ymS Sun," a nowepsper pnated sud publihed 25 WOo "i**Ç%dNs.si lu -the vilofailibertyvilje, la iqu Coumly aiof tike sud Statu of Illinois. sud vitin tirresmarrlifronr tiidate 4 mvA0N mN i O x'Ww uanse eald record aiom@sad, eaigID N. . tbwîeon ihe certIfct, of r Dc.iN.uW.OSTU tpApJ-- ijz ezequted by Uh. Réecder of Deee0f8 said Lake Couuiy, ta be BWled th. office WUnil I bc L<,ese I L, of tire Seretar7 ai Stat.UuISa sVs div â j Adopisd by vats e prueetiug ail Of .wm<usp tire capital stock t sald corporation. And Natice f. Furtirroiby 6G1,01 that a complets record of aIi thre pro- cccdingq atmead nettag. siguod ry tire Piiadent of tiru Corporation, viil.d by hie sworu affidavif. sud attsoid by 1, -1 li 4âý