Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jun 1914, p. 8

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liOjtlu; bt vo Mr"u for atuevm va&- Pl*ni nv. -Libertvyl IN SATISACTION - .W. Core Ilarnesm Shop =MAUX" M b UM AD NEW CLOTHIG STORE KT LWWiYnVoiUzEU nw sE'rLEDm usiness W. are Iearnng thé vante of the. trade and are receiving uew goçdà nesrly every day in lie'and Boy' Wear of evory description. an'.sd Boys aadY ade Clotbing et U abte mnie di frPMUdbes Underveli' Drem Shirte snd Work Shirts Ovorsfls and Jackets in Umm verlaty Bats and Cape Trunks and Sut OCams Nockrwoar sud Coflar of Fous C GREAT f ln Lin 94.0IRAhI mi" 18 m ~1AAt à nemeam egemia pti mme thne110000 >eros melg ther lu Chicego faonjuge 223 to ue Se. They vm « me tro u parus of Nuag. LisAfUosUd"Nortb Amer- tus t. atoias t Jterat sandumay, ihat 400 dlegâtes snd alternabos VIII ho prmelt. The conventIon ceabar t u bhe b ehures vil! ho utItedfgr conven- lin purpoSea.Armmitm bave beec maie for reuniordt,. donouMina- Ui"rallie.sud banquet&s. Tbere vii ho more thon 150 sessions of the cmututlon. lacludiug thé Coifereuc- os iy mass meetings. *eighep Aéderaw o Sepee The opsing meetin 0or the elght- day conveuhlîn viii h bld Tuesday eveing, June 23, la lb. Medlnmh Tem- pie. William N. Martaborn of Boa- tol% preident af the international Smmday Beboal'Associaton. viii pre- aide. Aller thé openins address lbe Elght 1ev. Charles P. Andeorsn, bisb1- of th dioco.. of Chicago Of the l!PWs coWa church, viii preach, the canyon- lion sermon on *Jéaus Suitl Reigi"1 lhe them. of the couvetior' Thé *indug session of the Convention viii ho hai Tuesday evoning. June 30 l0 MIedinah Temple, sud ull ho address- ed by Dr. J. A. MacDonald of Toron- to on "Tlhe Conquest of North Amer-j Every phase of Suniuy sehool c-j tivlty vill ho considrdinlathé var- long conférences of the convention. undar the guidsnca 0f expert of thO International Bundsy iSeool Aocia- lion sud of lb.he >iominationkg Su- day uchool boards. Beaides tbsee meetings b ouS«U- er. gradedjesaons sud lie von0of thé diffret deffatuess of thefluwi dmy achool. Ihere viii ho couteresces on evmngellm, rural Suuiay achool ance. Purty ad odalerda.. BP> dii o Uftrenea vii le besd for vovkenars s g olege siud-$&a aMt s or.igm-sl.mbg peoplte, for qninutare. snp.rluteudents sud Sdi ivorkers. everytbini K~E-YNID wau Informed Si &Mf Oen Tal MeWas o ieWay te Seo Ex-Prosidont Tif t WAS HELPP Ou HIS WAY. il»e Shsf f 61am E"* Monsy Io Pay MW SbtutCar Fare 10 Evanîton Steveb *M'Mgero Ien( John Dailie-of Naval Station r Seùu___Pa, et on Valuable Devtoe forUse in War. s WILL, OFFZR' IT TO GOVT.i Those Who Have Seen Invent- t ion Say It Contains Sever- t ai New Ideas. John Joseph Dllier of the naval t station ha. received yaord fram Wasb. ingloin Chat hé hbu beeît granled s b patent on is torpedo-steering xuech-a anism. He-bas asmigued a one-tenth interest ta Fred C. Carke, also of thea naval station. There are may diferent kinda of1 tworpet-lerr. devices but the on. inveutad by, OUIler 19 said *a ernbadYt tmeneonliy neu ideu whlch Emae the device one that should prove In- vatuable tethe govermoenl. DOuler. it la ssii. tutemis t givo thé Unitedr Elates govarument the OirsI opportun- ' lty te purchame hbinrvention. lHe bas demnonstrated il on severai diffrentt occasions and It bas been prouoUcced1 a sucea. lan every sese of the word.i Sucb a device vould prove most val- ,sale. _ FWbwovng ie a lechulcai description of the device. i. la s torpedo havir.g a proilier irivlng saft;, a steering mechanu compalalnag steriug ruider. pover essoaism 10 oprates ad ruder; a tbaotth mochanlsu for ssiW »Ver1 mebphI4 ., 'oy,"g tvq opposite- IOeWgUMmer, a trgismé meohaini m operatlvely esata 00 peowàler "aft sand " ot riebmidÎW;sud saooaeorretiag %ftine jalvealy mounle sud.bonmaily holu by the pressure of vater om th. bM" UIlireofpsrmflell »thé initia coussee0ft the torpedo. ssii plam a-c ing %, rockiug memiier n2avahie tb seIng memnbors. 2.,- lu a mechaismach as deecrib- éd; a cutat rotary irIvint mem- her: a stlu rflnur; su iniefen- dentPower mechaMms f-or ieatl #alss member sud pover mSihmm, mui transiating mecham embody- lamg a carrer réctprocalfvoly connect- ad vithh id driving Mmsber; a rock- tmgS memh., mouutd on mail carrier; a plsralty of rochlmg levers dImPosed1 la t.e pu orsaMi roeehimo mb@ý te, ho moved by mWmlime uh.=s@c$- ive»'; a correct lé» pise toalîy ualed on contactt heovalet gl t umvhe ltelel' 0- ie the &ala~m XIs cI f the 2. elu ser *si im YOU want b kopt.owa Slh«,rugaJag pne P0Uà %ARCH. We'l u ave o U f18117a dpUar meore ficee.' No~'&it<S ut IItn hiMis Jooansd Prov sone such as aeuulysnb~b the mont careÜ uayon. we an e re to Phesa *id gave you money. ndsrnght Afthur ei7deOf «l 1bohre la crer that ho spema. d th* " mnlula tecltl. neted te M. L S QTT Pip. heo la front Of tbe CoUrt h«»a ibtsehm ve Co= els. W. o ciy he"M00,wa5. ewk t wl. w.PAMMURST au beavy bqww «* Tm holm ai ou #-ii, pop -f- Mr home.chew t m àcàvie i . *lm fa~~ s-Nssyvueme, the *1e Mage, .M- &Mdemured t»b*t>t«q hor1e invutbel dIi * ahr hs etls-lam t rouesy i is star ho w»lua ovssf-lum aou, iaoac a te* i vl thle f10o10v Mdhall? i. ai _.&atraveling sê4WtOt lUrthé OrW OUMd liaI héol mot lsmWlà tader mofsnvar e mliacten0fAsset ho senIt toan aayium aibitOdhé u cOin tmeils tw *boousfort e s~PPured 10 ho of a hamns tat imsbled as uofflu*naadcne-1 Thé Incident losed u iesia'toN la IiIblsM44& iLne la umr lf ave Mager entougi mme te pal j5~inlaw.Cictaje _________________- _bis street car laretg Uvsgabea, hors- I-Fradulent crsdoslabsimdsa lst of A& a. userlay helpW him to that egla l bis b. baOi ioftbaa re» 0s &verdict ~ grommas; lichair7 Ir b.. i' vhio- imm @eji aked for a vo*gg v wbvp ii.d hI -a sîreet cm a lut~ Attorneys for Mima Morton late tlisi uLonO<refumed te aeum fthe case ner g100s uggeâted hi Juige Don- ueliy sud the court ovérruied thoir miotion fo*r a nevý tria. An appéal us praed. lndepenienl reh au Watpoita l NO'*ISTHE TIME To beautify your (jardéns, Vasas, Porch Boxe@, with beddiug plante snd vinés, sncb as GER&NIIXa,8"£VIA&, DAMIESCANNAS, FIUCI- AS, IIYDRM&GEA&SOLÈtYB, BECGONIAS, SWEET ALLTIUSUIAGeRATUX, NSÂLLE ROL VERBENAS, À8TËPÀ, STOCKS, LOBELIAS, ZINAS, PHL.OX, RALSANS, VINCA VINES AND OTHEES. Tomatoos' Cabbage, Cmu- Vegetable Plants lîflower, PoppeMs E g g Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. LibertyviUe. 111. efOre ho returuai fg the animal SMd foad tI wuasgaime. elouoîed au l aun4 oinmake surehh buOt ied-it omuewhere eli. but flnaliy bearn gypç tht lmmg one hsd stolen IL Hoe ai once reportei lhe malter tu the Waukegan police. Night Demi Uer- geat NFraak TryoN et once >woceedei to ctil up the police depsIAbeiitâ of the 'dfferint citie. iatong, the north shore sud througbout thé county. a- ns th. oficers te ieep a lookout for the, this. Ail the différent police stations ln Chicago vere taotillod no bhat fi the thief had made sny1 effort oc epter Chicago be probably uould have been detected as every police. man s furnished uitb a descrip- tion of the horse and buggy. Apparentiy tho tIlef muet have lout ie nerve for ho sbandoned the. horse and buggy near tbf York Hanse church. A farmer living near there muw the rig, aud uoticln& that there was no driver in the buggy ho put the ors.n hi b arn. Re thon reportail tb. malter la the police and the ani- mal us rotored ta Its auner. 0f te horse stealings bave becomne rallier common lu Lake county and ýthé police Ir% tbe différent cilles and toufa are kéeplug a sharper vigil. ance. A systent bas boon porfected vberoby It la possible ta tbrou a drag neot aver the county la a very short lime lu Ibis uay It la difilut for a thief to éeuae uith s horse uitbout belng det.ctei provifing tb. thoft la discovered soon afler il taies place. Judpe Donneiiy Admits Dam- aïos of $2,000 Returned by Jury Were Excessive. Wsuiegan. June 13 Attorney raprewetiag Miss Helen Morltn, a Laie Forest beiresu. the youug voman uho hbu corne lato suca promineoce of late through leaving home audd.aly and lsklug np ber rosi- domc. ear Wsahington. etc,. Iisaf- tersoonappeared hafore Circuit Judge Charies Doanelty sud made a motionJ for a nov trial. At thlu~hat ru 01 comrta jury retuied a sverdict of Ufl dsageslaln. hese"0utFre niosei. .$no vhs a bmda a"m fSeu hoJurMa heoii h. laireeived e bmho tell frous Mia.Morton'@ hors$ tvo or thre years &go snd km-o 109ia. Thé attorney s smei >qtote ip ou tis grouis Iute the veuin ~ae.hv u lu -Jug DuMegly lu dlcmLug lhe ý b* $Mt lm , CtO. e . aMt ho muli hhmgf tlb. aI o- vibth. iliho ai- Gi,. thé EiwOw i , i"0;4PDO8 ing both sy0Mihc çlcarly. Lâtm vbma the.opie, rapea the iinuipbea 10moeMti S "ba ah.ha h rlht. 1 diicago T*kpbone Company eruabe f as lamela eIt cmm. ItBe tap5L m Keep Files Off Your Cow s Wlthl WJLLIAMS' FLY KILLER 'Does flot blister or make hair siicky. Proven the béat on thu mnarket. $1.00 per gallon F. B. LoVe1ý Co., Libertyville WIIAT'S THE USE 0F GEflINO MOT because our towu hau goDe dry? We have ariy amount of PURE ICE Delivered in any qusntity nt any trne, Libertyville Ice Co. Phono 41 LibertyVlli W. invite inspection of Our goods. sud gnrantee as r.prented »&d solitit your trade. yonrs t. serve, Try bL bad a toi tait?' Chari tory quali Ibis: eyee, If arei 100i bly t -te, rabat ai a Toi mata. ofSU Blsi~ ter. oie m OUT OF TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. PHONE 10 L PýOM , nelzrL

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