T~ V! lÔTMI~ fWP1WP'~1'P~VIDAV T 9A.t 'u i - naaa ~ - a a a..., a'~i8. .CJ~. .8SSMSN .8. .tWtt~1X A 8' t) - Autlnable house lu Zion? Imposaiblei Yet thata Swhat the ZMon police adit-and they wouldn't Ilke to admit uch a tbing if ft were not the façt- Have you notioed, tilat Zorth" time of year, the Mfes ,seems tW be biting, ouidmrbly more and ating harder1 thaï ordlilyg? Wçou di wat'a the reaaon? Tb&t ws tbe moot .zponolve bottie of booze the Lib- ertyvMfe man went after luit week that any man bas pur. ch*ua 4, i tn'& lati là lca < nintv. Tt c<na* his i,.l-fe M~ESOkFI ~ FEAR UnI!Qf@S'IN BUTTE lIE iO~À Tt~A MatiiaJ Law NaaI ThOugh Mayor RO HE 6 ˧ È â A'porerl tQuit. i~TE 0 013n !ttell ae érc rqa esi andti mnOrs , ôri J qu tuetandi blayar Duncan asitIfed ct-vu nort- Sa Foreigner Employed on the In- warî Iltat hbla l ntltecintrai, suli Farmn Met Tra'gic E nd btut uytjter outbrelqtk& ire expactati Friday_ Evening. &114 thee$,W&R nsýtbed.uresuIl In FRIEN~D MAKES- HIS ESCAPE. theluaersin: apthe tcrs ui t f tlu aud ail mines in' thi.$ et triara in Accident Due to Failure to Pay 11,11eleratlon toUM. the Price (Bottie of Booze) WME Q IC OW E For 'Sp eeder.' WMNC"tÇ W E Femate soolligOr Ir ed $200 and Steven Iazanska, 33 years cthi, inted Sent 16 .IMij With Babe. "'!i~~ "s' - ~W ~ ~ - jatragle deatis fflday nigist ai 9 ft(M) aop rl.Jane -t;)trs. Stel- -.and ai.1 just becaus. the man Who had accomodated him2 o'ctock whlle rWtia What la ktV)Wn la -lîhuatia, wife.of a coa im tuer, a exacted as a price 'for th accoinodation the bot-lie ofasaseea"oIhBoliamtTuti uiyetb9egt. u-eya whicli ha bail borrowed front a ar. 1tr lumvnprxet cf waur whisky.Inspecter at Laltiston. ISIte was SOued $200.,et - su luem tati- ________A frIand wlti tise victim s capeul1tre te pay lb. amoant saIt- vas tahken witis but silgisI InJuries alter thse te lal. Bshe willi ha pet-e tteoi ta cama -A OhIom. couinmuii hm urged the council to appro- trIeighî train hati ruian thmdawn on fo r ber Infant cbilIt there p11,ýé 16P tobe ued n acrua d to to uggng an hit thesenagneer 4elng unable te ptlai $8,OOto e ued ii acruadeW sop la so train af er discovering tisa thb 3akg' àtPlba~,sphg Out of the City. And others, not lu speeder in bis pals. the counicil, are spending many times that suin to get a Tise tragle tblng of the fatait), il tisaitisavicltimltudeati as a resait, ilH chAnce Wo do the huggl-ng dect The inconsistency of some ,te fiaddrteg lckt INAMORATO IS HELO mon in awfu.ll Atksi le teTofwhinker The - e W strangers ~~~whicb vas tu ehi a hspy ta tise car Vci On iFo ?Sa~ 411 .I, Inpector for use ot the speetier. icm on atF tofS s Tetax-buyers naturally uonftliket see srne Tiese10t la id at Leigiston and imvde the sale -and run the bidS down under 25 per centI, ai the Insui fart, LUhertyvilte, witb His SkIi Crushed. Often*4m.W 3,per cent. But, that's wbeteiurchaseravisera ha was employedti.ta Kazan-___ ownes beefit It as awaysbeentht a - h vnt te Apalaltie for tise iurpose Stamford, Conn,Jue 25Waido R. loue " OI«sbnâ.IthsaWys nee t4h.at-0f gttlng a box of beer. le geltishe iou gtsatad utlon-aàWa the fear of smre stranger eýen h sale'haix ai] rlght andi returneti home. alu nae eieto tmod IfBeasAbae B5i an ex-cîty cauncîlman said oeetinte anreakstWhî, the BOItte ntcmîr of tisa Rapulitau ceunI>' and "cutting the prace. ~~~Ha madie tise tripi on a speeder useti oetruîîe a oni ut ii i _____________________ -by the car Insîtettor anti. act-ordlng te heati cushad, an tiese teps ouf the neglet to rran e nî 1plaYes of tI machplat-e, tise ptire hippow-am building ehertlr alter 11 lAeCut aMesW arrange W for thse speeder for the trip in this wuigan drivers bas beeri 'augugrattdl be at the Insull farm, I4berty-ville, 8aturday next when as in other vases w hteeit has itemlte Stamfoid bospilal an leut- laute-r the W e gost ofliecty frnir wo hs-mde x-loaneti was a Itottîr of whiskey. ivitioul regaitîng consct essi.%r. thyare b wtofteet amrwo umd ex Kazenalua got tise bottle f'or bie Hielen M. Angle, member eT a wealtisy t4OIive arrngements Wo show thoen bin methods of fan- friand, tise lt-.-uectom antirarhied fit fauiiy. a musician, mnemiter of a fasit- lz, an gie tenia god ay' ouing Itla prviigeback homi'. tint when ha ariveti lot,.ublm New York City vituru-i chair, a iýg nd ivethe. agoo da's otin. I ina piviegehome, ha ftîund tise shiakfev bottFii v-eau pl t orty, la held at polica wbich fariners generally should avail theniselves of. hati braken and tbm preclous .fli hati le-duuarters wlthout bail, pendhng _________________________leakedt. ~furtter tnvestigation lute Mr.Bla. *Returne After More fl oucs deatis b> Coronar John J. Pie- Itu uf Bidgeport. Lake county farxnërs on Saturday wi.1l "round-up" t*Tise car Iflapartor cf course a, an- îuaîîu, . axty-nîne yeams tf age, wa ab the Insull fam, Llbertývlle, and te.eehwf i-n ei at aeaa mets ise lu-t w t be a seller Tut- the bandu is l done under favorable, mnst favorable conditions. foreigner suggastedt tisIha voutt ru Ilf Mrs. Angle, anti spent mitre tisan 1cmt tiste iamIet anti procure tihe i t iuuurs in tise music stutdiou eT rs. zny of the gueste. are faringn under adverse conditions bee,- - lie car inspeectar assanltid anti - Aile on tise thîri ficer uTf thé' bulid. aad y.t they make good; Saturciay tbey'll DO Iihow, if they tisa two tan startpdti t maka te hg In front et wisieblle was founti. bad evMr means at thon' command, tbey could stili con- turutttip. îl,ýe 1usd b-eu tirinking tuinîg te vn tinue Wo make even better. They weme rursnlng aisad ofe a Ing lie t-erelveti bis Ijulies en tise frelgist train going la tise same timer- Fceunul loor efthtie building aithtes lIoný anti e.pertedttehast It tisera but Ifoot tuT a ligisI et staîrs, leadîng le In tnd atheywer goig dn lte tlitru loter. H-e vas carriei frot ilThe confusion of the boy in the liluor case wben, l in h] tfea igtis e ere gaingd thtisipeint down tisa îower stalrwsy, bulng asked wbo Diener Waa le pointed; W Wiliam Deane ttisnt ti tlrfu£h a sunail vestibule anti de- car as urld Ino te dtchthePOFtPd n te seps jr rs.Angle, lu. easily seen, but for the fact that the attorney added: engîneer being untýbIets l stop isa wio eturneti tobher apartments anti ~r you n r that he (the. boy was pointed Wo Deane) is train alter tii5veminuuteir presenra. retîmeuh wlthut givlng «Y> alerta. Tise temnwho sold you thes liquor?" and theboy replied: Tise campanton of tisa matn kitiati saw teio- Intîmunt uat ax%»;$bure tout '¶Vte&n You can't fool me." (Deune was Diener's attor- tisa train bearlng dlown on titem antitram te uout-id, tioe' à ehuldine Coha teapet JutI before tise englune bit iîd up tut ant i uto tise Studioofet lra. niy. Thns the confusion of names evidently also cn the stail car. The eull wsi b Angle Thec wotan ml*tW no tienial fised the boy's mind as Wo identity. ùa u îgsî> utwara i tau>'yto-f e acts aitU b«t xplana- A new ordinance which became effective in Chicago \,*Ofday provides that hereafter nobody can purchase a revolver in the city wlthout first givtng his name and ad- dieus, the reasons why he wishes tW purchase the. gum and t.be names of two reputable persis sas refèrenceS t10 in *baracter. It is feit this new la« wifl have thé effet 6l pseventing many of the gunmen from getting weapons ,OtU which Wo carry on their chain of crimes. Autoisto driving near Waukegan should remember »OT TO DRIVE on these roads for some tirne to corne: Lewis avenue, between Grand avenue and Golf road (it bas been graded and is extremely rougb); the road leading south from Belvidere street at the Dady wclool house (that road bas also beau graded, and crushed stone bas been put on1 portions of it, but it isn't ready for use yet, and will not lbe for a long time. At the north end it in ertremely bail. The south portion, wher6 it joiaw t le Five Points road, is vBry smooth and enticing, but per sons comi.ng north at tbat point should swerve to the east, instead of coming due north Wo the Dady scboô1.> MUSICAL PIgoIfly SË~3I BOY NO W LI VING- IN LIONOCTY Zion City la fast hecoming a great three years of age Ite waa familiar liuical center. Among nome ci IbhewIth the piano keybaard; even ai so usiekeas 0f note readinirlisera,Ze. are yapre eshwdag td Flln m. Wilson, Mus. DCu. aproih bwt ra e Sblto Tabenacl,.ZioCity; John famillar ihymne, When tve years aid INTisomas. director of tise Zion Choir; Ite began la reeti notes anti tram tison C U Lnval J. RiHre, directar cf thea an he made relit progrens. Ile tcW onu orchestra. i ptays, hlgh gaade nvot ucis as, Litzs SMr. ýHire, tise director af the Zion Elali Rhtapsodie, Beetboven's sonatas. orcheWtra, arrlved In Zian City re- and Mendelsobn andi Bachs-works. de#ntly. He bas a wUae anti ssi4bath Abselute pitO1t la eyli.ently a Very c# wh6m are vossesed wlth a gift that~ rare gift. il le sali tiaI ouly tisree là mach prîzet amang rmusîcIans butl out of anaeisudreti mustcians bave It. ît la very rare. Tbe gift la known as Tise boy mao aven titecîtishe touna #bsolute pitci," and sema musical whicis came ram tisa bell ofthtie rail- hthoyilles differ as ta wiether this way locomotive ant In ot'ter ta doa r*markable power caoi. e acquiredti hs, a mualelan bas la bave a perfect throagb training or whether itleI a esr ta tieteet tisetonne, tisat la the t;turlborn talent. trklng pitcis andth ie atter tone or] . Jear, 1owiethem te jowem te dis- echa. HBecan tell visether tise Instru, *rn te aigitst evdilati In ôt fsounns nient la conceert or lnteriNateî cit.,ige Dlom *ba standard or perfec1t one of lie'can tara his face 1tuté wattand pktcb cam be acqulred or wheliser tise any person can strIke a bey ce tise Wâsse4sor le bora with the talent may piano anywisere on tise keyboard ant Vedîsputeti amang musicians but It hie wili tatllwisa± note o a.ptaat< 10' qute certain tiaI Malster Robert was strck. Anotb e v'ee et f. Pjre lu tise possassor of IbIs rare1 ta gel, a chromatte plîcispipe anti Oft. e wobor ni.t 1902 aiI lgan- btow any hailtlofe anti he can tati et Wrnn, anti le now Il. When once tise note souatiet. friand vas-lie. Kazeneka vas :22, marriatia leaves lhree siatîtah iltimen. SEES MAN BREAK INTO TUE iIOUSE; GIRL SEERS IELP Young Woman at Slayter Home Near Camp Logan Has an Unusuai Experience. SOLDIERS JOIN IN CHASE. Titeme sas a gecti utal ot exitement la-t niihît aIt Caînt tuLegan wlen sitotz W eme firrîl an preinisea ocrouieti hy a îtr Slayte r whte lves a short dis- lattIes fret Sheridan meati anti close te ('attul Loguan. It aPpeamu thtisa ta M 1) broke mb lte basamnent eoflite tuese and a gtrl Whso was living vîti, thte Slaytara was occupylttg a roens thieme. SIte saw thte malt cornte dos te tae stairwa>' teading e inte iaseinent anti she rusisedti p attotîter light oet stairs visicis lad te lise oonts aboya anti gave tise alarm. Mr. Slayter ira. meditatety fireti soma sots, eas ta wartî tthe Intmuder lhtat ha vas la dan- ger of ioalng bis lits. Tisa tan la- stanîl>' decampeti b> an outlit tisaI vas Intentiai for a jgtairtvay visen comptete but accordîng ta lise marks ha muet have strugglad consitieraist> aud tillac hack ln bIs altempt ta as- cape. Tise nelgisiors on hearlnig tise ssaOOting came ovar ta tise Slaytar hame anti matie soe Inquiries as te the cause. A catt vas put ln fer lise Zion City' police but as lte>' waranat reacisetiriglitI away, anather eail vas put lu for Shariff Green of Waukegan. Ha ant i bs assistant re,sîonled to tise caîl anti meanvisile a number cf tise soiers at Camp Logan rama an tise scane ant iinquireti wlat tisa trouble was. Tise man fiad by titis lime-matie hbis escape andt a searcis ias mnite lu tise Wods surrountiing lte iouse but ne trace ot hint coulti be feunti. Thete irftrelurt-cileWaukagau anti vas no tiautsorry h a hatet ga9 80 far viten a lutIle mare effort vottitihave easil>'loctedth ie ZMon tion l h iatt-ruu9tg lebecomproamlsed s ecaru-a tutriekon andi cariad Blsîlcu te lt-1,- trai - HAIT FOR PATMONT CASE Dry Ativocate Ktdnapad le Ulock Ar- resta, Says St. Louis Mîlatullr. St. Louuis. Nalut uea 5-ieRer. Louis R. l'atuutttut, tise liio dry leader, tas kidtitapeti these asi mabyl St. Leuisiaus andul as kitinpeti a sec- ond tinte iglultisays 040 itas 5tise mten susperteti ot kitiuapligbilmtise irsItnte veretl e ha 5.testei ln St. Sutu i waa tiese aaenient 0f an Inter- view gîven iseme b>'t4e Rey. John 1,. BrandI, paster eT tise ViralChrîsîlan csumois, an ttumair trienti ot Pattent. MISS DOLIMAN JIISTA DOL Opera Singer of Indiana ^#ka $50,000 Heart Daim. Providu eue, . Il I.June 25.-MiIss9 (arolyn pii ,n, a grand opera singer ct F'ort ttti ut. lad., brouglît sutl against W.Y tilarPatter eTftisa Pot- ter & JohunsontuMaciniie cotpatty et l'a% luriet tutu bruh af promise. SIte L ablks $,,0u Sîte aileges thtlu Ptter proinisadti lu marry ber ati-Se pt. 10, 1912, but sint-. tien bas refui-rdtla ilve ap te his agrceutt( ut, aîtittuutlui se bas heen mwhtît la)g at ail limes. Misa Dolm.n la lu New York. TOWN DIVIDES OVERBROWNE $orne Want anti Somne De Nol Legts- tator Tft- Fourtis Orator. Dans ille, Ili..- Jolie 25.-Tise engage- ment et Lee O'Neil Brownease pt-lut cipal speaker on tise Fourtis of Jul>' program ut Patuomac Ibreatene b dl- vide tisaItavuw The churrit peale have adopteti reltllns ttgainst tise Cimmîteesq acilan lu briing Bravue and Ibreat- en ta Iclu therivail own et Amnu- strong anti veleirala there. Roberts' Brother May Die. Terre lialtît' lutt., Juné 25.-William Il. Robtierts, Ir., brother 0f ltlayar 1tiuntMltlt us as injureti, per- kaps fatill, bu siîteis englus pus-r tng 5tcetfeTf(-at-s acroes Thîrd ave- ntikentue lIte luFour rMiIroad, Be veâs rldtag a birycle vsea bilt. TIIxýJE HUSTUJNG SHOWS RIS REULS AT ATLANTIC CITY Taylor, JUrkal, Firsi. ghlb, Joie, 8hçouR. 86891, E0uluiurfIM , On liemare da , My 28, Brady on a Flying Merkel wonthe- Orne Mile Amateur Champiôoehp. C. Schoeiield, aiso 60 âa Fwyufmie'érk Finisbed'Sëeoi&èl'Deleating Practicaily ail other N e o a U unes! OTIIER RECENT ilil-Dayton, Ohtio, lune 6. lijylor un Merkel won the 100 mile open evrt oer eaîngmaks tf uaihuat.Als -amstop prize. Average per mile 1.24. Istiau tII 'I ut , l Ite 1 rkei wtt 2-ile amteupr,. -mile amateur, 5-mile profession- aI auj lit tub f ot-aIl. Fo'ur wina otftitciv,- evenie, and besttaakeo competIng. 'ot a dt, t(tri-gît, Nay Il, tli'Iing Mtrkel won ail tise hig money in eigisl aveuli, Viz: l0i1i- ilniirtlitîest at nthipilea vinîg I ni an taîf mi le Ishi nd> .botis 4 h.. s, the 3 ille rat(e atnd the 5rutile ari. fHarry Brandt an a Merkel madie faste&llie ï,eart Way ,i, lîtî.. Pineau on a t'lying Merkel won the 5-îtîlle race, 11n 06.18. lu thse 10-molie evt in iîeaut had a bail aplîl, rame in third, andi wonsecoýn abwee eents. Loas Arigele.s luit , àrjîdtrante rae cf l52;&miles, the F' 'vi" "t i'IF,, a1n"ftet , ore -a hirilt Ttt, -situet Indiaris, Popes anti liailey-l>avitasî,îîslý.ilitig by the w-ayiside 'Tlido, Olie tutollrîuuatltîn Day, Antos on a Merkel won thse 25-mile open avent, l'AntI on an 1, ai l,tr stetînti Baiiey on an Excelsior third. Tiine 30.191. ij* IT PASI VOLJ. ITS A FLVIV MEKDEL IF YOU INTEND TO BUY A MOTQRCTLE See ,The Flying Merie BEFORE PARTING WITH TOUR MONeY! MERKEL \FACTS THAT HIT THE MRT SPOTS The Fiying MNfekei ltas fit teen years of expert motorcycle manufacturing ex- lxriuvtîc-e back et il, anîd lte i)iciaser gets the fulli benefittet that experience. The tttantfactureru, have spamîui no expense int lir-ir sîîccesstul cad'eavor to btWlthte BEST attd\ H1iglittst Grade Mtorcycie inthie Woriîi. The ittetd Spring Frante tantiSpriîîg Fomkrîtake lte Nerkel "The World's .Niost Crittforlaide Motorcycie' ' tutti cottîfort ii iding i te great desideraltîns. rTe full l Bal Bearl.tîg Mator gives te Nerkeilte Most Flexible antd Durable l'ait et- Ilatiî. Il is (Il le te extra cost flit keeps theîntt ocf other ntakes. 'rTe exclusive Dop.otit rear witeel construîction wiii appeai te even the veriest notvice. Puntcures lose iuos oet liteir terrors if yen ltas-e a drop-otst wheel. - The Merkel ha the,oîtly PEýRFECT Autoutatie Oiliitg System' -a-o sgys lte Leadittg nglish Tradfe Paper. 'A positively correct aitnott of oil at ail speeda. T'ite Nerkel is lte SAFI-*'r nitoîreyle le ride, owiîtg te ils Double Braking, 2,vsteîtî. A perfectiy gradttated contrai, vidiîtg ail suddets jerking stops. Ecnoi c ftpkeep ati 1aperato savtlpoineinconsider when seiecttng a ntryce Fred Kari, Ctaai)vr Ohio od ls bell drive Merkel 39.890 inle, t iicitattical exp)ett-ý of L THAN r'VO DOLLARS. A.Van, TootOntrio, mede lus Nlt-rke erl ,,(otuilnaes,î cluding a tandem trip k %vtihisw ifeob Sait Franisco oCicga a total t echanical expense of î ovOneDollar attd Fif lv Cets. 'lleNekel NOT a "repaîrusan's frieiid. FRCATALOGUE AND OTHER LITERATIIRE. CALE. N09,« pqS SAM. Ha BRADBU-RYI,ý AGENT FOR WA11JZGM< AND LAKE CQUÜT 106 SO. SHERIDAN ROAD, WAUKEGAN, OFFICE PHONE 4»8 BOUSE PHONE 1171-~J Write [or Township Sub-Agency. A Liberal Conunqsiofo,ý1mtI.s ATlM ---t eus, - i s t,. nos. 4 the )Ors stianreq ly has «twt la gam amilice vidnta iL dan- uce of nit>' of wee' for as tise bornes. of tise ter ie d ne Wil lsie"i rffl i>' orthsen - '- "-- - Page Tbf*. ~f ho sksfnrthnt at hatwede they will be given a b.laea* P,*0 10 E 01P ITSto la having 0cr flewer hed COUrt wItthramlteuts1~-1- rulert. Wtoe' rii stealing our'iows for the Sian Intendis to adopt a MADE A OUT I lfloit:rs does sos hâte ai night and ln paiy of TIIFT F F OWE S plant , tears off largerse<tosofOur: ing flowr. Ili',the ceecf t4qeyffiuu damuage. I thinh lite.4e andls la eould brenbhrButoffensandtiIe pWbý- be locate d e îlatvrd under arrest lishlng of ber nantes ould bave ti> Since Complaint Made by MrS. a thoir aüti,,n are iinexcu-able" jiired ber but noý i hat a warnlng bau HIorning Others Report Sim- This la üpj a 'amnple of the rom- bren issued the thleves wl u niter. ilar Experiences. plainte that art lîîlng made. Propie stand that when theY o i pw say that desitte te fart that they lhey are taklng the chauca of havinit have talien pains t0 cultîsat(, a niee their namres printeti If dtoti. M ANY VANDALS AT LARGE. I tiower led titiva tedals sciemta have Ther(e are sorte cases whersv uIIlty net lte lightest regard for tii fart is the orJy thlng that wIl keep pea- Are Not Satislied With Steal andl l, thefir theft of flowers wantonly) pie front dolng wraag and tMona 1i ing Flowers, But Destroy <irstroy the entre bied. l oft hese rases. Plants and Bushes. The police are of te opinion thatl ",veral differet propler must bp steael- Laught- A4de g~~o ingfloer frin hever fat ha I *ughter la a meut=bà1 M Waîkgtne ~24.nufowr rtnteir attha ion; it la one o e gb. PObeO0 .te lte thefis takr plare ln se many dif- digestion w1i hich 1 amn aeqila Tt develops that iiower tandals are ferent parts eof te eiiý. Tltey reason., and the custom prevalent &am"ui OUI carrying on thlîrr ort, lnalal parts that If one, iwo or trre pe-ople. were forefaîheru, of excltins it d a" IM h of the rlty. Sînre V rs. iternico Ilorm- îoing fi that the lte fiaw ould hr lestera and butions, wua tomiffli ing of South l'ticas treet made a rom- iloser togother. lor the Tast few taue medicailncpu-~qaj plilnt ta the polirp as a requit of nighta the niglit policemen have wblcb a 17 year old girl was placedt]en given iestrutrtiotns te lceep a 014 N8UtBf'O Wc. utîder arres' and madir 10 settie for; sharp wateh as they make their KTU. arvue-T"ba liego the damnage, complaînts liave crrme reninds of the clty and ta arrest un- h onrl yanndmss. 8 front ail parts cf the clty from people litesitatinzlv aiiyone they dptect ln thej Swv.rlelh-XIndeed. 1 w«Qd 8ov* who claim they have suffereti at tie r at oftalig ilowers. 'he act tha gusst e mn1buh ltto d bade ifemilar vandais. th i-'f t ay tt a gr or würman winAmea~ wrtten guars.nty that the pfihW "We dont came seauach about thet..,t deter te omecer for lie will see or wae past seventy-le beforis. Adld ]os of the flowers," one womnan d- Ilat liîey arr piareid ln the caunty aq atroke of lU' ciarei, "for we give theinsta anYot.) juil for the tilt. The next mornIng