Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jun 1914, p. 14

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Ara" Wa*I 04.4< >,O,4"8 wvl' - SI et- til t.ia 'Iii FRJD~YC CHARLES N. NOYER Ma lTUNWRA ANFR. WIK&NOALS Juane 22, l914-Allee M. RUnyard____ TOSTOP ýï KIandl hubý a 4 E Simone and vite Br oM' B~~fO~ al -W aNS sbdialonW. on o! Washlnutm titrent a diigbter ~jJ~~ eu4lvs~n. . »on Joue 111h. __________________J. a. Élua sd ioteatoG. J. Hophei lot 14, block 3, "At Horne, subdlvi. Mine Doris MrPhy et Ml"eapolis, h sion. WatlCodda W. D. $10. Mo*., lain'lutlng in this iy wlth Sli WGmuuiudAssistarqt C let, TyrrellDe- Mary ULD. D'jet.Trustees Grays- risuda a" relatives. ôIàten, & ttoWarn laoM .cbUrcb lot 1, Druces euo- rai ILocalDealers. division. r'slake, W. D. ;600. Mr. Paul Barnes of Boise, Idaho, HE EE S C OP RAT ON'lots 2 ad 4, block: 17, Washburn ter. A.J. ' 4I I vIfs ta B. H. Mil.111 bhe ld this svenlng et the drill AnyQeýCajht*th evoler1er, loti 22, n3 34 and 25, Mundeed hall et the naval station. M Frocs Ameru r4 o euîeu WîlI Have the &un Confis- subdilvsion, Lberyville, W. D. 110, le lli SltiwO-iitOeOAated Mi Once. June 19 1914.-3Mnna A. Sherman Lou Durkin of West street ia eIIjoy- of caudtry btnl tee CatIeMant er.blotst2 lng an extendedvit tenthse saut, vis- ..e*remnt onFitioVIa@l PWaukegan, June 23. aid3, block 1. and lots 1 and 2, Bat- ting at Buffalo, Niagara Falls. met. As the resut of thse Injuries receîv- terSsali's subdivision and lot 10, block Word bas been reçelved 1v, ibis Cty ialIon. Joune 2 4 yRsmod esaifraIvîv 2 aykm W .t1*of 1h. blrtb of a boy ta lir. and 1fr.. cee te roosi oranteyear old boy vbwhot irnseU tInthe Chi~cago> Titi. anld Trust opn Clem Brennekce <Y! Chicago, tormerly tof the MDoffliefo ulan R,4 u'th a bl»X eartridge whle be toGeorge BrrtaM wIfe, lot 65, cty cintfe W*te ltra eebrate Pourth of Juiy Wilooon'sse4qOM4subdivision on Long toemgttrIntrnattiseplie are -mdeev a ke- A, Deed *150. Mns. Harry lFrench of Lako Parent oéict o b 1W îné ~ e rut au mresPb rc- Ben"y vende« nd vtfe to L . W.spent itheday witb ber parents Mr. BasPot . twu1*put y"e mrs t enfound Sit .C 1,Wtato adi and Mrs. John Banders of Franklin by4& ofji~ pnetiahy aII ot thse ourth of! setions 6 nidIi. ,Deerfleld townablil. street. limai smIllaI tht Lois cab j Jly a<lCdelt, prermature or otiser. C. P. Bl1ad 'vite to Thos. and I~ ~ ~ eâ FgaaoI e Ion vi j Wise, have reaslimei.Sxej blankc pistais Nellie Cole, lot 5, block< 2, lliddledom's Miss Marte Mile bas returned ta ktdïrkAt( S * an- éSc at U t nd conne6 rimkers. subIMulosM, Waub . W.D. [$1.m n itr ntate n il o *a ?ê m"1ueloa WX Ttsb<g *eti oic ned~,Joune » 1. -4'abst Brewing com. joyiug a few lays vieil with friends scruuy ~pre* entaesMat my atcoldete te ~panl> *150Vg OIse»é,, lots 13 and 14 and relatives la Chical. re Fal, à u s % 3-The - prevet'n- ýtse saleet lire- boEs3.ChcâoHighlande, W. 1D. Mr. and Mn.M. Richardson have ne prowsi* anipuce piani *orks until the 1h> o! tise Fourtb. lo4.Mc returned ta their humeono Fairview 8 hi tM- A. Dlg;, i. aup ~________________Witb regard to the nie of llank pis- Maismi M. Griffith.s ad iusband ta Place mter enjoyln;g a vacation et toIa there -Ie not4bhs# luthe city ordln- . L *i d wen o 4 lokChanlnl Lake. Mon: ae vbtcb autlS4rrfàas t'feoie ta 20. iWgbhuê,Pftk. W. D. $0 ha il 't , 1p -b t",ei 1lebu t e Olcete covy mithe Wadsworth bamibal team in Pn _ 4"ten t ik II ODUIl5t té lice In-, CO 1 blnd çh dIta 1v a-dance et Browe'à hall, P'ullay ~ .m~ ~, *.em.....O.*e**igi estmmdente! andrMqueut- him fot tg 9s11 addition ta uortb side, Waukegeu, eWn. i nme rm espa liecoesr.cmIsaemmdor NATIONAL LEAGUE. tss o eovr.I atttyl-f 1 't.ofe«.Aabsao tend ta asi them for tbeir co-opera- JaesMundeseand wlfe to A. J. Mr. -and Mrs. Harold Grimui, Miss ia of. Uas% theb rankltt diplo- IjWLU Pet. W. L. Pet. tion in reducing tbe number of acci- Austin, -lots 22 ta 25, Mundeeos subis-Vivian Clark o! Chicago and a Party ou the. medlators, slid. :N. Y. .33 20 .629 ?bll. .-.Z4 27 .491 dents. diesion, Lbortyvtlle, Q. c. $10. o! local people are ei',oying an outlng Rcul et the* Pl" et p&lenca'I. .31 .525Bpied. .628081 'b ave already ssued orders ta J. R. Fulton and!Wfe ta J. K loen. at the Bachelor club, Third Laté. erùIûg the int.ratiog*aide eh,. .. .29 30 .492,]Boit. . .23 32 .41S thse effect tat any caugbt wth thens -,11 lot 9, Tiffaniy and Prazwrs eubh-'be employez of the Globe depart tiaIr Olol a AtClennt- .R. pstole te their possession wlî bhave ilîon, Waukegau, Q. C. $10. elatmamt ta ve 'med, t Chicoteý..00009002 0--11 12 4 tbem conilsatel and 1i nteeli to see land husbsnd to M. T. Balley' 'parthernut 1cl a udl8i -î- CUdiutI 0021000.- a S1ithat thse order la follovel tgte ilet- lt4, jte4 subdivision o! lot2, t'Boni u slagaMt le musm Chenal, Pite. and Neha.; ing- ter," Assistant Chiot Tyrreli mid b- Lake Forest, (;. C. $1. Mia Ethel Ganant ebo undervent Mq~ 4ê~'hmIntr.llGOMUMe9 e.4 oturCar sdday. "W. bave followoi tliîsplan Y. P. Dynonl and wlfe et ai ta mn operation et the St. Luite bospital, GA onSf.R .E orsvriyasan ehv on Lammert Harlsa, 7 acres Just west o! Chicao sornetime smo has returned At ostn- l. . E fo iteri yarsandvs ave!ud lbertyville, W. D. $3,000. to ber borne on Falrvlew Place nome. N..Yor ...0l00200- ~ '~sltst~ . god.Otcurslt e jGerbarai Schreek et aI ta W. J. what lniproved. s'.L is -gtqvhema gVetu- B ......11 14 1 imnpossible for us ro detect ait viola- Smlth, lot In village ut Libertyville, terut.ê ÏuDosMe.Wophsud-an-Ma and tloas and Ibis allowi accidents to hap- »eed, .00 Thse Young Worn's Thursda>'aven ta ~et~bu~em.t Nbu; liolmisau Wialtm. pen each year but vo .111 do our boit. C .Slbadvie< .O aeIng club .111 bold tbeir regular meet- IL mre- .H. E. C .Sih nIlefoF .Dw ~wisw~i ~a r~~iaguent Nv8ar ..000301- IarnsoiT3r tIera tano orlteance aM vIfs, lot "CI# Smth's 2nd suIs- 1ng tamor.wseVlng ai the teks . s...~.opaooo-4 a which give us tho power ta stop the duivison I section il, West Atioch Park- A Bleach party will be bell et S3Uol.LUpon thse co u marUd malM-Nyer; perdue, nale o! Ibese gum. !tovnship. W. D. $1. 6:30 oclock, sud ail members are re- ~~ ~ CO..II ~~~ Wkmte. ~It la a noticeable tact that altlsoughi George ,otkenhagem, ta Ev oI-qetdt .peet n~a ~ .~ At - ie- Ro.B u orbl brl o ssaa r, Or. et a, loti 1, 2 aud 3, bloek 3, Tornorrow evenlng the 0. E. S. yl ~ i~.~sti~~as,,~*oiiJ~* ..0000000-7 0 Othere bas been no promaturs cel lit ~ ~ pla~ba 00I10 34O ie ii obim a Dreyer's subdivision, North Chicago, eutertain the Evanstou (Ibapter et a »0it'q cedi ' is , ê,au phAiln culPluhrt Neyer reuti ne- Cimt.e varins d ues byn Jue4, 1914.-Master lu Cbancery banquet to ho bold et 6:30 in the Ma- _jem. h ole ole fettatn ua Drew, two lotsoen West ido soutc Temple, wbicb .111 ho followed spocd om- R-B- - maure elebatin. wuld e p rtat utriek street between Grand ave- by luittation. and the vork will bae ex I. ~ ~ FX r . 1 gne .H . aueclbelu olib emt nue, sud Wasbington St., Waukegau. emplified hy thse Evanston cbapter. at, Io.. 000000 1 0tdIi erude si fare.Deel $1809.94. Tbe delegate ta tho Modern Wood- vie. -. Bewa Mma uwlu s oud cl-y: I(Lura B. Hally-Smfls ,rr hue mon conveiitoIiet Toledo yl moksaa i , . -AWier~-& Mfts. Thse Sunday sehool of. Chrst churcb 'band) (et ai) to Pannie w. C. perrld, detailed report et thse Woolsue C. Ai t- tiib- R. . I. and ibeir friands hld tbetr aupual 0 .$lOwfTOITOTON n ingti venin. vOl ~ St.i.5.Aow #16114000.--8 10 1 pffeut4 toly l ruce Lake and aWest 11.5 foot, East, 205 font. block< Rv lrneBuiodrWSu ---,,,w .. 0000000-" 4 O Most enjoyable tima vas laed. A, 4, Crockesi udveo.WUzsgn. rm Carcego, usode10k wut ~ 'Mnd Seller; A" and a i O large tomber veirse nattendauce sud 1Estate o01 r Wh abo. afr laenerWekg u t of mlvfii là31eloo. ~thse 4d aB &s Pont ta bastting, Swim- Louis M. Itynoci, lots il and 14, for e lace r li egasu bistm km~~~Mn'n i.W e*o eis g plaYlul vyarw ion s O. block 37,. Le eBluff. Ileed.$3503. thîl on r s outing te nemisftaie. SW L. pet. W. L pt. '.10< og siiSaaIdr t ~ ~ '.51 ~ 36 24 .603 Boa...2 1 8 éd o .teacta Do 3524 .60Bmil. .. 2 .4885 r n k , i u t a e , E c set uei~ IL. 41.671Y . ..21 34 .382s 'iitalug ,W& .33 aq .5W CIe«. .. .Z1,28 254 u t- as s,0c luarmon tis.* Partte recos ~ pqis$gelawfaa Aor ANw Yor- R. HI. I" Battais bai !..........40080000"-'34 0 UteeLu -NevYrk...0000 043 Balte" Wewk~ ad. "ed camwarmi en cait: MausidiM& étant d nast &Colo, Warbop and uamaker. hi Snmram i enosudSadem-R eb&Wmau es. -tbe eigm.g BoiteR... . 001000190-2 Il O ~Ie0eLAlI lotrae.eb Nw Yor ....O010000101-3 ? A o tisatI i vo' làa 4 om'e, Selln d Thomas; Kel. - uu ime é ~ At Cisiag>- R. iH. 3. ipacficato Vwichs bas *Imm 0 * &syieiMaeadaveomDlerit..... 001100 -2 5 4 -.~ Pute a themohree. Te ( Cvmbl. Hall sud Mceas: Cicotte viwtIl to land wbatever as.andMayer. 00 mtela t ac i tLoul- R. H.UB. à- lowtaka. St. ..ogi.01l0003001--4 a 1n 314 lu Dow o a romaine foer Bfourcu. Mre. isln ONetlI; Tai , teimiue 1 et ~eHeta1rBn, anialur elranad 4,11whoeé a new trunk, bag or suit case, raise your Second gMao- R. H. Ba te mprteicnfrmationsm, Cîavlm .... 010004060--l 1 ght han pe se. My. what. a lot of, hands! Ail right hOMeicn mlgaem a mlii5"d utub;now, here's te oo ews. We haveth lrest line of Inviant o'bMe 141011 w4CroausolAgew..ý WAOOI htVERS STRIKER P funï an.1itcases inthe city, adare going to ei Wauiiute em atrn tiy saving for ail whotaeavngeoou Oawey, Bush ad Schuss, Boeb. r, APlored AUS Large SULente Dlo. liî aS mnl. . y . bumWNI Affetsd. asm- R 1Truùks'«at $9é5O $.am Sn3.A surieot lS 00 i - . y i~o eetiijaa~odadcvrdwt an e.xtýta good grade of caU vailsi 9"emla niil.lectorat;wyc>qt,.ovo e ald Lb; jobas B e4re ~t *eèrir adbastest1hroughout, two dë. t , af c lu th largee oPO Dsii ta U It LCAS e1 atho e s t o r n in i he yand. P iced special for 9 é tii4ý* pI'odltin tise cie. tomorrow and thi............. '- abus, wu m aeImet tis, ewb.4t W. L pet. W. .t, Ir b«ter. m- In; oucisdiI.& ... 84 23 .500 IL.Q. .29 I.A$ * ie..-3 69 ltm .6 1- - SsI ... a024 .55 Etso. .253 s Cats at, 98c .Ut WII PaIy You Si hl mshyiem alBt,. .. lelu 36 38S .236la74 , suit eC58 mSd À 4 iîmîtation leather To inspoet Our lîne of Suit cases and ~~DN.Jute 25.-The bd over Bt.èel frsies a suit casek that trunks, as we have what is considered ~~~fraa~~~~~~~ Ib-ipaIatso tldsaola .HB gnrlyrtisf 1.-5, .prîced. ý -W-bIIthé-1be--t i the c-ity whkbh-yoî NO MATTXI tise iambe mPERHAPS j ha-ictri by asi jthat co AND TfAI b hopadt. I Lo'i'r. IT IS NOM heart'is oTHAT IS g, car thl * torlngc during *IF YOUH, te, meol wO cou * yooid > FOR THIS ta insio ziers ai 'arouw i'THIS IS A everyd withow the L Lazilr WE ARE1 -and,. Élands tisatail p per cei -* satisia4 I IT'S ASE I sakini extra i af for pfîrat cli I BUT YOI. Lazier i to fuil I cal cor p spend *>'Closel iority" SUPERFV S prices not lo disclos farnow AND IT'S 2> stay g becaur havet Lozier DONT I bool yc wayis1 If -yaî that ci as OUI BESIDES thinki you si posini acqual words GEMMILL Care of Su mlii lied subi w1 sde rath IA S IL, id car' AIT d 'i arai lot atk EI 1hq eti Is wci 1 in iex Ias J'L u S B: ré 0 sai( lui nue Sa ait 15 . &u iS TUE VCACT WORDS wth i voiced that wiîh-t* ope? R., Ien u ay Vary the, words but trnmine the amrn. Always wil- ffed wlth a Lod«.r VOU, LIKE MANY OTHERS, 1 ta appeasa, to inlayht1ig lg estituto--mn attowolriI. ims121 ce. Or perlip oeapurona. TH£ CASE thon your 1ongini for boas --o*W een accentuated-lýtitan- your appreclation will bc when td Loller la eventually yours. MAY BE SOONER than you had It la now wlhhin yeur reacli.-Ihat Aiviiumng o! course that price lise POSSIBLE for you ta gratify your esire-to own a Lozier-for $2100. ,HE WONDERFUL FOUR-the <as created stlcl a sensation in mo- clés end turned things topsy-lurvy ie past few monîlis. D ASKED US ta build yeu a Lasser iur.own individuel needs andi purse, flot have more nearly àppt'oached .OZIER WAS designed iu roaponsa rn demande from thouand--momî tready Lozies owners and dealer- of Lozier quality, made as ailiLa- mode te "stay" good-and et a price sà,goo.", RUE LOZIER in every Une end in tail of construction end finish. Made a mental ireservation-niade up to er standard, for it inuet carry the .rpe-plate and (3uarantee. AKINO 4000 af these quality Fouis %t will flot nearly supply the de- the rate they are going now. The )dton makes the price possible- thée façt ,%at il 188a four. It's a 100 car-100 per cent in service and in-.that Lozier Four. 'EN-PASSENGER CAR, TOO-by it a four wo are able to utilizc the tel bane for passenger space instetti ctra rnotor lenglli. And toi mue it ýs in every détail. LI HAVE TO SEZ and ride ln this rour in order 10 appreciate it. And appreciate the excellence of mechain truction anxd finish, you will have 10 ne enough ta look il over critically. scruliny wiil disclose Lezier suJper- swe have said many timnes. [ALLY some othcr cars at similar iay look aIl right-though Ihcy can- like Loziers. But close Inspection thoae properties ihat malte Lozicra as lte cars that Stay Good. ECAUSE YOU KNOW Lozicrs do id, long ycars aller other cars have ld and gone out of fushion, ltaI you id s0 often "Sorme Duy lIIl Owxia ['oo." 4 N TO SUBSTITUTE-you can't 4 rself. You watit a Lozier. You ai-.. ive wanted a Lozier. And you wiU 4 tc, wanl a Lozier until you get cie. order cornes aI once you cean have mImed Lozier wthin a few day..Bu ýLioinent is limited, donî delay. THE OUTDOORS CALL-0-and the picasure that will bc yours when sehind that Lozier radiator-that im- , ýrgn-and sec in the enviaus cyes of . tances 11)51 desire inpired in thpue Saine Day VII, Own a Lozier, Too.» McCULOU h, LkF ourty$Agent Office, or Neorthw.stern Garage, £evanston. .u by ILdit Mien C. Fl I EIWN A I ê?~D TM» rvl r'F% r'F- rfý qv, rF4 rfle"f"e , "ý !,ý

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