IA.KE OOUNTT WPIT ~,FRIDÂZJUNE26, 1914. - Lake County Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Number 1, Libertyvilie Exchange. Mte Omgered st th Postoflice et LbetYvilie. Ill., a@ Second Cie.. Mail Mte OffIciai Paper for Laite Co.. ty. <.e,.ed Elery Friday Adertioing Rates Mae Known on Applicationi. SiUÇOCRIPTION PRICE, 01.60 PER ¼.YEAR STRICTLV IN ADVANOE .......................................................................... Editor et. L MITH ................. ... .............................................. Manager M. i. WEBER...........................:... Resident Manager, Phone 08 Nov thoy arntlkn of colored buards for mon. Good. for tbe feflow who2 t any-he cam buy one. Horzee-atoaling and horse.clisapper~I Lake county juit nov seemu to be quit. the tW"g owvv, the. roa4 to^lohet i just as short and juat asl stralght as it alwayu With Lake countY fariners crylng for t'arin help ai- ray, there's go rousonforamy man i Waukogan or Laite oewiy WXO WAMT TO WOEX bebng 1die and not sup-; p<«rtng bila faUiy. Tact là, over'y abbobodied minuwho nov aïks. for tovu assistance should b. iuvestgiated vith unuanal detail to ses vby b. isn't workiug. That man M the . ty who des.rtad bis vife and took -wth hlm ber jewehlMénludng her wadding ring, likely vas velcome t. ail of that portion of her persona aefects, because amy Paut could b. dflPlicated. But ,ho ovidouced ]Lig- ret to the titi, of "thei, muut inm" viion ho took vi'i.h er marriage certificate-for that canuot b. du- plicated -sudeverY voman proserves that one piece of pa- perwith a sacrod pride. No city, village or hamiet la better evidence of wbat a railroad can do for the. commuuty than tis gmre littie Wauconda, in western Lake county. Before thé railroad arrived there, the town vas barely on the map; its inacces- ulbllty wu s sc that hundreds of persona of Lake couuty ]Mad naver boon thore, alt.hough thoy bad visited ail arqund IL Thon came the railroad, the uev 1f., nov business boom snd Wauconda got on the map with a suddenness viiich bas made it onelo f the good littie towns of the county._ _ _ _ Vell, ve're glad that Helen Morton of Lake Forest in at lut officaily and legaily married. But, from what bas been heard of ber, the young man wbo bas assumed the *job of training the young horsewoman t. take the vartous <ais of the matrimonial journey vithout kicking in the -traces, bas smre taak on bis banda. And, incidentally, it should ho reca3led that he'U b.ezpected t. pay tbat $2,000 judgment which recently vas given againsi bus bride in conuoction vith the injury to the. boy voli vas thrown from ber borse at Lake Forest. * Waukegan bas a number of' "ladies' entrance " signa on rosi or aide doors of its saloons. Wby should they be there? *Wby sbould there be a special, or "ladies' entrance" for Maloona? If the saloon la the. proper place for a voman ta go miii sbould have the temority, and it sbould ho compul- si'for ber to enter i the open, in the front door. "Lja- des'otrance11' or "famlly otrance" rigbt bave bien a oemity mauy yearm ago. But, the tirne bas corne vhen, uScrdiug to generally accepted ethics, if a voman is to go lut. a saoon elle sbould go-iu vithout disguising bersef- or aise romain out. Tiie comimissioner of bigbways of Shields township bas ýhowU good judgont lin redlately placin.g some top dressing on the ftue Green. Bay rosd south--oI .Pive, Points ~iuore ft began t. show signa of vear. It did't tako long .rog upaçh todo the woiký,asd theroad agai la iniex aIit qomdiox. It's iqtkk attentîon of titi sort t.eroa& that may start veariug that counts m hi, permanent prof serVaton of the. roads as a viole. The average commis- midu0wIoathe roads çet lt. msuch astat. Iluat tlieyrhave to 1». binit all over agaîn, viiereas, if ho vould take careofo tbein AT FMET vbei they beglu t. show vear, it would sav"emnua iu the. end sud keep up -a good road. Grand a&vQeu.West o0 the city of Waukegai in one illutration of tige sort. , Belvidere street vest o! the city also needs a little of l attention also. 'NYou e TO '..~515i'~ F. ansai in JUSTICE to YOURSEP, plan ta buy your toola, * ~g fs~ugimpleiiu.ut., houmehald utensl, knives, etc., ber,. You'l u4 VETUST ot CEAPEITPRICES. Our store is a MONIEX *~ ~ M gb8 W ua PÂRMELPOST. Libertuville MEREDITIlLL, N re T ATEND fELliNt ERF J. e. &Meredithi. président of tbe Men.. ditb Flairer & Vegetebis Couppeny. wbo cent to Coateeviile. Pc, in the interese ut bis miaiag Company about a Month eilo, gent a telègrini ta the Independcnt Wedneodays tating that on account of iieing orercoate cith heat h. ciliibe uneble ta attend thé. .lockhoidsr. niesi- log bers %eturday. Thieslegraim: Coateevilie, Pa.. .lne. 24, 1914. Lalo Connty Independent, Lubrtylvllle, lu. Pie...Caditty ni toeitoidere titrougb your velued montusthis week, thst on accouaI of belng avercome with heat it wll be topo@ ebiç for mo' t'a b. there SatnrdoW but that I trust tbpy wclU cent libeir ballotis ceobly, for my dWsre le to b. presdeat for another teria, clii be le Liberty,îfle os sono au1 meIcmcle. J. B. Meredith. TO TmE PUBLIC Tb# Lincon Chetouquecompany thhtla coeming ber.sad leanow belmg ad. vertlned, vos eterted luot Febrncry. Tbeir reprosentalire Pane ber. ta pro. mate It ond be bcd a cotract for euii. ocrboesta sign. Rfiexly ent &Mons the tiesieces and piofselonal mea and comen. There coe bs ty subtecribrs ta tâte contrmct and It waeeloit ta tbeee sabecribers ta elect officerg. forai tom- mîtteee and carry out tw nuber provi. atone. Thé ofiere i ected'et the tiret meeting sers: C. H. Averiâ,~patideat; . il. Swan, vie precil-t, SLt. Miller, oecretary; Rose Taylor. treesnsvr; F. 0l. Juont, preoâ agient. Same oi tii.e bscriber@ do nnl kmac chat the contreet elle for. Ontaiing le enrs: if we lnd laid d,,cn and let iv go by deleuit it would have cait.nc $30 apieft la eold cmash. Ater1Ivras eletsd prosident 1 began ta wnvestigai.. 1 i"ad :1. Comnpay eomposed ai gentlemen ad full ai busi- nées. Tbey have operated in aurnerous iteces for ceverat yeerâ. They bave 70 stands la Illinois and 20 ln Wisconsin. Tiie programs are allite et eaeh qtand. The preâldeni, Aloazo Willoan, cas a MeMber af thc Illinois legîclarure One terni, hing elerted on the prohbition ticket. us.lather cao e iritcid and va- labiorer oi mine fur tbirty vear.. Lettere recSived by people bers bave eongratuieued îher on baving a chan- tauvqua tbis cammer, ceying tiiet tie pragrain tbicv ear ié better tiien evt r. i ai.o found tbat the promater bail not ceen ail af aur business people, b0 1 bave etarted ta swestbem ail and ta try and miake it a înembersbip of 50 and a tierinunttogiuzatiou for iunemeuta. i bave ih neeriy 9Uld. Tie lovai organization bandiesa al maneyp, peying the Comipany ln lump sumos as the percientage la divided. We have gave.] vamitteeset sork and ail anreuetbnsiaa.tic. W. caui eaily mate a uemssfut . I cl cari niy bet tw mate it so. 1 arn sure the. pea- pie of the commuait>' ciii lad a surpribe la the program and entertainment. ýut. iders cuil corn and man>' ciii etap white pameug. Advertising bas ooly iuât cammueuced. so iielp by taiîg &bot gfomevoy ba von. n bv abou'tito ra ao on. andhav your s.lghbors teaiyan chat ian bave missed. The site for the. teet la ubewvos sud aiflte park le ideal. W. urge the buyiag aofsecion tickets. lt wiii b. cheaper ad they are trous- fscable. C. B. AVERILL. LAKE COUNTY MEN IN CHICAGO GOJN SHOOT. Soni A. Munt,>', a Vancouver, Wcsh.. amateur shooter. won the fIti ennuai handicap touruament held et the. Chicago Gun Club Baturda>', ciii the beaviest bandicap ever given an amateur. He shot tram the icent>'- three-yard mark, and he broke 190 'birds" in 100 chances. J. H. lia> af Chicago cas second ciii 88 erd six trap expertsea ere tled for thîrd cit 87. Titey cere Caldwell, who con -the event tact tear cih a 98 score, Cotes lielm and Rambo, J. Linoaend Smith. la the prectice eveai Ed Grahiam got S-, out of! lie. In the handicap event. 100l ta,,gets, MeDermott, of Waakegan, handicap Of 20 gai 86; Pd Grahami, handicap 22 gai 82; Thiomas Grahami, handicap 21, gai 71. ROUT INSURGENT WOOOMEN. Toledo, 0. June I8.-Admlelitratfon farces cou la thie nattonal cobvention of the Stodera Woodmen of 4merlca ciien a vte cas laken titis otternoon ta a storny> sesaion. Wroegie aime lhe adoption of the report of th. coni- multe, on credeatlaes endedc la a vote of acceptance, 233 to 125. The report Of thie crcdeatiats commttée bars ftrai the convention the C"t@tetd insur- gent deiegatlons. Natives have beea usuel lu Grays- take thai iiereatter Chicago Sendcy pepers are to cot 7 cents titere. LEARN NURSiNg Fine apportuality tor bright yoeeg mon and vamen. Zatn $101Ô $26 per weet chile In training, Novtbireteru Traiinlg School forr lares,. For forther pirtlcularé, addposs, LaitsShoreFnl. t erlatini ani Baîpîtal Aeeu, 22,17 1Shiermian Av(., Evibstan, 111. 4e-2 PUIR Tt CLBITO MAY CAUSE LOSS 0F EYE Jamnes Cristy. a littie @on of Mr. and tirs. F. P. Cristy, Suaday neon met l witb an acident witue piaying wlth an old air an ancd tire ernckers tbat mai cause tie klogo oi bis igbt eye. The. bol hcd dropped a llgited tire cracker into, the. barrei of the. toy gun and Ume cracker sxploded the. force ofitilknacked off the, pu« irom the.buttrofite. gun whicb bit hie glasste,. .maslng theni, .pariels« of tbegisse pentratln.the ye. Dr. A. B. thurchuil as câlled ta attend the. boy, and the. physlcian toot bleu to Ibo Poot Graduats hoeptal, Chiea. la the atternoon for trealnens. Tb@ «Imem mul hraugh the. tris of the site and tb.erimt af the acident le not yet kBoWs, bolt il aisarsd that thé. oight 01 thé lnlured ore viii b.oit. He la *lt coeilned ln tb. bospital. )AT ÀT I. E CUI Tii. followlng program viilb.ogiven net Sundyvmning, Cidren's day. si the a.. ,cnuwch. Praceeioeol. Opeulatirlong .................... Piary Seripturs Rading ad Prayer. Secletin-"Prge.MeNos" ....... ...... Josphias Eger Exercie-"Rooebudo.* Rectation-'Go d Witti Undrtand" ..... ..... ...... Katberfime Cole tLog-'Likp the iLittle lBrook" Raiabow D I ......Six Girls Recitation........... Mortel Lusk Dectato ..................Vora Mlorge Flower Drili ...............Six Girls Reittiou . H........-arries Panm Itecitation ..................lRuthW ipe Vi4On .........................1 Garland Dil... ........ N ... ine Girls AnnOUneement. ly it >tr Offertofy Fioral Offriag@ o t 'ilren'ola- (a) Sont.......... lire. i>avies'Claie bh> Floral 'fferitigs (tj> Good-bye ........Glady.4 Eger Beaedictian. RLecesiofaal OBITtTRY Elizabeth Bayes waï hau at 14, Plaines, ii..L Dperuber 12, 1866. la cnildbood @lbs maved with lier parents ta Ivanl.ae-, LE. , viere sic lrved until the Urne aoflber marriag.. to Henry A. Taylor, February 26. 1Wiù'v l , the tiiure o her deati June 7, 19J14, moat oi their marrie. lite cee 'peut an their terni u Warren. Ber bhrne bei. the iret piaee in lier alleetiomnd ide was aiccys ready ta iieip and sympatbize ciii otiiers in tirne ai uced. Sb@ ieaeeito mourn ber lo"@ a devated besband, one sister. tira brothere, ather relatives and a bo@l oi frieride. lii. wae laid ta rest in tshe eautifisiemetery of Warren J unre ), 11 >1 1. CARO OF T14ANK1S 1 wiihto thant the neiglbors and triendâ, ais., tic cîngero, cita vu tiadly sistcd and 9hawcd their »ympatiiy as lhe time of mv bereavement. Henry A. Taylor. Marning wursiiip 10:30 e., m. lui- wot: "Gîlmapie aof ievee", Sabbatb ichool 11:45 e. m. C;briatiaa Endesvor 645p. nm. Ere.lag services7.80 p. m. Tiem "INy FrIend" Iltilebut yau vcil i d unson tii. le"' for tbe e- enIng servift at 7 a'cloco. Tii.Ciioral ioceey clii muet Tuesday atermooest 3 t theuhburcii. H. M. Alibiirt. Paitor. WOODMEN ELECT OLD III3DS AEiAI Toledo, O..lune 20 -Etection of f a. ficers of tlie Modern Woodmen ai Arnerica bY the tienlal convention oi the ar&.r bere ]ast aight resuited la a victor v for the administration edhereatte ic surgents of the con. Ventlom' being defeated ln ail con- teste. A. R. Talxt of i Lncoln, Neb.. vas re-elected lîad consul. The naine at F. A. S9mith of Sprlngfieid, Ill., wus PlacAd before tle delegates by tiie la. surgenîs Iu op'postion ta Mr. Talbtot, but the latter won by a vote of 292 1-3 tu 134 1-2. For the office ai it.ad clerk C. W. Haas of Illinols, who bas held that Position tweaty.fpur yagrs, nmInatWe ed James UcNamars of Rock lalandi, Mir. McNamara deetel BetTym. Hoolcer of Tecumsehl, Okia., the iser gent candidate. Dalîel Humof iDo- veaPari.t oaa as reiected head ad. v'ier and John D. Volb et IndIanapo1We vas ciosea hanker. Evanston has tact 791 of t5 IIOItUW tlon durlng tiie tant year, acoordln te- tite annuel echool ceaies completed yeterday. The. popelitlofl le nový 26,696, agalaît 27,487 a yur 050. TItO- suhurti, aginei 1,678 more vouemu. thon men, there heing. 14,196 fenMe and 12.508 maies. Tii. preponderSce of girls over boys under21 years o't &go la 279,' and of cidren inder 21 tiiere r.W Ips thon there vere a year ae. -XnliptLdent restler? ÛaiRX St. John's Evg. LutiL. Church Corner Broadway &,Id Park Place, Lihertyvîlle, 111. R. 0. Buergsr, peetor. Gertnan servies. svery tier Sundsy maralng eit 10:30 a mn. Eagui servire, second Bunduy ai tic alonti et 7:131 P. in. Re v. Encana S . WmTC, Prleet-in.eharap Baiy Communion @Very sunlday 7,44 &.Mn. Firat Suudey e othl 10e.m, àacraînar Prsysr every Suaday aeecpt above 10-30 a. m. 9oudsy ochool 11.45 a. mi. AUl Haly Days..HoIy Commounon 9.00 c. m M. I. ChUroh Servces 10:30 a i Prearbiag, >tv. W. L. rhipple. 12-00mi. Sundoy ichatil. 6:45 p. mi. Epworth Leagile. 7:80 p. M. Prsccbing, moi. W. U. Whlpple. IndepenLdent: Mare readors thma i eounty ceeXiles omblned. WILUAM A. ROSING Candidats. For COUNTY TREASURER Sabicu tii the leiclli aits t eepubia.a Prîîniaries, S: I ïMEciei 9Tvi, 191i. VOUR SUPPORT RE.SPECTFULY HIS PLATFORM IF chassa ta relîresent the Republicn Party for the office of Coanty Treos- arer, and if eic-tcd, 1i cii accept as re nuneration for nîy choIe time aud tii. beet business and adîinstratire abiliiy t pases, the. eaiary ai Io red b>' the Ceuna ty board ai Supervisorp as fuil p"y. 1Icil tuna la ta the County Treaurer. moearn- fngt aiftiie Office. every penny ,eeersd train laterest on public maucys, lnober- tance tex lees ar an>' otiier @agre.t believe the saler>' allowed by-thp Board uosoeuple campensation and arn ciffiag to give the cart my bestatteutias.witliost thougbt oi verquieite. 1 salicit tiie .uphîart of every legal voe a ii 11t-thoce4.ho and effiient edrinstration of ithe pobie huilasse. WILLIAM A. ÉOSING. AU .AIoOd C 4r, like your vaiO'l ubetim, y-O~eur oWn ph,%riâ expert attentioà. qw. know the intrimeai. of m tor car cn struction, Its alîmet&t and le .remedieo, and are -at yonr bock and caîl when in trouble. L IBERTY VILLE (GARAGEI White'Mountainý and ArcticlIce Cream, freezers Challenge CharcoallfWled Refrigerators 5.ply 2-çjr. quaranteed Garden Ulose Iloc foot Revonoc and New Perfection Blue flaine Oil Stoves $7.0047.50459.50412 Genuine Philadeiphia Lawn- Mowers 16 in.cut. $6.50 18 in. cut. $7.00 htIl LUne of Ulammocks S11.20453.50 HB. EGER LIBERtTYVILLE The Boyd Phorto Studio LIIERTYVILE, ILLINOLS ItiOl CLASS Portraits and VIEWS at popular prices.. Opm. Evoey Day Sudey bw Apoinbneu What Lite Insur»ane . W. qîtate the fallowing fraie e speech of Senator Sheriesu in the Senate of the Unitcd States. "Lit e insurace in a protection. t is not bought for peceaiary gain. Lt onght ta ha ohespened and made easigr. Instead of laytî.g burdens on it, the gaverameat onght ta ex- emipt it and the companies writing iL f rom-taxation. As a sheiter for the bheiplesa it bas no equaniand fev subétituies. The uucertaiaty of life and the ceriainty of death ara prob- lemns which face every man. Most men bogin life poor. T1hey inarry: their vives are dependent upon them; chiudren corne into the worîd and between the fcmiy and-.-raît wc uciisc defauits ncy be evoid- ed, a procesi by vhicb ociety may b, relieved of what ultimateiy may be à public burdea. It oopitaiizei the future earaing power of the head of the famiiy. 'b'at it is not an investiment ini the o r d i na r v meaning of that word i. conclusive. iy shown by the fact ihat nienalai mast neyer voiantarily scek it. 'fhey know that nîeasurcd by the standards of business it means flot Profit, but sacrifice. Lit e insurance is neot an investtuent; itii. a tax, a valuntary lar, by wliioh îocieîy is protected, and social defauits pre. vented." ther, i@ oniy the earning paver of the. man. Thaegetion of àfamiiyJO N I OD E . et once inoremees the liobility of Dsrc aae general society, becase if the mon Dsrc -"e faila tu support theni the risk of h.. Michigani Mutual cooring public charges a r i ae s. Throegh no feuit of ithe mon, death often canse. hui to default Or Any Repreentative of an hie obligations, titi Companyfor Rates and "-Lite inserence is a device by Reasons for Buylng. I 'I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 0 0 41 a o 'o 'o -o 41 41 o 41 o o 41 41 o 41 41 ê 41 o o o o o o o ýplace bwa For W~are FOR TUIE FARM You Can't Beat Our' Low Prices SFE