Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jun 1914, p. 5

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LÂKE COtJNTY INI)FPENDENT. FRmÂAY, JUNE 26, 1914. M re&?I U'o E f1aV - SBROUGHT Mms Ions. with me today* vente to try your meat. I'v. told her what fine cut* give me ébd boy ice the meet la&» ILht a has ppened mare thoe vith us. We'Utry to PLEASE yon, too, if you give uaihe c CA" E You'll find us SQUARE. NEÂ,TS AND GROCERIEB Fourth of JuIy Headweair a imjuta wek utlIdep ne lay 0f course îau are- gong toc clclirate- ev-ryit-aly ie-and you don't vaut, tube Uic- hily main luthe -raa-ii-tlîceita nea-bat. It in tht- little tiiings thaut go ta make up a man's personal aptîsarance andtion niatter liow carefol you are af thei relit, tf ytlîr attire it takes a neai tyîiîshî bat ta impat the final tarîth afi iattine.. Vie are ltreltered t(> sopply tiie .leîîiamit for auy kili ttJ Ilea:tgear. O)ur stoc-k incliide-. the Littemt stvle b in et- stiff liata or the papuler sait motes ana-c niake a speeilt af ntîlby traNs. Vie laihae a a full une oai eiik hatt anti tape that are made for îoafort anti service. Yau wiil flind the fricts loa- for the quality af tie gouda fotr tiat ije aur chic[f ailm. J. B. Morse & Co. Everything for Men UBERtTYVIU.E, lu. Phone 14 "lJust before harvest =.M-the best time o' the year." Corne in Iet's talk over whàt you are goi ng to build'this faiI. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT Libertyville Lumber Cornpany Down by the Old Depot. Phone 47 éeen Hare 20 Teare. E. A. BISHOP, Manager i i ociber/yv To insuis pubiicatiopi ln the indepen. dont. copy muet b. in the office ne lat., than Tuesday of sach wesk. Adver- tisera. espéciaiiy -are askedinta te particular notice t. thla effeet. (Additionai Local News Pages 2, & 4) Abert Wilson of ZMon Cty, a-as a visitor bens Bandai. Mr. aad Mr@. 0. Cbeekaspe»nt aeveral da7s thie week la Mlwaukee with rea- liv«.. J. W. Rogers of Miendota, Ill., wae tthe garnt of J»e. H. gwan and tamily o ver Sunda". Mr. and ie. 1-Z. PriGe s pent Bat- uidal with Udr. and Mis. Wm. Philip@eat Graystake. Gao, A. Mitchell and seveal friands trom Lake Villa. were visitors liere Taesday evenlng. iR. S. Trigas, R. M. Taylor, Wm. Weido and Eail Lovelend were Wau-ý conda vlitora Sunday. H. L. Patrick and lady friend ai Chicago, were guens of Mir@. F. B. L.ovell and famili, over Bunday. Mis. H., Duebler, Mtir. hlty and tira. L. Protine visited Mir». A. Brebner et Derield lent Tlîursday. Mise EvelYn 'ZnmerLuien ofChicago. le the guest aoflirq. M. E. Wiiania and fatoiiy un Brainard Court. Mir. and tira. I n. Decker and little deughter citant train Sunday ta Thurs- daY ln Biostabel, Wiâ., with relatives. TTiTria (iipter ai the Westminster (iiiffld o iII fui-t wîth Patronea., lir. If lirs. P. E. Cinn and dauxhtcr Enlit gena tif Antiac-b spent Tlîîrsday anti ------INQUEST DRINGS OUT rWe %f5? e STORY 0F MAN'S:DEÀTD Tha lnque@t lid Seturtlay marning in XXXX XX~ XXXX th' Office af Corolner J. L. Taylor brought ~ Io ligbt the circuumetantt,m in the daatb aiSteve Kazinka, an emplaye oi Andrew * Chril Hapke, a eý'nlîhy fariner re- RfiOnger, Superintend-n t ar the Haw. 1 siding et Area, fell fourteen test' thorn larme#, whivh aceurred Wednasday - frontith P of a load of hay to the uight ot lest week, Kazînka meeting a flcor of hie harn Friday, june 19 whUsl death on a apeeder whieh wa struck by unloadiag ha>' ançi suMtalned a broken fex h train on the Soo Lina sjath of ahonider as a -sul*Lethton. Froin Stanley' Sochaseki, one ai the George 8. Bulkley of Liheityville de- vitasess, it wag learned that Kalal.i livarsd au oratIoaxas representing the b.d borrowed the hand-cai eaîiî in tl* agrtcultnzai dePsrtmncnt Of Wiec"uoneneusnig tago tb Prairie View al tsi 5 Universtty et the commencement held case af boer aud a bottie ai whisksy, the 1Juns l7th et Madison. Wblskey to bs turned over ta saine Tbs mbers aiM. E. Sunday echol pernufor the ie o peeder it wus and tbefr rio*ds enîoyed an ail-day pie tld, îst as the principlu vitase vasu enie la la'e grove et Diamond Lu@e dead that Point tauld nat ha praven. rTnesday. Tb@ trip ta tha grole vai S bmchkci steiad that it appeared ta made hby ak and automobiles. hlm th&t Kszinka had bean ta Prairie Visw and b.d retnrned aith e case of Jas. B. 8waa, manager of the- '.'B boer containlng twenty-toar hottke, Loveil &Ca. dru5 store, la enjoling Base a battis ai whiskey vhich ho carried vacatian thisi. vee. Lloyd Taylor, vba la hie poclet and that while carrylng le home for th. sammer months ftrainttehe .caseoaiboer train the hand-car the Nothv.eten Ullivermity, le asisting st hoUle la ineispocket vas braken, vhlch tha dru& $stare. plaeed hiinlIna bed piight as ho ais aed A large biaach traon.-neaofthe hlgh ta hava pîoiied the man tram a-bai maple trses la fiant oi the- Wright hanse ho obtalnsd the band-caî that ha woald on Orchar;d eret and Stlwaukaerenne have a honle -tor hui on hie retura, snepped off durins tht. iiavy rein and Not havingsaiificient maney ta parchase wlnd etorinBande, aftttrnoauad vas a second lot ha retarned ta the tarin thrown anto the houa- lttifh. where ha bairowed a $5 iblîl train soin Maud X. P'mdy lias traîieferred 102 on)Deand indaced Nochae.'ki ta acampenî hlm bealta Prairie t.iav, and together acres ln Lihertyvilla- towsnhp ta Su- boardad the bandcar but bail not gane sanna Whaeler, et ai., for te surn of very fur belte bing @truck by a freight $20,000. The deel%,a8 recardadi e train, which kiiled Kazinka, dîagging today. The land Isle I a1(d In section hia body under the engine for quiteae 2tî tanshp 4, rng-Ildistance belote the train eould ha .Ir@. fH.E. Paddock of L.aValle, Wls., atopped. Sochaa.-ki tes tifiid that ha waoa the gnest of bar brut-r, H. B. Eger rolled tram the hand-car ino the ditch and famlly. Mie. Paddock - as a da'le. jasi betore the car vas etruck. gata ta the ('hlcago îolî.ention af the The railroad men a-are proeet et thee WomenasAchieveeneat le-ociatian. She inquest and testified that they did evar>'- r tnrned tober hoine Tts-,ay marning. thing in theit- power ta avoid itting tha car, but that theamn eamed tu a A six yacks aId chifli ofir. and tr.M ai oatento ate alMot Chas S.Smih aitt.ris u, II w j constant hiast ai the whistle, tannera in ltraight harsefrtaili WdnesIav thee i cinivy ttaring ont their teetinony ! 1 1 Il i .btt- y ut hat the [non a-e egivan pieut>' ofi "arn. liojn>t itrget te &r ee tîl ,yIloiem.Mis. Biith ic làrelaîtive aiofinblivthe train cie,, ta get out ai the the(2ýP. the, J l ,o aa-ntet giati1 tt4 F.P. and W. B. 10 fn auiili.e Y tor tb ei.-fcî oftthite Freoh Air Faondu i 1 nderteker Tr.-pow, W-ha hall charge u-ir lfc-and tirs. Fred (C iiljkleyart catiOaithe- body made the necessar>' prelatra- home last wsek Saturîlîv *s.ning frontu tione ta have it tnt-an ta South Chicago tire E. 1IL Coriatand littie daughtc-r lthonyontrpL-jjro hu frbral h oleo h anihr Rtoula loft lManday -for a acks ttiiiiantpatito-ttn o aatehnaa u aahr wit lir buthr, . Y Wllsnd aitllsto heDlleaend sevarai ,tlier pointe; in vite and three children live. Indertaker îatiEliern. hrW .Wlladlml Mî.soen r. and tirAe HuIt-la, -ilWalkoviakai Sautli.Chicago came hare et Elgin. makt,- îir home on tii.- ilkle>' home- Frida>' ta elaim the body, but men NIr. and lira. Adoiph Chard and Mir. tt-ad nttrth af town. intaîsted laune taiiy intertared ta save and l1i. BarryNicholan ment Bander unnacesaery capenees 'or thaeîpour at the home '3f Mr. and tirs. I.1. i. i thlday partywaas given et the wîdow. Man bore. hou.-Otf>Miss (-Me Bond, Wadnesday Kazinkas hody wamasterribly vtut and lila Isbell Cacanratunedhanevaening t a lt veakt- u honor oft her hIe@right log vas sperated belîta- tha Mis Isbele arlon etrne boleeigiiteenthbitrhdey. AIl anjoyed a knee.inaona ai hie packets waasfound the latter part ai lest wcek iîavingug - .pleesant evening<paylng gaules and lier tha $5 bill which lia borrow.-d aud bis plîîtad her yeare a-ark at tha DeKeib triends e tearted wiehlng Mis@ Bond troueere a-are saturated aith the Normal sehool. man>' morc happy birthda»e. whist-a7, which bure OOt $çvchgsckise TheQ. . cub illgiv 8 awufet On Quite a nîimur trom bore attended the1 star>' thet JKazinka feared ~t taiun the Thureda>'. Jal>' 2, on W. W. Carrol'gautin$eeie ita ered.tukiithant tulfllling hie promise. Tho iaa-n tor &aieteatt ai the Frash Air jSiad1ig lo.1t.aiietetr io.setesiied thbat ha did fnttknow Fond. Music. Dont fail ta attend. ast weatk Tliursday evanîng. misa thaeatener ai the handear or where Excavations orare camplated titis veek Blanche Osbatorne, Harry Olendari and Kazinka bâti ahtained the liuai-. for tha new honte which Warrèn Jlie a-are the Lîbeityvilia young Gils vented et the Ideal Laundi>', 'Jrummitt la planning ta huild east a pofpýlcam tnlI.gierduâtes. Libertyville. C.40-1 the levlan houeauNewerryaveue. Mr. and %ire.' W' i . Callase and daugt. Grand bail et Bertel e Park Pavillon, Mis EFdwin Witoaned daghteî, Misl. ter drava ft Sy 'lémuire, Ill., lest Setur- Jul>' 4th. A good timea aesred. Blanche Kiater ai Antioch, were the day la thair auto. Theýy vere aecom)r- Ituacte ai tha former'@ danghtei, tir@.. ~pnied b>' Johin MeGuirs ai Atmoth. D ~~.. S. Grred and taml>' Saturda>' and Tha>' ieturned and woeaN C 1 Sunda>'. sccoinpanied hy tire. Colline' doter, Mire At Diamond Lake Pavillon The Sunday Sehool Council ai the Jeania Davio, fotr a wsek's visit. Sas-ursia> Night cofmsuc'g Juille 6 1W Q Q Q o o o o o o o o Q o o o o Q o * Q o o 0 o o Q o -s o -s * * o o o o o o ê o o o o o o o o M11 tr@. W. N. Speet-man, son Waley and IBd <ughter, Misa E1le ai Bere, Ohio. arrived lest veat- Saturday fotan a 1111extended visît vith tir@. Spekinn parente, Mr. and Mi@. Ban James. Prof. fiSpeet-nun as heie over Sanda>'.1 Chiidran's day axarcises a-ara held at tht Preebyterian charch lest Bnndey îuorning and vare certeal>' a credit ta the lastractore. The pragrain was rendersd malol>' bytha children vith _ short taIt- b>' Mr. Alîhaît tu the Junior@. Saturda>' marnlng Martin Tev, e brekeman af th@ svltcbing ce setthe local frighbt yards of the C. M. & St. Pal ralîroad, hbaiirght foot terrible omashed as te haveeêof e tieigbt car passed over bis foot vhiia in the act a1 «'Cattitog" bis train'tir. Tev atten lut. ton lh. coupler toîgat ta remove bis tout frein the rail betors stgaalipg the naginesi. He vas rasbsd ta the Office of Dr. J. L. Taylor vhere ths fOOt mw drneeed.Bsevas plecSd on lh. noon trein "nd ltabtuIaCbelg>opltt WAU[RAN MAN lINS $50 FORI PISORDIRLI CONqDICT Merehal Liînbeiry vent tb Wsakegana Taesday toaerreat John Boas-don, e ona- lagd man, vho bad bSern caigsd vith dlsordreiî ondnct. RaMon vasgiven e hearing bafora . alusW. R. Devis Who liarnle ed coele Not belng beiag able ta pa>' the samoant hg vas reenanded ta tLe catînt>' jil tartan daya@. Beer-don, in vt-anyn vith tva ather Waut-egan mn a-haie identltY eaald ne ha leernad b>' the auithonlites, became ver>' dimoidarly due ta haing lntaxicated and made tlîinga ver>' iierabla la tha viciait>' ai Fraiik laltaa's tarin about twa nîilee tulit os f Lîbeityville. Neighbore cozîtPlinad ot:thair actione ta the marshai wiit, in compen>' aitb Saparvioor Eger a-cnt thaeeto make an lnve8tigation, 1 theiî arrivai the 1 nen proinieed tt,1.-ave thet viciait>', but Inataad raîîîained thers and contlauîil the Oseac-etics . Wondsy nelghbors la-are out a warrent foir eardoa's aire@t, hid nania belgkDaW aend claimued ta be the ringleader. The arrest Was broughît ebout an accotant ai the ravoltlng acanat a-hich are aid ta have teken place, a deecription aij thein va dae no& print. PIANO TUNINQ L.ave aidera et Rayl pngtlar@gtur. Work doua b>' Mr. Aiden. .el7t SPecial sale ai Gaettame Otht. vesk. Ilieditffloyer Ca. S&-woas-ad la this W. havea lot ai Bois' shirts 12X. ta 14. Neck band, rogular &Do shirts, vIli close them fl onr an25. M. W. p&rkh-frst. Oh mn>', oh aiy,. ays the Mm W ho" camne la cancaël vitb a ai*r i$tst vth An "Meent maieil, a-bat, vaald ho say?' We sMy'gel Bafkar's 4ntfste . F. Loyel CO., - uessa a> beebtyvile ideal Fave-Piece Orchestre. CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE PHONES 154-R AND 50 UBERTY VILL, ILIIOS VOUR INTEREISTS 2t timîes dt-maîîd the us-e of more cash than you flîay have- 0n1 and at the exact tirne you WiAi to use it. We are ALWAYS in a position to loan moîîey to local people on acceptable, notese and are pleased at the opportunity it gives: us to aid the farîning and business enter- prises in this commuuity. WE INVITE YOU TO SUBMIT YOUR LOAN PROPOSITIONS TO US. Lake« County National Bank. - ~LIBMRTVlLILL I CapitalSuvplu aveaUlarged.d Profit,$5OOO TuE, 9.PQSTS9 SAND, RIK SEWER ..... PIPE, CIEMY!NT A N,1)- .BU.ILD..NG..MAT.ER..AL WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEYI Ui~~OFevNgmu 0F LIBERTYVILLE t Phono 50 I I I i Mammth Sck o Arsoth Saol - AsTos rlour waFREE Wednesday, june 24th, at 3 o'clock Core n end fond out ail about t. CORLETT & FREDERICKs 'hone 30. LIBERTYVILL~ flJ. -I M E You Demand Purity and QuàlityTý Yon e . ap and Contente over our Cakes, Pies, Tenta 1,, e liand everytbing we make. We don't ase feke jems and jelhy e nd flevons. We are honest. Aiea vs are clean. Bakeahop re- gillarly ieepected. Why not thea, trade vîth US? LIBERTYVILLE BÂKERY FREID JOCHEEIx, Prop. To Tempt, The Jaded Appetite, It is hard to thiuk of things to eat these hot dayi t thie ollowiiug ua-y suggest souuething Maral'à Kippered ivieg, Plain or in Tomatoa sauce;, Beechnut Peenut Buttes- j id 25 Mlediuminsud Large, 5 - c Yatch Club Seied Dvessing Fine aith eold mests Bottle, 1lOCad'Gac Fouids' Macaronia flht uegatd Cao be prepaied SU maimy veys Package C o Olives. Plein aed Stuffed Q~ueens or Manzamiilas I d..Jà WeicIis Grapo Junte W haiesama and rstieehiag plat Batl.. Lav'@ Ginger Aie Rvaîy bady lit-es It Large Boulie Fresh Fruits and Ventab1ee W W. CARRYOLL &SONS COMPANY, South store- -Butcher, flere's A.,New Customer"9 'vv1W¶Wwvwg~O9gggUSUUUUOOOOeaBBq soil "a0uene meeting et the home otM.enu. . .J. Wrilghs lesIt 1'aee- dayavenig The Lais Aid ai the Piesbîisilan chnreh viii meet vith Mis. Wi. Layccck, i Throday'aitarnoan, Jaly,2. Hostemme I iii haMesdames Leyeock, W. O. Weals and C. Haag. James Brown ,aad George QuJentin wen t ta the Ideel race tract- et Russell Wednesday niarning. It la aaid that saine test races a-ilileha hld thera naxt Sanda>' etternoan. Mir. and tirs. tien. Cleveand and lIttie so fa Chicago, viaitad Saturde>' and Sunda>' witb their parante, tMr. and lirs. E. G. Ceveland and tir. and Mis, be.rigis i. A grand bh allili ta held et the Libertyville Auditorium on the evaning aJida>'3, Bpet-aarchetrawillîurnishj muici, the dance being under thea management ai Mi. Hapka. L:.i-;] 1 i le 1 Pl m M -0- Phone 30. 20c GET OUR PRICES T-TBIMTYVILL& Ul.

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