- LA1~ fflIITY. lm~~~NT.FRflÂY.JtflEe26.1914. I S MADE,TO POLICE $10 ~Whu&eea Ne~ I B YOUNG WOMAN AI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~ ~Mie Mary Marko Charges a Emil P * - Cousin Threw Buoket of SIOP .B factorieu wih uiglit have gonle un- f v~f ~ ta tiie limit. cagna ta a avidde oîi), , .Hh IA 1rI~I~R > LesUle ieapedfr,>,x. his seat ?ad lrush. OerHrie tY .Ths plan. 1 feel, was not as god I .4inN» BE edlto tiie bone.. a ous er bcaus .- Arrivla in Tîmne SHE SAW HlM BY A FLASH. BN BANÀm QUET a: > tu réditende bcarsgIA T(>laNTO BE He :rr iva ut:itime te save litsL ue Hwvr a l oWhilE TIIURSDAY NIQHIT Thers,iiowever. help the aid factor- THE Z T M AN er, iie vould flot bave hallt n mais Produce an Alibi and Court. Ba uret pea asmdeTur-les viiereas yourss catered t h faction of standing up vith hii brOtb- Dismnissed Charge. An ureta0a 0smd hrnw oniy. That le on. fgaturse'viiere SHEBRIDANS RIDE. er lu maxrrfl. art event tu the G(3rffiul One da eenngtaWaukega~ bsns they are btter than ye. 1 belleve Up fronu th.e outh t break of day, famly because il ls the irt marriae Miss Mary Maro appeared ln police ever mi ta boost for ail they're wrtii,iiere, ara entttIed te encouragement *Brinnqte Winchiester true hdlsmey, of the trMfl boys. court tus morning before Police Mat- pine the Nortiier Ililinois Industrial Assa- and by strengtiiening viiat you a-Teafàgii arwt hudrbre Hmfmiy eru lehdmt ar a unuatilcharge alainst ber counin. a mon. 4citin.whn nehudrd engah.ready bave. you encourage alliers te Lilleaàiierald ln haute te the. chiet- iccident enroute homne, had ulB-~h ~Ilia.vio oeiindedmn at-comrne bebecause of the stabiltY Of Jh BSmlons, 1228 Preacot treet. luge bu .o-ed In Washhurn hotel at the festive codt0 geeaî.taln's doer rangod vith Irving Brandatetter ta In the warrant eh.e soue ont for bits for $16 twird and later heard sncbe mon as This Boston and Waukegan plan. Tiie terrible grumbie and rumble and tare Uic poiion of béat manl and the arrent she charges that be iomitted' heimtby Mai1 Wheeler, preident of!the Ciii- lowever, work band inlband; one han roe- latter had Mmne ta "get roady" ta the uflawful offense of diorderly con- need. Tuilg Ce btti wason ncemar tae tc plme a te cremny.lIeduct and otiier riotoriotusacte of pub- dernier MM Amociatiall ci Commerce and fMatures the otiier nes eln h atewso nemr a tepael h eeoy elic Indecnces tendlng te debaucb the. cesmfnl J"l M. Glen~n, mreary of tii. liii- MR. DURSTS TALIC And Sher-idan TWENTY mles i may. wB5 Jltrc.dy ta start for the. lbonne public morale.» E. HM ,Mis -anutacturors' Assocationl de- T, H. Durst said Mr. Wiieeler's re-an Ieegotthcur w n Mie ak olastlgtradtei% deare the local Industriel mavoment te marr tat thsis athe only associa- -anstenegotateohfcl thn i e air uto asrigtar the in u of weakneu was her idlenttllcatlon Mi pit Md wvorthy of the. assistanice of everuî ed hlm more thon anythlug else. "We Wlth Shieridan FIFTEEN mles mway. ma, allgbted. Simulons. Crier«S person interested ini the developmnttInvite facores here, aid ho but Qickly the. bride sud groom voroE h. declared tieat about on. ociock nature or the Cty. wp give them nohin-ve merely a*s-Sbste uote at uoviihO omonn fme 6,.elle board îc 1h proved taelie a banquet and meet- aloit tem and get gaod securlty for hutem.t teRaeatocic n te mnriing atfier-wlnd wh lag which may mark the begirit.ing of nhat ve do. Tears ego efforts were WithSheridan nî>' TEN miles mwy. made lth.e aentrul trlp ig luî îcbTil a vm oe as aid a.ber ind ootw ieW .ano eg nth cty udstia es- made ta iaunch a commercial club; Webb aisa ool lier seat lu the car Tiwste ri ti. paelrleîsaidj otins ha trnes, for, If plans untfolded tast even they always falied becauso tho7 had Under bis spurnino fait the. rond and thon the bridai party vent ta the lier bedroom. The 4oor or! her lied Tii. * da are carried out, tbis vag forecast nothing te offer. Thon came th rsyeinmnewer h eeshme asoee leaI n pitk paihily fth ftue plan whicli new bas lovated fire fac- Like an arrowy Alpine river flowed, PrIyeinmuenir h ee cabrvsoee iesdsdaîg as FiRe-A City' aof0,000Inside tories and vere gettiug dividende on And thei iandscape ped away behlnd mony waa beld,. vîh Leslie Griffu a darktelntern was faslied upon lier as mi illi yar.1 the ir.vestmielts as vell as increasing Lke an ecean fiylng betore the %wlnd; béat man after ha'ving mtade the fat elie lay ln lied. By thua mamentary Ei il htyaiLý1sh e sayus he rêeogniaed ber eau- Perm SECOND-Bucii s jrowtii be*n the population. We Investigate the And the. ted lig le a bark fed witii est trip on record frote Wauconda to sin, Simmains. Alioent simultmienia-sasked -ma"i possible' b> the olenng up montta of ail applicante and eîery as- fuine Ire. Waukegan. iy mii. umys ettiior lie or sommaneeélue ame >1 the liats and tii. aperation ef sitance reudered le secured lu a ________ lrev a aoli Of SlOP Over lier At fintailesters, lat boing flgurid c-ged inanuer. Swept on wtii ils wild eyes fule u st ceatofu itreass reside thetut au at ten can be iocated veryed o! the un-e facresv MADE A CLEVER ESCAPE. tance. cnuîd arrive mlle soastue men On Sa' there if 060,000more mono>'s ecrIlia orin ad uccest.But, Iol e!ila sneuring hlm@iieart'e --had dlsappeared.binI .ubànr'ibed ta the stock efthtie as- Tliey have petid us our monthly tinsir; hite -soClmtien. talmentu and kept uit the lnterst d1ie;miss lýois M.iltimarp, daghter or Miss Marko decluned that on the vhî T-IiRD-The hnmnediate open- whicl. iudicatés lbeyîre succeedlgH e ls nufflng te amoke oft he raur- Mr. aud Mrs. A. 1. Miltintore of 118 dh ere dSmurreladr st Ii- wh en 'lie Sn trest nortii ta it ' Tbere are r w i at ~450 n omu- Ing trsy, Ceter street. vas unittd ln mariage bed t it ata for ii asand ilebies-y pi limiiu. Giette avenue te tiie lako, ployed lu these factories; we epent WihSiieridan eni>' FIVE miles awuy. Wedneday eveniug ta Harold Grifflin, h. made openlier. flo thei ntaiiaton of Walter mai nu $73.240 lu erecting them. havlng flo a" sewers b>' h cly, runnlng raiaed $42.000 amoug aur business- son of Mr. aM Mn,. E. J. Griffln. Tie Simmous shoved by one vituops. Tod fottecitys mai yteme. e. We no aut to soul the rest If youa had been slated asboit man weddtng teck place lut seven oeekietnt lie vas at a meeting untit elovern i i The banquet vas mosl satlsfying of tiat $50.000 vorth of stock, sud. ln Ibe Presliyterlau uîanee, Rev. Chld- raoukten vetheto bod. Hite ele a mim bot Hriting recive Stpli- once il la doue, ve eau locate a fac- lif your brother's weddlug vliicl vas estroc;tn.Te o l eatur istili ent te bliain tsuloce h d ht xnente for ifs compilenoas. tory at ouce, on the flots. met for 7 oclock sud if yoII vere et tended by Miss Lucilip Webb and Les- dçor for hlm ta enter. lis roammate f romt Mr. Weoelen sald tint the idea pre- I~f vitecan iraie $W,000, In4de cf dcae itb leao h uad vaiis that Industriel developutent ot feur nmenthe w. cun have ton factorls <aicona,22 miles weM of Wauk- lie GriffIn, aud 'lias Vîivien Clarke and déa! tli lie and th nt hvoudae iuta the nation takes place la the largo on the fiaIs but we can't do l unless gare at six 'riock trytua hard te gel llarry Bastalu. been avakensd if Sîmmns trIed te wbet cîties vbich lie aloug the Irade routes. people are wllllng te lnveut ip thum yaur crowd together te drive theut lmmediately after tie, ceremony the get ont of!lied but that no such thing store "Ilat," hoe sald, "la a tallacy. The gliIedged plan. If we can get the. large cty ta the ceriter of distributlpn pan worklng as vie wîii w. can get home lu the auto wblcb tbey had en- wedding party veut ta the home of occm-red. erson of produci but by na meaus the ce tr an endiest chairi going and can, frem gnged for the day, sud, minutesj cou- thée brldes parents where n vedding Attorney Weii-h, repreisenting ilm- Ti fo rainof producta. We're - oui- eamnings, erect a fsctory ever>' tiîîned te pots uutii ift ooked quite supper vas sens cd. Relatives and irm- mous. tiord ntifa oîît have een t) gianilng te lied at manuacturing lu two monthe.rfatt epyu mdaeftnstehe unirofv lamge cilles becomos difflicut and itsa "We boid the titie te these ltactories rtain youd cther at1 epyu eit finsi i uue !mite a mistaite ln lier Identification ibna 2tae1 gel the efficiency oto the sud Il doesu't leave us untll every engagemernt or break ait records of , about tltlrty vere present. The affair of!lier cousin. Ile said aise that Ifîthe I mnand that the adrvantages that se- cent i. paid; vere pald for theut un- cross-country driviug. wouldnl yen proved a Most enjoyahie one but lie iaîv ber raom int mihe nînvot n tri crue te productianon accrue mast as drc-ratec onhsdt eat least he quite nervous about il? best part of the eveninge plonsure' ting would lîn'. been for lier te on la isunea lusutaller chies that have the tereat is kept u. Theres no risit. Thats the predicamgent Leslie Gri-t-rame wlien the bride sud' groom setqmantbut lho pointed out there wns t,, NIT lacilitlos that miaag productions aud It i. Just a business proposition vliere distribution passible inducements for a man canuot iose because boas got fin. sou o! Mr. and lire. E. J. Griffu saliuiped avcay viton theïr fl-fends n evidonce to show allie had doue ît hTc them ho locae; Waukegau la a good the best securties Imaginable. Lts found lilmoelf lu Wednesday evening, thougbt tho>' vere 'keeping thelm nu-tbS Sats Thna, exemple o! tibs sort offa citY. forget îtrsonaittes and gettogellier. Jue t7th viien ho vas ai Waucouda <der strict surveilakce.mAssa nt aumenttornhey ounvrta-c i'Waukegau lies betveen tva large Lets grasit the opportunity that las f-vlittehe li ad bet' sent by litselfa- An automobile 5îB5 alatio.in lun ovir< thé. case ta rest upon tie tacts. be 1 .MOle.ifs bas excellent transportation torded us.'______o___ laotlez, it la attractive, lias iess la- Mr. Durt rendgibtese figures show- lier vithlo ~ad of Waukegan men rout f the bonse a' an tuen outhere lior troubles, larger hom-lite for thie Iug the taudlug on lune 17 of the wbo 100k ln the célebration. When the idle, It vas thought tlhe couple p L R m oe Ilsbos-r e con ralse is famtly un. asaociation:,lho left boute, lie donned is 'beat would inake anuattemPt ta leaute inPUL lmANmaOMu -derfar botter conditions than'lu te Libliites clothes', kuoviug he vouid lîkel>' be one aftibese machines sud so s close citez. These thîngs net Rn'cuse Capital Stock------------..$5000000vtitasetonem sawhe n">l IT IIflaa graier production o emr'lured BisePayable ............. . 5 alird0ae gliu ait1 bsJEA IIIUNDER E f[ ,.,*oil <aztWi«e but males the quality of pro- Due te Contractons......... 205.54 brother Harolfrs weddiug. n: Miss te newly marriled couple slippied ouI -.1 duction btter. But, il Is ua l ou>'Lis 2illimore (dtails o! whilcb ap- the back door and cuttîng acrous lots N T quantit>' and qualit>' vhlcb counits, Surplus ............ .......65048 pear elsevhere ln tibisse. made their vay te Qakle>' avenue W1IELS 0F ATRA I a1 liet tue contlnuity o! maiiufactiiring $72:056.c02 asnne i iir iiyst auboielIera ander gond condtions, for, the manu- Assets Teti eWuod a md i hm hyetdonbad h oi i facturer bo ceau continue openating Stock In Treasury ...- .$ 7327.00 ight. Thon, as evening hegan 1 ta eavait developgments. R. H, Alison of Peoria Dragged part ihoul vartous Inerferences. is the Rosi Estate . .............. 1,(M.00 corne ou. leslie begar. to try to gel j i ecp asd oeedsot ~nevhosuceea.Cotracîs on Factorles .... 62 hsr972oehr.H.satd441' asdsovrdshr- Frm Path of Moving Car au ,oe2>72.44.hscrw ogte.Hesate nl atterward and a searching party he Sees Future Mre Cash on iband ....... 765 iniO to gel theut liued up, but those vas onganized. Il was thought liaI Coocli"ssng gr "If >ou will exercisee >our adi'ai-$2062voveea Wacnako ho pssiyte mgllb-oaemedie tagea, you have lu ibis cit>' thing8 ta 7,5.2Wuod nwhwpsibyte ih aeatmtdso offer which fev other cities can hold Carl Sayler said that lu the pasI hard a t.skatthat vas tn evor>' case of te leave the city ln anohher machinve MAN SAVES TWO IN MONTH. ta il out to a manuacturer, especially net factoriel located by lie association lie Waukegsu vieitors. b>' va>'o! York House. SearciersWaieau Jn"22 the larger ctias. - vont te North Chicago becauso lb.uegn Jn 29 'Your association representa Ciie land sud tBcilitUos vere avaliable fiwa 54 --sil te rowd was netimped luto Ivo automobilesand ~0~ îevthn~mnl bat highcat Ideal of Indusriel organisa- Ibre; lbe plodged Ibat the Morley nov nead>'. Tien ane appeared. readte 10tanîed ln thal direction. Thesee WallFr erson îeth iamntth ell tinthat i have board ofa nd It nmuet 10 be raised viii be epent foc facloriol $tart. But, viiore ver. the otiiers' chines dashod by the nevlyveds ea ilimRgroledfa anath tien Mcptaan at eth ii.l auea ol.-ieluon treet croslng of the C.& apeat cial n isa horCe dl- u Wuegnnl. N. W. Ry. risked bis life to pull a &nd n ti cnmnî wceyu JmsThat Land DueliA st t55,aohrvsrudd si lpsdte s odlu aporpt JamesMorrod. saidli e, "vin up. That Msde Ivo-iiut. hIeted a over I. inallîr ief e bte eand cr3' man ftmln front of a moving train. CorY ..«Ifyou @estiier oltiui, wiiat they ovns 200 acres on tbe flats bas ot- even p.ager car whicll had te ho had died down and them tnriendi tend The Inciden't bappened Frida>' after- mthi lave dons ta pet factrie, end note fered us as many acres as ve vish ah !oadaed. glven up the chase Mr. and Misr. Giif- nacaz. Tie near victlm of doath un- ale the bulidingst that are standing as $200 an acre, prmitting us ta con- Wher en. lb.th rosi? fin vent te lb. home they have fur- der the vboels of a movlug car gave tl rot vdne ff)l nmetiied of tract vitit concerna ta locate thora bis naine au R. H. Allimon and stated puametin. thm ~yau'ii sole thé dlffer- and net pay hit any luterest, etc Si o'clock arrlved. Still them' vere r.ishod at 141 North slreet. htbwaaslemnndeseqln be mm n a doptIiig plans Ilke yau hav pending te settlement d!lie dent. nolta e t onnd. -Ge., rve got ta gel Peoria. 111. He vas a visiter la tht, ho Iliere anid hons follied .elwiiere Hia offer lis a goad ont and should ho back tet the wedding, that'sa mli tiereci> 'ndysopngaalclhs.fl where factoriswere Iacated b> pi-e- ccpted. Once ve gel ane sfclory to 10 t-lut lated for boat man,." DE NQUENT ALter switcii englne shoving t-ferti senting thera w.h sites and buildings, tiers, others yull foilow qulckl>' A19La4string *.Mmpting thermf-omataxes, etc. ."We con take as much as v. vimh midl.GTr<11rv as i. implored is lmritlen dLYI fo!cars vas badkirnatue canas<c'ver "The raising of a fund te bring a and thie cit>' bas promnsed te lay val- te rounîd tii. lunch np. i the croslng. The gales vere diavo taciory tb a placo regardiess o! the Or mis oeecsdIraele Minutes passed. just boy many lsa anIV L DL sd tite gatmn otvrrn conditions arglIvith ltIle chanco' Of streel leadiag te lie land: ve alait net uovu but, ItvUs considerable gy- iutWA~A' he beillsteadil>'.FiMagman Willtim succes attendlng their efforts, le tue iay a track vhlch both roads cal'ueniir U If iai Rogerson itad ilavu lils vbistio ses-er- vonst -kud of!foley. To establiie aud run terminais t e tafctonuioès fer six ociocit hen the tast man BLUFF ,a aaaaLlLSDsJai tumes. Aison appoanod aithlie are netlriniti. veu labor 115 no good tiouaand more te locale a taclory3 Stail on Record Trip Waatogan joune 19. and dowu the trscks started acrose. v h ncr-no mate ton ditin hiie cao'l te rechene bdo il lo u ae e Shedaluhine.tmu ee leîkala eo, ali Ho thd Ialled 1anheapproach goods. vien the cocerte tsel! la haIt- sud encourage te associationi or else Lof--tho le train. boblind a strng of cars tianltrupt, Ihat isli teold-fashioiied encourage the mentb give op thein ride, ha< uoîhîug ou Leslie wî@r. lie Lvite î a b6>ear ol boy, vas arragonear te fegi os.Fam Rg atoe ntsd l'm efforts foc honstlug the cil>'. Without opened up hie throtlleanud Étarted for ed lnunty C ourt itis mornîng o on crone bl is buse.ll a eot un>' of Industrial mvm tpetitioîî made 'out hy the stahes str-es hl The iea'y vnd Ihteva glad to 500 tiat W aukegau la nt do- lie in uDey tiiore a n e nord of tnying home. Thot Eludebaitor car nover neY livi ic ie la cbarged vtli being ai lte h-e v ! d t a a Ing it that n-ny. Yeu have raiscd the futhon. Wllh $40,000, vo ge1l, ive fac- ,ent sOfat befoce. Notbiug ibut a a delifiîîîenl. The court. afton hear- sveeping aven Ithe crosaiug et the capital to ho used in conjonection vith torIes; wilh lie next $50000,vo co Id tdlomdlbtlb tit u fliusic.huetuecase ommit tih- capital o! other concerna; . you gel ion. As n rosuit o! the fvo egol coud of ustmarde path o le g thei(ipen thhcvsescourraishootesud 1h crosslng ptYour mouoy itihteirs sud thon at Northi (hicago, lhreo othors volun- belated veddiug guest. On sud on, t'ttIhla tdti Lse BuffOrpau put ~a ago as il wns decldod Iliat because of bel 0teors !lematH o gel Il bark as tbeyumalle Mouley. The 1trt-locaiod there. eo, the more wvoaven hili and through rough i itices. lts e >'ni yutuh tiat Ibis Institution 1tluued ounIa va' acrons. planu isideal, il has tbcee-fold ad- gt% t.hte more cole fIheir ou n e-thecar ioaded w.. sese on, a.. pcn . ta thever> bost placefor him . te masdaneai fa glancetokn hed Vantages: . rnRcord.frWuea.Nvroc a pe et.mnsdne lnefrlera 1-It iiwiîos oui>' solsent ccerna There are manvc fartorlos vhicitfrh ulgn Nvroce~se< e snhecrlsa dace!liemn wlnare able 10 Invesl for themoutes. jse eau gel ou the flats, and wvo ovleaaened-Ihst vedding heur semed liteniekies 1 lobywh asgrn tecrls da ftemn vhs e ouolyge heslI adte police se mucb trouble because o!f o!ranovTe ig !lieapra t 2. Il doesnt waste yoor capital i fv a u> gltestssdto grow edoser and losor. lts mnuderîntpoiits . Several I betan Tewama a o beas temshc rmtecon -i-ct the plante tînder our plan o! op- 'btlm ai' i'e rfu !lmsh î Pllvto ards ]hlmeand Il vas veli lie did, cerna aho lare final asited and thu&a.Wht rfelait? .suid riga f tme h lidDavis Mndba utse machstasthe man stepped outo the ýSn be sed ove againfor Bo në factry tel nie thy savextens06vepereaer Meye.1exlieivmadorofor thlm.matrfoctltaecarrcnoa hreuefoot f ava>'ayvas et company.me m at yeron ucarfage alerte, Ihrough lu Ibis va>', iy continut sq uostiom.ii WEvns escapade wo be rn bn gibearing dovu on hlm, but almost .11 1-It la nt a eharil> sud wvlll ou- being located lu Natit Chcago lu- Iug. Griuiln kept posted as te vhal tbaton ak a e au frot o uoihe lie a meant~, lte man's erra vas courage other caucerus sud luveet- n-do Ciao.progreslie vas mattIng. Voltu. Hain- court ln Chilcago viere he lied non ltape en ina <1ctgr bu t e agman th iment of local people. Attornuey BulkIe>' and Commlessoner Guard* MADE IN WAIIKEGAN DIs-en fan lue cil>', gave assurance of ouvileGrylake. lhe river anld ar- avay provloupiy. Stace hie arrest be loaped ofstfetman buth h caridho -But. yoo ahould guard: 'madeIe lu citysarneat désire ho assilt the reneton vero rassed lan unlet sucres Ta e boyn l oth r va In o u hri.th-le nescued man v» broutt10 bis Walga'vth as greal caro as you 1lolng, sud ahrt talks o! encoulalasin. The occupants of the car liardiyaeeThe 'mh be al ourt and1ts i trei ttamv ri do temrletc.. luetoeneo ae b> Mn. Ganster, MT. tnov tho>' had passed those placeps uni, Itvas tue taSttinte alluin sud thon et the flagmsn and then sbetei. raIc sçs. lalylre pr- Kmet SaabScwatzhadn ou-li ac hote etrain. Hîs narrow es- Uaj>l opoc e a, lc k uly on las-nolk . a l lSera.oh fg-i ast did lhe car go on lie jour-na>. exiibited au>'epecial Intereel lu hlmcae siovi>'davned on litrm, but il gcular ocalilypote .abIset e'. on ls sud D T. Alahuler.mincoe h as become a caze tethb.e Pva eval oet eoeh o 011es-concerne lnthe, Pace and pro- Presideul Sayior read a telegialu Weil, te mallethie long ride shortlc.Sovpt ewl iI h o Mas spe enTt efsdonesa o! 're@U oaIlers fi-eutcomiug lu. Il i-e- frnmFrank T. Fovlern. emiouratlug it l gItI hoadded liaI tir.buncb wldlice S kept weBtoI.abetuf utsh litin id peh. hddie od hlm a! il. «ta againet a cit>' lu a vs>' hal you the vont of!'lie association and pr.- reacbod tovu just 'ah seven 'ciock. manitettd a genulue désire 1e bave A~rpre epndt .na -~~~~~~~~ Suno dreporterdlcing halpii thro tars if ite1h )0 FOR#D CHiECK T SECURTY BAINK Peterson Who Worked for Humberg a Week Foi'ged lis EmPloyer's Namie. t 4e S te e'd to'f of, ik to Compare Sig ngtu leterèson Made Èsoae... e f the Most dailu attempte made tici iib a forged chck lt lu Waukefan MandaY wbcu i apieaIUd at the. senurily gev. sanl and sought to cash a check i10 wbieli vas made payable te, by J. Blumberg. a local furnIturo STiat lthe effort va, flot sue. %il "a due ta tiie tact that ILý trrwegtoe, the 1,44toiler et satitution becamie dspiclous tien- the tact that the checkt w3maa * fbrgofy and compared ithe aig- re ith that of tiie buoinem man' hla on file et the. baik. \Viile vas doing this the forger made etu escape. ie ma l om the police3 are s'ýe- as the. forger gave bis nanieau 1 Petoron. A week ago lie a,)- ed Bt thée Bitmberg store tfl ifor a position. lie "aId i- vai arried mar. and tha i ls famlly Jed hem ait222 Waiilng?. uturday niglit 'Mr. Biumberg tlid hie wputcf unoned hlm for a ýbut that lie w<iuid eali bu nthe occaion demanded. Ko him his weeks wages and the oday wlien Nfr. Blnmbe'g exrimin- hIs chpek book :affor 'ue t.rgfry been reportid to hlm lie discor or- that two checis 'ted beelittoro tt- book. He thînk4 lelerson ihave douertus, Saturdsy niglit ýi he was calied to the ront of tice .o '0 att omn aclsiomier and<l'At- m was il7tl tu te reau. is morplng abiout nia.. thlrty ock. a tait man of san'iy e'iipiire- and wearing a cap. hurr<-d lot btik, 11, apiîeard f0 have 1hPen riî7 <nCc. i reiri 01"eciol r.g larr.ngien and e.îoNi-atdhbe MrcIahel nadriiýie h e a>lg ele csîe t i k. A ialnglanle If iie. ie lion Afie Thiculiectceî fo bonaBsdelîTosi lu oited siatn Mi- l< adiumbecr. iasn tresina- ue r. o! vriting hI. lia mi ir nner or made 001h bis chniil.t-. rWhdemade ottl. cph .1-. delmndeng'va h rp hor tolumergantluuodhe srupltn. reTe ho asko d eoson t vaî ornent eau ho septa the rnoatt o!e bean e ucope flte sig- ire ofthe at o! cmn.areluthersg- M-andmr -1'ridyit Maormanio an- lmcement of the. marrag eBt River- uagi on Tuesday of their daugiiter, Hieiec to Roger H. Bsyly, the VirgIn- la horseman. With the aurounicement l'as inelded a card annoumclng Mr. and Mrm, Roger H. Bayly at homte L, Delapiane, Va., alter Oct. 1. Tbe couple are eSted at Nebraak City. - Neli. Sunda<, as, guesleof Mm. Carl Morton. muntfte i bride. The. mar- riag%, seal4 UicpPut Of pemcebe-' tweeu MOI«R ad ber fatie.. 018 efth Imis Hou».Wired for ia *0 ettelsy le alfews y« .te COOK BY WIREfl Ekctric Toasters EIectric Pwroltort Ehctric Chafins Disheg $ 10 Up obmrigh«ae oseres. Public Service Company OF NORMUM n iflOis YYX>MAN'S Is the Best That Money Can Buy <hi? e..i1nae 'tbnrofl .navd comPl lie . .y bv -eom.*t ref f rllu ee et chre W. tcind ""r- lo. &bsdmbke Our Own i ame. te flt cacI ..rtilacftfu. Louis -J. yeoman MANUFACTURINO OPTÎCIAN WAUKIEGAN, ILLINOIS F. BAIRSTOW cue i tt ofl.To i0fr ANUFACTURER or bch m sea.e e proustepvas rb1e and <Granite bis cage bîut Petenosvsgn vas fouud Ihat ho bast noudtne lu o u e i îting lte ban-z vhou liesav lte au- Bnicity o! the chieckt vas doubted. Ir. Blumberg vas shovu the check Cemetery Work of Every dunl iatatligiy declaned if a for- e cr p o ry, Tho polie veýre notifiod butj Lough tieT scoured the cIl>' the Cerrespoudonce 5olicit.d lged forger cculd ual lie fouud._________ sa not lenovia viether or flot ha vaa ,e o cash, le aller check which I I I 6 G n s e S 1purîomsect-The polcethink b eis eS loy lait -Mhme lu gttng ount VWa1kfflnf rfi. Bell Sysei M answerlng telephone calls Mgive the firm or individual name, the name of the person speaking and the name of the department. Definite, information of this character saves several questions and so, saves time. if you have flot the information re- quested of you, do flot make the tele- phon e caller wait but arrange to cal him back in a jew minutes. This leaves the fine open for other calis. Chicago Telep, one CO'p\ny A. R. Andrews, Manager Tiiephm oos90 LOST- clinrei 1 Fînder i WIL SCI Fi Miss. rieer of O NLY Schoo tiori tht w halita lhe n dentsc etreet, The. a reuni Jemisi dosea n plis ant riait>' c s 1111. - - 1h. lar ceved 1 gulden- The Misse.I Item vl world the i It vi lIme, t a imarki lmbued inspire ong ii 'c o!tite unlil t lu Mar r Th e leting as lo t uIneni Miess of tb. vill b( b 1 mêe ai vins.. FOR will t? tbis nit FOR 9 au col lipuibc FOR 0 aumd 46. N FOR à good 0 Phone. FOR là tîmoth ,ville 27 Bhote "ale eht ville. +1 see 1E 4tb ln 1 MONE e8tate. Banik. MARR' large ni age. i Box 2fl froiteth +1 LOST- be-twe-[ turnito revrard L0OST - Finder 1 Dividlor à