Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jul 1914, p. 1

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..aAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT 4, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII.-NO. 41. TWELVE PÂGEs L[BERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ItL, FIRJDAY, JULY 3,1914. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR iN ADVANC1èj JCE SENSATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS; [) JAIL SENTENCE FOR SELLINGi LIQIJOR RS AND IN TUE LOCAL OPTION TERRITORY LAKE C0UNTY FARMERS 6UESTS 0f SAMUELINSULL'S Cole,1$. 9PiY LIQUOR CASES PRODU( II3R PROMINENT MIEN TELL TIIERI THEIR SUCCESS WILL '5 1EAVY FINES ANI CURIE ONLY If TIIEY REPLENISII SOIL BYCAREFUL TRI3ATMENT QJ IO S TO MINOS Seven hundred fermnerasand their :s m r: su:u::. lion 0u' Amerîca ln bts las, lie TT' TTORNEY RE-ý familles were guetta Saturday, June TRITE TIIINGS FOR FARM- neISlte a trîfle like 2500 pundm, oPoa ITIIIh flflA 27, Of Samunel Insull at itiecounftry ERS DEVELOPEO AT TrHE ton and a quarter. He cost Io0'. FUES uiuiuREPRT horne of 2500 acres Just Bouth of aI INSULL MEETING. The Program.31S 9 99 TA I NE CU E ertyville. as a result of 1Mr. Insul hav- The prograrn began at 2 o0<0(1 0OF ACTION WILL BE TO lng acceded te the request et the Lake God sald: "Bc fruitful and Te- opening wlth a sang "Illinois"' by the BOWMAW4BOTTLING WORKS PR ECT ON NSI hout perme'lb amIstitute cr ht plenish the carth and subdue IV'L ib" <vl uartet wbîch sang oh HITBYUT OW NTI ho ermt te Smmr istIute tebe -GENESIS, 28TH1 CHAPTER. songs durlug the atternoon. Presi I YBL HC OR N X ORCUSA beld on his farta this year. 'h îîasfermera ned dent Barrett of the caunty farmers' DOWN CHIMNEY AND LAEF ETAN HG- Mr. inunU made elaborate arrange- vp.ide n s tablmhod l ntitute welcomed the visiter% and STUNS THREE WORKMEN 1LANO PARK. ADHI mentè te entertaln bis guette for the and nod e . o. H ave" . Itrouced, ther bhast M1r. euil. rt formai aven-bouse on himae . sbded1h crWh*Nl Ci Oves Excellent Talk. RAZES S)LO ON CHITTEN- -_AND _ARK Hunrei pOBnt athee sen aaaa prsItetorlotlitane uren meeting afl trains andi electric cars subdued us--the .arth fhas boat- HDEN rn rese, STOCK BE- suDENAnt Trsday nt poth elct ht wth autoi, whlch ebrrted visitons ta en us te Il, for. ln many placet Mr. Immll bufera. 1<ew bati ever heardabu hrdytteefc ht the feamtua mile away. Twenty ferme bav* e c.,. efld5Ud lm opeak publcly, for hems sucli a ING R IED AFTER THE State'e Attorney Dady ta baing such 1 auto were buay ail dar. Gutcteale- cause. formera ha *hit bgey man ho doen't appear ln many THEM ILLED WITH unusual uccesm wlth hislquar pro- elud e larmera of Chicago vIso 11. e ad &0 the Almigh.ty telle jubile affare. However. It wag hlm SMOK 4IE -tienE-CAR a ha latents te direct bae onoaon tlatkc V8U. them 1hey aioId. Mon Y<aI h~~ ~H i% attentionà neit te the lashlortsble Thse fgaiberls nwvaheld ila a fu- a e t1he.artit: 'Yeu. MUST gave thein a tait. whlch sureîy lm- IN WN HIT BY A Onuentsal atiElmoor Golf clubs et UfuIh vy dtract just mauth of the pre#pm. e30 buoise; NO? »U -"d he. eeland many a B I EiFAURSLk PtetaniHgladPr b rýlnuugne r*ý bkO M h M I à,, M in itake haone by tisose uhe lis- p.RE -k -1811 ndHghad ak e ditae làblu pete. h 5e the Iisscma e. attentlveîy ta bls vords.0 IR .'af rc n sy Ia o a fae"nu a"itheir familles came 10 RY HMPMIt.-ILLONOIS UNI.. '"Wben 1 vasa aaed te permit the The 1 av@ ".. ye laet tlob, or. alingethalilega in.c hesr Prçf.Henry Hapb»naorfinnois î IRVT uMmer meeting te h. belti on my mîtes veut nt mensa% ten osatsilnaRntte UafvuuM l à y u t e 8 Ie 0flt,«MrnCl II, vWeald b e an In inite p es u b ave IMM ,e 1ha* iquarvlIoltIce," BSn reporter at- d e ý ; h i i t . r . m - î - f i m ."n a i d e u m i . n s Ih e m i t o o mad , w e r t h t e s t a t e . a t t o r e y thub oSO4k lleam «te hav, yei eetberÎ.ÎÂad. vhea w, " b u t - i ~ m e u h e r e e m M We a fl o l m Y e u a ti b a v e t a r n a t i o u t l a s n o b n u m b e r s f o , h î e l b l t c e c u m ' t - U o a . Pte a nd Idas Itohi -r gw Me of setu imf, qrIae as YOD have vith the weatber MW -A lraid ba belangtng teCh aIetthle Urne," Mr. Dàdy reltP. theslut Proe ardys. etnto he atmn#. .e cetet k gttf* p tp,~ ealt Brown af that i aIlmemithat The 1atthat be decllnel te deni tlre. In My rof. Hardyu.1et& ruAl-Po uae. In pleaseslme ait the was not eiOIu for the communlîy, the ,question. blh vs, puttebihtm vesîty expiais thse naedipwof go" I Y te "Y. M Ieme Morsbecause 1 di so. 'm net by frlPtayJ e I eavy am squareîy vasld seem te ndîcate that dary&Il ' " mmwetéie profession a farmer- l it as a Te. whlcb it LeIc;unty aMain seemedi~, ~ ~ heIIn.4a th metn vs es aa eeeee ud eton. la marne vai taMWivaese m>'- lîi7amonubcm tinln tismk tian la not fer amies. Mr. Dady teefom 111141t, tg Int la elfU.a Inliterste endeavor ta be af FIRST-Sefl ft hi0Somsn Bottling showed thse saine reticeuce pieorte la the moning the guecte totil aut- tîiwhcRoe et api mre service ta thome near vhere my Plant. rIXM4 OkkhlWtY andi kneclclng statlng hlmhs rstiegls h toc aven the farce. spue ir«ai 1v- ton, Il le i »et ute pair. country home lies. ta the flooi. tht-sewerkmen. ln rcd gis h entCONO-lUéi* lItheilo on Chlttun- saloonkeepers of the courty. Ha lng beauprepared te reeive them.s or dosnt. ery te pft by the (Mr. Insul then remat-leti whct Itien faim eni g e onba., asItt wud o onente eot hth The heavy nin prevmed au nring uxpe-icnoeofe thmes or thom qnoted ahave, at the heasi of thîs ar- dang2er but d1lI MetCatch tire. jIntandedte taact-neîther coulti ha on ve et rago o tl e& hle auh y h cini ts. icle.) The atorms farce bit Gurace abouti deny ItL Subsequent resuîts ibhaed oturc, e w Ihwde av niagmifor bishe Ithn My taughtb ty teecontîte. 'trite example la the fallure 10etgbt O 'ne ca Do 1 that he bad outllned a camnlete cam- t u r e w h l c w o l d h v a n c l u e t 1 îd vn t g a ndfai m w o k y ath e e p r o f it b y e x p e l e n c e l e e e u I n t h e l a t h e B O vW n u p l a n t t t h a lI m a ip ag n o f a c t i o n . 1 1 o c y a p r m s e m l y a g o f 1 1 e ie ti t n p e ti g O n e 9 10 8 0 n i n y h e r l m r a1 r e r i t e a li i w l h r e a b o u t s t e s . m e n e t w o rk . A ; e t t h a t a s c an a a s th e p rc me t s a - autosfua scort an stIons exertn s.the anche s lusssSMU tEr ater whIch ltlmate]Y ruine It wlîore iboit lit the eehrnay which lahuilt j'on cames are dîmpometiof ata'tha ln£tad.theauts mde he tIpsha, IINULLàý.a a ittle dragglng would preserve tixo li te wall 01 lIe plant. 't raxetifamblonable club bouses wl1feel tbe Inaeat. le olo maie halii,. e. IUSLI.. ~~ rode vrrwbch îbc ech trnnei- snd lIhI otthe- l a oh. dtvlUally. --------J raty orrn- e h c ld the Pipes Ibrough the plant. Baket lunnthes vere esten Stiflo5 u:s ---------------sz.ztakes time and neara ont berses. je It bappenpd *th re e ce 1'rmreht! ietee bv by anyviItas ati1fr hcuh ht hrse, anyofthe th fne 4., net a profitable methot ofad tvance- dolue (ert¶in wcr whlub caueed heen reparte that the oflisialsa etthe arranged for bt coffee, mtlk, gant- men% of thetr kînd te be found ln the met hra.' tthl îe caves tlhen, Utr1 e. the a lit. They were:badathstw lrg cusaa wiches. etc.. for those who fathed lea Untted States. It was led by Samnuel aie, ada -11"attention Io rends withh a'ds ho botte; boit knocked careless of the way tbey regard the brlag lunches. Wosaea tressed in Insull. Jr., 14 years aId. seateti a9tride wtill helP thie farr'er msterýally and bimte ,the loor. 1 liquor regulations. The law wbtcb white served the t-ge, its prîze pany. Stole&igoondrmade woîil thon corne wlti, rca- 1 ~tYTFIIEL-.-Working wssher; 1prahbits Ithe sale oa liquar la Lake Prevînue ta thé. meeting tlsp..e vam Onee ofthe horees aboya cas Ithnirieii I c-4 oltf brrr l n koke imlorest ant i lghla.nd Park, long lias parade of the Hawthiorne fartmi glant Percheron Rarlîn.thie prize stal im.P-gP-tte l TP;. LlG -lWrîn nben vioamted by these clubs, Ifoe - - b~o r î.'inocked te floor. lqte tabelleve reports ith b ovee- \Or.-of t lb-men wrm mate uncon- rirculated. RlIIACLE'WIIN ZIN PUS BA ON X.MO R A~ EES cios 1,,îti% r e mverely stan- Apbarently the states tone e ,have suýtainpd serions Injuries. Ob garde thece reporte asmaeta d. OCCUPANTS ESCAPE C iizen ofZ :<ZCit ON 4THel . I TO PROIIBIT THIE -odn bu ýrpd nut oe fscrn ten s4r vdne tF E ENU II he Fourth af July wltb the qiS Fa LIQUOlaryNoio stmae Af ER B IG RT decorum usually assocîmted wtb Me- SA E O IU R the damage ih ln a 50 more fashianable clatis Ia lie entîreý mnoriel day. No fires-rac)rers or tire- buIbRAteSpantSILO50. ioantry and some of lie wealt¾iest George Quentin and Wife and csasma bepuclast o dscarg Sat'sAttrty tceheeA; men lnthe world are members. A et lmy puca sethor cîty. ' lSae Ditrne eo nie As- 1 rani s i agden' arrhen. ciia eagatnst these two clubs coîtît Ber HllandWie avea d n te it. knffi-kd <t ;i ' s in rs ct ient<Tt sir up the most ecr-tement that han Rernarkable Escape. Ilavar Clendlnen's sane Paurth pro- Sale WiII Be Stopped. alumie of rrnroke whlch iîied the taken place ta thetr mldst since their clamaton. publisbed tln.*bc Theou-at------ barne and îau.ed Mir. Chittanten ant o-gertzatioa for ordtnerily they fe FREIGHT HITS THEIR AUTO. caym: snietfracn n aeWAS PROSECUTION FEAREDIwa?:atize. , To iel hoInandhebaafote!a eraI mmai "Thsnimetoraort ad othyed l t w o ati îrtl - "I intend to speethat lac aot arder Accident at Rondout Crossing, F,,rtb le growing very rapldly Believed by Mr. Dady That the' terivards dii i I the bara bat no, revls tbrougbout the courtty and caîiglt fir' fi rrro the prescace of cii not rest anti h1arn convînec.t When Auto Is Completety !Ibroughaut the country. Zion City ah- Onwentsia Club WilI FoIIow mach smrjke. irrrt srrc.'r tr the case," Nir. D3ady de.1 Turnd Aout '%ay a es takea the ead 1n hs mat- Mrs. Fasttin Stunrseti TundAbu.ter, and ne trust we shah! have the the Saine ExamnpIe.,_ rs. lie'r r-aT, who Hîves on the "lared trrday. "If tlrese hl?, clubs are! To be strrirk bu' afrelglit tratn mou'hai> uîor1feueyctie aIae od Prlîelat .rrSalig'co rlin oeuc<e r- lu-it as heart supprt ofeverycitizn lnWaukegau, ul. ners, nas ln 1- home wbera a boit giilty as aru orîlinary saloonkeelper.' inz a out ifteea ailles on bouc aur nahaataaig aur preseot bligh stand- PluIes .Xt-îrri' y Rahph J. Dady ce-'i foiloweul ht:i ie cires loto lier________ ha'-o yior auto turneil couîpletety img, ire'trirng cafety te botb property cets id assuraoîce tlir morîîrîg tbaI borne andl aI .-'r taei a sback arount saetliet It lacet the Oppasite and huruan ]Ife." iîegliîîig lîîmediatety the raie o! wchi for a :: ieat ceamati ber te nir direction to chat >ou were goaînd o ______t____iquerr, ecuber tirecily or tadirecthy. thia k stehe ai tran paralyzeti. Hec IEI 'I iS WEIL yetescpe ein hrtwoud semREORDRISOFFCElsoproiitbîted uath<le tashtaua lhe Ex- ri'tbt amni andi i 1 - as affected mach yet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ esaebtgbr.0"i er EORE' FIE 11 lub ('e a trgihandPark. ThiO f lie 'laY fTrrr hPeaffect 'cas gsnch an tmposslîrlhtty. Yet that'a the ex- WEEK ENOING JUNE 27, 114worîl sas rr'celsed by the state's at- tliat ;he ,otilili -rrr set about mach for t KNOWN IN CITY Verîrýnce abîli George Quentin and îorrrey aftthTie lîads of trie club liat heurs afîcrvartI-. %vite and Bert Hahl ant i wfe of Liber- No. a! Trust Deeds snd mortgages ead] iti The Sun an exclusive arttcle ' Boit H lm Grounti tytile nconterd Fida eveing-17 rxpitaag tVint tihe sates attorabey %r.q. 'l!iirii . 'aYtomstreet, Wrirî AND IN THECOUNTY ai 9:fl0 white erossing the E. J & E. Instruments other than Trust Deets pilnned te take ap the prosecution af kegan, aM nOpair5eabyi saw a boit bath tts e'10h sndthe Onwentsîs Club of ire rouie dastrirrsfrnie s ky amlvnt trarlis ai itondout. anti Mortgages-1 10. as soon ase le liat ronîpieted the pros- bit' the grounIi n front of ber hiome. Haif Day Man Has Conducted "ItI la smrace-nothing aIse" saIdTtalinumber a! Instruments file- eut liatcb of Ilquor cases.< Investigation ril-1tei sho~rw 'here t Sa!oon and Hotel in County Quevnadthatte remaînder of the par- 157. "1 expert te gel nord ahrno>t any day bat îîenpti'areîi rthe eastb. i lilkigo h acdn. Toa mut fIasrî.0. tat a staîtîar action witli regard la Telephorie System i-lit for Many Years. ty In taîklng 0f~~~~ ~~ the aciet oa muta as$360 Ieprohitbtion aoflquor lias been ta- The t, lepirono svctemA Waegan Tihe psrty bat baen ta Waaakega ken by tlehe ads of tIhe Onwentsi atd la th(, roTutrv districts cas bat- Jar' fliener, the princllral ta the turing the evening. returaîag viaa iea ,ntbey regaînet their coruposure Club," Mr. Dady declared thts irîrn. ly crîppled b% tire storrn of Tbursdev Lake Bhuff. As be drmw aear the 'Y sot faunti that tbey bat not heen lng after rr'celvîag tire long distance nlgbt and Friday imornint-, The sevar- rase a bih attractet sucli alde at- i teleplione message tehUing hlm of the Ity of the sritrriras realzeti oaly by teullon la court ibis weitan s ot'.b crasaing, .tQuen atl o îed tawn blts rred ri the toast, tbey couldth ardîy action takien sctb regard ta the 2x. thase 'ho iraTpned t0 be ont ia It. car; be hearti a chisîle but couit' helece IL ta ha the tact. Net oe aiaba noor. Varlaus reports o! Instances of the now Is ln the coanty 1.ih unter a 30 sec ao train on tic 'J' tracks hence ha been tbrown fron tbe car by the con- Reports ta the effeci that thece two wark af iîgltitulz caime 1tie r e- days' sentaereeatd fine of $100, la ane concludet i il as a train. an the St. cussion. clubs have been rallier caralece ln Porteaswblcb rouit net h. vernieti. of the bast kr.own sahoonliotel men la thair observance of the awe wth ne- Oaa cas that s Wsukmgran girl was Paul traclis a fac rats fartbar ccst. Allgbting front the car, they foant gard ta the dtspeuclng of iquai ln knocked downa on the etreet dunîng ILake county. 'JI Train Unde.- Virduct the choIe front of the car terrtbty Highland Park aud Lake Forept have thie morns' storm.. Hie place lately bas tl'en et Haîf Bunt, as im gtaiament on the 'Y' amambatiinlacmt Itlolaked al! It bat been circutatetilfreehy for somne littho Dr. Paiey wa s ev'. tartiflg te Day ahore be parchased !ho cnlon- traru. a sa ta lae tht atran ben ra aen b s raI ineatodtea.A few dsys ago a upersstat re. canklits riuto durlng the helgbt af hatel at tire nortbwcst corner ef Mil- tracs, o sw to lae tat atran ben un oer y atrai lntea ofport liat It that the states mttorney the tarm a ber. a terrifie flaab mat wae paming la unter the vîaut, the meraly balat- bumpet. The car cas was malsîng ptans te prosecute tliese crash carne. rauslng hilma t eap bacli wautee avenue mot the fleertfli roat, beavy puffiag of smokm preventînt- left thare untlh Suntisy and,. chen clubs on an allegati viaiation of the aine anti a liti feet- andt hea' "hast folowing the death of its nener tet the beadigît hI ia throcînt-lis raye Quentin ratured. et. aas met by a lac. Mr. Dady, chen asketi cancana- t" Inta his office; ha escaped unaburt. year. lie contucted the roathouse abea. To tte 0 aervato nc J' an ia fferd asetîmmat ut-the repart,tIeclînedtetadeny or THE EFFECT IN WAUKEGAN hast year admade & succeso ofILt ahea. To lte e serv teoneU' an ho ffeed setleentcontinu il, but liy thîs cary reticesae Theislgltntag struc% ln saveral ite, Quentin tirec bis lever mbntre- chen ho found that thre motar lever practicatly admittet ha has the mat- places in the clty ant i vctnlty. Trees Preclaus te bis entrince loto ls!!t verseanma thug betti the car frant cas lanaverse spéai, shaciat- that ter under cansideration. wecae spit. A resîtence cas damat-et Day, Dlener coaducteti the oit Muer- gettiag abrasmtai; fthe track. ioc- Qllentin hadtieteiat aent the mccl- "Wben do yoa Intendtetobegin the by a boit o! ightolat-, a score of per-«like boteh aetSFoxLake, namînt-It tte aven thehaa cason ha tac'mmat den. .promeuina hoeeclubs" Mn. Datiy sons anId one Ihorse fea itse affecta Illinais batai after ha toak It tram everthe hod ws on he trc'isand dnt.caseaactted by s reparler who vtstted of the caves of electrHcItyàmittet by suMciently oven ta permit the englue Whoel"5-W'Auto Is office this moratag. a boit af lîgltiat. Huiretie 0f thea Muerritias. ta strike fil ltb mch farce that the White rountîngtbohacanner of Mil- 'Thera la consîierabie wark ta h. tahaphones acrePutu ocf service le a papular man amaag bis auto. wau ibrao completely anounti, yaukee avenue anti DivislIon sîrttione hefara the malter can h. takon tbnougbouIt the City- The , eleetrie acquanacas, beint- a "900at fellow" ed fcng utmti fvu hl imryloSmly .G etup " Mn. Dsdy repîtet evasvely. llght e eaImpaîreti. Thse 81u8W Ber-etattmsHeDnaie cun- eat ntedofwttwhnlalbetvIeih4a.G.G Mri J uat t Ibis maomant the lelephone vice an the Chicago andi Narthwest- at i ie.H is ft cuit lthe beloupants recavareti front tihe jandtifarnalty ofChîcago, vere giveua abell rang. It provet ta* ho a long dit- arn Ratîroat cau affectait and trainrane la the caunl>, la tact, fac men #ho*. aevcre shock uhan a rear wheel of tance mesuage fromt a mmn Whola cae ietayeti. Boita at the tale front are more attel>' knowa lima ha. The passengers fateI th m>' al-athI auta bidke off, letting the car formet i hlm laI adera hav en eefillet cîth caler. seesal mnk. tangib lad Iat speaed antithaf o Soh y ia bu t. 90199 as pt 90Issed t Ithe Himoar Club te do avmy ati scores of atherns1tsr Incidents Lak4e County's big wookly-INE- ti " " e.adt , r lfooy Uhtditioa Ne..W - - 1Waukegau. PNET fart liaI Yoangs atdAven>' acrelier- cof 1he cout 1&, oh ffect etrangest hm1 uit îcn.guthtu noua ,ges a hm.atn nxpmiinc. wa a e..,aan Ca.» TheFe camine vettcators d-" tenuating cîrcumatance. that liîay have securet evidence This actian on tht. part o! JudW&, agaînst precllcahly aIlla! tia men tir,' Smliey carne as a distinct surpsieei tiden ladictrnent. as there cane few cIra beilavei l h" Thc work o! rross-'examinnq ticesa f ouiti Imposea sjaîl sentence Tt 1 tnesa n'as starteti thîs morulN.; generai>' concedeti he onîti rec.lee, and It casturing s pauselalnt-ýe casei $00fabtlbthu-IoB1m tlîa thecout tipos oraItise T-lias- sentence cas nat tg'çan loto conadifo'ui en andi Shoan case. Ha tien tu-ruett hon Ibe~~~~~~ ytoay o oi in xrI The lmposîng a! sentence Min% how h' dae adips o h urIng s pause la the John C'rgll» c ases. He sa!d tiats adge tla a casa e aîl a bfgbad.> i o! tIs ltotle not t-tsen ranch leageury. Atlaey Winhg oedet wuay. /utter à jury bias actedth'ie only thie court tIraIt t mtght ha ccl, tii dc., Ibt- ie hocanido Is Imposa csentence pose o! lie Dlener atd Sheancase. lni case a verdict of gulty la retarnet. . luhothe presenca o! 1h.eIjnry," msk. tie InfecredthlaIt incases ciere sncb dtecut ventIictsuere retarneti le nould ical "t hava no abjection," luIr, 'Sfelch, s-. laclînet taIi lillet tbm maxImum penpiei. aity and laet I be kaowa liaI la case " Intbt posslbly that Ia askla- <g rthe tefeadauts la the case Ireferret bava me dispose af the cas* before ta pteat galit>'lha couit bave a ile tic jury yau migt-libh semîtat- Io a- mare oippartunlty to use bis tîscratlan cure marne chance la glose upoRsig, as ta the aeverity o! tie penalties anti tecbnîcaliîy chici lter catIid gë an>' rnttlgatîag cîrcumetaisces tiera yau an apportaulity ta asI tonranoM migit be. t-e offerat ta give Attor- trial anlthe t-round thmt somethlnt-9 neys Welcb But Dean." lme to con- sait mît-ht bave iniîuence h 1e 5urrý suit clîli their client anti saIdthlatIf tic court said. "If that vas yons- mo.5 tic>' decîdet ta continue i'ththite tive, anti yot e anatrylngta otakeai - case hae coult try tic case &e fatiy vantaea!Imcut tnyo'gl anti squaral>' as any judge couit. ta ho censurei." The canfaranre was icît atdIl n'as1 Attoney Wctch Isatenadti ta e.ut- miter thîs that Cant-tîl chant-at bis tic court tmmt sncb -th pies sodt tresv bimeif upon the cia- cas not bie motive andti bat ho la& imency ai lia court. . 1 tthought o! sueb a candition, - There le cansiterable specuiatloo "Let.tIhe incitent puieuthoen," iÎW'- Eas t0abwat thie resait on the part clareatheIb court. a'i a majorlty af saloonkeepaest1 J .utige miIey lIen calied. Siomea, l cbharv-ta heir pîcas o! "nat gîîilty" , aiora hlm andI pIlm4 bieellit queue that of "gulty" anti thrac thenseilves tiona'brnig -out 1the coaictlon i tupon tic mcrcy of tIre court ratier han bail vith thé hiquoir tram. Dg tien rua the chanceofa securtnr, a thon callati Diener beore bm ai a mîîî'limare strict pnlmhmaat ln pas* astiet vIsaIexcuseIseoI"ato o« lite>'aea ond guitît'b>' Ibe jury., for bavInt- employai!a boy 21 yseas Attarney Orvs ha vr rpreeate ~aIod ta m&etas his hertanden. He alaim« iraniber af tefentiasts tecmnedti tat hm hIn Is ha sat permîttodth Ie 13»Ç ilhi clients coulti ot Dpladti tsIfy aleboy icivîsit hie saloon.* To this Dieu,- tiey are Innocent o! lie charge o es e htJa rqetybe« brout-bt at-ainsI lhem. It te probable bocevar tiat there willieha acessa5- automnobile pmrttee to isaaloon 14* liono! crk l cort uttt 'c e htlite bai laiod lIe boy mac>' tigES foantfchatkln vcoart oub lkmas o a eep out cf thse place.'i sire ta do about tise natte-. stnaayonce. e Independent reachse au ponste ~-cme.$ e st on d Zele Cout>. i <Contibei ed nPueSf) CASE 0F JOHN CARGILL TER- THE SENTENCING 0F DIENIER' MINATED SUDDENLY TO- CAME AS A COMPLETE DAY AND RECEl VED SEN- SURPRISE TO EVEN THOSE TENCE-GENERALLY BE- WHO HAVE BEEN WATCH-- LIEVED THAT THIS WiLL ING THE DETAILS 0F 1THE ESTABLISH PRECEDENT CASE RATHER CLOSELY- IN THE OTHER CASES IN FEW THOUGHT HE WOULD COURT. RECEIVE JAIL SENTENCE. Wakegan. Jane 25. THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1914 The case at-ainsI John Cargli 0cd Couuty Judme Snslley thîs met-nis Aptakisic cha cas latictet on a impo«d «mn« isnluthe ceeletjob& charge ai sellng Ilquon la anti-saco Demi.andi Robei-t Blocs,,hie heulgus tcrrltary came ta, a ver>' suddten ter. dcr, bath of whom wmmc, hat-gsi t minatian Ibis moralag chen Cargill. an Information ni"ei t t*%e5e Mies aften a canfernce vith hlm attonneys., neyfi. J. Dadg wlith vielaing ee qo- vltisdrev bie pla of"001 guilI>'andti ut*which pt-ohlblte the cale 01 8lier ple"e ie4t-ilt>'. JùdgeSinieIg e ti to-itiluon. hlma Slooêanti Costa aid30 dm .tu l'toa John DIceer petm oit the liraI canal anti StatesAttorney1.n osait yt la uNgf fags Dati>'naît. pi-assatheI, aler anialcfkccf nd phîsdl uecs pn e ceunIs. The fliisentence w uspen- thmms*g t-ewlng W#mm* 111 ded until ft-tIser aider of the coqut Mareyet t.euut-car t i s but il usatmprcceati pon Cailile ho, Il egQi dirr MWÉVWYMMM UMsiani tisse >fty waioi"" e-a" ô ', h%, the future vhsé he in' tcon- bhe cuffing voeIh "" duct biaseif p1oprly It yul b. an tien fer the m a geery*" l fl57 fatter for the " s mattorney' phgshli , rrWdo te gj aba ta -eu-ea -# aafor bilm anBd have tiemn-tht»-s. -ee-c~ hlm clapped Inlto joli. Cas-gI vaitd ett spi tise fine anti prornimedttapa>' the <locts jul sentenice iusieuuhuai"becs ed witisin thlaty tdae. le th* flet osse. Olener %nsso. l Thevwork of securing ajury in tbIee 10 edd oment1h.e IN"ii case cas campletaed rlî Wedaedat-' He pelti bathfinesanadti es isce atennoan anti tIse carl aftaktat- evi- th. states sattorney uehvlmg 4_se dence cas starteti. The tava cI rk drap the cas. chas'gn isug 10 a! Vernoi, township tastIilat th,, aeîîîng lîquor in st-aentr'W% reait of Ibm chection uhîch placet Whon th. judge.suspendai 910t» f Vernnon la anti-saloon tcrritorv arte setenc»he alId ut %rt-t he wcst4 àdu NMa> 7îIs of Ibis yuar. no for s month-then utdoti that Ibus Tan Chicago men_ Thomas W, wouîti do so ndeflnîî.lg peudifug 9»« Yoangs atdA. G. Avenry, Investît-s- canduct eus 1h. part af th. defiss*UE. lors for the Illinois anti-satoon longue seustenscmwas Impe et sfolkeWs< - cane then piacati an the stand and JOHN DIENER-Court Imposemi tti<' tolt o! baviat- baca amployedti tase- maximum penalty o f lno 01 *Utý cure evideace ln the cases chere lyl- anti Coste, andtihrtg tdeys he.thse eUs- dlctmentm bave been ratunnet. Thcy tg juif, ordering hlm commttesIfiau bath testîfie tot havint- etoa0('mn- the fine anticoel have heen pt-a*- guIls place chera tbey saIdthtey badtetri which ho entars upon ual th li htestt ilflcaît>' in sacur- of the jail sentence. lng mny klrt o!flquar they clshi. ROBERT BLOAN - n.oervei- 191 Tbey sait Cargil hati "annethînt- on" minimum fine aof38M and ««sWe'5MW Stale's Attorney Datiy anti for isat a sentence of thhltg tde* n tihe ceeu reason ha cas mraIt 1n close lists 'ju. The joli sentence howeeo% place aflbusiness. This e atement I13seas suspendbd lns considér-ation e, f*i fsai t tahave beca mata deapîte th~e tur ,od cndu .m:î ...a heror i(

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