Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jul 1914, p. 3

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LÂKÊ OTNT INDEPBNDE, ÎKRfiÊbÂ, JIJLY 3,1914. FBANK YOUR SAVINGS for SaIety and Smr Profits in Frontage on Sherid1an Road at $6 Per Foot ltes the oit delrable reqideutlal dîirict on the t1plîghtfil1 RMTIN 88101. A rosi Beauty Spoe for Chicago people of tant.. Lies ait ou the bluff, about 50) test above aud oretlooking the laite.but Dot on laite $bore. one Mlle of sberidan Rond frontae; part ln serret $300 and UP; part frantege on Iisaide atteste et $1 40 to 02.40 per foot; part in t=ramrti l picturesque vood ravinetwith brook; part with W&to Mnt sor connetions. Building regtrictions on @very otreet asaanteed gaod lmupravements. Intenose interest ln proç>erty snd the Pre-Opening @ales indbeste au excellent Chicago comuulty. Next Excursions Saturday and Sunday Train.ý lave Nortbwestera Station, Canal and tladlson St., as falave: Baturday at 12-01 Nana-Ga. go. à Suudey at 11 A. lit- Gate No. i Ont reproseutatîve wiii be et gato. Corne and look otet tla =sIsd porty and sèleet a "C'otutry Place" of 2 ta 10 sure» or s lo.eaur reeard.brcaking low prie. Sheridan Roud, th. aid famons open hlgawy bolveen Chicago and lilvaukee, la voon ta be reboilt througbout snd made one af the <tesat modern boulevards of the wotid. The Lincoln Park Board le, planned tu have control of It la INlia, seeordin~ ta a receut net of tih. Illinois Lehlalsturs. Select 4o~uagait1s on tlà boulevard wiii deCelais isad vaines enornsausi. Vois la partlculariy true in our district, wbete prie. ane nt irsi ris "Oave ferez value,. Noothvestern transportation. istance trous Chicaga 48 mile. Tva stations. Winthrap Rlarbor sud C'amp Logan. bgonthl tickets, 60 rides, *11.25 snd $11.70. Sitore., sehools, electric l1gib, telephsoue, et., no!r &CIil. Smaii eas , minent. Long and esey terme. Otarsuteed titi.. Pu* - ' Pisa Dow ready for distributiou. WRITE OR PHOMI AT ONCE FOR nRu ltRANPORTION, TO Am o u PR M R1 PRtOPRTY Hl. O. STONE &CO. Edited by F. J. DRUOE. Ponse 11 OrdorekTaken fer Job Wark. Adverqialss rats. on application. Iualty-Bayd'o Stdol rtr ght. "e B. D>. Bayd, ILlbertyville. about, rang s Wisconeln Farm. ;rand ball at Hertel's Park Pavillion ýy 4th. A gaod tins, .eured. y 3-Libety ville Audtorium-Rapke Ir. aud Air. Rarry ffmlth vilS enter- u Company irons Chricago ove? Iheý ursb. t. Wm. Lille. apeufltdit sod Asdaii Iiliballko. Ira. Orlando Hoot rtutned fote day alter ependlng cevei'al day. vith alives anti frientis la Chicago. Ir. antd Ais ilarry Alvoîl drUto out us Chicago ~uday and @peut tht day i night witb lb. former'@ parents, Nlt. 1 irs. I. B. Atevil, O . Ricb and fauIltif efrtertalnod roIs- eo sud frlende frous Pevi Scott, Mo , s veek. The psrty dro'te througbh in automobile. 'ay Brandetetten af Chicago, tinited parents hera Suuday. 'ho St. Andrev's (Iuild bebd an ail-day etingt at tho homeofa the preuideni, s.OUrlando tbook, W.'dneeday. lo«'t fait ta attend the Baud Boys ice sud concert Saturday erenlng, y 4th. 4, big diRplsy of liroarits. lie -Erts arti lu peuding tSun veek là relative. aaM friends lu Ri-b moud 1 vicluify. plekup bail teaus of Graysiairo boat Avon Centre teain 7 ta 2 Sundsy on habll grouati on Oak@ subtilvielon. Ir. aV.« of Elainesville, le TOUT 3rly. *uc<Ihue M. 6"-6 letakfl a t*o Dr. MgrdI. af Round Lake, ba' d ebeed bblgafomerhome sud prueties' as letîer v lu h sld s ev yeele .go ^aDr bbebi, hovli go ta big[ former home fb Osyrgo, Ill., ta praclice. Harry Geary' vus aChicago visitor Ais Lyle Battivasl vas lu Chicago bsIauy ahe in Ssig vocal 04r sud lire. Otto Waldmsu sudi famfIIj Have moveti ou* t teiirhome on Lakte l3Ibre drive w here ihey vilI @pendi thebe suiep. Misse@ 9M>ePalmeron ad %MefMillet 01 Lake lIlut'-M o pendiuggesveral daya Of 11iW vOek aiieb.relative.sud Moued. bore. e aturdav ouly-#Wegt Point Choeos,iats W10 box for 39cê. T1"Mlioxail Store. H. Coombe aud f&ffu4iof ak IatPari have rnaved out ta Ibol suumerne btt essar OGageLake. 9. C. Book bas the mieIorisme a> have au ltSoted foot vhieb ba@ been girlng hm urus- trouble the peut veek. Aire s. eLewis la entertaiang ber rfmeo m Ohio. t Jobls*Lgabaugu received word Sat- r frley a1 the desth ai hI. brother Joseph ikûgbaob of Ada, Oulo. Mrt. Longs. baumir vWsted bis brother about six *eeke ego, leavîng hlm ln rery poor bearth., L . . IW eandi family drove ta Wauite- gan bioutdly. 1 J. Luiberp, a caliege rhum of Monte Alleu, epent lait Tbureday uigbt aud Friday wvKh. him. Get ynur ifre ermkiers and lire voris as The Boxait l>tugstore. Bert Wibiincaa andti bs shster-in-lav, MWi. ary Chrfim aof Cbemuug, vere ber@eau businres he put week-end. K oreraI af our yowng people atleuded the dauce at Lak itelas Saurday even- Ed Bobineau of Waeo, Texas. spouS the. week-end vlth bis unsle. E. F. Sbait on his vaY home frous Ottawa, (Canada, Air@. Sadie Moade af Docelur, Ill., ia vlsting relatives bors. Big Display of FIREWORK &TGRAYSLAKe .".TflJULY4 BAED CONCR A»D DANlCE GIvEN EY GRÂYBLAÀXE OKEC BAED 9 Sg EVERYBODY (JOME rDanoos wil continue oery Wednomdy ovenlng. -9w I 5?ound uCake See B. D. Boyd, Lilrtyvllle, about owning a Wlmeonsiq Farm. Al~eview lire. M. E. Lux and ýoi lichbent, bave _______returneti home alter a t wu weeks vIil lu Nbraiba. CHABLE IL E. 9KA ON, îUr. and 'Mr. Chas. lMattus and son Correspondent - Agent aire vlettins lu Wlscontiu sund Ar. liattue - PHON5 24-J brother le *hIIng hie place a@ maintais.r. __________________________ C. A. Boydecker end emeter onterllad Miles Mary Shortsued AMr. and MAi. Quallty-Boy'd'a Studia-Prce ngbt. Ro4srt Carper and 1101l dàughter ai Se. B. D. Bllod. Llbertyvlle, about Cosl itIy,lus vet. ovulng s WiscosinuFarm. Air@. Iedtte end üildren are viultlng Airs. E. B. Luby vbo bs been ait-k in Wieeonsln. vîthes bard attacli of meaaele rrî,arted Phuiip Boeingerol l,i,.'rtçviile, vlsited muc-i botter, luniVaddworth aver,n naY'. Thb. wedding dance beld lu bonor o r.LRaieteeradifn tb. msrlage of Robt. vogt tu Mies Ar.LRîDlîe.rsdifn Anus Freund lut Wednewday evenîng daugbter retumned hîume Suuday oveuiug vu largly sîtendoti. Everything urut alter spendinig a5-ek vlsitiug ber emoothi v ethe iight. vbich uer.' pareute lu Chicago. effeeted by the eleetrie sanom, but werti reetored &fier about an bour. , Ollie faims, vho lia. hletu conllned In Work bui reuusod o! repaiinug aid b hospital for paNt two veoite vs slterlàg the depot hers, @am@ hsving visittng lu Wadowot tl. Sun)day. beaundteontlud on accout to!miii Milen Aibr htofChicago, le vork nol belon delivered. finitin at Leoy Deitmey.r's. Word ha, reaeb. bore Ihat Kelly Chu. Dravhalm, w1ho le woitlng an lUmbeiflimeide. ia laid np f nom the silsetof as@bock fraus àaboit ot lighiînug bOol" 1stm R ang st lIeerllold vas cat. vuelvisd vhlle vsteming nie hors.' at a log on friend a Wadeworth Suuday. viaRdmîih durinthe storus 5! lriday Ar.Ct.ieRt netlo e mbornlag.Mr.CtoieRf netndbr Damoset Austins hall Jul t. coee)oin, Air. Web.mof!Buffalo, N.Y., aver sud mut your frisnu. uy4h am uuday. lie.sud lMie. Lyle Litviler @peut a fev day. %hie wvek vll Airs, Lisvilern a parentsas aI Woos. Oea.Cubiquces buas acSed aPosition Sue I. D. Royd, Lîbortymille, about' je Tlbbu±e.Lame er dse re. ovnlng *&Wlsooa.iuFanm. D. 0. White of Grayslako, vas a cule oe. Pnsday. Deek tMIse PUi Clevelaud la recoveriu front1 liteauto. Isae" . .- 3. L. Btedîfl.the isvillageemîthy, W. B. Stevat tr.ueacted busiela Itu bu. purchaese ivie pa.sur F ord. Chlcago Tsd iko. C6eulad aeompsaed bilm on tte AieensIda sudAIdadge ipugt spontI trip fron. Chieo. e.Veral ds tviih i ieeeMw ab n d Mir. sMd Met éueJ aaacnompaalsdB" AdSBh10 - Lava. - (%»is. Brnw car sia motar tzlp to AilesMaNI Cleveland retnmned f ront Hlarrard Manday. Wbeston, fâ., r4mstly. M tu&"" elme,.relcunetihome toi Ilunel I Mony. bavlug aen«t tva FSr. HMLveeke villi frisnl adInthis Vieil y. AW ieuanisAuderaon of LutteForest, Ses 1., D. Boyd, Libertyvllle, abtîesent Bundsp vritihor er su sut ýovlft1ü a Wiaonald ibrsSi. WM. MAinîre trsnlerned bIs tarml j ra @%. ion Davie ente&Dlined relative.bMa dangbter, Ur&. W. Ai. Banner. Lfrom lAke Forant 0over suisyv. Mi ,asd Mm. W. I. Bouvier sud Wm. Tiioe thai stteudod the laeeliug atsi MOtIre trannscisd usiies ln Wauke- fr Hawtborue larus report a sry gan Tbuvubsy. pleoan r. CL 9. Demus open% Tuesday aud The'lldies of St. Audrew'e (iuilîe ai Weduoaday ItuOhcbgo. CGraysl*te, met ah the home of le', 1.11. A. W, SaIlord asteuded the Sun- C L. Tb'vmean. afteruoort day echool conven in luChicago uaia Twenty-ei»t taok naopper. A obausant 'I<ý1ao. Il AIrw. Watilites of Lopg Lako, and Mrs. France» Bonite aofEthigo, were pleeaut calleos t Ars. C. E. Combe Suuday aitereoou. AIrs. Gfforge Waltso andt ebldren o! the Sean ftarai d ravo eut ta Voa Sun- day mnrning and -spe»Vth te dai l wth relattros. AIr, sud Ar.Ray Paddbefr ud t M gobent vote calileroat M. : ous zlonod"aftoaoon. MiessIMargaretliorringtou it-.peudlngr we w woveke as the home oa' Geari4e W 'nesi Bietol. A parfy of trîrode gathered atI the homie of Air. andi Are. Robert Boettt-*iru' Suudity. le wvs. theo occaion ai MM Boetticher blrtbdsy. lake- Couame .bg vekly-1INDW PENDENT?. STOP 1> HEREL'!) P STOPRRR sud gt yoa rallroad ticket, vu haave tiiemon both roada. STOP HiIRE sud leave- ysur, laOudry. ves have the, Brington sgeny. Gau every Thuroday sud rebarDe liaturday. Bet service lu tt vu. Phono Il aud vo wiii rail for Il. STOP HERE sud, buy your roading matter, vo bave tb. late eopyvl'lhted books aud ail the latest peroedlnah. STO PBHE RE and buy yanr lu cass.. We give vau the beet't.ream.audWtruite STOP ÈIEIE forachoice bomoteandy. We bave mari, varletieé tae, henettram. STOP HERE If youvant ta lita. ta good muni. e, .are-sole-agen Mr er b Victrola and alwvysgladtnlaagfcyoia. STOP HERE If you' vant & good susoke. 'Tb. boat brands-. aRd mOM ai useni.e STOP BERS for postai' oardk1 eve. air@ and pennants, a bradnwV»Is STOP BERS tan yaur-ualouer.. We carrythe moet uiotodate-dIm ftihua @TOP HERE fart tlel n4peims Ourn Bsrmany ue la uiîexusle STOPERE for purs drus as* deg sundtiles. Our ubb.r deparwt Meue tals notblug but guarsnteed stnek. MTP BERE yau. Set maOke- lion or yonr mouey bock. ALWAYS STP st a Ilemail et,, for goot merebsudîse aud gaad uervlnc. r DRUCE DRUG ocm 'Fb. Rexali Store Orsymbae Area's NEW S T( Stop ln and have one of the bes- Ice Cream Soda's yoù ever tastec Ladies' and Misses' Knlt Vests= Ladies' and, Chlldren's Stocklngs FULL LINE 0F VARIETY qOÔDS AT XbNWVARU $QEs' LIB See .' 1). Bayd, Libertyville, about owning a Wiscosin Faim. Mi@@ Elizabeth Murrie af Fremont, Nebraskta, l. vsâtig relative, bore. Mir. sud MmneWarvnChttenslcu bell lant -se bar Wieouedn 10vîsît a 1ev vseks hefore returuag tu Iheir home lu Nebraska. bMre. T. AIcCan vsanjl dta Kenasha hW&i veet on sccounta% i the serion ilinefn ai ber &jter. Mie usuel Vincent of Hsrvard, bs been speulding a leur vokn with ber parente. A, party of elght youngt people veut te- iLivervIew lama tiuuday. SMie. kW J. Young @pent ab veek lu 'Waukegao vietlng relatves »d friendf. Ibe-WasmiiuCemetery snachty met vil b lité. Bleie 1bek. Wednesdy. Juiy 1. Ml and Aire. ltoy Yoanngand daughter of Chicago. ar-e v*àtiag ber parents, air. sud Aira. Keel. Ars. Lmun or.a osil @peut Aionday ln Chicago. Fred Zèbk-j iandly et Waukegao, caliod ou friende heve eday. C. Mi. Brown wii, orect s large modern barn aI once bureplacethe tva reentit bursed. F. M. Bulloot05 lPasaa, Ill., le brie rspresentlng-au lrurewnecompati,. Le. Hoo i aureoereidfom hie lnjury of tva veeks ago aud la out agsin. RUSSELL 8e. H. D. Boyd. Ubeelvill, about ovnlug a Wioeon"ta ana. A nusher tram théleplaceviiiattend tbe celebration sai Boeeesu The Benuett taumOp lad their annual reunian lust Satur&det aithe oaidhomo. AMuine brotbers ettasdsé lb. round up at th. Insul farce lut aturday. IWIlI Corne vwas s Lib.atyvlolviitor [on Tue.dsy. IDicit Dowse apestatludoy vltb As Corrin. L2andma tierville le vholtlng lu Wls- The gronud Ior the nev schaol bouge. boas been marked out and a nov veil is bolng dnilleti. ) R E . Large . tract of gonid voitley farmiug land just tiirowu opeu for grog settie- met nOregon. Over 200,000 acres btnla a1IL. (ood eliruste, nlehsoil, and doee j ual requin.' irrigatian Io raies.finet d crops fgrain, fruit anti gardon truck. For largo nîifuInslatructioansd Informatiou, and s plat et sevonal eec- l lo c hans o! oxceptiouaily go"oti Ims, pend : o c $8.40ta, John Keeli ff ue, Oregon; lira. yesre, a U . S. survsyor sud tîmber- mati. An opp)crhaflty à* get a gondi fertile free bameiilead neertavu and BERTY VILLE usankat. _ __ __ _ 3.94 anti ~ ,Independent: Mare rmie tiss u f ounly vekIlea oMbln III liv. sud Ira Elr SvfflaifGrand lia.mioh., ae Vielting s eir luahber, XlMM. Ba àmot lro. Obaries Maan t is TWÉnÈ aibâtI huebar. Wo Wp5 aIl sur rsd toaerof lbe happy 111e. Nise PiorneNeyer la sp.ndlng là, summer at her home bar. Robert Luebbe sud hi. mûn are vork. lng On Bars,37 Aumun'a bars. Mr@- Henry NeYer @Peut Thursday vlth her' daughter ilulda, near Laké Zurich. DIAMOND LAIE MANFJNED FOR SELLINE 2 P11ER CENT ioh Bartlett ThroWS Himelt on Mercy of Court-Is Fined $30 and Costs. JAIL SENTENCE SUSPENDED Latter Is Given In Each Case to Serve as a Club for State's AttorneyDady. John Bartlet oif lamand Lake, charged vitS sellng maltlilquor lu antl-salaon, tevrftory, afpeared lu coilutY court before Judge Smlley this mornlng and ýthrew bimef upan the merry of the court. lncldentally givlng a hlatory of bis aperatibaus ta show extenuating cîrrmaftauces. Atter hearing liartlett's story, the cotirt Imposei a fine of $30 snd cets and, tblrty days in the caunty jali. The latter was suspeuded Outil fur- ther oréer of the court, lu pronau- lug sentence the court ueglected te mention the Jail sentence. 9tatels At- torney Dady remlnded INlm of the fact and declared that the sisspeded loi s'entence would be a gond tblng ta, hold over their headsand se, thst they are gullty of no violatious in fu- ture. The caste ln the cage amount to about 150. BartIett prcmlftd that be would refrain from t13e gale a? ail malt liquors iu future ami would se to It t hat they are flot sold ln bis place ln future. He as'zed permission te dispegen le crpam. lemouade and soda water sud thus was grauted. Bartietto s tOry vas toidt! thecourt by Attorney Deane. He said that tihe phase of the law vhich pravidas that no malt liquar nlaY b. Rad lunati- saloon~ territory hs.d not b>eanu nder- Blaad by Bartfett whO SUDPOsed that be was Sa!. no bang an Se 5014 the iquer uommoelty kuovu a. 'twa per cent" but vitin luroellty. accord. lng to Mr. Desmo. contains approsi- mately 1.51 percent of alcahal. As soon as Bartlett learned hoe wu do- latlng the local option iaw by selling thîs Ilquar ho dleeantinued It Imma-. dlately. The fact that the ludie gave hlm a fine of but $30 vhiie the mont of the de'ferdants have received $100 fines Indicâtes ho thaugbt there vers nultlgating clreumatanca. It la a notîceable fact that lu each case Jin sentences are asked for and give-n but ln each case they aie sus- pended. This gives the atates1 attor- îney the power of keeplnIr the places cloeed ln future. This shows most clearly that be ls slncere ln hie ef- forts to dlean up conditions tbrough- ont thecocunty. Information va Schwartz 1 This mornIng State'. Attorney Dady fl'ed an Informatian agaunst Samuel Schwartz charglng him vlth gelllug liquor lu anti-saloon territory. This action on the part of the state's attor- r.v tollows the istatemeutis made Thursdsy by Edward Doyle that Schwartz had Pramlsed ta stand back otf hlm. It la sald ihat Schwartz prohably wlll be clted ta appear ln court tomorrow Dioralng. 1 James A. Patten aud Wjilam S. Masan gîve 1.000 aauh ta citzens, Mamlittee Of Evanstn, appaluted' by mBavertJames IL.Smart. ta exportaient vith the brealivater to- profout 31v- &nston lake @boire parka. Power of Organizatuon (Pri-ate ('an Excursion, ua, JaIy 7th.) A NEW PURCHÂSER ont hic retors with aur lait excursion farty sad h.'ld un-verundertood ountil nov vby vs advertlo 60 extensIve. ly. We bavesa big vonktotad-. H.' aw It. WE ADVERTISE not for land cou-ler and mee him through. We tel O fiued ta a swetio n or tw'o, tut for a man that If b. go«s on lb. landi viii great ares of over 50.000of aIuusold moderato capfital lu propDrbias tu, acres dlstnlbuted la 58 townehi p of vbat he undenlale. and ferme lW lMichgan'a beut dietnîci, ber Fruit telllgently sud indueîrisuly. hao ii Boit, and lylng moetby lu Maison, %an- su'-coed ai grovlug claver. edlil, lote, Lako sud Weifond couuti". vetch. nye, to wSt b eans, 90-&Wy The purchaeen realed the citent of aud fdder coru.potatoe., vsgeiablep, aur apenatione are ridiug 200 toiles aud fruit. The"e haveailbe e. lu tva days la une of aur automo- ontrated a suce.aoofarmatsrou«W. biles. Ournsdveriélug na@ drawn uur. ont thie tract, Alco heen da veR chlaserc from eery @tate ln the Union, vlhh oheep, bogâ, caIlle, poubtmy .Md and ht eoeî,e us not a penny more per dairylug. We are tbers and perma. aere 10 oeil our land tban iltdoee thoee neutly organlzed tl bi h do il. vho handle land on asomalien @cale. W.' malutain fam sdvleers, espil WE SILL AVEROOMfor ~<>men, ex perlenced &t ffmus laMeI WESTLLHAE OO fr 00 gan sud educated at lbt iebga more famille. on aur uneobd aereage Arîceultnnal Colego. vho eusi wbkh Include. many new tracte of ai vieeery aettlen. Wo op«ertde. gond land as an, that have been sold. onptration larme sud ca-operate l..I As coloniser@, ve ave It to the mauY s oeed distribution plan and publIe hundrede vhoin vo bave iocated. ta vorlie. 0" H. P. BoYd, Lltertyvlle, about ovning e Wisconsin Farmu. are You going the Fourth? Are. Ola Bannotable accompauied by Harrit Wald @pont Saturday nlgbl and ouuday lu Chicago. (feu. Mitchell and Ray Kerr made a tnIP ta Twlu Lake@o, Wi.,. lu the formera& auto gaturday retumnlng Sunday. Edgar Kerr vas hornte for a short tîme I"I vesk alter a six usontho absence tu South Dakota w bere he bai been travel- ing naliesman for Illbbard, Spencer, Bartiets & Co. Now b, wyul probably have a location nearer howe lu the rmpIay ai the came aupauly. Air. and Mer@. Frankt Patter and iwo chlldreu of Fort Scott, Kan., are vlitiug theIr relatives the Manzer famibieesud otbere. They made the trip by auto aud had au enjovabe trip. Mira. J. Barustable wiii te dimabled for lb. celIar @taire lait Wedne-day ra-eivlng tevere brutes@ about the h(ead sud body sud break lng ber vrlet. Boveversehe l dalng rery nleely no fan. A Bune nov cemnent vabit lsbeiug laid along tue Kerr and Sberwood pnopenîy lu the wasnt end of tavn, maklug a grreat Improveeuet. Let the gond vont go an. The Ladies' AId nsachty met Wednes-. day, JuIy lot, vlth Ars. John Mitchell. Plans are being made for tbe saunua] bassar aud supper 10 b. held in Auguqt. WHAT MAKES LAND vam" people and shat the, da. A MhIç emîgrante vha ca'me oveny ysar bel double Amerloas lan valueevu, Jealrs. over tyn thousantimeu, os satioeoi ustemers, ara îin&anciy Ib tereeled the iii.fgart Trsct. Roi drede af thousenda of dollars aifh" ionuy are helng lnvsnesd 4ba'.»"v »»nsa a rm buIldIngs,.feImme"a Peaering. They bave lnvuettd oià eandy iouu soli sud yul their hMW lu the fuler, of aur dhlrlt.' B veil they judg.d. comeandet prove lem yourvelf. Coma ou aur.excunion and mes th. growing eropesud lsaitvil GET THEi 8TATII*Tosa i a dÔuhtWn. W@ baye sMoupn t &long vit flb gia d1afvlub Informatian about a liuture, h duutrls., cIa. aovyy o dans.ospbI tItmp i Mmanal. Ask &lmof Im W. bave six relm sSop yauWbe oiu oin i sla orWU s n.lghbortug lova.If ylu tsretaud lIn a5s~ a bon )et .ei~,~bbrasécd tarming la aur "Ei POWEROFORGANIZATION OUR NEXT PRIVATEcaae le nat ouly hehlad Ont advertiminu alan vilii ho Tueeda. Juiy 11h, and s.lliing, but vastît more Impur- th. P.Ai.4R R. . lama m my 0 tant vark. aur calonhuing. Oniy or- office. Bt11:30 as. M. Pr.m gsuud effort csn rendr the service round trip ta Wellta,, relii vo give tan buyere and setlers. To- on pureba... Yau go bt - ~ y publie opinion an Ihe land que. Clgo 7:20 a. ms. Thnrsdy or 1 nu demande as a duty tram sellers day af the mmes.eel. Automabi Of ney lands toastand by every set- aud gulidle.tre..- For furier particular address George W. Swigw Owner, 1250-F Firet National mBan Ddg, Chicago, Dym-ond & Aust,'Ii Agents No. 120. FOR SALE-Bungalow. Al modern improvemeuta; HarlbuntCt. sud Suconti-et.; bot vaten hoat; bard- vood fini. Eaeylterme. No. 101. FOR SALE-Modem homeaun Division-et.; lot ôOx 185 ft.: bat vater heat; hsrdvood Irlus; stucco fluleb. Easy trm. No. 121. FOR RENT-Modern 6-rou borne on Second-st.; lot SOriSO lent; hsrdwood floor; etueco finish. Durand & Durand Ruai Estat.5 Iaunace, sic.- Lleuiyville, III flOUSA IN RAI, that le that ftin nest sifor tomte M ESÀ M Mretrait% fronst the use of lghtalug eU DEPOSITCAÀ US E i uhmpoe ta h ubro BOLTS TO STRIK? a medaîut laesas u ]iur Urnes vithin the laut veek an ngeln b lihan ucreted bavas lu the Il- aay longer. Tt ie aien a oibk Une vMlg of Gurnie. sOt ta mention der4 that la the nalm ' eeèI gt many times lu the pDam vhen balta Norh sBatrk treet Clawteep a1yi have dostroyed property. Lightoolg Uliatu ng b %truck la t= st m serina ta have a Pecular uffintl for during the put tva mon"ls Gurnee for vhile other plaues lu the caunty rarely ever sutrer tramn a h.a- lu L Atsu vy electrîcal serm Ourse. neariy ai- ADJUDICATION NOTICI. wçays feels the. force of th.eélémsenta. [Publie notice la bmsbr civ.s, "l*0 itA. Several timea efforts have been ButterCOnutvwrof utIbo M MEisetni fl made ta figuré Ibis faut aut but nano uticlDow n "".cessd yu ate sM r really satlsfactory solution suer han Cours!fLaftO Cous. et saSm terq tte been glven. noloen m the court fRouse lauak@gmu.lun Wd On@e man vho bas studied the mat-«CutY, on tb. isst Moadur ni Sepeuber seat. ter rather cioseiy lh of the bellef thal 1914. wheu sud obers alu es a asis the situation or Ouruee muet have ce usOnsagaimutsaI Saintueanenoflsudna sometblng tb do vlth It. He thinki miue,5in 8Drute ste go ta805*15Cours fer that the lay of the lanid cause. a dudestlon. chainge ln the air curent.s ad il la f IVIIis E. PAYNSE. onurvsue. an easy thing far tbe lîghtnîng la IWsukeesa. lu.. Jue 29, 191à. ' tollow dovu the rislug currente i -Jof1101 air,. The. béat solution hovever camtes 'HEYDIICKER àa HECKESI. Attys for Eii tram a man who thinks there muet ADJUDICATION NOTICIE. be a great deposit af minerai et Our- PublIe Natice la beret>, girn it Us dm née. If euch a condition existed Il; scrbrExosoir of luttwilvmand T*usw would be easy toacacount. for the n1 MUia L. popt. d.wse<. olI faut that lightDnng atrikes s80Ofatel the Octy Court ot Lake Csuasy se ,am in that village as the ore vould artt eslvot to te boien atthe OmsitSe" la as a magnet. Ttla .possible that lu Waukemn. in sauS Couni! uona, me à$ w some case.suninvestigation viii b.lie fSeptmber »ss ii. 114, hsand. b- made ta finit vhether there really la persans bavlseelalf o uali t anYthiug ta auch s lheory. ttnder the noulanad meoussa i h -=1sseN clrcumstsncau p. snusion vuld ssiiCourit furidu«loah. - B- e obe vart7iy 0fconsidération JORN G . WISTE. ES*aderul 11110 at toast. Mdnestenst et ma$" . ie The farinera livinglu thse viclnlty Wankesan. I.jsu t bav11 6lsmu.d que t"Sng baever. snd- ,1 - - -A -am Ti Fat ama et" -Î--- . Ui. 1 va finleh the vont a! settling up the dltriet viti farmera. Tbraug;h ltes cabumus ve are sendlnu tho useesagetu farus renters, sud tu mon Who for Wlof afnd w ere rouspelled tu go ho vork lu cille.. W. bave s practical varklng plIan vhoreby hhey cati gradnaliy and emsll acquire s Far a me Ont terme av e a. 1e neS810to $50 davu sud $5 to $10 a mon th on 40 acre. or annual terme Il preferredtilis sabling ose 10 Cant ble purchase tousrraw. Priceof *10 tO Î35 and a gmeel melecouaof buel Iying land et f18 Ver acre sneIo w, Indmst, ah this laie day vb.n auds ln the btIdoar shahse. commmante*t. tins the price.sud produce no mare. Ont pnieu are tle0m tuta&Hibutte wbelbey pames le are lW» or' inisi or maie Ou the montbly, quarteriy 'or 4nnual besis. A dime ofaI5 Der ont for &lH cah le aliaveti. Wo. r vo tuneila halndoses pOes of aud teasas .nuybayera sud lbn b. thnogb4h, e audt »s% ah». lasr. aS. But tb. averap domste uoman> of bayesu- ableeulo inenns purebaser for tb. amâd, beIssImo otther oncit sitar s part le aaufor. Ak for tue- timoanlo frtrmfaIlle.Who bave buwated bt léaedded s.urfty and Mve dode ithautsur y fr- tbev paluents an lb. dés4hhoa hu@- bandsansd fathèe. Il: -à' Fý

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