Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jul 1914, p. 4

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~ke Co n y nd pe de ttA E O'JNY AR~Smuet mre, thlle abaedoned frmeat L ohntsEvg. Lutth. Churoh waueg onWekly Su 1UESTS OF SAMUEL INSIJLL liTeY Uaod toe ay: 'Any fkOI eau Corner BrOarlw4av and Park Place. WakeanWekl SnContîflued Prom Page One.) tare,.' That inight have been true Libertyville, 111 1R. O. Buerwer, paptor. t Office Tolephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. - we h em a e enrbeGre evtee@yohrSna ,U,3m«det t he Pootodiles at Libertyvillie. In., as Second Ci&@@s Mail Satter sonable rapldlty. but now lit muet be: 'Any fool Can mornlng et 10:80 a ln _____________________________________________________ "The same la true of the barn yads.weer a farta out, ' It no fool'a job Engiisb servicosecond Sundtsy ot the officiai Paper for Lakes Couaty. I ntecus forbsn redtore a farteinproductive quali- imenttb at7:111l p. tu. 1tnes, and we need ail the kaowledgs Vw .-i. Every Friday. _Âdortiiing Rat-s Made Known on Applicatiol Chicago we paid as Utle attention tOe ve cen <et to pcompllshli t. tL reo plcpX'uh '~9UOPPTlN PIIC, 8.60PERYEA STICTY 14 AVANE ur machinery as does the average j "Tho 1esfermnera noed confi. .J. SMITH.................................................................... dtrfarmer. we'd go braIte and It's a won- dch l ~lWthod facto and the de. 11Mv.EnW~ARD . WaRIT. Prieat-in charge W..SMITH .............. ....... ......... . .......................... Man r he h are hoIserire and aâIýïy ltnuse.themn. HOlY l'omm*nn ev,-ry Suida.7:45 OOLa. 'arà i ~~~~~der teou httelrirwoÉu » ~ .WEBER...... ........... ............... . . . . Resident Manager, Phon e hhoia mutaa2 pechinery F re dneesut goh 0:04 M bremrha aectuaiefhIey tse se. gocrease tu cereel food proijucts ll Use 1Mornlnoe Prayer every sindmy axoept The country once had a race of 90od The LS lMooste mevement which temreta e culy h aepst tek e.yettepplaition.inabové 10:30 a. patre t o cea10met npaspiring off1ce'ecekera are îrylng 1t' Advlce on Dairyli. arytth ouo t-p o Beat oluclfrhe a ui.aamlac !lIn "eOeule.aui le iecreased 21 per cent; thse number of Sunday echool 11:45 a. En. .a ~ ~ Ciya lnubr !poine lt-two of the five county greatest dalry counltry lu thse world.1cattle ln the United States ln 1900 Ail Roty Osys. Roty Communion 9:00 Iedara, with the might be loquent office candidates lIv. ln Zion; both1 tI ieecpio nti er e 8000,bt rpid1 2.a. EM. aas, .confined te commttee reporta. 'ftrmitygwtre exeetfonllnera, Iterri-se s ,000,0nyearsler le dterees Independente and laterly fnot lclefti-; tory when the dairy former os ed from000 00000 rslto r; sw0,000; sieep M. IL iJhUrCh Services *Thme are hard days for th. forn. fled wth any partîcular faction. Lakte, ing gond cows dos e nt, tisrough poor prm6.0,0 o53OO00 nae Ith-excessive raie. couanty resîdents willib. leterested in, breeding, ellow his stock te deterior- f 20000t 5,0,0.I ie ei oeulo ten who have ben1h. situation. Surely the "Bull Moon t.. tcsaasmcst aaî poor word., the total number of head» of 10:.90 a. nm. Prear.biniw. Rér. W. L. Utoltsgos.hrad ln the local courts. oral' et Libortyvllle wouldn't have1e. tCowsaa tdse good oe, ainthat l id ffn nnaidceedWl FaIsthe latter have beon havlnq . bee 60 hort-slghted te have put two frm 1300.00 to17,00.00, r 1 1:0nde.Sudayscion harder lime ô! l thian aven thefm-Zote on their ticket IF THEV Ise why meny e dairy fermer la unabie fot130000t -30000 r1 20 .Sna coi *m.. ila a case of w2ier ln ont ln. COUL.0 HAVE GOT ANVBODY' talilft tbe mortgege from hie prop- Per cent decreese on ail farm animale, 6:45 p. ni. Epwortb Lesaus. stnc ad ooe e h ohe. 1.EIery altisough the population lecreneed 21 7:30 p. m. Prëecisitsg, 1kv. W. L. "r'(en e fermer faits te drain is per cent. Wlps The. Progressives plan a rally ilU .ke county. Wbat's i . eil man aoterdedlogs e'ta *W've ted the încreaeed population ledepondent: More readers than ail tha use? WM hno Teddy to, lead them hère or elneviiere,, hlm. A mant on one.1 hof iafrma 1>' ydclu< our isgrîcultuuiîex- caty weektlse comblned. th. l"Progi" are really no different than anybody ee- boughit fermed for 30 yeatrs eroued porte. In ten years we decreaaed our tbs>'rejuuthumn, sscetibl teail he hhns caric si esough rather then dralit.I As a! experte of wheat front 216,000000 1consequence land whlch sliould have bseet 0.0 0;cr o 6. etc., ut the ther parties, no, why keep on contluing the 1 benWorths $150 an acre wes net 0100,000 to 41,00,000* . la fee, w ' re' disafecio whlch Teddy sitarted and apparently now has wortb more then $50 Per acre. ImPorteil 20,000,000 buhI of corn la "How many fermeraraisescetse that1 the peut 'six menthea. iped to hold keezl interest in? are reedily bougbt ai the stock yards'? Ct, bv-en eracdl x In winecion it A he W lir.of te -BeMoos tk lnsiead. they raise ecrube. wllhout're- port frote416000,000 pounda t0 190.- Xi CDflCtifl IT. 880POU OiiiO.UIIIUO5êtIAI er4b ares . .000,000 poulode, or e total decroqselu * ~-~mugtoirmes s-tie usm m.uig, i"Mucb farta land le robbed o! ail bet- Ii pounds frote 635.00.000 te fflorday, il aslwru 1 td g to t» O .the inUfereuce andd'ils productive, Oaities and no effort 357000000; i>pork bas decreased in ex- * ~~Ld~u ita Wh" w hi ewrapeMar .r1edai hemade t0 replenish lb, -That': where1 port tride-from 1,535,000,000 pounde tae the mistakes are made. A tae mWorth m~ ~UM, ii dia y ~hiWe4 $60an are orin-rin' ca b.madewords, ln tie tee years f au,« l'it on us «-or turing it up. Bu 0lan acreby givalg prperueta. e bave aaveul a billion pouade of I&MOM t *0veL e% bt ri t on.meatfor our own use wilh formeri>' If he iomfa'Intittesarete.e.w. exported; we eavcd 112,000,000 ~ eg~ti Ode' f t1 ,~~,. la fermyu uedultle ubuheà, f wheat. , n 1ýAe t*t1i -îý Of *i.:v«M bds11vered.lËlfermera te believe i lefco trlig n ê~s*icWsa. aCI---&-* Él- RODB. * aouldit Ihey encourage us an te re. R '~I HGAE TCpientali fMr-.m1e nothse Bible telleuse =jï wfor 1110111110*»pat, e IbaIm it. s 110 GAD'SOCtaSole OI mprovemeet le America té P.muI. tt J of*theURII* WEbLtDtA.N1bas been delaysd fronttise tireJames -~ ofthe orld but.~t ERTILIZATION 0F1 LAND. Mouy, ixtmeuimprovements. etc., have kept is hWad **Aed bring homne te tbe fermer the towe. Va., wae eetticd. God talle une WILLIAM A. ROSING cover. la^tbo$Voer, îhai88s heved it.s hed out îbouslhî UsaI 1te eucesaful th.ylaGenemil e 0'te fruitfui and replenlisiCendiley. For *ut thie %m ousand Usus is presence has been tdiscovered muet pe>' attention 1e business. Ile soltioilwib'rm COUNTY TREASURER *bd dded to thé îuuveu vondersof thse world," m ait nlotiser busineeses anc figures ta'j "Ieplenluhîng t butoi wthes, ah't Slbject tk) tbI)iei1) o t Rbit ean t...14I.4 .ut ny.arumen . qmeke a profit out of a loss yet îow , manure la e gooti plan, bttoa gt tise lgbt ~v~u.o(The Public S eceman>' fermers try tedo tIis? 1a->' enougisof it, hence wp musst reeort IteT55I55 it .91-4 *OMsPaUY bsauon a REDUOTION in ra 1s) te bring te my farmieg my huast-othermehd;9,000coaor____ EITîrai for thse Public Service! , nees experlencea ln other lns,, and' their equlvalent> in the Utnited Sttae OUR SUPPORT RESPECTFULLY 'that's wby 1 hope te encourage yen 1tae upply fertlliz'-r for 900,000,000 of SOuICITED *One of the alleged principles of the "Progressives"'j l inyour work by holding th,$ Enset-Waceer, ce cp uor e eare t:, l.PLïOk that they don't bUe in lupolitial ringst," that the i"peo,_ Ingbers hits ser lat youme>' hear, uW on r eaken torafme br- o-nt u rpiesnttie ieïtèo lal peaing athers tell of tlsir exi)erleeces and uéo auetknfottebnrpeetteapbia Êe bould have the' say, etc., i tluugs pra igte ad.Wonsstlv csrisl. APr> o e %i-.'tiCuMn>'Tree'- *profit thereby." ad.Wntsthv te ep &01rs, A lud.inbis addresS at W'aucoud& a lrO9.d; "'v' ieerdtllof tis lt feîîer Hwmany fa-rmers know tis ef ieurer, aundf ie-ted. 1 iù wsa-.-pt oi re T~.41.4... ,,m.a 4-lA f th meth iat malke up corni? WKiy nuneratsoîî forr m wliuie timu ad the ofl.,^b r Wa e receutely, dVJca..rings, te afor."aald ho,7ù 1inm Wbi ganofsouidnt tisey become familiear wîti beaI iuminemoand adniutrative eluilit> ube rogrssies t limnat polticl rigs, e Hîf Dy, isa,~0 od yars ga as tisce,.juat asnuacis as a banlder Z -1ipases«, tht saler> aiiowed b>' tbeCottu. couaty, ater hse had hLeard Mr. in-! e aiirwt hth usl ybado u.vr ptl a.1wl tisi hei prty baed rBuilleu and bed talked -vvih m. ..Ibhis building? The fermer souid turu lu 10 tiseCouet>' Treasurer, as saris- ,:î~naur. NDSTLL weutie roresie e: bogit e aejnt neo!11cmcif'Ikuow abar !lt,-..',1 neede te nourishit lipof lt.eOfce, evpry poeu>'recelved ~êOoWuty UDt at Libeitville, II~STEAD 0F TEEfermera. Bat, gosis, he'aerosi farot. icertain 'prc.ducteS lie %viaises ta grow. fa neeto ulemuy.lbr ~ (o ai he t*w~ et. sd kowswist b1 The betst nthod A know o! te get itaucofe@ le.Or au>' otba-r source.I astowo81iuldbch0~ er ad nw a eabout.' lie absta ieso .t rpryielleve themalary eilowed by the iBoard as anddaes erceutyeffee, asmll elgatonProf. Abbots- Speaka trent fit lu use of tihe elements tisatItî le ample cotepensati 50 and am williiug te « dauutyh0vlcehs al elgt of biot peiet0!tsesereqilres. For instance, it coos sbut iv tise wOrk ni>'beatÉttention witbout mon WhoOM&W Am le, slected full tcket A N. Abbtt,10recents fatheacree t 0iCentsan acreto Inforlate oit for ooug p 01 p uîaisie. mie 'he aI. teasemleseectd fil icetandi fermera' Instltute, urgcd fermers te alfalfe growing. Few farmere reelize i solicît tise support of evrry lecal t1m u fs ormsi l aun»ched. NOW THEN, how d-fer- learu te use phosphoras on tisir sou - oter la tise couat>' Who waut' boni-st m'et. luis in t.han' wiw the -REPUBICOAN PARTIn u te tring lUs productive qualîtica:P 1ths.And think af tise renuits btain- I nci efficient admin-âtretion o nI tile i *0 latter, tise mess seeking the uomiuatioxis announce aise Potassium, limestone, etc. -Wei '> pou rusn sinc ebusiueel. WILLIAM A. R<>INII. theiselves, go eut aid lay are ueing esisoforlful f limestanenow ifarxing. A-dfor advlce and lieip ln their laimi or offce be O n s Or landi wiei-e we'U te uatng carp cecet orplc.i. the votêra and then the REPUBLICANS vote on them ftfl'i' loads in tise futurs," gnid le. PI cec eyu lc.Lk the, men -g-"-tiste M.igett nuniber of votes BECOME, He urged tise gsowlug or elfalfea 1 nd ybsbelsreydb h tt ~ a univcrsity and tise repart wiii ise oui: TME CA»MIDTES. lu short. m the Republican ranks, pointeti out tisat alfaife and crn m ke ay-ar '.shoing tise kinde o! soli. TRE V0?E18 RAYE TRIE BAY, viereas, vith the Pro- a god belanced fond for stock. "Tisereiwa hynetcAkteeae gnoMv, aft ýal1 heïr a% itieultthat ay. ]ort te Is o moey inmuniveratiand t b seadrsyoutotiseiru th armfar bu- grmaulv* tise ~~~~~~~~othy> ha>," lie Bld, andi, with a 00w!ltni a s sdfrts sig Libertyville incident proves it, ih clearly illustrates lhe mare word, lic endeau-ored te dk»!l- t sen adleor t s niVglt difeence between thse methods of thse two parties With: courage efforts ta produce tisose kinda sud tlsey'll sesndtise bulletin f ree o!f lise baance banging Misnlufavor of the RPUlaA S.o!t rdce t, Ssspposlug hundreds of Progressives l in econt if; i500r fartsomalte poor fermers, Pof ary tise are tisai many)th me netey ne tt.d. '"Toeisegood fermera. let'.e Prof. Hardy. euieri> pk thom thatmany)didn't approve the mnslctdbdeveloP experiences oitaincd free of 1o.rdy heuieri pk tis e zen delegatea at Libertyvillie! Wbat e! ht? They'd chiarge et our state agriculturat "ato a irin. telling tise fermera taeise ub hane 0 S her csoie-te tckt 1 jut tent" areful la tiseir selection of stock, to Bt'forey given toi them to 'ot4Wthout regard to choice oet ldivid-. . Prof. 1-opkica. feed te el atis'cientlied, ta rebellionsu and laIL No, gentlemen, siplesi ~~~~Prof. Hopkins, referred ta as tiselas elpcaduo isslee-teeîoi a 114it ian't l in »viii YoUrr Ples Volcr 0f tise 20,000 agricultural experts arns. naesed.Pooeth.berne, felue la America. gave on, of the g<eWwt llet.your 5t ung1 tetake cout>farmnera bave ever lou> wf aeileadec 0bte u h boeard. 111 hope." snid . , "te b bi ~.giv tRode wit ed thfor dinet forfl te il, IN 1 teb Influence poil Iiuproveoent before vetreches o re guiveraetiglie n It letnlse*ormnbrti:wpeung bie farin. Tiie>' gettigdivan it i te taa, or. entmbeIbs:itb a vie, and what proved te b aiysud Land cen go down goao 1w Mat 1otbisg one o!ftsemoslnve. o.ounde.oO cenbrngillicklute rouciv itereeting and piofitelile Summer Nothing t ae, lu 30 ycara gov mesu n e tat a- eesons 0f Lakte cou t> fermera th".w atchf ni wait lie show that:caetsuud -s "Six Minions o! acroeof farringsn __________ that hf. insuf were abaudoned lu New Englead States, o! wici 2,879,000 was ln New AUTO TURN$ TURTL.E, 6 Ten millo ies of advertis- 000 le New Jersey. ThinIt a! it! Rigist PEnAtreA . M in.A haif-million Frs av- art ths gatewa>' of tise greatest a"il_____ purchase rc eragig twety mles adayon eartis! Five limes as mach land A CIcaga, drivug his auto 1vith eraxn teny ils dywes aisndoned In tee erel oubstleen ou blde a osen ail th1at circle the world four- hundred Eept as la nOW beiug isad lu tel. > gers, bad an auto accident Seturday. the wonderfuli times every twenty-fou-r ho urs tire Biate o! New Jersey. yet, If we et Ibrees ock' on bIthaee ,fri orga If the car wasn't right this tre- heard tisat thet state' isd abandon"e road uortbweat of Waukefan ln whie o nhu rn .4etrmiug we'd tîsinkIt t was terrible, thée auto turnel turtle and the Oo; l. ear. mendous publicity would put wouldn't we? These ferme have beau IPonts eecaed s erioua injuries as i the Company out of business. alsendoned beceuse tIese olil as toi). b>' a miracle. The@ driver lied hie 144 Instire lI The Ford is its own best sales- te e 0 eleiie. l Prained bedi>'. The. othera were 1 demontraton isa noe visre ue our ftbescut'la ibdbteagne asuotdns reV~saun-~eyous îoay.base1n1-ntd. rvenThe car hllauo Wbne aiea e" ~ Tom <i. .Kl;axon lorns Goggies, Prest-o-lilte tanks, Spark Plugs of Ail Klnds, Twltchell Pneumatic Tire Gua s, Electrlc Bulbe for Hlead Lamps, Goodyear and gIch Igan Casingrs, Bra Nickel end Body Pollsh, inside Bloout Patches and ail Ti re Ac. cessories. LI'BERTYVILLE GARAGE J. PL sERNARD. Prep. PHONE 202 USERTYVILE iLL. 'White Mountàoau,and Arctic Ice Crean, Challenge Charcoal IFilId Refrîgeretors OSI -gr. g a«ate are ls Revonoc aud New Perfection Blue flaue 01 Stoves S7.004 7.5049.504512 Gienuine Philadeiphia LawnffMowers 16 in. cul. $6.50 l8an. cu, 57.00 Fui,'Liçie of Momocks $1.2043M5 He.B.. EGER' LIB3ERT.YVILLE The Boyd Photo Studio LERMTYYILLE, IUIS M [OH1 CLASS Portraits and VIEW.S at popular prices. Open. Eveey Dey Seadar y 7Appowetieu 4 -'I 4 4 .4 .4 -4 4 -4 -4 !~/ Id 4

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