Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jul 1914, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY IDPflET FRIDAY, J1JLY 3, 1914. X177yi/e ic s nix x xxxxxx' HIEN the "man of the house" seys lg thiâ you can be sure he expects something SUBSTANTIAL coming bis way direetiy. We've had lots of aur women customere tell us that our roatta, steaks, chope or whatever it might be just PLEASED THE MEN right d9vn ta, the gravy. And the PRICES PLEASED 'EM TOO. Boy about pleauung,,YOUElauna- band? -1 il J . E.,tyvill MMATSÂND GUOCERIES x MEN'S FURNISIIINOS FOR THE FOURTII Don't neglect thel littie thingi that go to fil(out yaîlr wardrabe for the big day Satîîrday. 'I'lsre is aiways norne article of apparel that one ioa art to put off buyinîg until the last minute aud thi, is ieant as a gtiîtle remindera mort af a jag ta your memory aI 1the eleventh hour. We have everytlîiug neccessary to the well rlressed man fron a luat ta shoee andI ail that goec betweeaa shirts of al kironI witb collars and tien ta suit every tante. Haudkoehieft3 Beits aud Homiery at prices to suit evcryone. Every style of uuderwear-:iwo piece or union suits the mont aomfartable hot u-eather garmeuti madIe. Eîerything in oui- store is priced to give you »te mont fur your mounev becanse we sali for cash. J. B. Morse & Co. Everything for Men UBERTYVIILIL. Phone 14 "ustbeforeharvest - - -the best time o' the year." Corne in et's talk over what you are going to build this flu. IT PAN-S-TÔ ,T RADE AT Uibertyville Lumber Company Oown by the Oid Depot. Phone 47 Been Hors 20 Years. E. A. BISHOP, Manager To fleure publication in the Indepen. dent. capy muet b. in the office na later than Tuesdav af each week. Adver- tisers, especialiy are aaked ta tek. partkcuiar notice ta this effeci. (Additionai Local News Pages 2, & 4) George Dnikiey left forT Montana Sun- day, viiere le le eaid he he@ sccsptad a goreremesit poation and le to travel thraughout Chat etate. George recontly graduated fran Ch.Wiconsin I iersity at Madisan vItit bigh honoyo, hie four years courue boing Oclenrîll, farnsing. Mr. and Mr*..H. B. FlLe of Detroit. Win. Corrîs of Russell. vas a visitor M~. came te latter part of lait veek bere Tuecday. to risit thaîir daugbter. \1 rtC, Trenner li. eJ. O. Carlson vielted over Sunday and famliy. Mr. Fik.. etaro.d the tiret vitb friends as St. Charte@, 111. jof the week for North lDakota on a J. M Fuler t Wueona, ialtd h~tluoiues trip wile Mis. Fîke will renialia M. Fllerof Wueoda, iê!t(l i era wltb ber daugiter for sortie time. tuother. lre. C. Id. Fuller, Thursda. ir. Fille va.faruieriy (ene of the owuere Mfr. aud lMre. George Wrigiht hlJive of Bridleaeur Poultry Farti. returued from a two weekc trip t., 'liemanimoth Sae k ,ofArlato Roui Teliaq. u,îîl recently dlepiayed in the window Gea. E. Webb aud L. B. Grive o!ý of Corlett & Ftedîrirks @tore will go into Antioche vera vi»!tors fhers lest week imaking pae, etc., aetthljLrlc Ratau. Thnrsday. rAut as Mr. Robetecn wu. the nearet Mr#. Drue Ferri@ of Antiocli. @pett gueseer a.ta le weigit ol the stick ai several daye the past vaek Iadth îîîcs i'our. The teck vei.thed 298%~ pounde Carde hardaud Mr. Rahesteg'o oues w» 298%. Carn ChrdMauv othere came withiri three poinle A son came ta giadden the home of of the acCusai elght. Mr. and Mm. LeRoy Proctor on the 25th Tueday noan fourie..î automobile. of tis mnth.from Antio2h came gliding flovu Mil- Eogcee Wlton and Hleu Dx of Lake waukee avenue, the. carte belng filled vLth Villa. vers rîsitors liste ou Thuroday booster, fraie Chat owu. botb maie abnd and Saturday of ltesteek. female. The. cmti ers bedecked vltb Mfr. and Mr@. J. R. Attentitn @pont Sun- fling and barmnr.anuounciug that Juiy dey &t Monroe. Win.. vbere they vloîteil 4tb viii boeoieebrated with a big piçnic wîti 1fr.. Alemausa parente. t Antloch. White here the crowd tooak Mie oppriualty tç [et the people knav W. G. Wels le bc home for a tva veeks Cat they weon a lire hunch and that vacation irom hie dutlee at Marshall tii.7 camne fItum & uve town. u Atiocla Feld & Coi@ vhooeae department boai the i. dtetlun of balng the ci Rn.. Dainareot ai Batimore, Md.. la beauty spot of western Lake county and opendlng hie arurier vacation t the vltb lite angMI atsi ctifui groves, haine ai hi.ant. Mre. H. W. Brondrett. lakeo aa4msu«se -reos hule com- Kenneth Lovelii. borne on a tvo pare. favatgbI, wth any teteof i l aize lu the wheie United States. The. veeke vacation from bis dutie. at the boooiere leit bmr for NVrtb Çbiçago quoi Americau Radiatur Cmpany'@ ibffIet ohrpae iêteNriIo Milwvaukee. te lfl " teNrh@os Qulte a number of ,bug@" attended the Children's day, vas observrdaitthîe ball game Bt Ares Sunday hetveen Aiea M. E. churci telst Souday, a opeciai pro- and the Normaie af Kenoaha. Area grain belng glosa lu the erenlng. Thti won 7t o 5 prorram cansisted ot soinge, exercistes, recitatione, drillid and înetrugiiei.tal Mir. and lMre, 0. Cheeka returned from election. The church %vas heautifiiily &filwvaultea thë tfiet .01the ,veek, Bter decoratedai nonr ofthe children. The Ppending about ten day, wltb relatives Itowers vere #entu th 1e childreuc free lu that City. ward lu the Wesley boàptal, Chicago, tirs..H. Kaiser Io viiting ber countiouday ta birghten the llres of the O)aar and family lu Chicago. A son sufferiug lttie..o thera, lun1the drille was born ta Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kaiser and songe %h ilteb folks and older girls ou Junre It. vara mci about perectionbrluglug for th repeated aPplause deepite sacreduese of e. B. Brock meyer Who opent caveraI 1the dec. Vioiia slectiaus belltiug 1the dayst th hom of . Galiari oan c,,ion and beantifuiiy reuderea added family returued tii ber home lu Chicago ta the audienc e thugatic apprecia. last Saturday. tiom, vhle to the vhale vas given that tirs. Elizabeth Chard ba@ returned to raie beauty enhaneed by, floral decora- ber borne et Gagea Lake ailter 8pendirng Clous of unusual msanhflee. AIl]lunaIl a week vith ber @on-in-law, Dr. 0. F. I vasO uae o! those occatelque superior iu ilutterfield aud children. every detail, and Lubecyvillle îc 10 ha Atty. Lyell B. Clorria ie et his office cougratulated that an entevrtaluiment of agnatter epeudiug the peet tva veeke Sncb u.erit je a local paelblity. at the Prechyteriau hospîtal where ho ban lteen recel ring ar treatmnent. CIIURCII SOCIETES TO SERVE The Ladies' Aid societjy of the M. F.1 MERS AT CUNTY FAtE church vili mieeaiB the chnrcb on1 Tueeday, .luly th. Ererybody s tnvited. A large attendancae is desirad. Mrc. A R.liemareit sud daughter have returued ta their home lu Sait-. More, Md., Bter a tan dayâ visit vith ictar and brother, Mn&. H. W. Brundreti sud Chas. 0. otx. At the comiug Lake canty tair a 0ev arrangement will be Put loto pracîle whereb.- the vhurrheî of the coucty wili ha given au oppotunlty to oerve meseand lunvhes lu the main dining hall at the fair grouudslnotead of givine hat prriviiege tuone churcit or arganiza- illbe eldatthe r'n' h arW dnsog haît wiaa Le grand b'ail" iihahWd divljta into savions or boaths, and the L-brtville Auditorium on the evainghaaoedasonste Lit" ^.pke , 0 ~~~~paces viiib loe a cna h ot1 J uly 3. fape orchestre vill furnish applications thereto)re bave hein made ta muslc. the dance being under the the superintandeul of concesions and management of Mr. Bapke. approved 1>7 hii. Plane are on foot ta, close the local Ail cburcee or rhurch arganitatiouc stores et twelve o'clock noon on tbe lu theauuire ecounty tbus viii bave an Fourtb, a goodly number ai the tuer- opportunuîy ro provîde for space lu the chaut@ baviug egread ta rince at tbat diuing hall. t iîc not expeetsd that ibis hour. The stores viii remaîn lased plan vilii hing a larger revenue ta the ntif Mdonday moruing. Agnlcltural Board as tis euperlnteudent W. B. Strayar ai Baker City, Oregon, ai concessions Choas.P. Smala, Jr.. vas a guet of W. 8. licCiain and iamliy marel.y deelres that te privilge of Saturday. Mfr. Strayer va. suoute to providlug mesaîho extended tu more Nw Yack. ne W&@as former prîucipaI titanone claureh or organisahlon. Thîsl ai the Wauconda echool and jes uavlm planno doubt viliiRiv. botCCr eaCl.tac- attoney t Baer Cty.lion au her. vili hoa elarger aumber of attoruy Bt aker Cty. cuma c. benefit f roa " earrange- C. B. Avedil, predeont ai the. Chan ,meut on acon t aite hMnt 'Ct more qua A@Saacation bas anaunced taI tain vIsiitai ii ee% Unooi vir meeting Of ht aociation W b. hed mMW als vii a cerved b iterv homhe at h. village board roanu on Frtday pe. b ered<>tor w hm eveuing ofthia vesk, the meeting ta bel The talr dates are S~jbrJ4,4 celied ta ardar at 8:30. Ail memben ad -d SîerbThca atncas are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'hv reuae ab rsn. .already been baoked. As her. vliJ. eno Fourth ofaiJuiy Coebrat!DWoa-n ihertyilile many aof'Dur- NOTICE FOR ]BID -ti"Zi are planning on @peuding h. Seahd bide yl ho roeelvd by the Fourth at Grayelake, North Chicago, Village of Liherty ville up ta 8:30 p. m. Waukegan and Autiocb, et vhicb place. Mnday, july 6th, 1914, for aagbt pients wilii habeld. Libertyville vilii houiand ($8,000.001 dolar, Sm insur. bave its share o!f etivities durinit Cie anes vitb 80, 1and tire extlnguliher veek of JUIY 26 ta 31, vben) the big clause, on the Village Hail. The. village Lincoln Chauteuqua will haoield bore board reservea the rtgbt tu reject any or and this village wiii he hast ta the enCire aIl bide. couuty. c-41-1i[E. H. orlett, Clark. tstrangera gaing froua bouse ta houées begglug for s9mething to et bonld ual ha giren encouragsment. The regideute4 o! this village witneued a great big strapping fellow begtging lu tbis mantaîr anc day lait veak. Such inu nge$ plenty ai vork by epplilng et mail any larnu bouges, but wouid they, waik a pile lo gel:a ioh? Ilfany man realiyneeds a meai, h. sbauid epply ta h. macuhal, via ,ould aiea direct bhlm tao me piate whec» ep le vantid. Presbyterian rvioes Morang wo rmhip 10:80 a. M. Sub. Sabbath echool 11:45 a. M. Cbrletiau Endeavor 46:45 p. m. Evenlug service 7:30 p. m. Theme "Blind Bartiaeuâs If I las bot you vili inSus neon the lawn tor the ereulug service 84 T o'eocît. Et. M. AlIbuet, PasSai. DR. CIUECIILL SELLSJý FRACTICE AND RESIDENCE Dr. A. Fi. Chur >1111 bas ,old bis niEdical practire and hie reîidenee ýn Frot etreet tu Dr. F. a. Maruin of Round Lake. In 1909 Dr. ChurchillCamne fiers :Irom Ovego. Kendall couaty, Ili., and purcbsed'tlàepractice, frouulor. Martin, Wbo since Ieaving Libertyvillie ba practiced inedicine in othor citte, .sttig nt Round L.ake les@ than a year ago. Deeiring a larger field ha agate turned to Libertyville and lait veek ancceeded ln making a deal wltb Dr. CburchW vwberebY he obtained the office and alta the resîdence property. Dr. 1Ihurchîli bas enjoyed a gond practice lu Libertyvill anad vielnity and huaé many friendo Who wis'h hlmi proc- perty. The physhian and i, family expecV'to more tO 0Ucego about the milddle of thie montri. W hile many wilil regret to learu of rDr. Churvhll's pieu to leave $bis village. tharo will be many to welcome back [Dr. Martin, hi, cuc-cesoar, vho white practicing muedicine here. mette many triends. FIVE STOCXIOLDERS 0F I. F. & V. CO. RE-ELECTED At the aunnal itockboiders meeting o> the Meredith Flower &r Vegtabie Go. Baturday, the taiioving dîrectors wer. r..elacted: J. E. Mredth, R. P. Schnae- bele, A. P. Corde., Wrn. Newton' and Ueo. Rbode. Two Dcv directors ver. &leu elected, John Miartin, the 1Mayor ot Union Gtove nad W. E. Tucker, tuember of the. County Board at Racine souoty. The meeting ta eiect a preeldent. Scretary and treaffurer l b. field alter Mer. beredlth'e reburta ramCoatevliie, P&, Who ezpccta t leave thât City about 6th of Juil, arrlving hers a couple af day. later. At tat meeting the aanal report vii b. Iasued and a managr ta, Cake charge oi bath thie UibertyvUlle and Union Urçîre plante wtU be engage4, Tihe Dlaiit at Union èraiê là nov là the tontesa 01canetructian, ail oftheii Iumbetst a*@ fee triond of giaec belng on the raitindri tcoêNt'te chirnney 106 feel hlgh Dow tearing rompietlon. A large erew of workrnan are ezpected to ftart oppration u thegreenhoue lna short tinie. LEARN NURSING F' ue opportunIty for brlght voung men and women. Earn $10 to $25 per veek white in training. Northvestern Training Achool fer Nurses. For furtber particulars, addr,e Laksi Sbore Sont- tarin. and Hospitai Ascii., 2287 Sherman Ave., Evauston, 111. 1 40-2 PIANO TUNINO Leave orders Bt Ray'@ Furniture Store. Work done by Mr. ÀAlden. c-41-tl Did you ever @ee the fog ripe up f rom @ore, sveaty tired feet. But you cati cure the teeS wltb Barker'o Antiseptie. F. B. Lovsil Co. Girl@ vanted t the Ideai Leundry, Libertyville. 9>41-1 Grand bail at Herte'@ Park Pavllon, July 4tb. A good time acsured. D AN C 1 N G At Diamond Lakte Pavilion Eveury Saturda>' Night commencg Ju.g Music by' Ubertyville Idasi Five-Piece Orcitar CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE FIR, TORNAD, LIFE PHONES 154-R AMD 50 UBERTYVILLE, miLUIOS VOUR INTI3RESTS at tîînes demand the' use of more cash than you miay have ori hanri at the exact time you- wishi to use it. We are ALWAYS in a position to loan money to local people on acceptable notes, and are pies sed at the opportunity It gives us to aid the farrning and business enter- prises in this cornmunity. WE INVITE YOU TO SUBMIT YOUR LOAN PROPOSITIONS TO US. Lake County National - Bank.' LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits, $95,OOf W. bave a large stock oýf TILE, POSTS, SAND, BRICIK, 7SEWER PIPE, E.N A N 1' BUILDI NG MATERIAL. G!T OUR PRICES WE CAN SAVE YOIJ MONY 0F7IBERTYVILLE Phone 50 CHOCEGROCEBIES, IÂS IOI ]VEGETÂB.LES AND FRUITS CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. tAETYVILLVIU& I ' Il You Demand Purity and Quality! You can b. happv andI couteuted over aur Cakes, Pies, Tar-te, JelIy Rolls and everythiug w. make. We dou't use fake jame andI jeliee aud Bavure. We are honest. Aiea w. are clean. Bakeehop r.- gularly inspecied. Why nat thon, trade with US? WC (aucatet aa i nBakey. LIBE1RTYVILLE BÂKEIRY Children's matting-covered ochool maes, aloimitable for ~U' lunich andI traveling purpoes ...29 Ladies' Organdie Waistis, assîrtnimat of colore and styles. A very popular varnu veahenuuîber. Prît d speciai et 50C Ladies'slip-over style night gavue, haudsoiely trîmmed lu laec or embroidery, each ... 48c Silk Boot Hose, black, or tan, higi spliced icel, cotton r.i 51 enforued sole; pair......2U "'tas llungry As a Bear!" w o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 'o >0 'o i. 'o 'o 454 4: o o 'o 0 o o AFew Specials for the. Fourt Items from diverse Unes that would be exceptional bargains any time at these prices, but are especially opportune now. W. W. CAR~ROLL & SONS COMPAN' North Store, Phon. 29 2-STORES--Z Soutl4 St«% ,Phoem . t 'l ,ýTf4-4i

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