'Flfteen ~ r lYO euosaruS filaai.& u teA mm m Tt I ot Worth vast- tsg eMM ft usmiluo f lime aiU5 ywUre going te beaMfi by il. wu b le a pritable fiteM e seods It jat beya usr of oui suspendra. fW. PARKIIURST to-Spmie? linami aI tis e rnapotisaI ym'Ve iSen poilng Ir miisl cbeag- or qualti. Dolet vaste dme Dcci!. nOW. Ajiltiina aIse you vaut? - Libertgvill WIAT'S THE USE 0OP(3ETTING IIOT becuse our tovi ha. go»e dry? W. have 'any amount of PURE ICE Delivere in amny qmatity at amy time L41tvti c o ut..wond We anremmosing the vanta of thc traie ami arc reocving nev goode mesry every day ianMcm'. and Boy@' Waar of every daeiption. XLM'u andi Boys Esaty, MaieClothlng or wU nabate aidurWavenufer mm d boys.. buaau siedi.ma" Dr...- hirt. andi Work Shirts Overafls andi Iackets 1h00. in g -mvarlef Hats andi Caps Trunka andi Suit Cames Necku'ear anti Lollars W. invite inspection of our goode and guarantee everi aa represented aud solicit your trade. Y'ours 10 serve, TX . RYNOL[ f -Cm»always be found aiTHR NEW BOOK! for Vacation NeedsT'IONl'swÎlû 8 ' 'i S.« our 1,000 Titi.. of SUMMER FICTION a THE PILGRIM PRE Ma* i Olar tauPnemptAttesies- 'KEEPS YOUR HOME < FRESH aznr-d/CLEAN Combination Pheumatlc Sweeper THnS Swifdy..Sweepinc, Êàsy..Runnin DUNTLEY Sv pins, lnt, ravelingl, etc., iii ONE. OPERATION. It niakes sweeping a simple task quickly finished. t reachu even the most dfficul places, and eliminates the neccea of moving and lifting ail heavy fumniture. lYse Grecs Labor Saver ofthe . ons.-Ever,. home lame m44 milce njoy reici Irom Doom drudgery and pmtecc0n ie1 the dangerof ying dust. DutIp1,SioPin.,o PsuuahcSm.p.s unastheoubination cf the Paeum.atte Sucdon NiSie and i Ibnubsi5E. 'Very tisly oprmted sanulssely garà boiqamcum Cl«ý hin w mo a"ve a De tdd ini.yot msat ou, aenu -1 WsP ffl dpfrlu lmr fAils P&5. Aak ea% u HOME W INHlND PARK The building fUnd committe Of A. D. Psy Loige. A. P. sud A. M.. claimis tc, bave plaises for titi salie Of about $12.000 vot ot bondt'asd ai tbe total amont ueedelalnoniy $17,000 lit vould soeau thât a 110w Maoi0iC Temple for 'Higlaiti Park la assured. Membera Of lbe. varins Maic eor- der@ are takint the entire Issue di! bonds it wis are.payable hi fromt one to, tan yesri. Ovina ftiith number of le"s«aou the preaet bali.!'! bY other lodgos It viR tlie t .Possible 10 bestin buildig Operationa zbelons J-n uary flrit, -ave hbotigh &il the. bondt be taken beOtrOet. OeJY tentative plana are ont for the nev building but it le believoiltht iaiilWl! le a two story and baatemnt Structure vits '&Itcsen, bisllars an'! bowling iln lie batement. a banquet bal sud rm ception rocm on the firet foor, Whilcb later Mnay be re#ted to other iodgea. in the Maie n teromaop, the second. -Highland Park Proua mANY AlTFND Weil Known,Waukegan School Teacher SBcornes Wife of' RUsB a ut!CatfeN. Y. À B16- COUNtRY WEDDING. Po%*.1 WtwMWIM the' - Always Lved. A vcidh*ag lpiflahe i lt ,ffep iSulcnlt iwlrhCubitr "Ireth e .000"ia Dssu %màw*ak. u b a à,tùou'lts «,Oeabiai aima»L as, 6,erdekol Uagc tu lsse CAl%,et BataviS.,14. T.. à tmavlîi alman hvo l! tast et Mr. "d'!mms.Ca, $ 28 E. main Ilt, Tmm caeorumiyvas prormcd i a thse e. lMa. Corieli. pestai of the Ournee Crltisn durcis, lu Uic pic scute. ofà large gatboriig of friands sud relatives of the couple, mamy guesta attonhia rom Wauitegam Tise bouse vul beudffly docor- ste'! for the occasin ai'!tise veiilg prove'!ono te Ucmont .ltboratc bal' 5 WW NATION Unddborg Kun, -Snds Out an OIgaflutlon WldulyKnown For MusoalExoelbnoo. olu KaSas tI ere arevli. prIi iq.@is. bot nlgbt5 bhm vindb-fli a of s Bvde§, vie eousltate t&cmter o!fsocial. educa' tional. eoeoa*.sud mualcal informaI " i= a m t fila I ed W his o v i la Novwvisontuai.peopie lve tbciv festival of- mUsic, tluini asonie Of lb. al repoatol u Iicis ciu- man»,-Haint &aU oiieriofvide £AMe ble 'b eu bol ln the country viclulty lnuIa long lIme. an Missnliabelle Cal actai as brides- MI mii ai'! George Jailli of Daren. InI Wl@ s..auet man. UtIle Genevieve PO ami Dorohy McCullough vers floyeria girls ami Charles Brown ring bearer. t! Mi. an'! Mms Norman Bovn playid t tise veiiing marcS. violin andt piano, ga Umis Elizabeth West, Wsuitegu, vas t! soldast. 7ything The bride vas yen beautifully t govned l1% Canton crepe. trimmodi60 vith ebintille an'! ventisu lace au'!l voie a veil trimmeti vils orange blon Fi nmsul. The bide's bouquet vas a t Ssiiover of bnldeas roses ami Uillieî 0f tise valley. The only orniment vora )S vas a platinum javaller set vils dit- y- mouds an'! pearle, a giS t of lie groom. i] . The bride's. mai'! voie orcid a sui% cassimere, trimmeti viti ventisu lace t' aud caniai a bouquet of aveet peau.n Thse brides gîfIte ber brldesmali vasar e lavaller set vlh railles an'! pearis.t j 5 The. grooms guift10 bis beit man vas )K S a goli icant and cuf sel. Afler the SHOP- ceremony e vedding luncleon vas ". f nIc- sarvedt o litsrelatives an'! fieuda. ses ature Guesti froul out of lovu vere: . .. SOC Mn. sud Mia. A. H. Cal! ami Miss S Mabetie. Batavia, N. Y. ss Mr. sud Mra. W. E. Ciitltenden, lb! tei Clalonla, Nebn. Mra. S. ,iolin, G. A. JoaIn, Darien, Win. N Mina Myrtle Loomis, Woodalock, III-I Miss Rngrlld BEonv, Mies Enter Cieson, Chicago.1 Mine F101 Jobuston, Osvego, 111. li. and lira. Robert Carper, Coal Mra. Cat graintted lror the. Weu- thev familles artchter lnthe vai h Warren than the Clitteniens. treep Mrndsud liralisElfl lor' Milvau- 1a up tk.e vier tiiey Wini »pend! a fev dais ta cse star wvilchtbcî go ta Newv*Tork. lira. Cali vil! tnavet duringthe aumo-, iq mer vitb ier bumlmsj& Who la mates manager for a targleaesseuVimufac- or türing coucemi Liai!. Meers of Zion City vas Ai. ijeggucilu Couli opurt butors a Jury viaicis Irlie ber for ber maiti. Coul. Plant thi1 ahe vas Insane bai been lie'! bilir. and Mis.,iM. T. Main of isu Ci. Mec M«patalla y re*naly vbipaee ou e iticie alt-ttarsOf 'ail tbé evience lu the came tavlvcea J theconcusion tisaItihoeWasan i vi- Metefrt to ,r0tmee4 b t aua Syluti anmýi " S...nei jresdietilas Meer 11 'bi "une."' ad "cli liai but l'ai vil la', At'i to gIi atc or la îile tii vi M ut om . . - V -. . . . * U 0e uicite pos. aul ic e lcluatal aa Ma ee adoresitoi~ fr a masa *8M rE. rui amsaI evs- ,.upt tise ccfa.Au) go* ilieul e .eor mufle ula. ssdy 'aU te1 heftr thse bout UMMfle V«' camîpo"&ireniai.'! tu hsoompeSS-t de Umm a" Ispirit galbe, aI limais mg *i mma.' thé. boudaisannall. M PMaU 6uf Ibis coloni aM'! rointhlie t hus viici basdIsthnguiabfI tisa osilMe a hi uavlciffty tise Linei t bautanqlusbaebrougbt Olc aune mon vho compose theic Llia'1 mma Maie Chorus. Wben yan iscar 1 tarn you vii know vbat tise vors, i sais. apftil and timbr e or voico and! bu- i nor me»n vieu applie'! la mugie. Il 1 »kes nlo difforence vbat iou are do. àg nov, fier. vill b. jus on. tisini muc vil vaut 10 do wvile yoi ai. ils- *Diu ta, tii,. vouns mon. 'YOD vi "aU to gel a place a"d sing vils i tam; yrou vii vaut 10 alng just asi îeY sing and t» as ispppî as tbey s'. and you vii vaitth ii hve ovcry- tring andi practIce gocal exef'cses. A Sanson ticket entittea you 10 enter th. la lent before tfisprogram 1*e ginsan uol stay untilthee Ist syllable as been suug. Allai tint. olien days, ron can bear eleven other gresl pro- gramai. You may fael aS If you bave oo main for your money before yon get tbnough. but neveu' mlnd-yoa vii hae lie vboie yar ta divide vbat you bave learued asud! vat yoai bave thoughl sud viiet you bave enjoyeti wIbla your ueigbbor lu sotae oher tovu ual so fortunile. Gel ont youi magazine files-tic Oulook, Collier@. Cosamopolitaai, Etude, or vbat not-aui read about Ibli Lindiborg music tui tien corne over tu, lie lent andI bear IL WOIMEN AND 1MEN SARE FINED IN ZION; DISORDERLY PLACE Zion City, June 9.-Another disor- derly house was discoveret! ln Zion City Saturday nlgbt. About mdnght. Policeman etlied andi Aimer Pula raied a Buspectai flouse necupied by William Warmln«af. 8112 Gideon ave nue. The pplice found the bouge occu- pied by Warmlt#ofl. George Helser, and Mary P'ltko. liquor vais touid ln the bouse and Bt the lime of the errait vas mnaie the vomnan waig drlnking wbiskey, declare the.Volite. Both Reiser and liTs. Fitske are mai- rIsd, the latter bavInS tour chIldrOn, and Heiserslo thb.saime number. Evidence vau, produced f0 Provf thse jhouse wasa ~disoreriY repansd tii., testlmony of lire. Helsar almo prov. ei tbat ber buabafld va offen twaY 1front horne ront gaturdai titi Mondai morningi.sebcferther te5tMOd ho bld supported ber but tt!.fe ome nee snd for tiie put Ivo moufle he bad flOt given ber a cent t10pUDppoit tii bouse and ecll4re, althoug i ee «ru- ed $75 a montis. 3udge 1. E.M MilE.toi'! tii1 WOMal 1 bal lhe vas adiagraule to lOi ses B bc replici t"t Ieas lbed bsI a esetyci ln llugSi. ThefInés tS- t ier-$325. Worrnlngtoit-$40D. Independéat radtieMUON&4E d .-1--ALd ~POT PLANTS W. uesd the room for plamting of Chrysanthernums, tiierefor are offerlng lieu 4t loy pricea. 150 Qeramums for 10e Geranjume for * - 10e (Couitinuci ?rmPage ones.) I plea4 guity tisa court vOUli bave ltisait isva under soute allait ob- ltton 10 temper justice vitb merci,E L nder tis etcreumatancea flore la iy onethlus laIte4rne Z do, ami ID gaina ho taacbyon a bfasata in bave gond affect Dot OUlY UPOn )u but upon Otheinrtl"1.cnty ho mal, bc Inclina" f0break fthe W lu ibia respect."' ifler sentence bad b-en xpoaed ttoruey Welcb aakei for nineti d4aYs file a bill of exc«pt1ons. Thia aa snted isy tise court. 19puer vaa once given jute tisa Ouiodyo!tishe suriff sud vas placed lu the counhi Unier the. order of the court Dieu- a tands commltted untîl tise fiue and cet, are POU sud the. jae aentence aervyod. Tii. only vsY tbat an sP- aI' can be taken lu tisa case la to le s vnit of error a'Mec8ure a Ou- erass f ronthei.Appellat. court. Tt vol'! taire at lesat a9vcot teaccure hl writ &0 nintea ttornieys for sser are able tu Set bim Ont OU a rit of habets corpu a inthe mosa- Ime be vili bave ta remalu in tise «aty Jai! mai1!the appellate court eta on tise matar. Amy lime b aserave lu tise Jan vo vil! ntmot Wappîlcita bit MUl Misesefor ibat laeculhirly 'diNr- Tisat the ajOtty. peatpe aim. et meae » WIty mnWhio bave beaut ratcifor'»Mlli quor lia sti- esscet t"Értori Wise Innocent aofamY stentSaneaIbroabuitise lav ani tii be«ecipi e sitbuztio .Pmnabe' Ée a,àctel la lie opinion cf a m'tu knowi Woa.uaattorncy vbo ta not SnnSfflcit hie liquor eaes l>omg triei ln cour1t. 1HO iald tisere are extremeli fe* eopte vWho mc e herea, contenta Of tho local optiou law. Pi'actlcally ON- «Vous, including attorneya, sud o"iL prcoscutoix, ver. ofthe opinion up to a sort lime ago, bc,»say, that m long as a man di not .Oe1i ntlxit- Ing liquors ln autl-saloh iterrilori he rai not amenai!. 10 Ithe law. But t seema tiiere vas a lutte joker Ini- serteti Iu lie lav vblcii dOea ot pro- tribu;th iiae of lager beer ouly,. but urovidea liaI no malt lîquors may b. soli. -'I vil! venture te, isy." tblg altor-' ney said, *"iaI not a salooniteepen In tbe county 1mev b, vas vlolatlug tish iw la seing tiIs ao-cailod '2 par cent.! lu tact.!1 kuow of cases wbere ttie ceaet t a!!intoxicatling liquors ellen their istrict vas voted dry aud wiien nelineits for beer or other liquona ver. made tbey replie t laI liai bai not, sud did not propose ho latte s chance tintilIil vas found -out vieher or not lie vomfan suffrage law wai conslilulloual. But they dii Bell '2 per cent., lu th. bellef liat tbey bait juil as muchlght 10 sell l ai they did pop or soda-vater. "Nov because tien, men Itroughi Ibeir Ignorance were trapped, il doea not seem just rigit Ihat tb. acrevi shouli be appledto 10hem. If tbey bai sold beer or other lutoxlcathng liquors, Ifthey bait kept tbeir saloonsi open on Sundaîs or had solto minora il wouli be dlfferet-tbey vould bave knovn liat lbey vire 'lolatlng the law, andi shouli expect to be punisit- eti, but lu the case of lion. who soli' 12 per cent' il 10 an eutlrely dllTc'rent malter." independent reader? BE ONK!. Redue the Cost of Ijiig av oed.rm"l, rGOCR9 rtie, ami VI2TALIS poeto*8hstwm. The Model Cashûrocr& Market FOU RTH 0F JULY OA*E . IIERTEL'S PARK PAVILION __________ Haif Day, 111, on SATURDAY EVEO JuIy 4th A Good Tiine Asaured Job Printing A F~ULL COUNT r- VACATION ULY 26 T* JUL 3 ln Great Rain-Proof TENT in LIBERTYVILLE CENTRAL PARK WiIl Speak, Sing, Play, Enter- Daminali(&barattetrs .ain-thore wili b. uhgo FUN - MUSIC - THOUGHT YOUR NZIGHEBOR8 WILL BE THERE YOUR "ATM POIX!' SHOULD BE THEBE YOU MUST MOT 1Mm88A DAY 2 MEGA8f AMAA iADAPN 2 Parts to each BACH DAY UqvyI.VI 011 t'be- »IwIM 5Program Ail in a Big Tout by the LINCOI$ CHAUTAUQUAB umder the auspices of The Busiews'ad Proessional Men 'A S5EASON TICET makes it anl YOURS SETHE DBLACK SALE CARIÎS erf toi tri bu- ci ci ah lu de. Tih v. bel fi att Ott ffl thf tise vit Bic gai of res be gr roi on Wk on bol ter, Tii on did attl bes prit cen gui tbe of prit ho] Iug gro r dc mi, dl le too anc thse ert] MI Che DiiUWek of the Yar %mi iL ALSO SALVIAI, uOm,& YEVEEEW. COLINSLOBELTAS, SOK= BEONIA&S, "MMNSROBE LANT, CYPANTE- XUX ?LAMTS'Ar OU? RATEL Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Libet-tyville. IH., M. L -SCOTT. -Prop. r