Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jul 1914, p. 9

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LKE -COLJNTY nmWAUKEGAN WEEIEKLY SUN VOL. X.xJ .-NO. 40. PART 'TWO. T I T T l' TIi UTAV ïrrrIrTvq ( WIflINf M xm u à Aqua I OWNER FROMFaIM; SLEPT ON FLOOR mpoeRefuses to Give Over Possion of Farm-Chas- ed EmployerAway. POSIS NOTICE, 'KEEP? OUT. Then, When SmaiO Son of Own- or Appemrs for Pail of Wa- tor, Ho Locks Him Up. Wanliagaa, Jul>' 1. To be ciaeet!off O! Yoer oaa prop- art>', trealet! as e trespaser anti be ftee In la leep on lie flur o! a de- mrtei hanse, aould no0 doubt be a rying experlence for moal anyone. but tla isat ahat happenedt 111R- s-ard Baroli. aben ite aeal la take possedilon o! a farm liaI ha hat! pur- ciaet. Tii. incidet badil ls hagin- ning- Monda>'andi Il waseonpleled ln the office et Ilcyder.ker and He>'- docker, attorneys aithiis rit>- Ioda>' Tha farm wss formerly owned b>' lie Jobnatier emlaeeanti la'located vet o! Prairie View. il appears tint Ilaroth, ana resitieh beapen Prairie Vea anti Long (lrove bail purciasedth le farm ihroagh a bir of <'bicago attorney's. One of!thte attorneym s adaeamîtilsiet Mr. Bar- oth anti a smmli son la tie faru la taike possession o! 1i. Wien lie>' ar- rivet! et lie !arm ia he'mrode up lie frontl yard lee4lng ta lie boune. Tiere tic>' wera meltb>' lhe hiret! man namat! Mayer. cia approasciedtter and! inqulredti udr business. Wbea tic>' tait! hlm Iber purposes. lie lm- mediell>'ortieredt! lem !rom lie ground!s and emphesizet iehl words VUilnoe forceful remaria. The group basîhi>' ailidrew. Tien sge -- were poulet! on at 'lb buldings and! gaeasof the !arm for lbe edifs-atlon o! lie owner andthteaattorney' ahici rend!: "KePep Out." Ail wia entler wil ha oitfmderet! trenpassaft. No ana enheret!. lvére li 111e * group liaI bat! Jourucyecuthea iafaru ta aumume lhe keys stmoleti down lia rond euh lih-y came teaa rnail ionse on lie farm aber. liai venI ha. Wies alybi came on lie>' madle bunk 1 on the lotir anti alept.1 la lie maraiag lie>' sen£thlb. mal boy Luth ie farm hto gel e peu o!wa- t er, The boy enteradth le mili'<hbuma. Tien lie bîret! bant!cîsedet!lb.door1 on hlm and! bs-ut! IL.Wbea the boy1 dit! sol ralurathe fermeras'mtheie atorna>' cent ta looi for blu. Phea>9 icard hilscrias from is deplace of fim- primon ment. The felber became la-1 censei. lie lien Ileunciet! mb an ar-1 gument alit lie employe and! aien tie amploye, anti aben lie attention o!flthe laItes' cas diverlat! fromte. prisonar la tia ailk bouma, lhe smal boy made is adt f rom tia buildt-1 lug !rom a cludoa, tea feel la tue1 grount!. Tt ans then taIt torney' C. T. Hey-1 decker wamacalledto thle acene. Hei avadth le day b>' atvimiîsg bah par- tles lia besl course tu pufane la set-I hlement andt oda>' lie "hiret! man" look a train for Chicago ta look for1 anoîher Job aile lie nec aaner o! the !arm took posmasin o!bils prop-1 art>'. IN DION TUERE ARE NOW 461 LESS MEN TIIAN 0Fe FAIR SEX Figures Show There Are 5,- 009 Persons Now Living in the City of Zion. The laleat ceitaus. ta4en b>' lie o ciatîl hoard o! Zion Cilty,entier lie * direction o! George D. Cbenowetb, ses-- retar>-, bas jualt beau completid anti fi a~ bout ta ha !araartiedt hthe stale supprlnhenet ettîaISpringfieldl. The figures ahow te maie population le lu lhe minant>', for there are 461 les * maies than females ln Zian. Thia lac' la peritapa accoualeti for b>- the fa'lt liaI comen asa a rule are nmore iali, gloual>' incilnet than men, but aI al eveals. ti er s la a mortage o! mea t aomi'a! li te marrlageabie ladies ahi bhave tlawastIpatienl>'for new re- croittafrom lie outie beidi. n The figures are as folloas: MaIes ........................ 2735 Fernales .............. 2,2741 [ Toali..................I0q Aitm ales under age o! 21 ... .. ... 998 Ail femalea utder age o! 21... 1,118 Totl ...................... 2216 t: AIl maies entier lie age o! 16 .... 83rd Al femaies utîder age a! 16 ...... 875 Total ................ ...... 1711 AIl maIes undar 6 years o! age._ý Ail femalea entier 6 years o! age. .334 Total ........................ 6621 Bath sexes belceen lie agea o! 6 Joh Maush fo $320a e In acre trac w«tof 1pauldînge Corners. onl O>'recentl>'. INDEPENDENT -rgj VIL#-n iL. _u --1 à,FOUR AGE81.50 PER YEÂR IN A'3U ANTIOCOt GIRL PRINCIPAL IN A DOUBLE WEDDING. 1ev. H. L. Martia affi-ated ah a 'doubla wat!t!ng et his home, 723 Mul- bmr>' sîreet, Saturtia>'aflernoan tha couple. belng Mi& Annas Larson of Antioci. 111. adMr. Ernest Duts-ber a! Wilewater, Wim., and Mis& Editi Peltarmon end Mr. Arthus' Johnson bath o! Wbilacater. Mien Larsan aare iar goiug as>' gocu o! brocu eat! -Mse Pattgraon core a bIne s-bIh suit. Sali coep'aa let mmedialel>' for thet, homes in Wh157wt.r. JURY FINDS PUCIN BOYS WANT JOBS ON THE NEARBY FARMS. AND MAIRUII (iIL- gOn, iu,,.drd ed booloya of;Chica. TY ONoCUN S anl jobsonfrefrteam TY O ý t UNTSmer anti araeaillng ta on rkfor mmal psy. Gleorge LU Wilson, chaîrman o! lte general commilte. o! lhe Chicsago Decision Reached Ater Nine Assciation o!fCommerce. anaoons-ed o'Cîook Tuesday Nght- Yeterda>'. Return Sealed Verdict. îesea boym are xîpl nondesripts," he'ad.iTe>' aregond,. bonesî yong stars fromn goat! borne.. We bave the ATTYS. SHOW BITTERNESS. boys, but aa amuI the Jobs. The boysj tueur nomes1 icon foreamaîl paocrm ford Republic. Make Pertonal Remarks in $10 or $20 a month." Their Arguments-Motion McHENRY FACTIONS for New Trial Os-Made. 'WHO FROMR LAKE TO«BRING 1IARMONY fr ad:eherajury on! beteeCOUNTI WIL 6O TO MAE EAE VE' clu and! Johr. Madrui. charged witb a S TAÀT E MEETINGi? ___violation of lhe Sunda>' opening law ln the cil>' Cf North Chicago. The Efforts Being Furthered in the verdict wa: Oitened in court at ten Conditions Governing the Se- Neighboring County to Har- bath defendants ha be found gui,. etino By hoWl monize G. O. P. Ranks. 1>-u ed ni ht Oont on o to State Fair. solidRepubican tiket, ttorneys Weich and Orvia. counsel1 TheretgDmoeiPra-anin A alidRepbllan icktbscked for the defendanta, at once entered al omr motrtat a hy heuniedstrngik f it ary lc-motion for a new trial, pending te aîdrrg event in the lire of a youth by iteuuîedalrngiî ! al art' fc-disposai of wbich, sentence was not Ihan the atte ndance at lte iiotý' State fotis le predicted b>' leaders In Mc, Imposed. The maximum penalty for Fair Schooi, wbere for a teek. lhe Henry cotinty who are working loward vioatte%. surit as those charged fortunate ca.tcdates have the prics- agaînat the defendants, ls a fine of an agreement between factions, aya $200 and cossnn pach rount. If the 'ena OPPOrlunit>' O! sbudying the best the lgi Nes ofMonay.maximum penalty were le ha infiicted achievements o! the foremost men liteElgn Nea o MonaIn la ech case l would mean a fine of and women af tuis premier agricul- Meetings which were te have been $600eandtcosts for eaci defendant. 1ristee beldSatuday ightwerep,«tlld Th t ornevs ln msklng their at'fu& - aee heii aluds nghtwee osiant!go ilts le the jury ot% Tuesday sf Ai. o! th. Scioni ntif sanie agreement between thte teroon alowed considerable bitter- To offer ta a Weil maecieti body of! factions cao ha reached. nete a reel,, owlng liaI the In seakng f te stuaionIn cbrPach wbicb recentiy was opeaed he- Young Men, t esn for ayslematic In peaiîî ofth siuaton a M- ween Stales Attorney Dlid>'and At- oliervaîlor, mnd study. under the dir- Henry county. Frank W. Shepherd, iorney Welch bas net been closeti. ection «< compaIent Instructor'i, of the whote ein dicuisedas he onges Attorney WNeich scored lbe stales great agriculurai. mechanical, and wiîo~~~~~~~ laatgdsusdastecnrsIstorney 'for bavlng used tie taX- educalional exibils of the ISat,- Fair. alonai candidate, said after the Au- payera» moaey te emplo>' professionalsu lbruhscaecymoefi> Ideleclives te Boy on men who are ad hog uhaecmr ul trs, meeting: Ihelping la psy tbe taxes. In no many la inform and interesI the resideutlq of "Thte announcement of au>' candi- Iwords he dpclared lbe alatea attor- the rottuties la the resources of Il- dateforUonres aI bislim miîtlney witb bar ing starled tbe proses-e- ]!noie, and lte achievements o! ber datefor ongrss e thi tim mi li in of the tiquor cases la establlsb disrupl ltte posallbiliiy of lte getliîîgi a record for bimself. , itizeits as demoffltraed by the dis- togeherof epulten fatios n N bise. argume ts.he slate's.aI- plays on rexibition. tagellte of Repblirea acîloît litc oe>.wobd Ilistened le ail tbe Any worlby boy over 15 aud under Henry count>'. Anyone seeking lhe caunsel for lie defense biadt te a v vearit of age La eligible la compete Republican nomination certaly wîîî againat hlm. fired a few broadmides for lte arhii rsbipgin athizs arool and hlof misawn, ual wanl ta ohaîruct an>' barmonlous a!I don't know whelber the jury was la inviled il file hsa PPIcation for negIiaion wiicbmaybe oiu onfortuitate or unfartunate lu having saiti appoint-tealt n wrlting wth tb. batween lhe factions. liitened tu Mr. Welrb's barrangiue," SuperIntendeul of Sieso! o ha coun- "3cl-enry counly lis une of the ban- hie sait!. "but lhe tact remaina thal 1>' ai or le-fore Jul>' 26, 1914. 1 ner Repubilcan counties of Iis can- lhey were compellid ta liaten ta il.Mr ecrmidmeoasnfr Howth ebraeCo» A gressionai district and tiare wouid he aI Washington wbo bas been kao.wa A couimittee cansliag S f the Coun- Ilille question about il& galug Republi-- le tarI ts lïgtK wakggng, leave Il t>' Beperinleadeut ni! Schnols. tbe cmn Ibis Feai f the leaders inte pr for an bour, and cames hack and lad Presideat o! tbe County Parsera' la- ty biait!no differencas among them- stitute. andtihIe 'bairmniet o!the selves." He quesioed Mr. Welc'ss incer- Coenty Board of Supervisarshava Tellse! Plans for poes. teres church affilitions. At Ibis been appointil et! select the. baya D. F. Quinian, vice prealdent of te Point Mr. Welcb rose la bie feel and! While the. character of the test set la orgnizt! clinrycout>'Re-aheclet!. The court suistainet! the select tbe dclegales ia ieft irgely hn newiy ognzd aer ont e bjection. 1 tbe banda o! ibis rommitlee. I làl sg puhlican committee. explalned Ibis Tii, case was given ta lie jury marning thal lie two factions In tbe sbortly aller four-thirty o'clock. A gested b>' lie commission liaIt th. ex. parly are working loward an amalga- verdict was uat reacbed until aller amination sbould be o! such cbarac- malien. "A comminine of ie nn 'clock In lie evenlng. B>' Ibat ter as will: matin. " comilte af ivmen lime lbe court bat! gone home anda ia-elteaii> !l.cni ban been appoinled from amoag tha esled verdict was relurnet!. Th s irtTsthablyofhecn- followers af Oison sud Sburtleff." ite mnrrulng afler lb. verdict bad been date la observe carefullyi>' orn bject salid. '*A sîmîlar commttee wîîî bc rend lhe cler'î polledth le Jury and and! make a fair report upos IL. appontedby te joyln actin an t1ey were unanimou5 lant!eclaring ltheI Bcond-olse eatli rlc apponledb>' ha .osyi facion nd erdIct la be the oanelia>' baît! reaci- 1T ilnb a rl lie lwo commîltees wIll agroe on lhe ed ture and orpouete mi terme of negotlation. Il ha learnedti laI lie verdict waa points.dta rpoce ue mi 'Tbere lan douttlit aI Nlcienry net reacheti without a gpiritet! discus- Tird- Te prepare and witle an lu. couni>' wiillrçisent a solld itepublican sion smong lhe jurars. At lite first Ierestlng ant I nstrtive repart of the vole was nearly evenl>' aplit. 5 wbal be bas Feen anti heard organizatlon whicb wlllI sweeP fle beiag for acquittai and 7 for convic- Apiat ilrpr nteofc courtl>. The factians are gettlng ta- lion. Aller a lime one a! lie jurors Aplint llrottaiefic gether. Wben an agreement le reset s'as won over la tbe aide of convic- af Ibe itupe'iJnlerdeut af tichools « ed we wlhiibbeilas position teladiscus îo' ite v ot a8 o o-, hbeir respective routîtties, Saturt!ay a!- vlctton. Fluali>' bwo more of 1h08. ternoon aIt zno'ados-k. August 1. 1914, candidates." who were for acquittaI were won No date has heen net for flitc meel- over, making 2 la 10 for "guilty. for ezamina-hon. Ing of factions. The two men stand out for a tima but The asmnes of te boys appointet! as McI4ENRY DEMOCRATS BATTLE. finally were won aver. delagatea ta represeatt he several Jurors admit lite evîdeace was ra- c The Democrals o! McHenry count>'1 lier close but ga>' laI Ihe tact that counlies la lie Boys' SIale lwachool are fixing up for a content over l1st!- the two deteclives were aile té de. of 1914 la he sent by the '-espactve ershlp of the part>'. ais 0fer as scribe so minutai'lte way tie up- count>' supelAltendeuta of acol&e t the officiai organization l8 coucernet! Par part of lie Pneun place wus ar- liesertr'oli mIson la ow onroletib> Jatu . onnl-raaged, belpedt!hem ta bring ina a, re . ySpofe. omissonbe tg Ow ontoleilby oli C Donel ýverdict for conviction in hie>' ay>'hre .Mle Srnfed uo 1>. former member o! theIllinois legis- lie men coutld bardi>' have given sus-h1 fore Augual F, 1914. lalure anti well knowu Woodstock poili- a gooti description If tli ait!not For furtuer information it!dress su- Thia. e caseo! Ant!raw Keijko. anoth- 1Perintendent of sehools Simpson. The cntes In ivste elechion o! er North Chicago saloon keeper, was EÀDE a member of lia legisiature, Thomas alarted Tuestia> aflernoon immediate-AS Grahm o Lae curiy, te peset l ie hejury lante Pucha and ESIAIEÀS Madruit case liait gone out. The wark Demorati memerbein oppsed yao securlng a jury wasa reaumati wien JosphW. rendof cHnry cur opn Ibtis maruag. NE E RNINfi :O The anti-Donnell>' faction tg aup-I Judge fimile>' Ibis moralng dismima- RTI portlag Mr. Freund. The Donnelly Oserved forvico eekros, ailg h o sae NY L1l supportera have net announet! th erveîopred b ekr. o nInaMa>N RT-'ES ER ailegiauce anywhere. but are believed _________ ta b liing p fr Griam espclai>' OLDRIDG INTALL B> a remarkable lacrease la pas- aI Harvard. ahe fr itGredm, o Pal- HLERD EINTLS seager earnlnge on the Chicago & et arvrd whre hefrindsofPon. ST MILKING MACHINE Northwestern Railway for lie year ma the r OConnor ar at l asbent!ng lods>'. lhe net total receipta or forli pesnt emer <harles alt!leridge, wito lives tie compan>' for tle- 12 menthes wîîî The twa factions areala1. quarrai- norliwesl o! Waukagan bas juil In show a materîilfincrease over tue Iug over lie right ho use the aordes taled the Birut milking machine la "McHenry Coual>' Demacratic Com- hae put I in ata section of lie cana- preceding >'ear. bite"M.Dnel l is Ie co >'t. Passenger earuinga o! the Chicago mile.. M. Dnnll> dams cnr- orks thrnugb a gazoline englue1 & Northweatera systemn for May' In. miblea has lie on' rlgbb 10 tuse the and lu capable o! milkhng four cows creeeed 112e000 and for the yaar tue>' namne. Hie opponents bave callet! a bîme. IHe bas isen anlstIg ilen nrae$É80.Thfeitsr. meeting for nazI ThusMday at Wood. 27 liat! sInce lb aas loatallet! several loe,0 6800 h rlb au stok 1 prpar a lat ofCanidaesdays &goand thelb.machine bu wanri. legs for the >ear wil show a falling stc th rae aeaofcandidtesed ver>' sallefactorl>'ta date' ff o! $500.000, bel tbe big gain lu ta I PrSeat a 'i. ow I tsbreate1i a-passeuger earaing ahimll il" Ite l, lSetme. 'toanatic methot! apblied tle hem but opayte show a ntlnr ,o Insaepltc h red fM are graduali>- gelllng omedt! It ,Àcmai'ull<teeo laatlepolic l. rans !rs. clares Mr. Hofrerldge. Mr. EIclei'fO0êVVSVTsi-Wbieleh Donneli>- are supporters of lioger 13,lu a brother. of SupeMr' Ira liat!-'offIcie figures for tie lest two weaks Sullivan for UnitedStaless. esatos'P eshdgae ofWaukagau township, ~II .une ar etabail lu, officiaIso! thc whit most o Mr Donellla opou lies U«neas' lhe turn on Ta*k ahîl mob o!Pt!r, ounely' O oues road at abat îmjne n k nOWýî os-Company>'have sufficienltt Iformation enta are frieat!s o! GovesrnSi ins.dqp~rSJgowo er. 1- lancuable the foregong taieaient. RiNtu UN ÇMD 1 1 ATTORNEYS ME F1HT ON EVIDENCE 0F CO._DETECTIVES Jury in Andrew Keijko Case Se- curod Shortly Atter Twelve o'Clock This Afternoon. ATTACK MADE ON WITNESS. Attorney Welch Attempt.s to Draw Admission From De- teotive Memory s Bad.o Waukegaa, mi>' i. A gavage atlac'î as made upon lih lealîmon>' o! Thomas W. Yaungs, on, o! lie deteclives la lie emplo>' o! Stales Attorre.> R. J. Dati>, b>' Attor- ne>' James G. Welci Ibis aflernoon la lhe casa o! Andrew Kejka, North Chi- caga saloon keeper aba waa tadiclet! on a charge o! keeplng bis saloon open ou Sentis> on lire, differeut os-- casiona. The aork o! ses-uriag a jury la Ibis rase waa comnlpedt early this aller-, noor% anittle aking o! lestimon>' aa startet iImmedialel>'. The first ait- neas aas Jobn Res-ilancait, chIe! of polis-e of Narth Chicga. He aas1 esket! merel>' ta lembi!>' liaI Kijia candus-let a 'saloon in North Chi. i Cage. T. W. Youngs, one of lie statl' dtecives aam placet!ona,, stand andt ld o! Ibroeavisita t b le j.Kia. place. He lt!o h a hoand! bisbroth- er bat! enteredthIe puas-e, boa thlia saloona asarranget! anti boa man>'1 men he sac lier. % an.eci occasion. Ha aise lto!o purs-iasing Ico glass- es a! beer, for wais-imen beblut! the bar were paît!. States attorney la lie cross e- amînation reati exîracla from Youn.'s! lestimany 1in lie Purin anti lîatruh case. He asket im tif io badt! o lestifiedti honu liaI i.coulti not re- member chaI he bat! druni la lie Kiejko place. Yougs repliedti lat Wa@ true but saiti be istirefreabet! is memnor>' rom potes ailsie h made at the lime o! bis visite. Mr. Weici sougil la gel hlm ta admit liaI ha coulti nat speai from memnor>- ai ail but onl>' from bils notes. He made a gav~age attack' oan Youags anti asket im hlmceler il cas not a facl liaI he lemiied Taîsel>' on lie previaus occasion. Tiere la evar>' Indication liaI liera ciii be a mare bitter figil in Ibis case lima lterawasa lu lie Pucîn- Mudrub case. Itlha probable tiaIthie wari o! taklng avîdance wdll ie comn- pleti hile aflernoonaM !posail>'oaa or Ico arguments ma>' be matie t0 lie Jury but Inaail proiabhîit>' lies, ar- guments cili net be starteti until atornlng. READY TO 61VE OUT FISIJ FROM THE 3NEW ILLINOIS IIATCJIERY Representative Thos. E. Gra- ham States That Consign- ment of Fish Have Corne. SPRING GROVE HATCHERY. iust Over the McHenry County Line But Lake County Peo- pIe Can GetThem, Too. Anyboti>' ao aoc detimrea 10 put la lmsta wettedDrmû black basa ln an>' laie o! Lake Cour" torlaesflthe C.eP.Halb.depertrneot t>' san procure the same b>' applyhng West Dunt!,,Illi., 36 miles soothbemî t,)thle fiait batcher> whis- bas been o! Weukegaa, acallerat! boraing eas- establiabeti by lie sate eat Brngbars te lie rot!of@ obie>'buildircq Grove, lest over lb, MrHear>' Count>' atJoinlng early Tsda>', tirscttag Uneln ortweter Lae ouny. e laapa outthle business 'sclti of~o une ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ta lanrielr aecot' iIvillage. hteidentu o! tii0 tan The manager o!flte iats-bery la C. terror mrîs-ken b>' lia rapitl B. Wbit!orti antipeople ma5'Write laesitreet! o! lie lames. Untbe la tope blm or to Hon. Tios. E. Graham, at l aîîth i r-. 1he local dtpartreexl tuglealie. 111. ent ouIts-lla for aid la Du'îise, tien Mr. Grahtam statea liab tie reason te Carpenle,'vvtlle. Pire brîpties s-! lie bals-ber>- cent la Spring Grove lie feclorled o! tie tire. bawn; acte inaîemd o!fb I.Long î.a'îe la becaulse misQ calieti upon la amshnt laInprevent- the managers toundat It lam nec- Iag lie apreat o! the lire at! Oineli> assar>' la have Il builît here Ibere la a cm>' for aimtance aas sent tae l- runaîng caler, whîcî il net lie case gin%., four mlles te li. toutb. A aa- at ongLak bu l th cae a Spl" man Sud baby bat! uer-n-N eccpe Grave. The buIlding bas not yel isen fTi e effoîIno!tefiâmles. frss erecheti but ciii hecllaaer but, a large T«f foraof e counble aforve ls number o! yourci as bave heen r.- bilimngs are!'abre bte vecon- calvet! sud are reati>'for distr ibuîlon, bfineb amres a&lie. buota ai cu es-sordlng ta Mr. Graham. ieth lmsttebokIwic LakeCouty esientshav jutlie tieparîrnt store shoot!. Atmence as mus-b daim ho lte flaiseetngthiat dof !ma ighwno e sal dest Dlun, thie atcer>- IN ln MsHeary county as efrmaoscrtidsrAlon as-sordiag t hé 8i freueN If il were cithia lbebouade o! them Dscoveret* Fre -3 .M. oaa caunt>'. IThe. Ire aas dscwlove&t! Isi bbce base- Mr@. W. A.Deamne Isaves lomorrtycmèllilnothe.Hall structure, e hbree for Logansport, lad., te viel bar mo- I tar>' brick building 200 feat square lier aba la '76 yeara oid!. ra. tienne I sorîl> afer 3 o'cloci. maya sie ba st 51recaivet aord bas' mnother has a casa a! cbooplug cdogh.L ama1, la8lb titre. buildings au es- enuonusuai tIbng for one of bes' Me. limatet! et about $100,00. BLOOD POISONING IN HIS MIDDLE FINGER. Waukegan, July 1. Charles Thayer le sufferlng fromn hedl>' infected middle linger on bis rigbt band. He contracted lie blood POlAon on Monday while cleaning out a cuspfidor. He bat! a littia sors on the knuckle of bis middle inger, but at the Urne did flot ltink anything of ;t- TitesdaY night the fingce began ta Pain bita and this morning it WaS swollen antd black. He went tn a pby- siclan who informet! hlm le haci blond Poison i tu th member. An effort lh being made to prevent the poison from apreading Itotahis band and arm. L16UJT RATE 15 AL. MOST 75 IDPER CENT Publie Servie Company Gives Out Further Details on the New Rate Reduction. Furîher expianaîlon of reductions la Ilght rates made b7 lthe Pubi.' Ser- vice Company. The effeet o! the, reductian wl le ta create, by hMarcb 1L 1915, au aver- age of slightly over 10 cents par K. W. H. on ai average consumpton eqlliug 1 1-2 houri o! the mu demand dally. The progresive stages leadIp,, to Ibiz and the ratio u'hiCI these new rates bear to thase prevail- Iag a few years ego ia towns, alot then but now served by Ibis compsay. are sbown ln the table foliowing: z~. t' - o > In ddtin o heav aigt th .soers -teh '4 fiiec lame hih ae owon hemake chng iis35pe cnrdcino vey eal Q74pe n.>- - BÀD 0IE I0W DUNDEE; .0.4 TON I D00v E rket WORK COUNT 31 >ARK Enter- i good UGHT ions of' 1 1 1 1 LET FOR LAD1 Ca STATE ÀAIl> NAS H. G. GoolitzCo pn Oa Park, Gets Job"for Buid- ing Roadl at Lako Via. WORK STARTS ON TEN DAYS Contractor in Interview De- clares He Has Maohhury m&à Ready-Wants Team. The H.R. .111, sCompany of Oak Park la ta but! 1Ake 'Coutys state aid! roat lemdlug tost ont «t Lake Villa for labosit two miles. ýe Company' ia question ae wu Séra e the contret for iaylng lhe Yod b> b. the t. bl ghway Commission at the meeting Tuest!ay Jul>' lot at TWsr bld wa119,00. The lake Caunt>' S'od ha inoan au 0'IlnA* The connty, filin reepled. rallsci bai lie amouts,,or abouit $10.0M. This mlep being neceamar>' lu Mdes'tu ge« lbe state aid. Itla lunderaloodt! laI wot< mieh rond wll start lu tha Immedile f.- ture Tic plans and souIceulm acre compileil some lime a& .Thc Dow sea o t I s MMca of part eftiMe anrut strelci tha zst e s onthe ree leadlng ta Fox take. O! tie aine contracte let b>' the state, liere aaa but ee abe the coul aas marceu l te Lake ComftI> Job. Tial wu et DsehWb ceur4y abere the bld was e Me n* pe t, CONTUAcToO 5 N fVIW Mr. Goclits, beach of lhe OMUttun firm, wus ialervieaed' by' ", mpape Isa Wetinest!ay evenug amie' it kb& caea nown is was ta o, lieteIdie (Cautinueitri petire. Are Allèwed toOpon Undor Conditions Ompoued by the Board of Spervsors. NO DISTOLLED LIQUORS. Rejorm Loague, It Os Sald, Wl 1<eep Watch to Se. Thon la No Violation. Under parmaios recently gsata b>' lie board o! suprvsera lysaI>' new saons bave been mt!ted te, 1km' Uitti bawn o! Autiocb at!. viatsal. and ibisa aldt! laI more o! liem; Mal enter lie biiiiness hafore the aauns at!vancas mi ertier. Tiesea sa'on amareoperalidiSue>' eut tien tie os'dlnary salon for en&> mal liquors an eut! oldrs'mame>'k soit! lu this. The. mllhng o et ilI et! liquore i- ierrec, au miSer tic miabe liw sncb aalmnusat s«y a license o!f¶ît'0 a year ahill, tisse se. hocunic isbbave Just bueu antai lcennes et Aatiocb pay but $150 a >'ear. It le saidt! lat the tact litaIïu ioch la locatet! la a aummer rouet ragola stue llcpal reAson i> s ma>' place-q bave icen opeudi me under ordluary conditions seai»" salooas C ouIt! fot e.ih.Ilu atoa Sce liat mise. Por titis reauop li the mejoril> of! hise places probat4v Win close tbeir doore s mnseutic nou me' remort ésem clonse. The ave. rage persan cie culera a alon etaI somanrs' rt dou es t ucar d' is& illet! liquor an or tat tuaa1b placemsaildo liais' grt!m*ar tt ef ie business In bbe salat o at " Ilmmsu I la msait! thc anti4mam l effl*la. tends ta ksep a cloma wmei acele twcnty saluoana luse- liai lie do nol violat. têc lar undar .11.1 u- licaenszarn Isusi m and l dIaUEs liqucns. 11v. T. IL Qmueor0<the La w ad Oa,4r Laaguc appamnai le, fore the bo. f o!mpervWooré imci.b cd tiat tha equcst taor lieuses lu Mdi na, AnUtcb krefustilon the smal tbthelemoq.aaaa-ti-a.S,- teu tj o fo! .hse V ftaI h . e , WV "t ý,r mays tbey misli »U o>' mat UQU#e& Noev tiat the lcawn liva lasa w uaI ftlnh sait! a clouatehValc .1 kept cf tisi.plaes.

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