LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLYX--SUN VOL. XXII.- NO. 42. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LARE COUNTY, ILL., FRIIi \Y-, .Jul'y 1, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT $!.,->O PER YEAR îN ADVANCIt. SEVEN INJURED AS PLIAN INTERIJRBAN LINE SUMAMER RESORTER 'HURT WHEN RIG TIPS TO FOX LAKE DISTRICT. O VER AS WHIFFLE TREE MACHINE PLUN4IED 1 An interurban rallroad connectlng DIES IN WATERS 0F BREAKS ON THEIR BUGGY te F xLake district with ('icgo aI L FF L K E SU . ýjrnktDavis and ie , r,avsake OVEREM OANM ENT : eom; 0 and Cfl r0nd:a B UFF AKE SUNrive l~ ti h,- r 1 .lae lthtie nrrths est section ot the c't'TeFrtBle a eHd adDslae , Ingeo Accident Happened at the Foot TirInt-restles t. etabllshlug taiTh Fist!elif W s H Ha i In d an soled 1r rs .trg to of the Cater Hill North of. lils terminus an industriai center. Oow;duoEanîaio r ariiiL, finaily tllrîr. -1 11. -i oe Libertyville. ,i-id .- t n!e-k a rl Disclosed Heart Trouble ~ r~]rwtecul rrJ lil iI______ s î r i y hb r t ,e ii- a t GOIG 5 MIESAN OUR rI tlicti(if rit erH-ita and conlVeni LUNGMOTOR WAS USEO.r. r lnosiybutIre r,;i re -r GON 0MLSiNHU- ni- - roi IllIitrrris irtilitirs oitil11:1vion',. tousq. ilh-', h e One Mai usaind roenriîî, -rtir 1tagi&Nrtrr nThis Was Rushed to Scene by tiare for mor e n!,ab r borinacc On a utand Bo e iriraIta Biinîry. Tire <ýIrîcago ter-: i ut Sire wastakr.r . r m Leg anud Internai Injuries- tirus trjeût l18ireing fostered by lire ConIrad and Hart But Victirn il,-- r was ared foulr ci ., rrr loa Othes Aso adl I$rt. Nritiis ide Marktet Associationr Already Was Dead.iasrte îgarJ.mta ________ Bdl Hrt The nerv road ia to carry iroth itrar ago. Devin and bis titi- acre in Seve ocupans u a lrgetouring freiglt and tasengers. - NfondaY's T. H. QuInan, 23 year old. 815 l Im a irlaacdetcu'r trwee caSee orpatso lresrîu (yl Chicago) Herald. wood avenue, Chicago, met deatir1), 1w an auto scarlag thi7rr.brrse. A' caure Mate r l s" ateron on.tie-the waters of luff Lakte, near A-that lime bots were siirt.' lion rnd ]ie da not ro Lioethle L K C AR E S tioch SudaY about noon. M'hileIe t wen their rig upI!et. wSdire n re rive romt courfvirle I CO A RE S 1wam at firet blee i ahwas due ta car nd tehev matchne skIdd ted ArIU JNI RE ORDa potmortem examinaitionBE S caran te hav A NOV CERE ORDmahie 1 1de reeaedthe fact that thre yoong Man B E CAP>TUREÀ oner a ten foot embankment, rollln 9iadded1tieattalre Over tulce on thea way to the bed Of 1Th IAVorbloglgtàth onLI. NflflPu rW wih lwsune anary CROPS TOU YE RIZd and Hartmtbolmnt wa tieCo.l- fE W Iuç i mt te fotrifge.The aiterbii. StteTh oniton o Ul from XWaokegan and whiî lit ROUT A DE C w hiie ail seven f t hre occupant % E tiiia t c mhai rw .u ted lu e u e iatn g r w .t C o g e a were InJured there were Orly îwo wh<> Grain ThroUghoUtt ir ict Imlad usd tirben uto drown- iPatro weeinjured serlosHly enougir to. onyAe pedd Ng, Qit w a n d trwlbthuhvi. Pso fBogt ogega cause them tLulbe detalned. They are Mr. uinal asrdtotefig enl-t inDve iak yth being cared for at the Jane 3McAliser THE BEST IN MANY YEARS. cldinnPul ason t Cicgo en and auto amirti-to tire Bluff Lake -%tommer ResortiInet Fry iromîital wirpretirs-vwere rusired ln hotel ou Friday to spend a vacation. tire Larsonan lioilandauo mbl Every Section of the Cuny' On Sunday one of tire members oft SERVICE HELD ON LAWN. lace. TOSrniâmROliran Displaying Bountiful tire partv silzree.ted theY go lu awlm. utaRR R nneatîhy E an t on sohn.Cndtn. mine. The Idpa was rpeelved appre-i Stung Farmers' Hunt for Own- ofa eath Fa_________t;Codiios ciativly hy the others and son tiev er of Swarm fails ta Reveal une arm Iroken. lire otirrbruisedi ii ao u noth ae un n liat HO bady he cannot une I; cut over Record crops are lu evIdence luia aded uIlto ie l aielet e Qlu- eye. bruînes t0 body. r Lake County tuis season. It la tate1 He swamt a very short distance fron' Ier s are flot popular jirrInom iitir 1. REIRISDORS. (iricago. tractureof tirat for abondance. tiah i vdsrreYSu weiy riefrende55dhmmbers of tire Mettoà 'trîrurcir ot tire 1ftle. Indications ot Internai ir t' ny fornmer seson' of r'retrt sînk birneatirtire surface. There wa.- irrrîgett, Ilii..wiich 19 nit) î rî linuris; agi stll ncoscius u r years. Outs and wireat la shor'îu-î .o ortrr. This leads to tire belief Iiiliîrad Parlt. dan- etenlztg. jspen fealures whirI3 'r-9 s Pro* tîrat ihevas strîciten sn suddenly h,, \WhierRev. Tireodorii (r,!i rariv Tîhe other mr-mber of the PArty re- gresslng good. diri fot have time to caîl for irelp. .,I at 'ire iru.vir S ttday I tounr turned to <irago and En anstoni wtlh- Tire splendid raina and te Irleuti- eut i glig tlrinmes. Tire mani whil fui aunsine in lire carler seagon waa drivine lire car auslained a dis- have proved a boon tri t!ir .- mi con- lbcated siroulder. another occupiant of ditions ln tire county. Al l'-,>nrs ut tier ar had lirIs naine irolcen and 01-' graINs are progressîni, wa0"derfully eras sstalned bad irulses sud cotai. and present -conditions .tirs'ta Iruip-, Il r. alleized tire maci ine was irebg er crop tbia season. 'rire î mdittixin drînen ai a 4rte,'l o!f rier fînt" miles are not confineid tu on.' r1.strlct r.lon.-. ir it ivîrs". ttharr rIent Iiairirnei l bu 1laRoerai tirroiieirrît tirewlroîe aTire driInrvir s arut ln the road HAsor tire.colirrîr l'arnir'rs lu rie (if- 1Ihe rar alîrroar h.'lthlire aone 0eferont rr'r-lriuaare înrolalnIz liaI iririe,'<and air ci d sirarttîy 10 avoil tIeie lda cf tireir districts w rlî!tb mtrikln i. The tiachirt uasgoitw' tar-ger, but olisernersa 'ri isctenr. Ho y.f îat , tre i (e nlrtl e r 111 ma'ilts triprs of lai-- * rrirrr C e rll- carrs..d Tt I i tre n manaigeabletferntursections statle i) noerile î andît llrr, it i-thpre rrrthe dolie 1 iry maîntain a sendari tirat1 rirriani,itntut ri-tefr ir.i rear ir ca ,nnit lire ertraîled try conditions Iný inTh ir.trrtrterifthlre,îr- tarrrer rîrrus .Orer ln th irennt .- lv rt n-irr t sa t tire r\n(ru i n rrtnre tf ruis l -endid conditiorns arn, rl iti-r n i ,,rr rt r rislit ,-rl s, I ring rtrrI<n Tirrorîgiout tirecoro dêeatir. (urne.. tiondoul, Prairi,, ta r'i .il irt lîtrri. sci eral icnn. (t rat siake, Waicouda. lakF, othierr aia r-.s bailroute rlon nd ud ricîn and 'rntiohr i routhere r'. tiri-ir (tirpt'ast' wî're roterrîng Iheir porls of lire raciriusnes's rIfnature. ~ - i-taint e TtreIirurr-rltren wer' Tt la tio ogerIv tridetermitte tire] drarn frti uder tIre car. Dr. Smitl;r atnint of thé y1~elrl br acre in t!it- oft.I.beryvciite nias informed of tire varions districts, but it tirorigit lirat a a,,rileut anrdlire iaened 10 tire Icneral average wiltl lie tresente i at'-r I'ng t tire Injuries f tire %îe Tire corndton rf ftire rnial cratiiu-n 1i- ey rivlm o irugiotlt outy ' IN D S B O R GM AE tins bfine nIt1h oniv a fers seeka inters-en- .ta- ~Il o.e tirat Reirirdors bia ltg urtltîtar e't, but te trre hem Inured tire more severely and 'ýiî,ns of tire cornru s arlding a À FÂMOUS GROUP OF KANSAS XUSICIANB WHO Wul APPEAI srletr- iat rai tinteire Icrt lun ricilasîngiapecit tb thre srirrtin Cool QUA PROGRAM IN THIS CITY ON THE FOURTE DAY, AFI moi ing hlm lu the irospitai Tire niaitrer conditions front noir on w; t W'atikegan autIo ambulance sas sura- aIso show iriper crotta ln tiraI graini mrrned sud raced to tire scenie of lire Tire splendid condition rithtie crotir For a mroment iis frieuda thougttt mar.y utfiis parrirrioners standingt arrirlent. lY 'bis tbme lire sorgeaitriatîs tirroucirrrt tire- aiole nortir îtithing orithte lat, lireir ireliet belng outaide. M'lien lie d iicovered tire rea bitreduced tIhe trac-ture t1thlîi-. cru art rit tire .tatr as- mnr'î as a go A lire ira-, ariitiriittg utder mater. Tire'onIre storid rrtinn mself. tients leg. le Iras stilI unconaclous part orthlIe counîrv in ger.ral. Tht aster at ls îpoint mas irarely Oive Hundreda rtof r were buzziug andr breathinc hearIIy when 1l'ted i niny disîrcar.itg 'teatuerp fth ie sea- feet deepr and lire could iran-e touche I about tire doorri ar tri tire machrine. Rosenbrerg a-as taketi soin slire seerninglî ecadre abrrenr-r battaor nt itb case Tire bees wrce tnt'lu ire 'unlînitti-r Intotire machitw. Tiren bollowed a of experienced arut rands. UnePý- W heu ireie11<1not resîrpear Ironncer easily. ThehIrtr,tporssession th ie rare tri Waîikegau as Tt ias d". Ired tr perieuced fa rm bands a re ira Itirey becamne aiarmed anti Gaston cirurcir and rrtn ri Iîted It. W\nirt Joe.no10tImie lu cetting tire Injure.> enoughIo risecure IrttexptrtipcrtI sý,ir r 0to sassis-taince * t requlred lire at'aclçinu pit h star-ted tirroil'h mari totire hopîtal. inorkmen are at a prctrtrrnr abrout unottier tminute et..>a Iraiftoth ie swarur tthret l'orrunc-e,] n in t1. Tire otirer lniured men came to tirei in.> iis littîi body ou tire laîne bottrrr,. Eulytr -,trirt<f eie r hn-t tai lu an automobile but tîteir HELEN MORTON INSANE. ls-ieis laken tu shtore rîlîre artîii giveni)tîrtire ige ri reld servici(,s on Injurtes irad been cared for hi' Dr. .ral restpiration nias use.1 thre tawi n at.i n r. dtn< o' inter- Smith. They left for their homes ,Nfrs. Helen NMortot Iiai r, rîirIr ,This bruno appiarent eitcct and it fere, 'rut brzil nir triedn- abotirlIre ROB B0ARDINGi HOUSE; TRY TO AU~ LAY ALL SUSPICIOI Two Men r!rtr at Grays. lakp Endeývor bv !n.differ- eInc,, ta Prove Innocence BUT IT W'AS NOT A SUCCESý Are in the Lake Count Jaa Ur. der $500 Bonds-One Tries to EscapeOfficer. tulriin 4c' y andl larrv \rutierr .w nio hoiad treen norrkinrg ouniîr' ear tarm ai Gran 'laite arcetin tire lad C(Onty jali itr .i'-auit of $trrrl tirirri s adi. iran g brer hi dtritrilie gra- jury lay Justice Lougabaugr afler t]( evîdence sirowed tirey irad robired th( hrome out tieir boardîng bouse utistress lîrs. Roml. tTo make tire malter mrore sensation a. atter tireir arr est Sunday morniri iDacey made a dasi fr tribierty whi4 Marsiral A. A. M.cMulilen was takire tire lae menr to tire jus.tice's office fi tireir trial. However, tire marsir jrromed more ileet utftfoot and ire re -caplur-d bis mani. Tire mes had boarded aitlire Bo htote for sonie tie'Shturday ulgi Mr. toirl and olirers lunlire iroîrr mr'rsed certain cloling TIie>e taç nr ivere suapected. Etolil saw tiretu ieane tIre lirse. unr r3firg tino iricases. l-@ eoco thert nand i xplairrcd rsrneurury iiad rub fb, il the lrrrrre. To shose tieir indif 1feretrce, arnrd trr iicalee y irad liad rlunglîl trr (10r i lhns itît t ly rettîried r tr r-ii ng therr r se, wnIii(- blirngede r etrs inth iie iouse anîd ni icît later &R ON THE LINCOLN CHAUTAU- FTERNOON AN4D EVEEING. rrr r. r rminto Tri tain ..arlr, artirîl oi r lorlîiîig <i ai us ti o, rii T, 1,11 fli- agair. (.rryirrg t'i -rut ca r Itr il rîrtttld NI r,lral Mc h I ri '11Arî i 11ro orl tire rrî r 1. rîring Illl 1ni iil 1--i ra narranlt lBü o q ire r mit, I I.. rrteil goût.,ý v. r, q i !' irrrrtsl-, rcv er ( r. t, ir , r c1i. ru. irr l t'r al rr i, i a itirout giine tirelr nanes. ter ritfiinli nillloîralre Nant itortriiniwas decided tu simmon tire lungmo- churcir. t nias. ni w t a, -trr;l.rg tlr' Tire machIne it whircir tiey were rit Larke Forest antrlWireatrît, ani t] e trr A catI nias sent te tire Conra't]. frniut.-î.tieiatitMlr ridirnenias quite badty mrrecte.> as a tbrcee ireetis' bride of Roger Bal>y nf anud!Hart eatabirtinirent andI Mr.Con- ,Supern nrrrt r ' monds ut Au n- tii un, -I-kitliiider a tainva ,csnll of tire accident. One report fa Virgtula. has been rtcclaredî itisarun- lrrad serureà anr automrotite from the tiocir aas int nlcunTiruraday Y'onrrrand trr-nrrir-t i thugirthe .lteywa lirat tire accident waa caused by oer a comnmissionî consisthngrtf tIr. W. Ribi aag.di-ei J îfntire irat titrt> n- r tias>' weeite .%lîr rtr n urlwfi irre iegane Chase mi ufte tirecont airools ut tire macine Gilid andt Dr. A. B. toînor Tire de an.> drove to Bluff tLakte wareotire -Simonds sut,,i a nerveus brea. r tiiritrmr r.i ts îri'oncr, roming off jurt etore tire bridge waa cision nas, concrrrred In bv ('irtutn in ygen machinne mas for some down asr. n1t soirue weeits at e. reacbed but thirs coul.> ne'ire couflrm- Jndgee Charles D. Clark of Dultage lttîete (e witirout avail.ctaeo i itîrrigl il . LS ALA RI ISC cd. co0tit' on June 30.Tire nenra nas A piysîclan a-ho mvas snrntnoned bias noir recoi-cmn ful>' and> Ia agair A nian driiin f iris auto acrose th Later: At ':?,0 'ococit Monday tire niade putblic nihen tire court records, made an examination and reudero.> conductine Iis lotnl Antiocir. "t ir t tritis et Liberlyvilie Satin victinirnias ititlloîrcolscioos at thenere gimen ont. tire opinion that Quan ira.>d lie. ]a_____- apdt i f utbc ho'pital, allîromghi t 18 et eitirscondi- lIra HBayly nias gyen Fointire carrstantiy utfirearî trouble.Tire Inquest Tirat Qino -tould dîsaittrar In tli rarrii nh it thtie car a-as no tion ha net neccssarlly serlous, tire of ('ol. George Fabyan of Geuava. a-as held Sunday afterrauoer t Antioci r fhve teet of rrarr'c*. that irho'î i ritt-'t..tlieireard tire train corn bellef bettg tirat tire sirrietlIas catîse. Mm.Bayly Is tire yuung nioman imtrriatter n-ircir tire remains acre asiro-droan ivîthonît notiing to tire surface inue-,ttriui.thie coutîl cross in timet tire conratose condition to fast as mu as Helen MorIon, mas sue.> b>' tie pe.> te eyoung nisu's bore ne u a zat ail, IndIcateIlbel on.> doutbt tir 't iris avoil g-t:iug t, trie.> It au.>lir iras. Laite Forest boy In Laite coont>' Cir- Park. ireart iailed iefrire ire went doan au 1i realtrig rrw.i as nut goiaig te mat cuit court for Porsonal Injuries sus- Mm. GrIffin made a remrrkably fast ire tirugs arrnaile te even yeli fMr Il. ruodin nte reterse lever. Th 'Ilias Elieu Aieru. 65 years aid, taine.> aurenlitemrlhorse tirew hirm. Ho mon to tire ,laite, a distance of about ireip. tcniie n.s 'kilted." the trainhit hti passe.> away Tlursday nîgit at 8:30 secure.> a $2.000 verdict. Appeai wae 24 miles from Wauitegan. It reqoîre.> He nian not lonIin over Vttree nti-1 car sud thirens'lit te une aIde In su.l ocloc i th ie hume of her nlece, 'mra. taken. Two Years ago ire zut 85,000 Just 34 minutes te make tire trip a-n.> utes In ailCrn.ton, wiren ire fhss sarnay liat noue but tire driver wa Robent Darmow, Waukegan, tollow- tirroogir defalt but tire caAse was e-1 farmers ail alune tire rouule rusire.>misse.> hlm. felt ire merci>' ha.> gonte, hurt.Ie receîved a iara.ut on 'di ing s rtirer Ilngernuz Iînes. ias trIe.> out tu see tire machine daqihng pait. uriler waler tri sec iruw long ire cool.> sioulder but was flot senboual>' burt. Airreîn's borne hlu Chicago, bbt for -Quinan was a teilen hn Marshall nernain wlirhot comlng op, an>. tiren1- Use fat five yearg aire irad been 11v- Indepeudent rencireail pointeita Fleid'a wiroiesale brouse andi Gastîo fallng te see bim rise, ire hastene> to Laite Couritys big weekliy-INDE Ing bore wflir irr aloce. T" ' "'a'- I Ish oînty. -also "as omplo>'.. hene tire spot. PENDENT. CHANGE IN SHOdTING LAWS ON OCT. FIRST.- \r rriln g, rJut-r <ti nni ents tr i , 1 t.- , -ltr' r - i a i r-cianaions -:(r jrtrtr r -ig!ra- - 4lry birds * r)li@llicd t&r-ir. r ,e co*in efcZI ePOnt1. 1 S. Ttrce-fercf o r t er(r ba.-nS i, t1 prm~nit, ounthe 'Misr-n0lri a nd tire rrnr " n W4e *i <r' lîre lIt- s-m-r it Ireth r-irocting otfrt1 nngratory carne 'rtrdî tir Win iLt 'er,' tus9ian u.,n -asnr STRUCK BY FLYINEi AUJTO; IS DRA66ED FOR THIRTY FEET Two Pfrminent Residents of Watukegan Mleet With Acci- -dents in Chicago. 1 rt fmTWr-c' 'rrsRmI înU nmanY ib r.r-, n t.1Ilr~i tri tan t1tît. L.LU i flS ~IU Uflt nM BDY \lier tIre alter date Co- :ui.rî'itreru Ivil rntte in f r'ce again r'irc new rceg- Dr. Regan Is a Victim, David lltrIa ,r tr;nde for a close.> - 'ason Adams Another, Both Sus- ru toueP No. 1 < swaler towl from ler 'to7eîrt. t nexn,,r-wing « tain Painful Injuries. ai. ým;) ns e, le "), rie mde. An automobile dasiring acroas t"r erowded tirorougirfare, ai Cark a WOODMENHIELD AÀ i asingtun tret:.lIn Chicago & nd rIeddisaster lu two ressidents of Wnu- BIG ELERATON an, Dr. P. C. Regar, andDai lieorthtie men were struck iy tire fly« sis INNO TH-HIC 60 car and hotir sostalned evere WaiM, ie I NOR li~ IIIC 6O le: s-*'rAdams wirresiresut 219 "Waukegan Forester Dril Team for Marly teet rinder thre wireeia or tire g machine. He wam severeiylnceru.i ie Presented a Fine Drill on and bruised about tire body aninlter ual]Injuries is teared. IDr. Ragseagu. g Floor of Pavilion. tained a broken ar.lde and dialoated 'ortoe on tire iett foot wbere tire wh.eln ai BAND CONCERT IS GIVEN. of tire car Passed over lit. Rouir of tie re-:men werehremoved to tire lroqub e- Me mortaeliospitai tollowing tire scei- Bail Game and the Various dentwvire tere Injuries wam glym h, Rares Proved to Be the were piaced en noard a North Nec 1. Drawing Crd t D.aie nt b c adbroogit te VO- Cr_ o Dy tieiho slats ty ThO Tire car tint struck thre Melk wX Tiepcnic ufthtie Modemn Wood- driven iry Mirs. Franic Comertord. 812 flrme" at Posa park was a grgùd site. Eastwood avenue. Chicago, wife 10 k cessain eeery way. Tire fesîlvîtîes f tire irominent Chicago attor'ney. si iaegan rit :00Ilu lie mornlng wilti r to)PPed tire car alter 8triking the eus, n. llundreds witnesoed tire lad., fa ban.> concert at tire entrance of tire den"at. d park on Stanley lslvd. Anotirer con Dr. Regan and> David> Adams bad .,cert was given autirhe Park letweenr spent tire afternoin lu Ciicago and I 1:10 an.> '0Ouatter wnirci t'ie races were on tireir a'ay tu tire Nortir We& o0curd h euto h ae terri station le board a train tkit oce r..Tr esl ttr ae woud convey them te tireir homes.tu foltovîs: this citY. %Wben nearing Use tntenoe. - 'rarirhed Ladies' Raceý- First. Mrs. thon of Clark an.> Washington streeta. Roos, prize, sXiirt; second, M.Nri. they pause.>to awahl tire movemens t cvle o5Is lu.'f tire trafic iIn tire direction whlch Yong-Laie, 5s.' uc . îiey were golng. Wiren tire cromui.g Youn LaiesRac-Fîrst lMargaret patroilmamn blew iris wbistie donoduug Fagan, umbrelia; second, %iaude lire movement of traffle. nortir 'au Wynn, slit hose.- souilatire two men started across. Girs' ac, t t tt Fiat HeenTirey' ia.> îroceeded but irait wa>' Gils R-acen 12ddely a massiv toorlng c H-oyle, broocr. danrie.> out from behin.> a street car. G.irls' Race. under t? Plrst, Estirer Bath ofthtie men were hu Its patir and N.-lsiiîi noxm nuriw ere run down aimînit slmultsneoue- NIacrierI len" ttae-Pist. GA. y. Dr.Regan escape> behng atruck iry tire machine b>'ri leap to safety, l.tînaker, 50r Ins. lorir; second, Ste- e buîtiris foot nias catigit under thre Lutton, ieels of tire ieavy machine, Thes Yourt,7 tenri Race-Franit Hayes, , i meigirt of lire machine pinched hlm 11t.rorits'e. sercond, %Vi.'m. fetts, tnife sirue, dlean [rom bis fout. .tir. Adams was itneced In front <fr Bovs'Rae 12 10 le-Joh Ilacle, lia!! tire automobile and as tire macine Dritll: second,. Morris i.andey, hrall parrsed over hilîi. projection ondes'- Hors' Race, 10I ho 1t!Tirrrnrore laser. neairtirte machine caught tire clatir' w atrr; Jrrui zen'-, hll m et tire tman and ire was draggei 'Aath; 1ouis( zrir bl].earirhrt>' feet aloiagtire sur- TItrée'Iggeih Race-Fred Cook an.> face 01of tire sîreet. I-iacloting vies ihrles ltlancinarrl, irret roasI: se- nearly al torn frottairIs body' anâ cond Albrt Strunia an.> John Gae nihen tire machine was stoppe> iri re2. lbsuni orn forti, ainotoariode, was removed froca Thehal gane )otý"nCurep ndunderneati tire wireela. H-e was tea, Tirebauerrtre etrcen uroe aribly cut an.> irulse.>. hardI>' an Inchr tire Nor thihicagro Chesters îrewa .ofrîtitis boîdy escairing tire effects of the. large 'rownd ai t'osa Park Tittlyt10- experlenco, ],lit strange to relate M Tire Chesters nion 12t? :1 burnes acre broken. rittir trr. rîrîrsinar a fnttrî Dr.ii Iegan states tirat lmrnediatèiy otre atltisw. a olw. iter tite accident tirat ire noted tire 'l' ES Tl RS _ inense inilier ira.> heen rerno~ li Ile'.îr tiremachine.le tiren climbird * enriisir, s<.In lte car wirere ire rernained unti Im~io-,.~tire arrin aIofthtie police. I .tAn ambulance was caile.> and tire - tirtnruriri'tiro umen wiere hastrly remove.> to thre - Ta l ,t. Ir-oqiuois Nicmnrral iospital. Tira bH121l ,.itt acre inotîr place.> on tirs operating ta- Nlasac, C. h1rle.NMr.Adams remailie>tire r ilrnro k. F.iours as tire surgeons dressed ami Feilon-, 21. cloruedth ie many wounds and> lacera- r tltr-,ou, P. lions on bis bu.»y bp sewlug tirt'iU tn VlRNEE-Ibr. Regarn underwent tire pamnfol Or- t' Tinrurerniriit, SS. deal utfiravitsg his ankle an.> large toe setloito ptlace wiltiout takhng a»- A. Tintnrrnrau, -,iiaesttretic. 'r\osers .1<'.-l.ter thirîr ijrries were givfn al Ir tcBat'ke. CF. tention. Dr. Regan tlrought il tire beail r Crtiîan-RF plin trirhaie lis conripanhort remete iii - Alirigint Ctobirs home a~ rt ili ima lî. Betir sex., Albrgli-C.trken to lire Nortir Western station. r' ~ ~ ~ I Crh l t iicago Iu n a Irulance. Thel N. Atbrlght, P' , nvre Ibren plrcd ou board a tain Nolan, 11.lititdeirarte>troitire station ai Tire 1-1:15 a. nr, mincirarrive.> ilere at Nrctril u,1, auopltnber grilt t1:',.n.i-,nn Tiey a-ere remove.> te t in iîs rund tIi,' te,'iatt drre i8hifqte irirhomes In lire Larson an.> ROI- eiTire Ciru.rcI trii ccnt t strikeorlti suad ambulance. "Y andtîl ir'teiarrirrcot t îbilaoff AItnson J1tIrs. Comnierford. wiro was drIvlng ny îIuTritii rnîtcdtr ae tire car stated 10 tire police tirat tire Ioh Te,rîýur- ti hum teFas Prtaccident nias unavoidabie on her part. Th,-dane pilon a Fo% Prklelacri tiltltlie îwo teen ateppod "iasr crin ted ir l at and >ailtire con- ont ilfo thi' throrittire machine hi- Sot il ilr gorrIbusintess. There fore site corniristol)tire car.Tire vie- ,as pledid r-wdout nd a l in t,srareintled lu tinit dfferent ut R ma a îrtîn.tnl oar oîr an> al le îe acident, sud tirey state tirat the n , att tbî,. n idrte r'tr isir congratu- wmnan flot only was vilatIng tire r- bntrII riiiting tri give Northr Ch,, speed ias but aise disregarded tira IsPe c ri( or. f tthe inesI Fourtir of Juin whistle ut tire crossîng patroînran. rit retoriraions siln' tuas everbi. ni11 TIredrillIIchien b> tire Forestet- Fred Sirormnar G. L. Warnér, 'W~at. to rdriltlerrunifr Laite Camtp of Wauite. er Brenton, Rihiard Brenten. Oscar -n. Lai prcroidb ire a minstmertorlou, Kaping. George Chrîsîlansen. Cirario ki ndrIrnas sîrîlarrded b>' tire in- Stake. Elmer taW'nn, <larence Lukeay, ire lr-,I-nsrtho niatche.> it. Tire drills-as (Charles Craltlree. (Charles Itîna his initi eculed Sud lire niembers of (Charle'. Nllterttn. -aret.> Siea, M4 chr tic teant were congralulated for tirc, Jacit Hoban and George Go*&. 7as Mlue sbnwming Tire drill tookt place Hundreda <if peoplte were prewiwit ie on tire loor ufthtie dance pavllo during tir course ofthlie day, maay <f t.Tire tesor i. made op as toillows. o themglakling tireir lunch sund remala- (iis- Forester--Cirmes Nelson. lng untili late lu tire evenlag. "M )E , Asst Chihet Forester-Geo. Jenin-vIew of tire laite from Fous Par% luM Son., rmoat benotiful one.. t-