Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jul 1914, p. 7

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NONE RECEIVIED FOR LESS THA'N 25 CENTS 'OR SALE ++ WANTED + niitntsr , i h. i..-. t for 1WAr,TED-H are îsircbm.-er» for trots I)yussid & Ans-sii, Liherty. DR RENT-li rout b.ouge. icre, large barre. Corner nI and Park Place. I. C. nîyt'ille, -uit -Ilovîl aged and sree-vieably prises reamoueable. Phone llriek Rouge andi large lot. A.[rotin... <-4.1-tf -bhiilinery andI fDry (Ioud luire Si. A. ['rotin... t!42tf M roctu bouse sud 2 lots. bken at once. meconrd St. W. ColL.y. c-42-1 Peruviar. (utes pigée. liu- Fitr, ,railI phouce (42t4 -A îremiser et Hamîpshire ,.d b.oato. Pi(,sceaeen- atzrt. - e42t 12 fur.Titiottir li3ay on - .,1uieîead. P42I.1 Boutel and Restaurant Fur. osIt ai jour own prce. tank holdiug 12.7 gaIs. d house complet.. for $46. 0We. c-42.1 7 room fiat over lias Cu. &uklc aven,., liqtiire o!l >a42-1 e-t of Contdition of the lait, lSuateof llinoi. Mt tac .hune â0, 191t. RE5aU lCES. Mt1 .. . - ste-.saU ed and uec.-cured 187.69O cure ,-ruilosl > 4 W.O ai s.- .5 ssntht tis.Iu n. -,e Xdftim1.5.004> .l Iuaiko (oit rtervec 16,0s7291 sd Pris ste àsiuki .sIl J3u 74,siisr as 1',ss& 0sni t 7f l; suoi, i ts r!55, i ~ r î.,u 'A 2.r - AP E, 0-& v ViI 5ý - l is. l-'.. 5 iý I ' l u t -- reas by 5.-se. tn tfl WRate M 4 til ilMt-t- -, -r iý 1914 'e. - n' 5 etcA5- Ns-shers ai] s 55551 i-s 2,V15 si A t n ed by.k .d,0 rt of1 Conition - 10 to si) atrep farm@ý là rite ,tatiflg 'il particolair. No agientio. Addres . RA, lmdependent office. c-41-tf WANTED-t'utomer. 1 -il ail kînJs of k'ruit. Sbasie and Oirnttsal Tr.-sc Ail thi.e 4mrharqiv c of-is e m sl elrubi and plat; cru-t.....ramw borrv îlantim. Haidy tieiIrst. ro,.., "Iel vou ais i. sas.t4 5.tlisse 5,0,te. 1Iv lieriglit lic...a'td s iiuë.. 3sflirigb to 1 cau. deii itis i s>aini. If I do flot vall w rit, IIi,- a Iv.t ter I t.Mil. aplires-iate ySour irser.. and rtiake ist t ySur aiauaz-t.,deul 'wiii . ii.-ii F. Robert@, Lbertyvt le, 11. TOBACCO SALESMEN WANTED- Eart.$100 tnt1hky. Expeun.... Experi- K)s- ts..- .us AI icri,- m 'itale srlr f rois iier-tian te for smokîilng ands. ih toingt, Un-,,. i>artt..,(igarm,.@e. leiid a .- tatop for ful 1srtieuhau, Hkeot Tobai-so co, New. York, S Y. e.-87-10O WANTEO-Oood icirl for general hiîu.e- ville,. Phone 66. c40-tf WANTED-tiirl. et Ideal Laundry, Ltbgrq4ville. C-42-1 WANTE-Fim'.tcam. farm band and truek gardener wat position by dey or month. Benry Scbantier, 309 William 88. Wutsan.p4- WANTE.-tiood girl fol" generaishoue. %ork. Addrepo A. W. Waldu, Liberty- villie, phone 109-R. c42tl WANTEO-Several amali ferme, 20 to 60 acte@., in Lake Ci., tribrttory ta tranlqiortatiori. Libertyville preferej Cochrani à Mefltwr, 40 N Ilearborn. C .î.uc-42.1 4, LOST and FOU1iD + L08T-Llberai rpward for reco'.ery or iertailnlng taoie recovery of i back and white female Beagle lound Laut seen ticar Long Lake, 111. Noti fY Dfr. WA. 0Bell i.. Waukegan. fil- .iuiy 2 tf LOST-Topiian ofiiiti 'itis..nrravtiug .iskegou >îîurty i(;,if i(lut.." - ab,,tit iz, of 1dittie. Fitider retursi ru Mis.ek.iii4. i'hîirw 1- J. -421I + MISCELLANEOIUS + ..............+ + MONEV TO LOAN- li inlîpr.viç is-al -ratte. j S. ii Fii i s-Ictit atss,snal Biaui.,--41-if MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-ll.-ý ar&z.- ruissi c . -s eisl.'v - M s b, . i, tiessIut sss. ccx.... s i - arl ' v arri- liî,x O5.iaklaiiif it'l. ;-4 1 -, Pf.ti t.. celir - sto sur farts, l,r e i t sivi- sîit,5,-1 u, sperty, t.rite us fiir lanst i-u1-ýs i r .- la ,.flin tii vi-ty. o-lrai. & Mi-1 lier, 401 N. il 'ti s-, t I nz -42,-4 HALLOWELL, DR. BD. CLERK' Th,- Norith Shore Dtainiage board aIiite-issg ilis -Ntosdav imurn- ,g ai tli- ousseil roonts,. lslkirsg over îrelliinarv fistits'r. pertslssin g ti t:- drainiage sdistrct. Aîssong otiser tiigsss dos-w was, the stssfloying otf WiliamssHaliot. .11of W\aukegan as cierk of tise 1oard at $20i a usontis stItl tise board gels into businss of more importance titan I.. telng ronsldered isîst tow. )Ir.Hal- ts..IlosseIl w-as fornieriy clerk of ilse Watt- cdfi--ru A5est 2' i 51kegan -chlool board andl '-rsel for e5s.a eni i yearg as a member front the Fourth lnr- Bae k8. v' s. arul. nI sU. t? Trca-src r, n- e Tihe Wadeworth team Sunday de- &31.2 , 06, feate] lte Kenosha South ports ln an tIABIsLlIF5E Iateresting game playeti at Wades- A in D5sm-no:- wortb. score 4 bo 0. The Wadswortb 1 c- F-ssiec and - pitciter, Mlorris Lux, 6truck ou nulane .... - . men, his work belag a festure of the 10 'rsas iissks gante. The Wadsw'ortb team bas 1 .... 1 .3142n games ocheduleti for mast of the Bus is, nihj(' te sp-is.95 526 days for tIse reat of tIse season and , ni'ai,s nias eS some good piaylag la sea there each ... Io:. 241 93S Sunday. - ,,~islsi2WiI A call 'tas recelveil ai lIse Wauze- SOIS,('0[ isNT! 0F LARE. c gan fIre department on Ssturday to mtiiy _ç.a h5te etcruh lte luagmotar ta bibertyvulle ln tei tne tc' si iMy tiio'tieue tIse Case Cf the E-vaus.ta man who t1 Seecis ,sIPIirss Cev 1aa. was Injured when be was the-awn 1 isworn te beliru ie thi ti from bis motarcycie. Chief O'Far-el, L H. MORRIS. Notai-r Public, tî-ok tbe lungmotor tbere la bie, an- j L TAThOR tomobile but wben h.. arrlved lie WM WALRÇiND5 found tbe lajured man bad beeni G éRCt1'irectors. placeld ln an automoble sud, brought to tbe McAlister bospîital lu, Waake- It reader? BE ONE. gaa. LAKX UUUNV ?tPIPIENDNT, MlJAir, JU LY 10, 1914. ae REAL MSATE TRAN SS ~ n j .- DYMOND LASI *FurnIshed by H * Je . oddigo K na, VÀufieUiDAY ILAKE COUNTV TITLE &TRUST Co. Loans, Insurance, Real Estate amd IAbstracto of Titie. Tities Guaranteed. Jl ~.LBÀ IN~ 1 House Renting. j Matonic Temple BIfg. Wakegan. «W ho VYilSe ak at Ch ~iautauqua Office in Kaiser Blockt. etl 2,114-. .Autnandlwife lT rON -JIL CODDING tgt:~e assistent attorney gener&i o . .le Dt o E IIELD A&U(UST <ô LIBER-IYVILLE, ILLINOIS. AMees .subdivsison, LibertyvilliP j Ys. Re belleves i lutm go mach tint ho la one of tiih, nd ;ne sCn ELHANAN W. COLBY W.D. $10. 1 utitorltjeeln reforming growmup boy@ Who ga wrong. H e I. May or J. F. Bidi rI o-Attorneyat-Low .WJamies Mundee and wife to Horace: famOus el-warden of thie penltentinry at Fort Leevenworth. He belîevesa eso siderinq Plan 0'. Resurrect-- Monîs to Lan on Good Approved Real li Tukley, lots 1 to 21, Nlundees suit lu the l8w, and therein he dlffers somewbat frote nmemof un. Ela failli la goLoa ' SI Estair. division, Libertyville, Q. C. $10. - deep lu thii greait produet 0f lstitau actlvlt, thnt h. ardently undertakes the ing Loa eIebratioi. f Office in Ti ulig E. W. Nelson ta H. J Nelson, I aefoceet dittheIRI. FS fOrfistllug tiquor trafic snd sale witiiin bis stite.LBRYIE, - LINS acres fn section 7, Warren townahl. You know bow lie wass sot the 'tber day when lie iuvited a jolutlst, wba" O RMRYW S OUA. W. I. $1. FOeMFRIwAride__________________ June 29, 1914.-W. B. Walrath and place b, hall roided and Whio compialned of being sl ai rId1 ino townFLt - wltetoE.V. Sherlck, 2'3Discontinued Last Few YearsLELH.MRI tel o E .sherlocIn!%-ti2l3:ss-1 M yHI I eas fATTOUEY-AT-LAW W.a P. $200. Qcau's o Lbertyvile - Illinois C. . Crî,nfe anI wtai S'. . 4,' -~ -No Fourth Celebration. ' Luce BiIisii,se. C. C. Crpfnte aris wf. ) W H. otie Phtone 18 H-arrson, lt ln V-is-o ni '.11-ery- Il was learneil lodat- that plans ar. -viii--, Q. C. $10. un faut ta revive the Waukegan s y MARTIN C.'DECI(ER A. J. Austît and vet( it5' 'Ç3u - . s. -raîlons whis h for theh.. tefw5TityÀ.t -rani, lot 24, bloci IIt. AArgx s ad-lt- - cars have- fot heen oiiserved 1bert-c- -1, >fi S.E-ti Salo l ioni ta Libeî-tyvilr', AW, I. 8 altitoigh they once t.ere helsl regulas >1,mi t e-ri tîo *~~~~~~ Ives oaya-Ief every year. %fai'or J. P. fttding-i I'tone 54f Re@..J'bions !86&* Petrso, 1 se--. h C Wt 4sec~s-Zss the [natter unuer consideratior. soxrn H ICAU0. ILLINOIS t eero,19a'ýs11 4sc*,*ant]u.-lu nvatiga*lng ta find whsî te _________________ 28, ýbIIds ownhI!. -V1).SýGrangpnsessîa can h.. made for hoidit,g J. D etidsotasvs. A'e. the citY s sele-bralion on Augusti;, PAUL MAC GUFFIN. acrs nhipW1- ?.l -i P ew platns hase been perfected as ATTORNEY .1T LA% townrhipW.iterDa. sf$t1C.)ri'qI 05bSutLouis Vouries lc. sne or t' -i Hupry, Ltes 12 nuek-ta ChéIri- q managers 0ut 5th5 West SIde basebail Liberty 1ville, Ilintois Huphe, o 1 h)k .!Z(C! .edteam has practIcally 9ecure4Wa game paoNUm 88 is hîr-ago White Sox for thît Do ý,easà a.. -j -s' gaiQ. da; and thi., would prove fa be one -CJune '10. 1914 Mathias Horenher 1shstO atr.ctona a it iE teS ger sud wlfe taaJ. C. WolfT. lot ts' . - a Fume 'toulil sîtURcEON pe n ie .C.Wlf o r: ie here, front ail parts of the county TSIIGO village of Deerild, W. D. $1,000 -~ Anosher thing wlile bgI favor of 811!TANT @TATE VrEtRI'k MIchaelDineen o W. V.Jackso - - - J- -'- i-s. sholding a Waitkegan day cepebration Lbryil.tlnl Michael Dineen t W. V. Jackson, hig ypar 19 tIsai Iheresi-lîl be r)Lbvsvle llnl lot 3, block 2. Deslins subdlivision, In- F -Ourth rif iulv c-eebrstlon here this gleside. W. D. $800.fia ,ar 'thicit otherwtise mlght detrac-' Teicihonle 143 W al Btier Pnecared thons United States EnveloPe Co. to An,- - J-,'the Interest In a Waukegan Dey 1 iiMy extefime. ertedvotwk toilndm. oth,Cblc2 ago. . a sifair. Those who have heard of tht tihnd Nortth Chio.2,$1.lplan say ihey can steeno reason wiy J.M. G raves Jul 1 114-34str i Ca"rvthe. event wouId flot prove ta be s big AU CTIO;N E ER Jul 1,I91-iMstr ii Caner!surce...,ibit. ear. There bas no- to Joseph Savage, tract of land on iteen aile here In a few years andi t 144 leawood Ave., Wanktaaa. lIime Lake Catherina la section 12, West iml beilevil that tihe msjority of pea ' s osabdo* mJing eS »Idaw AW.tiotwmhlip. Deed $66475. V ie woiild bc more than williing t r e- À. P. Beaublen aud wife to a thVie i.Plan whlch slways met wlth ga~m a emu. MIluuSMO. 10 acres on Grand avenu., v uive ace..J~ .V.~II D.a $3,200. udig crer , ~ These Waukegan Day events are YSIA AN SUGO . J32. Bn oCfladHeret ot launched wl f bau idea of mailing HSCA AN SUGO T. . ora t CrlsudHerit L tiottfy aeverlrone lo satilifed If uhev douruT le a. M . 2 Io 4 antd 7 to @ pas Bonn, tract ot land In S. E. 1-4 sec-- clear exlienses. It ta almed ta geýO c ,r a uriu1 tr $1 4 eril twsi.W many cof te aid residents ta retura $1 hi D-.- bowad iabn er. for yearly Tonins and brlng f UBIERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Sopia ) B Bleio ati nîgandNONJ. ILcommeN. the peolinlafrontthe country, there- ta A. D. Bevan, tract of land ou East rhlm la hlms atItllo 'hama tpelM o- Ycuin oe nt fstptyDP -'- aide Green Day road, Lake ForextsIbmnsep U h »«1 «the y asinWkg aa y evea un tofs icbDR.1. L TAYSLOR W. D. $10. machine otenslbli ttO 2110.bat really le drav hie piatpl wbhie d ML.nfe bave been beld ln thse psst there ai- -Office in Fiet National UakBuilding fired two as eota fl. whieh rangeti upward la Mr. COddlnga rlglat brettt ways bave been Immense street par- st :3 ndt MARRIAGE LICLU'NES. and sitoulder. adeg. Whether Ibis Ides witl b. car- 1 am:1t :I adt ________ Mr. Coddlng wiIl appese la titis sity the lest day of the Chautauqua pro- rled out ihis vear -in case the eveat tg teslsie.s.- -in Broadway. opposIte part - reE fdhm akgr%.. .,gram carrylng a btllet whlcb titis wouid Lie assassin fired loto bis boy.arre for is o utheuow utthr txortveoflni Georg E. ee-dhm. Wukegn.-~- Bat forail tbat. the finge, kladly, big, patient spirit of Ibis frlend of men and aesm tadtltti.wao f_______________ Emma J. , sright. same----------.22 Buowiirk neoonl the e ftts omaiya ieseksa * such a plan. Titey point otit 'hba boy wllmak u poh a heIle f hi cmmniy s e peks 1auchta parade entails a bilg exilaseD.GO IN Ira jentink. filiand, WIB...------33 1sabjecta nearest ta I.eheert.fiIto now asserted openly by maay leedlns nD.gODN Inda itarger. GeucondaIl.....28 'popers lu Kansas tintCocddlng wIl lbe te next gevernor. The. local m an d a h oX le monctnîu e fo'peetDNT Han> F. N uhaus. tbicitgo-....32ialtemnent la proud of liesrecord la presenting titis tanions and sggresslve cha: trcii' e a epsil i) Bu@8& 2 ..ltO6PM MailetEib.,ker snne........28 acer ndfrind f en u le an seroplane fligbt in case i1 iiver First National Bank Wil B. Cameron, Ciicago .....i7hse who are prmin ts ln ie.Piîre19J l.. Phane 157-J. Andrew Jackson. Racine---------ieiethttee esficetInepl 1 Lbrtvle Ilni Margaret Nelson, same----------..30!IN LIBERIVILLE CENTRAL PARK, JLJLY 26.31 tamie taftre isetaoservie thIneretLîetylle îlu i hsyear. _____ - I -DR. E. H. SMITH. FATIER F E.E. AKLDENTIST. 'FÀTHER f E. Esàvââ L cI&CaDCTssATIONAL A. icmtie !:à ~a. m. andl ta 5 p am BLOOMFIELD DIES n'go iILY. - LîbertyviilelIr. R eduction in' SUNDAY AT GiURNEE PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING - -Section for Past Twelve fAil id, of hors,,, wagons and - Years Passes Aate.1îsanîics, Ior sale orè eliauge ntaithtimpe, Yer ass- wy HENRY SINE GURNEE MAN HITS TORPEDO Phonea 148 «r 48 ZION CITY, ILL. '111E PRESENT RAI ES charg--d by t1iSsisipany art-: 14.1- s-r K. W. H. for Wmr T. litoo.nfield, an agel restlent ~ * E DN ,DVM the firit 3u0 holirs ilîtse ofti t %- axittilîiiiIil îiil:Se per K.%W. H. f.r the- reiînailî- of Warren tow.nship, and 'ath, r of .IL. RE DN i . M ilîg Iîotrs î-olitmîtioîl duriîîg the- îiîtiî, Frsont themp- le-r K. W, . i <Ji-duct- E. E. Boomfild, former].- of Aasie- - VETERINARY SURGEON gan, died at the borne of -,batlles Graduate Chicago Vot. Colleile e-d for lsayitlit of the-îioîîthly bill by the, îlats. 4rpecified tHî'sî. ',1c i wîg 1arr, Ourne.., Sunday .silernoan, f office at Restidegne,77890e-aud Ave. Phono 1136-W. ____He. lad flot been feeling weil for nmre unie and had b-e-a In lied fer Lu W ERR H ATiES six 'te2lç5 under Dr., Vos-aga raie. DR. VICTOR C. lIOEFNER %Ir. Tloomnfield was , t.. faiher of E. OSTEOPATHIC PHYOSPAN E. Blnomfield, a former Watkegan 2% ladison St., Waukegazl, 111 Wili be pitt ini forc-e oit and after tilt dates iîiattîd: aitraif worker w-ho rîsovedto riCul- fieHus ifornia a ïew years aga -2A . Ofc oes 9-1 A.M.;1-4 p M.; 7-8 P. I. July1, 914 fo th fiat 0 huriuse f te Mximm Dman 14 pe K..H. Twio otiten sonsotesid-s E, E, ls-e Suudaym by Appointm.nt OnlY July1, 914 fo th fist 0 hursuse f te Mxim m D man 14 pe K..H. in California, The eldt s Blolomfield Telephane 226. For the remaining hours consumption durinu the month 8c per K.W.H. laid lices] al Gurne. absosst tweisr1______________ years H..was 82 %,Par-s td, heixîg Sept.l, 1914: for the first 30 houri use off the Maximum Demand 13ýcperK.W.H. haro In England la 1022. Talking Machines Ail Khsd, For the remaining houri consumrption durimg the montb 8c per KWH. HURT IN PECULiAR WAY Frenchi, Germen. Italian and s John Van Dean. 16 yetrs A. il.rsp Spanlsh Language Outfits. Mcb.'1, 1915: for the first 30 hours use of the Maximum Demnand 13c per K.W'.H. a bicycle out f rom Chicîago ta thse Wien u ns.uatamsnhine or recordscaeauai. For the remaining houri consuimption during the month. 8c per K.W.H. Zimmerman farm n---uurnee ta W uis.ti.a 693 W or Centcral &507. send the 4th. 'Mondty mornlT\?7 he JAhWES L LYONS From ail of the foregoinq a reinctonn of I ceai par K.W.H. will b. eihceoi natanas et-Wm aeS, hcg made for peyment of bill& by the, date opafien t tereon. bis bîke i Dr. Young-s place. Gur- ne. It seets ltat a bra'emnia o n a AN N U N EM E ST Each of the ower rates wili be applicable toal meters Chicago train gave hlm snd snster Dr. N. W. Shellenberger lad, two raiirosd torpeda-qs ta use In' OSTWPATHIC PHYSICIAN read after the date on which each i. inaugurated. celebrating the 411.. 14-otl 'te *,r- CI7REON, ILLI.NOIS pedoes w-th hlm t t the facrt, Ut..a od Wib.&i mn. . . oas on 0.-itlad Si.I Persons pace, labetyville. en rues. adnida The custonier, by usng high efficiene y an Dean took one of (is..ton ds-o-ifSmltad vni. T h u to e , b u i g hi h ef ci n y Mplaces] In on a rorh ansi, g-ttssn,- ________________ lato a nearhy wagon, lit? hrav anotis lamps, can get more light and have bis Electrie Fan,5 er atone at the torîsesIatta set, If ut. aion Slad Electric Iron, Vacuum Cleaner, Washing Machine and Electric Toaster wouîd expî explis.s(l !al riglit Wa.aS supplied for about what bis Electric Light cost hlm formerly. In fine nhaîîe. for a !rs-ritn fiew snpi CHICAGO, ILL. and sirucsk bilma siitisene lu near tils..a Pic juglar cela ansi Inficîtef everal deep opla Pic The cstom f fre rene als o metaiizedCar-gambes.. Forga mom,'st tite vicitt RStur Thecusom f feeren wal ofmeallzel ca -feared henslhi bleed ta de-sth, IHA S STOOTHt E=ST FOR 30 TZARS bon filament lampe and the low_ _charefo Yug aend g tr:sistoaflltm.

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