Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jul 1914, p. 8

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[~i~ < tre ý Moedej: "EGYPTIAN LOVE LETTER" Tou dodt have to write on clay tablets icowadays. Instead yois me peu mnd ink and fine paper, wlth Uncle Samn your servant for a song. Let ne b. your statlonery servant. Ws're well trained and cas "«deiver the gooda' at right prices. B. LOVELL CO. --Libertijville WIIAT'S THE USE 0F GETTING HOT becanse our town has gone dry? We have any amount of PURE ICE Delivered iu any qnantity at, eny time Libertyville Ice Co. hone 41 jLIbertyviIIe NEW CLOTHING STORE AT LIBERTY VILLE is now weli SETLED in Business We are Jearning thre wantn of thre trade and are receiving new goode nearly every day in Meu's aud Boys' Wear of every description. Nen's and Boys Ready Made Clothlng or wMi make to order eU pante for men and boys. Underwear in a i and sis Dreu Shirts and Work Shirts Overaibs and Jackets Shoes ia grout varity ~Y L'(DEP s- Lincoin Chautaumqua's Tents sage Oreen Platform Llghted by Great Mazdas, Each Shed- ding 600 Candie Power Light. Tire new AmertacanInttton, the. big toMe" Every known meazure Chautauqui, la luat beainsiug te b. pruviig for comfort and safety han recognimed ais à mot Important factor beau exhauated ln tire training oftbtese ln the entertalumeut sud popuala.r edu- men cation of the masses of peeple-L . * An enèrely new tenture lu the Chaue people living in townhl and commeniltes tetiquftwetld Io the. electrlc glts pro» havlng a population of 25,000 or les@. ,wrn db tencoln te iCloca r Necessarily thé vroblern i Chautauqua ilb o , tdt helclcm eqipment bua.uein'astily had d.Paaswlres, and tire tent willIh.a a go fer every concelvable niakesit w~r welIllghted as la your parlor or yourI houslng andi seatlng thre people ha favorite auditorium; lndeed. au weil beeu adopted. Al well etablisbed In-lgted an ver. It a permanent struc- sttutions hae been drawn upcu for turceI 7our city. emergency aid, but the era of iyslcal A second departure la tire setting of Chautauqua comfort la dawuing. the stage. The Lincon Chatauqua lu keepIng -fftir tihe ermanent poi. Yttem 'stage la IncloSesithis sommner eles whlch uDdOubtedlY muet peserve hY bath back and drop curtains. These sud characteriSe lte career, the Lin. Curttusviii 'ha msnlpulated bY thre celu mnanagcment ha. exercsed that tent crrw vcry mucir am ratire cur- degree 0f Intiative vouhssled te an taiM nl a theater. aggreslve andi permanent institution. Thes@ ImProvemente remenom oflf The. recegrnlaed eMfcient makers of tthetthe crudenewssof Chautauqua environ- nation have treen called uPon for their ment, Mdssi t need scarrcll h. "id botproducts lu tent building by the that tuis Institution, whlcb in hellcved Lincoln ystem. ie t tente are made by thlaklng men aud vomea svery- a. well a. tentA reau ho made troim eau- wvire .te duserve its distinctive place va&. The.désigne ar original sud vere laI American Ut., muet preTlda for lte drawn for.thi. l.UcoCOI autauqua. Ne' clietele tiret degree of physiral roui- SINIilNfi FEST AT NORTHI CIiCAfijOIS IMMENSESUCCESS July 4tir nas a great day for Northr Chica«.. Tire veather man shaok irIs flet for ashsiort rime alter ire roil- ed out ef b.d but ire soon gat ever hls grorreir sud sent aid sol eut wîti tire ment pleasaut @milieire iras irarifor <layes. And Northr Chicago responderi te tire smile. enpeclally tire Woodmen, tire Allemaula Sîngings sclety sud tire Commercial club wire vere renponsi- hIe for tire big day. Premptîy ai 11.110o clock tire par- ade for the singln.g test hegant tetern ou tire corner of Plateanud Ittir street. Dr. Cemruell grand rearshal eý tire day led tihe etfmarcir foîîewed iry au ate contaîning tire qceeu of tire test wltir ber malda of houer sud bhirnd them were marcbIrig secieties, bands,.ffIes, etc. Tire fiue of marri. was nortir er% Vctoriato 10th streeu, eas ou lotir street te State. soutir ou State te I4tir.w en t ou l4th to tire NontirCiicago park. Hiere Mr. James Sayler. president ofthtie Commerflai club presenter tire queeu wtb a cireckr fer $75.00 sud aise, gave a wel- corne te tire violting alngîug socliet sud their trieurs wbe irar ceme toe ri jay tire day. Here tire crewd irreke Up for dinuer but reansembled agalu at 2:00 p. ni. te lisen te tire singing societles cempote fer tire graran prizes icir vers tire great attrax- tian of tire day. Tvelve iferent sorletîes reat'ond- ed ta thil part or Ibe pragrani sud tire musîr vas pranounced by ailta. oven botter than that of at year. The sangs were ail aunus inthre apen air sud thus many vere net ahi. teirear themn ail, There ver. many regrcts tuat the songs rouiS sot have heen sung I% a closeS hall better apprectat- ed. Tire folowlng la tire resnît ofthtie routent.,1 -~~~ .-.w e i s a n S el e w iQ ula r ertse t t el e W 'a u k e - gau, Ill., tîrst prite. Sang. "Var iitaiilias been o*erlokesi by Mr. fortanesewi lreuittofe Sang" (Spriug Song)-'kuutat. Oliver MaWlllams, penlrpe tue 1usd- thinking aud keen critiral enjoyment Msenner Quartette, Kenoaba, Wia. lag authorlty ot tuecuntry in Chau- of munie and aUer entçrtalument. tauqua oquipment. Nt a tirresd, tabrir, The ]Lncoln mansgement lu Ibis re secandi prîze. rope or ple In design or ezecution but gard as lu others le paving tie vay Group 2. lia bad hia crtical consîderation. Hi@ tovard a vacation veek for tz cern- Chir et St. Cecelia, North Chicago tenta are the ast - orCi In portable an- munitles wviîh saal provide ret for pret. tanley Poprawaki, leader. tiret ditorlunis. AUi ýw ts-ts ordered this body an veil as deligit for the mîud. Prize. Seng: "Youg Menas Polînir y.ear ar* e ss rOam sage green canvas, Thin nystani la also urging thre malter Alliance March." coucedesi te ho the manl pleagîng shade et canifertable senta upon Its local Gop3 or roler, heres.w It icreens eut tire ex. commtteces. knewlng ful veli tirai a Gop treme brllllsucy of llght. lcmfortably seted tant viii mucin Nordwest Liederkrauz, Chiîcago. Mr. The creva. men lu cirarge et tenta, more tiran recomponse local commît- Johanes Sciruize, leader. tiret pize. bave been met carefulîy instructed tees sssumiug auci expense ns la nlec 1Song: "Airertlci Scirnu Rauscht de- In puttiug ap sud taklug dewu tiree enaary for tuas purpose. Wald *"1 ____________________________________________________- Swedish Glee Club. Waclegan. Mn, so also mlght ks me." It la nulS-e Sog. Hlats and Caps LOVE 0F- M'CONNELL en osypraettMry 1A'.'-"augn Trunks ~~~~~ ~ ~mc an utCssbcm r.MCnell becausle ale Cesangverein Harmonie. Wauea TrunkA NOIgi MARY WUTFv not n siamed ot the virturma alid Mr. Henry Varider Heid, leader, hr Neckwear and Oollars AND ARY HIT kludly m!"i w ho wan ber fatirer. prize. Song, 'rb log arn Waldess-' Tis story was toid tront a Chantait aume. que plattoriu before P. K. Skoog. who Group 4. We invite inspection of aur goorlu and gcarantee everything Sottoy tTeiFrsCo aslu thre audience, and viren Nr Lde ign olt amne as represnted and solieit your traie. 1 t I h Skoeg be:rd tire stery lie sald ln hir Chicago, first prîze. Yourg ta serve, 1in Togeer IthYoung forward. ir'n tertilpo stlrIair Gout5 Lady's Home..ultîdntrgls ypoi uAe Nowe Zocie (New Lite) soclety,ý -eu," for 1'. J. fikoog la a Swede; tire Chicago, Mlr. B. J. Zalewsski, leader., w o'~a E Nther eft riteen cilidren, every one Song: "Hiulaly" first prize.i P.. VfllaAUfNIS MçIGHRfR et -louir ie bans taken wltr tire metirer 1Danisir Workîngmer.'s Sînging So-: **VBvflVVv*OSIIv*.55,* arocrrd tis globe twice andi every oneI cletyChco. r.RliHa er ot wirom rides to iris Cirautauqua en- Ciao ap amr gagemerîtr Irn soins et tire fietat leader, second prize. Song: "Thre A soutirern riisbrrrn of tire namne et mobiles bulIt lu America. fietat-Sailor." MeCouneil it thre days ot iris youtir Mr. Skoog iras a nelgfbor whot Liederranz, Kenorrira, Wtt., R. caUled at tire bomne et s modeit yaung naine la Sawyer. Mfr. Sawyer ewns a Flascir, leader, tirird prize. Song* _________________________________________________ lady uanred Mary Wite. While tirrsiîg mracine aud etirer Impie- Chorlied. Mary's parents were cirattiug Insun ad- merris of like nature. He la a barri- Group 6. -jolins romi sire entertalueri McCau- workirrrt aggresslve ciraracter. Tire Schwerzer Llederkranz, Chricago. b.E N ounWat T BOOK S nelliln tire family dlulng rooni. Shrort- day toiiowirrg tire lecture referred to Prt;allirwilr edr is 'orVactin N ed W. Ilfr su ezeetleusl sdcti.. of FIC- atair te retire fer tire uigirt. snd Mary Sawyerg forfmachied teptir, grup mat TIONuawel as Books ifsà more serloas nature torbr"corrrpany" 1notr ltu wrrren tirr)rltm tira tie gr ire ee our 1,000 Titica of SUMMER FICTION at ... 50c rom. Scarceiybail tire youog people fore, lrfter isearlug tire lecture, ie hari bee sate wentire creaking staîr- gene Irome. taken iris wite lu bis arma Ir H E P ILG R I I P R E SS wavy toîri tirat some ene vas comlng and kissel bier fondly fer tirs drat time r W. Jacksemt BItrd. Chkiago juit West of StaSe si»ea lne mn yetrrs. trt~~ol & MmliOrdes gses rusP AS.utis tstasrr'- %vere juat two et mnany reations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _w hAwy ie prrsrnally wouîd nover permît iris coririrriity te ire witrott tire Chatu- tauu. lFor tire sake et tire peopie, EEPSstreugHOMr EVERYBODY'S. ..E PS OURHOM - ar1~oui ieir hnirqof tir chl VACATION J u RESI- dùi'"ýC LEA N dren aud the coIfmfluflty' pelticaIlB I effitRanPro Stitrrtiru.I Now, whiat fi di lu tins case fer titis 7 conrurrity anîd tire leadership wirichr *~ U ~ U U E -~ I.II ericirulgeri lu tuas cane It ls dolug V ~-- ~ , lu hurtr,lr'l of commuirities tIns year uder Lirrnlu aggressIve, constructive Combination Pneumatic Sweeper m ~. uanrrSeuient. YOUR THs w'tl-sepi* as-Rnnn DNTEYSweprA Story Wsith a Moral. - V OUR 'f fS Srfd.-Seepi, Esy-unnug DNTLY See1r1l tire old dris ln Illinois there a cirant without raisint dust, and at the saine trne picks up s cman wtro veut arouud peddiing tel- pins, lInt, raveimngs, etc., in ONE OPERA-MION. lus cas escopies. lie a3tepped at a farmnhouse. maires sweeping a simple task quickly flnished. lu reaches Tr rmrdnersenaeespe 2 IPROORANS uhe ati ., plac s, ... li ins .aI ecsru s CVCfl '~' sud was cruci ntereated. The peddier $0H1A i E Of moviug and lifting ail heavy furniture, explireri tire worîngat tire teleacope 17s.Gret LoborSaser e 1h Hoe-Evry orn, lage eand teiri hlm te look at the nios 77Dem at b r th lSaer of theuHmceEers-dvn u Mary', largee enor t adith ietls0e l eii &"nenjy el iefg frr..Vront esaiy opre a n prsoltectio g risn. snsrie inglg aliL e ter sutashevid etre AGUTS mn. Mr biCenei, Iisla sasi the moon ti & girls saisi d th Ir Dudeijte ioer f buntiSeeer-dyw, an y' abr ne the . ya dnt the thniMgl tha, as Thn A usv i lsSvthe miais o StPet.c SctonNz5. n ever lnvd. bi kgentpo andeI Out ie gaî wa for ski tel uer a hs armag rsh Vr abouty iriste nod ansiuel guid hlmede haai teri and se tirowet tmid muii-S the!l atttk "a " inyor h meaiourexei ? bufe nd W h er e, a"tier 'a O Du- fercoe wtir v gir pie but th e ur orvi Z on 'rl. Cnlu 1l là M fl. ' On ?îer te girls id:Ôl h lv ~sp m h I Ja iled ds Pi . si a u er 0arh m e bou de atiru, aa- votsie tia -- ntse s lt mav"-knis muecidit- SE] SPECIAL SAL'E oNPOT PLANTS WNe need the room for plautiug of (.hrynanthemcmi, theref or are off erng thene St 1ev pricea. 1 5e Geraniums for 10e Geraniums for - 50 ALSO SALVIABI FUCHIAS, PEVERPEW. COLENS, LOMELA STOCKS, BEGONUAS, FEUNS, ROSE PLANTS, CHRYFANTHE- MUN PLANTS AT CUT RATES. Meredith 'Flower & Vegetable Co. Libertyvile. 111. OUIT 0F TOWN ORDERS GIVESI PROMPT ATENTION. PH0NF, te Reduce the Cost of Living Bil orderong your GROCERIES. MrATrS and VEGETABILES ai THE MODEL **Ihe Place Where Prices ore Reasonabe" Goods deltvered tb ail parts ofthie town. The Model Cash Grocery &Market iM. L. SCOTT. Prop. ýJob Printing Libert>ville, 111- * - r 'SiS W t~. ..-,,-1 :rt, !i~A} 'i NEÈO 18 APPARENT THERE. eb~e o .a~etoaedevmewic iil Iitit le M eily peedesi la the vil- hq~ ~ tt ve o r <f at5lbre lave les.. Mmuiolanes. v elurian es$P.-g,*«M Mgt bave becs able Tomon'v Deis Armetron& a ales> mas fer the La"rm«M oompaay vin mo te Lefflrtmpll e ww iimae ~ ~ qme device te the lIffl lA teIt14May vii mm e latemt-fa. wau ev o thi erllue ied i OnIwSermul qrbr « m kusc àtm ia isoblue la t. bleeàw taIe u 'a publpitesIN»tha" It cm wleMUdiet a omt's otise et the day or igit sud Ul bc et thcpl.bof Mrt any Mbo omsILM yen Ibosus"Ienyil emen vas offlum wb ". a"iappaumuy &d lila ber buhltuli. AàLug- - " mdýma m a" ir 'I CLEAN WORK A FULL COUNT iWeek ofthe Year. LY26 TO JULY 311 TENT in, IBERTYVILLE, CENTRAL PARK baracters WiII 'Speak,4 Sing, Play, Enter- tain--there wiIi Le much good FN- MUISIC - THOUGHT NEIGHBORS WILL BE THERE L 'AINFOLK"SHOLDBE HR MUS NTLMSSA DAY >pl Prograroran 5 e LINCQLN CHAUTAUQUAS under the auspices of âneSS and Profesisional Men of Liiertyville rICKET maikes it ail YOURS E THE BLACK SALE CARDS S net ea at Pol Mr. 1l lakes bas a kespis makia at bis the a0 esperu "ct d futur. Ia- bt ilt b4lei te rcvve beh«, pous bir V"-»Cun M th lue!, àféte ieItb asUlaeove- a ci Oi. l I ThercS4ebsrSly a vcek th"t Pm"Io tlka M Uf la amtrecci"eilà Wanc- va* !or a lsasmwt -or snur imd.1 *edylU, .,no ew b lbave te be ré.a Ibgt amÉsieà te 47 th& *m ~ola lu tuladui *00s 'rW ' gq. et the -10cal deek- MOI bt4m m 'a ol s. u o - * aUes slea re let. tle~g.tov ai tuer lave deouel Ju-in« a the pw elasc on onu t. m nioluao OftM to ble vIl mt re, for ms hey yotm fe*lttie l. w 5 No mea t llgte c vIn lhey vii vualte use one oetui tIc iees mvillieut a mommes de.i lay, l'e, tMMtOr trou Ulcrtyvllle lt tiese «* "Maase mcr dlýIa. il vuli wuo WeekegM TIium mueb vallable t» iDe w«euli ledc. Taies #»a bolcyu thc gpl e ft t a Visa e It- * meult bau bee maie.ple 0». et thcegmotors reuniwvu Instailci on tue Foulerta-m la lu This boull ta tir Both Motors e and Harness EVents oq.PrMgrmmsof two ui Dffemen Sundays. rosi BENSON TO MEET CUBALL. bn. Tir Motoyole Tourny WiU Take Shdodfor JAdy-ZLIr DeIlthéuemot»moyle sa- the loi-n Calli raciM tansviii e fam" iVU l ie. -whe, orahus lu the progralua rrA bci1 > the manaent oet lhe iaftrue tisai inrlng tue curres4 faest et clia juiy. Tire anamement.r! twvbig "on. Mieta aItichetran to ercar' Sumai, MS JuIr 1ID anS, Srssiay, JÎlW ,'Vsattri asie Iodai'. On tuc 191k a lso6mry- olty. oi c tngnstouruey viil eheu st the oPpu teck, vile a scrlmet oW»ko!se ,aei ar bau" becuarragesi te tale plaoc bde lie couuty Une tran on i.e .3soltB=' e the MetI. -a lu tbuugt lIaI oti ou et Se -ntets viii prove spledid ess 'di*wlgcarisaliithe wrlssfor ttc sl rmil q' si £wsç g , of te.ta » - »1M. hie taitct ý4&w loc* se. Iv. DANCING at 1IERTEL'S PARK PAVILION Haif Day, M.I, on ÈVERY SATURDAY NIOtIT A Garni Time Assured

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