Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jul 1914, p. 11

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LAKE COUTNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1914. Page Three. MHOM RELATIVES Til@GIT HAb DIED Reporter Locates Missing Man at Lake Forest and Gives the Police Information. QUERY FROM TOLEDO, OHI0. Hensel Was Burned in Explo- sion Few Montis 0-Wias Last Word to e atives. -MRS. BOTH LeaIder of Volunteers of Amer- Ice MakIng Suffffrage Speech. o 1uit. by Assrtd 4 ..imm. Votes for women la in favor by the Volunteers of America. Mrs. Booth te Pbown making a speech at the recent great suffrage demonstration in New 'ork. RIVER AGAINYIE LDS MYSTERY Headiese Body of Man la Found ln Hudson. New York, July 15.-New York po- lice face another baffling murder mys- tery following the finding of the head. less and armless body of a ma in the Hudson river by a yacht. The bcdy-hare of any identidtcation Mark& -was brought to shore at once ani the case turned over to the police. Judging from the condition of the body, the police think It had been ln the water about a month. Killed by Heat. Pana, Ill., July 15.-Mary Monica, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William By- ers. southwest of Pana, died fromn the heat here. THE BASEBALL SCOREe NATIONAL LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet. N. Y. ..43 30 .595 Cin. ...33 40 .4,87 Chi. .. .42 37 .582 Brook. .33 37 .471 St. L. ..41 39 .513 Pltus. ..33 38 .465 Phil ....36 37 .493 Boa. ...33 42 .440 A t Chicago--- R. E. New York ... 3 0 11 0 5 0 11-12 13 2 Chicago ..... 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 0- 8 13 5 Demaree, Matthewson and McLean; Chieney, Lavender and Bresnahan and Hargrave. At Cincinnati- R. H. E. Philadelphia .. 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0--5 11 ' 0 Cincinnati .... 000011001-3 9 1 Alexander and KHIlier! Yingling, Schneider, Irwin and Gonzales. Second game- R. H. E. P'hiladelphia . .01 00 00 01 0--2 5 1 Cincinnatl ....030 20 000-*-5 10 1 Tlineup, Baumgartner and Burns; Benton and Irwin. At St. Louis-- R. H. E. Boston ......-0 0 0110000.-2 12 2 St. Louis ..... 00 0100 0 02-3 8 1 Tyler and Whaling; Perdue and Sny. der. AMERICAN LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. W. L. pet. PhIl. ...45 32 .584 Bos. ...43 38 531 I:et. ...45 37 .549 St. L. ..42 38 .525 WVash. .43 36 .544 N. Y. ..29 46 .387 Chl. ...42 36 .538 Clev. ..26 52 .333 At Boston- R. Hl. E. Cleveland .... 000001000---1 2 2 Eoston ....... .000 1 1000*-2 8 1 jjiitated e man hiad plant. He >und where i condition. was moved acautionary BETWEEN LIFEA ND l we:".AntoyL" l 3ii)qdREPORT OF HMANE a a ::eain he aorw e Me, ADE SENSATIONAL DEATH FR0ÏA KNIFE sipdo h ota oan .Bt SOCIETY DISPLAYS p hae wses in CHARGES IN A BILL were emlpled as coalpassers. They seized hlimn d rJ!ial to plush WOllNI- SOf FIGHTIu"t' oofod ri "::"tfie Oei SP LE N DIDWORK ti";°but Za nar,: FILED HERE TODAY -. -.-port this mioring with a cargo of ed with the alitof:f mu Andy Kodack Lies in .lane Mc- sofi for the liies4 ('oal Company. Handle Eleven Cases in Past "W® '"te"d®ld to hold him for ra, Mrs .K ai s Alister Hospital Suffering Two Months and Gain Re-. hr expiained Mrs. ,,t,,metmY arate Maintenance From From Knife Wounds. N W C N IA E suits in Each One. Creates scene o Theater Husband, Local Dentist. e 1 VFollowing this aine wais tunder a ENTER BI§GF1GHTS1 constant guard of iid-1(14 y dis-CAGSTR T OKIL ASSAILANT IS ARRESTED. ITAKE CARE OF BIG FAMILY. guisIrsW herself am a tuntly girl, %Ire. HRE HEAST IL Zane outwItted the enar Ilhwee FRO T•S .STandt.1secured entrai- lio the t Declares Also That He Squand- Fight of Gory Features Occur- Family of Seven Assisted ae where hie was I,-in,, Shoe wn ers Much Money in Company red on Coal Liner at the Lo- - Four Legislative Candidates1 Many Other Cases of Inter- oteocetaIi r e r' of Immoral Women. cal Harbor Today• Come From Lake County- etCm ne oie ",' eka nn'al OreYun aiAiy oak ii Makes a Good Showing. jihldllr hl-e l'R'""y "i ]y ,n earoun g , IRndK dak arF incethe 1perm torminizat i ncdet il lw in • l Ioý A sensation was sprung today dath finu itlieilihl,, RACE WILL BE A WARM ONE ofet h l.ake Mntn litmtitreerio Aren in the.audi1ntetolher when lirs. Jeanette 8- Davis, wife was affected!i, juut Iwo nmonthls a'o, f assac w ie Z oyurd fD.RbrpK ai, a wl at thle Janie McAlister hospital frutti1 fteri4existingie for over ten monthDrsRoertK. aviaa wea a kn lfIi woun l iupon hier body, inflict lBelieved That Even More Can-II>re-orgaii ( assoiaton, i ie j%(r, adly a n pa knownIGeneee street dentiet "o " o a foriwtnend " diates May Enter Fight Be- yadsfflnd eui id odfll«dand tsi ý%oten in thre " " ° °"' 't h orav u fileainle ore LasFiing ay. e part o "'ie'he rganizaition ha, n ninc antdhe edd "ce, rmaking chages which were thoiy La-lo hP Lifir s wlie '! foe as Flig ay 1shown. rutlywhntMrs. Zanaait ng e h. sensationail in the , extreme. heldf at the county jail awaitiiig IIThe reporipwich isesubmittl hv Annn. othr tÑ-gsiMrsiDJ fil reut ofthe ilijit w tPimq Adn rilioal n legslo ar ondi th o i, i d im erec,'u anff- Charges Against Her Not Proved claims that her husband squan- conres arl tw lgilatre romthi (Pr, which croveirte monblthof liv fter tileMrs. Zant ob aindawrit ders large'sums of money upon mnii (films mornjing on fihe afterd ýkj district have be-en placedl on thle lis, andlune, lfl4 areý as followm, f ab scopsa i so<y fth im ra w mesad ced ote of~~~~~~~~~~ th tanhpEb ft nelk sm lan ui ith fthe filiig of thepir ]livestigated he caes11-r cib endingprdylono sIinony ecesive use of intoxicating Ji- enLieofstanes hthisl pég titions atl Springfield. Frederick horses iIn different piarts of t(.w Ph le)o substantIate heip iu iills charges quors and treats her with the tir fle slip offthe Itiess i (ouilCoil>ahrely: unharn lie a new candidate for con- regarded as Iphysicazllyuit orwok of ruisconduct againsýt lhr. These greatest cruelty. She contendes I resso on thre llemocratic- ticket, while Thfe owners weri, wairvd not to ue charges, never were pjrfo\i d that on nume roue occasions he lv l, ho was ;taken lntte custod'y JslhW ruv adfer 0Ee tehre riw w ulb rs m "hank gooidness Ithe iing r lit;fin- has threaened to take her 1ie -hrty fte lte affray by Asseistaar theffoiW rnæ r y eofrt Iand thela j the ted rio- of. l-âlý tetI , si i, Z reysP.r: ml:(jrtly lft( lit tlaelyosettled, dsaidt-rlr a/.anileyhster- PolloIw Ingare somne of fthe repre- hfef of Police Tyi'rrell. [has beený a rlu lrhve ileil rirniary peti. j Three cases of cruieIty to bor:r.s.],,y when a the dcree w s er:rll sentations which apipear lit .\its. Dua 13aced tunde-r $3.000 bond eand lits a e tosfor Ihle gislature, one of %whichil wa., so eartnwu.thait o ona m a lm d iwl i'bl g is e ubn h:ax >een contirlued for ten days. TheIlist (il candidates fron t he i,ýri-t was n"A arR.uiak asmy ch i o ew Yitor . 1w ilr e T t' onorab u th e to pi The lighitmwas fthe cindnil ation 1of fa, ightlh and( ethitdistricts lup lito th Tonigur flit tiing tof tame cl- rw 1 b luPeaanengagemnient (t at for nmotion 1914, he threaitened to killhier vwlth a hit-ati-<l arguniwnit lbetwi++n rthe two ) presient ftime Is as follow!. boy s mwho,,w re trae a ith ar rei 1 ·letures. revolver, nwne The affray lasit-'d but a few trio. Ol 1 GIIA I: E -Il tim r ue-lty continiu .- -- That on or about thre tirst of June flraint,.but when itl wals ended Kodlark Thomaes E. Grahiain (14-1m Jilait poli'l il arM - snapinlg tur19 , fe li latrfsdtilv ih hiadi] eie a nasty jab fromt a kniife Rfees IHerbert -arr (l'royA 1% le , loe r fbut not killk-el, by ýtre ,1 6 le o g r i aid ir]ot n whilihadt piercedithe walis of has 1Edward 1D. Hburtleff (liep IrSRNea S sr heflongerInhe fcaleat herilhomietan ilali and ir t h e ws also slashed lnt aines M.Woodinan Ilie so h frrrntatormeting do. teha nd w daysulheestruc*hhler over The, ship's books shows Kodlael's Fayette S. Alunro (ProeOn ,ix monthseold baby shiametfuil book. home as being InI Lorain. 0., while La lienry 'B.' Eger (Ref,.)inegh4 e d bly its mothier. 'iolohr wi R pe nt fltlelaam rofo% vello halle fromt New York City. FOR (CONGRES-kS--s-releefuired and was told ttluiRep mmresetshabt h sadman sof low It was stated by officers of the boat Maleolin Il. mafrrtt (Dem] 1the chld wold lhe>taken fromt hieri anhd immrualeabts, nd associte s thaât thle nwn hadl always been frIerIds John . Waters (Tiemt I sshte took Pare of it. She 1 Ch rgmes with di ho aresrumoftabe l lelmen ayl spend up uinitil a few minutes before ith Charles M. Thomson (Prute blehaval mc h better sinice.Cery nAsaldreToeare.mofmeyithrcmpy lighit occurred. The trouble begani George E. Fosse (fiel))Flirst alid ginto a very old muant Who Rush to Greet Parish- and entertainruent. wheni mael as ordered by Second Hlenry 1). Capitain (Repae ureatly in need of clothing.1 ioners at Service Close. Ta ehsbe ntehbto Maille Konrey- tu takle a home and waill Fr .lrick D)unhami ilhe-n Ilhargte takien of a destituitP famly v i isiting wineroiomis and saloons in off a portion otfilthe deck. Laveill. There lx every in<lication thl of seven The two older boys w.wilo panry with women of immoral HOLD SPIRIT IS WORTH Y. 'character ari sRperais much mioney Ileing aware thatt Rome coalpassers (omlirg elpetion so far as im shtn p.rt to a hiouse 'or bols two litthi nrou iig were rresting In thre hold of fthe crtat andcongressional caniditlates tare con girls iar ed lin good homnes a smnaillTn rotos livniýe ti(, assistance ,iny Jhn heBathe Wulwork.tinnuretndbasbensaidfr Ronle words passed between 1 f lvelloarn ndi Kodlack, who was one o ieniof addte n.teriivritrethettad ostigo odan o s u nwnd. unl n rdn nat uooie Sho(rtly after Iý&vello emierged fromtfr h in o iig ieiin hr a il a hntre e e ýrnig psos ee ciiielclsI hcg n le eeu i) tiw pasisageway leading to fthe hol es li th lrfie liia trp oi ite (f tp e,(ra t te D s ai sc mp ebn befu rs fngi. hie approacingSecond Mate Konteytir iturfotlkýWuegnP-erlo i and sald:as i Ils( riil r h s h mar a ha i ofrs -h nean %vt an lee r ier- "Thren two lazy, coalpassers whoi nd lrlte tb l ert t ' ar.e mitting down lin rteh oli, woni'ti ora i ad ihm nbr ftpr le i h m lii culti m r Theio-inark tiurprisedl tfi nmiwh , si -I t :o grgtoi.S erersn ln leJtaia Y mat-e fier a nionwnýit, as lie had otij ie a i-i lue ad M tids '9-le n ý aP h to al uv n illtheoumal orde-rs to gain assistaI.ý' I- a lic.eecip el, 1h so s leh sa diý- iriioli Tmi l onr't need fielp tin washinig off rgtos thiat deck," retorted thre mi ,e.".\" lti s ii, te ds ly s l i yout havte to (do Jitmerely to turn thled't' L a l u a eiI,1 hose~epetuly eni ber atr il dite re Livile l ten departed and the oIlfi . .irtpc ltr fl ra i' lu in fllr 1)'Il o l suer turnedi>te)hto', r someo r.otherir hicgoonrka meentit latéer hie glanced towards lh.eFRM RW UKfA h el o a-]. ndit Koalack fightiiny , l r e 1oil e ,i I,-W rs Y u g P sosmt ira ý lne. st hre The second late ran thef ilachongs (io trec the hchlsnacraftk ai . aIe mwhlasich ial1 Thr aennearly niites ie aa e ablen gulckr x mn, wrenched lthleml apart sdI,:lqjniandnlre hsrpfrorRb aealZn sGvnte o@te ii3b cndti i]sut netn htse osdr tusf tilrernt,Rayling. "if yoil fellows ýj; iefld I0 r1 il iii ih Cu t d f C id hc fl ilpoiinIih cuc rni nd i poe otv ih hm h uponi hghting get out on fthe docku zto , i ad - utw r bs, I(lrsstfasfrle iei ei wilere therre IR plenity of rooin. Yil nsn nfitIiaenw udr8roal% dt)g ole o e cannot fighit on fthe boat." ill po - in l iti eiid i litilttuiM s a i e rsns fltle b s Kodack stepped back, raised lhisý !l 'u Vcfrard(r.E D O G C U T FG T Tiý*-iii iii rdneTw adi r a edlegoa shiirt and dlisplayeýd thre gapinig wourtel , ai ý iae to ï ala an tl u te, an ui f al lin his stomiach to fthe nate and also'sre n o n e h tS eItn stnoa ontr ' t p nd a sleisavanu i. rised is shirt slPeee upon is rightlae \a i-y S ii-o IPge ts lP(I rý u w o e r h Set arin. exclaiming: icorny ed l b neo temo ts iri Enterthse BlfOrig Phanage a l ia, eli ,io, h veg t e)ji f nts et rr;b s e tr otu e w -I) yo t ink 1 ofttuthese ir l fie l s t he e a e br ý ia w it her aby a the ounty Parm candidatesonn the.race withbtheipro[First afdieonsistingpof food at]. ýâlý ktve maai knouw," rM ýoemga't seem )ut of bean- ," at '- o)'clock, t, inidustrial ,the resulit wehror 'nsation law iring has re- a local con- ay <lamlages -a 14 said to ho dircharge Waukegan, July 14. The Sun today succeeded ln locat. ing for the Waukegar police a man whoma relatives ln Toledo, Ohio, have about given up as dead because they bave heard nothing of him zince he was seriously burned ln an explosion a few months ago. . ý& Qoljis the letter .eelvRd av -eth e tOday: Toledo. Ohio,, July 9th, 1914. ('hief of Police., Waukegan.fill., Dear Sir:-- 1 have been requested to ski the alid of your department with reference to Charles HeDeel, who 1 am inform- ed was severely burned ln a gazoUine explosion ln your city recently that occured ln a cleaning establishment. Relatives ln this city fear he has died as they have been unable to get any word from him. Would appreciate if you would give me his present addreBs, the serioug. ness of hl& irduries and such other In- formation as you may be able to learn. ThankIng you for an early reply, 1 remain, Very truly yours, . A. MURPHE.Y, Chief of Police. A reference to the fun Ies shoWed that Henasel had bean burned severey when a gasOline explosion set åre to hl% clothing In a cleang establigh- ment aiT aire Forest and that ho had been taken to the Alicee Home hospital In that city. A Sun reporter secured the m«n&- ger. of the Iqke Frorest cleaning cm. bcern en the long distance telephonqe and learned that Ifensel recovered ,fully and lsa gain In their embplo. HenBel was summoned tO the tele- Phone and seemed surprisedl to think that his relatives in Tole4o should be. come alarmed for higs safty. He M"y he lasliving at 606 Washington av«eu Lake Forest. It Io believed his e!latices addresms- ed their letter to Waukean instead e Lake Forest and thus the mail was retUrred to them unopened. The pe. lice have forwarded to the Toledo Police the Information which was se- cured by the Sun. ANNAL EXIIT T EBElLD f LAKE FOREST ON JUY 2 On Wednesday, July 22, the North Shore Herticultural society will hold their annual exhIbit at the Durand Art Instituts, Lake Forest, beginning at 10 o'clock, ln the morning. This year the Lake Forest Garden club han agreed to assist and the floral display promises to surpass any previous ex- hibition. Mrs. Orvill Babcock wil4 es- hibit roses and the gardens of Mrs. NValter Brewster, Mrs. Hobart Chat- field Taylor, Mrs. Arthur Meeker, Mrs. D. Mark Cummings, Mrs. George Me- Kinlock, Mfrs. Howard Shaw, and oth- ers will be well represeinted. Iake Forest will have an exceed- Ing busy week Ir the program already allotted to It is carried through. Be. ginning with Monday evening there i# to be a group Of three playsp given at the Aldia' theater and ou Thursday, July 23, the tennis courts of Onwent- nia club are to be given over to the first of the annual tennis tournaments --the Davis cup tie, between Austral- asia and Canada. The western laî!jx tennis tournament opens at Onwent- sia on Saturday, July 25, and .contiry ues until Au$. 1L Woman'se sinïles and doubles are included ln this pro. gram and the ifferent matches are sure to bring out a large gallery each day to cheer for favorites. The greatestmuan sho Who eboose right with the Most Invincibe reola, tion.--Beneca. Certain of lit Roerd. There neve tras a reat intitution or a great man that did not »oon«et later receive the reverence of Sé» kind.-Theodore Parker. The man Who growla Vthtuatet househsold econop9y l lican d14 proper carel(-fori the teachings of the. Bible. "ayof them were world-knownI for a time, butl they are never hpaii of now. \, wring to young minlis-i ters is \\ýtakhi iarefully your thoughts, and du not sacrifice duty to ambition- Accept It as the Truth.. A Chicago workIng girl has become a heroine by refusing to, marry a capi- talist. "I am aillMy aged laither has to lean u1ponIn l hils declining years. Hlis home ls my home, and I am going to remain here and care for him." Th'is has so good a moral that one must re- fube to iniquire whether or not It be true. Red Tape laRthe bulwark of Inferior minds. Language is saidito conceal thought; red tape paralyzes action. Politicians usie red tape to create of. lices; without It. government would be so simple that everybody would un. derstand Ut. If you would accomplish big results, look not upon the tape when It ls red.-Life. Last Resort. "Do you think women should pro. pose?" asked the passe lady. "I don't know," mused the young thing. "Hiavei you tried everything else?" Se4onid Mate Koney raie h seriousnless of the man's injuries and, hastily made is way to the office ofr thie coal docks where hie suinmmoned an ambulance. The ambulance arrived a few moments later and Kodack was remnoved to the hospital where City P'hysician Foley was called to attend the man. In the manwhile Lavello began to reailize the serioutsnepss of the crime and became morose. Hlowever lie re- miniiied on the boat. At the hospital Dr. Foley made an examiniation of the man's wounds and whIen hle learned they hiadt been in- flicied with a knife hie stepped to the telephione and Informied the police de- partmient of the affair. Several min- utes later AsIstant Chief of Police Tyrrell boarded the boat and with the permissIon of Capt. C. H. Woodford of the craft, he placed haivello unider arrest. Lavello w* taken to the po- 'lice station whepre hle was taken before Police Magistrate Taylor for a prelimi- Inary hearing. His case was continued for ten days pending the outcome of meeting last eve-ninig to discs h advilsi bil it y of closing 010corb o The long bitter fighit betu-en NMr, the remainder of the sumnnier. Ite > Ituhy La l'earl Zanv, an ac-tres,ýs, form- r1Chidester of the Pebyeia huri b erly a singer' of illustrated songs at 1oCI Waukegan presided. X1r. Chideýter ,wha't was then the Harrison the-atreý gave a sPlendid talk of encouragment on Sheridan fload but whiat Is nowv 4for the church. Hle spoke of the need known as the new Bijou, an<d her hum- iof a Presbyvterian churchi here of their band, Edgar C. Zane, w-ho also played u ispae irn ontinues b s al- «... eedrelations with the womnen withl SenadONil hr n ay whoi she say slhe associates, tWsigo-R .E As proof of lher clainthat lhe is ad-Deri ....0 0 0 1 1 2 8 0 ictebd to the excesýsive ulse of alc-ohol DbcadSaae yrIer shie says that after he left homle she ndWllas founid thirty-two empty whisky bot. ties where he hadl hidden them. E RA LEG . ln hier bill she prays an injunction restraining hier husband from drawiryW .Pt. W .Pt any o't his money fromn the bank orCh..463.57Bok.834.1 fromn disposing of any of his property ad ..13 554K ..3 4.4 Keep Busy. bt .3 5.1 it..3 2.1 The best preventive against idleness ' la to start with the deep-seated coun. atmre-R .E viction of the earnestness of lifs. ual....00001- 31 Whatever men say of the world, it Ios atmr ..00000- certainly no otage fur tritiing; ln a Kap odaBaradAln scene where all are at 'work Idlenes Stig n akiah can lead only to 'wreck and ruin.-- cn gm-R.J.E John Stuart Blackle. Bfao..... 001- Always Enough. Giecle iedo t u lo "upygoverna demand," quoted tun ucthtais the Wisie Guy. '"Ye," agreed the Simn-ý irnadLvge u n ple Mug. "lnn spite of the fact that soTakish many people want to borrow troublelA hcgoR .E there 1s always enough to go around." 1lýgo : 1 -l1 Putting un Air. upe.HretadCpan O'Hara--"Since Callahan has inher- ag n ianadBok Ited money, he's puttin' on all kinds A assCt-R .E of styleb." O'Reilly-"'*Yi, Oi've heard Idaaoi 1 - that he's changed the name uf hiesassCt .)0 - go&%W NLett.SteeCn and O'Nell;WSreand Cady. aendWalli-as. u" CT TO INOT 4icpN fine location arýI few faithful workers, the snare drumn at the nid BarrIson Hlis advice was against closing and theatre, over the possessi.on of their his tal' was so optimistic in tone thiat fouir-year-oldl son, Edgar Jr., w-as set- the memrbers were ull encouraged lied yestorday by, Circuit Court Judge to go on wth the work. A finance com.- Adelor J1 Petit, whol( granted Ars. mitte representing the differenit or- Zane a decree of dlivorce and the culs- ganizations of the church was apploint- ld of the chihh. ed to ald the treasurer ir, is %work. The decrveewaserrd on theý te- .lr. and Nirs. Hienry Braasch are 1 timiony of Mrs. Zanie andtl hr mother, entertaining Nir. and NI rs. H1erman M Nrs. Nellie La l'earl, w-ho is a former Canisius, Mrs. Gus Canisius and( "queen of barehack, equestriennes" in daughter and Mrs. Gerasmius and vhii- a "world's greates circus," and was dren of Chicago. AIr. and Mrs. Braasch the central figure in an alienation suit give a birthdayl party to their daugh- fild againist Adrian C. Hionore by heýr ter Dorothy today. husb1 V sverl years ago. Bioth A surprise party was Iven. to Ar- w1omen cha. 1s.rge<l dZane with extrme thur Bientley last evening on the ec and repeated cruely The husb'and camion of is birthday. A large num- made no defense. ber of his young 'iriends were p)resent Tried to Kidnap Her Husband and all enjoyed a very pleasant evn- c n auayZne kidnaped the child ing. i n Neýw York and lied to Chicago withl The ase of Johný Wasiouski who shim, goig ttuIhe home of his mother charged with disorderly conduct was at 3621 Sheffineld avenue. Mrs. Zare cofltinued until Thursday of tis week. and hier mother followed on the next Tom 3ý,lKinney was a Chicago visi- train. They made sveral unsuccess- the victim'sa wounds. fle was placed under $3,000 bondi., According to thie officers of thle boat both of thie men were spllenldld lu attempute t se e the boy, a nd û=na4 .workmen and lued employes. They 1ter yesterday,

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