Y17. 1914. Q-% j 0' LI ~) 506 ii. hallberrgartch et for (leneral (lear- * ance; a $5 val-38 ne fr..... 38 Polish Mop. Triangle polish inop, ad- justable handie. It ab- sorbs dust, leans and polishes ail kinds of * wood; it gets ini the cor- trs. A $1.74) mopg~ elearance at........... AIumlwum, Preaering Kettie, 98c. A $1.85 aiuxinuni pre- serving kettie. Made of the best grade altumi- Durn, 10 fit. size, for 0o11, 2eAluMinn eamin Porch SingsC. cP; resgs; inasod fof 25ù; for eed or ti am t ............... 8 C 35 s.Sue(ia t 1esC Suit aspe 4d 26 iii. sal at$4.04c Begins alRapid Fire Attack On Prices Itere To- Morrow wlth, the Purpose,.of Evacuating the Store of Ail Remaining Stocks Permit us to introduce "General " Clearance, who wiIl be the most imposlng merchandising figure ini town duriig l'ils activities at this store!liMe typifles the herolc measures that we have found necessary for a swift and sweepiuig cean-up of ail our remaining stocks, and if we're as good prophets as we arie merchanclîsers, "Oeneral". Clearance will be long re- membered in this townI! We have taken prices by storm in our endeavor to rld the store of ail the summer merchandise that at present occupies it. Seems like a hard way to treat these fine reputable goods, but necessity knows n« Iaw!" We simply must clear these stocks out immediateiy, and we shail leave no stone unturned to accomplsh our object. "General" Clearance inades the store tom orrow! We hope his occupa- tion whii be brief. The followinq prkes show how deeply rooted this hope is:- Ready-to «Wear Specls P House ess $1OBrsees4e Ail 87c s;----sierI8 atre1oIts$ Ail~ ý utis, s $1.0 Bias sieres ear$ spe< tai this su 'ey.87 alue, at Genra q 1 a49c ~at. Corset Covers. Cor-set eovers, embroid- eî*v trimn ed; very spe- eiai while they23 iast ut............. 2 3 10e Snap-ons, at 5e. Better' thun hooks and eves; regular 10(- value, (Jenerai Clearance 5 prie.................5 15e Holly Batiste, at 10e (Xenuine . iiolly batiste; eonnoutiv soid for 15e; l)ri('ei tiis salelO ut vard .............. o Turkish Towels, at 9c Large size friuged Turk- isli towels; extra a. vaiue this saie ut White Waistings at 19c '15( white wiistings; veu-ytics it'alle put-19 terns; speiai, yd .. 9 Special Sale on Kiuno- nas Lawn kiînonas; aIl col- orts; veî'y speeial95 this sale ............. IValUesop Io i8.509, oleamue 1 50e Lisle Gloves, at 35c Ladies' b i a e k lisie gioves; our pai03e sellers go tpi35 Face Powder at 5c Sanipie size of fave p1>w - der; prîeed spef idi 5 foi' this sale ut. .....5 Palmolive Soap IlighiY svented soali); regitiai' 10e pe'r bar'; spevial ut 2 burs15 for ..................1 5 39c Ratine, at 25c Contes ini sevetai colors; '36 incites wide; regular 39e value, a t per 25c yard ........ ...... Miediation lsn't Possible Alil Footwear Must Go! LADIES' SHOIIS. Ani odd lot of ladies' shocs: duil kid and patnit leatie('I; (learunve sale79 $2350 anîd $3 vaiues, per pair .... 9 L&ADIES' OXFORDS Otio lot of ladies' oxfords; tanx, dîtîl kitd anîd patent leather; $2.50, e.3.00 9 values to elear ........................89 CHIILDÉENS OXFORDS. Odd. lot tf ehildrein's'o\ford;-9 $1,À) and $2.(k) values sail e 69 LADIES' WHITE CANVAS SHOES ('anvus slhoes; very speeiai for titis sale - regular $275 aîîd $3.00 yal- 19 l tes for ..... - ...... ......- ......1 9 MISSES' 'WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS. M.,isss' white canvas hutton oxfords- regulur $1.75,,allie, Clearance.12 sale 1.29e $1.75 BABY DOLL ]PUMPS, $1.39 Baby doit plinps; a regular 1.39 1.74$ vaiue, Clearanee sale ........e 1 Sal 4.50!o Ready-to-Wear Specials!1 China 811k Waists C..hina siik vaîsts, strilie andI plain white; l)riced as a Saturta Spee. .............. 1,7 5 Middy Blouses, 98c M iddv blouses, trinmowd ini lte, reti tand98 yellow'; speeial ut 1 New Lingerie Blouses. Wortli to $2.50 ut$1.8 Thie seleetion is lar'ge, but thie nîusuuiness of thie barguin w ii seli all quieki .9 75e Corsets, 49e Ahl are weiIl kI)Nuil nîukos. 75v val-49 lie .... .............4 9 Crepe de Chine Blouses. Regiarlv 3.0.Verv% attruetive nodeis, eol- ors are tango, fiesli, fi a,nî i, t 't>ihageu royal biue, nuaee, biaek anid w-bite. <'orded eoi- lait; Buhniacaan siceve; bitt(iitrain 3 198 m ed -.. ............ GUEN=ST. Children's Beach Suits ( 'lildren 's beavil siits; sp(eciai Satilr(1a3 oiily; $1.50 value,75 Children's Colored Dresses ( '1lhren 's (e 1)l1 o re (1 dr esses dîurînilg our (jeul- eral C'le a r. ai 0 sale t ut ..... 0 Palmolive Cream Ou reguilur 50c 5 valuie, fo ............. 5 B. & B. Carpet Warp 'l'lie best maude;, eoioî s pr~iv ed a t pî iiial284- t1Is sale Toilie Du Nord Ging- hams Staiidari tleiv vitIdi îv- et' ut12 j.; 111-lO ed sîîeeialit,.- c Pearl Buttons, 1 Peatrl buttonls; al sîzes; 5(- doz. nd..1 Babeock 's Perfumes IZegular 30e (ývalue 9 at, peri Unt'e ...... Look at These Speclais! INFANTS VESTS AND BANDS. VerY iîevual foi. NatIrda.v; reg- 1< tla ......'.- 154. vatlues ........19 INTANTS' BOX ,' ol îuîrs; \'ery .pevhul xbe15 the lulast ut- 5 CHILDREN'S HOSE ('hildren 's pinîk and bine hose.IO Sizes 7 to 91/,. To tcear ut ........ o CHILDREN'S LACE HOSE Sîiws 6t tîî71/,jFor Sattudu oniy 5 a t .................. . .......... ............5 REMNANTS. XVe have a lot of remnunts wlîieh wc wish to eleur Sat- H i rc uriduv ut ........... l l r ~BOYS' GAUZE DRAWERS Speciai this sale at Sizes 22 to 34. Speciaily priced for Sut- urday's seiling ut Ia&J P ic oniv .................-.. . l r c 15C Plllow slips, at 10e selliîg iuor 15e. eaul )(l1 had at this sale O for ......-. ..- .... . o 18c Pillow Slips, at 12e (101111110111Y sold foir 18c; eial this saie at Genuine Elmdale Sheets at 50C Tfhis seaunless, geimiie EFidale, regular 85vî siieet; pi'ieed v ery spe- eial fortis sule50 Peppereil Sheets at 60c Miade i f gihio ii pl iIIÎîntill, seailess; <liii'regular 81)(1 val., speciai ut. 0 65c Bed Sheets, 39c srtand<ard înnslmn lu i slieets; size 72x91), ae(t- uaiiv soid for 65c; prie- ed for tis suie at 39C 011Y .................. 25c Eponge 10e E"Puîîge, 27 ineheés ie; e0illie iii lînîowii, pjnk andt bille; 25e valliefl for yd .............. o 35e Turkish Toweis, 25c Turkisli toNvels;pli n aud eoli(iId lbor d-2 ers, 35en value ...5 Sale on "T" Pins. 11T" pins, the only im- p)l'<inenI'ft ever muade on the doinestie pin 3Cler per package ...... 25c Butter Diah, 18C IIolds one pound of brick butter. Just the thing for these' Summier months. Regular18 25e value for ..... Bamnboo Porch'Shades Bamboo porch slade'i (green); size 6x8 ft, to clear, a $1.751.2 value.............. Pl Standard 4-4'Un- bleaehed MuBlinI, 5c. U i 1)1>1 eae h e di L. 1 graude 'stundard( quality, yard 5c Speolalir Ladies' Hose, at 35c. Colot cd, îotblack (or white; 50e vul- ues for ............ 1 lit 1h ln or w ho tht.e arn ra Jarg.l dIqla the rn were T h tory and c onsi tant roula Tht had 1 ped l1 uittle engag c1li di the 'Q attei Oni ',a?;i rat! If %Vard n th. year,. coach worçht fair gp baile Tlot Il Ani M s. Mlr. an and MWebh. "6ClearOut," sait! the "Gene rai," These Draperies Must Go! SALE ON PORCH PILLOWS. Bed pillows, ail feýather,; 22-xl28. a $2.(*) 00 v'aluin<ieial Cliearance suie, eaeli.. PORCH PILLOWS A regulir 50(- 'ui ii.during tiîs big (1eiterai 0 ('Iearaiîee saie ut........................... 3 0 121/c CURTAIN SWISS, 9c. ('urtain swiss, 36 indites wide. A reguiar 9 121/w vuîuie, speetial at yar d .......-........ ..... ODD CURTAIN LENGTHS In titis lot ure euu'tain nets anlihenisttelied voiles; usually -iedut23 p to 50c; t(i <h ar ut j71 per y ard .. ..........................1 2 121/2SILKOLINES, AT 9e. Ail of our'lg'i silkoli.nes go ont suie ut per9 y a rd ................. ...................... . DR( J. S. Hec il Wi un the Park, up ils attend tound He i many sylvan Hewa and thr The ypromlr tthe WC Inde c-ty Batlhing Suits Prieed special for the snle39 at $1.98 to ..... .....3 9 Bathlng Caps 50c m