Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jul 1914, p. 5

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LAKE COUNtY INDEPENDEINT. FRIEDAY. Jrly 21, 1!)11. ýl P You Demand Purity and Quality! Vitu t-an be happîv andi iontentnd over our Cakes, f'ne,'J'a-ns, Jelly Roue8 anti everything we make. W.. ulun't useu take jaune anti jelies andliavurs. Wce are fiutàt. Also nie are clean. Bakeshop me- igularly inspectet. MWhy nontti-un, trade witlî US? WC Guatante aClun BakMr. LIBERTYVILLE BAKERY FRED JOCHHEIM, Prop. LUTAUQUA WEEK iext week. Wet xiii have many attractive things u wiiI fiîîd many excellenit xaliets in our stock of ýdren's Shoes, Muslin Underwear, >arasols, Iiosiery and Ilandker. )ds and Trimming, Waists, Petti- Specioal Sale' Ail Doors, Window1 Sash, Casing, Base, Bl usters, Mould'g Some Slightly Damaged Some OnIy Water Damaged Very Cheap 'itptîsin Limau I.e'.vis ant i Wt..bave retunnet frîîm tueur nilnter hume at Ilihai-t. Texan. tii esatheti.summer W aut-ont% ia -hflui-samastaturtiay wters H. J. Hagerty anti famil>', fire. Louis Flagg, Mr. an-i tre L. Z. Protin.. and fuiseil Clark. Catherine Barbeer ut Rochester, . Y.-, le hers foi- several moaîhns viit with MIr. anti Mmr. LewIs Hanfi>. Sic lemaa ies of Mr. Hanhy. lifre. Jothn Fîneuîner aed daughnsu, Mrs. Les Hazeeett anti dauiters, visteil at the home ut D. D. Herrich anti Cham. Herrington laat week. àfils Mande Miler of Minneapolis, Came Thumarei> evening of laet week nu epend ber vacation at the home ut ber sieter, Mms. H. B. Eger anti famil>'. tIrs l. J. Chlon anti stn@ Beit, Victor anti Frank anti granti.daughter Ada China, anti Frank Bouse, ail ot Antloch, spent Sanda>- with relatives bore. %Nfi. P. Allen uf Arlinuton, S. Diakota, wiîu was calledt n Waukegaa on accounit uftheii death ut hieunacle. Jutige Charles Whitney->, was a vinor tierse Wediiestiay. Mi-.,anti Mim. H. M. Aliifiiit entertaineti the lien. Il. J. Smith uo tift'Funitii ttre'.byteriaa -fînri-h, Cfllcagti.anti Miss Gi-aie Artîutruag alio tif tiiet place. several days thiý e ek. Cly-de E.fleilta, wiîîîi.-i 'itunet-f-ti witii the Liai-uta ihaîitauquaan nuins iiire Wedaesstay tii tonfer nu-itineniibere ot the local Chautani1tna Loague. Mi-. Hefin slatedth fatle i..tictedthnfe openiag prugrames at Mît-ns ait-i a ht, lu thie state, Suada>'. an-i eaid niai iîesities the 60Q oeasîta ticket@, tie single admissions lauf)wtghn abat totalet $250. Be 'rapheiedttuat Libertyville would have tbe banner Chaautua ot the ciicuit. IFouiepathy tIi-aIi (tillege la 1.MDi6, t)r, anti i-n A. HFi'Churchill were tue viitiius ut a iawn fiannituaiprise at the CHAS. D. PROCTOR horne ut Mi- antdfilm. liii>F. Wrightn laât Fritiay eening, giien theui as a farewell itinor lieuot4 u-i-departure foi-r ~ S .R~ % I their new bhume ini t t.weto, fIl. The N U A C eveat was tentieredti tbiniî fi>'menaers of the Preshyteriani ,hurnh andi Sunda>' FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE sehool, about torty beitg pi-eent. tir. Charchill reeeiveti a iteautitul bible asi a PHONES 154-R AND 50 git from the SCItool if whfch he was UBERTYVILE, INIOS Snperfateatient ana -i i-.ChurchillI re- celved a nut flowl frumà the taies. Varionus games were 1layeti hy the light ot the Japenese lanteras on the iawn. Tir, anti Mm Churi-hill wlll be greafi>' mioseti hy the menîbern ut the Preeby- » ~ £ . terfan chnrch cii-t-i.. K '4t I .i NOTIE -Doui't fail to viit us ni S o m e t m mie lice , I rli ti n eluo n w a a g ra n t- t i h o y u a î d y eti tu the publiec iii sii fui- haffeads l ostayu n o Lake Eara. W.. fini the Trinflege has heen ahused to ii a ni extenthan tfs 1 Ladýes' and Chjil necessar>'tc witfîdt'N aIl inhiag privi- teg..S. - mbrellas and F and surrounding fîîtpnrty le private property and fial m,înîî-.Iîasecfng wili he permftted. The îîrupertY rfili.ts if tfîosî- to whuîn 1 have euld lots, . iirrying excluive privilegeîs, deml tnaîfîtitttn The gale hanl ývio, hui,' i t the ecu f the dam andi not' j, Ii-ri-li givea that the ruad le clonsei tiititi lulîblio $10.00 rewardi aill bt gi,rif0anyone furnishfng prof aii, w,, ii recettly roam on adjuînîng pi'r--ity. t-44-1 Fst i Tii the Latis îît Liii î3 i ii.: Try dhe New Clothing Stme t.' îîuthit your Boys ia averythiug nheY wev. n c-41.1 Do Riches Dring IIajiDein-s4' C43tl chiefs, I)ress Goo, coats and Corsetý £-~ a Vv k iliiIv ta kî îîotî fýof tthe.foI1owing figtlrt-ii Capital, Surplus and Profits, Deposits .... .... A.ssets....... $101,761.41 591,159.71 746,341.28 THE ST___EO__00_ A8 CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDINfi T H E T O R 0 F _ G O O T A T E 1 > e b e / / . 5 ? m s -MÀNY QIUESJS PRESENTý Thuriuay. Jtii 1t'. lit ani fî%rs I liiînt A. ilatien t c-lebrani rtf i,.t 'illtl anni versary ith nt I f ge tii wr boule îon 3lî alîl..' ' a.t .. i xty To fleure publication in the Indepen- Doi Riches Dring Hatti1r.- 4 îtreaie ni .il teîîiîîg ilapp)y dont. Cap, must be in the office no lauer Clarence Bond, rural taiit arriimr on In1 eiîii î~ia iirIirig than Tuesdlae of each week. Adve r ueoefo h ie iý fl . n[lellr ffi ai -riiri tisers, especially are aaked ta take ue1r th. "i-iit i . lic~ twent>'.five v ' Ur.agiti. tillliattend. particular notice ta this effect. 1ettjlOiag a tfiteen datim t, itilii I I. d service atS li.-uînIathîtli i'iiurch Local lm carrying the,. i ci I ring his &t aine îî-loin la-titi nriiîng iith. hîgli iAddiiona ~-'.-- ~ absence. ma-i 'eing ciiidutn , v lathiir L.uttrell. *... Pa~ea~. ~ Fuestia>'morning a l.-tui&nneint oftlal iScit tihe VOnj- ,r.' ri'edIniî.i amarri. liiRict-ls ring Hpîans i4jatbout tIli-e thousant i ni :li t.ýaik lises &gc iiy Fatiier Welte.r antiihe littie church Aire pfodwma iiur ii. were receiveti bers triti t,, ish in Frellontt('enter, bli theiii- i oifu '- Alîreîl r i ta idwa )iluua iîtr iiatc'iiery at Spring Grîý- , ie iplaced iset %aeek Thnrmiiî- vilîti-it lhai'.. len Ca g t W fi the oods' EiIn jlaDIaM ond Lake. eiluall> as sulema aîîd i lminlve il, Mr. Lunchwill fie ser"d lin tihe. Chantai The..Ray Furalture -torn.lia-rncveand Mrs. Rapke an tiieday ttivi iined If thijs were a crime we woiilîl lin contiriually 'ina grouude I tiie.Stinuinger piano a ti li aa- tîrtereti their livresasmfiuth l ttl.lkIa'k ufion tiler arrest. We liave the gpoide. Bura tî,Sir.anti Mre. Jomepholi0inut ditrecit rom the fator>i f r lins, at the stied wthtit eiraitsi fi-l wr-tn a a @ua, fnl>'1 Oth. iLincoltna hautauqua durit gti-ni neek.haduaaipvfîi. d .Peaches, Plume, Apricots, Watermelons, 1 If lm ailughes spent Frîfane ti titi lit uclof a hpy aenti iii q-anteluupe, Blue Bernies, Red and Bak rltie MtIilburu it a ecetinal> fnei elin-iruthe gdanternowa iei ii uru Raspberrie, Wlsn Dew Bernies, Oranges, Lemnons Norînan R Ladd wsa }raymlakC andi TuefThias tiiflfattireillkes sutillguesinte ee si ateiTidi*nd and Ba ans.Wanc2nda risltor Saturda>'. aîtîu ietvli îMiake nî aei h nnn a..îtnt avenue, coprieing 230 a. -.fluia been tsteing to the excellent music furnislied H. A. Boyes efient Satarda> ani suild t tia Mr. Kenedy o 1tift iiagît, The hy -apk's orchestra ut a il-h M r. mrR IGGS I day la Keaucha and Racine, prît'. paid for the tarin 'tuttiaut fi HaPkeig5tlie leader. one ufthtiiannt Succeacret 24 & 25 lied drinks aîid refreshmcîtR %nliiit . .Hge iftiai iae îre h etwnte,>urIie J. El. Trges Libetyville serveti on the lhaatauqîîa grouatis. tu transaction. givea the couple as a large numifir tif M ND R C I SAiioag those attentiizthe ît.cîamîp their Liliertyvill, frît-nde callet intathe M E A T A N D R O C R I E idr an-iem C f erofiH.tif.Jîî ille niinwdî u t Dspaies .Iî 'tua were eeiganti weri' nirtaiet tnntle Monda>'and Mtrs. J. S. Hyatt, Mr. ai i\rd 1). A. man>' Jaîtanese lanterni,. W. S. Mît lain anti faînilv mitent Satîr. îîung Sr. and Mrm. Il l itkpteri anti Mr, anti lirm. Halikc were tb ii. tins day ant ,'-i Sunia> aiii relatives ant1Sir... Z. Protine, Mr. andi\ r. is B. if a large. numnber tfif f'autifil itvr Wauî imia Fîî. tean fml>' u iiantiRit t . i. trs M A. Pr,- o f ii Panl. spi.nt UaMrn ati Mrc. F. P. l)yntîtrii Amoing the oint ut titan guent8 acreý wv I ~yNj',~A7~I -~~ * ea da.-tant ne-k at i.- l-me tif Sir. tefLic ncoîln Chautan1tîtî --- 'ation pastur tif St. Jîteephe i-vunrch il-rp Ms.. O U N EWUt ' ~~ ~ LO CA T/jIj UJj114* cîe Prit'". atnuneesthat a @Pacec 5t ' r r.irved lieu. Schueneîîîan and faiiilv. V.aukegan, M . . l %V l er M rl t o tnm a n t le ') g en t fo r a ny 't, - i ni a>'Y tr s lieu. M eyer a n t fi t îly . t idliiry ;> Is flotofilv lAtur ur lis ut foroari-aanti 10.aatdr'dMarIentittife r nt, .ha I.. ziot îîly luter for fare vi.'itintg.ic aiitrnc fr niwsît aetheir t ia air. B tMr. ant i &rn. f'hil Oh-icr anti faiîllt * a. fr titraliîn n n tri- a aîgr ati icIerMms Byroîn Ci 'y > avîng yiur chair thruuglit'tiîit i."week Chicago-,Mi-. anti Mrs. Ge. Hapke -an if "E'. -ry t Iîiig fî,î ~Mrs E tM-'lîiaitwas a v@itorur nlt hepcwhee eereiT fîith- tanjil>', Henry' Maîman anti famîl>.ail tif hilme(if fier nuit hein eoantieiiteMan maare in the ltent day anditl iglitnanti Wauroada; Mrs HB.Strang and dangli- itua'omtaof etter f-,iiiGeo-elftranrd nifyuPt* ili cee trias proper carsemiah.-îitiof sucht-h r Miss Ethel, Sitr. and Mms. Phil Weio aebttrfclte frsrigyuDecriti Jetd1%ýinedday>' "fiarsChairs@nia>'alou l.. ri--irveii fur !laiman anti fanlul>.1feu Maiman anti an e avé ia. te rootn ai' acktii before ant i îî * Mtrs M t-.Anilrews lire. f. E Ray .,'l ier night. tniialu akga lr.Wn ýill fiaitti Ni-s sMain-IaitayaHayes pefît-oftmal,-Tihe annuai Congregatitina ltî.-tng ut Mardhait. Moi-t(i tusý * a ii inititn ne silimnatit n oi- i~ii~" tf sli aiek Fritta>'ai Elgin. flicPr.-eb>terian church nia,. hIldtiithe plýin.i te lsesnfor Ca-Il. Tb i . Gn uiilti will meet at th, uilIlr Il pare rsthis w-k'eii.insla>' rsyeia evci O ri-ntîii-n~~~I-e ti- F. E llen iou Tharseeiiîîg. Supper wao fcent ýi an s.v.-nf Pr hte nSrce du% iit rni)i)n July 3 ,' 1'. i alter whlc h tî r-tirt. tif i"rhl cIf .Ét This W eek W e are Offering 0 dai iie-si p anti inancial . anl i itiglit fl' u t woul i i 1<ia i ii 'e r Wi.ftih i iîmilt- al ti.thfini-ca organizatiot 'id a. ia aiiiht- nli :an Soi-re Ex eptiooait, tiiý.t.-tif lit r nitltter, Mn..Alite Pcî ea n So e E c pto a argains filo i nu ilj tIiti- itirtutia report tlt 0it,- fait... rstm nevo ;47,1,fl e fi ui ii'iaiittl Mtoidace.A speech by lini leani f NOe'. eing nmer%.i-e n ta aiIiuntut ofths Straw iM ATS and Low S IOES. h %C ii. T I. U niliIuttDîo t i thir 11, _%ii-.. f-llo ..tJ, a short ta!k Ll' aî.iir 'îianîafiui-ift..estn e.-glar min-ug anexi week on ai noult(if fi i. NItnurt bringing til,, 1ia-ahIt fî..îng ' t aut au i na .eek i i tiî tta close. .H.M. AlIlburt - f'a.tor. 'I'lî-cair par't ili t tr f-goiir rtock V I ffioyi n anti trien itif Kentînha. ii lîtiitrrceî> ur- hast,3. THS N TC îîtlatiit.itf'iies thiîî i h - . ient Stiittlav nitt ileti-former e liari-nin, tilti- n iiagi- iîîîanîis now biinti ke1it at] _____NOTICE Mi-. aiiNf ns 1'. i, Btie.thi f - il-i 'o'o drng -to. The 'flc-t- ji ri i i tiInîîgh i ial lii .'iat liIi-ThTiiTria 'iaîti-r nitIIRi-e a fiait-ry- iingiict( mito all always be itaijttirnaut Ail îînîîîîrty ontanreh. ieref,> notfliet * a le-adt t>e-îîlîlt xlii t > git iflot if 'Viil~ *-sali- aitie Riay I-urniftirp cuire. satir- rcatiY ftiti--init--.a amoments i t.îii-ti -ut tilisinec ani ail fuxioins, ierit5 ahai i iihevott gtjlocfwia at terro u iitit.iî2.-a ut Tue pulîi, 1l-tl Iîtali>'anti in nianIiv nîw fietître goiîg tii set. Attytnei]-- - lîio botî hi*at. nlsiiot--. '1idtis tuai-te iail sil, ne the eservice ofi-t [IRîtnto Ompi> witfl the lawn regartîng til u te- 1111 ,iit*tt: l. f iai-rt-iai-antmi Miss Caroliine muotr I,> î'iioizi.g the drug sto re. nîitheci nigoft nîisties anti nixiiii.. wceti -O al potijt i iy a iýit ;tmteJJat mlnd it, ai-ik utcase it it a tt-u,ýitutinere the 1ugmutîr I.. ialîli ua fine. -avni l. î-Wiud Ilk tihaAutnin. leai ielurs edNieday. ma>' elis. tae tu s aviag a perettlu m iltî rder tif ToBuafti. -~ uai aiîl l-t lt.. ifite- urice tîtt wil -% f'..%lixi I.airai ni .r cili: Ilgmitotltprsmif fileno ti me n1ju lî Imlu..ti eni nitEUTONSL cal1 ndle lis Ilteprce' IatwiIllielti 0 Cu'rlett ýFi-iti-rit V'ngnîîcerv anîf tarket, wîîrtito thil trug eor.Tbe teieptauai-DUTONSL yîîtîappîl-eiaîthe- n \aillie îof ttue Iargaiiîi..trat i.uti i iic-a iiti. mersa-i1 ni7 wo a l'. eRînunuaSatlirdayJuly-Il. it-ru.- 0 Mr. anti Mr@s ltit lalier anti taughter f tr.Chia3. N. Stepliens, Woh@ ieiiing nla erretînceti t-vrý ~0 fIlins L.ouise are makiag a seneral weeksl amung us for Dow tour - ears, has antigeltii.-tîth e MA Pitit 42f' J>vîcît amtiih r..lntin..c iniSouns. v. opeieetip an uffice in hie reeldene (n1 . SuPv* rH Izratn dteonthartistreet. Nhiil.. iStepheno ban j filei i.or ifiLaIlo, Curanltior o th tie drgbsreafdencehei-e he I t-is antt-ffittflteu]i-ati aitury Je. B . M ~orse & Cov. ,*S ulerNlirs ifnt Wank..ganast week'. te But inexperienceti as a physîcian anti r - ie -:1i Everyting fo Men - gg g.surgeton haviag si-rt et two andouRne hait hattanua at-i-k Bargaii ai Titi Everthi forMen r ai-d fi-n . A.CTris ot Eia years at the city hbu.tîitalatHot8pri ngs. Rfay l-'rnîtu--noire. tiie ad. LIBERTYVILeE. ILLtf Georgi- Frederi-ýke Aritansas; mneceral iitlir. E. H.Pi-att Phn 4anti faititi fi-unit Saturtia>' tuTuestia. o iiaîî ntt-LicunPr Sana- PIANO TUNtNG Co,%e %4< . t iloDian (if W Iatîkegan, nlm sit iag lorîum, hemd siti cx oUr@ outfadividual Leati- ,rtiers at Iaye Furi-nftiri-i-tore. «, f tifi- al irfîthîe Pnbii Servit-e liraitiic in Coorao i-ta e Chicag[rWr oe b r l . 4- I'il , ditring the..aiteene-ifi Clar n tîîrt. Steîheas gratinati-t ilit W! CAN SAVE YOU MONEY 0F LIBETVIL Phone 50 OHOICE GROCEBIES, MEÂTS, VEGETÂBLES AND FRUITS. CORLETT & FREDERICKs Phone 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILI. OUR GROCERY DEPAIRTMENT at the SOUTH STORE can suppiy you with everything in the eatable lune. WW CARROLL & SODNS CODMPANY 2 STORES El I. Corne and carri awayj at OUR OWN PRICIE Libertyville Lumiber Company Down by the OldDUëpot. -P-fone 47 Been Here 20 Years. E. A. BISHOP, Manager mmumua -m-b-offl MUMBUME 'lt-- tidicet- iîot titîly ¶11iw i.tre-tgth of thim in. mtitutiotî, but tiîat w e lia\A i i.'coînfide-nce of the peo. Pie iu uo11îr1-i liil I llii- tii theîî t that we bave handl.-d tiîeir baukitig ii leîi îa riatisfac.tory man- Ter. It wil l e to yo\iiu-rt-st tii coiusider us when you oipen Y OUR baiîkiîîg accoiîit. - Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $100,000,00 W.. have a large stock of TILE, POSTS, SAND, BRICK, SIEWER PIPE,, CEMENT AN D BUILDING MATER IAL GIEl OUR PRICES

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