LIKE CO JNTY. 4INDEPENDENT WAUKE3OAN WEEKLY SUN v sJi.. &.jl-INII 44.- i T5U!1I"171 I- I n samTrcAu? iT TV -)A A.m:.m -- ýM .. ii£iw .MJA S,.l Z :v lLLLiJ. LLL., » £5Wal . dtLY 24,19f14. ZPO>UR PZAG2581.50j PM1 I BAR .L aIN .iiI Mi &lk iblmlb l- à .rb a sà n eà VlU R1U DESTROYS FIVE LAI(EZURCH BAINSTUES. EVE. Big Barns on the. James Dy- moud Place Ealen Up by a Fire of Unknown Origin. STOCK WAS ALL'RESCUED. Sixty Tons of New Hay in the Barns-Heated ltay May Have Caused the Fire. certain origin broke out In. the big barns of the James Dymond estate an the sauth shore of lAke Zurich, entailing a Ioas of several thouasod dollars. The. property ià occupied by James Dymond. Jr. l'her. wax a suries of five buildings. cannected as lb anc. witb anc large operNng. Theoconstituted ane of the filemt bain arrangements In the vicrity. Wheu the lire broke eut. tb. viliagors and resarters ID the Le Zurich iocality. made a rush for the scone sud ail jained toaulet in pratecting th@ residenco and othor nearby buildings. Theo farm lie wthin range of the village altOr uppiy honce the vil- laite department valiantly fought tbe dames but they bad galnod such head- vay that uitIle could bo accomplisbed and ml live barn buildings went dovn under the ailvance of the dames.. Stock ls Saved. There was% considerable stock In thé harn but al wani rescued, ne-Igbbars rusbingIn ta save tbem vhen thoy sav the barne In danger, lu the barn vas 60 tans of nev movn boy be- sies mnucb grain. The machinery almo, extensive an euch an uptodate faim. wadetrayed although al tbresbip4 machine. vhich bliedremch- dit the farm Tuesday and exPected ta begin tiireehing Wdensday. vas sav. ed. fi wa rushed avey tram the "ames mmedimteiy &fter their discov- si-y. Thie barna vere insured In the. Eia Cempa.ny; te stock. machiuetp', etc In tih. Ipringfield rire Inserauce Company. Orlgln Uncertain. Whether I# , Ore tartea fram speiManeoas combuston la the nov bey or viiether IL was tram the sparks ef a passing locomotive ou tb. *'3T' la uneriain. Bau théoris.are beld by the. tarmers lui the vlcialtz,. BaL n the vulagi-iid lt.eiae deprtm.ent vorced so bard. It seem- ed certain <bat other buildings would bave talion beforo the rush af tie dames. FIVE UIN AFTER NOMINATION FOR THE LOWER BOUSE, Viokers and Anderson Are the Latest to Enter the Contest for Legistative Sjats. HOT CONTEST 15 ASSURED. J. H. Vickers, mayar of Hiarvard and e former member of the bilegis- ture from this district ia a candidate for the republicar' nomination for re- preseutativo ta theo lover bouse. %Mr. Viers ba a largo ?alowing IMc- ilryan Boone Cauntie and twa Syeare ego rccelved a bandeome vote lu Laeke county but lost out as a re- suit of the Progressive landalide. Hia ontl'ance inta tho race proves mare than ever tbt ibere' tualho a bot llght fer the Position In Ibis district. ast, alrcady. ta date thes0 candidates in the field: r. 9. Munra. Highland Park; H. B. Eger, Libertyvilie; James M. Wood- man. Wau(egan; E. D; lihurtîcif, Mar- engo (McHenry Couuty) aid Joseph Anderson of Lake Fo'rest. elected four ysars &go an the prohibition candidate In the bouse. Anderson's petitions are nov being circuiaicd In Lake couu&y and 'there- fore hie laformallY tu the race. ASKS THAT WAUKEGAN DAY DATE BE CHANGED. l'a the Committes of Waukugan Day: Couid you change the date of Weu- kuganday (Aug. th). as thet la lie daeo! the thirty-slxth aunuai bai-vomI piculc and reusion eI Hickory (usai- Antiochi) fermer homeofo many of tho Waiikegan people? 'Fb. date oft idL pilane wessefoui- veeke aga. Al arraingemenle an. made, also aLver- 'tiocing bilip out. Many o! the countrY people vouid luke toasttend Wauku- gff day. Ala vice-versa. Amn verY i sonry ta bave th.m both came on the saune date as viIlr vlabes succese in bOth.-F'0bI ONB 'WHO 18 IN- TBREBTIID. FIRE DESTROYS BLDGS. 0F C. & N. W. AT BAIN. Pire, wblch It ls boileved tarted tramt the, spark emuitted Irom the stack 01au angnle, entireiy wiped out the buildings of the lttie coalins and va- terLng station of the Cbkagô and Nrth Western at Bain, a few moiles north of the county lune, ln Wisconsin, lafst nlgbt. The buildings wbich ver. rsiiraad -buildings. consisting of a coat chute, watering tan'i and tool bouse were destroyed by tbe fdame,. Effarts were made to Put out the Dn. by the few men wbo work Ihere and by tharin crews -but ta, no aveit. Preiht trains ai'.the lin, vers de- toured arouud over the shore lin. of the road tbrough tbis city. A COIW FROM TIIS CO. BY EXPRESS Sturdy Miker Nioely Crated la Loaded Into Express Car of N. à N. W. Ry. Train. MADE A NOVEL PACKAGE. Ten Men Lift Cow Into E xpress Car-Train la Delayed for SeveralMinutes. Paciied. crated and billed In about the "eean.ner as ay other pack.- age. a cow waà hoisted Into an ex- Prese car ot a Chicago and North Western lyer at the Waukeganu sta- tion today. The cov was ifted Int the car by ton men w vb accompiisbed the action soalovly that the train vas deisyed soveral minutes. The ahipping ofthlie animal by ex presseos- tabiished a procudent ai the local sta- tion, for, It Is the first Uime la the is- tory of the raiiromd et tuis city. ac- cording to mane of the veteran em- ployes, that a cow vas ever accardod the bonor of transportation in ar1j car, outaide of a boxcar. The animai vhich vas of a thor- oughhred type, a full bloode Guse m am valuable vaos ig by Mim. 8.tDmrad, pro tuent su- ciety voman ad evfr rof thu Lak. Bluff stock faim ta Mra. P. Reesu at Sneboygan, Wis. The animal vms a yearling beifer.1 Many of the passengers and athers vho vero at the station vatcbed vith luterest as the gang of men tugg'ed and liftod te animal Imb the lgh baggage car. The raisir«ofG!(uernscy cattle le SAFETY COMMITE AS PART Of BOAR Of CO. SUPERVISOR Moment to Inlude New Commiftee by Appointment Is Stated by Member. MOVE IS UNCERTAIN ONE. Committee WilI Be Organized to Better Safety Conditions in Lake County. *.1&saý âmen-Of ;.L.MwLm rdb. board o! county'supervisors arc coiN tempiating the organisation of a Bat- eiy commttee ta be appoiuted of their number vas a statemont Issued toay. The mavement viii be fus- tered ta keep stop lu progrees. with ather caunties lu the e5tate. the sup-. ervisors of which. have appointed safety commttees ta duive loto the [conditions of safety In the county and incidentally use their influence In ef- forts ta campei the raiiroad compan- les and other corporations of the cauuty ta clinnate ail danger spots about crossings sud other poinLa. A membor of thc board of super- visors apcaking of the matter today staed as foliows: "'The movement of organisation vii be ta btter safety conditions i the county in gencral. lu regard to the railroads efforts viiebumade taue Labiish warning belle at &Il croesings aid ta cicar away obstructions, so that drivers can Me thee alroad tracks for at least a distance of 200 feet ou cither aide. "I do ual know just boy much pav- er the board of supervisors wiii have lu such matters, but the services of the states attorney wilI be asked ta advise us in the movement. The as- sistance of the caunty coroner wiii &iac be asked as is vark bringe him lu contact with the by~ raiiroad cross- Ing asti generai danger spots in the county. "Wo understaud that there are many bail crosaslgs in the cauntY that are flot equipped i vth varr4ng beils. bowever, 1 might aim ate tbot absercers have remnaricti that the county leaonce o the best protectcd In that respect. in the state. "The railrous In mant cases are as anxioue 10 eliminate tho dangers ae much as any of the residents, as they would rather Install, because acci- dents, as a rule are rather costiy ta the railroad company. a pecbity MB. Durands like Bluff "lu"t wben the organimatioii, o! the1 si-m. lihe bas a largo driofo!thwcm ltt vli be affected la notl àcattie that represente lu value mauy known, but It May be coan. thousands of dollars. The bord le conaidered one o! Uie inest lu the vlorId. LOSS AT LAKE FOREST SCiIOOL $30,OOO;q NOW PAID Rec S.W. Chidestur and Johu E. Baggebt o!fWuigan lett - Tuesday uvoning or asix veeks trip east. 10 visit many Important cities and Imer ta go in Lake George for a stay. Mi. Baggetgoee i-eltanRocheter when. bu viii speud smre time inaso- lectlng uew seas for the Haisey scbool, Ioke Foenst, over vhlch ho be superintendent. the buililu recently baving been gutted by lire. "1'm going ta gel the ineelceate DISASTROUS FIRE ON STÀff-ORD FÀAR Barn and Smaller Buildings, Together With 100 Tons of Hay and Live Stock Burn LOSS 15 PLACED AT $4,000. OnIy $2,00 Fire Insurance Carred--Cause of Conf la- gration Is Not Known. A in. a myserious orîglu destroy- cd an Imense bai-nI severai smaiier buildings, 100 tons o! bay, a qutntlty of fartm machluury sud toilaaLd caus- ai the deai of several buad eofbai-ses ta -bu be! ln the United States," Mr. and cattie ou the 1. W. Stafford farm. Baggetl sSd. tva mies veet a! Ai-en lu Lake Couo- 8ter-t fejaiing Tt. ty Tueeulay mai-ning. A hucket brigade Tt duvePa tothle Ions on the composil of futly one hundred tai- school bas been adjusteL. 130,000 bar- crs saved the bouse tram destruction. ing been paiL by lte insurancu com- Mr. Staeford estimatus hie lau eat bu- panies. vhicb. Tilal stated. covers the tvuen 14.000 sud $5.000. lie cai-ies lao. an thue8000structure. $2.000 vorth of ire Insurancu. Clark. Ha* Commret la addition ta tho building the las, D. B. Clark.etfWeuiegau bas the Includus: conti-sct for repslnlg the building 100 toue a! bey bat piaced bu the and he nov ls gelting i'edy te rush barn. vor< aun Il to gel Tt ready for occu* 2 caiuabic 3 yuar aid horses. pancy vhen school resumes là Sept- 1 vaiueblo 5 yuai-aid bai-se. ember. 5 caîres. Incondieny Dld Tl? 8'arm machinery sud'toole. 'Fh. beliet thal an incendiai-y sel Mi-. Stafford va, lu Aria vben tbe ire la the school la nov stroeger lnutiru started. He burried homne ln e lie cily titan evur beere. Noa due ta boise aLd buggy and irected th. <bu culpi sI e ho.u eiendaLlii.. voit of the. vaiurleei- freigtus ]y hie or ber Identily neyer vil bu 'Fbhe rgin of the li-e s lt IcKown. discovered. l'h. stata JIre iepea-I.uàéitBy the hlm. thirei vich eated ut sent mun t La Ike oreot to Inruti- leven e'cloci beL beun dlmceeeed Il gt.e tter the lire vas rageated but vas Impossileho are the lire aisé. thely nover geined any evilce mwiPiTe maki barn vas 78 6e tout ogaai Justified even a complait. 40 fo vile. DR. Je M. FISCHIER DROWNI3D IN HIARZ BOR SUNDAY A. Me Feul From the Deck of His New Power Boat in Waukegan Harbor Sunday and TWO MEN GO TO HIS RESCUE, BUT FAIL. Atty-W. F. Weiss and Bruce Stephens Try to Save Him-Lungmotor Used Over 2 Hours and for a Time Hope Was Felt. Dr. J. M, Fischer, a dentisi, aad recog- nized as one of the citys most prominent professional muen, was drowned in the wa- ters of the Waukegan harbor about 10 o'clock Sunday morning when he pitched from the dock of his power boat, the Wau- Wau-Tay-See, Physicians worked over the body of the victim for over two hours but *without avail, A heart-rending feature of the tragedy was that Dr. Fischer's wife and son Joe witnessed ail the harrowinig details withcut being able le render assist- ance. The miotorboat, which is a ful-Fabin cruiser, is one that Dr, Fischer purchased less than two weeks ago, and in which ho had taken great pride, On Sunday morning, accompanied' by his family, togethei with Attorney and Mrs. WilliamirF. Weiss and Bruce Stephens, he started outi n the boat for a cruise about the harbor, The rudder was acting badly, especially wlien an effort was mnade te send the boat 10 port. At limes instead of responding as il should, it seemied to send the craft 10 starboard, On one of those occasions the boat headed toward the dock, when it should have gone ie the opposite direction, To prevent a collision with the dock Dr. Fischer leaped te the rail and tried 10 fend off the blow which doubtless would have damaged the boat, In se d'oing ho lest his balance and plunged inie the water withouJt an autcry. HIe littie seau. Joe. a boy o! about 9 ycars aid. vas the only aneviio suiv the fatal plunge. The boat wac un- der way at the time and vas rapidly ieaving the drawning man behicil. ".Oh' Oh! Papas In the vater; mcce hlm!' cied the boy. Fniunde Seek tu Rescue. This vas the tirnt Intimation that '.iocers. Weics and Stelphcns bail that their triend vas ln danger. Hastily bhrowing off somne of their clothing Ibey Love over the sideof e! uboat sud swam vith iusty t-oies taward the potl vere Dr. Piocher- vas ight- lirg ta houp hie hcad ab)ovew-vter. AI- Ibongb bu vas very fond et being &round the vater Dr. Piocher Dccci- boL learued to swim and hie efforts In ieep bimflelf afloat were pitifuily Impotent. Betore the Ivo svlmmers couid ruacb hiai he eank beueath the weter aud did flot reappear, as be bail sunk twice before. When the saw their efforts to Bave their friend vere fruitiese tbuy shut- ed for assistance. An engluesi- on board a boat that vac tied up et the sait campanys dock. jumpil tram the boastsud secureti a grapplig booi thal lenliupt et the sait dock. With this. atter a feu minutes'vorn, the limp forimo! the cictim vas brought ta the surface and litted ipon the dock. Rie beuen ln the water btysen uigbt and ten minutes. Dr. Gourley vas eummaned and bu dravu bie automobile ta the scneuea a rapfid speed sud at once applied i-es- tai-ativus and adopted artiiclal reasir- atIan vbich ho continueL until tbe Lersen & HoilauL mtraimbiulance rushed ta the sene vtth a lunima. loi-. The mouthpiucu of the devicu- vua pplied and tai- an hboaxygen vau pumped Inta the lunge e ie c- hm vilthuheregularltY of naturel rop- piratioiq. Lunamoton la CaloL Thon il vas tbaugbtthlat possbbly lie luagmotor kept et the *e. ia. lice aiat van e alittho >011.' and tisavuaskàur.d by tic amambml- OR. JOHN M. FISCHEfR. Weil known W&Ukegan dentiot, who n'et a tragic dcath et Waukegan harbo.' Sunday, whfenho VelU troni hie Isunch and d,-oned In front 0f hi.e wfe and son who Sere on the boat et th.eime; efforts of >hl. Molndle, W. F. Weiss and Bruce Stoph. ent. to save hini proý*d futile, aithough ithey dov. In aftcr hlm. iance. This gave no better resuite than ILthe fir8t. A crowd soon gathered and differ- ont people assimted in the procees of resugcltation. Every few minutes Dr. Gourley wouid apply bis stothoscopo to the chest of the victlm In an effort to discover a heart beat. Once or twice lie thought lie detected a flutter tbut tiiet wasaail, and it doubtiess was but the sound ot the oxygen being fore- ed into the lung. Dro. Barker and Daniels arrivcdl on the scene during the work of resusci- tation and aided materially, but at fength after the efforts hsd been kept 1up unceasingly for over two battrs each physician In tuom conducted an exami- nation and ail agreed that every ves- tige of lite bad disapfflr.d. M rs. Flischer who had suiad near et hand during moast af the time the work of attempted resuscitation vrac golng an, (Continued onauge twa) "UIXOK TO BE IN RACE FOR CONGRESS IS LATESTREPORT Former Mayor of Waukegan and Present Rep. Co. Chair- man Considers the Step. HAS HE CHICAGO SUPPORT? Reported Anti-Foss Crowd in Chicago la $eeking Lake County Candidate. À Ilttie bombihcil wai"exploided In politicai circles tiismornina- vben the tii' spread that former Congress- man Fosa la Iikely ta have a light an lis bande for the republican nomina- tion for cougresl te persan of Wil- liam Si. Buliock, former mayor of Waukegan sud i'ow chairman of the l4tke County Republican Central Com- mît tee. lnquiry about town shoved that leaders of the anti- Pnst campaigu lu the Chicago end o! the district have vsited Waukcgan seceral times lato- iy, their lateet visît being Mouday evening wbcr% tliey conferred vltb .Mr. Iluilock. ieavlng for Chicago quietiy at 6 oclockInl their auto i wiiich thcy made the trip. Mr. Buiioct, wben seen about the proposition Ioday admitted that he had belL several confoencee wltb the Chicago leaders and that a number o! bis Lake County trlends baL urged hnm ta enter the race but as yot bu vas undocided. He also admitted that the Chicago leaders wbo wvent 10 beat Posa, told hlm plainly that they vere going ta start circuistlng bis petîtion et onae and that tbey vould Insittan biesetiLndiug for the race. Mr. Buloci le wldely known lu tbe Chicago yards where ho bas many relatives wbo are tnfluertial lu tiiet enL of the district. Il la1a a kovn foc& that there la e atrang factional s brp tIhte Chicago district ad. BROTHER Aites BROTHER TO suI TO 51101E; DROWNS Three Brothers in Boat In Ild- die of Long Lake, One Goess to His Dèath in Wattr. 'WOULDN'T TAKE A DARE.' Case Where ULile Jibe onPr of Relative Brought -About Fatality in FamIIy. BULLETIN Long Lake, July 23.-(Specla.- The body of David Potah WUa re- covered tram Long Lake this. morulin& about 2,000 feet tram where SIt vet down Tuesday evening when. dai-e by hie brothers, ho doe off a boat in the mlddle of the lahte and started ta swim tW shors. Tbe body fioated to shore m0n 2,000 feet f rom where the -man gt .lown. It was tiret soen by Mra. Mi«- glns, a neighbor, who ran aad caffl. Messre. Haffnan and Alchant vii. hurrriedly braught tbe badi' te shore. T'h. inqueut vas heid Ibis Morajea and the body vas teh ab.ikea b.c ta Chicago for burial 'l'he two brothers. vith hlm et the. Ume ho loa]W dâtth i etm«. are Meme*eProie. trated. Detective on licoe. Mystery vas added te the case tis marning vher'. a Chicago deteattre m rived au the scens and hegan mai"m Inquirles about the. facto. jint wiio sent hlm or vhat bis abject lot. couli flot b.oqetemiined. "Perbepe bu merely came here ta heip Land the body. But, one vouid herdly expeet hlm to be sent tram the clty for that purpose alone. fiherliff Green end bis aaseM searcbed long laut evelng Mnd dtp' ing the atternoon for the bodiy. susf grappiing books, but were unsuccus fui. the vater flnaliy givigg up iSaq dead some hourg efter Iiey baLd d.-. parted. with Congreseman Thomsonan the "i dure you t. swim t. hr*.l.yeu fild for the Progressive and %ou cullt do W<, sait! lamuel Potami te suad Bullock for the Ropublicene. a bis brother David as tbey. vIti anàull- bot sermp wouid be prucipitalud ta may er brother voie roving lu telie lM the icust. of Long L.ake,veat aLd ro-tii eôt Graysla'te Tuesday nigbt about mii Mr-. Buliock vas mayor of Wauko- ocock. gan for two terme, vas alderman of!'.,aittiq nw adD"a the seccond yard tvo terme, Beci-ct5iy be rose from bie soat lu the boat mai of the Repuhican Central C.ammittee .aîd- "Hon. moecs" as bo pluaged cg iwo yeare and bas been chairman of!h ba- ot h wtr the committee for tyo terme. belug t boat mb < the Incumbcnt nov. Hie acquain- tBut. ho nuversfc4ern. upemguin a tance lu the caulity le extensive and eaaquc_#rhfohWbd If ho dociLes ta enter the race, eauaqic erb a-lisbd meane a scrap for the wimination whlch vas continueL e grear usaIof clear througb to tic end as NIr. But- Mouday uight aLdail Tusdmj viti lock. being a Lake County man would uncoasiug effort. Ilkely make bis campaign on that Thun, onueIrather darSng tie olis base-of glclng Lake County a ton- sud the latter ual visilng ta tses gresman for the firet tîme ln history, the Lare as ta bis evimuuing bsmov- hie argument heirg that It vouid hbeson.causai th" deeth ef e Ment pm- the firfet lime that the spitlin the ising Youitg men et 17 yean-m vi.. w»t Cook County organization bas re- Ollier membera of a Chicago Jet4eh euited lu one Bide voiuntariry tender- club heangaoeta Long Lake Su lie ing a Lake County man its support Graam greunda vbere they vee for lte office. Mi-. Builock le nov on- camping i tente. gaged lu the coal business vitb Pr. M. Brothers, YTe,àsNew. West. Il vas about 530 that the tire. Mr. Fos$eBvas ln Waukeger, Manday brothers tarted out for a i-av. Tii. at Mr. Witncye funcrai. He gaid bc bot day and oveuing lidcatimii tlos was formaiiy ln thc race for renomîn- la Lau Ibeir swimmlng suit& te> k.p atian. cool aLd lacident4ely take e LSp If they vished. Tbey wye.ail IiSsc MERCHANTS 0F HIGHLAND avininers. Therefore. l vasubut e PARK DEFEND AUTOISTS. naturel remai-k for am ite M&Ua whbe he aied Dave t a ImuSte aigu. after they baL reoched the Mailae e Hotel keeperesud moichante of the latie, tmne hait naile eOut. H-ighland Park sud neighborag euh- 'Fb. Lare. havever. proed fatal aud urbi§ Bay automiobiliste are beiug Le- the tva rem&ining brotiega. t-aRtS terred from visiting thue uburb and tu thuir effort ta locate tiie ioiv et their hIlereste tbercby ii'Jured by their brother, baL ta Bend vou4001% wbat Ihey terma the "feo-ous sever- in Chicago sometiuing nieibi: "«@M ty" o! the police of Highland Park lu dan.4 Dav. toavlwm le $m"'; b. MIe makig vhoieeaie arreais of automno' it. h'. tetbbttomet -cf laih billeseonncharges of fast driviug. nov." Poaesb vms eploti br lier drlving with open muffiers. ual mak. Roubuck. cf Chiao lng the corners quile square unaugb. . ~t Ape havlng insufficicut llghts, cnd on oth. reiesna o teaiAppaod li ci trivial charges. Wau'segaft police Wadmedlay 1ta go A petition origtnatlug aI tbe Mor- cnL assiat lu the. seacIdi for the youns aine Hobel Tuesday auL signed later mns -body lbat forgeant Magnard !e- by scoree of ieading resideuls &and ferr L <b o ashériff Grena u, «p"- merchauts a&fatheIbuHighland Pari lu~,i; ws Ûlais ieltrtmeet Tesei-il vas alipued te as&L Council ta direct the police to be lesu alter aecuring grappiing books et lhe severe. Waukeffn @ai Lacis, ho ludacetm d Bradbtury, D.ny Jenien ad tu» Mirs. Samuel Ineuh o! Libertyville other Young mon t eceapeay "S to the laie to tUy snd recaver lie wba le motaring through Europe. lu lu 1body, BrttîauY IbisveekandmaLlater vili go IANOTISER $#MILAN CAE ta Swltsei-land adItaly. Upon ber lit. Jeaepi. Mici.. juiy M.-fiiiis relurn lalur lu the Summer. Mr. and a Lai. <rom bis camPa2OS tfl e WI-I Mrs. Insult viii more ont ta Libeety-a half mile acrou 14Laie iesat ville la accupy hou .ouvery berne, until late ln tie fet]. 1I. (ContinueLais mgm M 'Am PAILIP TWI). lpeTTlD in A elip