LýAXE COUW1INTNDEPENDENT, FMRIDY. AUGUST 7, 1914. B ?appeninçrs ai - Xrca- Correspondent and Agent Quaity.-Boyd*m Studlo-Priee nlgt Borne blankets andfliy nets are ou sale et the Area Barne(qe Sbop at grreatiy redaced pries. tor a perod oftbirty days. Ama Black of Grayelake, opeut SUn. day witb Baus Avord. Mns. L. A. Mrrie @peut a feu days tiua eek with ber parente as Round Lake. Mldred Avenu io Sparnia, leib., la ,WIaitngwitb ber grandmotisr, Idre. Dean. B. J. (*opb al uit.ams apendlng the. ve& wim h rla Chicago. Mms J. C. Dorfienuoas aChicago vietor ae de " ~ r taw.ak. Paul B"aad taudly of LibrtyilIe, spent Banday here end at Dlarnond Lake. MM. J. B. Âynsley la entertainfing ber adoter, Mms J. J. Bon@@ thia week. L. E. garden vlsted viii relative@ at Antioch on Wedneeday of tii. week. Mr. and Mm .8. L. Tripp euîsrtained tii. week, Mir. and Mnm E. A. Trlpp of Beringten, Kan@.- and MieGracs Tvlpp and bnatber Daytou aiKemnt, lova. Horace King bas bren laid up the pant few days witb an inîurmd baud ecelved while working on tbe uew mesuh borne eouth ai Lbertyville. Mr. and Mms J. J, Rodgers of Racine, spent Sunday witb Sire. Mary Swan. Mr@. Radgmrm vili make an indeinite visit hlie. Sire. W. A. Shaw bas ber iter, Miss Turubuli oi Wanconda, witlî her thîs week. Doratby Boleomb bias rigurd lier poition at the LanRewortliy stûre ua taie op a course of study in Chcago. Bs@@LicBride ba@ taken ber place. I ..~...... I ___________ Ara for and duIrlng the isecal yar mnding Niarîli :1lmt, 1M15, wam rmad and pamsed as read on mtnîîiî of Ruimeli aid lrviDg. àl.-tin1r adi a rtied i oni mition af Ra.'sriiand Ixtiiàzr BASE BALL. At laat it lias bren arhfmved-tbe obîiugni goal of rvery ambitions elali .rtit-a nu but, normn gamne and aur big @ps bal dispenser is nov entitird ta a place witb ibe select 1mw Who bave wnnked tbnîiugh an muins combîat aid beld ilie apposition bau ilese aid runleoa. Grayelake vas ibe victim oati s record rnaking bit of iwirling and despite the tact thas @vers vistiug plasser a tr.ving bard ta spoil the record It could not le doue aid ibe garne carne toi us by the score of 6 ta 0. The combat vaa mot even an clous as ibm score vauld indicaste for the borne boss were 00 confident ai vlctovy vit udy pitchluu n-bit bail tha$ tbeY e$Mnd IUp m"r ai eoortnable morgln Wase eabliaied and1 let ti. score shamier by a gaad mmfy1 ran@ thea il rlgbt have been had more berna .edd. Ngtblng çbç Ila n 51.1 frat tv tocande but tii. thîrd eau tua1 umwar eernthe lpa n àtiréé niee bisa by Knlgg, Davis and B. Dardier and la the. third tbreé, more score. vere put avor and It taok but ans it to turn the. trick. Tbat wea an ample sufficiencyj but just because us canul' beip aur- selves ose mare va. made lu tbe eighb. Ploulon for the visitore pitcbed a good gaine but bis support vas rather erratic lu spots and l'ais mnade a borne victary possible uith the expeuditure ai mucb lese energy tia it, usually. takee eveu bmbund sncb pifrhing as Rudy was giving. Our liavy bitter@ vere taklng a vacation for @ame reaeon aud lte tans rnissed ibm long swat that Tons and Rudy generaily put o.ver thie lef t field feuce but tbey werent ueeded or ihere le a straug proabiulity tbat w.. would bave bad tbem for tiese boys eau le depeudmd upan tu delivtr lu a pinch. Rudy bad a loi better contrai than a week ago aud issued but lfour passes, cirer aifî%hemngoing ta Stuli Marrie anîd lie le the bardeet maninluthie cunuty ta plicli ta. A couple ai errîîrm lu te ibeh made a vîsiting run passible iliaugi n(d vers pobable and thée cmigo& a mian as lar asthbird but Meade COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. lCap King came in aid imade ai Winklmelibontflfy for theitir Slzty-fiftb regular meeting of tue Tie score: Board of Trustes af tbe village ai Arma jra A B BR at tbm village bal l onday, Aug. 8, 1914. Kigge. lb............. 4 1 Preen.Trustres Wel ls, Irving, RusselIlDavis, 2bh.............. 5 1 1T. Dardier, c ....... 4 f0 Knigge and Murrie. Absent, Watson R. Duirtier, p........ 5 0 aid Abreclt. J. DanSer, 3b...... 3 0 thwuse moved by Wellmsud Kuigge 0. Kiiig, ci............ 4 O tht lurnie br appointei! ta pre@îde in 1Raus If ............... 4 1 Marris, se.............. 3 2 tbe absence of Watson. Motion carried Filsted, rf.............. 3 1 and Murnie caak ibm chair. 1Swan, r ..i............ 0 f0 Tbe minutes ut the previane iieeîiug Hapke, 3b .. ..........i1 0 svre ead aid appraved on motion aiff Runssell aud Irving. 1 Gravelake AB Il1 The tresienrer tien read bis re-gular H. Marriem . 1 0 rnantbly repart wbit wa" audited f.y Buok, 3b .............. 4 0 ibm finance cammittee aid accepird ()n Meade, 21j...........4 0(f motion of Irving aug Wells. i Wnkb£ ....b ......... 4 0 The olloingbill wee resi: P. Survie, Ilf..........1'lO Ti ilîvig ileace -a' Kapp)le. c........f.... Chas. Rail, idewshk@ ............$lh 1) P,- lj)iiui .............I Ialpi Rous. treet work .......12 1:1 lannuee, cf..... .....I 3 Glae@Ifreesen, street aork. ..... - an:v,......~if W. A. iaw, lhardware................fi5 W. A. Sbawgalv. raaliug .2... 25"A rea,..............( O 2 '1f W. J. Williams, treet wa un..... 9 00 Cira ' mahe..... f.... .10 f. Lake Ca. ludependent, publîefiug 1 00 Sumniar',' Tire base bit W. B. Staden, *urveyiug ............ilG 00 base bits. Filmted, 0. King iz t J, B. Aynslmy, i,ýt iwurÈ ... .... > li) orfier lx, liYPlinDien s,;ii Publie Services Ca., ireet ight@ ... 4;, "-9 oail hunIer 4,(off Plonîmu1; si T. F. Swbi, drawing ardînaner,.. 2 t)(i ,Kuigge, lDav is 2, . 1bîrtf e. t wat uiovmd by Russel aud 'l ýru .,.. that aIl buis lie alowed and ivarraiîtd 6os dnawDunoutibmtresearer lu paymenî ii of.. ,,Notes.,,..c omre. Motion carrird. lreidrnt Wateon caîîe Iii ut nîne odeock. Momed by ltuïand! rviug iliat tki. Cerk he ntraclýed tii gî Mrfie- If Board ai Reviwnt owin os5in ai Wankegau aid gel data oiii hir. valuation lu ibm villae alArma. Si,ii cannird. Au urdinaucemtaking tl.r annual ap- propriationsta deiray the necesary elpenes and lilalîlities ai uv village cf fanurd aid ýa nu(e catch unal ui H P A 1 à of 2 1 if 01 2 10 4 ) 0 1 7 27 4 H p A f) 1 f3 (f 2i 1 Xddiliona/ ?/ews Jobn Welcb W--a-s anAtiiCîh visitar wed.eeda.. -W. 1. Colline and iarniiy motored ta Aurora Sunday. R. L. Martin wbo l@ witb tbe Rdpatb Cliautauquao. waa a vioitor bers Tburs- day. Collns & Doane thbis week bad two massive monuments haulsd ta Rose- crans. Dr. A. H. Churcbill and fanlly left Sun. day for tbelr new borne ini Oswego, 111. Tbey made the trip la tbeir auto. Dr. L. E. Golding ]eaves Friday for Hobsan, Montana, and expecto ta ho gone &bout tune weeke. Raben 8Hvener of Plttaburgh, Pa., and MIdfu Dorothy Pavis of Sycamna, lit., are viitins at the. borne ofWm. I. Collan.. US UWN TAYLOR ROUNLE D I 1NEsDAY Mr@. Lillian Taylor Kobnle, a a&iter ai Mr@. 9. L. DuBole, died at the latter'i borne Wsdopeday af ibis uesk, tbe cause of ber deathbobing diabetis. lire. Kobule bad been living witb ber nieter off and on for sone time. but obe wae taken ick wbile otapping at a botel lu CbicaRo. Site waei brougbt bere a&bout a week ago. Tbe deceaaed wae 47 years aId May ù.tb. ~be iavee two dauglitere, une oi wbom le marrimd, tbe second lieing Mime Belen, who wae calîrd tramn New York wbere she liad bren e-pendiîLg a six weeke vacation witb an aunt. SIje arrived hovre before lier mcthp.r paesed away. The funeral was belt] roamthee Iltole bomne Thur@day afternion ut 230, Hev. W. L. Whipple othiiatiDg. lucternt in Lakeide ceiiietery. RURAL CARRIERS 10 MEET IN LIBERTY VILLE Th Liake Comityî Rural Letter Carriers amssaîat imii will i li-et at thle l.ifîrty ille postotivv on Saturday eveiing, .Aug. 1. The main parpoe of the organizatiî,n le ti) wtart h moure diligent ceffort on rtue part of the higlia s. corniisiomîîurs to ilipruîvc the rî,adt and -Il"îw ilat they appreciate itlit, efforts of the cririersi in bel ping themi tii ktep the rîîadf..in ici air. Tuehe morîatjoîî liiip, inite,!aoi inittee to notify ail roadlîîiiisînr ta themgavenrneuî, aud if the dmpart.. mentmse-s it sncb portion ai tbe route may be discoutînurd outilluffiient re. pairs bave bfera iade. fiRS. OLIVER BOWN DlED TUESDÀY AFTERNOON Tueeday afteruoîîtîab oune oclock oc- cutrd tbe deatli aiNi rs. Oliver Bowu at ber borne nurîli of Libertyvilîs. Sbe vas an aunasaf tir fate William J. Frye wba passed away at tiebmRavihume on JulY 25tb, and Mire. Bown wae the last rernalag member ai the Frye farnily. Berfillneéa bad bren afilong standing, havinu been a sufferer trorn periionitis.1 Sbe leaves ber buebaud ta rnanrn ber datb, there beiug nu rbiîdren. The. deceased vas boni lu Somrnerset- sbire, Enaland. and carne ta Amenica in 1892. Bhe was uulîrd lu marilage to Mr. Boua in Novernier 1893, and liad llved lu tbls vicinlîy tram liai Urne. Funeral services viiilu bbeld as tii. borne Fnlday afternoon ai tua o'clock, Rev. Edward S. Whbite to0 cdet the service. Interment wviii ela inLakesde Cernetery. Quality-Boyd'a Studio-Prce*right. Tbe St. Paul'a Evangeliea churcli ulîl hald tbeir anueai Sunday echool picuir SaturdaY, Aug. 8, et Rlugdabi'e grave. Misns 9îda Boremberger le visitlng ber couulu, Mir* Ida Buhrens ut GleguCce. MiSles Winifred and Les Plagge are tviaîting their uncle, Mr. Weosling of Iowa. Rudie Deshauer ut Chlcago, was the. Suudi.yuet et tihe borne of T. L. rKnaak. Mdisi Ruth ilecbeit gare a IBwD Party la bonor of ber guemts Misse Katb&ryn- and Marie Hull. 1There wll be nu servicee Sunday even- Juge lu the, Preebyterian eburcli duriug 0the. ronuh of Augus. Ur. aMd Jire. Offeie of Offerle, Kaneas, are tii.garnit. aftheircoune, ithe iai* Rocheub.ch. Ur. and li. William Stryker and tami[y Of Ubicao, uere the. week-end gnou, et Mr. .nd MUn. Guider. Umia lLta HegI lavisiting lMr@. Blanche MItobsl l10e euoylug a tw u fugusa sDor ta Chicago. useke vacation. Mn. aBd llft. George Karcb bave been Mr.andMr& B S.Coo eteraloedcallod ta ]Ponta"e, Wl.., ou aicoun f blir.tond landl S anu snertanedthern.rliasilium OfMn. Kwech's atlre. fat eem so iladfml e a Mr. anirM. Peter Hoffmeysr of Mr. nd M@. lber Wcardehad Ravenewood, vere ithe eîd gueste lin. ai Urs. iberi ~icb of ba r. an ad Mn.. BeyGunckel. thein guete on Saturday sud Suuday Mr. aid Sirm.0. A. Entebingi and sons, Misses Etitabeth aid Donotby Rolpbeit Mise Graves aid Lesie Hutcbungs ail o;ftare visltîng relatives in Foi t Madisai, Manhattan, Kauvas, and Mies MyrtieIoa Richtarde aid trieid Smille Hodge Bull A rnlg Pictune ebow îlilie bfeld lu Chicagn. ibmtebool bouse Friday emug, Ag Mary Moyen of Ci ifagi,. spent Satun. 1Lir. and USr anud mon, wlio bav'-e day aud Snnday m iii fier eCîiUn, ire, he' vîsîting Min. aid Lire. Leonardý Frauk Kleiu. etter, returîrd ta ibeir biorne lu WiII Stillinig fias. jurrhased a ire Hiawaîba, Kansas. Tliursdey. passeuger Krit if Mat Hrmcfiferger. The Il . A. wîflgîve auniBe craîiî Ms. ie. E. K.ccdii e xvas a UJilcag,,) eiiial un the lawn (d.Il. HM,-îer. vielîuîr Mouday . ' ren-.iayeveulng, Angui 11iii Mîr. andSire. U.L t. Huichîngs of! Mîssee Adeline aiui imarrie Muller if ileuiview eu. pvitic îee Bd M utli Mr.!Arliugtiiî, Heiglîts, werr the gmurets i)f wid Sire. J. Richards .1 Miss iEleaniir Meyer last w.eek. Rudi cpli Lafrri ît r and -iiifri n i Iowa,1 are spen(iîig a Icii c i itii reititesý lier.. NI r. and Nie,. C'la.. Hcr..ciberger atnd son Albert., ml» iii a fcix îiaî%seast aeek i wiillrelativs e.i nI.'higani M ise Lau ru ihai cteetai imdcu'ini liaiNiyran iii ikii iast a cci. ire. [f Rit7,t,ier nas a Gray@luke' vietDr lset %v- k. Mise Emmia I.airentzii Hinei, client tfatu rilay and ii a îlay wuiii litr îîo liiir, Sire. Freil ier- bergr. 'Z lien suchro roiaosaare iii faiiiriier iu Tiie Ladiîes'Aid iliivetd iii t4e i urchi t lie îurisdicîin ofthie riîmfliîsion,-r lunfiasmeint oiri, Tlurmîlay aiîeriîin, whi'h territî.ir mvi 'oîlî,,î et. 1 Aag 110, The carriers air, iiigto inmset riouî ui rie *Pa.-,iIn Play of lirîîiea' 2praverien otire rîîaîl e nd afer wai t.I i. thle t toIý tie sterpoptipi cn cctli ctii ~iug a reamîîîîablc t i ucfor suif, reliai rm lii-givei h Ir' rie i'hîrcl ion Sa tu riia aid i, uîtîî fia le of ,uen bii ruli I.iitIg..114 e t ighv i ci,,k. Tf 3 and io Dotve hamtfcct,î-er.W. i 'ou IcýI inf 75 beaîît fl I'i, ced 2 andîtiotis, the carriera iliiut î, i.- ap. lid,, bi-sli f i lI x pfaîaîîîîn v.il lie Ipeal to th, liîîstiîaeter hio ilI re i,art givî.ii .Ajiiiieion 10 and I1, cents, il if 24 7 Lln; tai druck ouni, LA-e ou h'alls. éloIra base., an i. ii,...-edi fiat tiC,, bite. I lily iii.. all kiioî-kcd ta the out ield aai Sundat ai,,! Cap King gî t hiat Nent Sunaay the crack te-arntram tue NuavaI Station carnies livre for lime irsi if a series iii gamem and the struggfe nl be weil wîri watîiing. ifanlels wae kepi bney lu renter dnringc tir lfrst part ofi us game. He gatimrmd n fiue loîng flies ilat vNotild liave udrd la tie score lîad tl-y gaie sale. r s S. L. Tripp. Proaident. R. F. Rouse Vice Prosident. Irving E. Payne, Cashier. A Profit hrlog We- rhare olîr profits with our depoHitors by J)aying thellî 3% INTERESI on Savfiags Deposits. $ 1.00 Opens en Account TIIEICITIZENS' BANK ARrA. ILL. ""Make Titis Bmnk Your Business home." Corseting the Corsetless Figure TT was comparatively easy to design a corset in the days .of many bories and rigid materials. But with few bories ind materials soft and pliable to the extreme, to get the correct lines requires the utmnost skill. The secret of the wonderfui sucoess of the new Paris- tana Corsets lies in the cut. So well designed are these new models, that with ail their suppleness they fit without a wrinkle and give the graceful, natural lines with great comfort. 'PARISANA CORSETS Entirely New Mfodels Although they represent the latest style of the moment. these corsets are flot expensive, $ 1.00 to $5.00. Corne in to see these riew models. A Parisiana wil give your figure just the lines your dressmaker wishes to emphasize in order to make your new gowns absolutely correc* in style. K N iGG E'1s DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES AND GENT'S FURNISHINGSi Phone 238-R ÂRR&, ILU Fir.t Natdom anB uilding, UhastyvUe, Ut. M4any who sce this lllustration will b. reninded that tbey have saved. Others wiII see-theil save. $1.00 opens an account with our bank, drawing 3%. First National Bank capital .amSurplus. $so.OOO.O@ Resourcea - S30.OO.OO Alw.ys amdar n .t.Ia t.m e&Gveumt Supervisiez R&ailiLeord slsowu by guage on Fire National Banki Building- July-1.1O la.-Deici.ey 2.80 lâches. 1914 ta JuIy 31-13.76 is.-Deflci.ucy 6.00 anches. --------------------p--- s::spppppppp Dr. C. J. Davis had a@ bis Stiuday 1 Mrs. C. K. (Irlirne and Miss Mamie guesîs lMr. aid Lins. Wm. Ifuudef- r. Lir Viag, wlîîî have bten vimting the, and Mmr P.f'arriil. Mn.and Mr#. Jarmes lattvrs tamre n nowa for tuehéiast Glass aud moil Robent ai Chicago. three ae..ksretumuid borne Saturîlay. A. Boiy st i aljr)will he iîrgauiz.liin SlNU.MihelHoreyIierwen was il,..gin-st thie town hall oeufdvcrmig iss l.fiiiai EKrt of Chiu'ai, Tir,, Thuirwda v, Auig 27t1i, a i..l e.- fd day. IiaY A large *'ls,rmtion i. i,irig ir.. .a.. u'ci is,,a ls lîlaiîiîcîitoi-l.ýbra5etotIt ir, >rtcss if il,,. giic.î f Airm.f C li atil i r ay ai-i villaW.e Satî,rdan iWeni. 1).rplia 'tîrk i NIl ns Gerald mwiti r Mi re gan, ai flhas, ýNiet 5vat 1 Peter i bcagi an,! Mi anîd Mi, Caîhii ,n tbm S-iiith A hall al].Ai witli1i di îpfrtî happyîtr ST "iTI' STOP 1 W, hue nies andl * carry if STOP su:drleié gond rm The lRoi 4l~ Page Two. WISCONSIN LAND The Home of the Dairy Cow The Land of Clover, Good Water and Green Pasturep Some Real Bargains in Partly Improved Farms: vil aI l t sI iîiii' lVF iî i I ,,r1l fitlî î , dxî l iai tiî . 1,,,,fir is iii li i v,,, îîî.&E l-,riiiîl a i s Iia 'c..u. ail i..iîî"d l~i.. i.il- ,i : n'i l-iiif nrs!t, ,ir Icru . iG mii-c.. ti iiiiu ,te,ui 1f1.. t 24001 s11. 1 isf . l ace -1 fi z u recal fria ea,,.il,.. i leur-illatndais arth ,"lî 2iu l lia11 , fi a)8ýrc, i- O. (c Il , -lf,îîît ii thc '1111:11 rail 41f1 ccs îiîf' iftit ii ,( 2-, ar les'ifl pastiirc; i -hue fraîîîc fiai,!..gid -1nel i Iuicif, rFFr itsi. t fi roiigb t, ; Iî. Iî,î.. 1'. iîî P,. c *liIii (l,; i"%i"., :1 liîlce. t f 'l I iu ! ni... .~l1 Il ,. 120 ai-r,s, 5 ile ai-s-t if Ni.diird un a giiid eîîad, 4;(! aires liti.!.r iiiiîli,,i î esiitas tîve, 3î5 acres t i i lir; h ri anie balise oit cîîî 'c f. lar, feaîîenean, vnF. -i'.2 72. il db i ranary; tai, ache, rirer riun tliii, li1-4lu,; allimeil oul.ý *hiii,, , d,îau B., 80I>acre.., 7 ridfiiiim ilîdiird. i'iiantr seat îi Tas uv r uni,' ; in goiid nîad; 401 aIýres uînder cultiva. liai,; 2f, acres i..ii i.. ;bla nei iîd Itiubfer,;8. îîîimi felanieflous iîe hi gocd ci-flan; giiad coulîtIrun: log 1harn alitraîne hay sefrî: al irntird eesk ihnîuîgh il. gîuîîd w-11:' r, hoili,ouse I-roa ie,,,. erui; prive oi liane far, $9uihiffl, , w. Wili pormimnaftIroperey w hidi iniludes i fi, îîse.,12 ci, s. fliit' Ile ofi nacui n Fry, lumraînrsd sLiriz!esfor bail, tShfffi. t2SulOdu LOEB-HAMMEL REALTY COMPANY l Owners & Agents. We are also the accredited representatives of the Soo R. R. 4S,0S acres of good land. See officiai sulouaucernu next ucek. Local Agent, H. D. BOYD, Libertyvle We'ro r.ady btaktmd aupone to es thes. farmm at any lime couvemient to them. Tripsumaile evory uVVeok. q A Qi were Ta trai tew c t ',w"i -am i Gage Fre Zeni, M r. Misle witb Chlica at Dr, mnan. Md r. Moud Irvi day Il Ire le oes Elli. Las, liffler I rînd a'hi cli Adan) ielcti oif tii ipîîg t lient i