- LAKE COITNTY 1NMEPENKDtiNT. FRIT)AY. AUIïUST 7, 1911. Page Three I DIAMC>ND LAK E 1 SI. ___________Si j i.. t inn1 rt t Im ,ri i l ]eIt iera i Edîlti hb, F. J.DRUCE, Puone Il tI,, t tt-ntItrf ri ~I 15 irdlI Ordlet s Takn for Job Work a It'rt Iargedi Adveriisttîg raies on applicaîto. j1 M)ycîý l. ftîi.ntaitn a Ii-j tt ,ti ________________ relativ, i ta ic iia tt, liaifîti Siilli t 1, ti ielclKajîrle rtt'r V h.si. wecer i >tle ttFttsIridai tii ltir. Frt, .frtit tt tieLiAlaîti. saîeirfit ,lut tatîtcdi utra tt..Xi ~Ils Wai irSattiay. Aflerit iiacrtt i liitr ci-it-hele Taie t wl-a, ilt.attelittti, îîtîiguei,t -I fMr- Laîtra fi, haire. tcaitir ahuriait eilli.tîlît 5 r nue Inna Mr,A.. it,uiie tîtil Rltir.r rtt r Irr ltr 1 few daisJanlescîîle, 'ie, Sttucdai.tir. Cn,,Irf1 L . A lurge of Waukegat. was in a Jid alliltl andttM r. ltr,îtalmii andî tî iîîwn miiîîtity. He ant i.iris j. are faiiv accoînpaiit.d lhi.t Camiiig at te Iltblrobail grtutie on tirs fienter anti dm. latin Il.I-Kane tiages Laike.wece batilegan vi titors Etia j ireti Kuebker traneaciet imnsnees ini Zen Ja. Win., lasI weei. MmrsJohn Longabaugit anti sluter, Misa Susie W itteheati open t tbe wek-end wititC. 0. Longahougts anti wiie ai Chiciago. Miâs Hubbard, a nelce o!ftirs. Hanter, wi] @ail for Englouti A ug. l9tb. b is ait Drefent a gesat of1Ira. 4). C. W ald- man. tirs. Orlando Hloot retarneti home Monda>' eening ront the Huhentaun bnîsptal Cbicagro, rmeSruneb mprrived in beaitit. Prof. Tayitir spent Sttiay a tii hi@ a lie aiiteHeanan hrîtlaL Irving Illnnk client SundaS- andtiMou- iiay IluCictagi, Joteiti jtesph transaeten]i iuineas CicragoMU trtay. H. V. - elanti speut Saatiay withî frîcu tisaiEcanst.u, Mmir Pilcît l'rffPriS iiiW tta, epent Moîndia* ywittifriend tisaibiaysiatc. Miné- Altrruete te.1ttr tif tirwautce. le #pendinîr a bfcw ietke iitit tis. Win L.aîsîTu-l.ay aflerurîrîn trs Lenra bliller Jicc-rir-tiMiss Lillitan Atiats lu a Iianio ii-ital. A naiitir tf Ilits. Atame I iendac a ilns iriiatm tus lao the reet[aI iitci aas e\cepiotira Nîîi ti.8 Adan i. tisîtaycti mach talent as a litti t, Tire in ,rnig n in cntis'te, oifiinn imlecttnres u irtrbt tiratthte itrenirinritg ilny a Fiii ,ticat,-r ai t4ire liit litrg St,,rcefîîr tirs ' iferitia, - irreriut, dir- a ent aitiidrtiaat aChîr-agîn hoelttt.al rrcsîneîi iîrîîî..Satictay ccentitc i.,înîr rrkaird iI meDr lInrite ar- 1t, (irâaklaic tr-uc irnrcili ptra! in tbe Waaieitan lity tuam n neI'1itirmda 'v again.t tueil %%bt MinaTire broy. aili çrntatrîv draw a gond ccr t Iua (irayslaket se- thiisgaineý 'Aur. Ituictale rn. eatectaiitîg Iis n-ilreicant i lîiy frua, irootuin. New 'inn thiri acci. M îne litas. Fenlon an,] taugblenr (iccaldlna r;int several dais of ast ieek a ih reirtîcesn WMauleslita ti, cs uilaanden anti famiy of Mitchi- gan, arele-ceona aviit ai hecrtaent.,1 Mn. anti tre. Wm Stnith. litas. l'enion transacteti busIness at '/cnti, Wtdnesday. Ni, excuse for baving ifles luyour borne vi ho'n you 'au buy a" Fly Sa att,r' for 5i ai The Itexai l Drug store. Peter Newhouqe tranmattetlbi s in Ihicagur Monday. îIre. RBouton(if Militont Jutictirion. 1f iitlng lier iaighiter. lirs C.A. Miller. Mr. Mathew A. Sullivan, son of Mr and Mrs P. 1C Sullivan t)f Gravlake. andt Miss Fîtîrence Cunneen of IBrooklyn. N,iw York. were marcied at tic Trinitv laitili,' hrih. Suntiay, July 20). 1914. Tht gritriti lm a tetegrapit operator, mweit Liîrwun itis vicinity. They came béee n tbe.r weiling trip andi will make %hlirr hci tis In lttra.gt tOtnrTliii r-'lav r-v n itig M rs J aiette Si rit, asautrea%-ttrotia pleaiaritmieulclie hi 1wrIfrientisandlneglltr,. The or. a,110t11 Was hb e cc tv-nfIii h fil rîlay. A bai î , . rai eîi iig i air et] jr o d li al.Alr,i11Smiith ileltght.-îith, (irtiu;any iitît i ,rliii stet ions and tuas Alie S iiitii gai .a ra, i îîg, olic eul tn ts oflttitatkwi, l.ire creatît nti aater- tîteltîn %,tri servcii, antite friendm depîartr' I i ii Iri ir.. SiiitI r riau happy c ritertf the tiîy. STOP iERE! "TOI' I1.EEandi get *vutccalrrtar Il. hýt, ce taie thein oit lot ronadit. sT i 1:1W iiand buy ytîtr Ie reani. W r i rî-ittI.hi uet c, catitand fruits. STOP Il If:1i0,fur aitîtîtîce Itoxrof candy. Wc have ic îri, arlittît bchuose from. sTo11' 11.1E If you want to Iliten to gnou uittir W e Lare soie agentsforrte iltiola t11.rillways gladt play forS-on. STOI' FIi:RE for postal cardm. souve- nirs and titeliants, a branti new liue. STOP IIERE for S-aur slatlrnorv. Wc STOP HERE for tojlat preparationg. Oir Harmiiîv lune iR uicxcelled. STOP RlE for pure tirage anti trug munties. Our rubber deparimeut cou- 1~ tains notblng but guacauteeti stock. A LWAYS STOP ata Rexal s@tore for gooti merchandioe and goond servie. DRUCE DRUG CO. Thte Rexali Stors Grayalake n lieu .Thiaiuer anti aiaîrly speut Sari day a 1h Wii Lenier at Ltiicciyville. E, Stbroder anti faîiiv mniorrnd ta Hantise Stinday. Mir. Batsy, of Mimoloun in Chitcago Wii @Pteak t ate citunv ti nday atternoon. Hes Isa fine speaker anti nu one shoulti fafi to bear bîm. Rari Kaneoai a L.aka, Foceei viffitor Sunday. C. T. Bartiti anti sons, Chari@@ IH., Water anti George caileti at is farta bars Santial. DiiontiLais wai wslI repressotati at tbe Chitaaurua anti ail were îleaied lu bear tira t t iili b, beiti again in 191, tirs Nortrope of Rosermans. speul a fow days last atel a-it bec daugitter, tics E i. Faulkten 'Aur Struîpr,! ofhit-agtî,reiuneti to bier homettIrr aller eîs-uding several da) sma t K NatiZaîtrit aîd fatniy tliras Julia Auitres.Fjt lat sueek wituî reîiivce iii t'. ukegan. tIc, ani lireWm. Hî Aîerî 'fWiu- kkeia. clint sceecai nai u iitir temi tiaugit.- tý ics. F. hacti anti fauî, n Mn- E Rirooret, tiilaughit.-r Matr- tire, lira udy1ihr1 tir tui-,]NI.tbrar iti t 1,1Iran t,! AuXtiii, i tiuIe, nr;atiîrt rie ttiriti tisMîi- t \.urc r i Zifrniýtic, ls i. strai ler, ti-tr-muJas -,rz Ing t fIt. tayi , i e niîe. EE Firer i itt'-- r.A oIi i.,etit ii t- .pr'Ind îg t.-Lmci atii lJýii rL, 1 rîritthem tics . Elianni. IVANHOE i 'tr. anti tirs J N anPlew o! Chicago, anti Prof John N anPlew ofl u'oib, visit- cd thte bome foîke asakt iee-. tIEliizabeith Kuebker i. sting lthe wîek ilu 'Aaakegan. The toausitlp SuntaY ecbnol (ruen- tîrmn a hit ae eltiot the niturcit Suni day allernuon ima nult ery Wil attend- cd bot ibose ibo tiere ibere reporti a proitlable meeting. tirs. J. L. Chamberlain anti Mn@.B. C. Pa ' ne iere gietealofnrf eailsai Wau. cnua Tuesday. Thte la(iiresC.eery society wiili bolti ibeir regalan imeetihng ai lite horme ofi Miss Emmra Radie Titumrtiay, Aîîg.13. Misses Avis PaYne anti Ada Kuebl.er1 spent lthe aciencati aI irr respctice hontes titidreri Avernu uni'iparia, Michirgan, visileti Iorotiry Harding ber,, Sînday. GRAND BALL AT IVANHOE Thte Isaubîre uodge No. it01. M. IX'AV'W aili colIn a dane at tue I raîthîi-XM. 'A A. hall Ibiîrutity enraz, Aug.I:3. TirL-ets iir ,, r rî.upI,Ir t g iiititre asmuced. il Tînl-e îîîrclate cu tîc hii is , ek aI icitethelt-decisilori te' i untt Cincuit coutnti tIhe tcase of lt-u trrv against fhec lirrub,iîîEtlard. lTe dciIstotnta nume ititlrlît, cil il1- ciife alJiîoît> andtiseparatt'inuî t 'trn- The court tino uplîclî litu Citrictiticurt decisict u iltitisutit tîrcgiriagantituMiichael i lav-,-ftitc tîinier muii(rotif i.?ri.tiiie suuuîdtiaiits atI lt-ar tstaîtion. Cheap Fluor Stain. Â mary Inexperisive 51010 can lie matie from brnni umitern sd hot ima ter. Ilva cents' Wortht or tseburut ambon ahi satain saveral floors; ltaI le, abers a rug la usati for theo centar. Pour ltse bot water over tae burntl iimitan, l111e at a tîme, liii Il je thon- ougiti> dissolveti. Usa a quart cf bol imaien w five cents iWorth of umier; ltaI mokes a pnelty dark brownu staJI. Lot Il dry, titan rb ou any gond flogr Vimaaid pouaàh. Acisantage of Eucalyptus. Il requires more titan a century for a cedar Ires to grow large enougi t t yield a lôfoot telepitone pois. The eucalyptus wHIli otalu a uarger growtb Lu 30 Yeare. anti t9 Wood la qute an -c ake CHARLES E. MASON, Correspondent - Aget 'rîrlitu Greent, mont ! r: .rrrt; t tiiaitv Rîryda Studliri-Price riglit.T* t' t itt it 3tri2 cinc r il, II . t' Ircclte ititet ýti tt',-, t. vt u Mf c. W l. 1tosi iii anti tu s Clara lil tr) -Spetncer, t%%ho t. hi j r-il fi rctirg wcre Cbi.fago paoseeuers. Iria> . ct, filc i ttiefi of Janesoville, Wlm. , wa ' titccr icaikedtil. t,, tr c llî,î caîer iti iquici etep as il tir r r,- colig Dr. F. H. Martlin biumtnt, ecibis ho rît ce 10. r-y facleepitht,,(ý , (,- I1 litîtitgonds andi Offie fluimtun e tru llaildhliaas lunnocenit ottl- .crime. Lîlirtyîli. B Wtir bwevr. -irlîinc heY fasîteti On the tiit-, lie îrap LibrtYill. H wilhowvervoninu il irt îg anti Speucer iit, no more. tu have office boucs bere. Vlt tri hn wn1f c h "rruo Several frontliere attentiedth ie picnic antîti stlike clockwork. Ti, liteficet aitDer Gov Suda. ltiitttig iever, Baw, atîy teld ai user Grme Sunday îîrîuîtrace to ses tlent cir, tila Plans are belog madie for a dance te The trap feu] et 10:22 n, m, .Fiee le gîven ander thte auspices of te ladiles mnrute's later the man was pronoune. aI St. Joeepbs churchbobre. Annîttne. ed dead « nment will fîltiw etsan sony data. Afier belug led tu the srauiolti Spen- cen, who was dresset in -bite. was Misa Dorotby Aires of Liiterlyville, fm aqkpti iy Sheriff Knhn Ir le huti auy visiting ettheb.houme of! MIoaHarriet Il stemneuit tu maka before le was1 Busb. hauged ". .YPS, 1have, sheriff, sain the cou- A @ad aecIdent occurreti lasI wcek tiemned man. Thnrsday at about noon, wban a motior Witlt a mcd carnation grlplttInlubis I boat parti froni ts Stauron bouse, rightt baud, Spencer. lu a clear aictE Lon Lke mti atij wPitaeaBaly. There Ia one thiug titat aitI of youu The boat waé about 50 leet froîti@bore arc lutercsted lu. That I., auititer t wben the ganoline tank explotict eting amn gutly or Innocent ufthibs crime.i tire tu li, aIl bat one of the Party- goîng 1 watto m o flw. before t die. as I haie ofien saldbefore, Ihal i amrn ft over board. iso. Jakobson of Chicago, frinent.', brotiter-in-law tof Cbao. Jurgenson, Stremier Iben lookedtimii tuefaces manager of bbc Stantrîn fouse, wae ineti iefore hlm.N drowned. Thtos. tanîtu was batily l"i tai aI] You hase t'î tut ask- burneti on the Jlitara, ilbus avlng b ig dtes ieniff.C Before 1 lea-re ttis ccit gaiti inother. Percy Wilisomn, a traveling man Strener. -1 want l i taul'Mirse W - il trous Chicago.,imas alco barneti about liamt Eas for ber kintinems tu, me1 the bande. Mccý Wilson ranis mry near a-hile bImwas waling tieath Site wi ci drowingnd wuldhav, ba itnotmy spiritual admîser. Sherlff i arn ironin ani iouli itiv, bti l ns esciy." Isen for ber son P'erry, wmio kept ber utçt P)encer raiseti bis eS-e5 in the duir. inlil other boatri came to te rescue. erion of te eky. Hie feet a-eetieti rThere acre seen in te party anti thenlte drop fell Mrg.BudFor (i Clry, ll. qpnt <,Strencer was dreese i n a ille flan- 'ew days u.thi ci aI the home o! ber miite shirt anti bine le. TELLS 0F llANGINfi Son of Lake Countyt Sîeriff Isý Back From Wheaton Where He Saw Spencer Haîig. AlîerIPaddtocki ima Chicago in iitr tic anti Mc. Wmn. Nantierbootu areorsu tecîaînrng relatives front Cbicago, anti Jîrbu Waiiton anti moit, olaoj, are bîuildiug a granary Inn C. L. Thtomson. Mr anti trs.ilatit addiock anti M.fi. Hiî.,n sptnt Sanda> lu Liitb>cile ai ici,. T. Hason's Nir anti tirs. Dean Huancyc-utacre ale-at Walser Syvkas Sanda! aller- Mca SNellie Ecaîz anti ciiltiren ai Ken. olira,iare c l@iting ai bthe brimeru! her aunt, tIr, Sirnon Davis. Mîilticeti Iavl cpent a imek i imliber brrtiter UGeurge near Britol. A mîbur Stanînctim 5 aming lthe Clamer- tiale creanterS- building movedtu tohIe nîclt stide t! the coati imiene ut mili b, net for a itoroe anti bay barn. fiarid hiTtomisn sI. provîug niceiy from bis broken arut. Dr. Paliner of GrmaIae educing the fracture, _SIURZZ Eti Frencb or Chicago, eislled cela- lices bers Suntiay. %Vashburn anti Stutien are building a ncw baru focr C. M. Brow-n - sou. Tbe Warren cemfeleryS- ociety game a Soîcial at tbe Oto. Panzer bomne lait Fnl- day nighî. A dance was given at te baihere Fnl. day iigbb by tite 'amdia cluit Gumas hnaeball teat imas ticleatetib>' the %Natswrît teani Sîrnday aor bhc lat- ter.m groutisity lte scorre uti 5 tri 4, btb termre piaying a lite gaime. lrc anti trs. Nounug açent Sunîiay aftccilnîîn imit frlenci,.in Kenosira. Viii, Itani'>vepent Mrîrîdav in ClIlcaeo ou ,umuncuv 'tir.e. i urlbw lhas b lint itle il tire hast ci cel iasecca ci aNI- ONt u ng pnitiSuîniay aI Rue- r-Il an tioli. J XN' Gray cpent Tliurituay wilh fi-itIs ir n n-ei E. \% lii lnietu cinru utI tiagironu brusinesW etinestia>. lit ScirInsscc ami Dr it.uling uo! Ru 8 -ni-r,, rtre in n iuli.trTluiiday. LOON LAKE MAN SAVES HIS LIFE Bt LEAPING JUST AS TRAIN HITS HIS RIG. A iiriîier ututetiJitrgerttcu, liin g itear iot, 1 hle. nia, tintliîg rtit of te lter lplace about 6:25 Sat. ittrcing-ci lit a uortui bouuid Son ii. train aîtîruacheti. lie was un- ableito stli lirs hre(, .s0, 0 suce hlm- self, ie Icapeti for his hife-anti uanagedti lucru r titi tracks hast as ilire trai craiitet Iiîlo ýhe rig. The horse ima klri nstantîy , lte Impact andi ti. rîg ias emagsîr I ba pIrpcet Jorgercacu Iatimiraculous Pircape anti feela confldent titat, If ho histi nlleapet Jut lite moment b. *French Iriar." "WrMeîh brior n" aprodue" ta 81Iy, 'CalabrIa, Coralcaand ti W»k romaAlieglo. I /e wsuvfom titte Mary Ercitanger siiieut taureday i5e.~ ' ~ anti Fcîday wimtit Mc,. Ueo. Gerîty ai LARE FORESI lBARN (ray@lake. AND G RA~I BURN rn~e:2a~ius Jme r[rîî,'ur, C.E. lDen- AND M A E DUR malai)']n'tîcil(uire acre Urayetake Fîtr( cipeirtedto h aie t i roui 'acc lecandi ufChicagospeut the a (ros( niwsi me, destrot i . t 'ibrnu aeek-endti miîtiir parente. antI tirage 0f P. C. Para clr ,rnl tIMr. anti lics. Bent Trotter oni Uicgo), i..kr- Fitresi resîdeticlThttrril, ti er. ittîti tuir i',iTitres har-i. tan spent Matucday anti Sandav wimlit tr. a00ut. r- hlastili- remo, utIfrotttheIanti tics A. K. Bain. barn alnd curare before flitefire rpcunt 'J.ticCanu bias returueti from Nebrasta ed tir tir lite t hatrffeiir aho lileti al)iove ie a ce lus bas tissu ttc pail -ar. garuc i,-iù ail cof is furuituc1e Miss hiuiy t7 ang of biaune, returneti Tir PFara,,i rplace le on t ar 1i tauiuTuecia>hiavingastentseveeaItiays calîc t tteatic Roand, eeriooling ý ý tlaite I t hisaid titat 'tIfr. ara clVI s ihltuses Hlea ntyest gurage andil arnt burneti about tire bere. (ann yrars tino tt ..,r ..- Illinois Drying Up Ynuu cau stant nîuw aI flalcua anti trave 1acriies tht norrtern part ni! the state tuaWet Chic-ago anti not cross a lireuseti salooin tutu Yoa rau clart at tJuIncy on th'e finugon Roati anti travel alil tes ay tu Annara, o distance of m2 iles, ari i rosa nly twuî plactes Permiîîîng saloutas. Ariigtnu and Men- dota. lbu rau Irai cifront Beordctown On lte B. r&- 0.S. W I. R. over ils en- lire route lu Shaimnectaimuanti mb lun- diana, a distance of 229 miles, anti cross Oni>' one City or snniu ba iug lilesueti suý bDons, andt titrt itY lm Springfield. 'tou can go lrom MOui,](syons te Big Four, crassiug Isu dry cîranties taulte city o! Daumille, a distance if 253 mile., and Dot crase a saloon tuttn ror City. You rau saat on the Wabauu abtfManhatban, forby toiles soutis of Chcago, anti travel by waY of Derabur andi SPrngtield, guîng ail te way touiHannibal, IMo . a dilstance of 273 tmiles, a itut îroasing rbut une City- Or loimusirth aOous, tai bcing Springlieiti. YN nu i cross the s4tate on lte T. P.& W , r-irnrg from Keotai. la , ii' iaY ofil l'nia into Indiana, a distance of *-24 til .-, anti cross only rine saloon btaIn, liai cf Peocia, ount,' cubîre joti miii Hn,e Defineti. Home laataend,(]. Terti.t mnu tin wil d om t-ytlu nuisî t /eilAhittbie Poilit ni t lt tra . . ).iMrray lun.'ttg girl in a public srhoal sas asisti ce. nanti>'bucti- n rIealluiition onI-'home. - ThPirir ittt n creti-r v Soiet li 'A home," leb on le.'i"l a hr. I-cc- î,tîrcIn ith Mirs.RoetîneiHîuter Ilu pie lime, 8nd alieiie a man or soea . Iriîrrî. îi ttiîi îurj eîîrbecs arc btody> c ..,ut îoî randtinSds peopl1 reittir1tlti1 r liin.-litl. It ilu ctld thera, cird 'ý,eu e,.,sV It * ii.ltii.,tllu unslreufor a r-acre .iatuits m i tîlof ci@t, Ii ,s îtntiig ber vacation iîli lier muotter, tIrs. Jane Jamiceun. tira Wieatouandcildren ufNhPtaon, jare ependung two weekâ witb bthe bome Item. A. W. Safford relumneti wlih RaIîîb Wbeatou by auto tionday. The Sunday @suh)itt nitîiiiliL e fiteld Aug. 12. W'ord re&rctid ber. Saturday, Ang, 1, o! lthe deats of tirs.Florence Sbewart tlrey o! Minneapolis, iun. ins. (Grey dîcti merS-sudtieniy. Site wae ataughter oni Ueo. Stewart anti imsbucu in Miibun40 S-sacs ago. Site caves a itushantianti une sonciglityS-ars olti to rurarurhertm s. Dlia iai mMontiay lu Minneapolis. Mise Helen S3affort i@i enterlaiuing Misis Jiutepbrne Kennedy o! Chirago, Ibis tir,. itI trs. L> iuru Stewart anti iangbters rvtqirnedti tri (iagri sanday aller a ehrîrt ctIlt bece. Mm, Mina Gitlbentant imeier, tirs. Lizzie Stewart of lonelefi Tuestia> tun cisit îrir siter. tint. Kutti ai Nlira, lialinla. R1UISEL Ili' ri j r' ali L u C r Ivî.ît-lXI.,'r MmraItctLe, l.u\ lait Mfilred i- sra t.rîending tilicweel, Nîrmi .1. Il.tîrci. Pntertaiueii Mies j lt il rBi i, ,,f M rîl Neb., titi latter paîrrt of th,,cie A>hi. i(r t('ti.leîi was thrown frutu bis uirter(, l cSru iday anti burt bis ara,. 1 %Nitil Carrie hambers is@back on tlie ci uteIroit i lttwu w(wks vacation. Mr. and Irs. Henry Hanssn autertain- cd uintlany foîr a faw day. J. A. teeves anti son, Mrs. E. A. Reeves anti Minute feeves wore Waakegan visitors tiniMontiay. Mir, antIMmiRa. 6. . Murrie and Doris anti Mrs.Corra anti Laur& were wauks- gan vitors Mouday. The towusiif8nnday school conven. tion wiIl b, bhotd et Roascrana, &ng. 9îh. Goond speaker@ are expaeeAd t, be prean%. The Bryant Quartett of Zon City, wiî furulah the mul*. NOTICE TO READERS Every week lte INt>EPENDENT receives news items by mail wlsicls in moit instances maces gnord reading matter. 8ome nf tise.. contai,, from anc 10 a dozen items fron, a comnnunity, but te writer having failed tta ugn bis or her name ta tbe articles tlsay are nt publisheti, as Ihis paper stictly atiberes ta the rmie that non un- aigneci communications shaU bha printati no mnalter how gond the news may be If you have items of an important avent please dont forget tn igo ynur nasse .ltaI we may knon the author of th. sasse. In communitié, wheve we item, ahouN behagivtn thesýim Of seaâissgdirOC ete h.INDPEN. DENT effice. FARMI NG t II t l A g. THINK i litfrig llepeý tf th kn !tu u lc v r g cliio ie J/C'Ound Foi further particulars address Swigart Land Coi pany, 1250-F Firat National Bankc Bidgt, Chicago, or Dymond & Austin Agents - - il rxi - - -- J-4 à IP - - Libertyville, a. illinois i. Il No. 120. FOR SALE-Bungalow. Ali modern impovementa; Huriburt Ct. anti Second-st.; bot water boat; bard. wmoti finIh. Easy tent. No. 101. FOR SALE-Modem 8-roorn houms on Division-et.; lot 60x1S5 ft.: bat iater baat; hardwood brini; stunco finish. Easy terme. No. 121. FOR RENT-Modern 6-roorn home ou Second-st. lot 50z150 feet; bard jond fi oc s tuccofilnish. Durand & Durand Real Estate, losurnoca, etc. Lshertyviie, lu1 Job Printing A FULL COUNT CLOSING OUT SALE, To qtîîck13 disproeof uîy cutire stock of Millinery and Ladies' and Children's Furnishings ..... The Prices have been reduced to COST and sme LESS THAN ACTUAL COST. It wiII pay you to purchle durimg "i clossng out sale, as notlîing wilI be reserve ail roode to b. sold much helow thear actual value. Mr&. M. A. PROTINE Libertyyli SON c tute iaet tantilîy. s0 thirilte gît, Thr. Mir .an,]1 %Ir. .1it- , "a ri i t. t, r- t ttnîng t1 i Ir 'I',.r Mz r h i l- Mies Ntiaîrl atrrid ii i, -îrril Situ.a at tihe I. t. .r Ms.uLaura Kin, lias, re, rîti2 r-tirried fr1) in l0 tia %% ,vr- s,twils a a, a îrr.,t h agît lty lthe atih >f nrrt"r 1) R. !ulatt,.r tuti r îtuniv 'fIr t il tr cric to (iýhcago Sîî P W. G (ray iatndifarnrI1 t i ii li '§petitthe week-enri wfth rtelattî-eu Paul King aîtd Walter IlanîiWs supîiria day Or 8su rccntly at lirtaîru ,Le, Wis. What lm the attractirîn buis' 1 Mr- anti Mrs4.E. LNWalti were in Waukegan Monday where Miss Harriet bada anOPeration for enlargeti bsh.l andi adenoids. Frank Sherseoutiandi Mcc. Della Sîr wood were called her e tfiret of the wsak by lthe death cil H. S. Sberwood. 0. S. Sberwood was taken suddeuly 111 on 8nnday anti dieti Monday mornlng. Funeral wae baud Wedtisdtay. l)bituary next week. Mrs. P. R. Avery la spendlug the wek lu Chicago. DANCE AT LAKE VILLA A grand bail wilf be gîven by the Lake Villa Commercial Clutn ln the big Barn. stable Hall on Friday cvenlng, Atîg. 7. C'hicago Orchestra. LIght snpper serveti In club roorus. (lent's smoking room. Ladies' retiriug rooni. Ticket@ 75e per coupie. Wardrobe f ree. Misses Margaret andi Mary à1eCan rturnied the Past week from DesKalh T MAKES MILLIONS THINK i. oIearii tr lire \- r s tt itii t.. IatsIto e itîrstire irtribr.r 'r taîar farmec ii ca ri t ý a, ar fa. t rt tthe iatitirr at.,farntni tirrr rai and;ti, tirnri iciihoe-r iIu. litilte itiovetîr.ttt i ' rrward Iii lire Land- isleiettrin lizt tir tri-ti î t-ait(en accc.uat ofai iiglandi val- ne., whfch tiiuirlitiiitht ttlait S-cars. tri tam r rîniTho Examuiner that tho hucher fotid Irires are partly due tu the pa.sing oi fanni lande into theefrauds of fewo.r owu- ers; to learo from The Hserald that Inthe laot t ew S-ars, wbile popa. la1tion grew ons-fti, beef cattie decreageti onethird. @anthat we îîuw Import basf for steaks anti roasts front Argentina anti Australlab. FARM TENANCY la hecomlng fastenetd npon our country. Tite rapîi lurreaaslulandi valuas la ha&. tsnlng it. The futurs of th& well- to-doedaois@îlen bthe oweerh'p f landi. Taka Ibis leueon homp. Wat are you building on for your future, for your eitlireo's future, for a aura Income, for a bonis of intispendence for your famlly? WITH ALL THE PRESS of titis country,. the goveanuent Itasif, anti avary stite appealing for more farnier1s. cantt yîîa ae tit tfarming la a îgooti business ta go into? Fese. er faiu In h ian lu any otiter lne. Co-oparatîve stores@aimnatiby fanmera for sliing tueir produite direct to tonauniero Is a growfug mavement full of promise for the alimînaîlon of mitdîsmen anti for seruring ta the fanmer a larxar percentaga of profit titan ever halore. Thea sabWec of farmlng baisitaconi a 0important wltb te povernment that t iq l furniahing expert luatniîcîorta mauy districts, anti satteta ta avantaaliy rover thea antire Ui otedi Staten. But first of ail you face the problani of s-ucing your landi. Yon want a working plan ta do t. I brlng te betut anti Surest plan, avan ta te man of limiteti le-ans. TO YOU mechane, nîcu ai all trates, rity loilers. yau teho imere brouzîl up on fartas, you farm renters. îîccr-bacdeueti witiî exessive rente, 1 bring a utesage. Thars are still some fiii y thausanti acres ready for your ownerqbfp anti accupanc,* lu the Swizacî Tract ln Masan, Miani- alec. Laie anti Wcnl,,dCt(ountice, Michtigan. WH-EN VOti LEARN Ibat yv au buy lantInlutiistract fic 810 lu $315 per acre ait ternie of $10 ta $,,o doimu anti$.- or $10 per montit, or about oemen S-ars ltime, anti a large seisition at ÏIS per acre, anti a trip r b L ti 0 b d tl d u T 'ar tîri1 iittý.teaeyoa ougti (o 1 1t ir ti . ct, u n ililvestilgate. THE EXTENT F THE move- li-ýýt-ltiluismai-t eveeybody knows irrrai aereindsents I tale il privatcar tillietiiithianti anti 1- r reeeri tri te T ract ev ry tw o) w ek ., an ti re r enti y tw o cars. y on aîr.rtimrt aîrîrer lit thet many that gzOauîlhmeif you neim mtai1Ihave tir tillr. Tere are 251,000 fanm ni-iter n aIllinoais, Indiena ant Iiowa w110t watt tri slecuce landi of thelr SIZE Up THE SITUATION. Culne anti sec lte cropsi of rS-a, oate, vetcb, crn, wh8aa, alfalla, beana anti poataie. Tak tu t e ttir. .Iiîtg a f ar y n reelf te am un t o f improememat anti devaopnent gong n. -Look at rchartis heng aarted. Fonscat lu Yor own mId what th. futurs bas In store for you n luhia Tract, w it usa- own, go ati mar. kelts, aeveraJ ralîroada, ateanoishp ]lun@@, gond achools, gond matis andi elsttie powsr dama@itaing built. Tere are opprtuntias lla Iis ditrct. Vrify nyclous e ta the advantagea of locatng bintsecentrai part of Michgan@ fruit helli, wbere the climat@, moteratati by nearome of Late Mictigan, la mil, balny andi ninet Iiluii. Drink the dliciana pure water. i wll taire yan lun@an oi My automobiles sa mon! mils. ai Sou want ta go ovr te weff drainei, exclient ay of landa o1 quicly protuclg, warm, sOdy soli. 1 WANT TO TELL OU a great tiaI mre bout tiis district, wera 1 lvet, anti witi thIe pbiling ai a bleb 1 have beau Identifieti for mn! eare, 1 ave pnliaed o 72-page ooeb, containng 115 viewa anti o thorongi tisacription ai aIl thea conditions for fanmning You ogt to ava lb If ou ara ong ta ho! landtIn Michigan or in lad, anywbera. Senti for il anti alon a lameammo. Yon wilha ila- tereteti ln tha Co-operative @Ide of my propolilon-the inurance fes- tre, the crpe af frmng Intrutors I m a ntain o u t 'he land@, tie e non- stration fanm, ni> large orcitarti, aseti aupplying arrangement anti aher eitres tuat mae for a unieti anti waIi dIr6tat effort for progress ln ttis district, wtb wbcb I-ePerttolab, activel>' asocateti for mns-Years ta cm. MY NEXT PRIVATE CAR excursion iili be Tue@ata, Ag. 18, by te P. M.' R. R., laaving My office. at 111:30 a. n. Fare $8.30 round-tnlp to Wellqton, reateti n tîruhae. You get back ln Chicago et 7:20 a. m. Tiureta> or Fritay of the sane wee. Automobiles anti guides fuç, Liberffle,