Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Aug 1914, p. 9

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LAK.E CO-UtNT Y plan las nov to investigate, report back to theo councAl aud then taie ac- tAon ejtber disinissiug Hoffutan% or clearIng hlm trom the serions chiarg- es against hlm. Alfred Baker vbo bas iaussteil on the case hoAng investigateil vas nul present Monday eveuAng but wAtt be vien tbe forma! hêaring un the mat- ter cames up later. A regular hear. iNDEPENDENT- WAUKEOAN' WFEKLY SUN 46.,_ _ _ _ _ _ EFFRT 15MADE TO ÇiET RELEASED UNDER PAIJPER ACTý John M ra fHlghwqd ThroughaAttorney eo Release From Cc . I )4EARItdG IS CONTINUED. <hales Ma e n Pie Gulity and le iven a ine by Judge P cms. !oin Murray o0lllghwood Who d ed gulit yto e charge ot el. t wlthou a liSou..lan the City ~ Wood, endeavoring through e -V. Orvis, ta eur, fr the. county Jall under nt. he i petltion wblcb W- Judge Persons Tuesday opn red that be las unable io Hoek.* 0 of $300. At the tAm, he J. j ed be wlu svn a tilrty at once 11% Jait n adlditon to the Aady he bas served over thir- Ci An the. COUfty jali. The. court Sed. the bearlng ta uezt Satur- ,Aornlng ut fln.o 'Clock at whilh jho probably wAlA render a doci. /u. Atter the hearing today ho was naAied Inthetiocustody of the aber. ChriMun Pleada uiy mha obsctLMUo. aiso, ot Hlghwood mdvia vas ndcted on a charge 0f ,ellins liquor withoul a licous., ta- Aay appmeoi n couuty court and Chauged bis provious plea of "flot a uhty Atuhat of "guily.". The coIurt Oed hlm $50 eaeh on tvo COmbl il aD the tbi rd count son. leacOd binate tvonly baya n tige 0omity Sal. McLarea alreaiy bas Msorvoi hrty ds anAn li!. HIe pleedi that heocouid nul pay bisfIne nov but mil Aat if the court woo! gve hlm an oppOrtuflty iie voulil VOrkand Paty IL Judgo Por- sons decisiod ta gAive hAns a chance ansi gusPonded 1he. alusentence untAl lie I iaet of October. Ift eL«enpaya ig fluehy btlime taI sprobable liai L th@ JO lsentence vAl ho disnalsaed.If s*A wAtloae d udhovil ho MSL&VM t dslr.d liai belas thrOMbih h@ i.Iquor business for "seoil andhencoforth Aubande taon- sage lu nomne other ine et vork. FOUR TO BE SELECTED. Boys From Different Town- ShiPS Seek ta Attend the State Fair School. Waukogan, Aug. 4. Anna11.1tIon uote las beinir belsi lan Waukegantoday t. detertuAno vhîcb tour boys trou Lake County vîllI 6 accordeil lie oignel bSor ot ateudtag lie fIaI. FMr School at BPrInsfeli daIrAag lie frInt, ekin October. fiuA!utl n vU!taie place as tise reault of a Cmpetitlve exanla adon. Tioce vhO are taking lie examina. ticS are: Albert Doolitte-Avon. William Murrie-Nevport. Murrell Oxmanu-Newport. Laurel Polec-AutAocb. George L@wA-,AntIuch. Francia Welch-Cuba. Haroldl Kelsey-Cuba. Vctor Hoben-.Vernon. .iss o Mue-YibertyvAle. Etnent Greeu!e-.Wa*egan. No difllculty vas fouadsin securAng a numbor of boys vio ver. âanuoua tu lesthe examination. The applA- calions of a nimberof u boys bail te ie refused biecau»eof agle restrctons vhlcb bars any boy youabor than six- teen or obier thisu2L lu responie ta notices lie boys ar- iveil n Waukeèau hii, moruing and lan company vith E. W. Ryan, former principal 0f tise McKwney semaI, ver taAe o the lkse. Tisey vere condue lirougi lie planta of lie Wutunom oand Dock cornpsxvyandl the Chicago Creosoling conspany, bol- ter inovnaàastbe Tie plant. TiAs afternoon tbey vers biken tu lie outie of County Superntendeut of Ochools T. Arthuir Simpson vhere oaci boy vas r.qulred lu give a Oive .ginite d«erptioz% of viat h. isd seon. The couaty supenlntenilenl uf sehools lien gave the boys a tlu de- sormig tic varions phases of agricul- ture, sol formaion and nov tdAus of dalrytinad prodncg ata crope. The boys thon are given tbîrty iimtee in viici 10 vrIe an essay, Sivlng lbe bost possible account ot thse imnpression tbey have recelveil hfou$wbat bsu bou ld 4tise>>,The 'A -WJM -Wu. -IBRTCYVILLE.JIL.. 14'ILDAY. AUGITST7.1914. - polk làaéz, I- "- .- - - four boys making te:it eat "": P LIECh F 5lc Ir« th witfleseio (,ac~h ibis IA DRO D WAlIl tayear au have nous left to go bllle selected t edelegates t0 trthe eOICEIlIE she'ded with work.WOR Otate Flair chool. Tbe commttee tC iEhe c nmittee. ni flhlITV rjt r. ussl A e' nAsta eu hwAlmk h slcînwîîîl A)LV1 I!LJRIffmlan, t Ae clalmed d'w es hL>IN sUN lIE i.<u tle county should take an nerest n cOuest ofthtei following men: J. E. ho attacked the, girl n quiestion. NpC1 ACI IIR the building of roads and supervise Barrett, of Prairie Vew, president of ORDERED DY BIR D AK ings I o his defeuse th fa t hatlie BhA L L LIl L> 113 the work instead of leaving t up to mh aeCut ameg nttt:nerply accompauled lber lhore ne hoI Iindivdual townships. He thAuks 0James G. Welch or Newport, tAtalr- Lake Forest Cooncil Formally comPliance wtb a custoffl dat lhas NwTc od od a stherslawudb oestsa Man of the Lake Couuuy Board otf ae cinReatigte Prevaled for yeas aiatLake Forest n NwTc odRasLwI i out ol i oestiat eupervisora; and T. Arthur SixupsoN, ale eActo f Cri hie the lmatter of the PolAeinilacîtr Not Working Out Weil in the Ory. cOUty uprInenentorschol Alege At o Cief pnyig ou n- County up to Present. Lkewige lhelas favor pf ail work on These examAnations are gven bei r sler t e oîft rhoe cause they are sAmlar to Iboso whicii'INCIDENT BRINGS OUI FACT - feete of.rasbigdn 1 YtmteMn wlll lie gîven at the State Fair scbuol. FVor YearR, because La'k(, Forest Io MUST LET BY CONTRACI. nonIer stead or haling the parmersj Tiie mornlugo uf the elght day ses- Develops That Lake Forest 0oid n a'.A aîiiott Available Money SmnaII and 1 gravei On the~ roado n a bit and mAss uIOn wll lbe devotd to lectures by P ceAeinHbt fA - iusti,of the police tb ailhonte IsDfiuttSeuete tAeewodhvetiwrkdn experts on varions phases of farmlug, Plc r nHbto c t l i wudh rat 'Idmusrtoa65<5gvn. ccmpanying Womnen. willi woln if 'boyîe ai.k.d tiîîtîî tlgo. I ifcl oScr h etewr.dn tJuring the, atternoons the. boys are 1 îîghoeaut dn îet free tu 9o wbere tbeY please. Upon 1Thte Le, oremt councAl MoMay thy ali ainghoed s alogoidarîinh ok0 utn nhr raqIA~.EUJ~Ç.~I thei r-urn omeea-hthp ona% ted s tegoet aîîd he orCotrato nrs. des - A tsprio ther rtur hoe echboy as ex. evenlng formally beard thp complnailt and a.ý Ahive done no, salit onî.poli,_ An varions parts@u Lae cunt Asli saw ndtea rIte andaccunt l at he ynludgd agaAnst chief Polce Hoffman man Ili 'xlilaINJng Hoffman'o t' irfle ng beldi up as a rosait Ot fthe restrAr CR SIN S EXS l e $ar ofudsmth a coy taln connectAon wth the report Aat As at the Baker home n eîîî,jîîîîînv îlAi toeA h .wTc odHa snome newspa t t pln iio o hvty.n e teefet Ia lt a i ie hegirl. W n te nw Tie G n od R SIT N OS T E (JT V curup r i or i aMg r e t the lbert î t t îa lî d A oth r report la sth in ' le i ase w , accord lg t a (har e s R ussell, 1 1 4 % 1 1 A n t e p a t t h p l n t w s t a b er a o v r n s s uOtf A b e t hBk e p aî r t l u la r g ir l, H ff iiii i l, el d c 4 n tY s u p e r in te n d e n t o f g o o 0 rn d a .d tenento suvscos app ountthuern- home after hehaditacnrnpanAed ler lerti emî Ai o o i aTHEx tx pstAChsbIntTYus tnettscosapintidele home recently. le forri dl o oljliýwih 1,cCrossingsbOser thetWest Line gates ta the, state farschio]. This lier rallier thati vice versa. frd eettownshlps tn siPreail a CosnsOe h etLn year t vas decided to place the ma i, mle a Anl>neere o A te nian stated: "I do rît thitiksiecial grave! tax whîcb was usually of Electric RaÎroad Pre- ter on a merît basta unly andi the n- ' thAs specli commttîce lu trtvestta*thle atrair s au mad as Il j, helng divided equally betveen li reI setMnaig eaue crease in the. number ot applcants and report backtokluthe couneil: H., thel tikam itlotraimdcmmslnr n e îovnsbîp. I _________ ure vas iaarkod. This plan yl hoefoi- Jaken. Nr erioblh oni.merely went home Wti lier. IliaI rtxe Each cOmmlssioner thon. vas autior- TAdIues not everi iind t neceg- lowed Au future years. The. couuu rtyy u mlen.e eefx te î.ta idl oaha u Pudti o-Isaryiat otep over 1he boundaries lit pays the exponses ofthtei boys wiio Th aoofteryiswyan Mr. Baker comlig Aunto tAhe lho Y len a judAclous manuer n lhe put-,'alea ufn agru rd attend the echool. The anffunce- Counclman Holtenhonf Aso actlng may- Ang scared lu bave hin ee lier ailIli a tiflg Anutfhard gravei ruads. This Waukegau u le te piiongous adecii ment ot vnnera vil be made vthAn or. Tii, mtter vas laid hefore lhe polceman. 1 belle Hoffman wilt lie apecial taxt vbAcb could nut be larger zens wh seita utepeec aarItm.caunclb,, theactAng mayor vbo- lascleared ut jutent to commînlt an>. han $1 on the $100 valuatAun for ,acî ut hox, sert ut unprtedpronaonce a hr Ui.bsamman of lie police comMitte,. wrongl, year This tax tuaually vas spread0fthsoesf pretdcosng M ] mdeth rhak ha a Otiers AussI liaI lie Bakers de- over a perlodou t fom ttires luo fvefteCiao&MlukeEcrc SliERIFF 3EEKS l reoradAe d urnyta i, Ir t mte thelxp n y sai naNcto f~ lino tiruugh the city that a great men- chef police hail committed axv % a tîtat hereue hom shoulitbe S-vereyand mms adln ersuullyp eudeilof li the casAnglayoe IS ueu.t the Baker home recently and. b tcanse rfr osol iesvrl OMsinr uulyepne h h MÀ ANWHO ROBBEI) îuo the widesj3preasî ruman, ho teAt an dealt wAîh. HnffMan bimself denAs mouey tu advanite.Chcg &Miwue roh ln Igton abould he made. jhAn gulittand declares At s a framieup. laThis oplian lsechangeil ulndes' thetTiac. West Side uft1he cty present a cou- A IIUSEAT I~IO Anestga ______________ Aawfor t A nu proîdei tat i inoal danger lto thesafety ot aIl vbo À O S TUP10vsReerdt Committée. ParceA post service between Ci-W)k must lbe doue iy coutract. A1- rosslte tracks ufthle company. Out Tii, motion that vas mail, and car- cago andl Franc, and Gerntany was sumAug that a townsip were uras f the many crossiugs tiare are noue Depty helffClito Gren asrAed ta refer lu a commAtee and the ended NMondav hv an order recelvinî $2.000 a vea, o dr oad s vurtn. iose..... Springfield, IliI. Aug. 4, - The foi- loving las a compile liaI of tisons fIlas for represeulalive An congres min lie Tentix congrosonal district sud Uhe positions they viliihave on the. pli- maryballot: Malcolm B. Storrett (Dons.>, 2139 Central atreetEvanston. Col. John PF. Waters (Doin), 4M0 Sheridan t'oad, (Chicago. Predorici Doahasu (Dem.y, 3SUS Janssen avenue. Chicago. Dr. P. J. H. Farrell (Dem.). 608 bAin Street, WAuulka. James V. MffGilen (Dem.) 4641 North PaulinaSstreet, Chicago. George Edmunil Fues (Rep.), 711 Gurdon Termae, Chicago. William S. Eullaci (Hep.), 113 North Sheridan rosil, Waukegan. Charles Ni. Thumson (Prog.), g47 Montrose avenue, Chicago. John M. Wurb (Soc.), 1241 Aieedalw Grbn.The Logielature. Grhm, rs; Freund,. second. au Democraîle ticket; IbumrIi,fil Woodman, second; jWw, thiud; VIi- ers, forts; Aem-ecn. fif. oM lhe Ropoblican/ Y ls, ur.s. ond; Ha', ., onte rgese. Tl,1-.0ving bave f led for *tain ; ç - cAnnttcenaof th. Touts ' .Iit sud theY bave been, give iis efolîhion on th. ballot: *Lavrauýce E. Schfagenan(DeM.), .623 Norths PanNas slreet, oeicsg Tho-a J. Davson (Domx.), l11n Wil- son avenue, CisAcag. ,1ae H. TL raviey (Dem.), $411 Grevtew avenue, Chicago, William J. Smitis (Rep.) SU1 CS7 avenue, Waukegau. HeMn-y1). Capilaiu (Rep.), 1l44Kea- Ilvorth avenue, Chicago. Haroldl I. Icies (Pr.g.). 14158 aer place, Ccixf..1 l7bssAes O. Grant (Soc.), i9o0WoI- ftanm atreet, Cicago. calieil tu Uptan. Lake cooflty, Monday ngit by the report that a robbery bail taken place titre. The home utfAea. Burgess hail beon otered and lie fol- loving articles were takon: Blue serge suit. Lockel anil chalu. Gold lavalAer. Blue steel revolver. Thero wl. a qantlty of cutgAaos sud ellverware n lb. bouse but liAs vas untoucheil. Entrauce tAutho home was gained by cutting out the screen n a bodroom wndw. Tii. ouly clev lu the. tdentity uf the 1h10! vbîch couli bo socureil y hyle deputy sierif vas the Amprut ot a large shue on the bed. apreail. Tii. robuer badint crawl over lie bed lnAu ntering tise bouge. The robiery tob place n broad day- lght. Burgess was away at vork and Mrs. Burgess was out calling. Tiie thbef evldently bail kept tab un thoîr movement aud entered the bouseviion ho knov botb ofthtem would 65 avay. brs. Burgess dîscovereil the rob65ry wbeu ah. returneil bome. It laslie opinion otfbr. Green that some tramp vbo happeneil to b, pass- ng ai tho ime vas the robory. He saya the sîze ot the fnotprAut on the boil proves couclusively tbat tbe rob- berY was comiitted by a mai ratber than by a boy. Thus far lise thAet bas oscapeil de- toctiofi. NO STRIKE ON TIE RAILOADS; WAR SCAR AIDS. Washington, Aog. 3.-Managers Of the 98 Western ralîroade have accept esi arbitralian oathle vage dispue viti thler engluemen and fremen. At Prolilcul Wison'a plea liat a strike be avertod because ufthte sen- sitive situation ln lie Unitedl States. as resuit of lhe Buropesu cris ite raiiroad managers vîsîtit te White House Jul1 hefor. noon and adiseil lie Presîdont liaI they vonlil accept tbe plan proposeil by lheiejuerai huard ut mediallon vhich hail beau passeil upon tavomaily by represenlalives of tho enginemen a nd firimen. The plan provîdes liaI lie question of vages eiail be anhtrateil undor lbe Newiani'.s&et and, tisaI ica aid re- ulalAuns entorceil prior ta October, 1913, shAsi be restoreil. Glouson, H. Stafford of Waniegan lift Monday nigil for Appleton, Minu., vier. be vili viil bis cousin George Gray, former!>. of Wa*egsu. Tiey vîi 65 loineil by Charles Gray of W&- tertavu. . D. and Ivo othir cousins vio are roAng thore for a sort of re, Moln. A Sun reéder subnits Ibis: "For destroyAng army vorms ou loinal plante taie bran ansi sugar, Nix vi vater; maie a paste and lien; put ln Paria greon. Put un ground eruab thc plant."~ ffloyed last year lie terres o! service foAow: 1l year........................ 134 2years ..........................66 31 years ........ ............... 36 4 years.........................21 5 ytars.......................... 8 6 years-----------------------..12 7 years.........................16 8 8years....................... 7 9 ye rs ... ... .... ... .... ... 7 10' years .........................Il Il years........ .................4 12 years.......................... 5 13years ..........................3 2years ur mure----------------.4 BidnsWorth $1,334,000. was lvid 43,35,bonds lu Ibe amount utf8$306,200 w ere solil. These are soute ut te items u or - pendture: Teacber'i..................$26,232 SuppiAes .................... 10,974 Jaiaxtors .................... 24,730 Pusel, vater, lîsht........... 30.464 Repaire, maintenance -....30,103 Flssr groundslansd buildAngs.. 141,226 A doien or more Items vAl!ing the brand ttalioutexpendItAurai ut 1566,568.86, more ihan baît a million dollars. 82 One-Ronom Schools. Tien, are 82 ouroom scicoAs n the count>. atteudiug ties, lasI, year tbere ver, 913 boys. 884 girls, a ta- tal Oif 1,797, msalzng lh, average at- tendance outhIe rural achoole 22; liese chouis averaged neadly nino monlis of achool eacb. aud trons them ver, promoleil lu ilgi school 27 boys sud 45 girls. There voie bot 4 mon teaciers n these schools thelr aven- age salaries ver, $615,thie average salaries ut the vomer, touchers vers $43C~ Comnpsrisong WAih 4Ohher Voara. Number ut pronsaouder hwenty. One n- 1914........................ 22274 104 1................ 17,640 1894........................ 11,145 Amount expendeil for support ot achoolsAn- 1914 ......................$66568 190-t ....................199017 19 Protectea ny etner gaies or a fiag Man. Itla As rte that tien, are noues olf crussinga vitre the vtew on both sAdep las ubtructisi Au any great extent. However tisaI meroly lesseus lhe dan- ger 10a s sigit degree, aud doses fot serve lu elimAnate t. The crosaings wbicb presentt he greatost menace lu citisens ut Wauke- gan are tAose vbtcb crops tlie .ai le Golf ra, Grand aVenue, Wah. nglon streot and Belvîdere street. Many accidents have been reported as occurAng on thuse croosinga although tlsey have been of amail moment, con- sdering the great danger presented. Tbat the state huard of publie nIAit. tAes should nvestgate tisose crfflings la the, goueral belAef of mauy citisens. The, nvestgation ot tiens shoold fol- 10w napetion to ho madetliAs veek ut aIl grade crossAngs fromt Evanstun lu Waukegan hy the chiot engineer or the, board out utAltes. LME COUNTY BIAS SET PLAN; OTIER CO0UNTIES APPROVE County Superintendents of the Other Counties WIfi Reoom- 1 mend Road Signs. Tisi Labe Counly han ealablished the Aace for tie tier counties Ir, Ibis part oft1hehate vith regard te, the An- stallation ut signe un the varicus crusaruails,,,sad liat uther comtAes doubtlesmA1wlllfollov tWa bail, lasthe. statensent of Charleg Rueseli, county superintendfnt of saab rends lanLaie Count>. vio stteuded Ila(Cbicago on, Saturday a meeting of lie counly su- perntendontes of varIous couattes ln lb. naîtioustern part o! the state. Mn. Rusell!!declaresi liaItih.Coun. ty superAntendenl ot Cook Couy bas seoin lie sins that bave been put up n Lake Counly and beartîly ap- proves liens. declaring that ho n- teAnds tbrecammeuil Ibeir installa- tioi n Cook coun.y. This vas really the Omet meetAng tIbat lhe count>. superintendents An thls district bave bail andi an organ- IsatIon vas pertectesi. George Lamb ot Kane count>. vas eleetti chalrman aid Charles Rlussell of Laie couniy vas electeil secretary. Itt la lbeplan ofthte varloasCoq" superAtenilnts la bold mntlA«Ati ntenvalsAn order liaI they ~'earuj wiiatl le heng doue ln lbeïLeigdlbor.' Aug countAes. Int lis nner lie dit- feront suporlntendents wvi i 65able 10 taie advantage of tic e noAds. And innovations liaI bave beau touail to vori ont succes8fn!ly in the olier countles. Thue they vilii he of mulual aid to each other. Mn. Russeli Au very ehbuglagtic over the. pus.lbUhlUa cdut he organsa ltIon andsi tl*&, thAl uuci $ffl AlI b. accusnp!ished. - front Wasbtrglon hy Postmaster ibis would give about $700 bo each ot C'amptbell. Thte urder appiles to ail the three commissioners lu expervil. ot the Unitedl States, the postmasterl il As nov uecessary to advertise toni said. The Chicago division of the, bilsansd t 18 dflcult to get tbe large postoffice hereatter viii nul ssue contractons lu bAd on suci small con- mont>. ordena exceeding $100 thatuare tracts. tu he sent to an>. European countrles. There las tilI anotber dlffbculty. Mn. Camnpbell tIno announceil. This Many ufthle townships have already As expected lu lie reilucei tu $60 lAn s spont n antAcApatAon the money that fev days. ordinariiy voulil bave been. avallailo INTERESTINO STATISTICS ABOUT LAKE COUNTY'S SCiIOOLS Just Compiled by County Superintendent T. Arthur Simpson The, annuel etate reports of the scinols ut the couuly have lit bain cumplelail by Cuunty Supt. T. A. SAu>Psou aud willA go to Springfield at once. Theso reporta represent an en. ormous amount ut vorli for there are t-Oofuthtem, each mail, up ot thirly. four large ebeeta ten iy ailteen. nch- es sud every sheel As a mass ot fig- urnes. These reporta embrace every feu- lure ut slatistAcs, f rom the, achool pop. ulloi ut oYaci ufth, districts oftheb c0ustY. the school attondauce value ot zchool pruperty. taxes, honda out- standing, nerest ou bonds: the nuis- ber ut toachers, hher lengi ut air- vice, preparation andl vages recoAved, average saary ut mer, andl omen touchera; cost ut malntainAng tiés schuols AcludAug the amounts palil for teachers, for repaira, permanent - Amprvemenîs sud new buldings, psy uf JanAlors, cost ut tuaI andl alsorte ut supplies. - Tien there las a complet. report conIcenuing the permanent sebaul tonds Au esci ofthle dAfferent -tuvl. shIps, buv Ibis money las nvesteil, what ncome t ,arnoansd the dAvson ut al thîs moneY tu lhe dsrcs ot the cuunty. T. A. SIMPSON. There are reports ofthle organAza- COunty superintendent of echoole who tions ut cAly huards of ,ilucalion, sta- hua jusl complAed hie annuel report tstAcs of igi scbauls chlverIth te 10 state superAntendent ehowing val- cut per capta of conductAug Ibens. usile stalAtics tor Lakce County. reportae<of exs.mAnatAons. institutes and leachers' meetings, n tact At Aa difcut to conceAve ot any opration ly, the average length ofthle echool thaI eau be measoneil by figures that year As 8 2-3 months andi the average tu flot Acludeil. numben ut days s 173. Again thAs year for the tiret turne. Two hundreil torly-three boys sud Iber Ao iiicluded a report ot sîl the tva hundred ify-lwo girls ver. pro- operations and conte of Ihe one-rounmated lant June fronithIe grades lu scboAacof lie county. ncluding teacb- bgi echool. FArt>. Ove boys graduat- ens, repaira and permanent Improve. ,d trom hîgb scbooi as compared vti mente. 96 girls. Thoro are 22,274 lInder 21. Fo~rty-un men vert empluyed andl Iu the connty Ibere are 22,274 peu. 295 wormen5 ut thAs numben 63 ver. ple onder lhe as. ýof 21, 14,926 be. graioats sou a colege, 64 of a normai lvoen the agos uf six andi tventy-one. achool, 93 of a blgh school, 43 bail Tbere vers ennuled n the achooa attenild collee,. 63 a normal scbool of tho couuly 8481 chAdren. tic nuin- and 19 a igb scbooA. The avaege ber n oaci of the diférent grades salary urthlemou teaciiers vas $1139. froinaone 10o ight la gvon. lunltheutftie wumn $599; average for ail high echools lier. vers enrolleil 1,052, $676. thé number ha oaci uofthle years froin Il mgit 65 lnterfbstAng la note lb. tv wlfhla iAAvon. lorm o* servAce oft hiese 344 toachters, Th«ee9Mi108 dLsýtte ffAptic ooul: a tAnhe<achooisAna viAci. hep ee s -I. oCIIARUiS EXTREME ICRUELTY IN ASIN )DECREF 0F DIVORCE Mrs. Lena Kamiager of Cuba Township Says Husband Struck and Kicked Her. IS GIVEN AN INJUNCTION. Husband Enjoined From Draw- ing Money From Banik or From Selling Property. Cbarglng extreme cnuelty and hab- 1tuaI drunkenues, Mrs. Leua Ksamia. ger Ot Cuba townshiip, through Attor- ney A. P. Beaubleu. bas fli a bil for dAvorce agaiust her huabanil, Garrett KamAager, a wealîhy fariner. isr. Kamiager charges ber husband bas heen au habituai drunkard for the. last ten years. She says that vile under lb, Anflunce ut lquOr he bas been very brutal, having struck, boat. en. 1(Aclted sud choked ber Mnay lAmes. Sbe declares they voie mer. riosi on Pbroaroy 11, 1903, as à To- suitt of hlch union six chldeen voi boru tu thons, tbree nov being oliv. Suie asks tiie custody oft toee child. ren, allmony andi au aheolute divorce. Mmrs Kamiger asserted An ber bAill that ber hnsband bais a considoerable suin ut monoy, narnoly $2940 An tb. Barrington banW whici ah. saysa iho tears bc vAli drav Ont umies estrap- ed by au n lncntAcu. She says ber buabani also bas tbirty cowms,?tbirty boge, 0iv, borses, tartn macbianry, tbols, Impleinonts snd a larg quantA ty ot grain, both An the barn sud la thefield. Ohe asthat lhoho e-. etrained frein disposiug of amy of thse. liix>g. Au Aulunction vas grauteil by manter laCbauewrga. J. H-eydecker. The Kamlager ftml are weil known An Cuba township and the fil- Ans of thill. 1,ocasaiung as At bda the charges ut oxtreine oenqt&orne. as quite a surprise luto ir inay friends. POSITIONS ARE ASSIÇNE) FOR THE PRI14ARY ELECTION ORK OUNT' 'ER YBAR IN ADVANOM M 4

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