Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Aug 1914, p. 10

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TRY TO OE9-Rk e QF iîss Nellis ii' arled a man loared ZION BILLBOARD. William 'Mcalhon ansd lie ied niany M A N E ears ago. Tisen she becainete w ee Zion lity, Ill., Aug. 1.-Ani attempit o1!lieuy ,ludge and lie died see'was made met night 10 desltroy a bul- yemis gO. l1dm bord on Salem boulevard. ZIOn Aines aino grew to manhood and City. took 1310 lilmself n wifee ho died Sorie lifianiînabiematerial saturat- SO Y ~ ¶.18 yearn ago. H-e had flot ,uarried ed wih oil was stffed between the. $Ince. board and the posts and tiien set ire. Durng thse PaRtt ev(rai ypars -""- Tihefie department was hurried tothe Iii! Ame ndmIMrs.lulge rlssis tio-ir sot andl tle flarnes were quickly ex- ac<ualntancesilîs and for s.on1 iill îîîw iîgoialedý past it had lîe-îirelorles1i liaI a maor Arcordiiig 10 the tire maralial, A. mach of a surprise tsi ininieslii mal r ldotie atives and friends outhtie faiiiilis. Aod, M mS. Henry Judge of Wauke- it cones n0w tbrougts lîis Isoler, ail-- gan and D. C. Ames of Ken- lijougli the iterçqte'ii iartii'- dddîsst PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE ilworthPrncipals. , g' e 1 ,ale ' 2i~te FOR LEGISLATURE -'t least sntil tlicv arrivse in ls isle- . ATTENDED SAME SCHOOL. gan. Tise> are lu lire in the Judge home on Grand aNenue. Mr. Ames la a carpenter b>' trade Woman gecomes Bride for the but bans Is.heen a farmer. He on Third Time-Ames Groom a valuable farta near Asioch. Second Tme-Both 66. - i. R. THOMPSON, JR., Waukegan, Aug. 12. NEAR DEATH IN AUTO. A romance begun une 45 or 5l0 years ago in thse Stearos achooî houuae. John. R. Thompaun, Jr., non of the mast nnrth of Lambas corners, or about millionalre owner uf Chicago loop seven miles nortbwest uf Waukegani. restaurants and asmo of Liberlysiuile. calminated tiis înoring ln Chicago aind Mir. Thompson. Jr., were on the when a marriage ceremony took place waY to the North Side Chicago, %lon- ln wblob the principals were:ý daY, from tiseir hone. 4415 Grand boulevard, when tbeir machine broke Yàra Susan .Jdewdw f Iroughi the bridge chain as the Clark Henry Judge of Waukiegan, aged Sreet bridge swung upen. irî. 66. Jeffers, the bridge tender, stoppt'd the Dlbert C. Amnes, Kenlworth, bridge bt revent the crushing or the sged 6&. automobile. Tbomtison was charged The- Sun learned of thse departure wtb violation of a bridge ordinance. of Mrq. Judge frthie methopolin and haler ascerýtained tisaIt te couple had produced tihe marriage lîcense and Eceentrlc Inn Nms. We are loeng mot of our eccentriC were married. Inn naines, but la Germany lbey am O.FRDL AC Mmf-s Judge or Mms. Amen -a the ading to thet. lBerlin now boats the O .RDLHA H widow of Henry Judge. who died tn "Comortabie Chicken.' "Coid FyOg,' A leading farmer, stock rainer and Waukegau seven years ago. Her home SBtIff Dog," 'Thirsty Pelican," *DI.ty dairyman, v hune personal lntereata lbu been at 780 Grand avenue, a borne PariOr" "Musical Cala," "Bozîri' adivltnnsaeIetclw where thse tnmily leed at tise Urne Den," sud "Laine Loua.' lipe hu~andlsetet reIetciwt Mr. .ludge died. He was a brother «The Old Straw Bsg," Stadtoben au those ofthtie farniers, stock rainersanad of te btisJohnJude. Open Bunghole." and the vlciulty ot dairynsen ofthlie counitien .of Lake, o! lb laI JohnJudg usD a cemetery ln thse Patherland la Mciienry and Boone. Susan Meuh. when a girl, went to gaed by a "Lu~at Tear."-Londofl Res. Antioch. Lake CouaI>' the. Stsa chool near Gurnee. Tisera t *o plu rv,11 wsa also a young man tudent thereP.0 pugGoe I ly the.Boane of Deibert C. Amte, Bon of a weil-known farmer. Tise chidren vers assoclated lunechool together be- cause tiseir ver. nelKhbers. The y vent to Schaol lu the. urne room (for tineay yearsa The>' aer eacb other daiiy and, 1h la now recallei. lb. soemed to court each other trequen 'I Sari p.WuWt CANUIDAt YoR j cou 4TrY CLEKK~ SJs t he Doclalon et tàe iN..Opihcs" luasy t.eo H.Id ;et0Si.jut.mber CANOATE FOR REELECTION TO THE OFFICE 0F COUNTY CLERK. Saibject te lb. Decsion of the PRIMARISS, SEPT. 9, 1914. X@W 8191 llD prctd TO TUE MOERS 0F LAKE COUN.T- 1 TAXE TIIIS EANS 0F A1NNj MV~~ ycAfi>C FOR TUE NOMI$ATION fOR-GOUNTY TESRROSA TTO TUE UECISION, 0F TUE I U3PJCN PRIMARY ELECTION TO BE IILD WED. NES1>AY. SME99fER 9111 I WIL N<T 1gE ABLE tô CALL PERSONAIL! UI>I ALL My FRII3 nDSA i%fUÀINTANZE bUIXtiiECAfIN.ADWLkp PRECIATE ANY ASSISTANCE YOIJ ML JJSTIREIN GItiyM#E. UÉE McDONOIJ@l - ~IIAItLES L w~oK O~' OTrAWÂ QuadMed by trainihg s&d expedl. suce. Banker 34 yas abo Phet National an 13yas Aat,4ln onuctin¶1hast tffo st2ite ampanus 5 Oj3bllCaf qttb epiracotnpitteesi m 2U Vgre.shrial »*stricL--ayor e Ottawa six yemr. 9En neyer soughut for beL (d) A restrictionl upu thei power of the. City of CÎICMO ID the Legllature, and a gréAtOf mesaure of hoa rut. for the. City of Chicago. (a) Au casiér mlthd cf0 amendins the -.coasttUtln tisan Do0w rovldel40C*, (f) Our constitution sIrnuld De otherWilfl oàe*'flhId ln vario partict2iars. 2. 1 shahl vote and voix for an effective County Local Option Law, as the results of the. Township LAW show tilatly that th* COU*T? sboul b. the unit lu Voting On tii. sason question. IiiMociratteO GmBikOm iLeGLiSLATUIE elghb Saistfal Dlàtwlct S8ubjeet tu the Decision ci thue Iri- maies September 9th, 1914 Yeur Supperi Wii b. Appr.cisted 3. 1iShnf avor, as 1 always have favored, suda legiistien as qrot4l lbe dair>' farmer, and 1 shah endeavor IÔ Y ,m6LC dVTR rto secure puch as a.tUemeei betweeu TII! lEIOI8TM SENATORIAL. DIS- lhe State Board o! 1etrand tiioCht- TRICTI cgo Boa«4 Pf- UIati sud the kti'Y Intereats 90 tiat beti inltl5eit5 eau 1 announce myseif a candi.I Uv.. date for nomination for Rprçnnetativ, la ltse Lower Houa. of the Gneal 4. lu the flouft, 1 shall favor tli9 Asseuhbly, sulbJect t. lise decisiça ,of cutting down of thse standlmit commit- the Republcan votera of lihe Elgith tees from sixty-eight th fltlei la lqtSi- District, con>gisting of the Counties of ber. and maktiiem al Wlorklist tCoul' Lake, M4cfenry and Boone. et lte pri- mittees, agd siiel favor tIi. doing maries Wte b held Stepember 9, 1914. away wils ail mles that provent the* U.»u.. o>' . aJuna, ____________________________for sud favor: L. A constitutional couventlaote,1 the end thet the state mnay have: la) A more adequate andl mod- ern reSvenue law. ~(b) A shorter ballot lu elect- <c) An end 10 usinorit>' rep- resentation lu lhe Asaembly, sud Libertyville, Ii. CAN4DIDATE FOR REPREBENTATIVE 0f the Eight Senatorial Dis- trict (Lake, Mdllenry and W'auicegan, 111., Aug. 8, 1914. Boone Counties). Subject to TrHE VOTERS 0F 1LAKE COUN- the decision of the Republi- TY:- eai Priniaries, to be held As a candidate (or re-lection for a OJ cousd terni. I visi to Iisank My SeptenMier 91Ll tnds b inste count>' for tise man>' I wiIl appreciate youir sip- nd exssinons and statements port. my work tn tise tount>' Court dur- ig lh- prenent term. and i viii again preciale your supsport for tise lte- McHN8Y FAV(ZS ANTIOCH- ablican nomination for County 1 0 NT adge. iu tise *rimarles tlu bc held POAN AR etemlser 9th oeil. PPLR 1 lsink the peuple know visether Or 'The Woodntock Sentinel oi hast ùt my work banslîruven, natisfactor>' veek lun peaking o! tbe content lbe- d munst orm Iheir Own opîinion an ing waged between hlion. F. L. Hatcb 3wisether or not a charge in luis of the town ut Antiocis, and Fayette nrtant psnition is 00w denirable. Munro of Highland Park, for the Pro- Very trisly yourn. greasive nomination for tise Leginha- PERRY L. PEtSO\'S, bure said: Hon. Fred L. Ilatrisot Spring Grove. candidate for tise Progressive wilei the Buard otftieview got nomination for tbe legiialure ivas rou it thtie aneesusinent Of Per'- nsaklng hqnds wils his many triends 'fiai ProxsertY In Lake Foresttluati this cil>' on Saturday lhat. ear tise enilre totale were 1100,000. His omlacy <sc>eems ta bie meeting Miu cars go 1tiste 5:30 train tonlghl vith great fuao among tise tarmers id Cee a haht illion dollars' vortis ani dairynsen thmnughout Ibia auna- dautornsîbiies within a clty block. tortl district, wblcI. imcludes Lake, If * Iected (ouinty Jsîdge of Lake Bonene and Mcilenry counties. ,oulity h vii not bisuld up a polilîcal il la naftuo s>' that Mr. Hatch illii achîie pb>' sncb methods. carry Ibis couîvty at the September I.ibs-rlyvihie peopie generaiiy are Progressive prîmarieni by an over- uying 10 tinses larger taxes than one- wheiming majorit>' aganst tbe pres- iird ofthe peuple on> the North Shoe. eut lucumbnhnt, Fayette Munro, of If elected CounI>'y Judge 1 WILL Highland Park. The (armersansd DO jet v-bat t SAY. I wihl appoint dairymen o! the tismee countlea viii aHuard ut Review WHICH WILL RE- doubties# preter to b.e represented et VIEW. Springfield b>' a man like Mr. Hatch E. V. ORViS. whose Intereats andI nventusentsar identical vltb theirs. No one lu this count>' ever seemed to kpow hov .Munro happened 40 be- conw a candidate in 1912. Itlibas nev- er been denied tbat be vas (han the candidate of Chicago ln.teregts sud Chlçagg politicians. is entire Inter- els appear ta beelunlthe cit>' o! Chi- cago, viiere bie ha& an office, and Il e; bhas not be denied that the greater part of bis legal work la In the Inter- ests of large, corporations an~d hie Pol- lical assoclstiote are entlrel>' ith -Chicago politiciens. Certain>' Mr. Meuiro.need flot et- -pect any support fronm Ibis vlcinty 0As the people of Woodatock bave not for- -gotten tbat a few Yeurs 990 Mr. MUD- ru appeared to be mlxed Up viti the - mysterlous . 3. O'Brien mbo evi- a. ~ dently vas belng used b>' large cor- S1~O ucprateitlitluog'Cicago! tutcil> T. À# -pral nerit cf Chiantofl tslt (ar4d~te-Forout of business and t Ius deprive our ate foritizans o! electrýlc ligisîs which wouhd 'REPUBL£A .N IMNAT10à havebeen the Openlng wedge for ou. of lb. .blSg pctoc , rporatlons to bave obtainnd' a tootng la 5fli dIt. Mm. Hatca le s strong hloosevelt COUV4Y SUPERINTENDENT â'adwas on .the state Progres- sive icke tu 912 ohod position 0F SCHOOLS. , % hiye[aiz trust.., see fit. A atenoffapiic record cf evOritbuing sala and don. lu each fHou". Of lii Légltature ehould b. taise and ilffle a part *of each day's Printed 36*Oin', and given the videat circulation and publicity. Ver>' resji.cttly. EDWARD D. SRURTLUTT. sU.hhUii Candidate for 0TA?~ &ÉISUA Subjet to the decision of the Republican Primary Election, September 9, 1914 EL. V. &VIS Candidate fer Co0lanty Judâe. Subject to the will ýf the Rkepulican Primary, September 9th, 1914 if E1eQted County Judge I will treat sU alike, an~d refer ail people to my record of service in ity(iOX1e. sta"Îd .1 puli atters, bMut ave neyer..made any dtinétion between any class of people or w - -a±xy be their position in life. I have fought bad s'ys-8tem not men. YTOUR SII WILL A",. Whem the Board ,of Rçýrew f6t thuouh ý44h ;MUl mili olars Worth 0f autorn@bça a Clty,' Stock. j1I*il¶,àiy Judâè Ôf Lake Céuhte -t wl E. V. OKV13 m lit ai thi E, 'i 1~ -I t s ,1 s'-' 1 If nominated and elected 1 shall vote 1

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