__________________________________________________ _____________VINT ______________ years in Lake County. 1 know Its peoplie anld their ieeds. 1 bave been aisttciatPd ailli ljoth the cOMMPlai5 and aerimiltîîral Interests or the bin- miufl'ry.and [et comîtent ta sale- lu ird and iroinute the saine Ir nom- iumd n nd eieiied. -l an !nauciaiiy unabie to make a vai»pmaizîwhlicil ill iipermit of ifleet- ing ail the voters orfihe district, but r ~ assai-c iOii n iiy support given mue ei lic f,îulv npreciated' Mir. Wedman 1,i now calling tiSon aj,,iny of b (sfrîieds and acquain- tqilis a s 5bic ,amil tates lie feelq ,are ,f silcvsl]yfthe comlng pun- mary. lit AS a candidate for Zic leglattime, subject ta the decizian ofthte Repub- licam primai>', Wcdueday, %eplember 9. f(mntuis. the Elgitti Scatomtm. district. couiug Uof La&e. IcHent>' lION. FRED L HATCH da ry mni.whofie Persouat îuter8sts those of the !armerp. stock rmiser,, and dairymen or tic couintie-s of Lakeq Melit-riry and I'4ucne. Res. Arin-cb. Lake Coan»t> P 0-Sprlug Grove. Ill and Blonne connties, Che following stateeneltwans toda>' gWen ot b>' James M.. Woodmsu of Wankegai. "Taxes ta the poor man and he. nmre relief mute be- foiud. I fave an amndment 10 ticehRevenue Article of the contittion wbii-i aih prmîti the ucysature tu ense-t a modern snd lest ax law. suli as i(t In forei\, <t. severaI of heîb.tates. I Wue~~J "I amrn l fa% or of an adequaip and i5-'>4 cotpnsor n-getrîî,nîawfo al TOTIII VOTERS OF LAKE CI. dcies lu tic tile if 15,ooO and over population. As santii-,i-or r N<tcnfor a "I belles the tucaie shoutitadot tj es nd tteri.i 1 il U to !Mnk01 ia sborter ballot and a inplified pi--frieîld t 5. Il Yejriýîy f,? Vie mail> Marylaw. liird atestn nd sMate ta, "Extensioof !, I( Ii e-rt tee sys- ta my work Ilu tht U oDty Courtdur-t tain mzkng aIllîhîs. !i it- ,civty ng tIi,- ,re-u - ril 1sud*91 I ainu mid state oallies <vrnît froin remzov-alcii- ,îir sito for fiwc R.-. aI excep-for cause-, sionid be promu- putllç.t n uinolnol for <'<inuty' ted. .îttî- i '- xr' , b ct- hi-Id "Alaw prote-ding ihii- raflie and .Ilitr tiu-t dam>' buterèsta and mailing unnîs es I - ilt, îý i p ri. ',.ww,-ller or Mry the higllctiua a!ftrolamnationes. t i iii . ii isroten satl>efa-tor> mnclias was receutly ssutd lîy [theand ilm t firili jr wn ,,îînion »a iovemnor ot Miînois against the li-I ki stltior t r not a <bawgen t'hie PittUon o! cattie from a uumbi-r of liiitt<rl tit i inl; ni, 4-sraile. gsttes. Vttirîtit oUrs. «J have lived for more than tklrty P':tERY L. l'PERSW)% ONE, @OD TERM DESERVES ANOT ýiE fer ILEGISLAZM~ SutIjet th>.Üt )ciOn Of lac Pi- tmario> p qgebber Iti. 1014 -l Yom Suppev$ WJNbu AffedSd moui -*&Bey a m.. s gi, bu moemer@ se thm a imeî » blsla pt*ty mdsud ,,n U» f I ow tfIm. r ee . = &«i. scei.»vuaon eebu.vbaqm tien th b. Sf-0«.4 e U was luèidfor generai probate crfces. ,RepubhiOlil tates, bctween j uly let and Septem- PRIMARIES, SE". 9, 1914. ber 14th. and tour times a month at Vour ilupport WI>I Be Approcnted. Other peitds of the yeam.___________________ It ei.ct.d oounty Judge 1 wilî abolsi Ftii.nue o! court abicil con- filct. wlth tii. followiflg statute, sec. 3264: Terme or Court-Always open. Thie terra o! Probate Court shall com- meuce on Uic ir.%t \londay of cach moxithu durlng the ypar and %hall al- ways b. open for the granting ot letters testatuentary, letters of adinu- ltration snd ggrdianhilp and shall continue open [rom day to day. If eiected i1ail PositivetY appoint two members or the Board o e ilew on menit alone Who WII.L rcsiew sud equalize the taxie. between the milliottatre aMi 1oitciafl5of fthe 1 Lake Shore and the body of tic county. 2iy platforni wiii b. EQUAL JUS- TICE TO ALL 1 P. V. ORVIS. T. 192 t!T doMomn o den eîvi r thie (a>) le system. (d) A restriction UPon the flower o! lie Cty of Chicago tu iiu ut. 1haine rule for the Cty of Chicago. ()An easter metbod Of amendlng the constitution than ixow'prlided for. (t) Our costitution should lie otherwlse modernlsed in varlOi2P particulars. 2. 1 ailait vote and work for an effective Cqunty Local Option 1LaW. as ý *à re;uit. of the1ii V. nobip .AW sho'w plalfli that tfie COINTY hhoýuld ,h te unit In votIng on iii. âloon 'l. saah favor, aU I aiWays bava Siored, sâchliellatioa as PrOWtct tii dairy farmner, and 1 shall endeavor ta #î Sclitepich a setàeinnt between T$E ~OWV SgNf~ÀtL ~ lie 1a(a Býôard 0f IieýltbaMd ieChi- IrRICTe UP ecard 0f lealth aud Uiq dairy TRlCT: ~t m nss o tualbotti îuterînts can 1 liereby announce myseit a cand%. il e. date for nomination for Itepresentàtivel .I h lue hi ao h ln tiie Lower Ilouse of the. GéokI . tla tiin of hoe Ishah faycommit- Ass.nbly. subJet hi fbhedecision 09 tes own 0f -dgte taIndi n omt- the Republican voter, o! thb. Ugbtiite rmshyezth ite un. Distict. conpisting of thc CounnUe.of ber, ànd màke tbsm ail yorking coin. LIÀIe, Milent, and B&,e. at the. gyl- mittees; and shall favor the doing idares-o b.bei Stpcmbr9 914 away witb ail miles-that privent the lùales i îelii'fB'tpebe 9 194. Hotue. by a majority. f rom acting at for sud favor: 1. A coistitutloual eonvention, ta the end that tfii. state MaY have: (a) A more adequate and mod- crn revenue iaw. (b) A shorter ballot ln eleet- long. (c> An end ta minonlty tep- resentation In the.Assembly, and sue. fit. A stenograpie record 0f everytblng sald and qon. ln cach Houge of the legislature sbauld h. taien and made a part of each day's prnuted Journal, and glven the widest circulation and publleity. Very epeetfully. EIIWARD D. SUUTLBFF. t-.-. - -. i.- - ,,w i -t ~n,..a2 W,., C1 Amw fq £&I~Pb!I!IV 'i Subject to the decision of the -Republiean Primary Election, September 9, 1914 TO TI3VTM0FLECNY- I lIMETSu MES4FM$U TUE J&O ) [t R ICN PRIMIOL3CINT W«L1lD wbo wlll, If nOMInatcd os Sept. il. ýBull Mo... Legielatlve Candidat. ably and conseutiously rellreseft Mailng Fine Impression. thîs district at Bprlngield. Mdnibers Wth the above headings the Har- of the Ball Nlos." party ai do then- yard Herald of Auguat 1thti lu sPeak- »eIves lionor by supportlng Mtr. Haîcli ing of the. candldacy of Hion. Fred Iý for the legiolature tram this district. Hatch for tie progressive nomination lai ablihty, lnItcgrty anld exl,érieebce for tii. Lgisiatuie, sald: ho 1le qualfied iu every wsy for lhé Fred L. Hatch. Progressive or Bull office hoe seeks. . 193 it. Wkly It 3Moose party candidate for mpmber of thie legsiture f rom fils district, ta"! being well received werever 1e goescade and makes kitown bis candidacy. A -1caai Weod.n.m Il blet residmnt o! Lake Couuty aind'a eue- . ç~yÔto' wessfui fariner an stock maiser, he ma ea&uua ha,' extenuive and taou-abie acquain- yu edm r tance beeause o! his ptomlnence lu _________ aIl mottera relatlng ta, g4nteture, l bu is. 4; lewis. hhmd oS1el Do-, mitiopso! respouusibtlity and dWsciag-ý cd feir. duties with credit. Asaiv meiiiber of the board ar supervisonst ot McHe"ry ounty for many Y.ars~ and aima headof the county far a clation andl later as a menber o! le state board of trugtees orfhe lieils rniilvetity. Mr. flatchu peTtrme sry dÙty connected wth these'OM'O ln sncb a wsy as ta win approb4tl 0I1 àûd ta give an insIgt InoaPUblIc at fairs-that atl be vailaàble ta blin thli'dlistrict shduld heou-eelve the pà ty hiié nation .oun Sept. il. M4r. Hatchsa chiot opponent for t Hull Moose Party 1m9ital uF ette, à.filunro, present re r Lac.e county. Treail fiteutad poses Mr. !,%Iunro la a Chicgo *rictically hils business as a 1W 'Chli bcago, Whce eh. lias Cm nlaia anyaeepn eiec igdhanPaiSlepigCany Hihand r asrhk, bcu i diC thant'eshh " -et aut"'iuet Co esn týthe l#érey, 11on. sud colte, ehbcr,'B mae ptd ucùesolal Itct. i re P mbiae @at rékle rct. easitiiet1. màtg iiseviie s n ms ad leiga- i" ý té,hos a a hiagoand IuitéD 0f 'iho". olea CiUitere st are Wt a arcat daie>' isterct le Mm 1th. ulfe > rl mi Wrâ aintydtrye n aie re. lthv ., i. med t , mitan Pareters sudMah wlilareigu bis. onIe. - ankr i ea b *elue Mr!liiite iests bu tii950 D testhae ohhs ecgae he*a aDeslis ablitty, aud blhiE $e cto riptesètttive of thue distnict Iun u ~ ai fullst'and boit snue. -HO'l a grafi- ite 1>foflue Ut. University at Urba F' ci- + j, 'ai- mi 1