,Ys bave prosectis unde&vor between lite Chi- àç dairy etat can avor [the commîIt- i la num- Ing corn- us doing vent the ,cting aI te House rerything ýe of thue mnd madc Journal. [Ion and MADRY IF YOU tARE LONELY-~ The Rellable confidentiat oui-ceas- fui club bas large urnber tof weapi elîgîble membqs ef botS sexes, wlh ing early mgrrfge. DescIption frite, 'Nirs. Wrubel, Box. 26, Oakland, Cal, MrkIy 2t«, Anneucenient ls hcreby made [bat the- colors cf [he Primary ballot» t) ,e used at a Primary elecCon to Se Ietd lu Lakte Count.y, Illinois, on the lulInth day ef September. A. D. 1914, [0h te respecttive parties VARl Se sa Republican party-White. Dcmecra[lc party-O reen. Pregressive party-Light Blue. (For Secial Justice.) Socuallat party-Skinon. Dated thce S day cf Angust, A. D. LEW A, HENDEE, County Clerit. + 83-Aîl. 17 18 119 WkIy It. $25.00 rcward for rccovery, or Imt, formation leadlt'.g te recovery o!f f mate beagle Sound Iost, or stoten from near Orayulàke. TIl, June itS; Oaa a blackt and white body. black Sead and cars, a round brewn spo t over each eye. and a whte strlp mn 'n[ng rom the end or nase ta top lulad. Rangy ha Sutid, and etanda I Ioches measured up aund down aheulder. Due [o bave plllples Jui< 23, andOprobahly has [hem kàw. NM tify 1 DR. W. 9.* BELLOWS, Phone 42 or 46, Wavicegan, 111. wly t!. * -r - '--~--'-'**--- r ~ t, Woodstock Serntinel Woiltock, Illinois, Thursz1ay,,,4k%-mat 13, M~4 Store Furs6lon fleigni Announces -forMg rdy 5% W GREI SEI &ore foiks- declare thAvtE. V. Orvis -is really taing ýhin»f sellôu lu Ws io pdidacy for' Oounty ju1dget .. Wouldn't it be a âine tiing if, at the anuial soldiers- salos' reunio>n in 4W»ukeanthis week. the counties of -gKenoaha,, Raicinie M Lu , should f orm the North Shore "Boldt6rs-t$Iloro'Semimon ssociation? Why flot? The ~'~gbor%~gconuilièasre really Lake county's closest peihbesaid an oganhztion of tbat kind would spel pucceso.vith a'blotêr s" than can be the case with each coun =tý 1u to eie beparately. Let the movement be consaaî*dif -pà ible. 'wXlh, o.nr ounty "dy tacing a criais similar to thatý which exiéta fi f«>rdI laids, hr could be no mlore ap-t propriate tim. for the holding of the annual soldiers-sai- cos'> r e n 'n W :than'rlght now. The doings in iur9pe ntÜàU îi' oIùr minds the valor of the men wh'Ôti , r t yiIs aid *ho are the city's guests jhis *e ., i ebtor thon, just as the men in the Waukeg%4 hahs long talked of a municipal market. With indic tI*ù t-pl"h*i aïé to toar aid kèep on indflnitely pespt~irmu iit a dsireto dop 1t, it rnght be well p4r Waukegan to oualder - eriouly ~e estabflabment of sOuch *a publc . i ie. by o out sucessfully In m ny ogimultle anpermit farmers of the locality as ,-eil as rudits o! tii.çu>jpo ati to make the cost of î ? li-and more Sa~~y3g ecause fresher produce -1 avalale and at haeprc. 1MAN WITIIOUT ÀN 40 CLMWS WfIl Beja rnaEsW ilOon ce;. Hp na til::a drius co-a ducted a votlng contest as tu what fomdtechief amusement of ttuon% Resident of Village Paisses to sepeite performance. The result AterYear's IllmSu w&Aax thatte vote of piularltY to he lons y bc 7.majorîy o tour to one. And for that reson Benjamin fautes, one of the oldest, bîen the Selle Floto cireus and Bul. hi-t known and mont highly respect- (alo BIh Il(himseif i nome to thie city, Pd old settiers of Lake couuhy. pasaediof Waukegan Thuraday. August 1 away early tiIs mornlog et his home [lie aggregation will brlng wlth It a lu UÀbertyvllle followlag &an Unos of company of forty clowns. flot of couîrse those forty clownr about a year. He was 81 yetais nd wll forintonly one of thienfetures of and hait llved inlLi cotnty for the 1the Si-le Floto SuffaI,, 1111 combina- Isat 60 ear.,fo. There will bhé[i famoux Ro Mr. James was boru lu Wales and da Royal Troupe of h igh gcbo came to A nerca wllb fils parents and horses, for Instance; hundreds six otiier brothers and sdatera wlienori acrotiatusud aerialîis and pretty, he tuait 11 years cof age. isa parents equesîrleones; the glant Serenadum,. moved lmontftumDledisitAIy t0 leand that wonderful new musical 1i~ atun 1. ta8lIng up a fafi bét làe'trumenl. ie Vocallua: Devlln's corners. lie tuatone of ten chilreî.Zouavu-et.;[he i- Ie Uniîted States gev- i even emlgrated tu, Amorîcuansdthie ernment HYuu'ys and enough other <ther llurermaluedbehlud. He- waiuattracionîs luwarrant [he- naine the sole survîvor of hîs faîîîlly. whi-h the tri-aI shouw bas been gîiven lie wss marrled [o Miýss lella [i-cîrcus of 1001 woîidera." C'aldwell of Deerfld who î;assed away Axnd na[urally Ihere'l] Se the pa aeveral years &go. Sonie lime afterj adi'et t lu 1 o'claek thîe moraing Ihat lie marrled Miss Seletta C'aldwell, i the performance, with ten bandE esnter of!flus iret wlfe. anîd site suplaying asud thei Ser-iaduin and the vives film. Mr. James was tlie fatliir Vocalina dolng tli-lr Seat. Ilu of tlîree chldren, two dauigbtersanajd ce'Teî'lhi pn.s eht [Tl one son. 0f Mtee.a daîîglîer. Mrý;. children caoi- eeail [hi-anImals. Neille Speckoiaî of Ber-a. 0., alogiel , And anotiier Iliiot. lu tIhe performi survives. 1loi-e Col. W. P.('odyu- I Hu Bill)111 Mr. Jamues had followed the calllngl himielf willi nîîear pursînally. Hq of a fariner practically al baIlîfe, lIln owill i-ad] flic parade. 1) &~ fact, up [o a fi-w years ago, wheilail- vanclig age caused hlm le relire [roni active tîfe. le iuovi-d to litierîyville~ o lalgTnae - and ias adethattow bisli rt wasabthe@[.Un abot soapeuaa aud lr iasme tît oo a lînld wlpe thorougbly dry. Thetu ever ali-e. vth dry fleur, appjied w'IIIIlmn-0 For the fast year his lîeallh lbail baewagper. hi-en failàhig no that hie death at thiisiI [lune was not eotlrety uoexpecteîl. Dath la attrlbuted le peroniîan a complicatioo of diseases 'lflcdentti oid age. Mr. James was known as*'the flan wl[hout an enemy," and efar as ian be learned [he appellation line mis- uîoner for 0e was one of [luose ktnl lsposed men who make It a practlce À D_#ET $2 5.00 Fi-ver le malte an enemy where It le 1___ jutas easy [o makq a frlend. 1-e was a neuner of tlie Fîrat Metliod 1se clîirclu of Lhertysilîle and waa a .ery il-vout ('hriqtlan.I [M ,a mere fraction of the rea Lil sizes and -newest styles'ril ts. Early buyi*g ill,' prový elo.0. Mj4nnSaits AIoîît 73 sutS11 hte d atiîtall eiti. îîoffered in this lot. The assoti lent comprises the popular nîidd Idous ai~'nd Norfolk styles. Onec cfth i1î'tiesi values vver Offered,' 8aturday only ....... 48BamanC(,V ues %0. -1110t tîîieh'ed'iflatm ruse liM# Ilite sîsat cmats frein arnianutacturE %ýh iîî ieded îî.ash." WMccean u4î»ar tef YIlIIpoitvesavingo Regular $4 A'i1-WooI Serge %kirts, L9.*5 No ft n i's it y ou can bux nc1i stYli: andti serx îi'ablî. skirts ut $1 .95, but t( îîîInxx- xxe offer 50 ut thetît at Vi pr1iiie. (utIe in in b~iîaek anîd P,.i bil', iîî long anîd shourt tuîîiî' Jstyles; Saturday only ........ ý During the Weeli Beginnibgnga AI£GIJS¶ 24 We will place on sale a large assort- m~ent of Electric Appliances com- pièlsing examples of nearly ail made- At Prïces Bie_1w - qanufa«urtr's, Cost Sotue «f tlbe goods,,oïte siightly shop. w~o,*gt I ebwg,d çon4itJon ana rady o t. Descrimnnating Duyers Will Find IBbiîIâàhà iidh bô aréIftle Idîeed £verything Sold for Cash Prices Good for This Sale Only -*tI~8ts'Om'W 29r Sheriffs' Heaty, port Platformn Meëts With .Approvçll; S0t'd.1ep Fromô ay4e Sources at prices that represent oni: worth of the garments. AI cluded in the various lot. most profitable. $10-50 and $2'00 Childins 'Dre;Ss98C 'Sphui dreseus tor the i tti i ilks'in dýtiit.xdeits o iih.i ,elai irays, te 14 years. Saturtiay9 c Women's $5.00 Wash Dresses $1.59 An 1 < 1".1 l ît îr g 411* prtiv dresseso intî lig.ij'ewc~-st StY'les . .Mateials are ý-repîc', gifighiaîîs, v'oile's :and iawiis. A splenidid value at $5.0. L- 4 Saturday ouly ..........i »00 White Dresses, Value« 4.41200 at 3195 0111 Mdr. Heilijubt retur id fr ontîîm Yor k ad< xas fotmit 11)usei ue a iiamîifacturer-'s surpluîs Stick of' dress- es at a grcat prie tice i)i - î'îsIti tat's wlîx-vNv - ati offert Cii iIi Ia t the. î-enîarkahl ii ee(3 , oif............ are inceluded. ajn sept. 9. relureseN Méémbers do'them- [r. Bal-b i district. y for théc Wltly It at. Uo ý --.7, - "-, (By George W. Conn, Jr., in the Woodatock Repobtcas Ç'Colistittîtional Conventioni, Cou.nty Option, Re- forni of House Rides, are the key-notes of the Shurtieff platforni that have strxîek a popular elord of îespoiîse in the minds of the vôters'of'the Eighth District. ShîîrtIeff's return to the loiWer bîouse is pr4etic-ally assured by ait open atatemn~t to'the voters uf the jtand he intends to take inîthe at case of re-electioxi. ('onistitutional* convention pre- nt pares the groutid for at least two long-délayèd re- fornîs, viz.: the adoption of an equitatble and*,mod- 7 -ru tax &'stetlî and the expansionof the su«rage privilege- Cqunhty option iB but the next -logical step ini the sç1_g#onuof the lilq"r probleth, and xvIii ineet with 1t'e ~tv opposition down state. The change -P "'ed lin the jjoù8ue rulçs las been on the waitini, b#t too long alreàdy, 131'Ie.mu1ti- tude of (onànittè6s has alwayca ben a bar to pro,- r reiie e, Wop. This renu ~has to> do with il reforin et xnaçWunery of frgishttiôn and xiii, of course, le ia.,yip>ýeede al qips 111 the i4es1(Ancég.o the re-oeetion o! Mr. Shurt- Ieff- totheIe 490iture, lie will undoubted.ly become the potent, factttr, I f net the nîost 'influential, i bringing tiiese needed changes'about.,.Os a Iparlia- , iiierltarnie c.placed inthe L1rsti,"nl, an4 ths xif bo'the pri.iqý reqiisite in -thoSe'.who have te do e the work of rpodernizing the -anti9uated ridles. In the instance of a cQistitutiOIal eouvéýtion'1 bis ex- perie.eéwil,-- ,afihi 4ap4hie' ebitue»ey Mi good steaýd. 'The tbsul Uiy-h&'hea diiplayed in the past lis brçiight -to-hu-and , vill ontinue to bringto,bimi,gm'Iport front sources outside the dlistricttM% ver»e fyi-merly unfriéndly te his ean- <idacy. ý bxne of these converta wereberu pf-rnçth- er nefesaity aUid not'from any intrinsie unfrieMdi- ness, Shurtieff 's s1aunch and unre1enting defense ot the dairy Intereats having been:,ihe animus o! - ~ their former' antszolism. A iminer nt'nh platform and one that has - . to do with local I matters is that eoncerning 1t4e 5. dairy and pitre food reqtiiréznéýts..Live 4'td let live aqeis the inspiration o! tbis pI1nAk. 3Ve be lieve'flhat the development of 'this question bas reached the point where'there-thmiîd'be-mrometmu- tuai, rensnab1e conM à, n' ll~t- euneut of the day. Tis secmso e hepirt of this feature ut the Shurticif letter. Taken ali al, the platform is admrirable and needful. It wil aiso he a vote-getter, but this in the minds of bon-. est citizeus is siot the desideratum. The voters vant that:vhieh is riglit and just and the mýore our candidates for office taboo the 1'shark" gane of pâlities the nmore stable xiii become their pop- uiarity. Mr. Shurtleff lias mnade bis appeal te the inîtelligent convictions cf'the votera. If lie wins, %vhîel we tlîlnk lie %viii, he xiii have reasons for selt-uoîîgîatulations. If lie' loses,'he will have bis self-r-especýt and no <'anse for apology. What the tlinois TPeajàh&SLaid About Rep. resenitativé Sh~iAeff .'The 1 Iliîîois Tenche r, piib1It1iý at Woodstock, Illinois, by the'Illinois Teebfer'Assocjation, Vol. 1, N. 4 jîner Ic dte-et Ul 1913, Mr. Georg W. Colinî, Jr., $ecret#ry and 4ditor, Wbodatock Illinois, hail the foll , igstatement ou Page 2, -witiî refereîîce te Represeutative Edward D. 8huî'tleff, togctlier wîth his eut published on that page. I&RNP]9,0TýTIV B. D. SHURTLEYF "éheexLrpepVker of the Lower Houpe was a frieml te, everv' school mesure cndorst by the teacli- ers of'the state, and ini eharacteristie tashion made ]ids uîfliuene feit in i uneîertain nianner. He was espeeiaix' vlitpful ini seiuring the sentiment for the pîassage ofthte additional mîillion for the distribut-, abJltý fund, anîd xas aiso instrumental in'delaying, the bout- of finai adjourunient until opportunity eould eonic for act.ing on wt4tin-g bill*, amdng wlhw'ere înany 6f our educatioÏal tnqsures. 'Mr. Shurtiiff Was a power i securng the passage of thc sffxage bill in the Lower louse and by a large 4nmber cf the press he isecredited xithi savingtle day'foi the bill. This raw means mucli îltinatcly to the teachers cf the state, as th e great m'ajority ini this profession are women xvho are now practically put in possession of the ballot as a new weapon for securing net only justis for thîeniselvs but better schooMpifrail. The teadli- ers ut the state oxve nudli to the ex-speaker who was a trusted frientd thruout -the Iast '8ession of the le jislature." lfled spelling, au la used In thie publication-. BesaÉ Advertising Medium in Lake