TlIt C OUNTY INIJPEIETIRDAY. AUTGU.§T 21, 1914. Big Joe, Grahiam Flour 10 lb. Sacks 30c T rRIGGS &TÂrYLOR S.L essreJLPhono 24 &25 J. Ehli tnge Ubetyflie MEÂTS AND GROCERlES *.**i.i~u.iaimaaaaa6aaBaBBBBBBBOOEaBOBI erh o ' more 1 bosutom A Hai Up ani get [n this day aud age beiug well dreased don't need to bny a suit and hope it wi ant tailoriug eyetem will briug yon Les i guarauteed ta fit. Our newse smples are in, resdy for you s'ill b. able ta flnd the very thingy rue. Every one la an all-wool fabr ry uewest weaves and denigna. Come lu and let take your measure for 'sut it made aud i-est assured thst whes than satiaty. Priece for cvery pocketbc $14.00 TO $48.00 Je B. Morse' - Everything for Mei UBERTYVPLLE, Iii. - Phone 14 BOUT THATi FALL: SUIT âve you ordereci it yet? Have yen made byour mind justO bat y 0u want0 ld taken stepa teo0 't it early? 0 je not accidentaI. riII fit, because aur a tailored-to-arder ur inspection, and you sant iii thbe 800 i-e and they include a sit tell us lîaw n it is doue it will 3ook, for they rangeO ~Coi. enO JF YOU mntend'to feed for profit better buy your suppies early. e See Li bDegsbyvts id De. hne47erere ompay ,,l»*abye tvlde.Lume 7benr20 erCmary E. A. BISHOP, Manager - I Cdebertyvd/le fe To insure publication ini the lndepefl ,i County Supt, of Echool8 T. Arthur dent, çopy muet b. in the office no ler MimPsOu wae a visitor bere Tuesday. than Tuesday of each week. Adver- [eputy Aberiffd Elin .1 (hiffl and tisera, especially are asked to take Ehuer Grsen of Waukegan. were bere on particular notice te thia affect. business Tuesday. (Additional Local News on Page 4) Mre. Ida Latshaw leIt earl.t this week __________for Boston, Mass., wbere mhe will act a@ W. F. Dietz of Wauconda, was a vistor a delegate at a loricul; urààl gatherlng. here Monday. ldisa Emma Roseoe of Chicago, le L. B. Onice o! Antiocb, wa@ a Liberty- visiting ber siter, Mrs. F. B. Wilson. ville visitor Tuesday. She la on ber vacation from ber dut!@@ s tenographer at the tý. F. Wanner & Mie. B. J. Yeldbaiu of Chicago, le the Ca., o! that City. goest o!flMra. Fraueas Colby. Attorney E. V. Orvis of Waukegan, was a viitor bere Tuesqday. Edirard Conrad oi Waute'r9u. sem nn Libertyville an business Tussda. 1. M. Strock oi Chicaga,, ses the guest oi Wrn. 1. Colineusaud tamily Sunday. Supervisor H B. Eger eutertaiued Abert Gerlick ilSt. Paul, over Suudas. Mir@. R. C. Higgins le spending a part ai thia week witb relatives st Delavan, Wis. Frank Maeon of -Waukegan, speut Friday, Saturday and Sunday at his hiomeshere. Mrs. 0,.El. Chard oi Austin la spending ibis week with relatives bers and at Gage@ Corners. lire. Fred C. Bulkley eutertained ber aunt, Misa flunt aud a cousin ai Wauke- gan,, nuTuesdsy. Miss Grace Bntterflsld le ejaylng s vacation frian her duties sitb the Sheldon snbool, Chcago. lir. aud lMra. Aiex Kelly aI Lake Forest, attended the tuneral o! Benjamin J ainesbers Mon day alternoon. States Attorney Italph Dady and Sherulf Elmer J. reen ot Waukegsu, seere bere on business Tuesday. The Warn's Ouild will meet at the residence aoflira. R i. Attridgeu Thursdsy sfteruoau, Aug. 27th. lire. Y. W. Burrie and little daugbter of Union Grove, Wis., @peut several dsys this seeek with ber husband here. lice Paul Ray sud cbildreu bave returned frorn a two weeks viit sitb relatives in Elinhurat and Palatine. lire. F. E. Clarke cf Urbana, 111, is speuding the week sith ber niother, lirs. C. M. Fuller sud other relatives. lira. Alice Adamns Ward of Rockiord DLI, sudlire. Richarde of Waulkegau, viited Mrs. C. M. Fuller aset Friday. lin. B. F. Woolridge, son Desl sud daugbter Myrtle, speut several days Iset seeek with ber siter, Mirs. W. T. Collette o! Chicago. The W. C. T. U. silI ineet at ths borne o - 7 sf Mra. Ivaus and lîuby o! Milwaukse, lir.. W. Brpner o!Deertiela, andire. Win. Philipe sud daughter o! Grayslaka, vlaited st lim. L. Z. Protine sud ather triends Iset Haturday. Mir. and Mm re. a Martin and IlttIe sou Preston, cf Fort Wayne, 1 d.. vîslted at the Henry Kern home lrom Suuday uutii Wedneuday af tîjie week, coming irorn that place via auto. Mmr. -RothboMrcher and little son Donald left Wedusavf or their home lu Wbitevllle, N. C.., alter a tbree MOuths vIeil ivitb ber parents, Mr. and lir. Joseph Wilson afd other relatives bers. Coroner J. L. Taylor lt M ondal for Graceville, Minu., tu look sitar bis Intereets lu a faim Ilear that clty. t)epuly Coroner Conrad o! Waukegau, seili look aitar Coroner Taylor'@ officiai work duriong hieabsence. Postrnaater R. M. Taylor loft liondsyi for Minneapolis to attend the National1 Postrnastera convention held there thîs week. nelieslîlaIea go tao raceville, Milun., tn look altar bis interest lu a farmâ there hafore returnine to Lihartyville. Samuel Insuil will deliver a stereapti- can addreaa upon "The Adrantages aif Mnopl in Public Service Buiness" t the Ares Institute of Btisiuess'1'ecbnology on Tbureday eveninir, .tîg. 27, ut 8 o'clock. The Institutioîn ba@ Issued an invitation ta ail o! Lake county ta bear Mr. Insull. Win. 1. Collins aud lamily entertained A. C. Doase, of Sycamore, Ill., tram Suuday ta Tuesday. Mr. Doane sud MIr. Colln e ent to Milweaukee Tuesday ta attend the convention o! National fftsuite Dealers Aeeoiatian hing beid lu that City thia weëk, Bath gentlemen owu the Collins & lioane granite works lu Lihartyville sud Sycaniare. The annuel election a! officers ai th, Amici club was held at the villagze bal Tuesday evening of this week. Th folloîeing affirers seere elected tuaa durinit the spproaching social at Paul O. Ray, preidet: FPaul O. morrâ vicepresident; Robert B. Bond, treasuri selth E. L. Du liand kalph H. Cale uew directors, four of the îlx boldit: over fta set year. h s 9 P LUEDA be ail be et 'r: ais -eut A Mra. Sarahl Ma8on, 1uesoay, Aug. 25 'fTbe "Laugh Week" whlch cammenced àt 2:30. Tapie, -Uourae ut StudY ilut h yi har nMna vnn rovernuîelnt. ad otiue oeynigt oryevnI The montbly business meeting Of the days la drawing large crowds at that arnest Workers Sunday cebool clase play lîoupee Mr. Rtobertson atates that wili b held Frday atternoon with Misr. naWhere in this tate bas anyone ever f E. Williams. att.empted a full week Of comedies in Miss Elsie Hiu@s is enjoylng s weeka motion pictures, The program lfor acation rain ber duties asstenogratihsi Friday niczbt le "Our Country Cousins ' anîd assistant bookkeeper at the LIberty- and two uîî're reel@ of lsugb medicine. ille Lumbgr Co. For Ssturday *Duwn on the Farr." " Ber Friend, the Bandit," and "Ileine Mra. Ed Butterlleld and daughters, Liebe Katrina" will succeed in banimbing laude and Hazel witneseed the playtebls.ndfruda Tgdyf lad LogLegs«*at the Posters the Orent" a two reel dramas. and heatre Wedueoday. "Fatal Flirtation' wilf be equally as lIrs. Frances Colby and daugbter strang'in letures as tbe :îreceeding hargaret s3pent Suaday ut ismond nigbts. Lake with Mrs. Colby s brother, J. W. The management o! the Lyric Theatre Cooper and lamily. haa contravted with the lutornational Arthur MeLauglilin and family of Entertainnment Bureau (4! Chcago, for a Mlilwaukee, speut over Sunday at the series of entertaitiments for tiifll anîd homne ai Mrs. Mctaughlinsf parente, Mr. winter vunsisting of Castle Square en)- and lirs. Lew Flagîr. tainere, gentlemen quartet, vocal and Mise Lydia E. Kinsler, a librarian Instrumenta]. The, Semnary Girls in from Detroit, MLib.. and lira. C. V. soprano duet@, vocal salua, violin solos. Kerch of Janescille. Wis.. stere the gueta soouthern sakelehes, readingswith musical oH.D. Boyd and lamlly Sunday. setting@anad crayon sketches. "The aI H.Sumners- a clever versatile duo present- Regular meeting of Mystie Workers ing au e'.ceptionally igh cams and next Tueeday evsing, Aug. 25, alter interestlng musical sud dramatic pro- the regular business a social evening. grain. Prof. Robert Wassrann, comedy Ail member corne and bring your frlends. mnagician and illueionist. This course Mirs. Sundotrom of Pasadeba, Qai., a6cornes higbly recoumennded aud promises niece o f Mr. and Lrs. A. Ruse, who @peut ta be ane of the heet ever put on ln t o weeks at their home bers, toit for Lihertyvllle. The managrement is now Chicago Wednesday ta, visl% other rela- aliiting for season ickets and se the tîvua. eating capacitv je iiited suggest that Mis@Edit Vanerpol an Min Leo seats sýbould tie secured@noan, aseail seute Missehn th Vaderpoosud omes neChiaare ta be reserved. The irot entertain- goKueuayrtr ta thelr bonlthicarsmen&ItotO lisgven lu October. Seseon got tedforamer'@.peudiu arno nhre tickets are *I, chldren 75e for the four wlth ter lresaut.n or evenîngs. Mir. and lire. F. N. Herriugtau 0t Adrlan. Mich., and daugbter,,Mrs. E. NOTICE Toppe aI Tecurnaah, MIc., are vislting Anerctapala anmaeaai tbe lormeres daughter, lire. F. N. Backen A aus pell gi aet i andfamly.lot ustuers lu Lakeaide eretery, who sud ianlly.bave flot paid for the cars of their lots Ale suad Nyrtîs Boaken were lu Elk laor One year or more paet. The neces- hou, Wls., the puât wsek ta, vialit a sary cash uet be iorthcarng ta carry relative, John Straug sud larnily. Thbeir an the work of keepiug the cernetery graudpareuts, Mir. sud lMre. F. N. heautîlui. Alil who do onot pav up befare Rsrrlugton. sccornpanied thern. Sept. lot, stilI be drapped icorn the flot The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid aacîety of caied fo r lots. beld their annual rid-aumrner pieute in Lutu liattacks, Prosldeut. CaaeY's wooda ail day Tuesday of thia lrno1eue "stick, Bocretary. -eek. The extrarne heàt 01 the day 1k onysbgwel-,E 1made activity impossible, but the. coin eeCnnysb. wel-NE Dan eiovd mot laa&n tie- PENDENT. Gel fire, i and i SPI Ari cboic way, 1111)1 specii toda: Pt our automobile ingured. againat collision, tbeft, £e Durand & Dur- ean do It right. Cal] Tel. 2-. c4stf ECIAL PIANO OPPORTUNITY rare opportuuity ta, purchase a few v. bigh.gzrade pimos sucb se ltin- FLyon & Hesly, Welwr, etc., at itattractive prices. These lew iaIs are on sale now. M'rite us ay foi uarticulars. Lyon & Healy, cga, 111. p-48 1 CHAS. D. PROCTOR ,NSURAkNCE1 FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE PHONES 154-R AND 50 UIBERTYVILE, ILLNIOS Are You a "Spender" or a "Success?"1 YOt' CAN'T HF. BOTH. if you don't systeîîîatieMily tsave a part of what you earni, yon have a very slight chance of becoming a financial success. otnt î your way ta thisa succeas lîy opefing a savings accalît with lis TIIY Lake Cou'nty National Bank Capital, Surplusa and Profits, *- 100,000.00 Total Rosouroem. - . - 750,000-00 W t bave a large stock of TILE, POSTS, SAND, BRICK, SEERPIPE, CEÊÈMENTA N D BUILDING MATERIAL GET OUR PRICES L Y, 1% it ti IN ti CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. -M Don't wait til i MAKE VOUR PREPARAT IONS the lastminlute FOR FAIRWEEK e________NOW! Corei n eeusens. It will siînplify your buying. Excellent values in Dress Goods, Undermuslins, Hosiery, Corsets, Silks, Ribbons and Trimmings an d Umbrellas a nd Parasols a nd Ladies' and CIiildren's Shoes Lý0 SEE OUR AD NEXT WEEK -iê W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY North Seore Phone 29 4 ni> You Demand Purity and Quality! 011i cati be hapîpy aigl contcritcî over aur C akes, 1'iCS, Tarte, Jully Rolis and everything ae make. WVe don't use f ake jabus and jellies and iilaviîre Weare lionest.Alo ve are clen aehop v gularly insqpee i W by fot thetafi ihis. We Guarantece aCltan Bakeiy. LIBEIRTYVILLIE BÂKERY FRED JOC!ÉHEIX, Prýop. Ili i- 1 ing 1, For the tiret timin WeI'.bietory tlb, Lake Countv Fair Asemaclton will have a special 1'Farnera' Day" durlug the fair at Libertyvllle, whsn ou Sept. 8, of tial 'sar the Miik Producere' Association wiii hold s special prograrn of rucb intereet ta aitlfarinera. In a nuieer of the counties in whlcb the Milk Producers' Association le reprsee thesmeiers of the organiza- ion bld anual pieutes or ather gather. loge, thua etirnulatlng local interset, etraugthsung theassociation sud baviug a royal gond iin. Sncb a pirate was proposd fur Lair. caunty thia year but waa declded a"nlet aud a "Fair day" picked. By adopiug sncb a course the mem- bers bave rnads it possible not ouly to get togethsr for a good turne, but aisa ta gain mnch Information aud inaight Imb varions branceb iagriculture tbrongh the nurnarone bigb clame exhibitd that are aaanred for tbis year. Tbe day chan for tbe Milk Producers' Adsoelatbiu ln Thursday, Sept. 8l, the big day of the. tair. Ou thu day tha difereut exhibita sili ha awarded tl. prisse, the attractions will lie Bt their hat, the racing at Its swiftest, in fact the War will ha et its bsigbt. The committee lu charge urges eaeh and every farmer, wbetber a rnmeraou the 1111k Producers Association or ual. ta attend the fair ou thle date f(Sept. 3) and in sure that the event will ha a buge ancese. Plane ane now underway wberehy tha progeam i-hI begin at 10:30 a. m. and will ha concluded Iu tilue for aIl to vimit the entire lot af attractions ou the grounds. SpecitU efforts are haiug made lu aet-ure extra stroug speakeris for the occasion, in who not only underatand their subjeet but who are heart sud joui lu the great work that is haiugK douie hy the Idilk Producers Assgociation. The official buttons now haing lseeed by the organlzation. seul be giren ont lu ail members as soon s thev ajîply at the baotb that stîli ha used for that and other association purposes. County ca irman C. 6. Sinsll seul preaide during the prograin. Arnong thoje sebo aie expected ta speak are Preeldent E. J. Fellows o! St. Charles. Secretary, W. J. -Kittie ut Cryatai Lake; County seeretary aud directar, N. E. (iat5srt of Liberty- Ville, and others. t Farmere are urged not ta torget the date, Tbureda>, Sept. 3, 1914, and the cammnittee wants eacb and evEry dairy- man ta ha prefent ta help make thia Lake County'e banner event. borne IPtirnbr£mai Phone 50 ICHOICE GROCERIES, MEÂATS, VEGETÂBLES AND FRUITS. .1 WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY i 1 pany enjoyea a mout pleamt sime.