IIzIqTrIwuJAY, Ar~ M LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT .WÂU]KEQÂN WICEKLY SUNo Invites you and your friends to Its tent on Lake County Fair Grounds, SPPt. 12-3-4 We willI be preparcd to recelve subscrlptlons and renewals. t, COME TO VOUR Lake CountyFair LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Sept.1-m2-3-4,1.914 $3600 in Purses $6000 in Prem.iuma *s.::~: USS qgBand Concert, F'ree At- SPEED PBOGRÂM tractions, Balloon As- HallMil.Triécension-with double par- 2.8Wednesday, Sept.2nd aht doWdW s 2 6'l'rot ............... ........$400 aht rp idW s 2:24 Pace........................ 40(l Show, Colored Minstrel j~ Mile Runaing.................. 100 Show, HighDive.Gloom- 1 Mile Rnnning..................'100 2:Thursday, Sept. 3rd 1 y Gus and Haoppy Hool- l>2 ace ....................... $400 gnAcrobate. 2:14 T'rot - .... ....... .. 400 g Z 2:19 Pace .............. .... 400 I Pne Mile Running ....00... o Good Contestod 2.21 T'rot Friday, Sept. 4th $00 BÂLL GAMIES County Raie, elîgible to 2:24 cladm. 400 By the Best Teams of Lake County 2:21 Paee ....... .... 0' Wednesday, 1 p. m. ï Mile ltunn..........ois Thursday, 10 a. m. & 1 p. m. suussssM nsp:smmpp:sp rday, 1 p. m. Good Exhibits of Fann Machinery, Stock, Poultry and Automobiles Dining Boom and Lunch Service by the ditterent churches, rnaking it possible for you to have the smre food as la served on your table at home. .. .. .. Wednesdy-CHILDREN'S DAY. Thursday-NORTH SHORE DAY and MILK PRODLJCERS' DAY with speakers furnished by Milk Producers Ass'n. Friday-CHICAGO and POLITICIANS' DAY. Speakers: Hon. Lawrence Y. Shennan, Hon. Roger E. Sullivan, Hon. Wm. E. Masou, Hon. L. B. Stringer, and ail Senatorial and Legisiative Candidates from this district. Corne and bning the whole farnïly for a day's outing DON'T FORGET THE DATEI REAL ESATE TRANSFERS TOLSTOY MTOLO 0F _____ ES Furnislsed by MA RIGE JC.¶OFS Abstracts ofTitle. Tilles. .i.....a...............2 4 Masonic Temple Bldg. Waskegan. M\ellîs i IN sý1I Ler 1)w gî 1 CaJAlvîi IFiFalk, Mlsaki. ......... . Au. 13 u9t4-l.tE. Trige s ;i:d ws EUROPE, IN VISION ,selssîe Niesisiky PlaIt s-ý....19 teiF. . 12, lot-J E.Trigg h issui's-fe1,1', Ion, Libertyville. W. D.$ iii Lillian Peterson, saine.............i s Thoumas Pachiacit anîl e is 10 Wa- Overseer Voiig Aeads Pr- Anhund Dtz1\ileaîîkeie claw Mlchalowskl, lots :>(,37 tnd3b. peyW ihr~so ae AeaGoi i ueia i blocIt 14, Dreyers subdiisi55,5North peyW ih'îltyM d dla rl,%akla, s....1 Chicago. W. D. $1. Mafly lears Ago. Ilarry A. Freeburg. Criera...A5 J. L. Lyon and wlfe to0 tars Niggo._____ Ella F. Anderson, Batavia ....21 Meyer, lot 167, Shaw's sublsîisîsî on OT rhrBemr acna... ? Fox Lake" Q. C. $200. e i.t VISION IS NOW BORNEOU. rhuoese Wucda 2 Eugene Smith and wifi.P lt aoieShly pail ...2 F. G. Karg and C. A. Piselpse lots 14 Wil] i nney, Waterford, Wis ...27 to 20. Smlti's subdiîvision. ins ses-ion Tolstoy Declared a Figure Rose Kleinvelsn, saine.........e %V. D Mntooehl£118 I)s-d- $2()1 Rather Obscure Now WiII Be Casbur A. Kingsley, Zlots. City.5 W.D Moe ,aBiaMoSiortI. soutis.. oerod, lot 7 Ackley's addition to a Modern Napoleon. Edîtis M. Bracken, same......... 29 Volo. W. B. $f. MIchael Lane, Cicago .... .40 Frederle'iIlGrabise anid elfe tb W.Cr A. Nîcholas, lot 6 aud part lotîs 5 and Waukegan, Augugt 1 4 Drthy Englehard, Highland Park 31 7. block 2 , Newberry's addition, i, - ZIOn City, litI. Aug . 13 P babi Ceyon W. Steele. Racine.... 3J4 ortyville. W. D. $760. one Of thse Most wonderful prophe5cles Zadîs L. MeNsîr, Plymnoutis, Wl,. . .29 John Griffith and wlfe to SerahR. made sînce tise dsys or tise prophetlJesse 0. Steele, Chicago......... 36 McGulre, 9 lots at Lakte Bluff and Malacisi, was made~ in thet year 1910 Anna Ni. Yocum, sarne.......... 38 tract of land ln section 18,lieerttl by tise ramous Ruetsian sounty. LeonPrnt eecNoCicao 2 township. Deeds. $3. fel TrakoeeeotCiag .....2 Joseph Auzinger and %il,, lo An- Thse remaritable exas-trwts of this Jennie Cesnaras, same............ n drew Mathîson, tract of land le, sec. isroiahecy colnciding as It does 'wltl Robert Mt. Parks. Evanstots ... 21 tien 35, West Antlacil toie i, % the great European conflist 00w 1n Edula M. Sabla. Wlmette -...2-4 D. $10 progress, muet be apparent te ail. John iJaly, Round Lake, 111i....21 Tolatoy, as Mtost studenîs of hie.' Waslaw Xllchalowukl tri Toiasz tory know, was at onle tîme a Russlan Ada White, saine................. 18 Pachclarek and wife. lots 31;,::7, and counit, enjoylrg ailtihe privileges of Axel Nelson, Chicago............. 24 38, block 14, Dreyer'. subditsitoîs, lu court Iie. He. however, became s0 Entrena Soderquiet. smne.......... 24 Northt Chicago. W. D. $1. dlsgusted with ail formeansd cere. - lirott(itao 2 I-I W. Dowst et ai., te, <lisse Ni.munies of court lire tisat he detersoîn. 'ne J. Atkittsots, NorhCiao 2 Jemison, lot 1, blockt 2, Shsirs ions ad- Pd 10 humb le limselr to tise rank of Mary Dllue. samne. ................ 22 ditiors asd lot 2, block 2115 Origîial tise iowl 'v peagant. Donnlng tise gar)> Esiward aB1unker, Racine........... 26 Waukegan. Deeds. $3. of tise pesant ise worked in the fields Christina Bartiselson, saute...19 and llved tise lowly lire of tise Nazer- rdr IE pulig hcg 6 A. P. Slsedon and wlfe to Si. Tripp el-,whom lie îrofessed lte folloix. rdeijESaosn, hcao.0 lots 29 and 30, Rotary I. s ssn bth aîîtssnîn of 1910 Coujtittss Na siusosa C. Kerr, see............ 5)0 Area . .1).$10. lassa Tolstoy. .a grsnd nie-s of tise lames lBowier, Nliwaukp<e ....11 E. A. Cumiminga and w<* ' îîoîsîs uns Invited!)y the, Czas-ina ,f 1itla Roloff laute ................3' Rusias10 sisît tIse somnmer palace 1Edward Banson. Raianle ...25 Rogats, lot 8, blocktle;, i kgn at Peterhoif. The ins tation wa s ex' 1Nor-a Miller, saisie............... .3 Highlands . tis tnc1), t. end"led islier soly for is th srtsiaEdmurA M.St i -tce. 5'Milwaukee..2 $250o. ofspecuring tht e rs >çe of thse vI-sur. Sathillda Inurrer. saile.. ..........a C.E.FeiostaT.E .~is-stessr. oblalning a message dir- t i u;dnes A. Fransk. %Tlwaukee ..26 C. . Fllos t T.P. stfront (outit Tolaiov. a -otsy of s. litsi Fnsm. 1. Radtuoz. Sarinette, Wls. 201 part lot 1 addition te North a ~ d wa, b lIfe forwardesl 10 the i;(-rss.sn____________ dition. Waokegan, W. 1). $1 k aiserand te ls. isi.o<f BENM.sMLLER A s.l Maiset S.Burn.s and hu mýln 10 CotiteosoNastasla To'stov bsosorts ERM ILE.Atel Nfay . Bnk, lt 7 Iei, ,t)i-an Intervie wiwtis ber grattdtttslp ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Mar, t Baits lo 17lie s..utdi.ahout a week later. q1io exniatned ltih, utl-NoOse iùe-ehb, eloe ht>tise Suis vion Barrlngton'II. W. D. ressors of ber visît snd thtes-jut i<s isi ssîiottsatWilit siTetamrent %V Il. Harrington and e ifsiý oýls te ,tened wlth great surtositv. lie toide .0,5 ethIssn). leecased. sl attend Leas-ok, undlvlded 1-7 lot 'suidsvi- ber tisaI hhiadlseule strange ter the Count- Courta ot Lake Courlnt e t e alun o lot 1. blok 29 Iici t n etes, thse nature of whls-i ne c-ud thes-ot te Se Soldes5nt thse court Hoouse fii Pan r'> o 1,boc Hgl nulnetexplaIn. ite sisld 001 s-tIil tis rmWauklerai, ti isalît Cieoty ousthtistreMonday Pri %V. i). $10. drpams anidlise des-Iarei lie was flot a (If iîstssbir sext. 1914. whei ssietshere ait Ag s. 5,1914-Joe .eslsse-isz believs- In gisost, or ti1ýse tlriiualinl- peerei,isasinga taiaiest said Estate are sndsi fs. to Frankt Trust,.is: 1, blo ki torpret,îtlon of tlenomena but their notiî5ed and re.qsestedIo ti isesent theseainse te 20. Washilurn Springs. W. 1).$755apppareii lu hirsi at tîmes pist.sro, or sais) Collettas-raiiJudii-atso.s J.S alnadwf oDr' mental iin i s t i ors I itoi tet iIORsIE POPi'. Esecistor. J.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n . aanadwe l ausfuture III -. mnurîel, hal was i smîtas- W..kus..Il.. A.nissi3. 1914 Mutler, part N. 1-2 section 29, Shlide to thoqe, i\tieriens-sd luy tht arlies- i Au 7-14 I1 townsip.'s W. D. $40.000. prophet'u ;Il- instrsisted lisee-soit- Alisgss- 12, 1914-Mars M Sha~w es t0fate pens-il and lister aM dwait LYs- 1.,IH.MORISi, Attoee ansi iusiand ti111 ttsls rr,-ntnl s5sion wotild assert It- ADJUDICATION NOTICE. and usbad teN. H. Gulisîrstis lot sel f and then hp woulsldidhta*e toaiser. 122 Shaw', 3d subdivision -iýx lakte. the message. Piitlls inotice la hereby risen tsaitishe Sub. ~ ~ eciher EsiyisC. W.bets. ConervaLror of the E,,tate of îRuth S.Mes-nu deceased. ailattend .1 I tisrfti-r and wife to S.I.. Triists HIS REVELATION...IS IT COMI">G tise Couty Ceaurt of ]Lake Coisîy, at a tenai ansd ethî, loits 7t16 1, bloc k ',lisam TRUE? thereeft'to e h.Idmssst the Court Bouse lu mond s additiontiet Rockeellier. W. After walting for ten minutes dur- Wassecaut. sn salO Councy. on thsetinrt Mondat' D. ll.2î0Isse v.hi-h tise cont ieaned bac'i In fOfOto ienet. 194. when aîd here au peinions Augutt-, 1914 -J. 4. Vetter Yr. sud hie chairIrii an apparently comltose and requested toe seensithe samne te sald Court wlfe to G. E. NfcDonald asud wife, lots condition, ise began te unfuld hie vi- taor adudication. 31 and 32., block 6,. Deerfield pas-kt. W. slon. 'Tise reselatlon,' ise sald, "was 1 EDWIN C. WEBBKR. Conservater. D. $10. of a unîversal charactes-and muet Wslskeeas ll.. Augusi 3. 1914 Fanny E. Philips te Mary A. Phîl- siortly corn e 10pose. He saw a beau- frÂs>g 7-11421 lipis, lot In, titlock 16, Highliand Park. tiful womann who sjrnbollzed oomý SIEN H. MILLER. Soulci r W. D. $ 10. mesclalsem. iShe iad tisree glgantlc o arma wlhtitise torche.. Tise fist CHANCERY NOTICE Fllza Lobdeii and isusband et al to torch represented a fiAme of war, tise State o1 llinlois, Couuîy of Lakte.m. John Greutsr, lot 53 Tweeds Plstakee second. blgotrY and hypocrlcy andî Circuit Court oi Laite County, October L.akte subdivision. W. D. $60. tise tiird turcs wae that or la w. TenA.D114 oa Tise great conflagration willl tart enA e 94 ElilssLabdeli and isusband et al 1 haout 1912. set by tise tarcis o! tise Joseph Lelat vo. Mas-y]LAloi, John N. P. Greuter, lot 51 Tweeds Pistakee firat as-m 1ntise countries o! Souths- Les$, Valentine LeisI, Mary Weldner, Laite subdivision. W. B. $500) Pastero Europe,"' sald the c0unt. Anua Fllîpatrick, Peter 1ais, Katherin. J. 0 Hucter nd wfe e ai ta "I l. will develop laito a destructive ca- Lelet, Elizabeth Lelat, Chrstian Lelat J. 0 Hucer nd wte e al-te he-lamlty tri 1913. In tisat year 1t ee al'in .SeyGily mes. A. Murray, lots 102 te 105, Europe ln dames and isieedirigt. 1 dJ elyOlly Shaw'a Long L.ake subdivision. Deeds hear tise lamentations o!fIsuge tiattle- In Chancery No. 6860. $200.. fields. But about tise year 1915 a Tise requiste affidavitisaylng been flled Eva C. Strange and hiubaad te 'frange figure from tise nrti-a new lu tise office of the Clerk ofi sud Court. MargretM. Orie. lo 10 dlswa apleon--entes-s tise stage of ts U.i the etnisrbgvetate Marare M.O'Bien lo 10 Shw'sbloody drama. He loa man of Ilttle oielthrfr eebgvntate Long Lait0 subidvisiion. W. D, $1. mlitalriatic trmnîng, a wrlter os- a eald abat. naned deiendin>s, that lhe Ida Blacitier and husband te L. H. JOurnallst. but IDIPbis grlp Mant .1 abat. naan.d Coinplainant herstniore Bryat, part of lot 1, subdivision of Europe wlll remat i Ii 1926. Tise end filed hi. Bill of Conspanlt la nald Court, lot 37 tc ait Foeot Q.C. o of tise great calanlty wlll mark a on tise Chancory elde tisereof, and that a lot237etcLak Foest Q.C. 5,00-new politIcat mark, a new paîittcala August 11, 1914 -J. S1.Ruais and ors for tise Old World. Tiser. viii j> umiantiseneupon taued outio ail wife ta Chisltian Truszinski, lot 17 le! t na empires and kitngdoms. but tise Court agbinst thse abar, naaned delta- Oie subdivision, Saucoada, W.-*D. worid wIil forma a federation of tise dstte returnable on thiseiret day of tise 810.United States of Nations. Tiser. tern ai tise CIrcuit Court of Lakte Cauoty, vI]liremaIn anly tour greit g tlb sedaits Cut oal Wue C. S. Tuttle and wife ta M. F. the Angle Saxons.,lise Latins, tise t ebl tteCutBu aWu Schneider. lot 5, Batisewk4es subtil. SIa s and tise Mongollans. gin la naid Lite Connt.y, en ttie Ot vision on Long Lake, W. D. $1900.' After tise year of 1925 1 nets a tMeuday ofOctober A.D. 1914, ami. by Ann O'rie an huban te In.change ln religions sentiments. Tise iaw requlred, and wviic suit la elil Ans 'Ble au. bsiafd aAn-second torcis of tisecourtesat' bas odig nie Cayie, W 25 feet, lot 4, blockt 73, brought tise fai o! the cisurcis. Tise nng North Cicago. W. D. $1. etical ides bas aimont tauilaled LEWIfi 0. BBOCKWAY, Clark. H. H. Adams and wlfe to Anton Humanity le witisout thse moral feeî: Wankegan, Illinois, July Blet, A. D. Januzis, lot 24, blos-k 30, Norths Chi. lfge. But tisen, a gvent reformer 1914. arises. lie wlll clear tise worid qf tise BENJÂSiIX H. MILLEII, CoMplainant. cage, W. D. $1000. relica o! monotiselsm and iay tise cor- Solcitor. Au«. 7-14-21-28 Mater ln Cisausery t Tisas. and liesstone-of tise temple o! pantisn. Jasie Paciarcit. lots 36, 37 and 38,. 'I set tht clly o! the livitng God. BE.N btIMILLERI. Soilsir. Blockt 14, -Dryers subdivision North t setise Zion, tise city of tise sest CI4ANCERY NOTICE Chicago. I)eed K3, ing rising. Nly eyes may nlot tîve State of Illinois, County of Lake, esa: V. D. IÇmisali aM wife ta D. \W. to seethtie coming o! tise King, but 1 In tise Circuit Court o! Laite Coun- Llpsey, part Lot 4. section 16, Grant hear bises hars-lot svheels rolliig along ty, Octoiser Tortu A, D. 1914. township. Q. C. $t. tht heavens, and fi lisnt fer off; tise John Bobrmann ve. Louis Bohrmanui, comstng of tise King to tise City o! tise Alvena LiBelle, Margaret Abrens, Dora ADJUDICATION NOTICE Living God. Waieke, Bas-ney Lagersisausen, De.- Public notice isaisereby givea tisat Vs heu. ti' Ring comes to Jerusa- Pleines State Bankt, a corporation muid tise subacrîber administratar af tise lem we wiit he able te hear hie whls- FrankSitr estate of Mary Jane Whitney de- per fromt Palestine te ail ends o! the Ia Cisancery No. 1I846. ceased wlll attend tise Cougty Court earth andilweoal see hie face and Tise requisite alldavît lsavlng been llled of Laite county, at s terns tierea! te we shall hear bie volce. It w111 bc lu tise office 01 the Clerk ot eaid Court. ho isolden aithtie Cous-t Hou.. ln-Wau- possible in vtry part o! tise world Notice is tîsereforo bereby Riven ta tise itegan, lI sald County, an tise rst by the arrangements tisat are even said above nâwbed deleudants tisaitise Maonday 0f October next. 1914 visen flow wltisin sight, sisowIng tisat tise aisove nameî Colilainînt isretolore and ises-e ait pereons batlng dlaIms telephonic consmunications wI11 be se flled bis Bill of Complaint ia seld Court, againat sald estate are notifled and complete. tisai a whieipes- of tise Kin.g on tisa Chances-y side tisereof, and tisat i sequested 10 preseut tiese ane te said will ho heard In every continent and soimmons thereupun Issued out o! niïd Court for adjudication. lis everv island of tise Ses. Court aginust tise above aamed delen- ORMAN ROCKENBACH, "Tise l ag of Zions Cing will, as 1 dents, seturn4ble on tisetiral day ofthtie Admlnlrator o! tise estate af Mary have bold :,ou yeara gone by, souci tes-m oitise Circuit Coust ofLite Connty, Jane Witney, deceased. float oves- tht city o! Jerusaiens wiere toe iselli et tise Court House.lnuiske- Wauitegais, Illnois. Auge 3d. 1914. tisefilag of tise faitsePropiset files te- gana Iu eald Laite Cosîoly, ou'tise firsI DYMOND t AUSIN Loanâ, Insurance, Real Estae asqd 4House Renting. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLBY Aitarney-at-Law NMoneY to Loan on Good Approed Real Estate. Office in Triggs Building. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILL.INOIS. LYELL F. MORRIS ATTORIETAT-L&W Libertyville . llinois Luce Building. lIes IPhose 152-1t, OUceiffone la MARTIN C. DECKH ATI'OBqXY-AT.LAW office (Jpp. l8tu st. Eiectic Stauma Df!lce Phone 848 Bu.. Phone 180 NORTH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. UAbertyville, Illinois DiL 0- F. BUTTERFIBW. VETERINAR! SURGE2ON ASSIRTANTIRTATIC VETEIINIA. làbertIill. Illinois. Teleishoîse I4631 Ma>i letter prep.red ihan -Y -Siense ever go do vour sorti J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 Einwood Ave., Wauoegan, ioi S-- -0 before auakingyour daue DR. E. V. SMITHI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON dlon- 8 t10 a. ln. 2t0 4 and 710 8A. i Omnce ove, tRay Furniture store. I LIBERTYILLE. ILUNOIS DZ 1. L TAYLOR Office in Firit Natiommi Bu*h Building Buomu:-1 ta 8:3 O abd ta 8 ns. Be.ideMbS nu Broadway. oppoulte Park laortyvtle, aIlalii. DR. GOLDING DENTIST Houre 8 ta 12 &.M-1 ta 5SP.u. Over FiIe National Bank Olflce Phone 194J. Ses. Phone 1574. UbertyvIlle. Illinois DR, E. FL SMITH, DMNIST. 3YBIU LAXu VUUTNATIONL" SAl. auua-S tc 12 a. un. and 1 toa pa DAILY. UtbertyrWvU Mis PH ISICIAN AND SURGEON CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. NOUtRS-10to 122 go 5; 7 80 Telephone 100. Office st RudSc PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING (Jlawt attention pald toar an.ai auction sales and beat reguitis la hid Ing Meau. Ail kinde of borse, wagon, and harnse. for mal, or excbang. ait anl Un... HENY SINE Psome lu8or8«ZMON C",T.. J. L RfDDING, D.V. M. VETERINAEY 111111111«0111 Craduate CIhi oL Cat . Ava. Phne.1124-W. ,.v.i DR. VICTOR C. HGEFER OSTROPATHIc PHYOICIAN 215 Madim ft.SL Lukoogz. 1%3 OMM noum 9-12 AIL. 1-4 PL. 7-8 P. I Bundaye by Appointtut ntZI Toiephione 2M0 Talkmg Machines An Ki"d French. Germen, Italien and Spanish Language Ouffit. Wlieni you want a machine or records, eaU u> WI=netkOOS W or OentUai5M. JAAM L LYONS 25 West Lite SI., <Chiao A N NOU N 3M 38W Dr. N .W. SbeIIL---~ WUlt]GAN. ILLIbiOîS WIible mi rs. C.S.ll"sonageoa d I Uhurtyvilie.om1e .à".. tuIy. efte ae d arn.ies. Uot5had Nieste A. P. RAUGdBT