LAKE CÛÎ "NEÈ9M ,FRIDAY, ATVT2.i>4 ~7ewsy iems sîd J2k YOUNG MAN DIDNT' TORSBCIES elqùçy fe i Aterrible electrical @ttrtuasd eomaad. '-e KNOW FIRSI NÂME TOeaOURSpîCRIber it iviNo st e T m - . FROMl erabla rain pasoed over Ibis setion Suant- pengday o terat alce Man atede te seltyatMr. f IUTU IE Cousity Fair and you are nndoubt- du ra i ch m ond. _ __ _ FTU R E V Y IILfi 0,1Y Planning to attend at least o l a a m f r s l auts aI ltiarrled. hre wee toiv.on dy.Wewîl li yar. .-your fr o ae Edited by F. J. ORUCE, Phone ats bcIlared1@ i eeVio CHARLES E. MASON,on y.Wwiltsyerao- each. A fine tinte. as reportei Correspondent - Agent Young Couple Applys to Clerk ual have a lent on the goond. -aeyu rpryisrd rderiI alknfrJWr. Mn. and lMr@. B. G. Murrie loflt for an PHONE 24-J at Court House for License adcrilyIvt i u.bnb Adenasngratesaon application. ez tended trip to Dakcti Tuesds ImOlay m-anecin te aisth e ine o ____________________t__er______ MondayAiternoon. o-& of mainastt. Wmi..fAnd get your accounts collected. Lee ug asroge l@psto ursy av @ornetmne er o mi e ult-By' tdo-rc ihour Ilubsenleers the faca that lit s t lt e n M e r g ne ' b a r ea d h i p la Rn d b v n p e t a w a i i l a Qes yB.d S u i - P î e r g k E R R O R C R E A T E S H U M O R . C O U tS 1 m o n y too p e ra te a n ew s P a . at he arcant' &Feronsb.n an kIS.Mattbow A. Sullivan, forment aif Per "bd would respectiully n.- wtll start lu chool et Nortbwastera Mldediverentertaîud ber cosn@., Gravoiake. but who bas. for tbe past WaukpÉrau. Aug. 11. quest thot y-uexame e. lorely th. )r.d' iiniveroity t Evaeiston, Sept. 219ct helb.Peterson girls, 01 Waukegan, tht. yeare, bt-en working in New York, paid Tre Young ICOUPle aenifd e îcr wa tutandilsows la obe nerpaer~.L ual Monte Allen and Russe,, Kapple spent week. Round Lake a viait Saturday. BO 'eut-,ip the waik to tIbe courtliîouse. He .di tsosyut .iarasRa sae nuac olcin bryilII 'aturdsy le Chcago. Hart 81,cr andlMr@. Sknnlof Keno@.. ,opaled by hi@ wl>e, havlng bte wsa ape okigRon ent!.- tatesbaumpton WC ololecthon No. 2ill, 1 Mns. Loulse Thoaon vialted ber aiter ha, M'la.d an relatives her@ Senday. re cent ly manhrlede Brookli1yn. Teliart la ph a.Cllegleg to Ilus let rtu a a s adigatouapreantad e it yen oli eehn n Chicago lami week. Mr. and Mrs.Jna. Crawford are @pend- enaow wt h etr no eer1htrlmi, neat gls persntige, Conver. haeatorpleent aud e tti.. We'U tng s lt-w days at Botel Edwards. capaey in Chcg. We extend '(-on-atIon between thet- to ,eemed ta tave a ropemonty ative th erol Frank Sberwood of Lake Villa, eailied Claude Neli i t-î î unday e o gratulatlons. baient, but at timea th youlig lady tinâan give you a reciept for it. __________ on friands here leday. Er eiyo*ta opeo as,(eo. Emerick ai Wsukegae lm iitiîig ra.t i;uendeailng glance into the face Irvng Hook vas a Wauketcae vostar ErlPda pnacoleadas anc 4Y last yack. 'eAttorrucy Coison and NIr. Sîtapoon ai WcnUkegalJ, weté catît-m bore Saturday. Eve-rt Hook bas sccepted a position ln the MHerchant.' & Farmerm' batik. Mieé;Eilzabeth Kuebken spent Mueday wîth ber brother, Henry Kualîkpr L. 'i. Sitem' traneeted buaiinems te Cltlagu %Wedeesday. iClasm.angsbaugb sud vii<t îtiiuicagti, sPenihie week-end villi the- iîîner m hamr&-tde mr.ant i lra. JohnîLongs-1 T,,tn, o. tf abt-g1,w 1ii lisYm wa th tîriaedo It anoîd laixiih Mir..lit, k W.hittey jart-i iîil v,i J.,hua t.and laciy. Tù irts>ulake i.Cîiîttry Aid vii lut-é,et with lire. Eugent. Hendia, Auîg. 27ttit. N'ilitorm weclueiî,. Jtbe ii ngabaugii and Wvé obd Chas. ittat ag d wîi fe spfflt Sueday viiith -, aditie.mvAugiies Ilseon at h Lou ,a La. lira. Hiris-rt fCo% and -n eWarren .,f Aurîr,shiav, e îit a.-ding a h-w day, vîi ti r, anti Mrn. Joîhn Wtt-ta tsith frit-nde le Wilmtte. Mn. and lira. Jatte Slacuîîî are tpend- lt,çg saume lime an R. G. Murrîe. L GURN fsu met-defated Wadm.wortb in sabal gaine Sunday 13i t9. A returu gants viii hi- held bor-nauîday. Lest Feniste, 'ho bas it.,u at-iaumiy il, lm Ii glwly ittlivirig. 1- iLu ai of ttnb 1w-s an buxmotms Mttîtlay. Eut-n Fullier Itunthas.t-t elw Bp- ini .ieamt wat- A riuriiber of1- lta tîatbiali tans ai- lt-dt-iltht- gaie.-ut at ldwsorîh Sunday. iiareni-.- (rttwf,,rl atiîîghIe par- i-nta ln ta trt, Eti Fr.-î. itwam i, trt-on (Cbicaiga "enday Bis 8110 la ta&ylng atI W. A. Csinpbelk H. W. Keet sud lDn. Youag were tn Kedes«ha On buaina.. Sunday. OdilasAde-lis Huy 'i iiting frit-nde ai Mlbure tia vea. lira. tiabel IdcCuiitîugh and danghteri are iitiog raiatisla inNebnaska and 1< secs, Mn anti MIrs. Penny IBarris and larilyii A cotniebidetusîi-otb g aid ne u il Waut.-gan, wte-lSalurday t thet- tut- baidghe, batecoeed se(rt-ai an. noris-ai MnrselliMre. Jolie White. te o bseheliegvrady. Ming Eâelli su Lioa Wite eft The seanulinici-ing of tht- W. 1C. T. Stites.,,, fora t-lia sud lostîîa it.- lt- lt iibt- htid wîth ire@, arab Faulknen Saln-oy ons hrca-si--k vsîtWtiiWidaecday ieug. 24,leetion tii-lfl loy-nde nu Wis-oeno. ýranafulatnaem,1im. Jîîbu Elcdge sud Il A.Watlon aof ________ Ar-a, vene calter rp t-l agt Satnrday, GA E'i1 en)roulta oAntioch. G GV H.-eny Itarron antd cbid n-eoa Chicaa, Mn. anddlin.. Ueo. Kappit- spent s lt-w are opendiag a few day,, ih nelaive daye lent waek ai Antiocli. hare. Wcs Strn,g and lMr. watsî,0aiChita- Miss Almna litnde.- ofiFIirtldîs, sini-re go spent Senta is> teh F,'s suZandt snd vinituag reative-s, aia hi-rrelsts-r. l-dîth fsrnily. àud husbaad n Chicago Tht- MIsse.Dufiy ai Cincinnat, (0.,are1 Edwia Biuier bas@l-n-eilthe- paît sPendieg the atomer With tirs. E.Law- sek. rence, thelr eIait-n. Dont forget thas aitt t-si-y janraif lin. and lins. Jan. Triggs vieiîi-d rela- Parozida Cold Creaun puni-isseî ion 2.7w tires ut Lake Villa Stseday. YOU get àa secOnd jar tar te lieakîeg a Mn@. Shewey and @on aifhOnegon caled 50c punchas. colt yau tîîy J26c. W. <te mit-nde ber- Ibis veal. lira. Sbe'ey bave but ait-w l e dont idlay. Tht- waA font-nly IdilasSherman. Its-tali Stire -lIme- tt rug Ca. Miles Phila Amas eutertained compauy1 Jamea tiBHara aud farnliy ai Wade- Suundai. -unît a-t-ne ait (insyaiake liondai. A. Chard and iactiiy are mpcndieg tht- While ht-ne lMn. tlaratturt.hasaa Vitan veat witb relatives. liitrola fon hi@ tamiy utt ahe xaii Barry Streelman oi Chicago caliltd on llnug store. frienda lamt Saturday. Tht- Epi@eopal Sunday chaiti wiii baid Dot lanfget tht- Sueday School picui. tht-m annual pienie at Round Lake next Satunday tosunorroi le àWrghts Friday. Aug. 21st. Mir. Ut-s. Beneban grave. Erybody Inrited.0 ta te ichoal for tbst day. p lins, W. G. Sbewey and son il Rose-C but-g, )r., in vlelting bar brother., J. P. lins. Jaunette liathewe tebl downe Il Sherman. lier @taia and bruisd bensali everely.T Shermn. Plany in ibis viity attenddt Tht- Ladie' Aid ai the idethadisi Wadsworth picnic Batunday.9 chut-ch wtll have a bouilli at tht- Aucian Miss Ceaa rans oI Chicago, la @pend- Sale et Druffl Lake Satunday. Igii ekvt n.C .Dunn lins. A. Wilson, Cradie Rail Sept. oi Eanl White nsturaed trîtm Urbana t te Id. E. Sunday ichool, entetainail Saturday auj vilii eau leave ion CorneliB the Cradtle Rillseholars ai ber hborn n Coilege In St-w Yank. I Park Av@., Wednesday, Aug. 19I. Saine The sang service at the. i-urt-h Sunday" eveýnng as veli stiended and t-nayed Pl il these hlidran aare earaiitd 10 yeans by ail. t Igo. Tht- Sunday echooi nl boid thein lira Eus aStout reiunned Sonda>- fromtn ie >'Frîdu'ai Ib tis wl- t-t Sttrucas a 81hît i îtt vith bhi-mn m inChicago.tlî . bandte. lij.aný4Ci Mesdamne Sbewey and Sherman an- cpiet the-w'e--ed ut C. _ E. tIi-an ri ti-odd dtht-font-rai ai Bt-n1. Jain uit t Bas-n, ta tir. ced tirs. Martinîle Lîbertyvîlli- Moînday. a daugbtar, Tuemday, A ug. ilt Lest Monday accurrei a busties tran- Misse, Mincit- Hotp1>b5ai1andi'iana e sactiîîî 'eein S. L. larilil&Co. Kranst- viii leave the laet aofliea-ci-k itor Il iîurciîamtd the stoc-k tof ft-uryKui-bti-r Bluff Laks ebene tht-y viliedais-d c e. leasing bis @tanr- for a terni tf yeaan. Mn,. Simeon Ainesti Mn. (ariieid viii soon suave lis stock takan Saturday tIi Wautigsc 'fîtr anu1 iîperatlan. H-nersan>- relatives saîld tram tihi Stnang store ta bis ci-t abtîda. filnde balte for han speedy rtcatcry. Mn. Kiiebtan it is atait-d bas a n-ny good Ms iesthiasnîiCbegt paslt~îî c sght. pending twîî yacks vacation vitî lir l'h.- \iisea Blanche and .'.arniîritt- Iparents, M. and Mm. Ut-t, Jamliesan. c Pitern cd tnt-. Eva lt{inlt-y ai Kansas Miss Jeasie Jamieson bsvlng ahi-at a t lity-. wse viitître ai tht-,. J. Wigltman isww'eeks 'euh ber anaihen retunned e littanericntiy. Friday ta ber btoîule t Charleton, 111. P Mr. nd rm. . F Woo an daul tir@. Mica Gibert nstrneadfrctîî Mn. ed irs H.F. aodanddauli.Alps-na. Dakota, Tnesday mraning, tan etirned t, thi-t-haine in Sumner, Iow'aatter an extended viit vlîb 7 'OR nilatives and licnds ht-t-.HIL J p Mn. ced -Mrs. iýL. Farnand of Sumner, C. 1). Smth ai Oak Park, iseapern w lava, anti trs, A. E. Patter ai Fort tendlag santie vont on bis fan haurt-. Sctot, Kan., are visting in Guru.-, sud and Waukegae tiuls 'e-stMra. Sarah Meadeansd ',daught-r@ ofAi lins. AIma Fslna s isîîing atthe Dt-Kalb, are vislîing at Ray Paddocks. g home ai ber son, L.' F. Fenion of Gurnet-, Mrs@.isenHuioneutt speat Tuteday sa wbo bas bteu vany iii.but in impnovng vAtfiands lu Libetysille. tn ai thitite. M lr@. Water Sytes of Long Lake, sud T lins. France@ Booke, of Chcago, vistted13 Pssiîmlstio. Mr@. C E. Combe Wtdned. Ct Tb*h ie luck any mmin ba ave tla lin. and Mr@. LyunuMarris of Areas »vwto ave hea" bot; but 1hat iii.spent Sund"y ai Ira 8rnithfe. dom bappeillete anyone. A. B. Combs vas a Waukegan viliton ý.r- __- Tuesday. reaives and iends boreth:@ e eet. Martin Tht-ion made a trip tA Chicago Manday. Ha vent ite sut..tai a. capsized Baturday eveninaç. Chan. liraînard, E. A. Kaur ansd par tise aitnit', McenDY Sunday av-hifiî and t le the vaudeville esho>w. Rare. Tbursday, Augr.1:1. t.. Mn.aand NIre .A J. Sinluli, a girl. 1 tiga Johan Rigbeirner va slakeri t 'a Càiî-agi, bnpibal Tburads v ia a nutt. gan ambulane,. leiug titi, 111 Il. eîî1îd the jan ai a train. W.- hâve had ar.- i-urt lateiy. Milsa Clara Ainan t rt-t ing r.-latits and fnîenda la tht-agit1tiis ,et. Tue711P,'ait- gincl'y t.iatii "lfu Juseplia cehurti la.t s aiurday a es Cry ve-il ast.ndtd .-s.xt î-aturday Aulanen wîll gin- it t-im si week-endti arîy. Tuera viliiaisci ia atantgtot Iras ,.oîi saîurdal i3 cI.-itg aitbhta"'ne iar Glibets msiî -1ian automonbile c-apsîzed, Owriouxiy iijuinig )ueeWIIIina W.E brRncit .îugliîthe parîy bat-k ta Round L'aI.-. ahene lDn. Martin stteeîied Ir.rsIVPDaht l a sciag witliî lt-r daughcer rý. n. . tLitvi-r. lasi-nry 1,-elîliîniug baaietroke af paraiyaîs lasi 'etl-t Vit hiPe faîr han rauîd ni-cal ery. 816 CIRCUS IS TO BE A MARVEL Shif'>Bili vas la Waukegau Wed- ut-aday. But Perhap Yaurve ut-ver met Shif- iy Bill. Ort-alter, at beastin art-ai bife. And therefore, by va>- of explanation, lt Il bo known that Shltty BillAslaa characler af fiction, a circuis pnepnte- tor Who ais vaadered tbraugh many ad many a Page of magazine adven- mire, u6uabiy disastrous ta btmat-if. Aad In the- aanouacemant of hi, ar- rivai, lt a rt-ail>-the anacuncement of tht- arr-ivai af hie creator, Coin-Mty Hltyey Cooper, an author a-ho et 27 bas cantrlbuted ta nearby farty mag- azines and motion picture compati- les, la Ra member ni the- Autnone beague Of America auj a censulttug edilor af tht- Pbotoplay Cbearing flouse ai Naw Tank. And Jest as Sbifty Btbb's life ls tbat o? tht- cîrcus, ga te the lufe of Court- at-y RYleY Cooper, for ho la bt-ne te, tel! of the coming oaitheb. -ls-i-blote Cîrcus and Buffalo Bill (bimat-bi) due ion an engagement in Waukegaa Tburaday, August 27. bIts a cambination tht. year that'a galng ta he pretiy bard la bt-at-o-r avec tie," Mr. Cooper said. "Bt-isa the- enlarged cm-eus, tht-r. la Buffalo BibI hiaisbi, bath An the Paradeland la the Performanue, -ber. ho pro- sente a at-v spectacle eatliled 'War- path:' Tht- theme? ls a gond one thbe depîcîlon ai the progresset this country fnoma the tinte tht- inontier ta tht- present day. Naturaby tht-netl it- pieisty oaIntdianasand cowboya and riders and nopera and other pensonal- îles indicative ai tht- aid veat. As to the circus itseii, w'e.gai about '.ery featune passible, t-yen ta the- aort>- cbowsns. litclde'ntlay Yau can get an fm- tression cfI t all irom tbe panade at 10:30 O'cback the mornng ai tht- shiow. That'Ib git- yau an. Idea. By the a-ay, tht- great procession le ta b. ced hy Buffalo Billblimself, as a spe. -il bonor ta tht- cit>-, By tht- vay, the price a-nI rt-main tht- same as tyci-, 2 cents, witb seats for 14,000 personas." ANNOU NCE ME NT 1bheneby 'etsb toannentae- iat I1itave purchssed tht- entira aloi-k ai tht- lieui- Kutien rstore sud iaased tisheîuilding ta whiclu b viii suave In tht- tut-dIcte future sud viiilie h i)en ion busintes by Auguet 24, at th- Kuebker atone. The grovth ai my business bas iorced me(,ta t-cure langer hluartere le andsr ta gîve InY inade the, service I deaire ton. rhanking thettbrade ion tht-lt-libers! support at tht- oid stand 1 cardialty a-el. coule tht-un tntni>wa-vplace ai busIness and assure tht-m that tht-y vii necelia tbe carne business courbeous sud square lealng ibat tbey bave alwaya recalved c-48-1 S.L. Carfilld & Co.1 AnryIvestor 'WelI Tve bea Ont and seen that building lot 1 bought Oif you." Real Estate MKaa-"yoru're JUSt the chap 1 want te cee. Wh"8 dos L look lk? u bridesmalds, thte guegs h ad te give bandsona. pregentis; upun rny word, 1 thinkthelb esiman wvas tt-clrgy. mns-be vas lhe only on.ea-ho mode ltyub l isc of I The Indepeadent leade aIL Bell A Systema ~~eephone connections can. I~infot always be completed when the number is first called. If the lune is reported "busy," do flot repeat the cail every few seconds. Wait a reasonable ti me. If the operator reports " does not an-' swer," don't insist that "e there is always someone there." The person called May be temporarily absent. Wait and try again later. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Aadre-w, Manaîger of tihe.Young man._______ SlJowiy they innueteil Ille at-ps of tite court bousea nob eao ie daint h-C LD FELL FR 1 aorido.tinntrti ie T O do AU The -Yoîung man bra I " .v tujgopeni_____ t1P. doar and enlered. . want a iîiar rii,-,. lit. use; Little Ellen Smit, 7 Year Old ti, tiPnered atthi-tcîii-.- Girl, Sustains a Painful In- tri> yau cean iril -11 %i u jury on Thursday. oti,~retorîîad the. ciik v\\ WýaukPgan. Augue-a il ;~î,. ritildance anîd ag.' illi leiin Soult, -. Ypar oit daigli- ia ryFre.ieburg. 1.a", 1-1, oI ad, ter orfNi J. îîtnt. mieric -.uîîrjiî v ail re-ide at tieneva. Iiitendent oai lit>- Northi Shore Cas (omc Vh ai's the yanî- ti.' , t aille, IPauV lanitit liere buti alit o io% i a iaveiig saicstan, racured hall> bone.' - lier iglit foreIare> 0on Thîrs- 1it.Wt ocng man Pontrd- .îititenday 'h-lsho elleufroni a sa ing fl ia thtîii turried ta the ci. rf. neiglibrs Yard. The Smuilh famîliy *s îshîat necessary?' lie ilFert resîde at 1043 North avenue. iaiî namne la Andersaît Thea utile girl liadt citmbatd upan a stepiladder In order that shte couid gel V e r y m u c h m o i . W ( , - l u r h a - e h e r I t i e a n n i lss o s t a ftti sane ud ddri-s r- iîrtlîitue ber balance and fell to the grouîîd, a officiai, distance of barely thrae feet. but l 'Weii, t dont know lier firi.t naine.- WaaauffIciant ta break bath boues in luiit. waaîî amoment. art,]i1 wlli ask her Brin Tte rciilds fatiier heard her acreani lier " And the Young niai, dt-appear luind ri4hiîîi rt th,- iiigibrs yard ei llîratîgh the- daoraay iltitote bal.Picked ltelilttic giir upil inhis ai-ni A tes imomnents tater lie agatîl ailla- and rerried her ta the Jane MeAisiar Pd and annouuced to lite cierk tbat 1 i-iîilol a e re lie piaced ber îîpan the lier naine was Eita, aud .iated tirat sit, )peratii.g lahi.H unoe Dr liov l n pon is iaarrivai the physi- rcidcd( at Batavia. li. lier ageA as cian> assistîed [n redccicg the. fracture ci ccii as 18 years. andtinb LtPIYlîî the bandages and A clamments lat-r il --pa-.pd le taster casi. ()ut (if te auter door af tire courtTr ae wudlo noebt huiseif ta care for is lîttie daugbter. a,-îned wltjî the <arriage h-' Wben the opanation vas caunpleîed l e 1ut-ti' Fitteen minutes later Ithey picked lier up tenderiy and carrted ber Prilîcrged tfrain the resideîîce of a local ta a bed, siting beside lier until sire mnitsr, as man aad vile. caine ont tram outider lbe.rasathetic. Tire taregoing Incident accurred ut He then plckad ber up ln bis arma the local court boue Monday after- agalîî and carrled ber home. nora.î No. the attaches of the county one man *snefld cierk's office are wonderlng 'eeier Jukees-"Who was the besi man ai tire utarriage af tbe Younagcouple vas lb. weddlg' ieonklni-"WelI. fiu a preniediaîed affaîr or the r-suit ri notsut-a. The. bridesà father Soi aU onue af those-ai tirat ulgbt, or worda the bills te pay, the bridegrom bal! fa ibai effect te buv diamonud h.s.tshamr fori pay" Mnaen-."W Qnse, r satlineviti'Part, coranythin rý-- Judy- Inde udent r«a&«..auin tl.tu Lake ConnU. Auditori um Auditoriumi IBERTYVILLE A TTC' TC"T SEÂS ONSALE AT DEKER SATU DAYBON'S DRUG STORE turch -charge ,y 7:45, eacept on 0(M m e»osomiC Ep12ra.. eo«d Glu.. A sntlmeatai declaratien, e,.. If N.arly eery housek..yss W . -t rWUaicounter to nond economici occasion te ni. glue fer m,@sdla &ad lterensaof sorlety wlll Ucle. la lte home fIdda"h5icE have more adherents tan a profonnd QODUitlyter the glue dite the Mb truthIn l itica.! conomy, the adop. Uita t which t bai beean tin of whicit demanda an Immedint. breakiteom, or spriège apahtit b sacrifice.. oaa b. rem.dl.d if gl7chrla a. d"m te t lb.£asln proportion f oaa glYcerin. te four Parts Leue. m Tihe Whole Hog. articles mended la titi. s w@, «1