PpTwo. ton eo, Lake Vi WAJah,' W bY je chair or anymenuber #1t th AUe -hg pWht. bridg et *WII : alé t Absent: Supervisora Ferry, King. - 20. Ail reportai fromn committn irAi imn.CFrd or each one-horsee vebicle tuât in te*W t lVuo . Meyer of Premont. Maether. Simone.'be in writing ands ignedlYi'thé. coin- StimnWith Colant Cink-Strat- ~ li rde2e oat fLk o erbt t,1i~it.al hal l bagne4ly tt nt i ýAinfti.hwair-Fr sichtwo or more borne vehicle nlng June 1, iS. uséMd o1e0 Mntes of preceln tng read et àti« ein t t eaose o * * h .) etht crosses sald bridge 36c. wl th the. Couty I IdiCdr0fSupe[vi$cFsjP7oir ta*,$«Moffl tht erndba Of ILM Mâ sa and upon motion of Supervîsor Clark withoitt th iasUut ort wo-thitu s oi9Ring . etPr, -'. l 1 ie utenâ. flA 01 cvl Committee appointed to draftl h T. H. GARDINER. VUe a11 i P eeport of the Speceal April &nu mIes..govering the Board for the eni- chair ior î b iii Chelrk ti ý eEach Supervisora Coiilitte: Supérvisor E*er moyetégtlet the pe -n ou noooW 4 Vd Jean. Sessions of the Lak. suing year, subritted the folowlng deemed te b. in'pouîeuahcn of tihe Boardnn ErnGA*~Bdt ii omtueheb&ieat-aoo ei o Co un Burdai Seaofterv Lakr eStat r%4n ,Žt rfery tet li1,linois.o SueLasor eiCoanty. oa. Spe 23orTiCiatien manp eqr. (Balance of Cou)ntY4. I on Raf dBiges for a report ati >1 *4.I~ , e 194ctal Aprit session, 1914. 21 Ther ?ii*my b.be usedatInay tntwl5thWIShériff. te Jne meeting. o yy 44Meu bis _________________ M. Cairmn ad Gntlmenof he ertptîosse by a vote o1 ive-thIrda klcàCoQnty Faim Purchasing. Meiti C*rffl. ut CM! s oU Mr._________ndGenlemenfthe'of the me a rs rsent. S*tU@mnt with County tëisrk. b ad&sImflIUr WNAukegan, Ii.. Apili 23. 1914. Watikegan. 256Board of supervisora- îWhn lasbe oc Tdiir. Te foflowing communication wat .wî sa é ý b. r- Bçrd o Supervser. of Lake Coun- Abient Supürvinnms Sîmons and IYour SpeiltConmittee.onRules maS. and censidered In the affirmative oS me h wllli asre. reented: t .iu mSet n spéedii sdatrtilu n1Supervisor Conrad tioved tîtat Su- appolnted gosubitcorles for this fl U v.thé-III»»l o ri arertor ubôVe e Ca r.- 018,7. To Sdi W&lil Mi,er4'Iuo23. 19ke. Dated, April 10, 1914. tie Supervisr' Room In tue Court ipervior Gons. act as temporary Chair-Bard for the curnt year beg leave membidratrie,.th rt bte ioért- Clary £.e-eouin, tt irThea, cof FURDINAND RLake, lirenitblà the Cty of Waukean, pur- man. to submit the foUwng: reonadoftio etanyvot shh h b Wenp Ciaintu. Public oentte . , .i JeaéiChij suntte81. el0in oil Mtin arlS nSsuerisrGs~sm3.Tei aat bc twouty-six standing eider %unihs nt&Son theIi.ame dey o o rMaeinoa ~-meilieeste er t~~Bit rlnt t allnttéte ro, iii. apile. 194 ton earChair evgo oity at. Autoi nty atrm. Coun- whtch the vote was taketi, or the next 5idM »iI,e Comnty sato#iurois et. OTOtàRaW eth tothChi.t an u iting Çroneçus Aseau- day the it"rd la in sesoico. ~" W.CC -ls1vlkeyiéfrta TeIvA Bue. out Cek fSupervisor Conrad nioved te pro- mente, Kiections, ducation. PeSa anSd 2a. TORait cand Bredgeti. rui(s..dopt.^thé& 33.>, y 1>Mdmfoulthng Ta permdib onyCer fkdres iacJuil À 5 ane al'eowgterulesngoFeosà O5ýFdIsII é uct- ouj »tty. Illinois. ceed te the election of a pSamaret iekes Fiaeuici *LiClS by thé Boardof Supervtsol's Su net' Pieke-Ph0 cBuidingAugitinFè ieM i4redut hr heTwo Vnnb ofisceliafrnteeousng Ca b ba-bot u -mr W9atik* 16, on.. hresteTv fVro e W lt.eutlcrmlgned Superviser.atCa a o h esîn erb a-gn.îSields an4deefi P ~<O tO ~ased i.od ri ohimeaWY oies anS Salariés. Roads and Bridges. tel ï oe leiOné-ewUe ai the eepctjv teea st oposie oi lo. aice et County.Int î . Pumh3af , ha . o fo c for the. preservation Ooe-lections. County Parm Audit enS .T~~ e of rter and vernotont of theB»&ord. ý ~ tO s oI Nnt*a Putbga 24ig teoutoa otns. Upen o tionsetfgenéral Inr de.È Sti- cM i 11.41 aleille. in Lake County urtineis, here- Motion carnied..0 q>-- b EnilFinasce. rounds. b.ry Cà itit# lie of 1superviser Conrad moved that the snd Brigs it heiil * nd nyrsiéiué!lt 5u1V~ asrr j e4nUMbg or the EBoard et shaîrmat' C-1- appoint thres teilers. 1Laudqà,Settiemeni 'with iCounty rrys. acommtte, ci the whohc. licfnG;"ei h ii ot o h l ._W*à eoy nogtgb Moinclre.fÏat ihCntCOtet;27. -On the. cotu efany meml»ftiiihé ttMeteslimrele.seTv ~~i t.~q o.unty, Di cerneS. witi Shéiieiff, SttlmUat wti y..odaaaiSnya salitbe lton Andenter- oferuiiMicsaneut< dme1511. UsoI tnMi Town li iR 5usrisrs Iontteti.ThieChaîrman appointeS as telors CrcuChark, Lake Ceux tKSaatoiumneSun b jornago, a, quStin letre , et o!v lip » lid Ummes girue ~,1 Wnepu uprior 3trstow, Clark anS Lake County Sanatorium Auditing. àthc Board. 801h. 1914:LY oS tu fuS ay o!Aprhl A. Wiîhi.B. Ti C tuty Rc8eshah) uninit 2.Wnntebusiness ot any régular, oy4rt Frefti@it-Làke County Sans- " CMaybO s811I o Ue0th pt*oh 01 on li-eeihrby contract or by advrtising fMr or apecwa meeting of the, Bard shah f ln'4 quny 1Ruade niin# Su- a list of their requirements te the. Pur- lhave licen eemplntet, tIl Wtt then bha tths-iaee taa'- 111 y aresb U h r gensof et sgnlag. eectng c Chair- pervisor %Welch of New port for (Chair- ch.».- .Com itte.t ls quaiity etforder to have th. minutes 8f aald meet- anqindgs, Incitions. I iupervicol' Clark 9W5~Nr-the ratepari tbl teUy pilé 1>7me mm and trasatli nucl otiier huai- man fr the enauing year. supplies neded. AiU supplies, bok@, Img approved vitieut rediM.otII. - Lake County sanatorium communicoq tg thif dàfl9 Cent-for inch lieem e fr the Policéfront ma eal oebfs adIino tationery for tic varions Ooffie5 29. Ai oelyoficers shfirent aow-APubitl ~rh«AitlthCrci le'10é ~ àét it4.~meet- May 1, 1914. te Adon ledlug Bey il, pagequ mT Icaiiycorn liser.Sal upyvisor King nominated Super- ofthetcCourt Heuse fhall b. purciased liy ecrérgular meeting a atatemirtai how- *nt Scleoe*>4't wa Cu.iheClat--194 nomrIsr et aiS meeting. Visert Eger of luiertyvile as Chairman'tus. Purciaslng Commttee. The proceed- ng a litt et ail iclp enployed snd salary &n eerhqid) Sanatoriîum Auditifs. MeE~*~ hi pi 0 ,4 Namea Tawi. tn tle easlng esr.mg.of the, Board oshailb. publisiied or- pgiS to eacht. fSa ireport teo Min ho îiaie lauS.7m folio pétitione 1ere16r4. T iiifr h nungyat=lgt wan h rntit g intIbande of the Clerk on thc morning of MicoaPERDINim. Te oDow PIl.IESS.wee re aB*îtl idnC d ......- Wauege, al., Uo* IUpon alIn lloormag tkballotsallbeingimetarbineandthteon- sheairs dveof tih eetfor blâs anPoor(Btincecen-untt, cntidrMOt bdnvkerortoste Ji FEDIeADtlIZO. »j. Eifger ..... LibertyvlI16 le. ~wafnSta 5iioswr attract dshall he let te tic loWest réaPon- I) Ail ic Inret wîull îcî l Rllimenewth trcitîlerabrontlu ett funethei2 balot wthcas.1rAcuht O wilerkupevisrrrtinnscoydsgialth ines G. Welch ......Waokegan, Ill-of which Superviser Weich et Nee-' sie biddcr. lted.peFées A4andliBal-lts, a ef luie:Suopak a blervfiGorge W.Mp ont e a tiifo E.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Il A.F1e .Lk uicii;port recelved 16 anS Super-viser Eger ~O h ,r-uni rrpiS0 $00-.O or over. the Censtmitte In charge H. B. Eger, ims.nes--ltieen StCuny r aTethe tdbble ot .ardokue ns $h@<! yig . tu . loefr ILJ. Brotios .-.... waukegCa.Ill- eMe .aitaliprépare sperticatieits and recehvn . Edward Cenad. Wl . otpe-etaiitCuntyTra- otu lÔoaml foadetSpev- 1040aé .190 epcie J.TSmln ....Wakfn 7ueÀIIuperviser Eger nîoved titat thei j-oeaieS bde..Bilde te bic opened hn publicJams G.W g5nustatto lu0mGaiitiuA.uditS- Biais of Ileinoi tLMeaSupervimrCisilar i«th h 0.Mehr ...Prair-ie View, Ill. aScontris et ii tîe wet reeponsibie JeG th.. ti 1'.- a tCont FrmAuit Sat e ulîoer of devier Cam oUlé8the kid tuema Â.GMebi formai balot hlieSeeared frmai andS' ISpevier Fce oyd h. niPoor (I. t.Pritn lAsses G. Weich..NeWpert, Russell1. litdder. Cotract and ahi biseteo led sSprvsr ieemvd hthe itatàma k . * .I. aants. malterrge B.teinuters the Minéseecta that Superviser Weicli of Newport b l wtb tc ounty Cdert. AnS salit con- 1report be accepteS and adopteS.05. V, iila«Mua-Sttem n lhGog i i lrwudreei-teilal te holie mafor the contuction 0. T. blltiCeugh.Ware OurineI. deqiared . tiCSWyon Asneda. U, dui. euwnt ILW er,... inCity, R .D , elrdtiheînantmous .-inceeof titasltat shahe sire otiebh inMotion cared. cto, ulcoBusdsinet.El-ilYyer utO8bCbye tt AdNéshvf0e tte 3.0W sPen.Zn...F.. . Lae vllaoard for Ciairman for thtee ntstog presceýted and eo billissiail e aliecd, Superviseor Eger moreS htteirto, ulcUidna that then .f.Zîmr ertf MmCeeitt,, onRaéan re. Joh Stitta........LaM Vii,'witiout said rontrairt and 0.. Rd tu'the Cliairman lie lnstructed fi) nforice th e luih-sttieliieiit wati er. publit]lSte the reunty Cierk the sut o et Meetari mnee Wm. 3. Stratten ..g.. 2ite e r- Motiona carrted.y thil Bard.ettiA- etundred Dollars toghetwîîh BtlPrvisOi' Eet tmoved te mujoui-i Fresent Ruies lue2 e .r-ii ua dpdlytt Bar. ejho ierima-judcay eirtfMeuteo ef Qualification weriChairmaît Weilu took the (Chair. nuatiered Il te 29 Inîclusiv'e. etIen carnieS. m5,Il..WUqi tnS it Caiedrm hâio? o enthe. lI eret13fr ànt. Mthe itgMing. iSupervisor Conrad moved that theile1. AI bills audited liy tiI. Board oh Cuairman Weici announeed the fo- BW 4' anal- m haie r and @ho.ofM.e Zl ereBc v. __________ prleppaitirb the feIOhlevtieulervi- .iRhon ?TI1T9Iàrre. ses aIairy oet icBoard of Review andI soperviers. being for aiS 0f tic poor et' lowing CommIttees fiethie ensubng eThé Pitovil gpetigteit as reesd:mrad1 N i-e t ogGo 'L~ H. Tittle of BéttOli, Wililam J. !Chiot Clerk befilxed tue same as astt hc Ceunir. su.v1ii le presented iy tiche i-: To the Board et Count3r Comission- In the Town et Vernon, Countu' ot Wautoe«I. l, June M. 1.914. UittenOa!Grat. lobahn ate ! ea.iW*,jervI .rairi«ig sciaidit aÇouny raru-Brooke, Meyri(P.),. et of1ake Ceuaty, Ililnt.LM n tt tlinois. Boird mmi puromsft te eélonu!ueit là" eVilla. GeorgeT. MCUiough etf, Motion carnieS. rýees pcuiai tdtc mue o untv Fai-m Audtiieg-atrtton (C.) Gentlemeni: He voOlS tiithoi shew that tiie vîu iufrm.n à Wkleb -o .,O 't~pq,~1ose 1. aiste, heoer Suerisr EermovS hatth le a11~ itsaiS Pist siail lie poub- IrThé undeirslgued iéreiy respect- Teonof Vernon hbu oe a nti-s* the foleiii gmember.pm etUl the prgeceedings.Tor tici Supervser Eger smen thatuth II.àRing- li -oFr Jme . elh Ia .chuirman appoint a VCemmttee te 11 tc therman sî ftah Boarde<. c ieSoafsd1lpetitiens you for leeve toi estai. Ioon tenrtor' andSlie thorefere eîks p eirluo re ntow.Bzigs, Bra. -%~ o9#DT. Buttons, Hon-y draft mien te gover ibtis Board tOn anSd.lecorum ands niiid elSe questions iElection.-...ori.meyer(W). Clark. ii, eretti.niitain andi operite a (ail leave te withdraw bis pétition toi- ne- Clarkt eé. Ute, leoI.F et ss~s.a.Dri D. Gosa the ensuing year. et order. subjeet ho an appeai tote the enat oisctinh. TitIe, Sirat- bridge oeir and eau» the waters ot newal o! licenne anS te boe ispaid the Flot t, 4o ntérge. King, irt iég ~eova lur t Lbe-t. Mtin arBoa Srd without deiste. ton .V.> Pîstakos Ltkead Nippensink laMske S sut et One HuodrdiDollare ne, lissihou Meyer <of VIgPPM Mf- 0'. 0 *. o ei Mtd.Fed Tion( hatrunnaponeSaeurd. Fomehe peiunt ie W e--lità 5alsalsO.Fcet or near thiu-poit of Intersection whiehi hii hretefone peit!and ailvàne- aet argp lCT~~ et m iiii A. VsietfComiuitte ervierpEerWecînuM ail risc fret hieoseat and I RecIhetenisclonitoni.: d.etôto ~~Âd o~~~~~~i,9SuerimiI Eerllickedrshiuiaeif te tic Chair. Fii n eyer (W.), Welch f(W.),ulo i oiwr odtos î:i.e rn.grtlo utitOr 0Vie-non, George et WaukegaaoanS Cnrad. 14. Nwhere tsw> or more membcras hail 1 1ila . Thé MSuntie te flli 35 teyself and GORGBE B. ZIMMER. %lé, Walsh. 1Wecb O! NévIoni, Wlch . V«aiteUSWU t lrfd, Mar Supprvîsor Kirachier moved te aSl- rise toncte hitr sa1naa 1ui~,yWhh<" <y »u assigne tee' a péierf Wet léty (20) Stat.etf lilowos.Cunty of Lakte. s. ef Wuksbtn, white, NUStih.- ti tmuMad Amlrew J. Walsh Ot journ uotl %ay 4ti' 1914, at 10 oclock ITNomember *hall sPeak more tia M"tga Ieouans m- éaimons. Bmalsi.eig lietduy 5 moîw--A. Mt. twice on tbe mormaquestien vitheut lave CsQjMa. lug. 2. Thç license te provide toi- thé ivern on bis Cathtdéosés and lOysAboont: Supervlw ise agdahl anS "Ilt h* tmOilw14 super- Motion carried. from the Chlair. P O W.@ d l-bMcCehioO0i, Ferry. constructioq w vhthune0yea rotuti thi thât thé nittgne and tWiége Italmdin uSiv)nl.-2. __________ 6ý A meunier rauici te nider *hallb- tm$qn01 - - 1 ,oé ta tho11cà tnea:g- .oeitestl. i etofo.po lid es s ctCounty>-RinuSabi, grahibof o!tihlleeomé, cf a subat- the aboesMdhéfsermitpétiion by lunules of preéedniht eeuilirt-a SeueIre Bel atw, eii Waukegan5 S1. - "-- 'a - o al at f tiee1isnea4. iiMal mbrbritie Sit sitable a lsuhecrihed are true lu substanté anS open mation of SupâMabsr Clr Gen, : &PMt ing, w harneeStesdrgad i. pn ey me hai,. uphie ia Bi. Isflo ot ogethntest1)toonys, GEly B, Z1mM~rieeR.Thébiè 16 ind pétiotion W8 rmid, ri &e the tollowis mouillerapresent. Su- im c5t.s~îtz:7.EmC lIr. otlesgtuanstwmoty' test w usrbdand soreisor e gte of ClliIfofleiI. a- uen peo sr. Btratow, Ban"l, Maookg, or dircrtiy and ic. iu~e oii.wltb i suutshle raw teaccoilo.ibis Ith dàý ef Aptil . 1D. 1014. Te the mHooleChelDt5d thé ~iabLS s"IClien or Clarkt, Conr-ad, Egen, Emmoné, F .u e eae nl^ ul UIle utl@--Cbedate navition. LliÇN WRéiOlT. - e4 - eof IN a liiComtt ô( teGes Hoidridge. Krciner. Meyer c cnm.Whnamto i Ati-3. The Iiueuae tae Oïvie that the Te the Honorable Chalrmen ot thtetofLaki e s 2 =tf llmnois. Wiukegau. kcfulloug, ingd li efore débiate s 'é t»e bâi bnet clt flie ordo ie mdme teCot 1i suwo&b )~ihet towpoct.welth oetRiickeflbi<uh., Stratehi et Grant, trat- hil b. roduce te wttM JIf rewe IMr suelasa tenrl)reu milsra01 laid O<tll*.e M teo le tlinbuoi and et ibth metofApoatIwh.l éCMà, t !ý Lýe Stans sualÉ onhisrecrý a Spingeld or ivs a o nôtfinlo W t Prgresive aht effiévé theIY laws: Womi's uffraZe Ab iton o th Stte Bardof qualzatonAppr9la fo Farmrs'nsttuteReglaton f PulieUtiitis, Cnsttu onb DistictLoca Opion, uniipa Ownrshp, Mmim-,.-. . ag ýg yPay.. rvi àt Il, B j» t R ut si C v ss a"ü éeMduth Fis d àft Làl Godiv ads onsli o Pà)miwde WaukegnnaunHarbor Bül191 Mr.Muro ascaledupn t mke hefirt taemet or hePRO RESIEMéPaRtY duon ta he floor of the houseuatgSp in tid. The ItorA ht ho REWvu (Dn)onclnury~,1~3,~tte eitri1Iç~asfole.~"A wèva e ibt,*fir#$he nSPtlî0 paty y ees h rfuedtoene.ac4il1iqe"pnkoth a 0adrseswih d e ca'e hm ~~tgou, v woe np~ss= attheeteen - vatoribrse t rohve a tqtrine1 frQê'ifthIB aLl Wimed. It illita b ist1d t ive towor i hamon wth emoray. e cmm nd~ spri ofthead rs n ofl .ptaèti oMtinROswhomdan iaredthtit wsor h dut eÎt theIà tue ogiesevoefr h popeproit ve er0e11rpt> o Vib%' 1§1âl ' Mdean y1 itri(."9 Wakg< iMpe 5,11