Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Aug 1914, p. 11

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- L~Â~E COTTWI'V T~PENT~NT. FR TTIA Y A TT<~TT~T 9111 101.4 itou r on e ns- Wtness nur banda tlîis2 %ai'. A. B. 1914. WM. H. PET] CHARLES N.1 E. L. DAVIS. Commissioners of H State o! Illinois, Laite Cou, William Fetersen. Ei-nêi and' Charles N. Wilcos, C, are of Hlghvaynof!thie T' ertyville, holng each t!uly oatb suis ibat tic consti- lidge vti its approaches a cuivert or large luicea do*wvatdns viii the- aproui », hentibned ln tic estimet thileaffidavit Io attacluet! BcdPlaines River, in suidTc tt:Ille, le necessai-y. ans uane yl not b. rnade more Io laneedet! for the Pur WM. H. PPE CHARLES M. EC. L. DAVIS, Commisslonars'o! H Suiscibled ansot!sac-ztC MMli es . nê<zt dta tii C< daid Town of Antic P. Johnson. Ned B. Bal Imnai, David! H. Cuablft Bolir. John OConnor, 31 C»Lere0 . Ostrandè,. r ocr, Aiidrew Wolf, E A. W. hunneson. Lenard P. Richardson, Louls Roi Simone. Henry Jackson OeneHerman, Hair tiharies Moyers, Josop uChareotE. Smith, a liceni seid Town cf Antioch a di sale of malt liquors only, an at cf the Général, thé Stite cf Illinois, entil ta ,retrit thte powers of tus, Town@ and Village. dram shops tu, provide fo lainie ta retail malt llqu4 iy and! for punishing Pen such esepsat. liceesne fort and! qffts.'" approvret!Ioni In foe uy 1, 1883. upo, plying wth sait! act of Assembly and the Stitutai cfIlîlinois. *Datet! Ms, 11th,114 Signei by Marry L. Ket othsrs. Biip*rvior Conrad! moi pétition b.r referredtu t Commttee. MlotIon cariet!. 'iThe following petitlon et!: To the Cout BoEard of it La*ke and &S1tet. ff li Thé underaigaed. Comau Highwayra bf the Town oi ln smeid Counti', wuld rsi redOit tbat, a tiige il' hhludind a euh aluèb wC for fO W tiei1 approteem hstom buillt cier thé, D*dPtéiiO thé situe la 0f5dlg lia1 niaigt:ront St. MirY's Il Tewnahip vhich la desci lo!Zinulng at à point on of Section 14, Townshiî Range IL aM thsiii Lakte CeUnty, lîlimiols, Mid 891.3 foist soutà oe tii. ni ner of the viuthtst qua section 19, timfe ecth r minutes West lutBI le«.. 92 degrees 15 minutes wei thon.., north 87 degreeu, 9 ri »047.28flt dta a point cni i 0f ilermillid section 16, ai iug 768.6 test aouth of th coter cf the ueutheast qui section 15, thence aoutb i minute@.WOUt aicg the 1 aforesait!section 15. 50.1 soutli 87 dégrées 9 minutai feet, th" cencrthli doig utie east184.7 fis«. then degrees 9 minutes east the ciii lino 0f nid sectit corth 0 dogmees 33 minotE lfet alons the sat lin, sectionl 16 ta the. Paocé lntheii Township cf Liberi: te or Lke a st tte 0o wb8ob sait! varstihe town vi»llaa wbolly responziblg nid brWi eand ls ipp way for overflow watersi Ilsoacheu s rt wl e$ bat the hundret! dollars co à.asment roll on saditao lie levy of thp road and for two years last pat Ir *as ln each gear for the allowed by liw. tuobclIe tqr ail roid and! bridge pi catit for damages Incurré, ont altering. vacating a rcads. the major part of w needet! for the ordinary ri raids and bridge. Wherefore the saud cor of highways herahY Petiti ait! and for an appropriati( County Treasury of a sui ta meet one-haif 11w expe sait! bridge and ite approae eir ith said cuvert, or L vay for overflow waters1 proiches thereto, on cou the Town o! Libertyville ing for aid shall fornish tI of the requircd amount. Datet! at the Town of1 Statai cfIllinois, tiîis 25tb A. D.1914. WM. H. PATE CHARLES M. E. L. DAVIS. State ofIllinois, Lakre Town of Libertyviile Be mlssioners of Hgbways. We the undersigned con cf itlghways of the Town ville, hereby sitate trat we a carefal eatiite cf the pi of the îÈâction'cf à bridge proîches. togerther with s large iluleeway for overi witb the approaches theret( DesPlaines Ri îer and weq that the pOii.lile cost cf th bar 10,.000. bhe ti.Countt n receiv.n<.1v. Imtonsa *ne " et! and! care!Of ibis ~t Laod artéstoufl,ýnomber 19 hq I e.Usdpay va, Ioder4 -, to-wt: 3. Waukegu. IIIune lit, 1914. tient& and elIlille lIn <ounty Pi- vea' tis, Goa. H. To the. Hon. Bourd cf Supervisons cf tients. ..II gt Or., Robert 1*1<. Co. The incoià mea iivuf romu psy Pa- Joseph Hulik. I desire tn aui your attention tea-a tients has been $998.67 and! from court- Ra'mond! Pre- conidcitioli of thc attache r .eipt hi' patients $210440. Statq ua Jackson. for parsemai properti taut for the yesr The trial MIWi*efc thc month of I BhoeblBn . 1913 paît! ly me. Thlti tg Sidoubla May, sbcwt à liti prolit of $279.02. Abers. II M. the amoant of th». schcdule Biled wltlu wbich la a Ve07 fltbctory condition Report A. Toblason, the Amanter; no notice or intention o! ffalat. 'flbe iisultbes and de- the SI y Belaliacit, on the part of the Board of Reyiew ta tait eau ho b. asii h1i téreport of In ns ph Vancura, niaesti ch nrtage or request for an' Dr. Irown, andit! slî la theIbmopinion stite ai te te iteep ln exploitation troul me vOs ever reclv-eofyour comslitte e a'fuil lmessage- as ssc tramn &hop for elt! by me, the tirait knowlet!ge of wliich ment. videt!1 rpursuant ta came te me when paying My iii tlils When Laite Ceolui' toc over the the Cou Assembli' of Sprilg. I1ltnow of no veson why sud Institution fit as iln a déplorable con- ln ge Ituie An Act increse ould have been madead dition, and Itlelane Uceeary te Improvij Ijouties. Cit i- epecciully rclquest tuaI your Han.1 expend considerable anme s W roney on constru r granting a '(ours teu', sum aggregating $3196.62. the csas ios separate. H. W. DOWST. I MUnieùsa mem permainent nimprove- Villa sa mons hoilding tite ofIlilinois, County of Lake. s. monte ho made. therc viii only be a lance o1 tunlawtul sale Petition for nefund t! !exceestixes mulaont necemani' for sanmelime Accon le lSith, 1883. hy Bank of Round Lake, 111. i for eqoipment, etc., so that we may lng a po Dn their comn- Ta thc Chairman and! Board of Super- consiider expenditores at thie lime plate pl the Général visera of the Coonti' of Laite andjovar. proposel s of the tite State of Illinois: '(aur Camileedeies to aay te work bi Yîor petitioner. Bankt of Round Uic Board that much If net al of the 7885c IAite. respeettul' prenant aunto our succesai of the Sanltcrium bas beer, 72.761 pner ad 23 Honorable Bocard tbat it ia a do-part- dicteot the enthuslastic and careful 461l8 nenship doing a genenal banktlng mai- management of Dr. Brown, who has 11990 raid that the îles. in the Village of Round Itke, given hies ervices up ta date witîjot 124"0 the Ucense Laite County. Illînois, andt! tat It ls renumeration. 83665 the caner of!thc premImeas hovn In '(our committee vourecommend 770sq ticeaneted chedule. that thc icanagement of the Banitor- dam gu vas pi-aient- '(our paitioner further representa ium, as veil de the office or County The i tîtat fi paîdtheUi CoUlector of thc Town Physician no Cil' 19usd by Dr. Brown by thc be County of of Avon the sum of Titrée Hundret! bo continue&i and thatCeho b paît! for ment c< mois. Slxty-Nine and 66-100 Dollars, for tixes the combilkt! voit for thé coming rel mai nissioners of fer the year 1913. taking bis receipi year $3000.60. And!lisat the Clerk and of sncb ,fUbentyville therafor, salit Payment belng made un- Chairman cf Uic Board hoaiuthorized The Ipe«ftlly rep- der proteat. to enter mbt contlLOt iti Dr. Brown improvs wlih ne sp- Your petitionar furthor represents on the above blai. 1 hafi ývert or large that sait! om vas assemsed »ad col- H. C. W. Meyer, 970.00. ,waters vth lectet! for' taxe. upoui the valualtion James F. King. work te soiedta ble as shown ln sait! annexet! scbaiule. 1. T. Ruomons. ail laboi i iter whele Your petiLloner further represenis Supervisor Brooks moYet! that the that for hilavir iu- that the aom cf Seventeen and!99100 report lie acceptdansid adoptet!. 629.00.' aind lat mat! Dollars vas coilectet! for County las Motionacari-ted. Totali ribet! as fol- and! that the sum of Twenty-!aur and! SuPerviso King moved that ail bille on the 64100 Dollars wa. collectet! for State b. referredte th le proper Committeps whlch Ir tii. etUne Tas. aitheut reading. of $5,34 p 44 North, '(our petitiosar herein respectfully Motion caried. State. bd P. M.I in mates application te yeur Honorable The following conimunicai ionsj were The tc i point being Board for s refond cf sait! excess taxes rpad: by the( itiit!st car- go paît! under proit t t a the State of Illinois, state Higiway De- A cop] Lfter of saldtCointyand tite tas as uhove mn- perinent. law li.tti 87 degrées 9 tionet! for the followlng rasons, ta- Springfield, Ili., lune 4, 1914. of! Laite Uience souti wit: Tothie County Boai-t: Veryj at 136.7 feet rivla. Recause sailit proi-eses Wa enclose herewitb Final Resolut- minutes west tlrugb fraut!. accident or mistake. ion of Stat.. Highvay Depaitient ln .he west line vere ilal and! orrom*onaiy listat!, regard te Stte Aid Ronde ln your SIiingli at! point b.- 'Laud and! assesset!. cunty. There le alse eneloeset! a blank Stite eo northwest Second. flbat sait! Banktcf Round foi-m for the Final Resolutiton to ha muter of sait! Laieteg a eo-partnerailp and has no at!cpted by the Coty Board, which Opi 0 degrees 30 Capital Stock; thît the amoeunts set should ha ln the form au s i-c di-toloniY we.t âme of oPPosite the navaes as shown ln the cated and the mliuies of lhe Board G'rntlemi feet. thence anneXet! acieduile mereîr represent the shouit! show the resolution adopted in The fg ae mot 1670«0 intereste respectivelly of the pirtners; accordanire tharewiti. The binant rim mate of trcs 16tin- and! ia taxai agaunat thenu individually. No. 22 te ha ignet! by the Clerk and No 6: ne souath 97 Thii-t. Th"tihtie amount of One returned ta this office. 12450 s. 3600 feet to Hundred Ninety-eigbt and! 06-100 Dol- Tic County (Ci-rk aboutid advise ns crete1 on 16, thence lai-s la Ilgaliy aseesset! and taled, of theaulanner in which lie Courîty 11940 Eli s ut r50.03 heause there ls in fact ne sbire of'-Board has îîrovided lite proportion cf siilîOil of aforssiid Capital Stock opon wich salit!sass-a-; the fonds. using !orm No. 24, encicscd CO f beginning, ment la made. Wbereforc the lunder- lîerewitu. tberafor. of tyville, Coun- signai petitioner, Banktf o!tund ULaie. Tlhe consti-uction cf tte Aid Ronds 7885 du. )f llinoais n praye that a refont! of the esceslIlbe undertaiten ln the order ln ivallon i of Luery- taxes. that is the County and! Otite tan. whicb the final notices are recelvet! 72-76 cl le. ln tie somns aboya mentioned ha grant- tram the counnues, as providet! ln Sec- for,-ed *l building of cd. andt tt an cider b. cnteret! roc- ion 25 of the Rond set! Bridge Law. 45.18 ci >raches to-cunmentlng tie varionu atiRgn bodies The Stata Highvay Commission de» concre r linehfmlie cof the. Cot'ic refund tueur portion sires te have tics. notices returnai as 8365 eq. vith the. ap- of saidteta. soon as possible, that the. wonk ni» dam HI 10,060, vbhi E. C. WEBBEI. ho advertiset! and! contract ltl as carly 770 sel tvelvé, cents Combler. iilaJuly as possible. 'roII n the latesi State ofIlîlinois, County o! Laite, ns. Very respectfully youre. tir . lwn, moidt taI . C. Webber beng tirat dl' worn filînol', Highway Commission, fur I bridgte toi depoacea and! Rays that ho la the Cash- Per S. E. BRADT. lie ln saidt! twn lai- of the Bankt of Round Laite; that Secretary. foll anuount he bas read thc<oôregolng petition and! Sinte of Illinois State Highway Total isoet therein annexet! schedule Mf jremise.; ihat jDepartment.<f ti i-pages. cx- the lacis statet! ln sait! ptîllon amre Springfield,.iI., June -5. 1914. 5Very1 id ln laying ii-ué and correct andt tat sait! annex- Chai-mnz CountY Board o! Sopervi- 1111r or videiing et! achedule in a copy lb part of the sors: 'hîch levy i. taS receipt. . Wa bond yoo herewith the Plans and! repair of the E.C. WEBBER. estimates foi- the State Aid Roads ta Subacribet! ad swox-n ta before me bs bilt lni your County. These plana State miasionsrs this 5tb day of Jude, A. D. 1914. and! estimites include and show not Fnt tin you for ISI LYELL H. MORRIS. only the estimatet! cost of the oat! Commis Ion t1romn the Notary Public. Itsel!, but alpic the necessary grading COMIdE lm sufficient Schedule of fands and personal pnop- together vltb sudei drainage true- dRst ,nseof tue erty le whilch application for a refond-toi-es, Inclut!lng culv"erte. conci-ehe gut- Rsl eues, tageth- o! the excesse teismade: and dci laig gluie, Description. ning t with the ap- Page 9Ô Win. H. Smiths Addition to way des] idilon tuat Round Lakte Laite Co beeimsalit, Une 3 lot 1 block1î-----------Page 179.ait!volait eo étber bal! Board of State Amount. Stalle Hi LbryilRaview. Board fielt!. anu LIhof ai-yl. Valuation. Value. ('lent of dyo a.Lina 2. John W. Hart-..15 shares $3000.00 $330}0.00o $171.60 tite Al (ESE.Gee Anderson.. 15 - point bel WILCOX. E. C. Webb.....20 tofh WLO. Afret!Meadt!..20 extendini Philip Moade ... 6 in easi Coînty. as Wm. A. Roefing-.. 6of 10.60( )art! of Com- Oliver 8100k-...4 itno-n i 8.Orlando Rck ..-.3 Lake Co nmissioners Bertha W. Rock .... .2 minet! u of Liberty- - Frank Read ...... 7ataeroe have made Ada B. Silkson .... : veys pl iobablilscest Albert Paddock ..1 Matles of with lils p- Ray Pat!dôcit....iwhicb ai kculvert or $198 .06 the tate iffw waters the Couu no acrons ee Superi'ser Meyer of Fremont movet!_________________ _ant! a ce] do egtlm&te that the pétitions ho referredte!hcte mittedt!ic ho saute vUS Errancous "oasements Cammittec tqi- At the eztranC-eoLdrtvevrayps &0 mce wi Motion carriet! concrete guttars on biffe,. suci adirmii' Act te B Thbea o foloving communication was be neceaary foi- the protection « Rendsai 2t aofread: the rond and the convenience o! the 191S. IRE. ToLy May làth, 1914. public.1 Datet! WILCO. T aiew A.ent!ee. County dlent of The requirements of the law arc th day WICX aeCounty: such as ta maka it neceasary that aur îîîîîi I hereby dteumfnd !al nasipoedtil-estixnates eboult! be hIgher than tuse -ighvays. ceuse money pald 1»' me for conduct- prices Lt whlch we expect tic var-i ýny ce. lng a drm hasop ln N'ai-non Township. te le actually done. (Ses Section $0 nt L, Davis Laite Count11Y, îîIl»*. o! the roi law I. We therefore anti- Commission- 1038W <AOI Cipite that tbe bides ahohacouiider- Superv acên of lii- Superviior Ma«qa movet! that the ahI' under the estimate. communI ysvorn on communication b. referredt!et the Li- If the figures v. bave giveil rau Rond oan ructiocf a coses Committeeasnd States Attor- shal lieo gieter than ycu bave anti. Motion m, in-cludng ney. cipatot!, hit l he ly veaton ef the Superv ,ay for laver Motion carriai. nve! tha act, Jbat staht!. as velI as becauge until 10( ichis tfiêre. Superviser Ifirschner moOdfimat or having Inclod.ed tic extra-".~d Motion ite ta vhicb the bill of Elliott Fisber Company b. i111g, culverts, drainage, etc., as Isna. acsreine the allowet! fcr 1334.00 and thulithtItICleyi mtte! ovn o! Lii> ,ha directedt!eh drav a -warrant on the These plans and! astimates, as l'on Wal id ttitheCoonti'Treespi-er ina pyMent 0f th ii. iiase.have hoan approvet! lii'tic Rosi-t re erp e ammne. S"- ' Oite. ighway Commission adt! #M vtb Ch irpcse desir- Motion carried. voult! urge tiat roui-board n*efs liii fait,. Superviser Meyer cf Freinant. Chair- final approval et lit vint meeting è I peeori s I Ji*1land yeurý Coq4Z: vuUàed4lr.ed of the, time et a SU& F Ma wm. IliS Highway Commission. Br' A. N. JOHNSON. Mte Higiiaay Englacer. 1e of ]Illinois, State Highway Depertment. Springfild, ill. of &t"te Hlghway Engineer to Stite Hlghway (lommission: egai Wt the improvement of a LU road ln Lake Colinti'. knowa bon A On Route No . 4 as pro- ie prellMinatry resolution, of mntU' Bosit dated Dec. 13, 1918. muerai, the work contemplates ng the existing moad by thié -à: o f a concrets roadway MB Io lot. wide. beginnlng ai nt limite of thp Village of lAke id egUntding thence for a dis- of 10.600 feet est. npanying this report and forzn. part thereof. are- eutnitted com- plans and! specifications for tih. t!d work, the quantities of snch )eng set forth heprein: eu. yds. of excavation ln earth. c u. yole of relnforced concreste. cU. .rdi1 of plain cohkrete. 0s@Ç ydle. of earth BhouIders. Ilsq. ydis. of concrete pavement. sq. yds. of macadam shoulders. q. yds. of cernent groute! maca- Itter. ony materials ta he furnished otiate are 4691 barrels of ce- .0arilst.d for at $1.14 per bar. KklUg the total estimate! value materials $6341.00. "ôtl stImated cost of the ement, Inciudlng the cernent furishe! by the State le 126.- Tie etimateil cost of the obe donc by contract inocludlng r and materials, exclusive of arnished by the State la $21,- amoant te be paid] by the state CoMplete work is $13,485.00, Iclodea materlals tb the value 41.00 to bie furnished by the total estimated cost ta ha paid ceunity la $13,496.00. py of this report as require! by traiamitteil te the County Board *e Counti'. respecttully, A. W. JOHINSON, Stite Higiiaay Engineer. feld, Ill., June 4. 1914. e i i iis. Otite Highway bariment. i5Ii I.June fîth. 1914. Bloa dof 1ake County. mon:- following Ie an itemize! esti- ofthe proposeoi riate ali roat! sq. yde. of con- pavement . .... $14643 i. yds. of earîiî lera............46 'ent Per sq. yds. ofPavement ... 11.21 ayds. of exca- i n earth...1932 cu yda. of rein- iconcrete ... 8912 cu yds. of plain ete.............366 Qyds. of mut"- Rhoulder ......3720 yde. ef cenmmt ild macadam gut- . . . .... .... 675 'oft and over. a ...........4307 oqtiinîated cost t1w %îork..126970 trilly yuors, nois HighwayComission, BY A. W. JOIlNSON. State Hithway Ungineer. ýof Ilnois, B84 RiHghway Department. Resolution of Otite }*ighway ualon for Construction or State ad: lvcd That the section of publie Yin IAke Couaty, describied mIgnatedl as foilowa: Begin- ta point on the publie high. signatet! on tiiê outy map o! mnty Bhowing Rropaeed state le. on file lni th* #Mies cf the [ghway Compilmiogat Sprlng- nd ln the office of lthe County f Lake CoUtl'. aprcposecd ild Roads, Rollt* No. 6 Nadt ling beglnning et the. @ast lim- te Village of Lakte Villa and ng thence alobg suit! Ronte No. steriy direction for a distance 00 feet. more or les@, to be as Section 3, giste Aid Road, 7ounty. in hereby fResU' deter- upon ta be donstrnctted as a )d ln accordauce *tu the sur- Plans. speclfictconIs ad esti- ) the State H4MyEi.gineer, moenow on i la of ce Higiway Oqnipimsîp and cf ity (lent cf afoletidcounty; opy cf this redoliiL nb. trans- te the C-ouaty ingdl accord- *h section 21, %rte IV Of an tevise the. LàW.ila felation to id Bridges, sogrove! lune 27, 1ai Springfield,Illinois, ibis of June, 1914. rIoie Highway Cbmmisuion. A. D. Geai. Prsisient. 8. E& Brsd% BaretarY. James P, Wlin vieor Kinlg moe that the i1cations lie rerrycOta the ad Bridge ComIUdte. on carried. viser ]King moved to adjourn ocl,0oci t omorrowInorning. on carried. aukegan. Ill., jffl thi, 1914. met puriitmt.W dlurnznent harman W@eh 5preidlng and lwing mnMet L lrient: Bai- ra Bairatois, flà&*umBrooks, a i motiont a! supei-$aozBmoob hololloving petition Ir" preset Stite o! Illinois, Laite County. aila i-b ertyvilia, Ill.., Jonc 8 1914. To the Board of Supervisors of Laite county: '(oui-Petitionra i-,rMu. Milida BoEa00 i-espectfully represents tliai she Our,~ chased of A. P. Wheeler 3.47 acrbi whicb vas aoisseet 10er direct aid v asalan assesse! ln tié tract sUS til l ~uên to Mi-. Whpeler, as suovn 111 èieffl sdréceipta. F She tberefore prays that this Bacic refont taber $2.31 Ointe Tas sot! 81.36 Cointy TaIx on account cf saiftoble assesament. ant! reeommend that the. other taxing bodies of the Town ai Uàbrtyville refond a lite proportion ta ber. Rsipcctfully anhsnitted, MRS. MALINDA BOYES. Supervisor Clark moi-ad that the pe- tition b. r-cIcr-e to tie Erroneous As- asemmentis Commnittee. Motion caried. Tic folîowing commuInication was presente!, Wautegan, Ill., June 9, 1914. Thte Honorable, Bard cf Superils<*rs: Waakt!gen, lit Gentilemen: Witt you kindly note tha attachai luersonal pi-cpci-y tas receipt and peu- sonil scisedule mnade out to Emîl J. Kesaler for $21.24. This tas le auppos- ed ta, cover buis pai-sonal effecte vici are composet! almost entirely o! a few housebot! gonds and within question la eri-oneous. Would lite te sUggest ta the Board that they reimburse Mr. Kessler no that fils tas tn rensenable. Respectfully, C. P. WESTERPIELD Coonty Treasurer. SupenrIior Walch o! Waukagan mcv- et! that the communication ha refer- i-et! to the Eri-oneous Asseasments Commlitee. Motion cariled. The foliowing communication vas read: State Association o! Supervisors. Ceunty Commissioners and! Counti (Me-ke. Pontlac, Il., lune 3, 1914. Gentlemen of the County Boui-t: This Is to racinet you to appoint tic County (Jlerk asot it-ee aupervi- sors or commissianera as delegittet the next meeting o!the Otite Asso- cIation af Supai-visora, County Cout- nihselonters and! CaluntrCleci*te li # holtu i Peoria Auguat 4, ô6and . 1014, sut te direct thec Ccuty (Benit ta h. sua an order un favor of Franft Tiarn- ber, Treasoi-er(Carthage. Ill., for the auni of Ten Dollars tu de! rai' espenses. The Counti Boards vhich coniplied vlth a ilmîla- requet a year aga vill undoult.dly do the sonne this yeux. But ilfriour Boni-t! as net repuesent- ed lant geai, pieuse conaiden the mat- tci- and! sent! daiegates to thusthe mont important meeting fcr years. And! It vili b. tihe largeat bacause Peoria la centrally locate!. and! becausa the Pro- gi-arn la 'cir attractive 10 any super- viser or commissiouer via is ueally ln- tereste! ln ceunIl business. Copies cf tic prograni are nov ln the bandes cf eich County Clai-i. A paruual of the munie wiii dîsciose sucu speakers and! peracujàges as Governer Banna Han. A. D. Gasi, Otite Highvay Coni. misioner; Hon. W. W. Baldwin, Vice Preident o! the C. B. & Q., Hon. J. O. Woebof ILake Coonty, and! athers. Thé tast legislature cama near tait- Ing fr-cm eaeh eounty board tie riglît te attend ta côunty business. sndut! i viii not b. disputai that représenta- tives e! ths assaciation dit! more te pi-event il than ail otier Influences combine!. Prépare for the future hy sent!lng delegatea to thus meeting. Your dounty sicul! e-iCinly hoc ep- remente!. Respect! ully. W. W. KENNY. Secretary. Sopervisor Maethe- movedt! taitich Chali-man be instructe! to, appaint dellegates te, he convention and that the Clerit ha instruate t 10draw a war- rant on qbe Counly Treisurer for $10.00 coverlng Laite County's sbire cf the expenses o! said Convention. Motion caried. The fellowing résolutions verei-eut! and! upon motion cf Supervisor Maeih- au laid on the tabla. Board o! Supeuvisors, April Session. April lti. 1914. To the Honorable Roai-t!of Supervi- sors o! Stephenson Coutnty: We. the, Comrmittie ta Wiorn vas raterrad tic resolutins of the Brieau County Boni-t!of Supervisera, relative ta abolishIng tic office of Tas Côllet!- toi- and! vestlng ftic Countl' Tremaurer wlti tits duty, bc# leave ta subiadt t> following adverse report for thet. fl- iowlng reisons: 1. Home mile ls on. of the miain etays of ou- farino! governmencandt centralisation of the fünctions of au- thority and! power la the ont thing w. cesire hi avoit!, 2. VastIng tils duty ln thé Cuty r-asurer voult! entsil hardshipm on many of the taxpayars ina the remis» parts o! the County becausé of thceith- tei-vening distance. untavorable trana- pontation faclitles pressure c! vontr conditians.,sat! timititi'lit esai-iing Ind!ividunal rlgbts in place. more b1gh- ly pubhlic. 3. Monai' localli' ccllealsd la de- posite! ln local lnütit4ons, h&bus tihe ruade are keptl homne Ibstca of ment avay fi-on the saurai cf thinr-e. ation. 4. The semi-annual payment of taxein *euld necestâte a largsi- nuni biai o! assistants ln the office af the Ccunty Treasuror, Cednti Clerit and! 7Cunly Tas Auditu#, la Cuzitise bey- lng such Office, aht! tic esepense fer collectlng the l" bd 60 t.or-east at- er than decreaise. à. in mani' of the dèairt bouses o! the State, the avillibi, raom la net e10.0v e La ttI t* .1la quesion resuain as Il la vithils encoapd tthet ero uor Las (iolas L tan be ret!uet! naImmtwo i' e am0 9. Be It Haeby Rmsoiet!th" *Pam favorable action an tisse viéas ii'tii i Rost ISUisrviges ilslttiiCouaty i Cerit be and! sin ebi' instyuctedt!et Sfo-va-t! a copy cf Our- vicws ta tbi eCountY Cici-Ins of tue tte and te ob hmetnmsof the toi-tuuornng Msg lilature faviug te do vith Ibis pnoW *lemi. à fteupecifully subiittet!, PRED BEYSIR. JOHN BAI7SCHER, W. H. KAUI8MAN, committee. Rad ant! adoptet! inanimously April 90ti, 1914. *"mI T RESOLVM B DTHEifiBOARD) 0F SUPERVISORS IN AND FMR BUREAU COTYN"?IrLLIft4MB. 3 That ae fayerO au namezidmeni o! the lavs of thua fIate Us yul resuli in abolishIng th ii. 19e or las Collee- toi- ant! derVelii M e dalle of sucb fffic-e upon the COMlii'1%tsarer, ad "BE IT Ft7I<1*1N*OLVED, ThaI we fairh .iéliament oi the laws of " . Btais ffI provide for the a att!deffllueon of peu- sonal proPat' tihd dursiui the tell of the year andit!hlic lnist and! collect- Ion o!fi-aal l tigge la the sprint o! the yrue, l T 1'! FUJ1T21URRoOLVao Thaf the. Rep4Meptativei la th isa(o- etil As#Mnbfl' cg theefileté -ce e"nzi rrtraiâbid Wmdl e aié"à -.'ys*M hefti'-tWî$$Ute *8 UI*MI o fort@ ta p O4iýcithi e bas boScb ameaiadits tlesSm4g.e may be neceinr-'thlbbaelOM lith#eafare- mentionell obibci. BE IT FYJRitiR nRESOLVED. Tiat a copy of these Resolutions b. sent te Senatôr &1. S. Iuflîl. Repre- sentatîvea (fattasC. FiitaI. W. BoYt! ant!Frankt W. MorY. BE lT Fiâihlgt>IE SOLVED. Tiat tueheUIY 010dbme sat!he la ierebg anscleéW te iorward a copy of thema ftesohtian e ibnheCounty Clatt cf eacb sot!everi' County af the. tata cf llinooa,* A copy of Ramlutiojus adoptai 4' the Bo«rd of SupesvIsnofaIBureau County il Its April sahon an to-vIt. AprIl 23rd, A. Ù. l1914. JAMES FluTrCIIUI County Clark of Bureau aty, 115I, noie. Thec fletWitiagoOiunCteae vas rad: Hait Day, Illinois. Joseph ]F. OsseUse. ÎFinit Poa!lc FLar. Wautcgin, Illinois. Mi-. Desi Fient! Di!y: I do nett ncw vitetien tui@_ pro.u' cornes under your ciesIfr çg, fefer te Uie rlgit authorlijg i Ion. ý If Yeu are fîmillar vith* hcrs. tovn being votai4l l cleclion, I fesi there U font! for tue nnesp*ij dense rncney. My hIl cu.ti. An early repIfjW1D goili aippreciatet!. -1. Tbantlng yen for i'ot blaipeas l6 lie matter, '(ours very trnly, - JOS. F. OUN'PHSR. lune fourti, Nizeteen fourtean. - The follovIng ie"Uoiilo vas pr-e. Sentet!: Whereaa aat the last Toasistp lge.t ion in tic Tovn of Vernoni, aséltlovu ship hacame anti-saloon toa~*u ahanais the vote at sait!l04d0 came opeautive on May niSiw -tj ' And! Whereas. tbis Bogié b"a hies' tofore gran led certaip d*ms '* B- censes te certain i4-1!k aai township abici liceflg ave acMMPy" expiret!: Nov tberefcM .g,hl #ft0tre&tin tic Count 7 t"Wm*ert!" coent> C l e r i t o ! I $ Iere lo h p t tuorizet!d i btooi.b fundt! tà"9 1 la î"wf ihlp as t W 1'x Ii; 10-0t aîop Ïi;coillm for tus i éig is~ denailfeilh $gê mnovdteaijbfrii uIff1:80se<1d'c P. M. Motion dUifito 1:30 oclock P. M. Boiat! cillai tW zrder by Chairman. Chas. Appiey, Superintenilat ed Laite CountY Counly Fanm, aubmittat! tlîe feovIng repor-t: -teport of C. A. Appley, SuPerlntent!ent o! Laite Count Poor Fui-t. LlbertFiille, ai., Juqe 4, 1i14. Amount Recelvat!. Mar. 4.-Chga Bal' News, t!vertising Item--------------..1$2.00 Mai-. .-Balance Oni hand ............... --- Mar. 8.-Niciolas Bov- ci- on imothars bosd It11.00 Apr. Et.-Sale aofisIf. - 13.41 May 15--Sale cf caîf. - 13.48 Total rocevet!..... 88.89 Total debit ..* 129.23 Total credit ...... 7.54 Balanuce on hadt!. . 8.88 Amount Fait! Ont. Mai-. 4-10lbgo. 1Ùally . ..8$2.00 %tur. 23.-C. M. & St. P. Ry. freiçit. 10 bats oiitoes-...1. 2j Mai-. 24-C. Flgg. 8à pkg. tobteco--------.1.96 -Mai-. 30. -U. IFaPo- office. W* tnt-------46 Api-. B.-Cy=ll atcher Co., ilcula u ad broot!r . 8.00 Apr. 17.-C.M.St F eRy.,fregads. î A4SU- -M- .as- .i.64 mi14--a.ii*."ïw-*t. Ma.1 fregil 3 basa tohuico........25 --, s-e . f. & et. uP. Ry., freigil 1 blil. cf syrup and! 1 box j».. .77 Mal' 20-C. M. & St. P. iii., frelgit Il baee paitI.................29 May' 20--Waukegh.a Ott e.16 gaI.gamoline. 8.80 Mai' 29.-wtn. BI- man, cas-hulit data labor patcbing- -...2. 0 Junie 1.-Jas. BarIr, painting sIgn aven large front eutnce. 2.00 Juiie Id-4. aMi1P. RY.. fMegbt 1 bots téi .26 Total credit ....17C.4 SUpervIser (Clai-k move t t reliait tu tic Counti.fana Mot icari-ed. tue o110U*lng inventer p< tiani of Supervisor Weco gin ordeted aradup Ieventory of IAe Ceul k S 1 hot vater haatiuu iitg * a b e.ting atoves .......... et sa giaunge ..... w...........» 3 aih macisinqu.... 1creain epirato ..... 2 lo.aLa c ane ..uo . o oitrtrs ........ le vugetable dinhs...... .. 100 plats, caipeaLnd!saucera . 0 tulle spoona ........ 25 stands (in i-aoms-.... 90 iton but! steada ..... *M't camret g* I esi be ...... . 1 *learpll ...... 2 * ma es Sebàeslad as .a. ... p# taipetoue...... IiiepMa . «0. Imm........... I murbi0àeoa. 1 brsalt nhsers ......a.. 1 dlotiies , ... ... ... . . . . %4 . . . . - . . . . . . )I: ai Wis........ .. .. .. .. 12 iris s lanai.... g.. -sNmta l eb a 150 pW.4ena rouers I. 40 b ...... 1.. 1 =t 1 a , f 7 ir. r ,pe d , i 1 set vage ningu 2 e s et hreviletrmkm .. 0 set Imie 9 *7i1% . lâ= COrNTY MICPEXDIWT. FRIDAY. AUGUST 28.1914

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