- -r-- - -WW~-' The> recognixe that Dunes b" ln- DMeiflhwlUted luInM ad 1 had my cogulse thàt Mr. Pi&Mneelm buildingI duced Match tuo mnno 0tisai Dres, chute to maie. lit was a question be- op a P01Ui uticmacl for selhit Pr- for nmrereson or ather. UM» reaP tWeen rIiht snd wrou*. Itvau a quea- poses (tihe Sureme Court). tbey 'gUI vc-rence on Munro. They inow Unae of esy poltlcail sailhng on theista nd liv me la my flgt for decency. to ig t that MIunro made a atrklng camptaigli One baud sud mY TOilai treatinent on Mr. Match ln thse hitent by stand- ll n 1112 for Roosevet sud the. entire the ailier. er. I1'know lié veutu t bs mt - Progressive ti<jtt; that lhe va, lect. 1 dld flot give Bamnes is ieter ni unwittingly. 1 knov that to Inducp Bo s ed by a large mloriig sund liaIis Mre rommendatian. Min ta run lhe wu told that It voul t*, Vfoter.o Laike CountY: cord at SprlugOedbas received corn- Wbat folloved le veil knavu n lot cost hlm anytblng, and 1 nov ask Ib%"e hetofoe made Do Publice'metidation fram ani qusters. three coflntes. Darnes startedi a cai- %Ir. Hatcb ta state, over lts avn lg- *Wmmt or annoUincehientlu tle' Andi yet. for âme Tesson.,1Mr. pagn agaut me persoually. He does nature. wbetber or Det he intendq !0 TwsaescancerniDg the intenal Darnes le opposed te my renominta- flt attack my politîcal record. ]He jsui:port Mfr. Bernes for the Supreme ofv a the Progressive Party wi.tion. What lis It? jdue% flot mention my services t0 tbs Court M StsSenatorlal Dltrlc' Mean- Here are thetacts: ID Mugut, 1913. iogesve Party or rny refusai ici UDiortunateIy. i, bave Dot the moneY »el every newpapet lias beenucMr- :Chiarles P. Barnes develaped thé' arn- r=a end hlm for the Suprerne!tri P&Y for a Campalgn. 1 i slly In- ong articles wth Insinuations onIy; bidion ta use the Progressive PâtY Court but maies M iIndirect persana' t-11(' to let the votersai the distriet. kaaed tu prejudice the voterae as s means oi belug elected ta tue . attacis. 1Im'W ,le tacts and i Test asiured tu.t jUstme. 1 hat boped ta rely upon Supreme Court. WItliout teailoiris1 If tis l liste price I1rmuet psy for tnneur vote on September 9th wlll corn- * ood sense ai the rank andflitei purpase lie secured a number ofte bvlgthe nerve ta foiIow tbe die- iretua me for foligwlng the dlc!ates eti tb. Progressive Party' ta under- 1commendationa frarnvarious lawYZers ytai onscience. veli and good. mi' conscience. M tisati n ail of thede articles there and lie went ta me ta secure my re- I fMr arnes eau baodwink the votera Reapetully aulimitteti. me nmre underli'ing motive oi malie r co'umendation. aud ikeep .blmself ila the background, FAYETTE 0. NlIt'N'RO. d batred and trut il wouid Dot lie i knov that 1 badth le chute af gir- i car onu' sav itlise been done before. Wl ebesri for me ta make a public liug a recommendatian which vasco.- I W A U M E sUaint-trary to my conscience and retaincthe -LLYY À. llLiDEEL lise isue vietber 1 sbould bie nom- polilical triendahlp of Barnes. or Te- CNIAEPi I-LCINT kt&tntwtithT aioftise funethe recommandation snd lie the mCANDIDAw~TE FOFFI-ECE 0F ror'ssve Party sbouldte baseed up- oltject af bis hatred. 1 knew tisi ln THiOFFICE O 4»my standing ini the Progressive Vrtad MY record at Sprlngfield. 1t bave not measured up to the gpadard of a real Progressive, ant If r;ecord ut Springfield bas been to My Platfarin, or *mi' eseIsbould dt te norinauted ugParty. But, on the otlser baud. r[ bave uaintalned a personal stand- W iti tbe Party and If nuy reco-d -b been unîmpeachable, 1 sbouid re- astr cosîderation ai thie bauds of tlb lailnded voter%. 1 akt. for the past moulli articles havi been appeariug inu the uc-ye- te', brougliaut the District deroga- , o e and Itisla oly iair and iigbt Ibai the voerashaould knov f -Ons viseuce tbese articles emanâte ;îrd Mr. Hatcb bas statedtht sse ct 8»Ipoble for tbem. He bas sLated t tlie entire campaign vas belur .qucted hy Attorney Chiarles P Xr -arnes le the Contry Cbs'rnu- - id fiwer every raie of ethics and e A.ce boula flot become tbe Cam, ma unigerfor ane ai the. contes- I R S.E ils. Ris oZcla position If tbe la elkY of it. shlouli dernadtbat lie tLiberty-ville, 1E11 ke as imupartial stand so tbat be CÂ IDATE FOIR ffl le re..dy ta support the partyATV .teee.He ba&, howverr. tated un- .iitEESE TA r )is own signtead £asa of-Of the ihSeaoalDs bu e thse Progressive Parti' tbatEihSnaralD - i s aar for Mr. Hatch. He lias trict (Lake, Mdllenry and s. mbt mi owu Counti' with simlar Boone Counties). Subject to itp--ib wt act thlat be the decision of the Republi mo"le aiie% at I i stricts an Primaries, to be heldi heb la 'snovn. bis backiuig of Sptmer9h r. Bateh lias ad no effect.I i apeatyors - ra uhdIstricts peuple ,eco0gnlz wl prcat orsp et libis uacst evemM port. TO THE VOTERS 0F LÀI(E COUNTY-- I TAE TIEISMEANS 0F ANNOUNCINEl &Y CAN1)II>CY FOR TUE NOMINATION, MO COU NTY TREASURER. MMBEC TO TU DECISION 0OUTRE REPUBIJCÀN RMARY ELECTION TO BE IIELD WED- NI3DÀY. SEPTEMER MTI. 1 WILL NOT R ÀML 10 CUL PERSOALY UMON AgL RY HFRIEt> N!> A P II¶NS -MMTUE CAMPAIQN. AN!> WULL P- MMTKIÂ1 NY ASSISTAIKE lUI M Y LE cDONOUUI rsemee Races at Ideal Park Sunday, August 30 PURSES AS FOLLOWS: 2.30 lass ....................... $50 2-45 6...................... .... ..........30 Grien Race ......................-... 20 Buouilng Race .................... ..25 a P« ff cet1puiseg coea Avu«ua M entry fer- Extrleu close ai OOUIfTY OLERK. Subject teto h. e lson of the Repubîîcafl PRIMARIÉS. SEPT. 9. 1914. Your Suppasi WIII Be Approcl5ted. JMES hEPBURN Candidate For OOUNTY TREASURER As Deputy County Trou. urer dunng the puat four years 1Ibelieve I have per- formed the duties faithfüfly, I have eudavored at ail Urnes to be courteous and ac- comrnodating and on these mernts I am aking for thiz promotion. Subject to the Decision of teRep3ublcan Primar- iesSep. 9hi1914. TO THE RÉPUBLICAN VOTERS 0F THE IGIITH SÉNATORIAL 0DIS-1 TRICT: 1 hereby annaunre myseif a candi- N iO u~ ln thélf Awer fBouse ai the' General Assmby, tijeta the dprsilon oif E ER b the ltullati voi(rki>of the Elgbth D S R ES RiMO llER District, conWusting ai tbe 'ounti@a Of Lakp, MellAnrv andi Ioone. St tige pri- maries to lie leli Stepemiber 9. 1914. tf ni,inatid , teeId tshah vote for ftd llB), 1. A <outlutioutul conventilon, to lte endth lat the tate maY have: (a) A more adequate antimaoi- cru revenue lmv. (b) A shorter ballot ln elert- long. reseutation lu the Assembly. snd the (3) vote ystem. (d) A estrictlils UPon lte paver ai the City o! Chicaga lu lbe Legisiature, and sagpester meesure ai hame raie for the City of Chilcago. (e) An casier metbod of srnendlng tbe constitution tbsn nov pmvided for. (f) Our constitution sbouid te otherwime rnadernlzed ln varloup pariculars. TNS. 9, SURIE 2. I shall vote and wvan for an D mcai addt effective Caunty Local Option L-awfe as the resuits of thse Township Law E I L T R te the unit ltg votlng on the saloon Ligta Senatertal Dist-ict 3.uestion. r a awaàha 1Subjeet to the I)ecian of the Pri- 3.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v 1 hhfvr siawythv maries September 9th. 1914 favored, suchl egilation as prptects tise dairy farier, sud i shahl endeavor 1 VurSupport WIIsa AfflA 1e b. tuI tPrp ar.1 sli r-an ;,1, Dil ai Dw:- ecul fi,.t tille TI two ailei Cour tioni Tl flighi perle rialal their the Coutl Da 22nt1 Thi Th( tribut Uic 1 tion t tunet laklui IOU REPI At .......... ......l~ .a be w . the Otate Board af Heaitb and the Chi,- cage, Board of Health and the daïrY lutpresesno tht bath Interecs cafi 4. lu the Hause, i shall favor the Cutttlng tiownof the standing ecoiht- tees from elxty-elglît ta fiteen ln num* ber. and tuait" (hem ail worling coin- fmitteée; aud shall favor the dolng away witb ail rules that prevent tbe Hanse. by a najorl(y, frotai actius nt any Urne as the mnajarity af the Housù sue fit. fA tenographile record of everythlng «ad and idoue Ln each lioup. çf the Legisiature shouli be taken aud niade a part of each days printed Journal. andi given the wldest circulation and publicity. very respectiully, D. BHIIRTLEFF.