L AKE COIJNTY N)INDNT ll>. EI"MI'ft194 otherwcise modernizeti in varlou,9 partIculars. 2. 1 shall vote andi work for an effettive (Couîty IAtcai Option ILaw, as tlie cet-utof the Townshîip Law showi plainI>' that Vie COUNTY tliould bete unit In votlng on tlie saoiiu qluegtion. Hon. Fred. L.. Hatch. lis a iii oncuiî t-iladi iii, t i f ta eîîîîîi -Ittoil ,tw antilsi.a bliaI-n-r e*îtorc V'ie saloon Ibus'iess The i anti dais- orf 'iii. ite s.Mliin ro a ill hâse lillle if aîY slirnlllcant-e n thiisecîtiona on accounit of lis ai) Parent Unfilnems for n- eleton 11r, Muiuro sm a Chilcago Iawyer, unfatuil- lir. wl<h tht- rtquirenients of a dairy couctry andi bag no -laim 10 the- foin- tnation of a dairu ing pt'ole. Wbllt un the t- ller itnd Mir. Hlichia dair>' farrnt'r. a frit-nil of titi, cosit tuene>' lieJ1 wisbing ii tlrepsnl anti a fi&S tbsrougbîy alie lu ithe reiluire taffets of titis secios Thî'rifore bis caniillar.y lemIeingen-otd wilh great u'mobhuslasm <rougbout hi, section. M'ir. unro bas nI uuade an active cs.mî'aign In titis section, itut has eft lit,. campalgo tu a fc-w poltirai plug- gera wbo art' quiclly î'overlng the dia- tri. t In lits iebaîf, but fi la bard <o overtbrow tlie big sirong pergonaltty of a man of Mtr. litchs calibre andi 1t-1t Hlat-b wlll bc.nominsiet Iin Sep- teuer lar regurd ti atcertain. Rutoh Iw su*nty Option i lias t'alwa> s suiîpcried <lie temper- -nce-(anset, ant Iif norninateil anti itert n ituti ii-for a coîîn'y loi-aI of) lion law, anti w tnt anti SuIe fîor uni- tersal iîlIragt'. andîti iiialso do my very blitaIn10 lrîtie t ahi saftegîard the flair> <ntifrtstanti farnirs oftfhle kl-ightIh enatorIaI istîarictl In al mat- titru. and es ,'allly In tht'tr prt'sent trouble wi<h the C ity of Uhivago lu geîling i loirr nîtî loto itt civ for I aa i*n t. FOR STATE TR'EASURR Puimery eledio ept.9, 19M4. Qualifled b>' training and expert- rnce. Banker s4 years. Csshier 3.1. Ishah favor, as 1 ainta> .ti iai -~favored, nuc el -gislaticin as poýt 1 lie unir>' fariner. and 1I shall endeavr - o seire t-tii a iiettlement li t5 thelicStaie liri of tlealtlî andth te('l.it i agît huoaIil iii liealîliandthetu' iairt' i-r l ,tii tiiat WlaOlii htere-sts rati 4. liitti' h litasi', 1I iiili fatstr It-ý t;',im irttîi sly cglit 10frt-euiit tit i mte.,andti la1ilfaîor the' u aw i .tIliail ruli- itil lîrî-îî-îîiIli,, 1 !iii e,. liva îtaJoriy, front II r-i g a TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS 0F n iea te1ljriyo i loog' THE EIGHTH SENATORIAL DIS-:t-e, it. I ie~"e-îvattîuîiît" rtyeifa aijli A s:.iitîgrapiic eor'ýrIl of t-i ir v'ilii 1 ie tIr iiiiiiitiii itir ittlire'a'iiantv rId andi done In ëuac i-i le o f the ti]i! lii Lis 1(rIliiitt' ofite it <eneral ,pr fïac a' rta-n orntital, A.stsînil>'. tji-ittt ire c-iho ant ivéri st<ie wideti tr-culatiton aitJ Liii Itepuitlil-iui s of-r ltheli- ighthlipuîîîîity. huatict, e0iiýii iltng oftih<le outi tî8 of 'Very rt-sp[tetfi iv, liî\1 h 111h fi SJItiITLLFIi' for and tnt or: h.A a htittiiiorial ni -titiii, <o lai Alir,' atIeîuate anid moul t-rît res î'iîUelac. (WiiA hrr 'r ljlot in iii t ion,. 1 eiAn e,; oti ciOinority rt- nt'sent; ion Ini te Amsscil]Y, anîd <lie (3)vote mstem. (d) A restriction tilicitheii poawer of tie iet'ty ofCih(ic agit tm <lie Legisiature.. and a gre,,tti r nît-amure cf homîte ruIe for Itet411 of Cicago. lt-i An easier nîiîîîod of aiitendlng te cnsîltitt iait îîow provided for. (fi Our constitution siionîili e Ver>' OltiCustom. Tecteeof iiaying -God i bIt-a You- to a port-rn wbvrt btsne,îzes Origlnated amcutg tbe asentnia dio. fearig danger frote 1, after sneezing matie a t-bort <rayer <ci tha goda, as "Jupiier belp me." The custom la, Mentboneti by Homar, the Jewtoh rab- bis and ti hers Polydonre VergIlsasyis 1< <cuit Its rise 8< the time of <lie plaguH In 58, wberithe infecteti fell dead. siîeezing, tbotigliapparenti>' iu beasUit RIglit SIt-m Fond Nfother-"Weîl, Tommy, wliai are ou goiuig <n do foi' me wtuen you gioit ul?' Tommy-'If I can affordil It i tegoing ici senti yen <o some bigb. toneti estabilshme.it vhere yiou wiii get a 3 ne educai.ion." TO MI1 VOTERSOQF LAKE; COUNTYz: ITJME THIS MEANS 0f ANNOUNC NG My -C»NDACY FOR 11HE NOMIAIÔ FM CO'UNTY TREASURÏk SUBCT T TH1E DECiSION OF H1 0PUIICAN P;IAJ ; 'Ç11ON, TQ oE X lHmJWEDz RESDV SfP~M~1 ~IW~~1 BE ABLI3T f 10Eft S0UUPON OJI3S AND itla1ITMCES JUSTIFII3D IN fll, tNNUAL W. C. T. U. CONVENTION AiT LISURTYVI4.LE SEPTEMBER 101 Thc annual convention andIp,eîtion of officers of tho I.kîîîîî W. \\C. 1'. t. wili mIfL tin <teiJl,, ýi ile In E- church Thursdit.,,. p, I914l Exerîttive session fi tii i,)i 11,4tpi tý iv. Convention oIe j i <li iinclieon Bt floofl .MARY B. LAKI.. ,; ILOLA A, Sî-îl 9E~Yf. EiER eXP'ATE FOR REýIMjBENTATIVE Of the t i îa toi ;l i >s- Booîîe Counties). Siîhj'e(t to he decision Of tii' 1epiîhli- 'an I>rinîaries, ito be I ild Septenîbcr 9ti. 1 NviI appreviaît' olil' sui)- port. I will not be led i.nto any newspaper controversy. I repeat, howe ver, the facts. I eut off a $10,000.00 free list from the water users of Wa.ukegan. I CAN, AND W'ILL, by the same methods, force thene same, and others, along the North Shore, to pay the taxes they are dodgig. I CAN ANI) WILL appoint a Board of Review on merit alone, and will RE-AP POINT them from YEAR TO YEAR.£ Some people do flot want this done. WATCH THEMI Tlii- Vit-iti i.l eader cf titis a ut suyb a- ftliti. : "E. V. Ci as la Serlous. -Il iiý - 'i tii iîa y tiiiiet iri F, Ir. tiri t. ii i 1, tulîes bis uotiI' i offtt-et-viii fitlie Waukegat Si.i soya:'. Il ht s lits ;canditacy sei-ic ously.' î mit .ati witlî <hem aîîd lic- Ileve ttii ti-il m fîtrtber litîof titttî thie tact tkat liti lias stooti like a rot-t for lie riglit: ith le peofît- ho xserc lîeaviiy uini-il iii Police court, aîîd omîteilet i luit ti lt-remitteiback to< thie pour feli,ita--alo dere unable v) hi rc t nd si l i y yoursel wlheti,- i-t ori iot If' tit aItititiwloitives %up <o lius ordn lintttitir titis quetitoni nf t;a andtii titi cat ti- our voli' for (rit atty'tit tait t'ili t'taxation luIth I. tAN atîiud It Tiii' (la.s lîtte Tintes says among ii j-i mesi t i iIjrials, uniîer tlie foi- it oîg Iîeaîiîîg - Orvis Has Them On the Run. «'5cmp otf theiti'atemen<s matie by l.V, Ors s. candidate for ('ointv lose ilieittir i trnetl into <lhe tli- -i-let - r 1-r-ysaioa treasur> ltatIii-- obooti out against ttue v-hIlît'lig w r atie e. Atein- gas coîltîtaits i-fflphiur, anti againest the ftes w iore thoutzht light of but Judg- street raihsi iii- lit-ides basing <car- i- fron thtIi'actionofhspon t hessiy (,it tiff a irte ist ln tht- Mter t-titi lte mnyeti men tbat ho bas usent (nio-.t]y îîîîong <bose wehh ail ,' vl t 10 ssess. <bore la lhable to, to payi tif $illh n tht- firni six l> ,tilt- htfrealng litfore Use p<n- monuilia as i-oittiti-siont-r. uhari',-. Ose îîf Nîr. Orvis' etatemente me' si i le "E. V,' doest-laite is.. l tîl liho iultiappoint a Board sucititîtigs siiiolî-y. anti t-stn iff o ît ct1iît î oulti eqîtalize the beaenibisftutresselpsuo 0 tIi' u -rfs vof lite icml lite that of the- <rue facta aboluit tht- Boad of Revit-e itr Titis slafement was flot ser. (uneqtializliigte axes) wiil rt-soit lat ict.. scn-dneiut>h plt- u mnuchu gooti lusIlîîi nthe faet that lie discbarged ulit aimne under tlie Civil St-r- The %tnocti News aays etiitorIaliy tit- txaîiination anti, ln bis deçart- ",Yes. it now 1moka'ver>' munhuas t4h 01 Otvis la <o be our nezt Cou îîty Judge, anti a more fair, just anti effi- cient man noulti not lie chosen for thie place. HIs publislied announcemeus 1eakP. < Ilt-ar t- aIl >uat wliere be stands, anti anycine VOting for biuo is .1lnt casting hie vot» la elle dent. if you are Interested ln au>' one or ahi o! Use reforma tliat . - Irohoses <o lotit in te City of Wauîegan, dît-n îlîey shiowedii nefficlt-nny. Tht-n tht- cl-o'eianti bis frienis begun to wciîîîen If there casn't somt-thing <o lte I ira-e <luit E. V. usualhy gets wliî,t bt' goes after 'i'bose cf nut that bas-e matit an effort to know NIr. Orvis' record as a einiissioner of Waokegan feel it n-' liat it aioet is sufhlcient t-si- du-ice that be cars anti will do wliat wîli rt-dune tht- taxes of Use people andi aurei>Ytti iJs $ýke-.ort o M <ual nienth le suppntrt o! Ut LA'KE CO. HAS CIIA. CE FOk REPREýENTATI N ON STATE REP. COMPAITTEE. On rciiîesi cf iLake- <outit ltn, 1 filed i*fit tii îî -ki ng for Il, nomination a., Republean Siate emmlîjtteeman froio lhisi, the' Tenlah Congressional Di-rkt, in eider tn have A LAKE COiST'i IJESIDE-NT a , a iditî. fur Lite il rFt i ilitfor tit'hontred lit-i lion. 1 amn te 001'v i.ike t'otnt t man sFcking the n ornîiation <(rthir years la Imtplortant W lte lii. Iii- a n hrt t of Illitottîtandth ie nlii 10 The oîilyoilie-r ciîndidti,'e <ir i . Ctpit-iiii l cf îii-,îgti, Mi, liýit t11 I[lie' (i c i ttnty eniit ofti I li i thili)is5triî I. Cook t'ounly aiwgys lias bail tht iSati' <Conîîi itiornan ai i.aIi.' (oînty residentîs bitiv i lm lime for Ltake Couinty to bat-t' 1i îîscntation on tîtat inmportant If yoîî will place a rross. btfnre m:. nainti on the, reîiubllcan lit - t ath le iîrlîiiarlpies.i lii beip nît' gel the- nomination and i lii help land the desfreti recog nition ior Laik. Cointy. i believe ht la tilue for the re- lttibitan arty of Illinois te revive ils self am hep reatore the Party in national Influence. My efforts, if nominated and elected, silibe aong those lines. Mr. Captan'a name appears first on the ballet au Sept. 1. a. n a reitit of the Bois1Cm disployed Iii gi'.ing the faction lie represents in Cook County P1RST PIACIC foi. every one ocf their candidates en the'niate ticket. %ly narne aP- j, r, in reendi place. A cross I-i fore It wtll bt- appreclated. TO W. J1. SMIITH. il ORTll'IJDXILY SUN AND C ~l OI NTIY INDEPENOBNT. Accept Il as <he Truth., A (Chicago storking girl han, bean aht-rois, biy refasing to magrr abcMI- tait 1arnail My aged tIer,.î to lean upin In lis declinlng yO«WU. If ia home la My home. and 1 am w1wI te remain, bere andi care for bimf .TMIM lias so gooti a moral tliat on.eimuet rem fuse te inquire whetber G? flot IltoiQ true. Juveniie Crllciohm. "Ilamma," Saud littie Lurawbo ksol teaseti ber father la vain for a nickel, . you are nu> dearest relativ. but papa l le eclogsat. of . i- L ike Fîuiýt, Lake ( olîtx- -Cand<idate lFor STÂTE REPRÉEEXTATIE of the 8th Senatoriai District jus, Sept. 9',1911. Ywiii>Support i&spe<'tttîly Solicited. Èôotw,ýe r fore hoBoys 5~c worth 1.75, 4 dits 9to 13ý vaines, now, pair ........ Bqy's Rah Rah E ats .. . . . . Boy's Golf Caps ot plain and fancy wool materials, worth 39c, 25 ioUys- guIII.aIiL it u ton and lace shoa, aoWli leather soles, SUCeS 1 to 5,ý, worth 2.35 l79 school price.... School Jerseys and sweaters Boys' al vwool jerseys ail colors, sizes 28 ta 34,, worth 1.50, 98 now ........ - - - - - - Boys' school sweaters, in grey only, sizes 28 ta 34, worth 75c, school à48c price .... ....... e Boys' school blouses, ai colors, ail sizes, rleat *pat- terns, school9~ 1 'Ig'est Sé eô?te' paà I Hats Ever field in Waukegan $3 sample hats inc!uded, vçIour% Jiwd and un- - accbrown, tan, Sb tue' e1.aU u8 I&ts*ofhand$ HaýWorthi Z.50 imb aiid$2,VouroboIce 1.50 Men's -work shoea, made especially for hard wear, shoes for farmùers, rail- roaders, laborurs, regular $3 grades, now 25 at ...... .....2 5 S" TIE Wooden sole shoes, the ideal shoe ta bave on in wet places, speclal re- duced price, the 1,69 pair .......... 75c muslin ngt- shirts ... .. And Paq i e 'r ý --n- ~ .. -VU.ý 25e siId46J ae d ihursday, ýSeptém ber 3, ad'c on- he bIgnst sâ," n 'a M hr s, fa th6ersà à -à gùrtfla Îft6o1bqis c6ûe to ste os. We shaI make your vi1t p*â".. Thé S oôl2irhè ft.ym<,ctfmFe Whâmt Abdüt fMISdI66I Wt? $3.45 NorfèWks for $2.45 Sturdy cheçked materials, well made, Norfolk et $4.50 Boys' Norfolks, School Price $3.45 $6 Norfolks $4.95 Boys' ail wool serge suits, cut in Norfolk model., knickerbockers, with the rein- forced seams, anid fulll hned, everv suit guaranteed, sizes 7 to 18 k yor et "-lý Li