Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Sep 1914, p. 6

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iscotlsill Dairy -Land You want to bug Iaod-ma [arm--somewhere, or ,,yoù wouldn't be reading this ad. Bear these few salient tacts in minc. IT WJLL PAN' YOU No une i4ate lias a nonopoly o)f good farm land. Tht-re le good and bad farmn land in every state-yes. in eve'ry county in the union. Discriniinate, @et ft>r yourself. Inve8tigate intelligently. Gret U. S. census figures~ covering croptt, climtate, rainfailletc., on the regiou you have in inid. Investigate the mani or company who is selling. Ask your local hank to look this up for you. About Wisconsin There are no sudden fortunîe,; to be îîîade tht-rt. If voit exî>eet te make $1.,OG q an acre, don't go. In Wiseonttiin you will receive aitbout-st reward for lonest effort. WORK WINS IN TUE BADCER STATK! Industry carves out inde- pendence in Wisèonsin. It's bard work. Don't go if you don't relish it, or if yon prefer to work o;n soneoue else's farnm. in factory or store, ti the- outdoor lite on a farm of your own. (io and seýe our offering. Investigate as yotî go. TaIk with farmers after you, get there. If you find hetter bargains than ours, buy them. We believe we offer sueh genuile bargains we catinineet any compe- tition. Alil we want isan equal opportunity of showing them to you. We have faTms and farrn land to, seil in ail the north central counities, but we specialize on Taylor county-there'o a reason. investigate: lt-arn the why. B. G. Pat-ke, Wisconsin'% cornînissioner of immigration, furnishes ne the followingstatistiés of Taylor County, PEOUc¶IO fo 191 CREÂGE for 1912 1 ..... 48 bu. WVheat.............. 43 a. Wl corn...........10,388 Coru ...... ........ I. a. t O ....... 167,390 OsIs ... .......... 5,554 a. B., -animy .......... 26,648 Bariey ........ -.. ..1,284 a. Oat R..... .... 22,548 Rye. .ý.............. 455 a. Cor Posoc . 9808 Potatoes ............ 1,358 a. Pot SWise flELD per acre 1913 'eat......... .... 22.0 bu. e.. ... ..........17.1 rley ............26.0 les.... ...........34.1 3rn.,.... ..........14.8 tatoeo........... 12MC AVERAGE RAINALL INI INCHES FOR THE PAST 10 YEÂRS: j"";ar............. .82 Fbar...... ... ....91 N~c.............0 May ................4.35 J11........5.05 JUly ........ ..........4.12 .AUgUal................8.64 September ...... .......4.O09 October .............. 3.80o November .............16 s December.......i . TuaiAverage. . . . ...... 33.83 luche. Total average for May, June, July aud Aug. (wheu orops neodi i most) 17.16 luches AVERAGE TUEPERÂTURE FOR FÂST 10 YEÂR PERIOI) JsmUary............... 12 Febeuary .............. mat-..o1.............. 26 May .................. 5 June.................. . 5 JuIy .......... ....... 70 Auguat ............ ....6 Seplember ........5 ()ctober ...... ......... .46 Nos-ember ...............2 7 December ...............16 Pa*rtly Improved Farins 84J a. 4j miles n. e. of Meifford; unic. clearing; fair building@; excellen$40 s. oil Terme. Prie ....................................... $3 0 8~~ a.77miesvet of Stetson ville; 15 acre& cleared; log buildings.$25 8bý a. miles northwes of Medford og buildings; frame bouse & barnl;$30 8kda. bi miles veal of Medford; log buildings; 20 a. clenred; goodsoil; 3 5 QUa.excellent ueighborhood. Termne. Price..................0 Tjuesefour 80"s ar'e a few of the mang bargains in p«Urtlgmproved, iarmns we offer in Taylor coun tg, Wis. Tbey should be*seen appreciated. We have somne exÈtra good CUT-OVER, LANO bI' neighborh ood s where adjoining farms are partly improved. Price $1 5.00 te. -$2 5.00 per acre. Also agents for the Soo rail- rsad lands, costing [rom $1 2.50 to $1 7.50 per acre. Fare refunided buyersý. Trip every wee-k. H. D. BOYD, Gen'I Agent, Lbertyvle LO»EB-HAMMLREALTY COMPANYON ngom». wB. CHICAG.O OMMi .205-S Mant-qe SiBds. Wg"wLh1 &D f reeof -rcost to ýyou. e are owners.. Tradea Made. By T. F. SWAN Correaponnd an d Agent Quallty-Boyd'a Stidio-l'rie right. H. A. Watson vus a Chitago eleitor a. D. Wolin of Oberfin, obio. was lin tovu a 1ew deys Ilut week. ira. J. W. Rodgsnof Raine, lm riait- inî -,th Mira. marir 8wan. L. E. Hardes @peut iuudav with relatives in Autloch.1 lir@, S. Cudahy of Wintlîroi, Harbor, i@ apending the woek nei the Bten Bruail- head home. Louis Eingdon snd tamiîv of ElPaso, Iii-. visited test veek wjîh Mr. andlIdro. Thom. Rsel 3lre. Bert 6wao and childivri retururd Friay frotu a twa weeL.' Nimit St XcHeury. J. 1). King of Waueau, Wis, arrivei 1louday for a short itay with his mother, SIrae. A. J. King. Evelyu Bull le spendiug tOi tý-k with ber uncle, Louis Kuiggo at 1Mi utiry. Mr. anîd Ai. S. L. Tri11 returued 11'îdas trom their auto tripi thriîugli %tht Cura Hull, wbo hbhttn .s..iîding the pasî fourtuiglit at Crivitz, M i, .retururd huuî&this week. .The 8.,oliueis e e-ing a ne%% îlibue.' o Chicago Av-e. for the u.,- f thi-ir lo-ai wection fureman. 8A89 UALL. One- gond tbîng about Rud v. bu caau go to a wedding on Saturday and »tilt be lu ohape to piukb winuîg bail <i outidsy. One really bas tu bu a star twirler tii pull this atut and the tact tijat it actually bapp*nMi proveo tiiet wr are ail tu the goýin our mounil departmnent. As per predictione fe(smueofie tlest wt.ek) Our boy.s bail t0 extend theuiselveai lu put a -5tu 3 winover the Kaiser Wilhelm bub from Beusenvillo aud it mile a aicegsmelroni hheataulpuitt f landoni. The home butne got away to a nitty stant viti two j-uns in th-.second etauza. adding anothur lu the lamt of lhe fourli but tbe vsaisons (aille right back and by putting over one. ujarlier eschin the lourti. fiand eixti, elippuil the pastme, Into a deadloek. Thus lil atood until vu eraeked thelie tu the tail enda uf the eeventh wbsu a couple of wsiks and aunie two bame bit, by thu maniager couuted a brises of tailles aud put the. gamme on le. Rudy vas juat brftziug aloog takinji itainas May but at thât lbe vas sboviag a branil of stali vork far aboyeatthe average. The. visitiug erowd coletsd a total of is-,bits off bie dellvery said lie luit %o show tiem w t lbuecoutl do Roiedst aleven of the cdown on atrlkee. RIsl support vas a littho bit leasky In spots andl on tinue occasions the bases vers pretty likly populated vian lie final outvasm mde but .ee'ybody tiglitunoi up in the pluches, and kept tissai mon> lhe nonuting station. Nuit Sundaysitvogo touIthe Naval Station for a return gans, wt the samiore. The score: Denvis, 2b-........... 5 0 0I1O0O o. Gg, ci ....... 21 o100 T. l>order, e........ 3 1112 0 0 Q.Dorfien, 3b...... 4 0 1 0 1 0 IL Donfler, p....... 4 1 1 2 1 B. King, Il ............ 4 2 1 0 0 O 5 a 27 8 2 Bonsulille AB B H P A E A. k'rann, 2b.... 4 0 0 8 1 0 Q. Vransn, 3b.....5 1 1 0 11 Koebnlg,lb . 4 00 71 1 Briamanas..... 4 0 024 0 W . F r a n c s , p . . . . . 4 1 2 1 1 1 Bloo. T..............8a0 0 1 10 A. Tlsadmencf.a 1 i 2 0 O E. Tisaduan,Il .....4 01 2 10 3 5 2411 4 Da.ueville .....00)01 11000-8 Aresa.................20 100201-.1 Two base bits, T. Dorfier, gwan, J. Dori@tsrucki out by liorfier 11, by Frauzen 6, baue ou balle off Dortien 3. off Frauzeu 2, bit by G.ý Frlàuzeu, 0. lire. H. C. Meyer andl son Adolpi rotnrned Weduesday from Chic:ago etter vlslting relatives thene. MIss Emima Cook i. vislting relatives at Wbeaton, Ill., ne preasut. lb. and Mrs. LR. 1). Cooki entertaiuel colnpey frory Chicago Sunday. Kil Bartling le vssting at R. D. Cook's ties eeli. lila Barbara Amea from Loug Lake Quality-Buyd'é StudIo-PrieS right. "Deert1eld Day" vbieb vap held Satoi- day, Auguet 29, vas a great succems People f rom Chicago, Libertyvlle, Wsukugan aud ail surrounding towvn5 attendait. The day before vas no tee ban usoplq tuiu.d out brigis asud eaàrly sud the piparatlons ver. made Saturday moru. fat.. Une hundreil prises vers aaral te auccssutut otsnte and Claren Obuncaughie I"greasdpig7 A 1>à muse eby abig magnilleut brasa baud of Chicago, mauy enjoyed dancing. Thot@ who tireil of il vers iestad by watchlug a movlug pîcture show or tbrowlng halls ut s negros heail for tlgars. A luncb uf hume cunkiug vas surveil by Derieid vumen wulcb vaa weil patroui7ed. kdany were atîracteil by the girla abo iire sliinig eandy, c.gara. etc. The panadestarteil 1030 beaded by W. E. Beechatu msrcbiug tbrough the principal streets of towo 10 Riugdail'a gros-e, tiers the priues veto awarded. Bon. 6. E. Foluesspolieu "Our Savf aud uti.-r gutil epcitten itiiludiug îlre Fa3eîîe iluurît ver. preleut. Btet ldatou dîuw irat prizein ii the -free diaviîîg coute,,t.'The Ilii iesturred autîiidighili ci tuiai- clared liavîug an eleoîld tîiî,an iitoping fir mny mort- aueb îays, lire. P. 1 . Jurenéuîeiiiantidîîîgbterý liariotte tif îîîgaiiti sitîng frieîîds litret luen1,- Ilim iîaabel Horurî,uIer n-eurun Mo day îito bt-us-r, Wlî,r,- 0.le hi.s lieun s-ioiting tue paeItîurber of da. et. andAira. Iceel Kerstea aud celudreu, Mmr. IRay Lord and daugbter Vrginia uof Chiange, trere the. veek.eîd guol. of Mir, sud lir. C. W. l'otte Mir, and lim. Ed lileinl d s hein week-end guesta Mr. andl Mim. Peter Bieimehl and bise Marie llei. Mise ireue Hutebiiuulft Tut.sday for Sens-er F.all, Pa, wbe-eoe. lI s-lait ber sunt, Mira. lt,,bert Ilulines for a fëw veeka. Aluion Powereanad Misa ElizaWu5 Clark üf Chicago, vere tlhe week-end gueste at tAh me îî f %W. A Wlitingý Mr. îand l MiE ý I. T, i .~,ai-sthti Saiurday and Sunaay guesîs Mr. sud Aira. Albert Dtermau ni Chicago. TheChristisu Enduavorsoithe Preobt. terian cburch aud tUited Evanigelitkal ehureh beld a unioti meeting Sunlay eveniug in theufi E. eiureh. Mir. sud Mmr. T. L Knaak bad as "hIr week-end guesta Ars. Desuen sud ebildren of Chicago, and Misa Latins Arnoldl of Chicago. Mins Margaret lieKeller, tho hba visiting lier aunt. Mmr. B. H. Kreas M for ber home In Fat-go, N. D., Sundsy. Mmr. Robent Bennett of Rsvea.wood, la viaiing ber moiber. Mmr. Lt-dis Boyt. lias Isabel Kim$t of Wlmette, la riaIt- log ber sunt, Um Josophîne 'Woodman. Alm. Mamie Blîestroan of Highland Park, vas the week-eud guesi of lma Grnce Selil.. Mir. sud lira. Fred Christensou of Chicago, epeul suveral day. at the home. of Bort Keaton. Mise Elesuon lieyer returued Fridny from Oehkoeh, W le., viens she hambeau sIstlsg hen cousin, V ra. J. T. Ozoone. SMie laton Jscksoun ofMilvaukee,. la viaitig Miss Arti»o BleimehI. Arthur goder tooli up bia dulleeaua poalmaster Toeeday, Sept. 1. Mir. and lira. Judson liaéou of Prairie Viev, vers the gnoes ait the home of C. B.KEnaton uverol day. meat veui. amuei Ott of Rsvensvood, Spent seVerai daysataith home of George Boceabanhl. Air, sud Air. George AcDonalare rejoie4ng osor tbearrIvaI o! a daughter Baturday. Jatte W. Gaddi# of Vîannue, lad., vas tii.gueut 0f hié @ou WillIa, fast veek. ldimssCathieand Christine lie- liahan of Wauk&dan, versthe.weesk-.e guesteur fu" R uth Beiciei. Edvard liciebe of Weaver, lova, has beu vlitlig bie unclu, John A. Reicheît, Or. Mir@. Dollard sud Mrn.dlMlr@. Frants aud daugiies- of Chieago, vers lis Peste of lir@. Jacob Autos, Jr., Salurday. MIss Ruth elcieli gave adinunrpsrly Monday evenîug 10 celebrate ths tine. teonth aunuveraary of ber hlthday. UnplennantTeek Laid ona Hlm. The fat-mer'.sou0LCame home laok- Ing as if lhe had beau through a top- nado. ID. father InQuftrei lhe caua. The son rppliad. "IV» liai dura corre- spoudence achool again.1I gela letter from lhe sophomorea tellIng me lin ba. myael." Sure Egnouci. 'Bo you depend on' recopillou from postertyr'.' dMil1r. DufafluStax. '*Yez,t reiplisd lMr. Peovigmie. "«A, cther geodrallon vUIirecowdineMY senlus.' "But boy aeMol 70,Qgin to mnow,,wvicer th# Opl8iOu f 6 %tuuse goneration la any miorsa lt-t vorthy aud deolr*ble th-n liaIt O thie preseît publicr' r~ E extend the public a cordial invitation to step iii Our Bank sud male use of o ir waitiug, wsriltng and rest roomna white viaitiug the. Lake o.î Fair. The First National Bank Uàberetrilu.. cap",talmsu uplus. $OO0O Resourm omver$300,O00.00 SilverFOR SilerLake Ice Cream AN D Souvenir Post Cairds Oive Us a Cali F. B. LOVELL CO. DRUOS JAMES H. SWAN, Mgr. Libertyvile, i 4 Il E!lN yuîi voite to the Fit ircoîn uî-ad get acqiuainted with us. We mîake nt-w Harnemt andi ropair ail work wtrie-tly I)y hand-The îîiost rellable' nietliod. COLE.& CLOUSE - NESMAKERS libert£vMle, PENN LiTS NOVELTIE AND A FULL UNE 0F VARIET GOODS FOR THE FAIR m=. The New Variety Stores la depeuide.t Clasdlied AM. Pay. Ask ang user of them 'g S. L. Tripp, Prosident. R. F. Routs ç'Vics Prideni. A DEAD DOLLAR is one which you bide away and which earns nothing. A LIVE DOLLAR is one deposited in our Savings Departînent earning 3% Interest $1.00 opens an account T ME CITIZENS' BANK A RIA'. ILL. "Make TIiis Bonk Your BusinesHorne." Miinois Irving E. Payne, Cashier.

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