Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Sep 1914, p. 8

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14AKU oOUNTYI lx bIDV~efTISING« RATES oc pur lino ach inserion Le. han 5 fines., 25C m-tinito + FOR ALE Swe6 bave a nuinter 0f1fne homes-fi «rreet. Byniand& Austin, Libert3 vigi.. <50-tf FOR SALE-9-Boam Prime Bouse, cee, bars. cicken bouse..Build- ings la good repair. f4 acre af groand. Tva blocks tra ronad -depot. Smaili dava payment. Easy termes. Ses or vile B. D. Bord, or Loeb.Bautmet lltd' (0, 20r5-6 Marquette oldg, aMno. Ili. . c504ýf FOR SALE-Neyer projerty on Main Ot.. L&ke Zurich. A bargalu ta close estaI.. Relier & Frank, Lite Zurich, lIliolac48t4 FOR $ALE-Fruit sud stade trees, -al &M@aisobrubomd inimall fruits. Twsu- ty yeurs of experieuce enabes. me ta suis jn vell. if you vont the-BEtiT, *sIa es l d un rLOsea. P. Rob. érie, Libemtyville. -4fc4 FOR SALE-About 20 Ried D)uroc browo oy. Henry lsrmisoi cd Wqmionda, oid Ji, Nonabas faim. "e ah . .Phono 18-J-2 Round laexeanu49p81 PORSDALE-O posesut of Intmra- Bpp Uc=osi; 15 Volumes. la boss -but vry ~~iht.boud. Airesbox 137, '000 SALE - Several aids of good. Mbdv.Phono Ubertyville 92. ffOif #G~8AE-OneParier Rester sud i Héiter.. IMM N. A. Frotte. c49t1 FORSALE-i nov, *Qnik Mcii" g «o- nov 1 ew2-humner il stoire; i stb abif..Inquhre of Dr F. FW -ALE--co. houes, oun@sY 1teS J. R <Mati, Broadvay. 51eti UO ALE-lixtessive lins ai farru Irons.boàttem 9MBSacses.,W. con = tw@ 10suit auj rosesable .Nov la Me timesIobabu Wi16$11e M slow aidpies. iof «V 8lr e-mdsc& 8 ro. Han., UeW~.ulo Tor8isMous Bea ur V#17Svsi rus s".ciu fS RENT-4 klge tras.bcatpd 0101110618 -us, vite sn oibath- gentie 4. ..W.. ..T .D .. WANTO--illtaie echool girl ta bu fer -inter. Addrss. L. B. Box WAWS~'-UsWbutviu fe fr Itram 1010 moe.lasa. *rite statiug iii Jo [k&No agets. Addrsv R A., 0"e. 0.5041i UAL*14N varmtei <o ad'vsrslvs ci- V45-Uisyv<rk. Usea 190 mnautbly sajil ttsv.lIag esponsse. Kaperlence eisoessssxy. AIea handis popular clu- ccitt.. asd lohacco. Norgno Cigar Ca.. M.vTakN T. ' 12<46 WANTED-BY 2 Young ladies, a hested om forabt boumkiepilug, not ton fevvomehci.Phane 289-J-t. 51e1 Girl dolig bos.eork would like place un sa1Win' 4Viquiet, boue loving girl. WANTED-To usure jour bouse~ in our componies. Dou'tlurgpt ta bave your auto ineured. Dui-ami & l)uraul. 51e1 WANTED-3oime ta rent. Duram.d & Dumesd. 5Ski + MOELLÂNEOUB + MONEY TO LOAN-On Impraved i-al «bs-. J. 8. OJOLET, Pi-t National ARRYIF YOU ARE LONELY-Tbe FIMabls Canfdetial suceselul club ha. gp suomber u ofealthy ligîiblebme.- b" etbat t ee. viabing early marri- MOLDhuerPtias Ire.. Nrs. Wrubel. '8*.Okbd.CuL P-51-2 or»oMdw ul oSy 0- te tro w Ir# OR SALE-Nev six to, buoga low. Nudera. Ternme eay.Duamnd & Deraad. FOR SALE-Modera cottage, 7 room. WIiI mate atirictive offer for quick sale. Durand & Duuaad. 5ici FOR UALE OR RENT-Hlouse lu ucellent loction. Ail modlerc couvent- emmse. Dnd & Dursud. 51l FOR SALE-A gooi rss Young cov, h«s boieér colt. J. B. NCOurdy, Lberty- lmi.. Phoas 301-J. 5 FOR BAt.E-1000 bu. gond White Os. iddlxes Drue. Dru« Co.. O(ialke. 1ilI. 51e4 WANTEO-Send jour accouuté to aur + ageme, fr or lection. Phnne 2. Durand +. l dDurand. 51e1 MON£Y TO LOAN on nov bousmes. laquirelutoo ur loin owf jour own.home. D)urud &Durand. ci 61sf ANNUAL LARE CO. FUIR (Coutinuod Prom Page One.) wiîa attended the fait today would witness twa balcon ascensions and posslbly two high dives for the wind had gone dovu. to sucli an extent tlat this vas deerned teaelble and the performers were preparing to nWac- up for the exhibitions they fail- ed tc. make on the preceeding days. The track la ln excellent condition today and orne of the tentent heats ever seen on the hall mlle Irasii are expected. Ai% exceedingle fine racing pi ogrem bas been prepared and horsemen wbo attend todîy wyul be ampiy,reWad. Chase Away Burgiar. burglar on Tbursday nlght about ten 'cbock .ought ta enter the home of Attorney Ben Miller af Liberty- 'ville. ' Ho bed cllmbed one of the pot on the porch snd vas seeking to enter theu second etory af the house. As Iuck vauid have it, Mr. Miler', brother a o fri-end vere walldng home about tbat timneand they saw tbe hurgar et vork. They ghouted ta hlm Led ho qulckly aud nimbly leaped from hio perch and eecaped in the. dar'tness. The tva men sought to LImsue him but soon lost bis trall. The thiet howevernoSa tras known roado no further tempt to ply bis goum. Pickpocket* aI Wom-k. Accoriilg ta niany reporta pIck- pGekets vorklug on teChicago sud mllvsuke eiectric cars in sud out et Ibertyville have i-aped a rather iich hanàet Ibis pua.I-,nitone case tue>' sie,saii 10 bhave luisit $100 trom nue man's uip pockel. IDnter cases pî'ople amre ilorted ta bave heen i-n. ileved aofi-llea OtelpunWiacoutalning variaus sumos af monep. The police have souglil b cope viîb the asita- tien but the pickpockets usuaily pip Ila.l van un the cioviaicars andS h ei Pretty bard tb ietect tissu. Thun for non.eaoftesebave heen orreeted. DOUBLE HEADER BALL CAMES. TWa hal gamme ver0 given he visi- tare on Thursia>'. Tbcp venu Inter-- estiug althougb the scoresdiS ual tu- dicate IL Deerfili iefeated Rocefeller 8 ta, 2 ville the IL C's. of Waukegaude- foti HiglilauS Pari 5 ta 2. A big =ravi atchei hoti gale.sud momne oxcallot puys vue maie. Rager SamliVame ProumnL Rogot Sullivan, praseinent Sema- erÎtie Pofltcan. spent th day on the gounis Tburoiay. ne vas «eorteS about bp repeeixitative Thomas Grs- boni. Peler MleDerseott, Thos. Grady and otiera «ho personally kmcv him. Mr-. Sullivan, es candidate rir U. 8. Senstoî-. extet'dei lbe glaS band ta ee rpbady. Talk About Boycott. Various speakers apoke tram an au- tomobile ta dozens of for-mers during the day, their Parposu belng la creale sentiment againat the nev federai rul- ing liaI Oive counties, includlng Laie. met stand tai- the luherculir, tesllug ai cattie or! iheir mini vill be refus- o.t lD Chica.go and the 1ev aiso la of gucli nature tht l pievents soie of caIlle even tram oune iglhoar ta, an- otiier cales. the>' stand up 10 the tu- bei-cuI testot.' Thie speakers criei out: "Itlas tises for us farmets ta gel lagether ai- vo viiih Put out af businese. Thère la M. reason ta pi'ir out these Oâve ccuntias oui put theba in on tbsm. We must act tagether ai- ve'll b. swamped. han been invtai to bb. preset. acb vas te b. gilron an oPportur4tp ta de- liver a briet sSii-es. on the pollîlcai situation. A Sig Poultry Show. The poulîr>' show aI the feir thic y euxvos tse blggest that bas over becns soc, 368 bis beiug enterai. Tih.elihovs succesvas due ta Ithe i6flilngnese ai tbe Illnois Pouitryp a.iov memnhers, ef Waukegan, afferlng to coup the show at the faf- oui [numnof! U ktesec i h1-birdstere foi- exhibit. Waakogan bri ovners von pilas, among the vinners heu-g: R. C. Connaiy-Tbree fi-as5and two seconde on R. C. B. Leghoirns. John Mari-CaptureS ail White Mr. Bheldon-4ýBrown Legliori'. e. C. W. 1. Lyon-White Polish, Grant Flemleh rabbits. (,Mr. Lyon'& pet ekui4< was lbt ft the show Wed. nesday night.) No. danger for, it's one of the deadorlxed klnd.) Chres Crapo-First and secor<II on Partridge Rocks, four firse and two seconds tva fgrstsaon Buf Ban, two irsts on Engllsh gants birds. M.. P. Dlger-Pour firas on Part- rldgt' Wyondotta, three seconds on sae; twa seconds or. Golden Ses- brightz. THURSDAY'S RACES. Llbaitpvllle, Sept. 3-bactag as baS a winS as trotter5 anS pacers ever bave heen asieS 10, go againzi. the bai-tes lu the 2:14 trot anS the 2:21 trot taday eltertalned 10.000 spec- liIons et the second day's Iouai of the 61e1t annual Lake Counlp fair. Five lisaIs vers needed 10 catie bbc 2:14 hi-o3 Arioiu McGregor, diiven b>' P. J. Ayres noslng il outibre time against tOi-se different homsm ani hair.g battheUt Iurd beut oui>' bp e eck. The second oui Ibind heal proveS a i-unlng rae for everp bores vus off bis feet muci of thcetUme. The hea'vy vinS vasgiven as a cause. Cal. Nul O'Neer, ovued bp Dean tack dovu thu 2:21 trot-tfi straiglil beatq but lie baS la fight for l uaanot R. M. Axtel, ovned by JI. F. Ayrue. Burlîngton, Wls. The third beet provsd a fine one. Col. Nut 'Neui- lipping filove;, R. M. Artel just as tliey approachud the v. Ire afier It loakai luke a ctacb foi- R. M. la vin. The crovd cheered lui- lily. Il 100k six beaut 10 cttie lie ai-- gainent in the speclai trot sud Il lacVed for a lime a. If Adam Vogel 'vîlliHadici's J. K. Waisvarth. miglil taie off the honore, or, at lfat taise part fi% the finale of the threc fOral heat vinuers. Hs won the foui-lb hut;Iutvas in tsefifth huaI 11ai J. K. W.. leaSing dovn the streîcli. broke ani permitted Day Bullft to vis. Thai gave Boy Beli and George HIl cdi Io heats. andi, as iv, l ienastroilci, Il vsnecsssarp for lb. Ivo Ivo-beat vinfflmrsta trot Il aoff civ Bella von Il bp a close siavi- ailer l loakai aimoet certain t'ltGeor-geH vouid vin hecinse lie led irouni la the laI Iurn. Amber Havie>'. Ben Neelep'c bai-se, Sldn't shov verpyuwll excsptlng lu the lailieat vban bu bol second 1-lace for a tinte but Prclie on the stretch aI icame lu tri. Boy Bella vas sel haci ta 4tb place lr the tlin licol for runnlug mucli 0( the vap. Oummor>': - 2:14 Trot.-Puree $M0 BensAM. B. G. NighmI (Bsugeit)t13134 3 Baron G Sherman Ch 8 (Mai-- tin)---------------------..34122 jo-Ion McGi-sgor B O Jay Me- Gregor (Ayret)----------.41211 Preda m«c. B. m. iMacBell (Hartlai-m)---------------..22434 TIME-2:19 3-4; 24; 21 1-2; 20 3-4; 20 1-2. Speclai Trol.-Purse $M0. J Ir Wadsvorth Dg (Vogei) 3 3 212 x Delle Dg (Hanlon) ..12 4 3111 George H (flacien)-...2112422 Amber Havlap Dr M. (Ne- uy)------------------..443434z TIME-'-2:44; 2:40; 2:40; 2:39 3-4; 2.1,1: 2:44; 2:44. 2:21 TroL-.-Pume $40. lIai-o Grallon Dg Grallon (Malerbofer)-------------..3 3 4 Col, Nul O'Nser, Be Col. Cocli- i-an (Beaie)-------------... 1 11 Mai- Flousia Dm (Comisi) - -4 4 3 B. M. Aitel Be Red Meiium (Aptes>-----------------..2 2 2 TIM-2:27 1-4; 2:30; 2:28 1-4. 1 Mlle Ruming-..Purse $100. Sylvlo-3. Freiei-ick-2. The rav vind- ai Thurada>' vas aucli mai-iHuston-i. tht lioe n luthe juiges' sanidepe. IE1:8 dm11> bâdai sbaid day of IL l. llso- kert dovn'lb. timo ln lie race "ete The ciosing iay's races ef Uts sixt>'- ieciêiljmai -aisS bavoc int ls:nnual Lais Ceuw*yi atI i bl ver dcd>' " rieehvocwt tpvile yeterioy produsefclose dispisys. viti chroIAMsetc vhlcb ex. Sailibes. The frefor al 'pamo v» lmliître triai 10 ks.p lioudy foi- the a fitl;belveen Ham yMac.. Ovoi] publie. anidhiven hi D. M. Ocas'aOfaWal- 1h. ars.Exhîit. kegand niRaeljort, .od b> Ja" The Mrse Ehib'tTbu nof Chicago, drives W Cross-i Among lb. vlnuers of bine ribumt se>. Ilurs% onic hM dMis;seor la tie hans i«biumet ve0 muol firla et ietrI sd sacMi heMa b> InsuiL l itocy f rom the lHawtone iaimulnaigin, but brus le belon. the ont"la ithé tiur hast neCam fom.anouiJosephi M"Hl mt.bock la the fourlli, ond, paaW ib> w1h stock htra he Westvoai lump. Hami-yPuinos.drivins LunUle Gmt.- 1101h exhilitedilonms sa" md itan eoess e ltelaIMsth". mare, R. W. lealii>' teck meecrl me~lfrtirm abdiUl ii. tfàhOM dli 1)ïJe ribonswIt yeu eois. Té I. lie asecli2,34 trot. DWIVg Ma- )oal o! the preselu Me lhleaariteS Uiase of Libeeyvgfl OWM Ot th* l t tcday. emtrant llie e.e ho e« bisme» Tadaj. theefinul day of the fair,.ih ta o * fMh* 0Pb""0i laCaO, WO< tires be PaliOle»%A<bd>ma Uei amiiateor fan ih Aime ini a-li tit tI t b t t c la n oacift ttrèe licit. Clo.IO» b p t Local Nses The race for l1&4 County bors«. Vprovai lntesuung jeond expicta- I O*eIWeay, for Mcmi Gi-stan atter tbh e toeui nidthird beata. Then Netio Onttan,, Ovned sud d;;Ï;ea by James Dug=uof Waukogan, picked up tva bets andUiled lie chances wflb Mmi.The-Iudg.s tien orioned. thesctwo hanse, te race orfthb. Mxth hest. saifng the other OWtàAtats the born. lu the final iiettie Gi'at- tan von. tu»setting i-st plae, vill Mosi Gi-atta second. Bath vere mied by, u1metterattan. A *peoig feature vas lthe e- quarter mile runln race for a purse of $100. wvh iab wonvan anily by Froierick, * a »mae ovned b>' H. T. Italie>' ofChicago. aumn«wiy of Races. Free for an Dam .purat $400. Hirt>' Me, bi-. g. by WiI- Mons (Courson).... 1 I 2 1 Reelfort, i. g (Creasa>'). .2 2 1 4 Lucee rottant, b. m. (Putnam> ....... ...... 3 4 3 2 SibamP Maiden. br. M., (Ellisot).............. 4 3 4 3; 2:18; 2:16 1-4; 2:17. SPecial 2:34 trot. pure $400. Dick MeXMsion, b. g, by Oliver Wags,(Wisot',)---------.i1i1i Lucile 1 '09, b. se- (langert).2 2 2 HuideKoala, b. m, (W. Elliot)3 3 3 King Cresaus, b. s. <Velteh>. .4 4 4 Tlme-2:27 1-4; 2:28 1-4; 2:29 1-4. Count' race, parte $400. Nt-ttie Grattat, hi-. m. by Emmett Gi-ato (Du- gan .................4 33 111il Mioal Grattan, bl. g. (Put- nain).................21 133 2 Jae. Grattan, b g9., (Burke) ...............I1 2 4 2 3 Har-inglon. i-o, g(Wil- son).,......... ........6552 44 Sa4Ie Gratta.. b. i. (S- derburg)/ .............34 565 Time-2:23 1-4; 2:21 3-4; 2:23 1-4; 2:24 3-4. 2:22 1-4; 2:25. Thi-se-quartai- mile runnlng race, Purse $100-til'reierick (H. T. Kelley, Chicago) von; Mark Huston <Geore Vogel. Solon UMiII, 111.) second-, Seat- le (Chai-les Gi-sp. lete Forest, 111.), thiri; Sylvia ( A. D. DaIs1'. Laie Fo- stl 111) foui-lb Tim-i 189 BOOSTINMI pluRICESTARTS Us S. JNQUIRY INTO IT Rise Also Causes Division in the Raniks of the Producers -Some oppose Step. FEDERAL AIDS GET BUSY. ~Farmers Offer Lacteal Fluid to Municipal Markets àt 5 Cents a Quar. Action of the miii producers In do. ciding ta raimu the priceof mili ta 2 a hundi-ed pounis vholesale bai net onlp brouglit about a division In their ranis, but bas aiea started a tederal in'vestigation. The produceis met Weiitesdip In te Hotel Shermean. Chicago. sud de- spite attempta ai a number ta pre'venl the stop. decided ta mais Utepriesof mili. The Increase vouli brlug lb. ct ta houseboiders up la 10 cents per Asuar i-euia'the meeting a con- ference vii li eeldoiStds[ybelveen Assistant District Attornes Garfield Chiarles, Josephi Fleming oui Albmert U Hopins ta decide wyul action ean ho toiren bp the fteiagrand: jury against the mili "trust." Tbe investigoticià vOll ha oniueted lu connection vIth the Inquli-p nov being made it the incressai puce of fooS. Out After the. Evîdence. InTestigatora of t.eDepartment of Justice have slartei the vano! oh-ob taining eviienca againat vboiecalors. retailers. producers or etiers may he resPasitble for te increaaei cost of mîlk and otbe- fooda. Tteli- repart vIU be submIllsd te District Atlai-uep James IH. Wilkersan toda>' or tomai- rov vben he returne tram ,Waablitg- toit.-1 We bave revevedour Fali and -Wlnter Line of Pat-. rick Duluth Mackinaws and the Bradley KnlttingS Company's Celebrated Sweaters, and Navajo Coats the finest 1111e ever shown in town. No botter goodui made. Aloo the MeMillon and Duteheou pantse, Mishanaka Rubber 'Goods, the Bail Brand and Vac Rubber Bpots and heavy Articp. Vou have bought these goods ot us for years and know what Retail milk dealers bave 301usd' banda wltb tbe consumer- ta prevent W the boast In lb. price of miii. Many (lert's said tbu fammre ere not entitîsi ta an Incruase, deepite the tact Ihat lhe pice of tsed for catie bas beau rais- ai. J. J. Fitzpatrici, general suPerlu- tendent for tse orien Condensai Mlii Company', sali the tai-murs vete 1 ov rsceling 4 cents a quart and that Ibis price aliouli rostain. E. M. Bovman of the Bovmsu Bai-y Compan>' declared teformera ver. overstepping 1he1- Bruit luni-oising the price ta $2 ver 100 pounia. Offer Mllk to Mgmoket. Aller the seelhg seval tai-mers sent wvan ta te , uulcoml markets commiasiontat 'they veau SUPPlY ntllk for $5 cents!-* quart ta lhe Pro- poasi Public mroI.Tha M ivI b. sold for 1h. e ;aprcel tacon- Cumera. A. Ir. Mleovn 0f «21 Uis avenue, Chicago, àra latter tu Fredlei- Ici Rex. eecretary of tb. coLinmlalo aU ered la aupply tam M00ta 0M quarts ieily foi- 6 oute. This Price voul Mien an Increase cf 1 ent o quart la the formera oui a dacressn of ot limaI; 3 agite to tie coner. Mrs. BSott Dun*& ,oiro f lte Croltree e Bay a aepl i t.e Proincera shffl robot" Mareifl<M- for their mlii but fit thé oteilers vOuli nt b. Io M)ffluinraisins lte - ther abati iffle *tlfls 4 oits a Ser8uanI"ais aJi *M setcen - muaItorenier thliw $p u ttifoSo. The i. k ldealer ou "0 *«M Io M115 lit» fomrteph e os. u Tais coule$ igý aiso carry a fulli une of Dress and Work Shoes. --Measuremente taken for the Inter- national and Mark G. Harris Tai- oring Co'o. 1000 samples to select Ask ta se. ay of the aboie gooda rhon lan tavu, Alvays villing 10 show goodà. .-t * - =Libertyville Th haps tiref whez bai Cen Mir they saPP Mcaii bue ougl ,om Wou Ti ava papi 'vis - il ýj wo - im m-M ý - - 1 'il Il- mmmý EN iÀ&r ftoMY i e On 4"aut, 1014, becsMy# lit$e-Y- EWbPMNT 116 'ONAT»O. I1~Y N>1fl7.4A~.> or informtdbise that bis building A fi" s 51551N*UII 011Oum bu. hie Permit idiitni uve il hea. oit purebiselfor the Laie Ooty bon*- tai. The equipusat Ioa rute lam la I ta. coutrîet a sugzand aior'd.rei 111ise very respect ouidsgond as t11.1 umier vain of arrent ta discontinue fotud la iuy bospital. Il tfuulsi- ~I"W YATC 5& I~the vorn, hicli lhe sald be dld iu ed by OdDin.Myrad Co, ot isd- lm IIK II1IRA Lspite of the tact Ibat It b"ol xu-am- W . s. Fllovlsg aa uggesties of D.A. B. Egovn, oouaty pbylesu. ei te solehlan extent thot il coui thegWio»n accorn ionated a fine Circuit Judge Froa"t on Thur- la;:bes spoli. too bré 1ospa ab114l a teo tMll day Aftern@on OuledAgainst MjrCleIen11-in, th-nithott zc-IÎanugOÏthe lateft auq,rnostmproyed. WIlbur G. VoilVa. Utic hiabocho otlié, reyokot ie is trn perMit sadlook possesltar. of the phnfl o f AncOisS Orie. DECISION IS IMPORTANT. t~Zcneuthtteadnn e tue .a o I sr t, tbîy trial! ta senl Il for a jalg. 4 nreaam&ble. iflgalad oui 'vand itj, hove'ver. a purebasci- cpeuei tb. As a Resuit the Off icials'WiIIBe 't11 Illacontrary teandui violatos, the b"g befor. burins, dè s . cf oursi.. Unable to Operate Under Constitution 01 the state of filinots, jumped out, dtawli th e l raud. New Ordinance. toiry for hoiea"s$11aIt te resîdence dis. the bag. eti.ksatetf trictwa sno establlshed that ln manyI Circul' JUdge Arthur H. Fi-as t aIinstances moirer an ailey separates SPECIAL ASSESOMENT NIIOTICE. 11cckford on Thuraday otternoon an Independent concerr. frose the bus- Notice la bmreby given te mail pore.» g ar'ted on Injunction In laver af Brad. loess district of the Ciy snd vhile an-iutereoted chat lhe Vilage Ilbard af tord B. Simon of Zion City, reetraining Inependent i nDow allowed to cou1rnt Ne«o f lhe villaee f Libr'lIl 1Mnibo'vieg orderd the&, a local and enJOlnlng the City offiiais or tbhetinue vith bis business a Theocral lmprovemenî caln.isîlng 01 the coustrue- members aof the police department of -loua thon a hlock avoy map procee.j tions of a couuected sistem, of six inch the ty lfrom lnterterlng vlth hlmn In unilindered. 1<aut iras valt supply pipes, tagsunr thme construction, or maintenance of a hed.1 e 1o w. l itb Br@ bydrants, @chut off'valves sud garage there astey have beeu doing gaTn teion onis dge Fr ntI 1ail other ueee~aodiencis ad speal Il'- thePat as the resu1It. of an ordîn-prttangthen.otilaa it lm.- catiDgs Le cpn.tructed and laid ta, unecrecntlypased. ortnt oe fr Illa ai vil wi et. o ong and coder Nsvberry Avenus f ram noc reenlp'ct a number ai athar cases that are Riler Bt. ta FinI iât. sud in. loug aud In ie oliienSimns elaed hatsai teliepeningalthepreentlim. nuder llrst St. fi-or.Newberry Avenue b he ptitan imoe rletd tat alita . pudig o th pisen 11bta Northi Avenue and c-onuecing vitb th(- cdtp concil ai Zion City on. May Simon wviinet proceed wltb the' the vater suppiy pipe@ nm' laid luacmil 27, 1914, passai vhat lie terus mn 'ai- co'nstruction ot the garage and willi ostreet@, lu the village of Libertçv0ll, leged ordinane" entitlad -An ordin- bavccil compleiad shortip. 1Lkesue sim llio isltb ofiace aIfe ance ta relation te the location, man-thle *ae clek hng nliedfitaofthe ten~ace ad operaîlon of llvary sti- I T S IWCouuîly Court oi Lake cautitj, Ilinlois. hi-ru, hoarding or sales stables blac'î- ~l1I~( lN for au amoosment ot the rosis ar »td snilth shape, foundrles, machine ImPro'veftwbt. ae-fling ta bet*flgo, sud U1UlA1' ~ onassssn.nîtberelmor bavlug bercs chopes, garages and laundries vithin jIEU I ImodSe sud returted t.. eald court, the the City limite of Zion Ciy In Laie WMUAT i, 5ItI T L flai earmngtmen iie1, ns Couny, lliois an deiaig te rsi-1 1111 e da ofi a<.pteuîbei-, A. D. 1914, Couty delnng heroi- WIIIdZA VERY U i or as oon theivalter as the business det'ce dlstrictil or sai city" wvos mb- V I UIIU tthe morit vil perumit. Ail pereone mltted ta a vote of the cousictil.vas dcoirini mey filic objections lun«Id Passei aud appro'vedl by W. Hui'd h court belote snid day and man appear an Cleudenin. acting as mayor, a" o Say With High Price of Hay ti.he aingond maie Ieir efense. on ilUbertyclls, Illinois, Sept. 2ud, A. i). ifoY 30r 1914 te oannonce vasu pub. andi Grain It WîIl Cout Too 194 lished un Leaves of Healing, tbe oM- Much ta Pro"uceMiIk. jWlliama B. Sinder. the personoisi-t cfai organ a7 the Christian COatbollc 5d by the lredoth.nBoardi ai Apcostollc chai-ch. Simon asm" sthat SITUATIONJ LOOKS SERIOUS. 1'0ofth vlao pri-clically ovcry subacrlber te Ibis Lbryilt&oCutIlnin publication la a follower.of Voliva and They Say There Is Every Indi- m endascset aeMembers of bis church. He soya cation That Price of MiIk ISPIECIAL A8SESBMENT NOTICIE. the ordinance was publiabe aisea in Will Go Sky High.' Notice la hereby griven te ail persans the Theomrt. a sheet af limitai cir- lintersteil ilet the Villagme Board of cUlation vhich ho conteudsela net a 'Thf sharp sS'vance lu the price of Trutues of the village '<f Libertyville, nevupaper. vheat bias stimulated tarmers here. 1111001s, Living orcierm-d that a local The ordinance, ha contends,, ecekosabutie te agoin engage in vheit groe. improvemnent cuncl.tiug of the cousti-uc. !ng. Jt ls estinmated tait Ivo-thirds tion ot oconnect.-d systom cl.i .x Inch te pirohibît In the residence distict, of the tfi-mera of Ibis section viii put <ast i-on vater oupî.ly pipe«. toiether as establilbed, the Industries enuse- lu ai' ocreage ot more or legs mag. vlwthBr hydreuis. ebut off valron oud si-mIeS aove, dsciarlng theintelienituic In vbeat thus rail. ail other neefiery adjuucts sud oepm'ial casîluge bu conotructed anS Laid n. &long a nusane, nd mpovrs he lIp Wheat groving vili prove more m'a nioer Park A'vmmue beolenFourth arnuiancm e, ndpoetwer the e yprofitable thalmilk Producing under St. sud ith Nt, ond ronn#ectlnir ltb Mafsba i a ntesplie e4 n erhe" ecrtis ondiing. Idoefomr. eseupply pipes nov laid li.@&id Places o uiesadsac tetl onn.iPart Avenue, la th. Village of Liberty- pi-c-mises, seiltg ail properiies usai "Wilh thc prospect of corn at a ville, Lake Couuty. ililoi.. the ordin- in connection vilh the vank and per- dollar a bushel. or theresabouts during one for th* rame belig on fils la the mitUg te ares wihon waran etthme vinter an.d liey tram $13 te $20 office ofte'vllage cdork. hovieg appllsd miîiugth aii-et ithît arantaia ton, vîtii bran ad'vancing, and or- ta the Constr Court ai Lake Couuly, ail of those conneti vith the estab- dmtry covs seulIng at $100 each the Illiuole, foi-au asoecsment of 1he mosts lilusents. ouiaoi I a t «MIl ivouli cest Ut. of nId Improvement, according te beut- Prier te the Passage of the ordin- former more toeiiroduce than lie con fits, anS au arseesment therm-or bo'ving seil)it for In lhs marcat. ASieS ta bpecsmmd. nd cetoned ta sud court. sucs Simonganys lheovnerd a lot et Ibis the tireatenediÎlesathi-ough gov- thelinla rinuthereon wdlileubaS on 2622 Sheridan i-os! bich ls nov vlth- ernirer4 cash the prospect oi the the 19tb day of 8.ptmnber. % D. 1914. In the residence district as establlsh- dairy farmer- in gloomy. a raisDsonu tlerealmirersa. le l'nsim.ees oi aS la the nev ordinanle.Ha aya lie"I CaveS fortp acres ai vhat lutI the caumi viii perm'it. Ail Porsan ha'l begemn the excavation for a gar. year and reallzed foi-ty bushel tethelb.desiring msy filicabjections in saiS court aeadasserts that Ibis fact vasracre. Thdeau i.tte ie fr $1.on ab. hemtg and tmate cheir dm-agne. agOwmdttii-eiCsud cen beasaldPforr8t2 i LhertyviUe, Ilin ois, Sept. 2od. A. FI. krov laILsclIpoffcias. P-io ta hel. Mtfy dollors an acre la a 1914 utarting vam5u ie says ho bai! secam-ai goomi ratura for the crop of asigeCj building permit and bai leased Ih "&Bson.,,Mota. Studer, tiepei"uappoint- e ýe bv he u Presideti fthe Board of ecalthlng thal the prie ai of!Ical lmproveuieeus ai the 'villae@of premises for a perlaS of tirse ears. vhEz,7wIviii remain higli for selme lime Libertyville, Lots Cautj. ilinig, tca ta Witten sud Brocken of Zian City'. attor theClsaiUc urpstar miidsseet.Ot

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