Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Sep 1914, p. 7

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LAYE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRrDAY, SEPTEMJ3EI 18, 1914.p Waut&ogan Netue ENORMOUS CROWD 0F FANS ATTENDEDT GAME 0F THE CITY SERIES AT SOUTH ' HUNDREDS 0F DOLLARS CHANGED HANI SULT-THE SECOND GAME WILL BE PIA WEST SIDE PARK NEXT SUNDAY-SHOULI SIDERS WIN THE FLIP 0F A COIN WILL DI 0F HOLDING THIRD GAME-SUN'S TWOS BALL WRTERS GIVE THEIR INDIVIDUAL% THE GAME. __ ____ Waukegan base ball fans on Sunday et thp South Sf isati ubat was unquetlonAbiy tire most efltbusîagtic gantee elty. it wa te lirt game of ttie c.y serles between the the South Slders The leanlier and grandstand were fill and the overflow filled the field back of fintit and third li seemed to have an e<jual numbar of rooters antd the continuti daafenlng. There waa flot one moment durlng the entire1 irooter waa flot on the qui vive. There are to lbe three games ln the séries. The saco ing to the contract,.wlil ha played on the West Bide dtam, Should the South Siders wln the game will conclude the1 West Siders wln thie place of holding thte third gama wlll1 flip of a coin. An even larger attendance te assured for nt dreds of dollars changed hands as a resui of Sundays game will change hands as s resuit of the sertes. The Sun wshes ta ramain abslutsly non-partisan lnu that reasson iUntwo base bail uriter, W IU eeribe each8 morne iving the South Bide version, and Dan .leuklns theM The followng ha c write upe wlll show ttow tire th Sunday's game: ly, lerley D Emmottit> (ly fDanJ Puiiy t.o0 enthumiatlr. dyatl in 'lite A crowd cf nearl wool fane witnessed the southsida wIn1 fans wltiesud the1 the- initial .tamne cutthe rit%, champion cf lates beteeu th nhip seiet i cCanns pars yester rmsA he MlcC day by- the <clse courir cf 3 tri 2. In- 1 Southt Sîde Sutnday terSe rxeltentent relgnad throughcîtt Southt Sîders wlnnui c!:- entire combat. the fans balng 'aj.t nlug by the- score of ent edite 1w th,, stallar hurllng of Nel- The gante nas e mpyer and Wiltcox and the- fast lItId- frnm tarItonfltisl lug of bot teams. No gainh-e ear 3as able 10 tilt utttil played liera cres-Ird as iuurh excitti Whyta bit tire frst s ment and rivalry as yesterday's af- ers hurled good bal fray. IHorn». cow Iht-ls. Ir. fait an>'- 15 trikeoutsa s-tia tbing te aetae a noise wlth weeausit a pars,. whIle Wilcox by the crowd. whillî et imes the root i of the- West Siders, Irnt- was ternîiir betng heard oser tes-e anmd t-vanounttemorlh site PFans mot. ait am yelled until tht-y vare boarse. AhU st-amti gondi naturati le their root- Us.and-ed ---e parfacthe ordt-riy. The gante lîscîf s-as certaiuiy the- int-st gama that the fans cf Wkti- eau hase est-r bt-nt-nrrestd te, btlig foughl btterilu lb,- fýemît. Alhough the vest aide vers- ilasn 10 defeat, they vere fam front bi-ng tisgrared as th-y tput Up a bard ight. Super- Ion hitiing ant ielt-diug lîîmued the ite et tht- battît- Wlcox hiedtht-bettem af the ares ment on thea hittingeanti. alovID9na on four ie. vhilc- Nie-meyeir s-as tîitVIi- ait up for lght valiopa lutht- matter cf strite culs Niemeyer ht-Id a de- cidedatiavaittage. taustug . Men ta fan the ozone vhie Wilcai structi oui aigh*. Wiirox waited fouîr men vhIla 2Niemeyer walkati eary a man. Neit Sunday tht- hostitties wlli hi- reaurniat st the veat endi parke anti ar.- ather battit- royal lsa asured titi-fins ef Waukegan. Foihevmng Is the- box score: EDITORS NOTE: Tht- butscotre as submttteti by Nr. Emutous sas Ideetical vl>i tha' cf M. lenkins with two exceptions vhirb are as fot- Iowa: Mr. Emmons credits tht- sauti aidetetam i wth aight bite lusteaul cf s.-vin as givan by Mm. Jerfiins; Mr. Emnas gives thet- vtsidtrs but îvo crror inaleati of tour as gisen by Nlr. Jenties. The fact that tae box scores arc s0 uearly Mdentirai matits a relu- litior. cf thete unnecessary. Score by Innings t 2 3 4 5 6 7 u 9- West Side -...0 0 001 0>0)1-2 Souh Side ..0 00 00 101 1 -3I Tvo bs-se bits: King, Goggins, Brontae; three base its, Mitrphy; sac- rifice it, Willilams; stlen hases: Burge. Pastill. Crelghton, Broute, OF'arnell. AlUisrons; double pls-y, Pulse te Lutter to Ahlotnom; struck out. isy Niemeyer, 15; Wllcex, 8; basa ce halle, off Wilcox, 4; yOld ptch Niemeyer, pasee bslis, Vcse 1, 0F'ar- ral. 1. Leoti en bies, vesi ide, 6; acuth id îe, 6. Uarried rnes, est aide 2, south side 2. 'rime of lame, 2 heure 10 minutes. Umapines, Lavnie suti Bartell. Attendance, 3,00. Score of the Came. b>' nnings. F¶stln inlgs: Gogginms truck oui, limai' foulati te OFarne, Pasakillval- ed. Murphy out, W¶lces-te Lutter. South lda,-King fanneti, Pule out, Niemeyer le Pastill, ÂhIstron tanuod. 8 "a dlnning. vasi aide. Creigli- tels poppedt 10Willco. Vose eut, Bron- lie te Lutter, 1100k fatined. Souhs ie-Dean robitetiWhyteofe ,weboe Yaorej frein thi Cornf y .feai. 'REPORT Of LOCAL ____________ ___________________________________Interesting Figures Presentcd, Showing Financial Stand- ME RECEl VER SENDS 16ORDON FRALIEfilI îng of Association. WORD BRIM4E WILL AND L. SCHAEFFER 'NOW HAS 495 MEMBERS. Ir HIAVE TRACKS ON Il ARRESTEDSUNDAY Secretary's Report Shows That ____ Rooms at Y. M. C. A. Are IHE OPNIN orants the Request of City Of - Charged Wîth Attempted Burg- Beinq Used Much. SIDE PARK__ ficials Who Went to Him ! lary at the Home of John \\,,k-j 'ît. __ With the Proposition. i Recktenwald oî- lit esr factivitlt of I OS AS A RE - on, r___uirV l i ltr th,- ear eîtdlng .AYED AT THE WORK STARIS ON MONOAY. HELD IN BONDS 0F $1,000. i k' 8 i t itn at.aî .O.lTHE WEST tT e. St I As o IECIDE PLACE Material WiIl Be on Hand by ,Alleged Attempted Burglary îThe-an ,,rd oî i fi, >rsv,.,t tV,,wt SPECIAL BASE That Times-Work Will Be Took Place Sunday After- tittin subit tNle-oi* Chisintr repor VERSIONS 0F Rushed With al .Speed. lnon in Broad Daylight. sutowîng a rerird et .«inî- of the - A ________Sept__,,tivities carrieti oundtrirg the tseriod Wauaga, -i~,t Va,îhegaii, Sept. 14. caverlng Aug. t,1. li:1 to St-pt. t. 1914 -Mayor .1. F. flîdieger tii morulig Charged witli aitt-npîted burglary antd a inaucial stateinent cuti-ring tht- iide base hall park racelved front WV. O. Jhntisorn, receivepr t so09aukaegan * ttng tîten ware piar samie îteriod. lever played In the of the Chicago and Milwaukee Eter -,l tndar arrpst Sunday nigbt asud thlltmutrep or stlinin tas a co t Wet Sdareandtric Rallroad the foiiowine letter ,lelckad Up le the ( iy ail. This more. .hwuta l'oiileipsil whicb fiii self-explanatorv:,wIg hti 011 , upsll ad te overfiowing, Chics-go. sept. il. 1!>14 îî:i- thay vere gilt-t. a hearlng befora 10 show ir. figures ail te good work bases. Each team lien. J. P. itidinger, VltIce Mtagistratle WaýiIter Taylor and which has bat-n accouîîîlsxlied lvtheit ous in aa lmon Maor r Wukegn. l pn th sugelonasseciation .Tht- heittfuli fnfuence su dn .a amot a>orcfWaukegan. llinois.-,iu of Assistant wbich have radlated loto mnuy cait Wautiagan.e eDyrDaat-.r: tates Attornes E. NI Funyard. vere ni-I5can onty ha faund rev-ordedit, h 17pon consideration of tht- praposi- tOund over to titi- grand Jury In bonds hbaso f hoyo and men. The credil =ed gamts, accord- tiens whicit wera submitted ta mue tif 1,000 each. NeIther wsshet for ail tht-s thtntgs is given to the moudnex Suday andmemersof he e-oraniatin frr-lh hll nd hevgood men and women cf this commun- tondnax Suda romn mers b e von -organioafice n utrc-is ai ,n ttwere locked up ity whose substontiat co-olteration and mrias, but if the committhayv o-udes- t o ice ysrnlthe COUnty lailtelu asait tht- action gifts bas ms-de ibis splendid service ha docldad by the a poor filaneial proposition f rom the <If the Ocober grand jury. Thir possible. taxi Suuo*y. Hue- rniircs-d peint cf view, 10 reconsîdler nimes: The board cf dîreclors berehv lhanlt Our refusai ta trackthe e tnaît-a DN RIAG-1 g 0 the- people fcr their part and trust e. Hundreds more streat bridge.GRO 0 titat througli their continuad co-opera- The- materlai for tht- tractie wilt ha LAWRENCE SIL&AFFAR, ageti 17. mon te mvi<a Possible a larger meaR- the sertes and for on1 tlh grcund M1or<ay and we Wili The consplafini gatnst theun w. ure of l etv and helpfniservice tu ,-completa the work as soon as itossi- igned by John Rpektenwnld. 621 'eaociatieon shecomnti -t smePaay m-bte. t tnhlcotneo West idae tratit i. Very truîy vours, South 1111ca tirett lralaegh s sandlfor the glory of Qed sand breth- we ilters vlt-wed W. 0. JOHNSON, cousIn of Mrs. Reckîeussald. er-hood cf man, wlth its motte: -Ycuth, Itecelser. le m&av han îugt îîta' ecatise 3lanhood, Character. Abiltty.- T his . tter cama 4.9 a rt-suit or tht- v wRaspecrfuliy eubmltted, jemîkings .onfnrence whlcb mamiers of te- m itle was bisgîî,î'.iu s,- wouid eut TIIE EBOARD 0F DIRECTORS rly 3.000 hase bail I Wail.egan uty commission had it alh jrosecuta bite, i tas.- hi- er.- 13. A. Muuon, President. tIrst of ti, serkes Mr. lohnaor, aitd memiters of te, r- taught andi thal titi have.bteulte What Your Investment un a Manheod the two Waikegaun ogaitlatce committet- tn Chicago aun , î-,ou ha slnglted otut ur place-," Building ha9 ieided Flrst Venr. Tltsrsday of Ibis weak. Viplon their i 'ann parti uti t'le e rt-hu lu aukegae mnembers of tfi - <It-ns-AId sald Rept ocf activitla5 conducteti by iy ateroon he -omnjs.lor decine to makean.1 taiikegau Yoîîng Mens Christian As- y ifernotu ite ommisics dellnd 10male au i-appened on Sundat-. I soc-tatiorn. 9Vaukegao, Illitnois. Ail. I ýng Inl ti.- iti i-positive statement aithoîtgh thc Raid.1Aruordiex 10 a it, use,, the alleged I1913 tl ep-t. i. 1,44 thay expactad favorable action.' Tht-s iîased this upon the fat-t that týet rail i1tti-mptad burgiarxl otît place abolit road officiais lhaitiaptîaared to tooc. , li0ottirty cria. k Situda> alti-rioon vlihapitosalupontht- Praîastimun x.iiliRacktauwatd aînd hiu vile sserb vhich wss put tîp ta tht-m. Tht- ils atipînîing the itasebtali gante. Tiret- officiais are eetitled le rucb cri-dit for thair excellant vert. The rairoad 'tittdrer. living lu tht- uiighborhood company as la e r4itle(lta cri-dit for e. ytftd ta bas ing st-tn Fraleigit at- tht-rt- set-ms littit- doîîbt butt titartihe tetî,ing to f#rce open tht- rear acreen placttig af Permtanet tracta upon tht- I oor of the Rer îtenwald home s bih- ttridza at ite present lime a infot a Shigfar stccd on the botbom stap. The- gooti investmer.t for thete.1 Thu-, the ibret- members of 1th îittWrn 1tomade Ibis slatemeut c<uucillwho sisi:ed the raliroad -of1 "ir-e Roiterlt, Lester aud EtizaIt-tr ciaIs. bise aicoit:,Iisbt-ed a ittCom-~ikt missianer Orvs, ha,. iail-d to do I, a- ea, 704 South VI ca street. adcpting differt-ut tartics. The tait Sacismar bus-s saîitt-ey Hati tht- raîlrosd compaus not . trý passing the bouse ou Iheir vas a2rt-ed tao]av tht-tract-. at this limee i - -tht .,îiI came whan the) saw Fra- It vttuid have bei-n ui-ctssary 1talt-ar :, 'itim hairahot.ihl- ulî tht- present t-mPorary tract ana li. adSafra ok hts place tht- brick pav-emant upon tle t- i- th liera Positive lintepir id- bridge vithout any aIrai-t car tracktui i i utai ion tht-rt- This wouid basa causeti an in- Tis Other Attempîs. terruptior. le service thal weuid hase rtt-knalsaih-s-tdnt been fatal durtInt he holiday rush c.t,» tîtougîti 80 muc aou l if for thare I1ý a sny out cf tove pt- togi amc bu ti Ple who wouiti have gona ta other ei- Il-cre hallî not beie two other attampts t-s lo do thein trading rather than to break irto bts bouse during lait [comas hera and bave ta waik seao's"sik. Tht- irst attampt vas made ce tbe bmidge. Il vs-s the fear that such la.- night of Lahor day. At thal time a con-dition wculd davalop Iliat ver- lied local merchants. Nov that thseic(' - rteu swas cultfront the paetry malter bas bean settled oece and for wludow antd the vlndow raised. Hait ail WNanltegwn citizen. cae nov a bllt-of tuflk vas drunk and a ta- breathe a s1gb cf satisfactics.. for the muai-- aasr atten. A part of the ta- issue bas beea n tedauh go long thIs- no ona tnev est vhs-t t oexpact. mata Sas found outeide the window. Il Isnflot lcnovix just boy long il Se far as couiti be foueti nolhing else wiii take te iay the permanent tracks va, Ici-en at îhaî lima. but It ta net tbomgts-l li ii tata long "I ai on, e suspecleti Fraiiegh but for the streal car officila hava prom- iet-al rush tht- malter wtt hall Ps-i1 a-. not tîraiti of hlm and saldit n- sibia apeeti. Once the iracks are Ihine Suit il it at thet ima," Rectiten- dcwnt It s--lit hi a compsratvelv simple vaiti said 'i.ast Wetiuesday night tuattar to ps-va tht- bridge. Tis wvuid nteaieP wsmdtog Io have beau dons long s-go batitht-e tie lcts a ai 0glm street car tractia bat-n lnplace. White nt,, bom but 1ntIhalldriven uaii5 ln it la not kuossu for a ceîtaity il la tht- vintits situes sa tut-y cautd itot believed tht- electrierornd officiala In- b" rais,-.] itgit eeough te permit anN tend ta iay double tracts lu tht- cen- oele l - 1t- Ifcund wbert- tht-t-hath t-r of the bridge. Titi moment tht- tracts are In place cl" th,,e reen ouitmot a hast-ment Win- t'îttraclur SicCugo yull put dovu tht- cinia an t fart to gi-t l.' b.rick pavement as lia was gtvî-n the- Father Warned FralIegh. t-ontracî by Ichr. Wieeler who con- Nir.iisewl says he lalkrd slructed the bridge. ihIrl.g*fab o Stnv <A'tgbt aft, r the arnaats hadti tin CHÀS. STIreN7 hItîay's father. hesanys. uay b,- sas CGordon bafone tht- basetball AGiED RaESIDENT9 game anl filt a sort cf premouition , bat be n be thaconlempiatlug soea utig ndwaruad him 1tahi- cari-fut 1)1 E D UDDENLYtiti-Sacltman chîttiren saw C'harles Stlckuey, Sr., aged 86 yeari- Fratiegb aivi Shaffar i tht- rear o? passed away Salurday merningeat 6:30 tht- Recttenwalti home tht-y tried to ocloct afiar a short Illness. hsviug, locale- 19cm s-t the hall es-me sud tht-n taken i111con Thursday moreing st bis vaiti-ti outil after taegame. Rs-ck- homte At Beach on tht- corner of Beach tnil nomdAssatCifTr aud Sheridan rondi, four miles ucrtb ttsihîfrndAssatCiTr of Waukegan. jhert- ht- bas beau a reI cf tht-malter anti thearreas realdeut for many yt-ar. Mr. StickI-rce matit,- nay vas bore lu the stalle of Naw Yort About tsîî yt-sago Frallegb anti le 1829. kShafar ai- rt-arestedtu hiLaka Bluff Ha ia surviveti by bis vite, M's. Charles Stlckney. Sr., one son, Charles b9- 3tarsbal Peterson asfier lhey hid Sllckeey. Jr.,.andi tva dabtere onea' rokt-u ie oa home. Wrliegh, il vs vbo lasIrs. Carý Corser 01 Beach. aliugi-d at the ime, Bauglit 1ti rsa whe bas livedth iln er Psranis for revolver vhetise ms-Jl sIordereti savea-Iyears. Mn. Sttckney vas the hlm 10 îthrov up bie bauds, le self grantifather cf tan <nandablldren, oe protection tenUWte n h tieceased.thstassire an th Mn. Stickeey tid ooes about the hulaI passee t rougis Wralteg's farm andi vas une ?$ é itisita bis cheat. penatrtlng 0one<of is longs. age almiot # teo lsdah lHe vas tatar', 1tiste hoplal anti vbicb cameh4ktal Theitfle« vie shlm to hrough caraful uurNiko, recovereti. ithe endlibut hewttasyons Haand Shaffar bols voeftfounti guilty nonr realizeti aeytlting around i hm for anti vert- sent te lte Poniac Suste Re- soute Une. .1fraoy 1l'unral ai 2 o'clcck Mnay sfter t mtey noon frons lie homte. lnteiment aIl Lake Moueti cemetery. 1Intiepentient sU-soatib7 35.. SAY DI VER IS ORWILLBIJIN Tht-re set-ms te ha quite ed 3s of e rts-mnty amcng Lake ceuaty att îîeys that Altorneay Clarence Diveri Waukean aither lian beez, or ff s I be 'nanteti circuit Judga vite Jtd4 Chbsrît-s Whiteey, wlio died Un montbs ago. Mn. Diver lia"Ib« nothing definîta and so fan as tues naîther bs-s anybody eIse. Mr. Div la tht- only Waukeggn Demeria tomney vhc bas applted fer the anti basuse Govereon Dumnue Damocrat. perbape ltai le why 4 nays are feeling certain tisai hafa gai tie plmm. Ifno unSusual condaime lare to b. ooveme 10 Elechic li 1 "OM~ $25 We do the work and di- vide thse bill into 24 monthly pityments. The cosi for laurge hoes s pom t- ately low. Let us estimaIs n o m 0Whemo..- Public Service Company of Northern flitj mANtuYAcTURen o r Marbie and Greo csmetery WqulSIet N Correfflnd.oe1.Wê bo)cks piaceti it tht-hôbols. Tha piacleg cf the- Bibles ln the loeat bot-ls fotlowed a camîlaign s-ag- eti in Ihis clty, under the supervision ol Rt-s Cari E. Lundgrt-u. Iastor (if tic Swedlsb Luihi-ran churcb. aided hy tal-e res-nization or tildaens. Er- i-t L. Vogei e? Whetstn, preideet of tht- Illinois State Ulit-on., touX au .i-dise trtaretsin tlit vork in tiIs City. Hi- ouîlitted tht- vorti here andi visîteti Waukegmn st-serail imes dîtring the canîips-gn. The coti cf the placleg c& tht- Bt- bies len t15r ity va" $94.40. The autount te ha ralseti by local subscnlp- tion. Thea antunt atready pis-cedte - yard the- fîtvila $54,91. There ne- mains $35.49 te ha raised. Tht- i- cons elfert-d ta assume that amouet of tht- axpansa but local clurch men sveuld flot Permit Il and insteati ans duii-rmiuadtu t raise eeeugh thens- silses by papular subscripticu te uit-tt tht- deficlt-ucy. The tbanksgiv- ii.g contribution vili aid le ccmpiattng thF subscrtîîtion. Tht- reremonias cf placieg tht- Bi- bits Ir. tht- local botls vas s-ccom- ibbýed with tht- prasence of three Gtteons who are vaît teove for tbeir activiyin uttih e rt cf the society. Tbey vere as folîova: ErnestIL. Vo. gel. PresJeltofethe Illlnotse s-ate Gideons, J. G. Oier of Evanston% andi F. W. Zimmerman of Lombard. Ail ai the Gideons present- are keavu ?rùm onea endi cf the state 10 theacith- e-far tteir efforts cf placlng the Bi- bles lu Ibhe home of the traveling men, the bot-la. The meeting haiti ai the Y. M. C. A. wat vweil attanded. The Gitieons pres- tet gasa short and appropriats ad- dresses. Afler thse exercises the %up- il9 of Bibles, 226 le al, vare placed in automobiles anti the tdistrbution vasd as foliova: Arluetor- hotel, 40 nooms. Wasbburn hôtel, 31 rooma. Boston House, 15 rooms- Edmuud hlti 34 rooms. Schwartz hotel, 21 rooms.. Fox bouse, 16 routes. Shermanu bouse. 25 i-oma. Hteideltberg htel. 10 rooues Y. Ml. CA., 31) rooms. Natal botlt, Northn Chics-go, 4 roomg The piaclng of the Bibles le the lo- cal hales sisnluacordance with lbe tuas t-ut-ithat la haitg fcllovad througbaut the country, by the aâie- claticit. Tht- orgausins-Ilun bs-s pis-ced OS-ar 250,000 Bibles linTUnited Stes an(' Canada vhlcb ie velehi la equl- vaiatut.t1 250 tons cf tbe bocks. Tisey lntend tO eaquip every hbtltil te country anti then vhen that bas been accompllsbed they vihi sasrt over agate. The motte ot the organisation ofe Mlincie la 100,000 Gideon Bibles le thse guest roome et the iôs oset inols. Of thai numben 16,000 bave bern placed. Thora ama300 cocsuseroi traveling me enrelale ntisaIllisl itreocinof lte association. 'Plere a'e 4,000 activv entk telseley la Illinois. Siates Attéruey Ralpb 3J. Dem ha, moe te Nortiera WtaooagiN esi afile> lng tnIp andi erime t agos M al days. )f ?, t 2, cot-e and i xctt1"îg s l Neit uer teaut il titi-fourtit, vitn inîgle. Ilotît pltciî 1Neiîi-î r getting ng 7 tilts anti cot )x structi ouItigit. Il, and iasued fise valtis, hurt-e tePastiti anti ote cach to Gocglmîs andi turge. Nurphy matie thes longeaIt ait te gatie.drivine ouI a Itrie and st-or-cg Pastmli lu the ttiiuth. am'rit- sud Rarteilî.umpires troni theteIter-(lily i.eaeue, <Chics-gît. gave a fair exhibition as arbitrators cf t iti gatie, granîittg tnofasors ta iitter The st-tond gante of tut-st-ries silI lie piaytet.ontht- West Sida uettSun- da.. The-gamne by innings: Firal -W\aulttgan City -Ucgîna strîîct onm. Dean it a pap up lu fronit of tht- platey, OFarreil geltine the put-outt astili walked. Murphy groifideti out tb Wilcox. Wattegan -Wý. EKitg fatned- Net- mayer tîtrea-out Pulst- anti AhIstrote Inuit thet itrd sIrike. St-cced -aukegamt CiIy-Crtightcu pappedt 10WlIcox. Brunte tres--out Sasý.-lHooki faîtuet. South Side-Whyte ined eut te left Dt-an it aklng a grand catchi. Bronke struckti0. Williams s-enutatt.Net- ltli>-9 t-rluPastili. Tiiird-West Siht- Hurge waiketi sud vas forci-t at st-coud on Nelmey- ara bîuit. Ol-arrehl ta Itrotîke. Wilrex waiki-ti îoggins.iDeatt popiedt 10Ahi- stroîi. Pa-kuli groonde-tdîot to Luti ter. Slit Sile- Lut ltr fatint-ti OCar- ni-hiNsa.,safait t rsI uit NiLrpiy*s bad Ibros ai stote -coud sîîfehy, Vses tbrav belng hîîgliî 'ilcis. abilteI. A passaitbail pîît <Varrcl oit lird W. King grountuit oui. Ilookt li Paskiihý Feurtb -West Slde-Nluriihy sou eslIed out on strikas. Creigliîîo strurti out anti Yosealied le Williams. Sauth Sdi-Pîtle groundeti oni, Burge te PastlI. Ahîstrote struct eut. Whyte matie the firat it of the gamne vith a rît-an sinlet to right. Btook thraw cut BrineeOnt- bit.No rns. Flfth-Weat Sia-Hok grunudeti oul, Wtlcox 10 Lutter. Surgi- ingleti tbreugh sbort anti stole second. Net- mayen fled out te Williams. icegine' doubla te igtt coustd Sure- vth the- irst rnefethlie ganseDean vas os-li- eti oui on strit... Tvo bii..Onean. Southi Bido-Neyen tannati WII- Haa,. Lutter astiOTarral n succes- sion. SLth-Wset Bde-,PaskM gel hie econd vMÀk andtiaoi. second. OFsr- rohi gel MUphy'. foui. Creigisne it Inta a double pis-y, Pulse 10 Lutter te Ahlelrotm. Southi ide--Wiicoe mIci out. Dean 1 flepm4t î »-Mod by 35mon0.1 Tîîatmeiîrshp urugyear ilS. Fi-sIaid--$2 '890. 65. Bads iu sleeping rooms-29. Runts paiti $2778.4ii Bada atrupled biy transit-ut guet- 753 timeis. Beds occuptt-d by yotiig men remain- Ire for a iseriod uf more than oua veat, 4,304 limes by 81 different Yountg men. Young men dlracîed tu good rmotos in private homes-tii. Sucs-ar batits uaed 11,47t; tintes. le addîidn tu the large eumber i- joyiug tht- use of tht- swimmin.g tani, 111 boys 'and ycuug men wara taught t,î gvim. Attendanca at g-i-mnasiu.m classes asida frpm indivîduai vomIs Boys,-ulsf. classes, aitendanca 42,19. MIen, 208 clastes, atteudance .19. Total 7,929. GYM t-quiPmeet not instaiied outil March 25*2h, 1914, tht- ifî of tht- tam- lIY cf Heu. Ueo. i-. L.Non, deceaspd, ('oit, $1,610 Studant enrott-d in t-ductala classes-34. Silus-tior-,, aectire-13. Uomplim,-utary soc-tal gatharîng., heid, pu6lt,- lit-led-25. Numbu-r of paid entertainments-3-. In addition ta the aboya the Y. M1. C. A. bîuilding haesbt-en usad for com- munity ertcrp)rises, publie veifaro meetings, conferancas, banquets, club meetings. churcb benelitsi, ;thletic leagues, orchestra rahearBals vaell, ledutris-l e-'.blbit. etc. etc. lti-svetfully subittatu, EDIWIN R. (SOBRECHT, Ganeral Secretary. FînancialSMaternent. f1t'IL[>INU 1"UND. 'ia blitit-, To îîtt;aitl totra. 15, etc.. $ 8,21,14 To toa t it;I ler cent .... 1,000 t t, Tîttal indbhi-dness 3215 14 ilts(ý goot uies <*a-h inhaut, Se-pt. i Tt ai i o rii $2,92r) on 52 91 iV!9i:;C- $3,112 27 20t10t2 87 $231.215 14 Generat Fuisd. Srt-atit cia rt-port for year, Aug. 1,- 191:: ut 1,1914. Rlt-s-it 9lciiterahilu fees .... .89>1 cj ... Raout r-nts ........2,779 40> Prom gîter mourras. baths. classes. lot-kera. ieuc .. .4-.9 47 Tuiliraceipîs 3,1.8... tIibirs t-ceu Tît aduinistraýticneexhense, .$.1,7,16 :16; Ta roomm expeae........... 921 : 11 T) ail other expanse . .... ,187 44 Total disbursements .... $7,845 il Liabilities. ACCOunl5 pays-bit-...............92 41 Assets: Accouts naceivabl ...$ 484 35 Cash in haut. Sept. 1 1914 303 41 Ca-shmin oband............10 O0 Tetal auset . ...........$9 797 96 Dfilcit general fundt ....$ 518465 $1.382 41 Note: Witbeui question the gt-ter- s-i fond vonlis-av.esovn aIblea- £mallslance anti, ail bis ps-Id. t? the building fdit1ieô Otitihve been an. tley tdte aMca Ot. Tieseecurfng oftoaboanlttios fer thea Building <tint hUstieffth ie - ocuring of sus- sttIg Ntoebas-im terthe i<oseral or operatin'< *m. itespmcttuly esmeit. U. J. YÀXR. Treasurer. (CStinumti on page eight) <centitueti en Pago Eghl) émwýýý ý«miý FALLS DOWN STAIRS- i--ffU~~ RECEIVES INJURIES.T R SO FP % - %I 1.,ri- ilN ti ijWrQ îin 1 TIIEN WALKS IN»I' 1 onet1 :.wfîîi, ijit-u anz irrT ha: (0ndý Ior ofhvr REVOLVIN6 BL1M -t e:- rus,.,abir u t h.- t, ti T ht Man Employed at Hardwý a ienl ri aIoi -,:ý1 1Il ý Foundry Company at North~ nif tn rz r- Fr,-n l a Iti tf1If-t hir Chicago Is Badly Hurt. dartl î . tî iii-ed tir,, ste, îrtd fell. '-)f 1;1-t - t1il nt , îtard 'THREE RIBS FRACTURED* l r falland Ih- î,eîito, h. r assis- s n h n s hîtrtei'.Watchman Heard Cries of Vie- tim and Humred to Hia As-.ýl BIBL S PL CEDsistance--n Hospital. Ihart.-,,Nlelt.a,40 yeaes old. wsd LOCAL IOTELS I. r ,vriously injured 1'"ly nisM IN LOCALHOTEL a lt-n oe(Itqîwben bis body *wa ianhîalu a saM ctting cii ahî .bwas operatleg ai h b BY THE GIlDEurtS (igo larIwarp one fmal Im*essive Ceremonies Pre- The iacin,- wbi-h Melka was op cedethe nstalatin 0fthe rating grinda pthe- aand Pilerma~e cedethe nstalatin ofthe iel, u t raui haused for modd Bibles Sunday P. M. purlsosis. As nearly as esa bb. which operates bis machine aut~ 226 ROOMS ARE EQUIPPED. bt-fora the wheats had camasad ii _______ ri lie wallted Int the bladaes of I]O rpctan soi. Had the poeriesn Ill 1al i cd olrbv e Prominent Members of Organi- tl adhsbywodev 4 ground to a pulp. As il wS& tis i* zation Assist in the Distri- fereece of hie body C&used the uhusi, bution of Books. to SttI) before lita body ahd beau 8.11 ta places. His crias attraciad the Vatcituài Waukegan, Sept. 14. and Dr. Budde cfeNorth Chioage W« The- "spreadlng of the- gospe- <o 8su11mi-il. Ra bond the,na. tl hoteis of the City was affectad l fering of severe injuries *84 ai - 1-hc rtY unay ftenon wth m.caused an ambulance to b s zqMM* thi ciy Sndy alaroo wlh li-e<I. Thte Injurad mlila vag remov"di Preasîve ceremonea5unfer teauspi- the jane MCA i sp oitlai tsi t ces of the Cbrlttian Commercial Tray- Cottvad and Hart amnbulatce ?w efer* asocatin o Amric, lownil waebond ha hart eustai.etY amarhe assdoitol ?Aa clronfractured ri bisand a deep gars of Ji* as ht-"fideos."Every room in ev- right leg. ery hotal ln the- two cîties cf Waulte- Dr. lludde today daclarsd tise Maaw atan and North Chicago, contaies one condition was rallier nrlous. n.ea of the bocks today. The distribution lt could not ha detersnlned ai 8h1U -whether or neot lm, " MI Of the Bibles. followed short exer3ard er hal inJurias but t1leiiht18hoa= beld ai the Y. M1. C. A. Surnay attar- bis lunge hail beaespenctured by Jx1 noce, lu ali there were 226 cf the broken rnb..

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