Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Sep 1914, p. 2

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LARE OÔrNTY The Store of Good Taste As Old Sol's rays increase with height Growi; also manklnd's appetite, S Until at twelve lie takes him fliglit 1QA[ To the place where dinner is in sight FRESH FRUITS Peaches Plùms Concord (irapes Malaga Grapem Canteloupe Pearà Apple$ Oranges Bananas Etc. TRGGs &T ÂYLOR Meat* and Grocories ~Real *Values, iIN SWEATERS * No înan's ward- robe in complete *without a sweater o t is jthe handiest *ail &round gar- . *ment yet for mans *wear for it meets *every demand ofe comfort, light, yet *warmer than a coat end if it be a good one it neyer 0 bothers by gettlng out of shape. We bave an ex- Sceptionaily fine lise of sweaters for mon and boys 0 e*inclading ail of the popular shades and weaves We* * an fit you with the best that is made and style. Is Ia matter- of your personal tante. Your choice of Bysan collar, shawl coller or ruffneck. Boys ize et $1.00 and $1,50 Mens from 81.00 0 t1 $5.50. O W. also have a full lime of Mackinaws in plaide and plain colore. They malte a noby cold weather garmont. (Ocod work coatsaiat $8.00 & $4.00. Dress coatsi from $5.00 tb 89.00. J.B.Morse &Co.I Eveything for Men UURMTYVDJZ ni- 6 FPh.e14 JFYOU mntend to feed for profit better buy your suppies early. e E See Librtville Lumber Company .. 6vou tiadepot. Plions47 Ses Nmar»2Vest E. à%. SISHOP, Manage .CI6 ertyvi/le Yiems- ~'~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~c.-~x xxxxx Ta ineure publication in thes Indepen- dent. copy muet h. e i.eoffice no lai., thon Tuesdal of each week. Adver-1 lisers. especlelly are@aked tota teq particular notce tf0 iIs effect. (Additioal Loala Neys an Page 4) Mise Mande Pair of Chcago, cas a vietor Tuesde>'. Miss Elizabeth (Jeglierdi le ver>' ferilil) i t her home. B. W. Boye@ of Kenosha, sipent Sun. day here wilh hie parente. Wm. LaycockIsl conllned tu bis home wiuh a severe tbroat trouble. Mise Helen Casle> bai taken Up a course In teachlng et Valparaiâsu, md. Id. R. Millet la baving a cement Iwalk laid on hie propert>' on Couk avenue. Mises Grave Smith is having a garage bult on ber propert>' un Cook avenue. Mise FinIe>' Shaler of Morocco, mnd. le a guet of Mir@. J. T. Itoberteon and lent- il>'. tirs. A. Kl. Andrews in entert.elning ber motter, Mr@. Rudolph of Iivsplaînes, thie week. Mirs. James Laycock and infant sou n. uuu wii ,,si- s, nîvr,ý inse. Alice Pries and Saugbter, idre. W. S. Mtain were Lake Forest visitore Sanda>'. A Noveli>' Dancing Part>' et Hertels Park Payîlion, iait Day, Saturde>', 6ept. 26 tire. Tuett ci Weukegan, was the guel of tirs. W. %%alroud lait week rilurada>'. J. W. E. Rodgers uf Mendotà, MI., was lb. guemb of Jas. L. Swau and ieu.îly o ver iunda>'. Rlobert bond lbas goneta uTerry, lion- lana. ta vimit witb blim brother Lyle fur several deeke. hi r. anSdlire. Daniel 1,cr are Ibis week visîlîng àdrs. Lessier, Mti. Jantset liaven»Woud. The i'resliyterian Ladies' Aid yl bolS a baker>' sais et Paul Ray'a, Saturday, Sept. 2es, et 2:30. Blarr.y Gotti went tuli vaston Mon- day ta commeLàw bis lortternu in Northweeteru Acadent>. LUllareJustetutTueedey for Cier, lad., chers .be bas talio n p bis tiret year'ei courses t Cuiter Avaeent>. "The Million Dollar Mys§ter>" ever>' Thureda>' at 1h. L>ric Theatre. Dont miesa section. AdiieiolO1c tuaail. Ire. ileideman of Elmhuret, lise heen viaatog aibe home o! Paul il. lia>' end ailier relatives lu ibis vicinit>' thie cash. rrmt Smith loft lant Saturda>' mors. lng ta baake up àaconres ieletrical engineering aetche University oaI llinoi. lit, anS lre. Le. Witney nad mon reborneS ltse latter pans o!fhlast eek irucs Rochester, lad., chere Ibe>' vialfeS viit friende. Mm..WIII Docker sudhLisleSaughtet Wbi Manda>' fot Plerna, Montana, fat s couple af ceelis vieit: dih bar patn. a« latherinla plur heWtb. Geqrgs Grebbe bas moreS hle lamil>' t8. Aàre ta lbeJ. W. Murve>'hans.on 8bath Park avenue, lit. Orabbe le matarmen on lte elsctri lin.. Oeorge Banier sud daugittere, Misses Miar"bsand Bliashetit asdlire. Rumpbry oi Waoconda, visiteS Tueida>' ette homte ai Mn. and lire. Joun Deluluin. The tiret section of 1h', al se«rial star> '"The ilion lDollar hiystery'," yl leabw eav t the Ly ric Theatre Thureday evenlng, Oct. 1. VinIt show et 6:80.b Admission 10v to ail. A ig drive @liafiln one of the depa't mentea 0 the Foulde Millng Ca. factor>'P vas braie» Tuesda>' anS a number o! emplaps e esout of vanor until Thora. day marnlng, witen lire ehaft hadl been repaired. f Beginnlng with Sunde>', Oct. 4th, tel local drug stores will bu celoseS on Bun.e days except durimtg the houre of 8 and 101 la the morning. The closlng o! the SrugE stores on Sunday wyul bu for-lte dater niheoui>'. The two greabli eriaal pîvînrue are belng sitovu et the Lyric Tbestre-"The Trey ' O' earle ever>' Tueda>, "TIhe Million Dllar Nfymtery" every' Thurada>'.t Firsi untertainmeni starte t 6:80 each evenlnu. Adis.sionl10vtoalal. C. 8. Boag and wife and Eldon Clark and wile returned lest FriSa>' front a f wo veeke vacation ab hladge, Wie.1 The>' repart having a fine lime anS broughl horne a string M !large iieh eli1 wbicl t te>' reruemnbered tiroir friendo.à Mi@& Hazel V. Eeetctn of Downere Grove, a former î,upil of Dvorak aud ab present a student at Cuîunock écbaol oft Oralor>'. Evanston, wyul give a reading lit the M. E. churcb Frida>' evening,, Oct. 2nd. Sbbc vii bu assisteS b>'morne of the bet local talent. C. D. Courier. and asitant in the engineering drlartment of the C. & M. Electrlc railroad at illgbe-ood, bas ovrteS istil>' to that plae. BHis new homne tere hag be furniehed cour. pletefy b>' the fRay Furutture & PaintÉ stors Ibis wei Mi@s Bessie Bond, wbo bas bren spend.1 lng the past two monthm in thueWet. arriveS home Tuesday ovening of 'ie wsek. Un ber vetum trip chu made e viil wlth 1Dr. anS tMre. B. A. Poormen i Kensas, lMo.lire. Poorman wM lieb btter reniembered bere as Miss Jewel Stafford. Bishop Toil ciii viil St. iawrences@ cburcb next Sunde>' morning et 10:80 o'cloci, et vhîch lime te will dedicate she nec memîrialwindow. Thiabeauli- lui wiudow bas bueen plecei over te altar aamenorlal ta Ihe lai. Samtuel and Annia Connei l hy their Saughter Mabul. Visiiora are cordiali>' wslconte ta the. service. The officere of Antîci Club bave elleS si meeting afite offilcera anS directors for FriSe>' night The meeting will bu iteld in teWells Pargo & Co. express office. Thes purpose of ltse meeting le la disco«si te malter of s public hall wherela the clnub shall bolS lie partiesthis sean. As lte manager. ai the Auditorium have Scelared that irm hall @bal la c loseS Ibis season an accouait of the higit license imposeS on the Auditorium b>' tbe village, the clubnll ii h.farceS ta chenge aven ta sorns alher bail. NOTICE TO CITY WATER CON- SUMERS lluglnnlng tada>' (PriSa>') and for a perlaS ai &booiut MSas a ater viii h supplieS ami>' hetween ltselianre oi 6*0o S a. mn., il toi12a. m.. and 5 to 7p. m. This le mads necessar>' ecause af cari- mnu elng sud repadinng the Interlor of te cafertafli. Iunees of!lir. or viten the lire chislle l esounded. consumer@ are requested ta, close sud isep cl"eed aIl ater fancets or openings. el, B>' order of Commîttue. TII Cauie Square Entertaiere aette Notice ta ail Stockholders of the Lyric Theatre Tuenda>' eveoing at m Sheldon University' Pres o'clock. General admiission 35e. A . ilil two bours entertalument. Do -uleture. Owing to the firet number of the1 entertainment course a$ the Lyrit Tneatre, the "Trey 0' Hearte" wili Wb, ehown on Monday night nuit weekj loeteed of Tunday. John Ilulard anti daugbter Doriq of Keoridian, Mine., and 0. 0. Rlch and faily spd Aribur Rlcb sud family of (iralke, Vil:e thair sont, Mir@, C. M. Foiler and famuly oday. The Ladies' Aid eoclety ol the Preeby- terlas cburch viibave an ail day meeting in the parlors of the cburch un Thnrsday Oct, 1. commiueilg at 9 O'clock. Pieute lunchsa oanu. Tuesday moran o lbert Wrght, Wesîon Waldo ad Han Oendort weuî *0o Beloit ,Wln., t0 alteud she college t be.'RbaertWrght will comusosléhie SbIWston WaW léhevscnd and Barry Olecdori hie OrsItem. Insurace ansanAutomobls le a ood brutmsmt. ?M%"$ lY'lsfagalast QO, edamsged saS h@M Sa se ue Omaend. "0,, : -Tb@ Kalee ChaIleag', the German ,armila seat" usas. of vafar Jbtinror William cobua dime*Uagthe ~laIâ l*sgof bâet oape té lb[Lyrse ,ne%" eda " **ba spt.30 You are berehy nnýtitled that there viii be a meeting ut the stockholders of the gheldun IUiversity Pru. at the office of sala catnpany iver lte building knowo as the Triggo building on Baturday, t)ctober 1Oîb, 19114, as lte hour of 10 o'cloek in the forenoun of @aad day. And your tire notlfied that at such meeting a proposition wii la takeD up to change lte principal office of selS Couipany fr(>m Libertyvllle ta Ares. 8holdon Univereity Prees. A. F. RUULDoN, Preeldent. ANA',tiSHELIPOS, $ecretarY. 51 C Boy are your test? Are 1h.>' are, tried end steaty? EOsve iller got a long distance enieil? Il su remember Barker'a AntimeeluwliI cur this ironhle Fer sale hy F. B. LOVeli Co. CHAS. D. PROCTOR, FIRETORNADO, L1F PIIoNR 14 M TO NE SECOND 'I BOND MSSE 0F $181m LibertyvIlle people are veiîy ucuel Intereeted ln the affaire of lthe Meredith Ployer & Vegletable Company'. Fur s long time, 1* appeared &ist the company wua an anS could undoubted. 1>' go loto bankruptclr. Coder the management ai a comlittese appointeS hy the. stackholders, a plan bai beeu evalved vhereby the prospecta for the compa>".succSe are ver>' brlght. It wll la remembered thast the canm- pany Contracted] bille lunttie nelghhor. bond of $48,000 for the building or a plant ait Union Grave, Wl.., and dis covered titat it Wise vithout enifivient fonde ta meet theue obligations prompt. 1>'. The pressnt plane for fnndlng th. Companh'» indehtedneee are as followe: The Wisconeiu etockiiolders, wboss moue>' wa@ ta lie used for the Union Grove plant, are to turn lu their stock amaunting tua$15.570 lu par value. and recsslve in reluruth terefor $10,000 ln bondsé, belng the tiret lien on the' plant et Lihertyville. Theou are tu lie turned over 10 lite Lord Burnham Ca. who huit the contract for the construction work on lthe Union Orove plant. tiieret> applying the Wisconein mone>' ta the purpose for wblcb It.wae subseribed. An Investigation of the company'e books leade Wth ie belief that the sucréao $10,000 le neceseréar>' to take care of their prenent outstanding l.debtediness and leave something for a working capital. Tberelâre. a second bondiiossu will bave to l'e made, and lthe bond@ taken b>' the stiocholdere. Hlowever, thesse bonde ebonuld lie a ver>' good invesîment beaupe iiia provision that the surplus earninge uf the ompen>' are ta be divided sîjual>' between the tiret and second bondes en as ta reSsent the sume at an eerly date. (ireenitouse experience te authorit>' for the following .etimete au ta earning capacit>' and proitetolthe averege greenitouseé. Ezperience shows thaI lthe sumoe siould earn apprîîzlmetely grne 38 cents atsquare foot, Tte Libewrtyvlls plant bas upwerdm of l50,000 squareý feet. Theretoie the gross arninge aboulé] be upwards of81.00.Experte wbo bave examined the plant as now runniug estimaIs chat properi! limndIed the plants noa growxng s-hould produce for the companty between #22,000> anS $25,000. The exîteemalter, ntw tiat shers, le no uînstruction, ebhouid bu witbin $1,000 a montbs. For thte pa.rt few months it basé beeun much les». If yuli bave 10 lie grealur lu trenserring the bedding stock to the greenitumse and furnidbiing fuel for witler. However, of the tincorne fron thie preeent growing plants. if in eetimaled thata eas oue re-titird abonitlie profit. This wonld mais a large bite in the 1bond issue. ureenhousem bave almost runiformi> been prouvperons, and if ever>'- 1boSdy follows a constructive polir>' and .dous their part îowards financiDg the iCompany' in ifsproetai ned. the reenie Dshonla be very satiafacior>'. htin coniemplated chat tse bonds will mun not ta exceed 10 years anS bear 7 1per cent, making an attractive inveet. ament. However, the intereit o! the BCompany wilI leaS ta tirrearly pay-. ament en ltat the bonde aboutit be oni> à temnpcrary malter and mare ln the nature oi short lime notes. The election af Oct. 8rd wcli undoubted. fi leasdta the installation of ns.v offleers anS dtuîreto anS ili place tu cao irai thoasu b vhonthe etocibaldere wll have unilmitel confidence. le. 'Sonie are born greàt, moîne aehieve greatness, and others lhave greatness thrust upon thiem." This wýorks the' same way with a BANK BOOK Soine are born with a bank book, soine aehieve a bank book and others have a bank book, thrust upon them. 'Not many of us are fortunate enough to be bora- with a bank book. Many of us spend gIl the days of our 1 i f e wait- iug for a-bank book to be thrust upon us and - get 1Ieft. " S iippose you get busy and achieve a bank book. lt's the only Pure way of getting one'. Start 14OW and bring your savings. to Lake County National Bank Capital. 5urplus and Profita, -$ 100,000.00 Total ReuourcneM 70000 Why Not "CoaI=up?" The Ml. L. s A. V JIBLF Al orders foricoal booked now will be dolivered at present low prices. As cold waather sots in, priceu are bound to Ro up. Burning the candie at both enîds dovsîî t 'îî:ake hoth en&s meet." A httter way im to hotu uour reliable. high-grade coal., It produces the' grpateet amotint of h.'at with the' sînallest atîotîtt of's. Il (In' wintertinw you mueet Lave hest. So why Dot buy chen it is clessp? h~ome tomber (empany Or LIBETVIL Phone 50 CHOICE IROCERIES, MEÂ&TS, VEGETÂBLES AND FRUITS. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Sphone 30. Il I r ColonialRunud Rag*Jsrpet Weaelugl sa fsucy ceaves. lire J. A. Grave, Telephone 140. 1.Lihrtyvîlle. c-m t! I AE$5 TO $10 ,ALL IA Velvet. &uvae. Velousmd l'urs; 3son* Dt sw ClserSap; .IBXeTYVILLE, ILL. THE COST ('F cake materials is higlier than ever. IEve;y wo>- Jman hnowa that, aud no does the itasband wita gela the bill. Tbat's vby more sensible vomun titan even bny their cakes, pas- try, bread aud alter titinge fram titis bakery. lt's titeaper au no botter. Prives renlain lte saine. Outritigit îuali jne Uvn c LIBIERTYVILLE BAKER.Y FIEm JOCHEEEPro>. Theodoi SEC ABST bervice rrs- Thre rO HAVI tate's P Busy S Grant Thte lilt hcber teu ade pui log been c ke bas be. brue mem watkegan. Wrans shoi reun t>. The Oe It g expec >»w Stal levlngfoi ead> for t ave been are Followin S. C. Ji 1ev. WIIki Me,. A. Ref Chas. SSIs 36 Wells m.Ertie Bon #A"i. Ode a" l . F th'ria ý» if QUALJTY Counts. If QUA LITY in groceries tîteans anything to you, you'il surely be pleased with the lines we handie. The' items we mention here are typical, the best of their kind. OoId. Medal Flour, IiolIand Creamery Butter, Creamlo I3itterine. Natiouàl Cookies9 and- Crackers Nat>oondibaents àan dfftlcacesWhlte Bear and ~~~i -S. uateffa a Cfte These QUALITY kinda colt no more than unknowiî -~ brands, and we guarantee jon satiotaction. W.W. CA RR OLL & SONS COMPANVY hTWO. 1914. ý opout ý5unday with friende in walworth,

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