WE AMM TO, SATISFY T RIK little courtesies that we extend to our customer9' win friends. W,. started in the grocery and ineat business determined to give SÂTîSFA'l ION. We have proved that satisfaction goes baud in hand with Succuss. We can satisfy you. We are eepecally proud of one tbïng-our prompt deliveries. We fil orders, large and amail, quickly. The Model Cash Grocery& Market Hl. L. SCOTT, Prop. Phonel307J Libertyv:il. I111 AUTO DELIVERY INSURESROMPT SERVICE3 A.W.LI I)OIIMA MILLINIRY & DRY1 GOODS r W. baeafn a .ortruent 01 New. FalHat. in the very lte.! styl.,Cat aall 'smd."the..a pncits Rglt ilILII~P-Y OtIP SI>ICIAI i1-Y DUY (,OO. st > \1) î A lT I< ) I>tItrs ILLINOIS g; .'t a 1,litat ii ltyviii ar JLake 1liaff-tv. ai fChictaago'o trtot pleasaut sut- burlis. .1tatt t iai t to thet' y~, goatu air, giioti light., gooal catar, gulsalools. t &aatiti ii arsat ratdie rmaai state at cr'arla.tartua. our liequinles i ii tic fisen Ourr lia-t atten-Itiotn. 'our ;patrornage as rIai t tîa li tlliittai. Durand'& Durand Phone No. 2LsbeKy.aile Theodore H. Durit. Presidett W. B. Smith,. Vice President. F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager Hon. DeWltL. Jones, Gen. Counel TELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $1 25,000.00 WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS ýervice Secured Upon Ail Ju - rrs-List Includes OnIy Three Waukegan Men. >0 HAVE A BUSY SESSION. tate's Attorney Dady Has a Busy Session Outined for Grand Jury This Term. The lst of the grand Jury for tht betober terna o? cotat bas luit been iase public. each o? tht Jurors hav' lg heen notîfied bhi'tht sheiff that We ha, been dracu to ionr-. Only bre members of tht mc Yace f om :sakegan. A glance at tht llst o? lurons showsa soinstof tht hest kuowu &M4 mot esponstlle mon lu Lake i'oun t>. Tht October term ut tht grand Jury. Il lg expecteal. vll he ather a huai' ýpe' Slate's Attorney Daaly befare teaving for the abrth couds "pent scme litîe time lu gtttung is cases roaI' foc tht jury. fume o? tht caseà ýbave been hefoce the public tyt be- %ore Followlng is a it a? the grand mc.- S. C. James............. Benion ,Gec. Wilkinson .............Boton ou,. A. Reeves ............. Newport ,Ciras. SSbley .............. Antioch Mû Wells ..................aktOch Vin. nîst ............ .....Grant P . Sb-a ............. Avon Bonner ...............Warren to Clarlson ............Waukgan ~hsOdenbneid ........Wankegan ]xB ade............ Waakegan P.Ring ............ Shields !Viu~.Gos .............Shelds rsr ~ af, ......... lbetyville for baq'aga- T VOae a P S.Itauleis t' H Joltaîsonî lial Ausili . ... .. A. E barsont J. il. 'tmaedga- M. Doalea . C. S. AIshuler George Pritchard ....... remonl ........ auconda .... . . . . .Cuba .l. . . . . . .Ela . ... ... Vernon WDeerfielal . .... .Deerfielal ..Deerlietl fiîr Or tober terni .......Warren .- .,Lake Villa .......Beutun ....Lrbertyvllle ..Fremont .... entou .....Fremont ...... Wauconda .....Waukegan Waukegan MR. STEILE WAS RICIIEST MAN IN CITY 0f WAUKE(iAN (Continued Fcom Page Ont.) cmitre J. W. taraveli uow bas a beau- Ifl? nIplace, t the heaal O? Uica streel. The Fojambe ?amuitylilveal there for yeacs aler Mr. Steele moyea l m bie new cealdeuce anal ter Mr. Bawetl lurchaseal te lcoaety analincSe han uhatalIl as hie hume until lire built hl% summer home near Beach t atilon noctia o? theaicil! Hid Extensive Pruperty. Sic. Staîsie bail exteusivat aopeirte in Waukegarr. lesIdes hIrasfint' resl- dence, lhe atavta lte Frst National Bank biuildintgte bg brack building of lhree stories juot aet <i ltre bank, un tht corner o? Genesee anal Wash- ington lareti:tht fiat aanmenl aI the Nothwi-st corner o? Shreridan road anal (ory avenue, a biai? bloc. o? valuahia' iots ou Cory avenue' he twetn Stea'ia Court anal Cory, a large tract ai the corner o? Northr avenue anal Gillette. Tht Setît rormecît- ocutalailtti' land ilu the district uowc centeceal about Steele Court. The coudt cai put in aud Ihen liter tht fine roc of humes aecpeecteal on what formecli wat, a part of the olal SLaele home- stead. As a reanit of a foer-losure madle several yoars afo. %Ir. SLeete lias tille lu tht olal Sovecîgn u lulrlatiing vorks, on Waten street ntsctha -'J* tractata Ho' aleo us-ns acrealie ai rost fron tlie Waall cesîalaenrtan north Shieridan Rtond a mlle nortît(f aitWiktgau. Itesiales these ia.t if froierty meutioneal. M. Sicýei'o-nne man * biounes anal lotsitn a ataus pacts. (if the cît> aud aiste ,iai bit.iotaar:t holdings In Chliciago. ruve Car Thucidait. Iflmlitrecaîleal todat ha tfrienals et %Ir. Steete taI lac cas seau drlatng bis auto Tharsilas morulng anal bit daetirfoIliota ad aunie iaýtecnoon. Vllh bis drver, lie %cclii out for lits mernu Ibl;ride anal as heciîad doue frequeul- ]y o? late, he exîtresseal a deaire to lit ai the asiaca t hinsel?. anal. toc an litat cormrt-a' ti'ilrote rt0 vaieus piirts o? the cti, iooklng ai somne <. ita, holdings lu tarant lotit ana lim proved lroîetnles. Wocked Hard for Ciaurch. NiIr 7tý'eleconnecustions wlth Christ Fpis-olial chunctu. of cblchlite cas Senior Waralen. next higîrast othcer lu Ih ha-a atccla ext t )t1he'n'ytoc. dateal frein thte tinia' lia'%cas a yvulg man. lie latd altaaas lepen a-itentise anal reg- ula.tnt is. altendance aithtiaiservices. ha- cas aIea ouI u in,,iscorahiplie utas arireciaite o? the efforts made hy others 10 utake tht service effective. .Mr. Steeeieiad alavays serted un tht- vebtri sinre neanhang matuiti arti ut the death o? Fred Bairstow cas made Senior Iarden., hasang been Juntor Wanalen pretulouly. Heiped Buitd Parish Houle. Mc. Steele anal is mother art the ores chu made possihie tht heautitul Partit Hanse abach la sncb an impor- tant adjunct bu tht Episcopal cbucch u? the city. Tboy conihuteal sorme- thing like $20.000 lucard the building, being waviing et thetiLme chien tector Toit launcheal the iplans, 10 erect If ail themseives.Ilfowavtr. it'as fet it aoutl ho better 10 bave thers join lu the mattement bence they aece alloaveal lucontrîbute te abute sum ad othens assisteal lu this project chichi pruvrald ortinc a flue social cen- ttc foc thtea-bote city as aveli astht churccî. wankegau. sept. 18, W'itb tht exception uf thetlwo Stee children. Chares anal Bertha, the Ilm- modiate membeca o? the Steste family, Paut Sitz ..,.............. Shields one Cof taeit, uaucnd Onu orna.uwai.n Abert Trost .......... ý. .Waukegan tht cty. are remnoveal by tht banal of Ed. Bobytan :7-..........Shieils deatb, andl, singutarli'. the thcee beads Edavard illt...............Shields, of the famiti' bave passed awai' citb. George Lýange........... Wanîegau lu a vecy short ime of each other as Win. H. Moyens............ ..ernn eue con sidens tume now-a-days. J. J. Range................ Fromout Nirs. Martha, Steolo. mother of et Heucy Deacon ........... Waakegan .ou Steele. allea an August, 1912. Facule Davis........... Libertyvîlie Mca. Neson Steele dital lu Novem. John Hale................. Shieldls ber. 1912. A. J. Joeel ............. Waukegan Mc . tteealed Sept. 17tb. 1914. James O'Shoa........... Waukegan DEATHS HA'S(, BEEN SUDDEN August Froetichi............... Ela Il s ingular but tatp that, lu tht Lottis Slumachtn .............. Ela nase of Mir. Nelson Steele anal that o? Fred Gremîmi .... .............. Ela has moîher, Mrs. Margaret Steele, anal Fned Wtters.. ý.......... Waukegan bis fatiter Charles Steele, each ont Chartes Lytle................- Cuba died vers' tudaleni>'. R. E. Daîziel .........Cbpa Chartes Steele tual heen iu vertu t'. . Randait!................ Cuba good heath. tht eveuiug leore hie Ben Krlstan............. Wankegau ditali e aent ont lu a aluner aittu George Quentin .......... Lîbetyvîlle frIendst lu tIre mornlug te slept labe John Hart.................. .. Avon anal. as hie cas getting up, hoeaas M. M. Burkte............... Antioch striaiken very suddtnly. dying aithin Frankt Eddy............. Waukegan a ftav minutes. L. P. Erskine ............ Waukegau Hîs avfe, mother if Nelson Steele, ________________ died sume tw0 yoacs agu but, lu hiem case she bail been fatllng fac sons Pianos shoulal noi ha tunati unis".inme pceviously. Hem death uccunneti cleanetiantireglateal. ldoexpertwonk bocever. chUe %abs cas attiug ln hem on pianos,, triangInstrumnents and chair anal therefure came ver> unex. organe, &10lu a.. laîblnog.Go a"Y' poctetli'despîte the tact sb@ basI cher. ln counnu. - 1970515 tzponlaee. licen udt. - A. P. Smith, Onayolake, fil. p624 M1r. Nelson Steete. lifte i fther Nathan E. Galiont, Auctionain. Liai andl mother, dilea ver sudielny. He Stock. and alryu s Saa poelalty. us lunbis usuâj heath duing the Pbone 46, Ltt1ry~ile- 562e4 ESy Tbtlrday and liais4 docis for auaî after returning borne IMMmftls auto members and friends orte Eplacopai Tohias Jensen andavrille t H. H. DY OD A TI ride. He toppled over ittet as hbcaroce church cannot help but r onnect the Beach. lot 9, Jensens resutudlvlslon DY OD4,ASI front bis beal and died verY soau aller dEatof Nelson A. Steele, Senior Wear- of block 9, hadal & Georges addition Loans, Inuratnce, Real Essate »Il wards. tieo dn of tht churetu. cila(lia' deaths or to Waukegau. W . .$27-. Houme Renting. Mrt. Nlo Steele had hais . aak otter prominent men m ho were as for a long tinie before ber deuis,aiated su many years avith flm il i I l. HBIeach oi ail if, tai Jacobi Office in Kaiser Block. heuce lier death could nlot ha terîned aflairs of the ciaurch of w1biih lie was Graicck ajici ot. t a n id 9,.Jeu- LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. "oudalen Otcrie ithe main 5Iays. sen s rsu bd ivision aof bluets 9. Ladd & _- ____ \aIr Steele ha one or thea' rte antitn. George*a addition tai Wautiegan. W. Il EHANN-v !ngnternbers of the original aestry $1,50o. Attorney-at-Law Fitting Tribute Paid to Late of lire chucch which iaitsa charge or Lous 'aoigt anal iare tiiI'ranioel Moîtev to Loge on Good Approveil Real Banker by Many Friends ltq affairs ai the time the Parist Obison anad %vire. 84) airas ina sectiont 13. Forme. an sscatsflouase was btilt Borme ilteen years Anitloci tocusliîp.W 1).$o Office in Triggs Building. and Asociaesagoc.Death has ineadea bomnes or the Sept. 12, 1914. Hocace nulkley andl LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. Tha'funralo? he lte elsn Aoters sud Il is coiuaidental to frcalait vie t E.1. Seler, lottsi17, la ana l ia Steele was field ait oclock tfisle latuin h cntia ini ite M ndee'5 sbaialsion, î.iertysîlîe . W.LYELL FL MORRIS ermbuai froint Christ Spiscotali aitai, îarish House. Mr. Steeles ftle-nds, 1) $11) l HeuATTa.>IEYAT-LAW buial baiîîg ia Oakwood cema'la'ry looklng at hi5 decliniue ha'althl en~ Wm. SSIt'umaler ta t.eo Hloward, Libertyvitte - tIlinois Tha,'arv iae waa Iu charge- ofailli at that limie. wonder'd iflit-i' oulIjILot 20.,('ouc.ty Ç('tîý's cattdhiion, I are htiittîii tom lomaara! E.Ganaler. ittîlraiman ivct e h okînsid lsPriglnQ ,$1 e ,2R fiepoe Bisliop \W.E. Toit or Chicago asa. sliîglit 0satewratn'ta' I arnti îae I'ot 2gOfc loe im altilalarii a fltting ejhlaa , ..nunsuai constitution iWt ilai n i Josepia t;onld to J. G_ tlaua'k. trac't hîs tata tria-tat, Mr. 5Sele. tlai for ta olilivis ive of liae ,t ti iienf llut ln eto 'tar m ~ aA'I .DCE years wiias(taie of the biehoita tata.tl or i lioaihav e îassa'd tatn latta', t. 1aIrsectIandt .in ention Ito w porit Vt)u MATIN CYAT" aides c liai lia' iltsbop Toit aJ",;eir miluta- elgspion llica' Upça. l8.\V.Dý tlî SFY-t. lotye t taîr il the Waukegau partait.ýon"(t(eOp qtiS.Eet tto Tie 1tit a iaor aaas çreent ~ . aklutn îia Gtitll i t E.A loce. tract ..tlha.'oPhone 848 Bom. Phono 1360R lte laial an lîîts. S1).Talcot of tandlil,'. section tl-,N ewpaort îowîî NIflITU CHICAGIO, ILLINOIS The otiaarara. palbearerb i ta. i i Edwaral BesleY *t w îs ________ oif nIieiNfrS atle vs snior ta tri- . elsE . .'ummingit anal wife ta) Josephl 0f~~ l lcIMc teewa eii ac Fred Bairsu ltaie.lt ,bIik5.Wtaeai PAUL MAC GUFFIN, rient. '71w active patîbeamers - a. r. . ltaflck5.Wa egi plo'aes la illIi t rtNational va W.'fi>. Dodge. I igtttandaîc.North aChicago. %N7. D.ATT'ORNEY AT LAW. taîc taIaair Steecle was prtsldel. Ortler members orftlea cstry at thaI i1 iotvllilnl TIi'palbearers: itiauludeal J. W. Bacc ,ill,«\VIllitata c MGorhat ana wir to A B pusu tionocary -W. S. Keith, . TE SItr C LGraiadwlet .B R RS ris J.W. Barwetl, Thomas Grai. taîlaît tlaaiiow'll, A. IL. Hawkains. Ilu rd- S t-2 lot'-1 . lblock 2, Smith & __________________ Fulton, James Watcuus, John hallali. Was Senior Wîcden Long. Adam's addiaton. \Vaukegan. W. D. Î. T. Sargeant. Mr. Steele waa Senior Wardeiî for R,.O. F- BUTTERFEELD, Active-('.J. loues. William lattiq. nîaîîav yearts, succeodlug litîsfalhc-r,. E.Naêan fetE.WGsl, VTR AYSU EO Wilian a tizel. Grant Mc 'artlitar, Ch'lteasSteele luntaitpoistiona anald . l'radwiel .WOeI VTRNR UGO Charles Hicks aud Jay Merchaîl ,2, acres iu S. E. 1-4 section 25, Vection AjUSTANT IITATUI VETIBINARIA. Tîte floral trabutes Were heaitattîtîl arrying on hita church work with juttiv township. W. D, $30isia. lbrt7vmfe. Illinois. boiang sentma 0te church taY tli'îials as raîncu emtluiasm as lite parent alta l September 15, 1914.-Mary Burcidge___________________ of tule tamlly and bustness fracaîid,..,It ah cather roincîdetal. hovesar, Iaid) ta MWm. ..Bleter, ltit0,OOwn- eehn 43Mat Bte rprdt* bhli IaWaaîkegan sud Chicagoaittedatso h aresc>c It cas a rallier palhelic lthine iatata lit) t etîsoetewadn O ai csubidivision, cItatif L.ake Fore t eentie3M î eler taoreur d Ilai serve anallhlnk offihnt the praarlalaa'aîcL ucch have corne su clo.se aJgtM . Gra.ves anal piolteer Stefee amtly. therî i'rîa s followa: IChilcago TIti' and Truîst (Co, 1 otaineal lur tavoImmediate lt ic- EI)'aARt) BISLEY, Juilor \WacdeitU, sarAlt le u wf.lt ,z AUC O asa moatrîera. at tht hier of lii lrate dhculA WlteNod w .alos tillaiIO E lienal airftle famlly. C'harles. naiz le o. lé.':a:,.block -1. Keitoggs sulimlsion. 144 Elnswood Ave., Wa.uan. Initie"s anal Il-cîla, ageal 16. eidre l[attha: FREDI) AIRSTOW, Junior Warde-a. 5M iutttcop 1larlior.t)eed, $ 1. Ssie elr mkn yu ete ,.iu.ao.ant. Tiey are te onty saIki tacvos dieto Aug. :;0, 1912.__________ of a taii iy alilcit always ]liaisha ta lic. 'a' C'Prîce, ahi te not ian tlac hield out as dtti'main inanciatl fLntaietrN nte rydaswl n fHIGHWAV NOTICE, DRe.fe. Vo SMITHI of the cty, sai far as wealta aLttres VPr nttecydi a n aiPLIBLIC LETTINGO0F CONTRACT. PHSCA AN SUG N l ige in finance wenî. tht muaI ardent supporters or tht Notice ilaerehy gîve Ahat aUeGEpN Nanv Iienda 'eut b ta t Iira . telclurch-anal he died but a few weeks lara.toaals aili i receitot "alth.docilt15ia. u nS70 a. 'ake partinl tht services over t atýalte.aguiauderaigneel tommissloners of High- Offi1ce ove' RaY Furiltatre Store. i halîker. a muart who had few a'laa'aaaa,. Wm. B. Doalge. another vestryman.wanis of the Townu or Warren anal the IETVLE LNI if nîta- and a huaI of frienias, lai-t,1' S rît deu oIHIINOIS frieca'.nunîeriîîg ait those mcitaiîa.hall dea l ot secs' long hefore Mc. Besley. tùit il uptenent fHgw.y aate<'ounuty. fr rttImprove- eNer laîoan hiot White be litadllecî MrI. Steele, despite his falling healttu .t,.t o îîrxmat tiîrie-toumlhs P I TYO failliteg for seome yeacs, the rai at inth past feav yeacs -howed keen luRo a1tie ?LcsTAYLthORes lits end caaIls came so suddenl' calta' Itrrest lu the coft oftcechurch. Ho pari of section l19, lu the Townu o? Office tinSit National Bank Building cansaeal a slaack ta the comulWreatedngnrhfrn h The closiîîg o? tht Wauukegataitatis iwa a regtlar attendant at the sec- B rrno îxeniIIochfcm th ous:-1 to 3:30 ai d 10 b m. for tte aftrmoou on accouni t at 'Ir a Ires. niernîngas. goita4aven stme- touh hue of said section, by gcadtng. i Steles firical iernittd at fi,. ,n)drainiug, building a bard gravel coad Biehlden.2e n Broadway, opposite Park Stelas fita-cl ermttal illît clatitretswhaaufils hesîti- indîicale lihe in accordauce cittu plana anal spocil LtfltFOtyvIIIt. stfliati. Plo e.. ataî l Itals of thetbatiks la ai Ma, es.ertitg Iimseif aceatly. rations oceitarpril la! Chas. E. Rusell, tend titi' sert ires.anal pacticalyIl-ii tCuc~Bna.CntvSitltnelo ibaa try ont- cas set namong the îaîaaarîa tCuc udy.Cut ueitnieto iha BîHO'SStel ws u Isceolr laeanal on file lu hig office analtirait of tht DR GOLDING BSO' UTown Clerk o? salal lowu. Ilta un- DENTIST ttsitiaTut, U 4GY in tht church ai last Suuday mumn- decstood thiat tht Commînioners may Heure 8 1012 a.m,- to 5 p.m. csa,11, rmarks fe uuastanc e iu's sertvice, anal.ilufils capacity adecrease tht annunt of tht woc'ýtet vrFn aInlBn î'> *niai affentthat Il ts givtlawaaralen. lesrok up te collection as ha. doue. aepeudent upon tht bids ce- Oe ie ainlBn a mai a oottiefrctht thard aîud m yOfc hn 9J a.Poe17J a ten the tîaarth generation of a fam-tisual. His steps neemeal even more ela-ad anal the amount of oe fiePoo19J e.Poo17J avallahie 'for the improvemeut. but lbertyvllle. Illinois il>' Yet surit ca4 the privilege witb ultecrtaîn than they halhoeu but lis work wtîl ho stacteal at tht soutit endl________ me ln referenre 10 tite Steele lamili geral appearance was little different 0, tht imlicovemeut anal carrleal as D.B .SIH It avai my prîvîlege and My jo>- for. titan lt has been for soins years. fac nocth as fondls wilt permit.DRELH MTL lait I my aaooananie al'over titis ____Soaleal proposais wil ho ecelved at DB"I6T. tandl. I know of îîo famlly whoge nome rte) boum of 10) ou tht 3cd day of Oe' 3VMB LARI COUIM N ATIONWAL NASE. te; mure honoreil. cespecteal andl bigla- Question Arises as to What tuber A. 1). 1914, by the Commission- !y egardeal Ihan Ihat o? tht Steeleai or s f nal toavu, ai a meeting 1a he oeus.. 8te 12 a. m. and 1 to ô p*.m of Waukegan WiII Happen in First Na- hîld i h onHl iGreWDI "f l tu, he er ntlî l nols. Each hialder ailI ho requtmed LibertyTiI.te.Ilai ianowu but Ihere are, reasorts foc thai tional Bank Affairs. 'Io file with lits bld a cortifital checkt fact. Fromt tht very' .aat the fam-eiqatau at toast Fia-e (5) Per Cent of il liatisoben Iodest anal neyer wanted Wa.auicogan peopile are interested infihe amanti.ois bld. These certi- ChAS. N. STEPItENS. M. D. Itsti? knowu vers rar beyond le own tlai fact rial, hy the death o? hîs fa lied checktssalte made payable tOeOATI precincta andamsochates. Thshanai- ther, Netson A. Steele. Charles Steete tht Treasucer o? Warren Town avu PIISIC A H IRE ways beon the rasa- It aas loberont l PYIIN-"UGO lu the-famtly. I saav h lin the ,great auomatically becomes boad o? the guaanteof gond faithlif awarded graudîtarenîs orfîîîose twovo yung per. Stadle famll> Ht ia a young man o? contract that ho or they will prompt- Tel. tO0 OfficoveGu Co, sonswboaretodt hee a beeaval.great promise. likeabto anal possessing ly enter intcorsame analfilet a Rood andl ses hoar tda er a breve.farulties wich frienals feol aili maire sufficieut bond. The certifier! checks Libertyville. II. "Grantdma Stetle as ahi' aas known, hlm a wotby anal succesful succes- or tht unsuccessful hialders aill ho re. atar tory neft ot'ier oni' tamlIa:y sao bsfthraalhsrandathi r turneta a@con as cuntract la savardeal. fi'Ih bneii ieraa o(a Il:. Ciarlts Seste. hut tht cîtecit o? the uccenful bidaler $À N N 0 U S B M E N T Cas telne wIriaaa-Ir wanteMroi As is tather Nelson Steele wasaili ho etainealountil he or theyfl Carbles ltî he ivrwn dpce'ident of litai lank antdlas itht,,ta agood anal sufficleut bond accordlng D.N .Sdebr ".Shurtly afler fle-a.- ai or Homer rte faits ta tht son atndldairghter. o ttocîicatlons. OST EATSIILLINOI stel.lcohral Ia ag rt te generai wonder an flta liv in avhe- The wock is ta be s'arteil in Ten A1EN.LLNI Sîele. hecail e or 1-r, aa It ther 'harles.,tîrougît fis tuherîtauce (19) days fromt date o? cuntract and Wl b aiMis. ceS.Ho«g's on Ordiard st. wen she ie udet îaahtaow e t e clii imniedliately lbecome presîdent coapiepled lu Nintely (90)daya from LUbrtyvilt, oeuesai. and I'rtay. hnite a rom bItetoavia cf lt Epic o t li 'soIhast hauk tac lethEr ar- date o? contract. to be palal for ou afttemeoansd avaisg. palchcc Sanegn.ataîh boedraugoemttc ls ii be malle ta have lainmônthia- estitates ta the amouint of? ' ha th toer ar! Pretedin rs direct ise affatot for lite ltime be . eghty-ite (85) Per cent o? sa=e anal tht memory o? thiar taara't. Mr.m n as tut> hava'white'ir. Steele haq the balance upon ca'mtpletlflmanal se-DR VITR C OFE Homer Blette analiehaltii consemato peemr aiting anal Iben. later, as the ceptance uofavork. taihav th merirat alietaeal soit arqutres more experiënce, hie vIli Tht undemsignod Commîsaloners o? OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN theme. buta t was5naît long after ber Btetfm i s faters position. Highways anal County Superitndett brother dital that site stitiaedlihem The feeling is also generai thal the o? Highways cesorve the rlghl 10 ne- 215 Madison St.. Wiaukepa. EL feaîlgaomodst. a î-.in tatiteider Steele. lîavtng aurh a aast for- ject auy anal ail bld, If they deem lil Office HOUT16 beelnso r muveal. bew i ettatîts tne iotune. lîkeli leD ltIs estate lun tt ,te the hesat interests o? the Tuwn and 912 A. IL; 1-4 P IL. 78P. IL Iis facI, e jeriýkn fbanals of s truast compansa wblch shah Cortnty so 10 do. "In ail my experia-na a nuotaz idrect ia5affaîrs untIl tht son sha.ll Dateal this 151h day ofSepethr unysbÂpoumstOI bas wvon from me the esem andi r.ral cetiag.D194Teehno3 gacrd and bigh place cantthis Steele Il s untdersluod thai 'aite ethîa JOHN THOMAS. famliy has founal lu mv. boom. Steela' avii lest-e for Kemtaor hall. JOHN EICHINGER.J.L R ID N ,'" . "Net osly aere thea utudest but Kenosha anal restiume ter education FRED GILUJNGS. gwy.J .R D I0 ..M tbey aere simple lu tht extreme. theme: that the Steele cesîduce ailI --Commissiontcs of Higwa. VIETERINARY SU1111RGEON None o? tireu coulal ever endure eho be ;iept ui) as lu the past anal thal tht h F.Ia'ENI.ON. Groduate Chicago Vot.Col or the exploitation o? theîr own char. tao chilalcen avilI cuntinue maktng Townu Ciert. OfceW"lcioce 7 acer. Thefr simplicity s iustrie their hume thero. CHAS. E. RUSSELLIa.ea 11adné,79es funhe taaylu hî siul bu Ia-Ca. Supt. o? HIghwray'. Ae. Phoneo 11KI-W. paGualïve funeral sertitc over Mr. RA SÂETASESWcyBp.1 5 c.2 _________________ Steel. RRE!..RASESNEYNOIE z z & "~Mr. Nelson Steele aas a gooti man Fui'nished by CHACEYNTE.O ER I and Jlust. I don't helieve ut -as possi- LAKECOUNTY TITLE &TRUST Co. Btaie ofIlinois, County o? Lakeit . J mI hieforhlm10hav anetl tougt n Astrct oTiba.Tilles Gaaranteed. Circuit Court of Lake County. Oct- .., .~F wlash agalomt anybodi- whom ho may Masonic Temple Btdg. Waukegan. ober Terme A. D. 1914. 1 have b.d mosth ezilenlenc i lefat bave board others defaminit_____ Walter Fraser vs. William VtlreY. gales--Rate 1%. Satisaction guar. "He hi a fight for hits lite tram thetVille UlItey anal John J. Page, as anteoti. time ho cas a yonngsîcr. Sept. MCi 1914 Thea. ilI. Durit anal Trustee. Iu Chancecy. No. 6942. 'W. H. ÂPIPLEY "Hlia hone bnover Ma, gond, thene- avîfe ta jos, J. Ottet. part lot 6, lu Tht requisîbe affidavit having bee Phone212_j U.s, fore ho beld to overcomne is l-beath Sundeclinas subdivision. City of Wau- flled lu tht office o? tht Ceck o? said aryo andl figbt ail hia lire for ihat txistentce kegan. W'. D. $300. Court, notice ta thocefome hemeby givon waa ait owe go mtcb. lite nal above namoal defondantu U LCA CTO E RN "H kplhlsetesenîalyagond an'L uyl u ubni1 that tht above nameal Complainant Closait attention paid t*0 ranagls 1anal mat man at aIt tintes. I neyer John Glriffith, lut 15, blockt 2. C. L. beretofore fileal bis Bill o? Comptalnt auction Ba nal lit Iresute ait, l alld bave teard filbcealted f rata anyhodi' Harder Jrs. subalivision, City o? Lakte Iluaial Court, on tho Chancery aide Ing game. that ho casul t aaa-5sîctaiglat andI Forest. W . D.$1. thereof, analtat a surimons tinee Ail kindé; of bon»e, wagon. and utiight. Trait, bIs Influence mlght ni pnI 1 oto adCut g5s ens frgleo 01»qa i lm ehave bhotu as grsaitanal wldt as man>y John Griffith sud vire ta Jauny ' L pnlstloIo aa or gis anatcaerzhnaatu woul hae wshe ]>i i wa ne bis QaYl, lt 9, I Gren ay ddiiontht ahove nameal defeudauts. cetutn- avola hveavshe st ws lothi Qaye.lotti. u ren Bi'aditonabe on the first day o? theotertmoof HENRY SINE fanît. Hoeavas not airen t0a uch to Laite Forest. W. D. $10. tht Circuit Coutrlo? Lake Coilityti'.taPhotos.I148048 ZION cmYeai- thinga-anal many menr are similarly Sept. 14, 1914.-Deunis Driacoît. be bel at the Court House lu Wauke- built; few ot us are given tht prlv- s lege of helng aIde itn oter Influence (uvalcI b o tn T. Erlckson, aeteli' gan lu Baida Laite Counyt, ou the fintal aandi dtalings aith mein. 50 feet lot 1, block "F," di' cof Htgh. Mouday o? Octuber, A. D. 1914, as in "But, chere avas tuereai ason WhIo tn ark. W. . $6. hi' aw equlceal. aud wchbsut la NATH1AN EGATZERA, LIBER JY VILLE ILL. 9ND JURY FOR 1c .(.Ket M1E OCTOBER TERM lnvSeig lIAS BEEN DRAWNPE.Ni,,,,