Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Sep 1914, p. 5

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_______________________________________________________ I T, WREDAY, SEPTEMBR M, 191L SEt.d by F. J. DRUCE, Phone If Or ~ k n for Job Week. Ado ngrates on, eppIloation. The (imymake Womma' Club béld theirtiri nemiig Tbutmday oee.mlnait the home OflIdri. John BMWld'aB pd wae au Informai renitlon. OOntfl. lot ther oeil meetig wUlI be as the grgil- laite opra boumen, uhere Wiu. Bruce t.eftlngweiliwiiglvean Illutrated Lecture on 'Acrome the Continent ta the Godn Ual.." This will b. open to the public and no one saulie tutsIis travel toit, Thermday esening. Oct. lot st (Irays- laie opera baume. itummeli Doolittle. the youngemt on af Mr. aud tMr@. W m. Doolittie, disd at tbe hunof ishiparent@ on their ferrma a Avon <Cnter, Friday, Sept. 18, al ter a very short Dlrins..witb jfantil paralysie. Fuerws hsbld at the home Sunday aiternoon. The tieresveil famiiy have the. ymptby of the community in thoir great lame. Mark Nevilule &rebîgndI.ii hie paîlti<în wth the ruec Driig Co. and etatedl hie second yesrs work nt tiie Iffinois 8ehaul ",f Pharnise>. Mr@, John Bulard @jcit a few days lu ('hicagu the. iret of th" week. Weley "ero. mon of Richard Seurs, l, bpcndîng a few days et the Searn iarm. .lndge Fitch wam taken very sîek Sun. de> suid remained uîîc,useiiouc severai bours, but aet te prei.ent tii,., muach botter. Mont- .lien ba. reigned bix pos4ition at 'The New Hub' ta, takeul, him .eeuîîd ýVears wîrk St Ilin iule Sebial uf Thi. ,tork visfet, e i.vîîi,@ mîArllait F rideb,, kaviig la baby girl. Lloyd Saumuon lbn. riigu..d hi.s tis t-i at ithp.i'i fla hte barier sbop. Mdieshliabel Turrer bai., returnpd froîn ber wiwit ain jwa andi e cpeudiug a kýw daye wtb irtiset Anirhtîa, Il you wieh to uâecpure âpice, try the, Simîon ]nn Braid, juet as eheap no the iufiriur hrande. At the, lUxai! )rug Store. lIce, Drug Ca. Mien tishel Turner traîîesected tbusiness Cuthicago Mouds>. Mir. snd tir@. Meilngt oi Chk'sgo, wbo bave been seflding tseverale weeks t tL! . '. P arron relurned ta Chirago 'ala.rday. BaroIdiJli.annl w&Aeaguet (iffriends iilîîig iii North 8hoirp sud Chîcago the 1scotb tsweek. tIre. Wtt ai Lake 'Vilasens a enlier ber, 'Puedsy. Mr@. Bugies ai Atiacli, open& Sunday w ith ber @iter, firs. N.ttie Smith. tire. John Mlade @peut a leur daye with relative. ln Kenasha thi# week. Wm. Brandtetter was a Wankegan vs iitar Tuesdsv. tDr. Ji..iu Turner and wile oi Atueb, .dient Sunday wtb the ioriner'e parentsi Mr. sud tire Joaeph Turner. Mr@. Colon ansd ipter, Miaude, speul tii, seex-eud sitb friendoeat Zioa City. We bave name tine pprereansd piekie isasou câle. Galionsud hlaitgalions for 9.6'1(,k-i. The Bc'xall Store.Imre, Dig Ca. Mime Mande Fair .f Rihmond, wag s ;uieasant callcr lber- Tuesdav. Wm. Bruce Lefilligweli of Chicago au autbor, iecturcr sud correspondent ai a tiyndiat. f aips msfor s number ai yebrs. sel gir. s lecture bore ae"oni- pauted b> wuoviug sud tercopticon pictunes, an iACr.<>e the. Continent ta tihe Golden Gate." Mr.[.eiliiugweei b ringsasuelectrlcisu wth imnisd sl Show 500 picoures. Rc gives bis 'trne entirely la travel talkm. iisviug J10,000 collection af ivewes. The Womsu'm Club have engagd hlm for Thurmday, October l'ais P. iEh., at the Olpera Bouge. A &muai admissian oi 10 cents sel b. chsrgsd, tu, caver expeass. The. Vidtor Vctrola wlseu ilh the. aisi. for the. cveuing, by tannIse> oi tbe Drue Drug Co. ICI M. B. HOmon base baught a driviug ire. (Cors Waneeliey ie housekeeper et the Ciaverdale isrm. tirand tirs. byle Litsiller ai Round bat,,.tir. sud tire. (lb Bunett of Bit>- cume Lake. Matsîbese teele ai Lake Foreltsud MWseRobaefineon @peut Sun. dajy lu Rockiord sith lb. latter'e parents tir, snd Mre. Oeo. Huson. tirs. C. E. Combe sud son A. B., seere Sonda> vietare ab tue home aiftMr, sud Mire. Wm. Wheiaa in Wancouda towen- ship. __________ Zion Cty. 11., Sept. 19.-Miss Udlth Hashen, a mlmelanary rmtChfb- us. who for aver eigbt and ans-hal 75iM bas been lu the City of Shang- liai nepresentlug the Christia Catho- lie APoStollcchnrch ilu ioti. arriveil lu Zion City Weduesday nlght. Iý ake County'm big vekly-INDU- VAUCONDA 4- The$i.tle Show ut Lakemide Thi saturdsr, Sept. 26. haut l at i Um FIes&iaLamsphers, sehoa lmenij by the Coak Pnbllebing Ca. lu i @peut alurday snd Bunday at bhec heré. »r. sud Mrs. E. J. Meyer ai Ci L.ake caffld on frIgnds boe Monda>. Jas. bMr,. loft for Springfield1 day ta attend thm $tate fir. N. R. Ladd of Libertyvtllie sas bec butinoss Monda>. 1 Mr. and Mq4 .Jus. Tarieky sud da toian Libi lt*ry, @pont Ssturdaj 98àda'with tir. and tire. C. L. Pra IL. Maiman epet Thurmday sud dar wlth Mr. sud tire L. E. Maltai Waukegso. Mr@. J. W. Coouk sud MieLi Braok@ aud brojther Harold retai Weduesday evenlug f rom s tiîremi vi@it with M rs. <râhani sud Mies Li Tidmardh lu N. Dakota. Miss Sarahi Gears rturued Str i 'uým aweekâlvisit with tMr, sud J. N. Zimmer st Long Lake 1 H. E. tiaiman itranéact.ed husineo Chicago Wedneaday. Dr. Id. E. Fuiller oi Chiago li% epeui the week with frieude bhere. Ble le gg ta, locale perrasneutlyin lu icago.1 iug arrarîgeil to open su office ai corner of Chicago aud Wells treet. C. A. Hapke ad faiy of Liberty mient Sunay ua t H. E. tialman's. Wiibur Coak lha@ pureha.ed a ueus tioviug pleýtnree ai the greateeta review otf the, wirid seul be givea aut Lakeside 'Theatre Stiturday aftern sud eveniug. Sept. 269. Aternoon1 gram wseul begin at 2 oceloek sud cvit pmr-gram at,, b ioçk 1.e, Uni has arrango thîsi rare treat for the1 fle ai Waneonds and riciniry sudi fbeing branit ber, at a hesv. expe A nal charge "f il1e and 1.5c ell made lu beip di-ray part of Sbe couel wihin reaeb oi ail. no that no eue. nues eeeping ii iuerestiug exhibil. mate the glhow dîiubiv tuterestini have arrauged for two comnie reeote isen -Odnnlng tihe show. As a 1 lestare in the evealng aller the moi piture dipis> su exhibt ai many of styles sel b, iven as living moiudi the Yaung incnansd ladies ut Wauüeî. H. E. Maiman sili have hie grand a[aeiug Sthic stnre an Main otree thimeansd sulsebo attend tlbel wil b.prcmnetd liii.a $1.0O ti colupon. A mont cordial nilatifi extended ta, ail. Mui±Buff Dr. sud d trs.Tombiiuîielo<ifWautegau, sttended chureli lipe Suiila.v sud iited a% W. B. Stesat, ROY Dawssn leit Monda> !fr leloil sehere ho el sattend colil-oe tir. A. K. Bain *pent mesemal daye silh reisti te. lu Caicagoansd vieinit>. Ounandsud and Clevelandl of Chicago, epent Sanda> with tlieirl pare-nte, Mse Meaad leit Manda> for Whatau sehene se sill attend coliege-. tdis Gîta ie etertainitg tseîanurse tram ('hicazo on theinrvacation. Sev"ral MiliburnaPeuplr] attendeil the fiîr et 1Mlwaukee. Mir, sud Mcc i Marica Break atteaded the touners!i f th"ir uieêw iut Grayoilke Sanday. tire Raipa Taylor oi f> ], spent a les. dsye seait ler lîsiber, A. H. Stewart. tire. Joqepbîue Matheses is visftiag relatives at O.maha, Neli , enroule ta ('alîfornia. beau Strang seent ta Urbana Manda> ta attend thc univemity. tir, sud tirs J. La.Blieo@pettSun- day at W. J. S hlte'e. Mime Eisa Schuwchon retunned ta Chi- Mouds>, alter @pouding two seceki.sith J8. Deumansa. Dr. Jamimon aud iaaiiiy sud -Mie BciiuWchou aiotonvd la Lbertyvîlle sud Lie Villa. Mdise Vida Jamicon attend@ ocliool lu Lbbrtyviule. Rer. Saliord luenejaying:a three weeke Vacation. A. IL Stewart la vlsltinir is daughter tirs. Edua Pember, lu Atuhuret, Ohio. tirm. C. E. Deuman sud tirs. MrGulre sud mbiudrn Ipent Friday with fieade lu Zion City. Commander William A. Moffett, tU. S. N., arnivod St the Naval Traiaing Station et Norths Chicago tht, mn- log about 9 o'clock ta wblch Institu- tion ho bas been transferred as com- mandant. The station wss Immediate- R. Clarke, wlio, sethishl famol>, bf t tbis aflernoon for Washington weee Capt. Clark assumes the position ui aid te SecretarY Of the Navy Dan- School Suppliles A Fine New LineOof Tablets, .Penis MM .Ao TE=T BOOKS With eveny bc Tablet we give away ane good peu halder FREEI raiug on Iienide. Heury IJundermcu e lauil ai, uauved into tirs flvilie's cottage ou the corner. MOTHER ÀSKS TO HAVE CILD TAKEN FROM HER SIilIT Said She Wishes to Have It Ta- ken Where She Would Neyer Have to See It Again. SHOWED .NO EMOTION. One O! the nast pabetic scenes im- aginable wss8stageal in count> court Mouds> niarning sehen a yauug seçm. an asked lb, court la send ber 4 yean aid chlld la saminlstatian 80sa ie neyer seould bave ta look upan 1ie face agaîn. The noquest seas -sa un- ufcual aud wss made vith such an ab- sence OfaMotilon that Judge Persoa coutinuedl the cale for a veek lu or. don that au investigation tan be made. The seoman wss Mrs. Gudlmleu Kybart of the south side. Si, vas ectompauied ta tie court rooto b> Susie, ber little daughter and b> ber brother, A. M. MInIs. )&Me. Kybart conld sPeak no Engluai sud ber broth. er COnSented ta act as Interpreter. 1ý lie said ber bubaud had dled about sea Yyeans ago sud had bft ber tlasup- port hersecffsud lutIle child. At thie preseni lIme she lua ating as bouge- ieeper for live sinagle meu sud ie s,.>, the child0f ton leIfathieses>. Prom the questions put ta ber b> tie court fitwaald appear he thougi poil- SMbI there va8 saine athen motive but If thor a snonue thi e wuaat>ould uat admit IL Wtiouî a heur or a flickor of aNf eyelash she asked that the Iltile girl seho ioeed ou lu a vanderng vs>, ho Placed lu somu Institution couducted b> h lie 5.. "I neyer seSt te ses her face agalu," sie cried. The court questilnnd the vomaus1 bitier eamewbai sud fouud ho fla& marni man. He.suggested lb-at bho take the child hâte hie home for & veelc util au lovestfgaiion cm beb. made. He sald lhe eevas ane .of1 thie most patiello ever n fetitu lbis attention.1 DRUCE DRUG 00. Independmnt: More ?eB4e t,u ia ie Rexail Store 1 ylae mut> Wmmklee ombuot i By Following Instructions Yoiu WiII Be Able to Tell Edible From Poisonous. PRESENT IN QUANTITIES. Many Declare There Have Nev- er Been More Mushrooms Here Than This Season. MUSHROOM TESTS. FIRSiT-TrN îo brea%,ithe stem oase frtrm hirefungl. If il cames away frima v ihout doatroying lbe top. portion, ilrobably la a mueh- rooin, if tbir stem îeeme la be a part of lbe fungi. llngs teuaciously ta the top, and the later break,§ or crun- hies wseirtiie siem 18 taM asay a toad8tuoal anil lapotionaus. SECONIY-Tr ytxâla akis iUeroon,. The skia pi-lia ra-el> tram the edgir taseard the (aenter W'ith a taadaqtOOl, Itla idfferent as tire sktu ciings tighî- ]y sud viii noi eomo basge vîthaut taklng portion, o-f the fug wiîh il. THIRfl-Thî., lent le suppaseîito ho iufallîble. Tian tile fSngl bailan up- seard sud earnlalle saitaO lie gill on under Bide. 1*a.e lit <b-ena fan bai! au boun. If the, suiface tUrus black l le a mushnoon but lt Il trnus yel- [Ow Ils a loadstool and l isponans. Ther, la stuli anties- testwvich il'atiy people lre!,, ta &Il othene. Place th, fungi l inte imililet lu the, Uueol Sa> sud Ibea place a alite o! anlon lu 'the sanie ulonsîl. Whan the fous-I starts ta f ry Ibe oeon viii bm biak la 1h,> an, tOaSdstOols taora musbroama. The abat, lestsarsenocoufidered ra- tier Itaiel3 Jmet nase l vise af lhe tact tiat mugbrOam aren, » pleutifsl. Man>' are cplimctlug liens b> the busbei sad scores of otheis sould do so If the> serenont sradthle> seanld make a mîstake la seelUng ta disîlu- gulsh betseeen aimee dbleansd tia pot. sonoas fungi. Tiene are man ' vebo feel confident lie> tan tel] tire dîffience sîmpi> b> giauceing aI lire plant but'il lakes an expert ta do tiiS fan laadstOOis sud moshnona olten bear a etni'elug ne- Semblante 10 each atier. As a raie a mushnoom Is a pretiY'Piuk talon on lie under aide, blt there are toadsloole vblch have a quit, simlar talon. The average foadstool lg seitle'On lbe un- don Bide but-lbere are Inuzhnoome 0cd certain valelleasehicih ave lie salue colon. Because Oftlits tact M#d be- clause there are go maul' voilii, the delicat> sehea the> are «auneye>are Doat geltiug toadetoýole lle mater ta, trv anc on mare of lie tests glven1 %bove. This lae opeeclll>true ilu vloe of lhe fact t baI oves-aIPliple liv- ing usearChicago vue PolunÉetib> salng loadetools aS 15W 4M a aissu 8mre. af thein hav e e »lalId that; miusiomo »veir hMatn ore pentifol than lb.> mre this a yer.I Mas> maie Il apraudtie CmD»,9 ma- Ir moiningaandi aBtir t»m tla Yail Ooti veike . w aB z] ~ ~ M SEIIJILNESS S>ound.CakeOf BROTHER KEEPS Elgin, O NE3 BOY AT HOME home cHfq arL K M A ON, rytl Correspondent ^ gent Albert Doolittie of Avon Who PHOCNE 24-J Passed State Fair School Tum«. IL -_________ Test WiII Not Go. a' n Qalty-Bayd'a Studio-Pioe@ ight. ANOTHER BOY IS SELECTED. Thie pomioffice wse mared ita ilsa ew #eume Isgie quarterseaut Brainards ,ItorqtIdondsy. fecase f the, sei-oua, iliess of suad Mime Grsice Boan ai ChIcsO0, i. viel- bie; brother, ane of Ille.' vug men sîtt. logsetthe bou of hcr sioIen. Mr@. A. J. sebo had worked ouIt iaheCompati- j Fr. Sithof hisplae.livctests aud wsllad ailli been i Fr. Stilliot tis pace.selected au one of thei-boy"s ta attend au lu Rumors sre sioat; thst a uew gror> the. State Fair Selaool at Pîilngfield storeseul li e opcued iu thesormsIbm;Ysesr, seUl lieonalîle îo attend. ili&n iorni.nly occapleal b> tii, potetilr This Young man lm Albert floolittle of Whoesy Rond atei. ot uomng Au nanSd h. feels ver. hbadiy hecause mned Womt on ael o buinn ' h cannot attend i ai frais that ieI rinti L. A. Fritz aud Clise. Tracts ase' a dia:'Y ta bis brother ., stroliger aud b, Allisnunesmtrip ta Wautega Tueoday duesnent car@ e ta i-arcwhiir. he te Iu sehre he ater eulreeiv bi iaturs- s enîtcal condition of baiîh. whor th laterwilireclvehi@Victori Haven of \irnon. another audsy izatiou papere Ister.. ynung man sein Il, r arr dpmroug of M re. Jas. Amsunu le penlinth, e-ci-k at atîendiug lb. sehoolI liai bFe-aqelct. MiE fatherre i arm, seiitlu îte-il and selbe ooui r Iliuîre usi )wil barvetiug.represent 1.5k.. (CainiN The coin. ie lu vetig plate Ilst follawm: Oeo. VogIel, icli kuosen suetioneen Murrell Ominan, I.Aele iliutf adlng ai Salon Mille, wseeaspiessaut esiler lier, Jeffle Mass, Liberfu ille. Fraucia Welch, Cuba going Tueediky. Vctor Haven, Vernon. her- tirs. P. A. Flsmy epeuf saet wecua watia Raipli EffIlger, bb-iaii D the. ber couein et Bruokielil, 111 The 1551 ustned yoaîog main was air- p lisi a>DYWilliam Iais nof Libierty- A V. fSmith af Oak Park.,n'as businewss ville, dîrector faoni hi. Tenth Con- Yvillf cailerbeoeTueeday. tir. Sniith rame ion gri-selonai district <f hitheSale Fair lb, purpameofai uieiîg bis tari n Iar Sa'hOOl. Effinger '.Sdnnot olligi-ilta taije lte competîi i eialitaation vcar. bars. Tbe party oUf g mern miliiliein l Style Mir, sudtire. Lyle Lits lIer if this r.iirge of caunalt aliy artnetT. ,t the place sud liaI Stpele ut Lakie oio.Arthur Simpson. Theý r re tonirr noau made a trip ta Roellord. in the laitterei rose mornnu. Their triiîan lçra' e tire pro-auboSatuday venig reurni Alen depot et nine o i aria and sel pro ato atrd> eenag etruag un arive la Spningfteld ii! w oclockf siug day. i'bc atternoon. The,- .Ill repart kiman tSeverai irori rlerare piiîaii o l muiediatel> S ai.e ai, r ritds ,.ere lie> selbe suiaîi i.iln iitheir lise, attend the fair at Elkîhorai. Wi-. thie badgesud pases. it la wek. Mn. -Simupson le an occi*tan! super- ens,. -intendat afthe sate fais r wbarilsudt il ho wl-fiihave an Important liii'.inta faili t 1 but SSEfis aîpoltmenlta 'lia povia ion ne- butd ]RUSSLLi le<Is rmnch credî tan Ii., aîirîiiî. uiued ~The- boys she liti lii tain wiii ra e.b>a oîîîni-îIou Minda> sith a gond ipend caelimornîng fl lalning Iol c- s e, alti-nuane.tures tram expe.rts. Th-v nul baue tiin A urea vre1aonysgn alrtical demonstratuii Wlieî Ili. Y M r G.A.Sivri@vey joory git'.retIra home lb>' eu l na-ad tiia.4, *à tirs. 1,P. Sirer sud Alice sDent severni pi-rn hefore theentiruairsrndltIre of teng dii.,sttifrins in uiPlymouth, Wic. fI fie Couaiy Y'rmers In'iiui ,The if the ~ --iaid ta agnee, tado liai., iefiini - - 18 b> C. MI.Gorbauî sud wiioepeut Mouds>ay r.- apîiointed as delegates. Fa i aoda. at Morrne inos. afiernoon a i te fair liai>, hare to I fail tire. Mcieraiott of Kenoeha. -pi-at ______________ 't u piart ofut eeetwitb ber cousin, >f ner. hose (Jrris. H R IU1, E T trade Mîr.sud tins Raymtnd Neseeii ,l IERoAfTE aun le Kenosba, sperut Sanda> with Mr-ad T B D PT DB Elmor Marrie Ia pttiug lib e emeut M 1H dM Ib1D wo') feur onhi,. nenew I IIIL U IU.OM l»~IVEM Mies irowe opear part .(ileti.-wpet C /ake villa 1il. Mdanzer sud iamlly took an auto trip ta Waodstock on Sundsy'and epeut tihe day with fiîcde. A number tram bereattended the~ tuner. SI of Ruselli Doolittie on Sanday. We ezteud aur eympathy ta the fmi> ina their great beresteent Mrm. Mark Kapple udorwent an oper. ation at thec MeAiistr hospiala, Wanke. gan. At Present timoe aille adalng se Well UA eau be ex leeted and we bop@ ta mce ber at home sud ia hi-Uer ieaitb eban. Mir. and tirs Jas. Atweillhave been ea- terWainng orne trieado Iroini cbago. Mrme.Ells Tp.but aud Mrm. Ida Miier attended the Easstern Star meeting lu Wsukegan laot Thutreds v ening. Mr. sud Mn@. John Mithell enîoyed s vacation the pant twu weeb.,sud made a trip tbrougiî lhe west. Mime Ailes l.arlan Reiet Sstarday snd 8unday wsit ber parenuts near 'ion City. B. Poul n sd J. G. liuultunansd thslr seivos vtcited the L. Larson faîaîiy ai 'ion City Sunday.f Friend@ of tMr. andl Mirs. eis Steffeu- bery, ueJeseis Brown, wil h iteeo@t ait tu knîîw ai the arrivai of a li son at tlîir home eariy iaet week OBITUARv (jeu. E&iucis waq bora in Mdidezoy Ëugiand-juiy7 ih 141, sud didat (ura,,. Sept. lSth, I1914, heing 7:1 yeas 1 mouth sud INi day, of ase. lain 16,- hie wa@ ruarried tu Flin Millard, aud four yearm later îbey eaillu toAieri, oettiing on a farai avar Lake Vilia. wiiere %biey li red the rernainder af their days To theni wam bora one eut. Chierie. Wha livea on the home larin. MN rEames togethen wita hie wîfe, iîîiîîed the Met- 1 hojmlt ehurvib M Lake Villa 5in 1895 tire. Eamnel died about sevea vearm, agi.. Mr. fismes fias bien s patient eltf- f-'er for soai, lime sud is deatti %oas Dtut iit)e\i»i-.lcd beiug duie.t,) canceir The tiii.ral na.. lielil fruînthe boineansd bhurch uîd ay atternu, t, i ti ibur nul ia .iligola Pcm.lirvs R emovals from one location to another break friendly ties. Friendships grow cold through absence. The Long Dist, TiaI Le o at,*imiets have beeanmadirs no fece axti b thie haSt two weeke ta rab u-)r..~ tcnuts On the rosil belsenen (hie city time. IL is al% and 'ion City after dark. was qtâled, i h e.s lîroîîgiîthe, ciainîn as? tsea weii knosen iA th 54Alcons, local men sud b> a Party of taunlets that arrlsed in lbe ity, Suda> even- ship. lue, ou theln ses> la thein homes lu Chicago. The attempted rabberis seere made b> lhree highwaymeu sebo arethelb posshesons of a large taurng Cbicgo Telepl c e t *.A . R . A "m e Proýposaiè. fa Locelmprou.ements Tephs Offie aif tho Board ai Local imprime. mente. Luertyville, Ili., Sept. 2. 1914. Ssecda~0iîni ,-ill tasej,d dy their reepective addresmmsse weills thei tii, Buard iii bocal 1Improvemeals ai the naine sud addrewe.oaitlee 0cm. villge ut bibertyvllc. fIllinois, unutil h8 R. P. SCUNAEICELE, Preideut ai the P. m ou (letoher h8. 1914, ai tbe Vilsgc Board af Local Improvcutentc. hall lu said village ot Libertysille, for F. G. CLEVstI.AN, tbe construction 0i the foiioseiaic im IiH.F. ELLSWORTH, provemeot, ta-ait: lletirbers (À the Boardi ai Local lm- A couuected system out elz inch .-23t provernte. iran seat,, suippi pipes, together sith tire bydrautc. ebut laff valves andl ail <aîber uecea.3ary adjunets lu beau-n.Proposais for LocalI mprovements ttruced sud laid lu. alaîng sud coder "offe Board ut LocalI mprove- .Neaberny Ave, sud Fîret St. eo-called, meute, L.ibertyviii,11I,, Sept. 25, 1914. coîîameacîng at snd eunnectiag niuth e Seaied Proposais seili b, received b> water suppi> pilii.nose eiintructed in the Board oi Loasilimproroments qf the Neseherry Ave. at s point lý2 feet uorth village of Llbertyvilie. Illinois, nutil S of the router hune ut said Nuvsbrry Ave,. 'iîuck p. m.i.o ctober 8, 1914, st the sud 12 ft et ofs u the conter lino Village hall in @&idvilliage of ibertyville, ;rroduced aartlî ar Biley St., runinig ton theconstruction io! lb, folioseing tiienipeaesterly 1'2 lest narth of sud improveaient, ta-seil: parsliel wlth tiie center in, of the adare- A conueeteil systeai ai six luch caei eaid Neserry Ave ta a point 18 test Iran seater eupply pipes, tagetber wltb essl ai the weet lune produceid narticri> tire hydrants. eut off vair,. anal ail rît Fi rot St., thence soîîth 18 lest sasteri> other neeear> adjanctâ ta ho can- ot sud ;îanaliel witb the weat lino ai sai] eîructed sud laid in, sang sud under Fret St. lu sud i-aneting selth the Park Avenue iommeuding at sud cou- ater supply pipesose eaaostrneted iluaectiag seîtb the seat., uppi> pipies FireS St. ai s Point 12 feet norzh af nasecouetructed in Park Avenue at a conter ia, ai North Arenue, it Iead point 12 einorîli ol tho ceuSer lin.ol village oi Lîbertyvilie. Lake Count>, @&id Park Avenue sud 12 lest eeiaiof Illinais, mors u> yderbed la, su the. renter lin. praducsd eoulli aif ourth ordinauce psesed sud appravsd b> the Strneet, tbcuce east 12 tet uôr-th ai sud Village Board ai Trust..s ai lh. village pasil elth the. conter lin. ai sioremldi ai Libertyvifle, an the. lth day oifPark A venue toas poinS 12 feet seesi ofi Docemb.ur A. D, 1913, s certlfied ta p y aifithecent., linue pnduced sauth of Futhi shehhis sttachcd ta lb. petiflion ai said Streetinlu alal villsge af Libertyvilis, village ai Libertyville tu levy aunsesces Lake County, fIlinoie, mare ll> d e-I meut ion sail improvement, Bled in lbe scrihed lu su ordînance passesd si afile, ai the Cienk aiflte Coat> Caurt aofapprovea b> the. Village Boardaofi Lat. Couni>, ilîoie, fieptember 1, Trute, ai the village ai Libertyviile. on" 1914, sud dackt.d la ssîd Court am Ibm lltb day ai December, A. D. 1918, LiberlyviflISpeciai Agnmsient. as certlfea cap> of sebich ilatasd ta Saüdlseork taulic cousirueted accardiug th. petitlon ai said village ai bibent tu planesu sm pecificatîane nase on fileville ta er> an ageaaent for sai ln the office (Ai tboPresideut ai th, Board lImprovemeut, filed! lu theoffice oftifeb ai Local 1impraveaients ai eaid village ai Clcrk af the County Court cl Lake Lihortyville and copie ai the lame tan Coant>, Illinais, 8eptember i. 1914, sud ho obtained upan application to the, sald docketod lu ald Court as Libertyville presietofa the Bardaof ocalIiaprove- Spetial Aecm.mnt. mente, or al tb. affice ofau sl Mae(lu ffn, Said seont ta o ecaaslucted actnrdiug attorney, Lat, Caunî> Nstianal Saukt taplanssud epecfletiausne won file iIidg . Liberlyville, or ai the office of -u-the, office ai the President ai the Eari H. CorletI, village clerk. Board ofi Local Improvemente ai ssld Proposais muet ho made anti upon village ut Libertyrille sud copie@ ai tb. blatte iurnietbllaI the abot nae Ramo eau be obtaineil apon applicstion places and be Mdremed ta the Prldenita the said pnesiîîeut of lbe Board af of the Batîsd ai Local Impravoments af Local lmpnoveaients. or al th, office ui oalal village, endanuisa "Proposais for Paul tiaecufflu, aitorley, faste Caunty conpected ytem eai 5ater pipes,"u sud Nationial Bauk Bldg,, Lihertyville, orsit be accoaipanied b> cash an certified the.oaflie, ai Eanl H. Coleti, villasge check payabletuta he arder oaitho clrk. President oi the Boardoi Local Imprave- Proposass 11105 ho madeouot upon, meut e omns epousihle baukir on an blaukiifurulsbed i tIbe above usmed amiunt equal to ton per cent ai the place.sud bho addreeeed ta the Preeldent aggregate proposai oi the Board af Lacal Improvemeuts ai Bide seul b. apsned b> Ibm Board ofai ldvillage, endared "Proposais for Or' Local Impraveaienté lu ope ictession et connettd yitem aifseater pipes," sud bhi 8 o'cioek p. m., Octobet 8, 1914, lu sald ho accompanled b> cash or csrtlfied 1 village bail, In s»Id village ei Liberty- check payable lu tbe onde, al Ihe PresI.Tis ville, 11110o1s, dent of lie Board af Local Iuprae.. b Conractore selil be pâli b> speclal meutaeon soine responnible batik forusu asessmeut searraula, payable ont oi smount squat la ten per cent oi thé Il Libenlyville fipsell lsem eu»t, tan- aggregais proposai. 001 firmed September 21, 1014, the same Bise wiho opemnei by th, Board of il bslngpayoNs la onselbste5luioo. oc I lkiproveameats le openosession -*St Ths Board nor Losl iumprovsments 8 o1ciock p. m. Otob., 8-; 1914, l a " reerve uth Igb l *0 v=f &@ansd ail villM aihal, lu a ulifilge albfe. Bd bide s m eboard mOiB9W Illins. Companiseor OreabWi.. selS Ulve Coullaciots viii b. pald tby spola $bu Ilàdvdl Dame thebummbers amseeni warranta, payable oni ai eotpupar d-lbm compon> or,ârm wltb LIbèrtplIS PectlAae.smsiola- p tance Telephone by location, nor vays ready. It ýerver of friende àine Company ms Mage A T IIERTEL'S PARK- Saturday Night, a ORCHESTRAHALL1 BURTON [-OLMES, jcour»e A 1comuée a ce .c WED Evg's FDJ.egesSTMATLI EN4iLA>, O&t ,14, 1 SCOURSÉOt.21 8~ siELnDct. 28Kr.s redstebmr21i 1914.,lthe lame siug ayabi lu oe mtallmeui. Ti.board ai Local improvemeule bide am iii. bord May eicct. Co=PZISor firme biddiug seulJgIW. a]uilds usine of tihe j . iUNYIEELE, PrOkUei 01 o60b st.Lf lmpravetuim. ticinersaiofiii. Board of Le*1la Systcm (OFFICIAI, PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of Iàlkt'via clrrn & èaîûfi Ui locateitl ,aie viiastOie, id IIi., i clore the commeveen tbuincu ou 15eI4M is fSe Pl..1914,s.'usai -tte i, dilue of Public AcCOuDAntOfutheeState no f lDueh NI SOt RCES. I u. ii ees] - ie ý......... $1 950W Il. ou ,ii, 0iibiei -sie,,rIty .... 7500) .thIer0. suanddârico...t.. 2df.02 W $) 9a l publie service iilorOobonds. .N S.75 Other bondi st seartlin 6)87 iO50 iMiieK£LLêNBO5Ji Huoî i n. l liorniture and FIsture ..i .....239023 z2.8) iUM Fao.BA.7av,.i1M.67 13599.6 i 0.H ON HA., Ciireey .... ..000.0 e, 2W.00,cee Mi r loba3M.1)h 2042 i. i ni ..i .... .. mi , 26. cia 6 1,iAlilliiTIF6 1 iiCapialSUiik Pi, in s«411.000.00 Tiov t R -1-i ... . .... . .4 to wc. ai,îel iiirîlee. ... 262M64 «iI uîa, .b i . ilee10cet . 9.&02,91 6.3 723.00 1. i.eo A Mitebeli. i'a..aier (,fîle iOie VIII. Tuit & Saulngs Bank. du o flihay nuvere ibvt the sai %e tawmoeni i. irue ic, the iesi ilfrii kniiwiedgead belief C9 ilidi A. MITCHE.LL, Canuler. STATE iOF ILLINIiS. tnîal lof ,. SObIerubeit aîdi-niirl10 ieiire hiC lii., 101h diyof ni See..1914. .i AMtEi KERR, Notary Public. Bell

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