Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Sep 1914, p. 8

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~- + LOST andF]OUNID + RIY SERIESAÀTIE si i d FOUND-Birycleu shed l rerof bar- ,Cntinued front Page 7) ber shop at Aea, Sept. 5. May bu bad ___________ RTIS IN G on proof of own.rmblp and payment of scorng aid Paskilli going to third. - ~~~advertliug charge@. W. H. Kufge.enldtel ail cr ýATES AraiI.Zit ng. Murphy forced Couàine, Abletrom esen insertion LOST-Sept. 8ih, a bakscilah um- t rue Three runsi twa bits; linesbrella et Grayalake, St. Paul or Rond- thruu errors. fles.ot electi'c station. Mouogi'5i M. 1. Seveuiti--out.b Siders-KIin fiew Oc first insertion D. on end of banile. Fluier peuse ot ta rigbt. Pulse fanuud. Ablsirorn ui otlly 218 N. Went struet, Waukegae, etugled to rlght and stolu, second. lUui recie rewarg. Wklylt* Wbytu ont. Murphy ta Pakill% qfo ~ ru..; onu bit. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . 55 Wesi Sders-Creighton fiu- -ut ta SALE + + F R RN + Brouie. Dean out, Wilcox tu Lut- . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . er.Voeeout, Aisrom toLuttr. --0 cour-01--fnm hate Elgbib-Bouth Sîdus-Bronku fan- We bave a number Of finleborne@ for maieor ent. Dymond & Aetin, Liberty- vins. c-50-tf ,POU SALE-New ix room buutxalûw. Moem. Terme easey. lurand & Durand. ICI FOU SAE-9-ROOD' trame Bouse, WuIMa, ma bain, chicken boues. Buld- lan ood repair. %'acre of grond. te. Mblcks fImm r.ilroad depot. Smal <ToUE payment. Esy terme. deM or vrllu B. D. Boyd, or LobHamtnel IMaIV Co., 205&6 Marquette Bid, (Nmsgo III.e50-9i POS SAL-EitmDM eensof farma 1sogeibutrou, 2ote M acres. W.eaum sagptermete tomi l emoable pmbami. Nowvle Ibem e 10bu vimatdamean eov md prfl metfprop- low0. Drasd à Dursu. ici Ma U ALE-Tm e c oe me-d grovl.b *1ge.W. IL AppaImp. ci ~4BLKNq~e8 roolà Rodé, bn«$km. y mm»bi&Dur. ;Z m ,àxKOUm arl= D ane adi îUmt. lMce M. A. FrotiDe. dOlS IM.m»em*eU ioler lo quictm@&e Iïm a ela". lii S0 ALE .OU mRENT-flouse ta laO.AUl modem e mveml - Dasafi& Du&"aâ. ICI Ju .. IL Mac. Broadvay 5i- »" SL-Umm & s flmbaOrua 4«kmm. a -b- -lai boue, chri or Km Il.Lr. .fmaua. L*IeIJVSI,. OUSL-410 P&xr â» Wisd Gen M bsgurpUSsUa,1100OlPM,smenu - WOgkSi. C. "816a, Uveu. ISIL eBItI UGO SLE-Abu lgàtenud Bokeroe tsu" b Y#&*$i ad pu',lrgbt. am& Se mxi. Ui omm»ad bon»r «abapela prîpul. Gaimmt, Ubeutg-Yia Pa tutu.Pboam 44. Luty.Ws.l IIL - es2lS Pm 8"AE-1000 bu. igeaiWUbite O&Mi Adrms c q GoC., Grajlaie. lt FmOu AÊ-Ltar.mCON. A artmmel PRM&a tFM"ai VcierjAes, IIL Phase PemeliO. ie.WC.Rloimnb, Arm. FOR SALE-uer tboroughbreda- »» doel> AddruBa, suiatgmemt Oft Spusceavnue, Laie Forest i. Wxl-it. +, WANTED + WANTED--Seud jour accounte to cor agoey for colWetion. Phone 2. DraLid ôDurani. ici WANTED)-Have purehame for f romn 1Oto 80> acrelarme. W rits etatng ail partluae. No agente. Addreuu [R. A., indepeudent offiae. C.60-Lf WANTED-Bojsee to ent. Durand & l>raad. ICI MLESMEN wauted ta advertise ci- gare. Easy wori. [Fur $90 montbiy aMd, ail traveling expoum. Experience unneceemry. Mbobs.udle popular is &>bie atnsd lobacco. Norune Cigar Co., xpev Tri, N Y. 12c46 WAHTEO--Tn iuure 3jonc boues in our .spsaim. Do)nt r't ta have jour sMaltlaurmi. Durat.d & barani, ici WANTED-Oune registermi Angora uuIr. Audres., superlntendent, 600 Ugrsp avenue Lake Forest, Illinois. =WIE Wfto t rude a three Bat building, fou"« ain laCicagmeupart consmd. 'i" ù@o a faim nrr Llbertyvtlile 4»umboulasse. laquira Druai ~ ftum. iA Mîr ~IEO himl,'.dilagtd mmýýOmvilFI&puasa, eblppina - bhmui Apl ailadefeudmt ÉEae te e aa au FOR N TI-2 lrge. f ae ea eleeping morne. vîth uee of bath; gentl- men prelerred. luquire t this office. 51P2 FOR RENT-Furlhed room. faelng ctb. mutable for ou. or two for llght boummbePlflg. Central location. lnuire tii OffiM. ciii + M8~LAEU ..............+ MONEY TO LOAN-On lmproved rosi estaie. J. IL BDIDLET. tiret National Bank. .5-tl MARRY IF YOU ARE LONEL-Tbe Belable Caulientlal meemmmful club bus large number of ve.lthy elwgble me-. bers of both uex, vlsbl siy marri- age. DemrptoafIr«. Mcm.Wrubel, Sox M6 Oaklad, Cal. P-1-2 MONEY TO LOAN on suv boume. loquire luta our lbau ate.&sd owu jour ov, bain.. Dorand & Dursd. el Work of e maalog for a neruidente ou Elu Court for Harry Peter me nearty eoem~li "Mr. Bob." the tvoa at comedi giv.n by ame 1913. 1-iH. 8-, ai the Audi- tacham Thuadan d frday eveings o lae u ee, vas oertaiuly a eradilt I lie young people who oai pat aud to lhiu instructor. AU the pafticIpants dia epfradidly tu their rfflpective parts witiis ime orchestra 101Uinth le peiod bevem u. cte. vaslit thas in vev o( tie camse for whicilt te peylet vas grue., lta" Si. public db nDot patroDise iau veil asevW" epected. buts1dm lame mails. m.U s -- ii vhicb it yl sas ihm- .L.i. tI. "Gm" fond. AI- iloNuli.aibmdmace vuvery mac lageW eUn c menO"Imlug thmu osnlie §ru, th.expausesof produug Ibm comedy mails h net proces very émal J. T. Bobaetr atcofroute i vltb a depp maIler on arimig home Tue.- da" aig, vwbea be touai boli front andl bock doore vide opa md Ibm eu- tire homme raeaed. Asu ething ci valse bau om i, Mr. hobert-ono believa s ait vas perpeutlsnea joie. Neighbors imelat tbmes»wuna satomobile rivop n ros cibe a. b- mrisoa ome aullu intue evealag vhWb fci vas Todi"isiby tBache ou tbm lava. On a deuiMr. Robrioonadnot. eesumag1Issh o u l bivial v Bui iti mowaad aiber veluabkcm csiterei on tables nad dremer, Is ist more tis vaUt of a joker or nomon@ laokhup lo oàie esmisiapaper, as ibm combete of ibm deui vonudimrrangeil. Ail ibm gas jeta bad been tampeuivt b. Tuie Is not ihu Brut aime tbat tbha Bob- erteon borne bas bocn eiseilend lit lu sncb a manuel, as pruviouelp on eev- eN ema cmine tbe farily ba s scia.d late ai igbt 10 oufd doore andvlntlosas OpeU, jet notbiug ai value vould bu fuund iminl. NOTICE 0F DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice le bareby given that tbm ander. mignd, J1 George Schumann and ,loRph Kohout, duig a greemboune aud floral bpmaunuso under the Biru name of "Seha- mana and Kohout," HAiVE TRIS DAY DIffOLVEU PARTNEBSHIP. Al pecsoa owiig the firm, viii psy ihe bilé ta eaid Juospb Kohout, and a I persons baving ib@ alainet itheirm, 1h11I prmeutthie Rame tu eajd Job.&1 b Kohout. Datei at Libertyjville,illinole,t is 23rd day ai September, A. D 1914. J 0 tCiiUgIANN, IOSBPB KORQIJ'. HIT BY A TRAIN BUT NOT SERIGUSLY HURT. A section baud employai on thse Chilcga & Nortivntteun rmiroaa vas tinci by a train ai Beach uaiy uveuacg but vmual eeniously injure&, Accrmlg ta Iclatailom rucoe frram Beach lie lellov bailstepmil frm onetrain tutise Paci o au- otisen. 7%0tuit train, souhs-ueDi vas MD e ansd tise Ilulurlmms v broeatgitu W ia go ewvasre- xniavuilte the isptala themmCoai & Hat ambuhats.Me.vas ahi. ta loave tise Institutios betor. 7 o'cloci tbIis moming. fl@ nmre vas mt *&me CO&ru bupmsiet rusias a pats lu l» cou. ned. Wllilams safe on Elwela'. errer. Lindqulsi it for Luttir and lanned. Pasilîl pullud the biden bail trick on williars nsud tuggud ltIt out. West Sde-Klag mlagld to conter. Pulse droppud l udquist'a ibrow on Nuhuuyer's grounder and Il bande wuru sie. Puskilil forced Nelmeyer. puuiseto Bronie, muingdggtu thrd. Eil singîmi ta conter, King scortug sud Paskill geoug tu, third. Gogglns lanued. Murphy ont. Pulse tu Lini- quiet. onu ru; .tva its; one erraI. Nlth-South Sider.--O'urll fan- ned. Terlup battei for Miecux aud struck Ont. King ot. Elvin to Pas- ilil. Blrght and Dank Spots. Williamns mude a prmtty catch of Paaiill's fOy lu the Oust. taiing lie ball&fier a bard ru off bis sboe tops admairnklnga ammersanît ou lie grass alter the catch. MuabYh. Nulmet uuad lvin made moine pretty stops of bard grouniers. Wllcoxand Willilams pulled somne rougi 5mB lu the silti, threateung lie mpiru aBter a clame dacisian at ont Ilblskinil of voci doean't look gooi f rom lthe stand. PaSMlIlpulled the tine-voru bld-, leu-ball trick on Wlliams Ln the èightli.Shame on jon, Willams. Williams and Wbyteid lie AI- phonse-Gesion &et ou s Oly to right coter lu the torli, lttlug lie baIl faU bvweun hem for a bit. Voueuout-caughq O'Fmrrell. Hobby baving tvo glarins errors rharged against hlm. (Dy Dan Jeckius.l The West Bide teacu von lie suc- and gaine lu lie clty suries Sunday tu a dedazive baille ou the West Bide grounds. The Cty tuam u ot-playeil ani out- bit the South Sdera vifbibe resuît that vhen lie smoie blev over the score toni 8 ta 3. Itl vas a gaod gaine for thse specta- tort. both aides httlng fruuly. the Wet Siders hanglcg out i2 its off Wlcom. visile Neimeyer alloved but eigbt. Hoth pitchers lesueil tvo Passas. Neneyer sahuck ont i3 and Wilcox IL ' Ahistrous polid the long bit of lie gain, gettilug fjhre bases on bis 11Y ta deep conter. Pat King sud Goggius both Poked out ire., bits. The West SiderSe. hffout the services 4of Rosi sud Borge visa. venu atteudlug Ibm funerul af à relative. Emerson vieoMWedtu et shortPp. fortmi crudtsbly hhotmghoisemad& oua bob ou Wliahls graunuer ln the fflth. Creightom care net t second, Pai King ging ta center. Imahe san Weinberge«. Ivo or the bust umpires in lie asocttion offi clated- Thure vas quite a bit of uxcitement lu lie tlin vben a decision hi Wulc- berger brougbt ou su uac&emfera pi ece of rovdylam vhaa bath Wilcoz and Wllams of lie MeCanu tean ai- tacked hlm. Assistant ChimI of PoUce Tyrreli and Officers [Arche sud Booth wure ou lie dlamodu au sutant ansd warnui the offnders thai uo ura tac c oud bu allowed. As the game now stand eacis taam bas won onu uni lie nagers met lu W. J. Smt's office ibis atternoon sd deidui by thie Olp of a coin ut wbicb pari the tlin gamu ylbure ta bu plsyud. Ystunisys gamu by lnlngs: Frini ng-Sgouh Suers-W. ing fanned. "Puise sud AhIstrouï ialied. Wbjie popped ta, Emerson. Brocie swung ai a igh onu for lie third airie. Tva valus; no bita; on ruas. West Siders--PankMl vas robbed of IL it by WlUam's eh-eua catch. Emer. son bunied aud vas maie chea Ltter dropped lie throv. Goulus doublai ta le! i. scoring Emeson. (loggias vas aile ai tln chen Abltrom muse- ai Murphy's groulsilr. Aistrom itouchai Gogglns. but nual viii lie baud liai held the bail. Creigiton slcgled ta conter scong <oggias, Crulgton iaking second Wvou aWI- Ine lt lie hall go througb. Dean yvahkeil. Voeu faue& Tva bits; twO ruas; ibmen rore. -Uscou-Soui idars-Wlauî ftanna. Crelgton ume ontLutte. OIPArreli ont Nuimmler ho PasIL pWest Sider-L. Kingand Nlusmiw tunned- Paaill valiai. Ismeo doansd bhldhlm b3, he baci o! ilie nuci. for ioh rusas Umaplr Weinbungur arduruil King té secus mai egaic vamumi thse Sauh idlm M tir exu amit tacifes.Nel LÂKE COtJNTY jLThe New Clothing Store meyer adPaskilil @truck ont. Onu bit. no rune. Flfth-Soutb Slders-Nelrneyer and Paskilîl retlred Wlcox. W. King grounded ont to Crelghton sud Mur- pby threw out Pulme. West Sidr.-Emnerson llned to Abltrom who droppuýd the bail and recovering tire vilOtaLutter, kÉm- erson gatug tu, second andl taklnt thiu ou GouluneSsacrifice fIY to Wlliauj Murphy wblffed. Crefghtou 'a single ta center soored Mmersas Crelgbtau Moale second. Dean- du mped one lu etruck out. Tblrd-Soutb Sders-Wicox wblf- ted. W. Kng Oed out ta Goglue and Emerson threw out Pulse. West Btdere-4oglns cracimil one to second. Brouke cuttlng off a two- bagger by a on-banded stop. igurphy singîci tu lut. Crelgbto's grounder to Pulse forcud Murphy. Broue trlid for a double play but Crelghtou beat ihe tirow. , It vas this deciion tiai brouet on therm in wJth theu arn Pire. Demaan sd Vose strc out. Two ita; one ru». rourt-South Sdru-Ahlotrom opened vl thIeir Irsi bit. a lon" Or to jeep cut«r. L. King Made a great try, -holding Ablstrom ta tbreu bases. Wbyte lanu. Bronkeu igle te renter moreil Ahlstrom wtb them rt Souh Bide rua. Williams doubled to left. Gouglus holding Brunieaiet tirul. Lutter whlffud. O'Farreil groaffl out ta Bînerios. Thres bits; oue ru». West ide-Pat King binted RUn huai lit out. glidlug toto Onrt and mea- rovly mlselug Lutter vlt biste pias, Lutter leapuil au Kingchule bu vas tront of the plaie and vas liravu out by O'P'sli.Onu bit; onu afflice fy; tva errers; onu mn. SIxthi-Sooth Side--Ahistrom vas sale an Crelhtonas erraI. Wbyrte dropsmud a Tuxs Leaguer b of atm- oui. AhIstrom attemptai ta go car to third and vws ànt. Emerson te Nelmeyer, Wbyte taking second on tbe throv. Brouies single to cunter acoreil Whyte. Wllilams doubled ta luIt. scorlag Brouke. Lutter fatned. CIC G OFParreîl bit ta short. Williamns golng ta thiri. OF'arrell tole second. Wil- cox struck ont. Four ite; two rnen; v onu error. , C i ~ l~ ~i6 West Sider.-ý-Vose vas sale on Lut- ter's error. Pat King singled to con- ter. Voue golng ta hind. O0arrell ibrev ililta second to catch Ing stealing. PaqMll beat ont su IcOueld bit. Vase scorlng. OFarrelh lrew viit i a Ot, atirmptlng ta afp pas- kilt, King acorlcg sud Psaiill golng ta third. Emersou popped over lie pate, O'Fsureli gttlag ander. Goggins lineil over short, scorag PasilL Mur- phy faraud Gouluns, Ahlstrom ta Brouie. Tree ita; tire. ruas; onu error. Seveth-South Slders-Deau carne clu., ln tari of aecound robblng W. King oI s bit. Pulse tanni. Alstrous singedl to rlght sud stole jecond. Wbyie vas out, Murphy ta P&MMLI West Sieres-Crelghton pappui to Brue. Wilcox tbuev ont Dean. Vosu oni, Ablalrom ta Luttmrý. Righth - Souh iders - Brouie minuci oui. Willlams vas sale on Bm- erous error. Wlliaums us alte v-h- Voseupegged b o rsita ocatch hlm cf. Pashli valiud Ictoe, * ft moud vili the bailturneil sudecaugbt Wiliaa napplng viitiste leai. ini- quls at ting for Lutter atrueli ont Wet Sde-Uu»dqulst. playtng lu rlght aid Wbyie At flet Vaouvwu eaiu on Pulsa'e erro,. Pat Kng den- gei bo renier, Vos. galug ta lind Nelmeyer sacrlficei. Pulse ta Whjte, Vou ecorfng sud Bintg bing ta sec- ond. Pasiill it.throagb sort. Biner- sou boaaied onu off Wlcoz»s mit. A paisei bal advanced both runners. (loggIas vas caled ouituon tikes. Palse ibrew Murphy oui. Tbrea bita; one inn; 1 erra,. Nlnth-Soutb Sders--Terlap bat- iing for Wilrox, vas au easy viff for Nelmuyer. King vas lirovu oui by Emerson. Score hy luulngs - ---- 123466789 Waukegau .........000102000-8 Waakegau Cty ...2010180i-g Summay-Two base hits-Ooggilns, Willania (2)., Three base 4Jt-Aki- miromu. Siruci ont-hi Neere, 13; hi Wilrox, il. Bas on balle--off Nelanujer 2; off WIICOX, 2. SacriOc hlts-Nelmuîer. Sacrfie Oy--Gog- gins. Stalea bome-Croightou. l. Bing, O'Ilarre, Ailetroul.Tîme-2:15. umpre-pruAlm msd WeIaberbmi,. At- tendance--3A0. EDITOR's #NOT-TII. labulatmi boxt nmehi Mr.. ml la epractboliy the mase *0 orai M. BmmoNinuwfth give. thge $mm s idmt50%wh mrera lla, lIansetaitwm m&WdL~ E'tS 5W US l1asorfes mesmmp forthe dîffeau in.-l-I l.-Mr. jehkmsa gIV«ea iaWom t m lkiMs lumtmo .4morey M.V. oritasuMd S i oto, graper venut te aMMlY o«Mlug0 lis L J. &£IL mui Miimt tmdrn 10 taie piteapet t ai o 5<Ce. am bats hdOM4 hie 15 ý lo be ettautW80% Wauiegan, Sept. 19. Jeannette Lutta or Laie Format ta. day fld a suit for divorce agalnsb ber bushani. Mari A. Letta. She givac statutary grounds. Mise Jlia Smth taonu of lie comen naaîed lun bbe bill sud Ers. Lutedeolaruesliera are severai othera. Shu relates they were marrled lu Evanston. Jane 4., 1906. Sbortly liter liai chu smye bu began thle excessive use of alcohol sud beame an habitual druniari. She saye that whule In this condition bu vas quarrelsomu sud useil abusive language. Mns. Lutta declares @ho gave ber buabanil 81.000ta purcbasu a plece of property for ber and says liai Inatuad of havlng Ih recordudin lu er usine, bu bail h placet!l ubis owu name. 8h. asie liai ibis be restaruil te ber. Lutta, accordiug to lie den. laration of the vile, lsa apaicter sud uarsaf rom $75 tu $100.arnontb. She say e buUsauanablu-hodled man, eh able ta support bAr sud ber 3 year ohd cfili. Shu aBis for aRmony and the cStfody of, lie chil. Libertyville, Iliinois We are receivingFal and Wmnter Goodsi an in«mesready'to wçar for MEN and BOTS Rkeady made Suita and O'coats. Suita made to order froiti the, &:abesteitabliahed tailoriug bouste* 'Z in Chicago. Meni*s and BÔys& Fali and Win- ter Underwear. Fine Dresig Shirts and Flaunet jw Shirts. - Wehandletlîe eelebrated Duteheoe Troumers. Hat@ and Caps. Gloves and Mittens. Ne-kwear and Ari-ow Collais Boots stnd Sboem in ail grades. Men's and Boys' Sweater Coata Overallo, Jacketts, Wamih Sbirto and uveqything that ie usaually carriud in s flrt-elass clothiug @tore. No trouble to show goodui or to quoI. Price. Motbers that have bays to onit- fit voald do euh t', cati a% « r store. Yours to Serve, T. A. REYNOLDS, Prop. O PPoRI'Uf NITIES, like ml, are lipp ry and bard to hold, union fiumly seized. Tbuy %lido throub the figueresud are gou eru one le aware. Tro makire eMost of opportanitiels that Mnay ba gramped by udvutiiig, une Trhe ludepemdei's cha- gified pages. k me s amîghty eluqive opportunity that escape@ those who advertisee iu The ludependunt. eFrom i t tonsando of ceaders Tb@ ludependeut te pretty mare toa aBord the advertimer juet tha opportnltm tbat be la eeeklng. r i Crisp, ClRl, FaWlDays R AW .Atamin slnzzlee, thm mvining snov sudn.elCf . .. mbuijl fnfriaOn-Door, R Fok, tBigerTacWetercowd. aoug on ad, you're bigge han :ather in a genuine ne liue of Patrick-Duluth Mackinue prodacte hue juet arrivud from t>. Pstrick-Dului.h Woolu MidI. Beautifal, m'ýft, blendirg plaide, plain colore lunieli gruys, light sud dak, iu huather browu aud fores green-the necambinations iu ebades not ebocu oufore. Thusu are the gunuine sud original Patrick- Duluth Wooleu Mii! Maokinaes, mude of ibai voudîrful Bigger-Than-Weather cloth, vhich rosiste eind, cold aud moieture. We have al the ucceul. patrick desigus at priceâ from.88$.00) tu *8&50 We aigu carry a fulUne of Oent's Dress and Work Shoes. Measurementa taken for the Inter- national and Mark G. Harris Tai- oring Cols. 11900 samples to elc from. .Ask tosue suy of tise.above gooda ehen in tovu. Alwayo villing ta ehow gooda. PARKIIURST E la Lbertyville and for tîese reasonm Cnltu.ret BAklng Pl>"", Jcr 1lfirut lu the hourt; ofthcm -oM of Lonsewlves Who use it snd kuow it. Cas RA bc per ine Les* than 5 li 2E + FOR m ------------- l 1

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