__________ e 1 ' TWê*IE ALDI VS4agg"il weu*bksgaa lieTut der, doiL ft Uétbm.aWica ' âid a narrab Thelu trata vl às a resut.T ubuai the «éuhle Mv MMs.DaiY havé béé. a tWga*hmom W oods fer il ad a toci a fait ira beashuihave lande ithon waV occurreal ai 2 o'io* 1 31* Rcubag ita point about itra q or mita. u tilth ctb urf Lgm eov motit thé cou laise pttil loÏmw bbpp rtiy iimjeona tl seerg.acgbraeé. à fewamn bt'rt%*-Dm« at t.ubata. ___i" *4 t h. M4w.iThe Dm Um theértru*&ailior . icuécilvéhj wt ithéerails aWdthé otbrér hoolé te blevcr -U»fmet te i ut.suM ledrbupa, alcg thectilen, dm81 atuid o. UicMraca% T he &p 0 - a m sloc ui euv cd u ri muoryci-4 uireut orér es ismidt Thée ~ "MpeM M MMu ubta ibs labtte" but Si vas bUt ou mU Uhétallali id M moisopo. B@ foré thé ogim ansd tr O MM Su ecP thue lai he.m MaMdiver Mr 4*4ro M r miail Thée taan.M10s@Wb a Miae sud slop <bai ssay 4t UN ==,w«*- hhucuatrou thd a"tau i"éfluculte«théir issus t the d«opo E... nur d wiu@fomou M b Iasinsubet Mba wmaïida thég seV«rboai bon 'Ra-trelle ret 1 or.W éiet puoesgénib mdOM ibir "Y otide auas «iily a peaihie.Thora, un a MMor f ti MW"ciMsWdet hmuatk êettea Oiera01, »»NU h lonte. i MW nmie n Se MuW"d a thé &MAip aadaued cenIM "is wu ith&.tireti duo I ové, wu* t a train ureclk. sud 1 Pope lh ulli hg th. lit» U. bBiy mi, today. '-ne féllai cme. eomsipon belui auakrnedftrou a icunisboep lai fia liai a uréibis t«oupàliatdo 1sbablé . l mooméal mIf thé uhoe of cour car uer. bumplug along ou ibm Unt, bt t mont havé boéii thée et fotet the braieo.. T. ubor hou uarrouly co neiay gn caMe a sefouitrinit recki, Mr. Dady roëoeiled a Clase eséeppébe baitue gYOi'.*sac ille oenthé uuy 0 "nrtboer WIhoôùddIÉ t bad bhem ralntng banal ailhe bie t ansd Umre or kmise ou wua rOspuséd cf aiuasbeut. 'The btrae 00WhIblhMU r. dY uas idins pon"a iager spottan afeig, but *acueribsla uhb»caie gabout an blicouter on theéMmem. ack ran tata the ushout. moi yaen peD vu'. ibio, t. t Umtis.obconui. me iebis spe &almutprovdentials 1bis tidmé hé foots lieba! su ovon clocS e nué WELL KNÇW PRIEST BQES TO CAUFOI TO RESIDE. ftiber I9aÎoru. peau'.s Nc Othol Pieutt ahJcibug sMdVcoani foS vhlh oraihéru'lgaod tuo mont*@ aoc. leluouSgrp odayr ulifornia uhé. é nsho P U -g pérmaaen la Mué hé à« l tér.atler loger baus "m vlutijg uibàlii brouher Dr. Vers for th*pust ivo motai. Dr. Pegeisaud bu té bus. MieU or PioGé,MMinjoteme g thé r iporIn a PAtA~PL R Vomnlng us m.y mot lié-able te Uasitmehmcl ee.%Pc.lY for thoe donaions t10 thé o"fl etigpathé ré- Me nPlaremsi oup TetIra W.uhb- thiUgli o hinm cour -loca p péi t te t. spuli *Mxiyon. We * V«17eun mci pieued vlth thé le- o~pmw t ithe appue ulucb shous lti8c' Meu t a in groulng laver ulth t4-0pl"ocf Wmukcgau andli vo' àid* *t.tuTrusiing ue rniy ai- wflé o thy, vo ar Gnately youne, LUCVY J. JUD8ON. INEPNDENIý- ~Y]~KLYSUN__ l"e Cati ~ "TWO$W000 ODAM. aeC«m e tov __46E1 SIJITS FILED IN SiéFi.Pot * COURT WEDNESDAY Po Jesse Mass of 'Lèrtviii Gives an InterntlnM Aocouni of Nis Ep1<s BOYS ENJOY Tl4EN8ELVEE. Grateful for OPPormnity to Ea Ther.-Iaot,À Prov"e to Be Very Instuative. thé bora uic véoue uiciite at»a dthé eu". FIl& Ohool a i Springlmii ai thé repi'usotiveor flokéCeau -ty. ba *itté a lottér Sb uliel b r01 tleOf tbé Arrivai ai thé fti sand a re th ialy routine of.> Instruction. S, YSUd lb. cuher boys troin I.Wié Ceunt déextcas their appréciation of thé ta< Itht ther voue gîven thie oppor-unitj Lto attend. <a-bisu le««erhé eilonaséss lippt 0 rou a Spritagld piper telling of 4hq tOPnmgocfthé ichool and cf a récoî itdon teâoai* thi.ine t bu hnairéaboy, ligt Situndty suigh by thé girls of ti Dcostl Sciene sobool, Reaii ea024%aproguim t ln cb th. puog tram ror é«Chiday et théefui le glvés A *Uines siiovi uer. are many ln. Structive lecture. uliicb thé boy@vIli havé au oppntunirte o beau. Pfolovitgla mu autil»af.et icdilly puognani: 6:30-FlMret ciii. i:4&-Revejiîé and hoitiarg ag. 7: 0"-Séuing ail. xeuclie. 7: 5-Sfens cmii 7:30-Breakfast. 8: 0a'ellclng camp. S:l51A eubhy c41li. 8: 20-"Lecture. 9 : 10-Aséembl. 9: 15--Lecture. 10: 35-Aiuembl. 10: 40-Lecture. Il: 55-Meus eaul. 12: 00--Dnnewu- AIlTBINOtyN- 1: 15--Atiubly. I :10-Léctur. 2: 1&-Vievlug exhibta. 5:45-Loumernlg cf lg. 5:55&-Mos, ciii. 4:00--Oappor. 6: 30--Revtévlng cf lectureésuad vuldags up of notes. 7:30-Evsulg lecture. *: 3&-cai te quarié,g. 9:45--l cai P'ollovile Ba t o1 Laké Counir baya uic uni.' thé guidance of Coun- t' Site Simpson arc attefduag the liste Vai school. veruobl Oxmabs-4ake Bluff. Jffe ooea-Llbeiyvwle. Visuelsweicb--Cum. YWouW la a bniéf Hat cf thé lc- fUmé ta uthbthe uys atieudlng the âohool utI jisten: MWONDÂT- Reopas: lpllng sudKnetug. Pouutry on thé rus. Planning a Vocation. Diseus qf animai. Liandcape garduatiag. 1'XJNDA- Care ot farm auachlnery. MNodér o u er Publie Huulth" Alfaifa. The Boy snd bis oelitg. WUI>&BSDAY-r Betecatte on theérias. Cropi and seuls. Oonnunlty service. Buter rouas. lirnng as a vocation. !HIJESDlAY- Stock .ludglng (Beéf Catié). Thé Fuumer'. Garden. Addreas-lJov. Dunne. Rsév c f cheel by Gev. banne uni liai. odicers. Vlsit te City. MIDAY- MEIi tosting. <Crops sud solls. = 100cai*o o bf rollout»g laithe leilér fronu lIssé Uken Connty Iudépéndont.- Upen thé réquéet of thé pridéat cf the Bourd 0f Uducailon 1 au enclos- Ing a clipplng fron thé Ilinois Blute Register regarding thé Bon Stinte "aIr Scbool ubici 1 am uitenag ai Murreil Ouman, Victir 1! and Francis Wich bavealkeai me te ex-_ Do. treme honor for the waukegan jlult. fil geneýér! oncpd.d tht judgs ta Periona la @sietd fer presidént et Yeur, as ho Io oip ef the. mont Po~la ln members Of tie association. Tbe, oEe e ilin hlm iis puai Je. ext ta the 4a lilght. Couuty Judge L. 19. Dock- be hou Of Rockford o uholis re.ld ho ben. wang Urnes, us. elt'iid di vice-pisdet to '> Cmmit From Farmr' As- socUatonUsé SlrongTerms 'r CRITCISE CHICAGO WRITER. Deoarton Slàé*That Chioà- 90 Pa»e 'asM sreet e ed thePaosGomly bo t A t " n arite MDs3,N. C. M. t 140,118MG sud UblSPaila iii. chiés.a a go Triune 8optember 183uti l ed "rob-muia tiattie Trust/'la &a~ b iepre.entaio? Oftii, bots, a Ml. bei upc, the. dattesu a iraulid la tbe * occupation or dalegtmg a W. rmil Our oi ution Of ne put i F ibat mo.ity on oarth Ia blet vib aa D urer, mre ubolesome mlk up tb t a Chticgo, and ths± no =d ',Iic *on eat ce. bout of a botter, bealth. lér claus orcattie than la touai lu ibis *district fwui'ttg Chicago bier %kW£I. F W. Casemotbiag for the qmmrl l-IN I tuéM enertain POliticai doctors. Vot-T "1UO&Job boldfers et ai, au Jmsvrfey or othor cutis imu r rourdlng the infraction of tubercu. B Un1 test regolations. 1 We do bellevo tren oar knoulodgo tOf the Men snd the test that if tk«ée N cattie fdelrs are gullty of alth" Mr Morrson charges ta isi article tbey ame BUll luitsas rélialsu d trust. * ortby -as thé tuberulta.* We condomn the actton ot the Fédérai Bureau of Animal industry ta quarattalng 4he couatlog of eok, Loa. McHenry Kane and DuPage, as actuate by motives otiier than the volts,. of our borde or Utce healutul. adeuot our préut. s S8. ,Lin-oh. ,Chairman, l John Rbad . L.Cadmoro a. (0.Dombart W. A.' Gooduta 'IL iti SRMFCTRIC tl Béecause.of thé AbMorVamcoditions In linancli a arkets mmd' týe praia certalnty thattheb,»nemtou of thé ro- organisation couliji bt urrI.d out satlsactorliy at ii h w re' Illé fédérai court ha. liOt<$d for six moniths the ae of thé eiéaand fony propertlde' The. propeitios hM biéU la -the bands of recolvme-fo se'teraj geis thé reOrganb&Uat los é%a te$MuW*td absiout thresé yéaas aoc ' b lUgadon broueti ho' ly deel a foYr * i. press théur atipgdlatlon to thé péeo Plo--farmer5 r&VM- or Laie couniy for thé trip vilc tbey are so greatiy auJebdg~uiic~h your paper c cour».' Thé tirée e b' rentiened aboyé, togéthev ulti Rs.iuEffdnger and my- sef ieft, lcga 9:00 o*clock lai. urdy izinegiheco(mpany with Mn. T. A . Simpson; Altbeugw ~thé top vas rather pro- longeai ve touai snb to Interest us- indér thé iblesMdace of Mr. Slip Wé pases]thucuithe gréai corn bil, région an-théeOjilcago and Alton fine, via Joiliet Uiecnington unit Pon- tc. Thé cern ltg this région vas neutiy uncut aitheugi a heavy crep 'as evidenit. Wé arrivéal ai ibe school camp- 'oir 300 itrong-et 4:00 e'cloqa* Sat- rday oeéung.saioér instructions be- eau at ence. Al.tisegli apRce filés fot .peritte Jie a détailici aeomnlt rthé tImé sPont ltat événinà'e»today. 1 viii %end~ -yen an out*u ltaothé : voni laid eut fer the-m' kctf comne. Thé famés 'of' fie é lmrcs viii lae tue found thé,.- - The scinol la UUdOýeli direct su- Pervisien et Frank .Thirnéon cf te Sprngflied bigla aésteid by th dfirrentnintend- enta et ichels. Ton much crédit et" te hégivén lu. Blupsen et aur eMiyfer thé ative and important plué-e èlé Itak-j Ig lu thé furihering o?. ub institu- âon. Thé boys trom even' ctuaity spe-s ljy Lake are a'nthusl&it aver thé iportunlules afforded b;r.-thé trip te lis mcoel. S viii Iry te givé a geoi l aleac- ,out et thé work ' fer yTout ét is- sue. but S hope this will ftulut mater- ai éneugi te let the péppié et Lobe ,Gnty kmou ihat we are illung-thé iée ther have given us. Very slracerelv YOueut IfSE VWAYNIE 7MS Puos. addreiw fBeyi Fet Yair1 cliol ,State Fair (inuail, lprag. iiid, 111. P. 8. Y might adi tb*ý 9 bave visit- i thé MfliéaWeIIs exhlbI4ttmnLake, ounty anid tii iIfeéntI artupholda e hlgb staniiord of thée à county woducrts. Mané thinki ithasa afiffl show for ut placéeout of thé 10a ousutes et inois. IAZING IS STOPPEO AT IGHOILAND PARK SO#OOLp WHEN STUDEIqTIS H1URT.C S*alung et fréshmen aht 1h. Hîfgi 1ai Park bîgh schoi bas beé"i tor- Mik A&a nreit et InJunfe#lutgfme- Li' Mmrold Géminer, a »W. itudut, vho is luIjuréit durlng a récéat icph- Moers haang bée. Haral4,' Irc la 14 Ym o ld and thé son of a trocér lin the. suburb, bas a sprained, i pg l aen toués bruaeés, recelved ubé. hé vas ferced ta "run the gauuhIei" lira Party of basera. I a Ma Eaoh Case the Suits Were 'Is Sel( Brought Against Railroads Thre for Alleged Injuries. ÔNE AGAINST ST. PAUL R, R. ATTES the Othor Suit Is Against the Ho Northwestern-Permanent o Injuries Are Charged. teni Two suite for 910,000 damnages ecd lIDaird Woee lied ln circuit court today by thé'saut Stor eyCalp C. dards Wvoie ré- 1, tet. g b s nt bie ilaintlffe n oaci casém T déud, T . Th sits are brouglit againt ratiroad * T . r.,wa.arWuu. gi, Opoalnu. one againet the Chicago sechools, MMai North Western line and the othor r iter Uaistthe Chicago, Milwvaukee sud ISM E SUJPO0iAj SHmrry Gallaghet starts suit for 0. thé, 11nefo ijris iegains ie tpre TO PRO EC J-Tho ce edo uy1,11.H-rlt is peopj a on-realdént, ofIlilinois. Phie nN T"~D JURYI l»r Ad belng ln Ohio. 1HE41 BKU . .J Inov gII H. ayé làe vas ieeking for uork ln ____Voctlob Chicap j a i vw u m PlcW d by t é St 't 1'l Y Pou] rosi te go te a Ahiole ln KanéU BS t thé Ci county te vont. Hé vas furnlshodMors th Highiland Park Mr.Simi wlth freé transportation and teoli a Painter Char -With Libel« «Thé e train for thé camp. ' eto White on thé train lhe ays nothr lfl O'K U j Sets Aid. l flt1 train -on a uining tmakpaued'tic hla train and a leose suiintg grain door ELiaTit h on one of the car8s truc i hm,,break-CAL ON SA log -bit"arnd miisvéral otiier hé,.1 steeéu ln bis body and inurlpg hlim:permaaà Prom uhat Ia iearnod by rprer,'*r f e tly. lieé W instatth - ralroé led ho re orters cerpelld te pay bien iâala ie ILhé 8areethat he's Attorney lmentdéli. S baya hoe a exerclaing ail due c&r a hte be pîacouj ln a rathor munuuai .cf 1t18' and precantion and lhé fùrthér con-dy nJ tendu that thé accident uitodlnet Position' ln connection ulth thé ucaedy tai havé happeaci but for theo creleas- involvlng the nallread mena home hiI0t neéla. et thé. nalroad ln neglectlng te centrovérsyand gênerai mlxup. Mim havé thé deor képt %but. ,Mr., 11m1 Wuich Damage nMtCase.,Iti ua1cdiidio Eanli Wulch liings his suit.-ftor wa'h Md te' the.grand jury on thée fh~ $1o0000 dunagés against -thé North chargeo'e rrnlnai llbe aatJohn thé saILI Wesatern rosi. Hç says hé vas cm-. O'Kécfé, superlntendeut et thé boue, Simpacus ployed -ln unlosdifugceai cars noir a le natUàally. thé 'butetfthé stat'. ai- Me of th ceai chute lnu tf o uftl' and ,systrnympesutnbéashold-etaa ils duty made Itnéomry for litai te ýpnY8Weuinbcnelel e na n 4éc under the coul ca.s, tendant. ' sayi thore via@'a repomnlîé BUT,. cuAtein lu'thé 'raliroai yards uht ho 'lt$seérnDo5w tlat Morrs ato c a r s w o u Si l h é be a b l i l «u m t l l a ' u g n a i a a î a i . a c a e a s c l o muiora caraet bs h kwi. 'von iuliuit on'hbo'siàlé'ittome nétapothlft lls- wamnlng the riii'conphny esOleai voIvins. much',et %the- ma& ehuol th é car t a li é md v d as : a r oiuIt f aýu, b a, . > a v u #he M tot whic liehéleit thé âftnon one boni n t z lié contenis that ne vas etheeis glie r:sJury' on thé 'grouua f ffet a lnJured, ublch Injuries, lhé sayî are O0-éf. s,Attomey Duairpro-j Sn bot cases the pimintiffs avor that thoy viii havé te spend large suni, et mbnéy lnasu effort tu lud relief trern thoîr condition and tboy aflk lhai thé nairoai cernpaniel, stand the oxpenso. Thé case ot Mary Cougilin Me' Wuy ne. et ai.. agaînit Thomnas Doug- las. bot eofLaie Forent uas fledt!t circuit court toury. Tile terme-t a debi on a bease. Accondlug te thé -at a'at-é In thé complalut, Deug. 'tlas easé.dtfor Ibréeeyears at a yearly routloe $300 a bouse hbeuglng tu thé plainitt, ugreelng te pay on the irset OfeverY montb. St la changelhe n0w owea for Iliée.nthe and refugss ln pay or live me te the terme ef thé leasé. Thé suit agaînsi 1dim la for $1,000 duamagés. AVON COUPLES WED IN INDIANA. Tt appéars évIdent that tva Lake ceunîy couples qulétly ilippeai off tu Clovn Point, lad.. ibis veek sud cènre marrlei vithout telling ail their friends about I. Accerdlng te a telégrm te tiuis pa. per. manniage licensés vere issued ln Crown Peint ou Tuésday. SBept. 22ad t0: Eugene P. Hutchiaison, Grayilako, IlL, Plyvia hélion.,Aven, Ili.; Russai P' lUtta, Graysiake, IIl, Gladys Beysa, A~von, 111. MN. sLeo Orury of Libértyville, fer- mer et Waukogan, vas Operatoal on ai McAltr beapital Wedueaday luaa vt¶ry sénieus opération. ln chageandsi tram Mîlvuké vi Inq vére that Mua. Drury vus very Officiai 'R eturn Lejf4aik>e DLutricl Lake........... t* Progressive. Domocnaile. I'~'.!,. z - "'i ""' 84* 1036 134589 7-Z 77,7 ,5-l Ropuhuican. lu% 208 6% 320 63% 6 ý 8% ttOW, Morris claI.. bhodtd not libel ODKeete an& Insista he, cau prove ail ho saldabout hlm ta conaection witt bits Charges oetumnanagijent, Iu crder te do no, lie iMs h. muit h avé- the uoiea trou thé.boumé &benhé hodépendeI on te ushe 8001 3 hie clalme. lu short, thée staU» f thé matter, accendingtat thé uay Morris laid It béton. Mni. Dady la that sMmo et thé men ubon lie obtaluai thé data 6D ubicli hé baudiibis chirges sgiintst O'Keefé une hoing sent awxy frOMf thé homo anal for tat rmuéea, ai- thougli defendent aalunsithé stute lu One Case ho lias aukelthé e tat aiial ln proteciag bis Oua case. lIe accondingly app«eite M. [tain to élneSubucenas en seorel. mon ai bthé home Preventing thom Iéavlng the 1stt6c.Re e éPlainéldiiiat acouple i- réa li ait léft and thé repo1t curucut' todia. vas that auoter important vit- Itsa h19 vimbeal kopi-liére ton tisébesi'. lu, vq about tui léavé todiy Whoue hé% ViS Unred viiiticthecourt crier te romain lthé ilueis. Itéporila thai a pai% alrosdir bati beaonmusai for 3< t o wuilodfudaI etié ta théehihé'm po w meom la snob an. 1ssueand theroier. n, dy conild aci refusé hlm the urits hé iuélfer. lieu manY Ver. sauc a énot inoun but h ila sali tiere véré sovéral. * NOI.meeétings., Accoritete, a report te the Sun fippi StliniPark,.oee eting bai beon held ulready 'anal anethér le licekeai for Turday niglit by frieuda Of Morris Who arc inilttarg ho la jus- tillil lu bis charges against O'Keofé. A HiiisindPark mansu uboakeal Uit lbis napé lie lilhold Balai Uit théra. voee ffty peneens st théeSundar méoe tng te lay plans for Morris' defense, Wbule Morris la pncpsrtag titisdé- fensé. O'Koété ou Uic ciier banal, lu alec géttiug bis affair a tle81hape 1 prove ibat thé charges sre MuOIni lfed. Rie 1288the copieebacing cf thé oMOsI&M of thé. houé ubo hé- ]levé lu binuand deciaré Po bas a"- 0<1 a anai oficient OcElaiathle nou. Théy Point te ubat héo bosc=- plisi- thora for thé opippleil uuaý They déclaré héoviii hoalei.te uv b&ta. 'd IAnolcs vilIbethé séeantonal harge saugnai lected onCm ito ition t b îb'. a Deair s'M. t< boJu ithur So. e uW ai Cty sas3prtaedd.f bus'cho Péon acondol 'as aso.o ic.o Juof mi4bo edd on m daimio ufer, of bas om,,r3ù rin a s ù ofthse cf é j Mon hâii t h or le ec n ¶im AdalPutter et a only a larg e nébut Ik te &t "ad tbé' ig ft * comal«w&. a vm.rg Mr., smpffl lse id. luigag té ahisam n uttlg b$hMtoq h ne is a 15 h1 vg W% al>lity. K. la Iegar th. ahleqi eoeaty ep' the slte.& 'IA Thé bOard cf uqpervtaMM J Jcurnoi sessionam b omr, Ing préueit Amoèt thé buafléo truelol av odé, te mreus.tbe-auls (3unir Judge P. I4 Perah.1» $2,500 te IP,M00A T. .Tbla tM vie panod #7 a n go, le sit b cadorabié itacum"ica&MiM Attn. JUS. G. "ltai maie lt C lmwq taasuch se theuli~« tiuoqi i recevém a "u5y 0oc.90s»è edu tpt théecic. fte o uin JW- more -Iupu ta h thé tulér to rc ao fie. tiatitk ueé l fMr theé evloéogm#a*4p T bsu e l u n c og id ie - blo dk i ! aud a 'recoUWUmtduhaet te vaauo- Of tuer-musn pe a10a1047 f t*er' ckrk ub"itwci. qéaet hésohm $@a"1cm t h e o u r é u m o i te , hé raissi bous *8W to-83.800 j 'gsàe it uao prao~ite asou «U i s ai s i 8 .M 0 0 a n u r b u t m p g e aa u lt é bains tibea thé original r, 1 -m povali, tisai la thé usaeg t gouaty eleri as i d. & M 0 . of th.çéity bocs te*oSA.ý i S 7. Oina Audit coMpuay for*1 vas qumnlmongly udoptoil. This la théeliais OMUMW w Made théeit a"dt, N. OUhiM lic vouu a tri S k a i on» * » d the repot rea musDon, TM th é io an u M e t a s Séveui lcése u m e bw* ueutb par th le eeuéar 0'iAiw dsiring t. 9.1ou .mu W q - , «" Provtoqs te tbc M8044u bars an a lé* hu imk v . l 'guoeu f lP«% *AWIp aie thlriy.flve lift *UV*&,' Thé ipM OuD id tet he %0# réuluw ntt Bla D»ber 83ra voie cft $»*4 isa« Pqdertdi Mu, anlMs. *Mutap 18. yreo bvug ac S* avmé d têts b«& 4 < blýOW ls iaétbs- l ie 4 m e havéa im msons bdituo d sA b gé& O sué ua bo f a n1 but bai livodlaluWunbépu sixoo ri a ti v dl tE ti ft Ip Ic A c c lh fr lit c to 1 0 fi 25,1914. PÔftpàalg mmimm ai m plm.