ýSTEAK SATISFAC' When a nie, large, jîîicy, tender steak sta the face you forget you are tired. You elaughter it. We sell tliat kiud. Our st the ordinary, cheap), tougli, littie article, (querades as sirloin or porterbouse, look lk Our steaks are thet real thing. Order one lu our Groc.cry Départment you will flnd mat dles hast cannaI be excéiled in quality and Phono 307, The Model Cash Grocei ,j and Market We have the Exclusive Agency fo J1MADE IN MINNEJ THE MODEL CASH GROCERY and M #ONE 307-J 1\1il!N,4:Y & * I) RY(90(l 'te ai atne s~ 'stnt'iN- .a 1aiRt in thl -vr LIBER TYVIL L E T'O THE PtI BLIC-- Nt'uî tilit îriett to ove l, Libet-y- tille. %Vpliave neyerai good bIargains lin rt-ai ffataI ant i sl] e gtadt l gure yriu tise ativanlage Oil theut. Wr oare it 5 atttitioiut Itarrange t-i-ms, go tilt i lihi,.Whmo nartma a Lt li-van g' t tut, We a sut y>ailSu, ral t 011 titiste tor' rite t,, u,ssii îg flut,'fmîttna- liln. Thîts ae selil gistil>granî andt wil reit'- t ,, aur bit ,'nI 1u,tnîît . t %Ne write 15in - iii'n htetise ust ittn- hîuieaseitttlie &Il imiuitlt itt rt-i]C tale Ils, e au-ltt ia' iu- uýIiieen 'i onreni. îîî Ml RANDt A hll \li itl,no \-, -1 L h,trt uile. >eIStoe Mow~ij: "THE! SEALED ENVELOFI This is a message for you. open it.i "When you want stationery of quality, of aity, cali on us.t' We carry some loi grades, but most of our stock is of Eaton, -Pike Cos make, exceptionally well ch ,-yptsr beuefit. .LOVELL CO. -L-i N. À. STU3E LEF REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS LIEWRS MARRIAGE LICLbNSES. DYMOND LASI Furnisissd by CL IErDA D E LAKE COUNTV TITLE & TRUS T Co. John F. Turk, Itetroit ....... Loans. Insurance, Real Btate and r IO N $I,1OO O ESTAT Asrat fTitleTilles Guarartted. NAMEii JUDfE VICE ;:watR;hîe........ House Renting. ares you in1 TO lIS 2 CIIILDREN Sept. 24, 194-.Gea ut a CHAML S WHIITNEY flauJ. Lulai. Y;a,,iz.ie.. .. LIBERTYVILLE. LIOS i i nand and wife e JoshKoout, anlud 1s-1 lu eaks mnake lC'ontnued FYom Page One.) ta1wnrshlp. W. D). $1. f(ontiuuedPrmPeOn ouSc .XatjCit ELHANAN W. COLBY thtXna m, H. Fabry and wlfe to Thl're'ia Auna lFrantli saine ........2,Attorney-at-Law tla a- SevecUth-iflcase elther of the tru't V SY'mons, lot 1. block 86, I.aké, 'îew Wsils fLk (am . ae liam NQah l, 'tio ...... 19 oe i onoeGo prdRa ke a piker. 'tees shalrefuse te act, the cother siamilleights lBoton township. mon Lt dted f Lakeh onyltherIn Indian a hr sh , Xîlssa e .F LBETYIL e.- ILNI have the power te appoint anotiier $123rdae rantr othr nin Office in Triggs Building. and se, trust es to act wtt hlm and et any 't'raB .laîrdNormal echool atiXalparaiso. sipent RXîarta F . euîh,'Nliaute l _______ E, - LLNOS deigUne In case of the death of One of f luna Sarys teB .Ongo--ata I eiesie... p ttrelesth70vllgtrses .al 'lot 35 block 90, South Waukt'gan, une year at NorthwesternU niversity the tise otesr oappintrunt hr.lunNorth 'Chicago. W. 1D. 175. and one year at Xhealon ('ollege. il-Vicfor Swan, Chicago ............24 IYat-EihhWenvraytrse ha o.Duzkadwiet . tla-linols. In 1897 he became a stridentIclna De.Nallie, WilIow Springs ... 26 LYELL IL MORRIS price. ~ dis and no new one has been appoint- lgrod4tl, lots 6 7 8 31 te 41, blls k 90,Ia h lb colo h hcg tpe Fx llake..l~laeATRTA À 1 prce.ed lte survivoir shal have ful po South Wauksgan, tu North Chi,, . Y1 'a w chool, graduallnz froua thraitlu- Aima Ansluger, saine .... legal age Liberlyville - Illinois r.Asst. $1. lstitutIon lu 1900. During the entire William C. Grunke, Portage ...27 LucioBlding. Nintît-The trustees shall have pow- Il. Ni.Iglallgrodzkl and wife to Sarah wrd orebis w lhrogh %Ired- ild .Xolleu-ae.. ' 5.I'toî .Office Phone 13 er as follows: J. Glaser, lot 5. block 90, Southî %Vau- ad okdbswytruhpeNbid .lVelen at .... 1 . To make. vary or change luvest- kegau. flu North Chicaggo, aiso lots, 6 1 paratory school. college aud protes- George Boys. R4cine ......2 agents. 7 8 31 te 41, block 90, SouthIéVXauke- galna sool. Upon hile admissions t Xia2.atigon, saute........... 2f; MARTIN C. DECKER 2. To couvert real property lutoe gan . M'.1) $. the bar, Mr. Edwards îtractlsed for a] ry ersna su th rvere. eitetlte 21, 914 -Magje ' hort dime In Graysla'(e. Ile theo n E)3MePherson, Red Granite ..28 TTIRtiPY-A.e..W .3.prm t oi a ns eli s u r e s . prty, si2 3er19 14.' -rMtlî V . B k E W v srd te th e c o u n y se t a d h a, P n n y 13. E d g a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 l e O p . 1 1h t. E ct c S t io or persiognal. ak oEwr roS 1 . practlsed lu Waukegan for the rtast 'Jchn Grljgo. North Chicago... 2j4gtic'e Phone M-148 les. Phone 138608 ibertyvilie 4. Te corivey the reai esitate lunte - N. E.1 4, "(,tien 35, Antllch i ourteen years. Annie SalaI..,saipe...... ..............N,):OTH CHICAGîO. ILLINOIS orfo nyloi etae twnhp.Q.C $.Durlng bis residence ln Waukegan. i MrtnBrr,________........__ or for any lees entaI. towushî1,. Q C. 81.Mr-. ldwards bas taken a great inter-,alntar.Muac......2 _______ - 6. To purchase stocks and bonds Kart ti> Forberg and wlte ttt;lis est lur al civie and ludusîrial proît, Ethel H. R. Sebluetter, LaCrosse 2,i and te charge premiurns te the pIrn- tg, Pl'ilgren, lot 5, lu J. L. ' "le ms. As a lawyer, he bas trled soma Arthtur Situer, Millwaukee ..... : PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Dr o tuchilunlcreinte Pt'takee L.ake, lu Fox faire. \V. ). ofIhe mont Important cases Ilithe i Eleanor PohoI,sanme ..............2, TONY TL 7ud.nTesseurae by c red nouthiempransciinl aeATTOeRrssNnie îEtY T L AW.iînl or tîand notrust ycolateral oby EtIaii eîl n uhn ,courts of record lu Lake Courly Xl alter Roth, tleiglita, Vis ....24 lbryilIlni irggortutdeed on rea nas ahrn clean ubtlt are tise followiug: Friand C'arlson. Waukegau ....ocs 8. îo ay out ail cash aividend8, L..roy D. Kellogg, 159A24 acres ti,.er- The Saanawfiçl murder trial,. t <ertrule (Courser, saine............ j _________________88___ et.TepytaesoEalkid ad tio ltelerfield township. XW. n. The Italian trazedy at Wlnthroîî Joseph l)vorok, \hiluwsikee ..2 ay9. ersprmusec $11.Harbsor. Floreuce lOringer, satne ..........21 DR, 0. F. BUTTRFIELD. te pIth iKerrlsue'pr(bcb) ta i,-etc. i TheeSterak Ezekellan mtîrder trial Xî.or'lb Mlstke,. VTEIRYSIO U 1.Tii empioy and fl so scia attor- Jh ezspi(a)teL1 The Abertina Nelson murder trial. \ilin rbe ll'tke................................... neya and assistants as rnay Le noems- l1inn o ,, blck5. esbdis.. Beeth adptonof liseoXXork, IFrotta Criss, taîei[ nr'RÂs TATE VETERINaaa' AP0U57 sary te ladl;e h tate. pu 1h e F X tb i lghlands, Noril,, hi- 't's Compensation aet lu Illinois, Frark lalerle. XX aukegan . .. . .... Lrtvls.Itîus from trustetlsashan he rieiulgred to sec (att X\-X) $ . N.. dan aIrtsenedI-le msarse vlsila Barin sai, "tts go thec application of purchasge muuey. q 1>14, Ile]I.-Robert C.Kentt and damthe pItIaiîc te oHe cas toe lur tri s!n ak Eleveîîh-On Jsnuar ' 1 and I .uly 1 mire to fllry Mintman, Lots ;'lIX. niiici, a verdict of $2.(00 was relnter .5 nna M. Gertttcr. î'lîît'o t........ t Il- ,, M a, t'rtriarittia firil afêr Itie trust estate cotrnes IîJuge, F é,tî' ît ~titi e'-'Cr ttdo our mtir, thé h nd oftie ru ean -i'.fi C.Ke ti su dI:ý n ergib tis iselug the largeït porsorai nal l arr., S. flak", ('lii(l,- i .........2 ' li.'lindso4lte sr îen stainI ]ttttaX't).$2.)uyede ee ediri L a e P IZR .trl ,,Zi,ll't'. ' V anîîuallpIM hereafler tht-y art' rît pre-1 i 'Iod .1.$2.Ju edc vr ete eM raves .arts nléatemnents of ail fleurstif utIlcume 155,0 1IlFak I txlr ta Rici ti ltunfior eenî .NrEtwrlsXlfttîtL landtgra] .5lil\,ilhIALJC' ONE aiel dinhurspmett.m. l r ,fS t'~14 ettti has Iteen attorney lu the Zion City U T 0NEF Tý-)ti-Trst-e haI hag a pat fS '.1 4 sVi' , antlamus case. where the Suttreni'te Iltar.i t ,l, r. allie .t...144 Elmsood Ave., Wasakegan, Illinois Tatiti, 'risl.- I itaî rltrg as l,,r, i 1.1, township. Deed, cou', rItfor tiseir-st liniiti a dertde al,. llt'trsCt, '1 li, , l li potttli'. Ses me beforts making your date (o010lerisaltit îe ir e(t t ot t hegrétsil ja ta,,., su ai,, 3 o <Jo '. I Lias sud wilete to letîr, I, stîfiet] original jurladiclion lu a IRt]m ,aan. i,'il _'...-t--ttt-,__t_îtt_ _ ______ tri n ltitLit ~ .,l t..îs o rel e ma, lIe md2, t Hme '.., tltiust nillier.I e m's attornev for l'hili, A.lrahi,, rl,,,gto,îi) l. gîIt L D 21~M tht' oit falIaüso ele- alt ad A esilI loilailtffs n lule F. Il.,('ook CORt,-I DR. E . V. SMITH tl -on'ttî\X'.ut ofida XXD. $2. 'l or case utf7.lon ('ils. seiseroan inr- . ] ~l,î, l'.ît X. , ' itNtolr. tia îtil Illlt- lllrait,\. Ktcler t0Argtune C'î' i ,tion wsali ohtali'tl ogaisî.lt,'Ii., thi, ,tt 4. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON lit ttl> for ti, sîtît e-ful tlIlxu ii , Ioii's addition, City of H ",, att trs tttt ett -e iý Ala l, i ltirroVs a,, . i I- ,i, , la u 2t sd ., tt'trriitt tf jA'lériit, Ii lî fls art ti a itri' lof re, îrtlin Ille mn da ltu utl s ,, . , .I, ( t ag,........ ...45 ttr ttla iîiueS e I tr Iti tt tir i'V.i t3i ),X tmIo0iuîî vase ltrouu lIt au'.itst1tle st littu 12iall b, ti I lrIt o ta u ru lis AIfretl I.taî'îbsou and wltet, t M i ' tiltetors cfr lai, scitool dli stricts l1, tttl I .rti.~ îî'. . .LB RT VIL ,ILN I I -,T KNTt I tî ], .:. t, t l isttttls r t ".- 't'l tl sndhus and. 2 atIl- Ii "r,1îîîoîît. sshi't h i,.ti,, îî in thei , X"1 ___________________ ________ 1 :N'rll 'i ' l il Booe ri d , \.11Ilon ,, Antioch Iown 'illait,hourt.le is 'tttt t.. s c r 'to"'PLAN 13 A BIG SUCCESS. DR. 1. L. TAYLOR' .'...t ..t......t.....'.. iiil d dré-'i'îi tat X î ica r tel. s' t'ý il ttth c.. tftt l riPele tg îsone Ofc nFrtN toa ak B idn 4 ~~~ . a t t r "1,t tgtc aî.y bonds ttI.' '.aî sletob-riS tt '-lîtiLt't i î oîrrt. î Tift e tt u(' ,tttn oftti lt 'irvvm fie tti s is uNatinl, tatkButlin ii t l]' i -t rs lots lu Chicago, Ili-, Ct t i, sii i L,'le 'i lia, ss llî t'.p ,n r ts'aaois,: lte : :l Fl, LIBER'r'ViLIl t 'il--t 1 . . f i, tr It,' larg i:,!,.I\".Itlls fler' tî,.ît sapltoiîîtmnî, bas Itecu iteeîdeui'.e ,'n Broadwayopposite Park t e t' tt,.' I , ',,rs ut Xt2il, g; gtIr 1fr i iarçil,19in ' l eîî,itlicaLI n lIt l ir î%,l lti,,, i car be,îl îl,, ot h 'IlOer '0, tiii I I.tî u a t to uChrist iRtec~ t l' ut rt-s lu souit ti Rt 1~,,fI rttî( .I le I T.tauttsix if, i îîîlt Ti- O'îu g nc h,________ t" ] I.' jtuhfluess lîîti ake a It' dtî i ,l tc .fat,. fair tiis Vicar ro. i .~ ~ t l iiti i tta'as iad t,a ,tl.'t.t.rirurtes s t , h' at u siut. i' tu tiri,,,l 'oi a ic honosuT hv 11, Rtales (,LDN par tri aitltt.tttf, gI f I iiltr ote s lr R O D N A PA TIN l' tIa ,teaii-, itîsintess ma.î FtSV aw- ce NS1(1 ,z, ' î.i'trîvs%îîîtl Francis H turs 8 te) 12 auj.-i 1t1t5 P.m '-t >'iui i.ti of tieeuî,in- (t * 'I i ,agcn (widossî.t tf) %l se nile l (.'ouîtiî>l ' ýIa o salîl Lelhoi. ('ubîa: Sîctie laset,. Veruon. ie "rtNuttnlBn M 38i, leilnhîr,' Itîtilar i fioi,' tire potiîon Rih lIs itn,ePr, Il.hpirt' sille tub e. ittN tin lB n t' SrS* l lt iI <li oi-andtl .Xiii ., Zigas. lot -, atli f Circuit Jîîtge. Thelî te ol,' aike , s t iit> ieîtîiuaa. t' hone 19-J. hItes. Phone 157-J. Ili tr'tfier ,l tiuiltr <of î'ars ,,.i iîý- îosut it ngtiesu d Tin wî,ull h o putarug ithuidl. 't tiil I u iillo'îi'eà ,a li] ]t , t'ai,i,] I r fé,iltiti \Ir. Et]d i tt tier,'s ere ce a ls fî Lhetvhl. îin l',j, Iit e i ldrerrr t elIlaîf tice Xt ddliotîo l M aukegaît W. lie fair, lîonest aud abie'in his5 d i- Iol wod trptig i idy " ' tit l , t' e îtirou, I lit'- re-tiain- t),I'iratlloîi of'tise tîttieIs ofthIIs, ilîe nost Tisestire 1îîstivly I>dellghil anti rau ;e 'il It,'If lN vl;rsan alCli tetrge l.uîlk,-nhiagen (wîdower) ta importaut otffice' In Lak5e cout i nulfina l uansicis raise lu express; DR. E. H. SMITH. t rii lal'ifile i itv recei ve îtîe In-: Ann Sadawi. lo 23. bock 2,Dreytheir nîtîrecisîlon ofrl'ietteflls aud INBT 1-1Iilt o-trust fi il This Inter- Aîî Sduki o 2.boc .Dry utertainnienît tey recelved wahile nt ivEB LAKE moUNtis-i-T IrONAL BANK. IL LINOIS -lj'll intîu îtstar t îaruous trI sSubhdivisio,Nor0th Chiscago. Q.oniSI 1na s.aneI10 p Ci 1. 'HER Y JINTI ;fi'DAILY. S ept. 21, 1>14_-lI;as M.Gorbaut HIGHWAY NOTICE. i 1~ ~~ O~Keke lt4 u~r A SOHTTMe U PUBLIC LETTING 0F CONTRACT. Lbertyvlll 1hof AiEDII-T O ah s resuhailssîonu lublock 1, Ienox LS III UTHEJ N'otice la hereby given tiat sealeti subtil visioalea. W. D. $1450. itîols als seul bie recelveti iy tise CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. HOME TO BE SENT G:'NhE îl5r t hs LIiP4iiR "u'rITft Gryhart of lot 1. In adtilon b ____N.__ oanty Superlutendent ot Higbways PHYSICIAN a*d SURGEON TOWSN ~4U Vaddition lu Wau'Iegan .Q. C. $1.fLaeCounty, for tise Improve- Tel. 10îOfeoser Gu Col TO NSA E A YLU Mm. B. Walgrath andi sife le Edward Two Men Who Were Fined Arle mtof apmlefronate n theetaLbrtlle, 111. M.%ax Zinu, lot 186,J. L. Shaws Bob- Sent to laUl for Failure to part of Section 19, In tise Townof _________________ Charles Dean of the Railroad divisio. n uAntlocli townshlîî W. D. Pay Their Fines. WSarren, sxtending north frona the 115,1. ~~____ soutis fiue of saIt] section, Il gradlng,ANN0UN2MBNT $150Hoe itHihln dralnlug. building a bard gravel road Wm M . Fabry aud aile lu Cqrus K. Plane aud costs ag,'regaiil e - nl accordaure seth plansansd specil- Dr. N. W. Shellebre Park Given a Hearing. Stanley anal wile. lot' 33. block 1, Zian ta' ut $5.215-10 acre initoseil on "hlual irrtions prsharetihvCChas. E.Russell, OSTROPATHJC PHYSICIAN Charles C. Dean, 64 vieasold, seho CI'sbiiin nsetti2.W..piggers' antti uleralors ut "wet" joint' sud .ou Inhie ubs office andal tis f tise WilîîokuiMrg.CLS. mogg'son gOvchard IL, fo-Ih lsIte yerslis ien nî- 1along lise Fos river ant i atPistakes onClerk of salti toan. It laos n- LUhtstyville. o . a M . ndrday. "'i t fthe Home for t>sabled anal E. B. lDoolittle ant islf'- la Cari F.balia Jutige LtelVolf uf Belvitiere lu denotithat tiseCommigissloners may alegïn an d <veing. Ageti Traînuten at Highland Park., Cautien, lots 2 aud 4. , b,,,k 4, lu Don- tIccutecut e'odlc Isat rierne lse haiount of tise wurk ta was atiJutiget insane ins couulty court lt s alrLake 'Suî)d,loîn. .D Siida.*Eeie1fwhtiren doue, depeutient upon the bids re -________________ ii 5 akga Strdy ni ea *rte,- liesyo r a'raa lsn otIehre celvet analtise anouant ot mouey tElgin.li oSenthlce alto 'suie faillirtsihlm;ai.- asa22,ile Tut lite(;.nprleeeland.bualDDR.VIITORRCC. HOEFNE .'d iturnitet tuth0 nnate 55)butatt epI 22 194. rankt Ceveant î ared i ttchaitite of vt-nuesplens frout1 work elli lieslartet i athte soutit end of gt inait frîtesaluîustti il sgnor nhwli' a oua t .u îtlt aalmge S111lv'. iu'-fare livreur, hey seere u ieîîrrreu oîcr-e s OSEPTI HSC Iotfnits- fr. 'tifse lait tolrene hishandi lot 14. u, o t ' iI\(,wberry's urgîinîil, arrttignut'ilfar nutrtis as fotndasitî tpermit. 2q Nl adison St., Waukean fi. sicIrI, lote.XflOte supeornteandedsu diint ,betýl, V1.$ i 01ilit patiual Scaîtti proposaIsvwill lie receiss'd niOfieHu i ldt uli' 'I t11t1Ln adtt ditiu oLbrîstl ] I 800. iotîi.ii'. n lr ,ti aIl il tee ih- Itour ut Il ou thîe :'rdiday ut Oc-Ofc om ldI_ ltetîidclîlo an ansý usn if t Auna C. Austini l ,i i tt asrence tatatr'uith-hlt .wat r-thrAI.ltI s ielouuîsu9122- A. M.;1-4 P M.; 7-8 P. ]IL i-t 1,1t,.ai iite n lins a-ar. talilian,lots S atîtl i t T I, 'ffSmllhs cdu reaîilleXb.% ile, ,.mLac lasOr 'br.,cuI tuu V ,II b h, Cmeei10sesdnb-AplnmntOi Decan lea avetértthiof -tise greol rail- sdetîoîfl'-îooXttîî,'ii ttt , ,,lias , orsco,1 in1tte oanetIl ,' ing tne. Il- Teleby poiinent 6 - iatisirike ut 1h05 anti for 5ears wana t t't o , nticW. D. ,eeiî 'e ()î, ,.t,i-t 1 le lg"' "' ý'îtId -ii-hi l iltîtom i' sel li e,'î l -t _____________________________2 ____._ ieil.týineer ott liîu' C. Il suit]Q. rail- $0,0law %5laiiil , f il ,,' trivter anit Iay in Ille %sfi i hs Il i ,'rtilied check ritat ,Fttr I nîîî'îier ttf mnuthtslut' lins \'i.Roe NolîcrýI i-1 , te toElla t rîtt. i-,,îtt i îî i a îîtît1icttIs,'î~ e etu **R D IO ..M te akn tro',-atit] oe. lt , itou %fay SM oore, Lot 8 ainI S I rail lot 7. , t i t lii, s. St t.'., Xitit ics lotît t i.î'anotîî ofît its b1itîl These cerîl , î t i l î g t t th i neX Xrt * i l. I'Ii o l l t f l t i e 1 t h c i k i - l t l h l l e p a abe î , i e t oV E T E R I N A R Y S U R G E O N b- liabit (if t epîaln uthi ut anti upon lJas. SuW Xt titize moi t e toCha. c.titi ,ii'î i osn l ' I c e gt.îrniiet 0f t'ati aii Tif nas itl OI tl e i cagsodVn t. C79 G 9 t'oceiis lie wtu ii u i e , a' Rl Fisei 1150,I. lt S. S] 1 's E. 14 roi ris,- itatti,I of t -t îîrgecî ai th cutil ac t atlie or to VI l prop tt- i Ave. Phone 1136-W,. - gt tait ottiurat aisicis auilti mcl for; setlion '4, Illtrtvstti- tthPýî~ litit. F,. tans u Cit,-' itttt iue ad filIe'a gootîlandi iiio hour Ins echpatysîttltciotu.tbond. Tiret curtilleul checkis 'lie, e.SRY ilati (hmares Petit tisti -oîîîî t it "îms0nl at> lheiouiic-t$1Itttesai] er EIF t, t.att engineer tin tise B ndau0.îout Auna Petr, it u ant d bus-,t fistfitil(ii uînssuî t.ý,u conîdrnet l bcasen t c t i'Ocatîl la. llahc.' utlieoftifliemeutbant lt tBehjaniiii lot - u ,l ,ci listtt os I r $2 SIo i"cc- i iesî"sulIiilr A T O 8 1 i i tutltIrernarli: ansDean--- ssel ThM Pearson,.LitIle & lire tiI sîîîîldivislon -FxRIr - lotfi hc i tesresfiMlle C IO B I mas ire ures way go aouse bis iu oliI,'.ltr .I.I..t' .. 217.05 set1llie rt'taiii'ilutîtil lit' or t'ov files a r sdmihe prec n fr an ltesuet ea' uarua heWaoitegan. W. t 1)G.t si.t , al ur- . ~ 5gondiand ti tffiientl titutul c-orthlug Ihaeitiueheprnslua-n ta sîîecoreiFitzi....t4î5n1 55sales Riate 1%. Sahtiélactlon guar- lokat tise fools." lio soulti Benjamin Pannai-l,- .alsi fe ta Jolii1 FraI. Fiox Rh er Grume .277 43 'TIie' -rk Ilaitobl'starîtilunTou anteeti. sitar]. "Dont tbey kuow that tLe 13.Anna Pearson Fshîat,i, i.loin 27, 28 J. J tIlertl. Pisînîce lsy-..457.45 (loi trnva front dte of cuntraet anti W. H. ÂPIPLEY anti0.OIh an eastern i-antiant il dsaantri 29. lu Pearson, ILittle & lrgn hsIat> o ie - 53 opclt uNnt tutss'rmPoo22JLhWet7vili sut' toucas Pocatello ai ail." He wBoa' Trsseoultiier... 575 oilýe nNne 9) asIrm hn 1- flien continue wllh a leugthy barran- sbIIIn Xafea.X.L.$. S. ,J. NMdlin. listakee Bay .... 457 eo.45rrl î~L'pai oro _______________ gue about the Idiacy of the other In- Seie uitohsug------monîlleestîmates t, tise amenit af sthenSnllh Jh.I,,ri 11,3 Eighty>Ove i(851gP,' e-n, utfsaie antiPUBLIC AUCTIONEERING utîtes ant i gvlug a detaliei accouant Joseph t- sls Jolinsburg . 457.35 the balance ripou comîtîetlon antino.C- oeet attention pistltu arranging ruwhrltbIs triaeweeAIIiI T MAIN WHO BenStilng, Pîstale Bay .... 457.35 cehtance of seorti. auction sals andi beat mesull bandil ail ils branches are. yM A g RD Mrs Johnsîîurg ........457.35 hegiwasntgignFuuuty Sper ofdu, Blons o ao. aosat While he wasnent uucleanly about ~Y fIIUChas. Norager. Fox Rite,'.... 45j.05 Hgbwayandeserse thue righeet Ailr- ba ns of on« wagos a d bis persion hé seemédte tobave an ave-sfi -wysreeýeth igtUe e brnf alan to lakiug a balle anti everY ftlmésB. Valente, Fox River--------..247.00 ject any anti ail biefs If they dean il lF wss uecessary ta givé hlm ans four InIRVl Imposlng thue fines Jutige De- te the Lest interests of the Town and HENRY SINE meu, hadte <>pursie hlm, carrying hlm "i'.' ol satd ha i tos shobal u-County se to do. on 14or« 2OCIYIL ta the bath routmn.nrvevs h5cîoîb Istee ponas of guîîîy shoulti hé si-- AD.ttiIs1t91ayu4.éltmbr lng anti toes himlutte thé tub, Patrick Kane, salal tn be oneéof the resgteti again on simniier charges théy JO.N191MA. He was particular about certain airOH-TOMS lIcles of clothlug. Par example, hé gants o! wlré-tapsiars wsewsendled the would lie subject ta jail sentences, ln JOHN EICHINGR. bE" woultisesar black shirts ouîy and lotte Wr. WIllIam T. Klrby out of aditiou te Use fines that mlgbt hé FRED ItI NGS, î AifAI .A Z R la hse ailta at -Igt. heu$20000hn ctoer.192, i tidérarobagea aglns tbm. P.PENON. of he as îve a éw aIrhé oul rét l Tled,-Oloaccrmîg 1sa ostge sWlofnteetiaU rdè. tat awuChéit Wl>. bill aies-