L.AKE 4,U'UNTY INl)P>ENUIË14T. FRIPAY.OCTOBER29,1914. DVRTISI NG RAT ES 6c per lin. eacn insertion .Leaa than 5 ines, 25c firai insertion F' OR SALE We bave a number of fine home@ for sale or rent. Dymond&Ausntin, Li berty- ville. -2-ti FOR SALE-9-ttoom Frame Houpe, elai, email ba,çu. chicken houpe. liuild- lugef in good repair. % acre of graund. Ten blocke fronti ailroad depot. Siall down paymuict. Easy terme. See or write H. 1). Boyd, tir LoebBammel Ritaty Co, 205-C) Marquette bidg, FOR SALE-Ten corde second growth1 dry wopd. W. H. Appiey. eltI FOR SALE-One Parlof eater and 1 m")l Hater r. IL A. i'rotiiie. c2tf FOR SALE-7-room bonse, ou easy& terme. J. R Maek, Broadw'ay. 2.rt FOR SALE-Mason & Hlain (rgan. 6 octave@Srutable fur horne, churcb tir gechoilitre. E. Faruham, Lbertyville. 52,3l FO&SALE- 10 Pair live Wlid Geese Beeoys. $75 BeyMare, lOOlhe ,eouud, icood worker. C. Zeiss, Everett, 111, c52[f FOR ALE-A tew eigstered HBlteîni ÏbWWfre. bred rigt and priced rglit. Sore extra good farm mareanid horoee at bargalh lprice.. Uattert. Libert> -Villa Stock Farm. Phone 46. Liiurty ville, Iii.c52tf FOR SALE-1000 bu. good White Otm Addres.Druoe Drug C;., (irayolake. 1 H. 51c4 FOR SALE-O rooaM Honee in Area. Pries ,l,100. àr. .CHoloxdb, Aiea. Pions 80"-. C52tr "O SAL.E-1918, 10 h. p. 4-clyluder geadarson, gondmasus. $19S-*ýnbur MISrUbrlylîe.Phone 56or 126-R. 208 FOR UAE OR RENT-Bjouse in excelulenoication. AIl. modern con veul- «»&ss.Dead & Darand. 2ei >POU SALE-4OOd Bard Coul Dase DunrerllatIg Stoye. The Cibtises ,sI, k.Are.. c2tf FOR SALE-modemi cottage, 7 Torne. WIII Mai. attractIve offer for quick sale. DuraiS & Draad. 2e1 FOSALE-Tan yts l ceeu old. T.p C. Serge, lberyuile. Phone 2904 2. f dU FOR SAtE-» M oe,8 rom Bouse, plgee i nves. J. y. Doyle, Evrett,t DIL PO. ]Prairie Vie. 2p2 ,OR SALE-Nesix rcn abungalow. Modems. Termneay. Durand & uraad. 2c1 FOR bALE -Ferm properties tram 2 tea 500 acres. We cae arrange terme ta suit aul reasonable purchaser. Durand & Durand. 2e1 FUR SALE-Bay driving mare, celght 9W,; harase rubber-tire Staver buggy cltb atuto est. Bargain for right par- t>. L. A. Mrris, Phâone 24, Are.. 2e2 + 1 FOR "ENT + FOR RENT-Furaished room, facing ietb. sultable for unse or tea for lght b0o.keepIg. tCentral kloa; a.laqaîr. this office. ltU FOR REHT-My bouse on Division etrcet. Bu"ah0. Dueaberry, Colorado @~ ,las Colo ,, 2e2 * XIBELL ]COUS + tMONEY TO LOAN--On Improved reai ~*o&. OUIJLET, Firsi Natioal skwL 0.9-tr U~YIF OUMRELONE-LY-The 8o*ba4a.UaUlsuesefulclub bas Iuguof ci thy el4dle ismmt o f cib o»14 esblng erly mar, Dolàvfma bus. is.Wrubel, 00ow VTé LOA ou MWc hous&e ia**iaow bfles systse adowa 0W hms.DruaS & Durand. cl bweows um*au Ipat tu + LOIBT and FOUNID + FOUND-Bago! grain. Owuer can have same by proving property and pay- Ing for titis adv. '-,e WAKTED WANTEO-Send your accounte to our agenCy for eollcctiott. Phone 2. Duraiid & [tura. d2,1 WANTE-Have purehasero for lioj 10 to 8l0 acres larnm. W rite stating al particolars. No agents. Addres@ R. A., Independent office. C-2-tl WANTED-Eloises to rent. Durand & Durand. 2C1 SALESMEN wanted to adiertige ci- gars. Easy work. Earn $90 mouthly sud ail traveling expeuees. Experieuce unneffleary. Also haudie popular che, aretteg and tohacco, Norene Cgar Co., Mew York, N Y. 1 2c46 WAN TED-To ineurtr 3our bouse. Dur. aud à DurauJ. 2e1 POSITION WANTEO bS middle-ug.-d mnan. Order t1lliîg, packing, ehipping or bookkeeping. Alîpl at Indeppndent office. 2P1 WANTEO tu trade a three fint building good location iu Chicago am part couwid- ratiou on a larinut ear Libertville. Party meaus lbusiness. Inquire Durand & i)nrand, Phone 2. 2CI CITY QUARA"'NTINES FIVE CASES 0f IN.i FANTILE PARALYSIS City_ Physician Foley Acts Promptly to Prevent Possible Spreacdof Disease. Waukegan. Sept. 26. According to reunrte made by la- -al physiciens ta City Physiclan J. C. aoley there are nuc five ceses afln. fouille paralysîs In Waukegan. 0ftae ive cases, threu develuped on Sunday and a fourth, today. The atr case, bhat of Maurice O'Hara of North Gen. esse etreet, bas exlstud for the lest fua days. Tha addrusses of the throu patients cho beceme Ii of the dis- sase on Sunday end the une cha be caeu 111 taday, according ta the data oIn file In the office ufthte clty phYsi- cien, are: % 722 Efghth struet. 711 May struat. 737 May atreet. One on Lucla avenue. it Is gegerally uonceded that Infan- tile peralysia le contagious and as a result Dr. Foley today gava Heelts Inepeetor Clarenc MHice isnstructions ta place under quarentine eech home chere tae disase exista. "I regret axcadinglY te ose ii diseae aget e toothold la Weukagan," D)r. Foley selS today. «WblIe tise deeth rate from the diseaealn about tcent>' par cent, about the sans. as pneumonie, thora ara harely tcentY- five per centutftuecho hua taedls& ease cho really recovar Ibeir healtls. The rest ara luft la a crippled coni-l tion for lite. This la Use especially bad teetura of tae diseese. We are doing our hast- hast tu Prevent the disese.froi01» PreadiLtg." This momning severel people Who heS leamlnd of the presenca hera of the Si»seeeacllil up the city physi- cien and suaS lsim as to te advlfa- hîity of kaeplng teir childran out of ichool. He0 advied againat such a course and asertedit h hlIsteade tocontinue to senS bis oea chlSren ta achool as ha coaiSers tha danger ut contagion much srneller rether ex- aggerated. INFANTILE PARALY- SIS AT IUEIRLÀNI>PK. IM"N NEW CASESÇ Health Commissioner Warns Parents to Take Children Out of Sohool. Dr. Lloyd M. Bergen, presiduat of the board ut healtis of Highland Park, yutardey -Isee -ulletin s ecUirlg that an epidamie of Intantile paralysie, the firast ln 25 years, cas rite in that auhurh, and wcentlg parente to iaap clldren acay irons public achoulsaend off treets. Ilu es tha ibre eeka tour cases hava beun reporteS. There are Ove casas in Weîsisgai anS oaa deth occurred let ceai ln Grays- laie, saya th e Chicago Tribune. "We have tae pidemie undar con- tr01, Dr. Bergen declared. "Ail ciii ha Wal l thi a aik" The healt bordi la atarting a cam- pguto boter saaitary conditions. rn'oing are te pareteof the chil. dran reported trickan et Highland Pari: WlllutanMclory. 246 North Second street; John Strauser. 10# Ons- cSala se iat; Use Rgv. Schultz, 1144 North Second street, anS Chastes »rai. Mont of taecasas hassi a ceai or isis Says go. If nec ramr e~5t OS in aay coasiderable nuasher thi auiborities declere Usey ciii clcee thW echools anS tse motion pitfre houWN& Staab relates thal t e cas employed as a scitchman for the "J." road at Gary on Nov. 23, 1913. Me éayeBhis duties as swltchman made Il necessary for hlm ta inaintain a grip an the hand-holds on the aide ufthe cars. Onu af thusu holds came loose. bu contends. and bu cas badly Injured. His rlght arm cas sa badly mangled Il bad ta bu amputated. Wall cas a switcbman on the line at Gary on Marcb 28, 1914. On that night bu cas ridlng on top ot a freight car chicb caa being sbunted ta a aide track. Another car cas shunlud more rapidly and cas about to collidu cith the car on chicb bu cas riding. To save biniselt bu leaped and sustattted injuries ta bis spine and to other parts ot his body. ARE LIQUOR INDICT- MENTS TO BDE MADE BY THE (iRAN JURY State's Attorney Dady Doés Not Oèndy Thàt He WiII Ask for SuchIndictrnents. GRAND JURY ON OCT. FIFTFI. WiIl Be Here for About Three Days-Petit Jury Wili Corne Here October 26. Circuit Judge Charles Dunnelly bas annauncad ha cill ha lu Weukegen lu presid In=cuton Octohar,6. At tat lime UtaOcohr grand jury FPl9 con- vena anSdl taire up sncb metters as th. ttaattorney has to briag op. It la tbougbt thîs cll tais about thiea days. Judge Donnelly cill tan ad- Journ court to Octohar 26 et chlch tîma tepetit jury wcli cama la and taire up tae rgulâr* Octaber griat of cari. The caîl praMisus the term one of the buslest in yuars. Il la nat inuen Just chat cases cilI bu braught befare the grand Jury but 1' le saiS the state ettorney bas bts tases nearly ail prupared. One of tbe cases tat cll bu arougbt up cll bu thet of the man chu la alleged ta have bitten off his cife's nase. The tellac et the present tume le undur bonds uf $1.000. Thuru la e persistenC rumor titat bu and bis cite hava hd e recunciilation anS, that chu dIli nut appuar agalnst hilm beforu Use grand Jury. Whether thîs report Io true or tais remains ta be seau. f There Is elaù e report thet the state's attorney may a'Lfur suverel 1mra ldctments of lquor dealers for -lugedvia:-t. t sIo I true that you my si such P ndlctments?"Mr. Dedy cas esie7â. «Y can't say eit tIts time but wouldn't il bu tuollels ut me ta m*u such an admission If I diS contempiaea asuch action," hu sskad. F This raîber indirect raply and the tàllura ta dany tiset suc la te case wculd seem. ta add atrength to tsere- Pert. It le reportaS that Mnfr.Dady's attention bas buen calla to, the tact thai nome ot the local ealooakeepers are violating the lac, anS It la possIlî Lha may contemplata action agaînst tam. Thse indepment eade aIL )BIT. m. INQALLS PASSED New Clothing Store at Libertyvil;e, Illinois We are receivmgrFail and Wmnter Gooda in ail Unes ready to wear for MEN and BOYS Rt'ady îzîade Suite and O'tcuats. DAM4E ACTIONS R TOTALINO $75,00 WERE F1lED FRIDAYCo The Largest ýSuit Is for $40,- di, 000 and là Agalflst Elgin, et Joliet & Eastern Road. th dî MAN SUES FOR A DOG BITE. ci Suit for $20,000 Filed Against Arthur Purdy, WeII Known f Resident ofCounty. W lei Damnage actions aggregaling $75.000 se cure filed ln circuit court Sept. 25, one ni of tîteni bpng for $40.000. Their tîtles lei are as follows: Ada C. Hutchînson ss.Arthur Purdy, $20.000 damages. P Harry Llndblom by Olaf Lindblom as TI next friend, vs. Harold Van Housen, Mi $10.000 damages. U: George W. Staab vsl trie E., J. & E. fo railroad, $40,000 damagea. Bi R. S. Wall va. the E., J. & B. rail- ". roait.,$5 000 damages. th In the Hutchinson case murely thej praucipe of the suit was filed s0 It rould flot be deterntined the grounds for the action. Mr. Purdy cas nut at his home and could throw no l ghtg on thte matter. The Lindbloms ruside at Highland ai Park. On Sept. 28. 1914, atcording 11 to the detlaration filed 'by Attorney W J. G. Welch. a dog owned by the Van Hoesen family ls alleged ta have bit- 0 ten the plaintiff on tîte lcg. lateratiitg that meuther very badly and causing ir injuries whlcb are salit to bu perman - ent.I AWAY SJN DAY AT mis IBOXE (Cantinned Prom Page One.) ,mpany wlth Robert J. Douglas, Jr., md Harry M. Giles. tco other Wau- ,gan young men, jolned the fanrth lision of the Illinois Naval ruservusT dChIcqgo. The services ut the u- Iru battalion badl teen tendered ta ,be govurnment, and ln Nlay Comman. er John M. Hawley of the U. S. Navy Aas sent on froi Washington ta ser ct 200 of the 800 Chicago resurvueg 10,service. iTe three Waukegan nen consldered themselves unusually 'ortunate chaS tbey learned they ere antong thosuebwo had heen se- ectud. Atter numerous physical and qamanshlp examnfations titis detach- ment was gent to Key West, Florida. *uvIng Chicago on May 24th by spe- aI train. The dutachment arrived at aort, Tampa, F'lorida two days latur bhey wera put aboard the ýr8nsport; Mastait and startud for Key West. Upan their arrivai there thuy cure a trtunatp enough ta he asslgited to the i Battleshlp Oregon whicit hati just S eompleted a 14,000 mile trip "around a te bon" and cas the most talked of a Bhp at that tinte. t Appolnted as Shelimnan. t The three young men tram Wau'ie- f, an cure rated as ablie bodled seamen h nd cure assigned thi-ir duties. Mfr. P) rIngalîs became a shelîman on the for- ward six inch gun on te part side. On the evenlng otf May 28th the s Oregon gat under way and tite folloc- ig morning bond Admirai Samp- on's fleet and proceeded to Santiago s de Cuba, arrlvlng there thte fIrst of o une.e On tbe morntng of July 3d the Spanish fluet attempted to escape frm thébarbor. ln a few bours aillc tf the Spanlsb ehîtîs wlth the excep-r ton of the Colon bad been totally de- troyed. The Colon had skimmud r along the beach Inside the other hoats E and waseuscaplng wlrh acarcely a round. The Oregon and Brooklyn ,ere the only two Amerîcan battie bîips chich bad speed enougb teoaver- alte the Colon. A short time later thu Oregon dropped a thirteen Inch bhell so close to the Colon that the t water epiashed on its deck. The Col- on at once struck ils colore and turn- ed ashure, beaching ltsert. Memnber of Prix. Crew. Mr. Ingalls cas a member of tbe trizu crec that took off t.he prisonure and stayed an the captured eblp untîl t about mldnlgbt when abc surc. Mu e-as alcays very modeat ln reterring .o the part bu took ln the matter. For the part tbey tooklIn the battia Mr. 1 Ingalse and tbe other Waukegan boy@ recelved personal consmendation tram the commander. %)n Âugust Ettet Mr. Ingalla and tbe other local boys were transfurrud to bhe ruculvtng shlp Vermont et the Brooklyn navy yard and on 'Septem- ber 9th started for Chicago cher. they arrivud thu nuIt day and cure honorably dlscharged trom service. Wsss àHistorIen. o A tew yuare chai there waa a talk of organlzlng a Waukagan branch ot the Saliah War Veterans Mr. Ingalls too'î a leadlng part and dîd mnch ta make the orgaisation possible. He ce83 elucted toau offIce at every alec- tion. He took a great intereet in the arganizatian and did. rach to keap II ln a liaurluhlng condition. Mr. Ingalls cas one ot the faund- ers and secretary oft tub Lake County hîstorîcal socluty',and toai an active -part ln çullecting data and interustlng relice utolden daye ln Ihie vlclnlty. He donated many ot thuse relits ta the soclety and lbey are ta bu fund ln the hlstorical soclety ruants in the lA'hrary building. Among eomu ut tbe Most valuablu relices hich bu let wlth the society cure various articles ot ilver wblch cera teken frum tbe Colon as a part ot the priv:e. He al- ways cherished thasu lghly. Wrote f'or Hlstory. Because ofrt.eprominent par. wchchtoq iIn the car andi lecause of bis ahîlîl y as a historIen, it cas but natural that Mr. Ingalls should have beun aulected by Prot. lialsey ut Lake Frrelta write an eccouat ut the part talten ln the Spaniah Anserican war by tbe Waukegan young man chu enlist-' ed. t The account givan ln the hletory by Ingalls is an lntanaely lrste'esttng une 3and much of the Information cblch thseSun prussaits la bis briet attcoutil cas taken fram Mr. Ingalla' splundld accaunt. Wsntsd PuilîtPark. 3 That Waukegezi shouid have a fine tPublie parx of chlch It mlght justly 1ho pruud, was the opinion ot Mr. ju- ga9Rleand hb u anaearneeft corker ttocard ibise nd. In the Waukegffl day celebretlons ho cas a %lacer$ corkar end helpel ta make thse avent a complut.s uoces. 'The poney MaiW .WSWNBO~IITht KILLED ViRIE i0- INfi MILE A MINUTE ire on Meroer Racer Bursts and Local Man Crashes Through the Fenoe. J. "W. Swan brough, a former sherlff of Lake Ccunty, ex-chIot of police cf Wauk.gsn, snd one ofte mont enthuelaetlc horemen ln thîs part of irae tâte, recelved o telegramn about seven o'clock Fr1. day nlght, tilllng hlm of the death in an automobile, race of hie son, E. W. iwanbrough, a weil known former resident of Wauke- gan. Death camaewhile Mr. Swan. b rougit wat drlvlng s raclng.auto. mobile. The news came as a com. piete shocls to hie friende &d roi- I atives., The cileasch waV sent here by hie wlfc. The faihar nt once sent s telcgram issklng for further dotallI. "Denver, Col., Sept. 25.-Tearlng around a turnat the Overland Park track at nearly e mile a minute. Ed cwanbrougb, champion racing drive of Colorado, cas lnstantly killed thîs8 afternoon, chen hie rlght front tire le eut and burled hlm througb the once. Swanbrougli, drlving a NMercer, cas trylng for the fitteen-mile race. the sature of Denver's outdoar automo- îile exposition. Hu cas recenrly ap- ointed district manager for the R. C. Hf. Corptoration. He cas the best. known auto driver ln the mounitain section, and field many records for peed. bill climbing and rellability7ý Popular More. "lddie Swautrougs cas onu of te popular yuung men of Wau'iegan st-me teenly yuars ega. lie cas one of ttrnse atbleîlc yuung men cho cas good lu uverY fine af athletira. clto was Jovial and llked by everyhody. W-hen lbe cent ceai bis triends in Waukestan cere lnterested In bis euc-. ss and tbey catcbud hlm first as a bicycle racer !a cblch fine bu met nany victorles. then tbey sac hlmt enter the auto game and, first as a racer and tiien later as an auto deal.- er. Ife climbed the ladder and finally became onu of the leading dealers ini Denver, itaving onu ofthte largeat sgencies intitat state for yeare. He rared for a tume and cas also consp1 -nous ln hill-climbing and road races. -ie liadt natbhenhuard fromn of laae n races and his triends hure had core ta believe that his business ln, ueets caused atmn to dlroplte raclng end of autoing. The late E. W. Scanbrougb cas 44 years old and cas bonln Waukukan. lie sttended the Waukegan actionol.0, graduated froni the Waultegan Higb school and then cent tbrough the Lakce Forest college. After that buie toclz a course in the Commercial Col- egu of Chîcagu after cbicb buesecur'* ed a position ln the Fort Dearborn Nlational bsnk. He badl excellent 1 prospects of corklng bis cay up but failing healtlt made it necessery for hlm ta get out Into the open air. He cntered the bicycle business and f'or some Ilttie lime cas a protuselunal rIder. When automobiles came out* hi- turnud his attention ta theun and* hecame' ona of the bust knacn dealers ln the country. He cent tu Denver becauae bis grandtather, the lete J.* L. Williams, lived there. Atter that* bue made bis acn hume theru. * During the time he livedl In Wau-* Front kugan bue beionged for threu years to* Company 1, Third Regiment Illinois National nard, a cumpany orgenlzed by lits tfther. L Yotiseti)serveî, T. A. REYNOLDS, Prop. 0 IPPOHt'ULNITIES,'like eels, are slipp. ry, aud Sbard to, hol-l, unlees firmly Rezed. 'l'ey wlide* tttrou.th the firîgers and are gone cme one in awa e. 'lo inake the m rent of op1îortunities ihat may lie sified pastes.. It ie a migbtv ulusive îîpportunitv that eccapue thoe ho advertiee in Thu Indepnenîint. m Itd thoneoande of readers The Indettendent le pretty suie tb siford the advertiser juet the opportunities that he le seing Crisp, Chilly, FaIFDays R AW Autumn drizie,the siwirling snowand Pleet of Jate Decembe-it'm ail fun for thu Out-Door AFolka, the Bigger-Thsn-Weather crowd. Young or old, you're bigyer tbon w.-ather ina geunne patriok. (Fai& cail them patrick@ because patrick is the pat nime for Mackinae.) Ouir complete new line of Patrick-Duluth Maakinaw producte bas juet arrived frorn the Patrick-Duluth Woolen Mill. Beantifoi, eoft, blending plaide, plain colore in ricb gruye, light and dark, in heathtîr browul and fore green-the ne conibinatione in shadus flot ehown bufore. These are the genuinu and original Patrick- Duluth Woolen Mill Mackiuaws, made of that wonderful Bigger-Than-Weather cloth, which r.-eiete wind, cold and moisture. We have ail the newemt patrick deeîgne et pnies from. $6.00 to $8.50 We also carry a fuit Une of Gent's Dress and Work Shoes. MeaBurements taken for the Inter- national and Mark G. Harris Tai- oring co'%. luoo Samplee k> select - from. Ask to eeu ty cf tihaaboya goode chen fia tocu. Always ciiag ta show goodâ. B W. PARDaiÇIIHURST a ~ a a Libertyville Suite nmode to order from the Ibetestablieqhed tailoring bouses in Chticago. Miiî'é and Boyo' Fali andi Win- ter Underwear. Fine Dress Shirts anîd Flaninel Sliiti. We handie the CelIe br ated Dutcemse Trousere. Ilatî4and iiCap. Gilov.i-tand NIlittenm. Nt--kwt-a r anîd A rrow ('tii trg. Bouts ;uffl Siloî-s ini ai gradles. and evicr> tliig dat 55iIsudsly t-arrtî-d inia hrs-class el<-i îg utort-. No trouble tot-h.iow gootii- ou to quIote îrîsî-e. .Notlîers tiutt have hb:n s tts out- fit m îîul doil,) .vllt4, ec.11 at' our s to re.